Many of you requested all of the 12 Days of Evolution episodes in one big video, so here it is! Share 'em one at a time, or share the whole thing… whatever feels like the natural selection. I hope you enjoyed this series. It was definitely a challenge (a FUN challenge, of course) to make this many videos in a short time and to pack this much information into them. I'm really interested to hear your reactions and feedback, so hit me up on social media or leave a comment below and tell me what you thought. Any other subjects you'd like to see a miniseries on in the future? I'll be back in January with a new video!
+It's Okay To Be Smart I'm discussing with my friend about a task from physics.It mentions a constant force.While my friend claims that 'constant force' means that the force affects the object throughout the whole time mentioned in the task (2 seconds),I claim that 'constant force' only means that the force remains the same during its influence,not that it necessarily affects the object throughout the whole time mentioned in the task.Which one of us is right?
+Luka Ravlić (luka000sb) I know you didn't ask me but I'd like to help :P In my opinion, gravity is a constant force, because it affects the object in study throughout the study with the same strenght, so I conclude that both of you are right :D
Frederico Lourenço Actually,only one of us can be right.If she is right,the force affects the object for 2 seconds.If I'm right,the force affects the object for 1.5 seconds (thst's what it says in the task).Depending on the time the force affects the object,we get different solutions.
Good to see a video that does not need to bash creationist or feed any ones ego because they weren't unfortunate enough to be brainwashed by their upbringing. If you ever wish to convince someone that your point of view is correct, be nice and reasonable to them, goes for most situations in life.
I think the ones who do that is just a result from their interactions/experiences with religious people, whether directly or indirectly. Given how hard headed they are and, for example, how so many of them resort to incredibly un-proportional bitterness & rudeness almost by default, simply because you don't agree with them. It certainly doesn't leave a good impression or makes them see them in any sort of positive light.
Ulek _ your comment is comedically ambiguous, because your statement is exactly what both sides think about each other and can be applied to both sides 😂 which is kinda sad :(
Nathaniel Lee nobody “blindly” believes scientists. The scientists’ job is to present the evidence, and if the evidence is sufficiently convincing and can be independently and repeatedly verified by others then it is tentatively accepted as true (I say tentatively because there is always the possibility of new data changing our ideas). Unlike religion, nobody ties their identity to scientific ideas, so changing your mind on them when new evidence does overturn outdated ideas isn’t a problem.
It's probably because of your low intelligent level or / and narrow-mindedness. There are people who see an actual copying machine working and yet believe both, the machine and the original paper were man made.
This series was absolutely amazing. At first the short length of each video put me off a little bit, but later on even the bite sized videos started to become fun. This was an enjoyable way to learn about evolution.
Please check back in at the end of 2020. I'm a little concerned with the way your government is approaching pandemic preparedness - and I live in New York. :\
Hey guys rn it’s March 2020 and just a day after Rich Mcgee’s comment we lost all communication with the British except for carrier pigeon and smoke signal. From what we’ve gathered everyone is fine and is practicing social distancing except for the Scottish. We aren’t really sure what the Scottish are up to but nobody will tell us.
Could reproductive isolation happen with the humans who are being sent to colonise Mars? Could they eventually become so different to humans that we couldn't mate with them?
+TheAllegiantTraitor We all come from A Supreme Creator. One and Only PERFECT CREATOR. no there is no possibility of any alien created us or whatsoever. The truth is the truth. #IBelieveInOneAndOnlyGod #Allah
+Dan Cameron well yeah there aren't any other explanations, that say how we got into existance and the other creationism, is literally a null option to an atheist, that quote is quite worthless. the reason there is no other theory is because evolution is fact, so there is no reason to believe otherwise, unless you're a theist, and believe that everything happens from the magic man in the sky.
@@dudeman7826when did he prove the ability to have totally new species in the video even when he talk about adding information he just does what science always does makes what he's talking about smaller or adds time to it your version of God in your science religion are time and size, have faith
@@nelsona3440 you cant deny evolution. you can still be religious and just believe god causes evolution. but evolution exists and you cannot deny that.
In the language of Software Developer- 'Survival of the fit enough' will equate to 'If it works, don't touch the code!' That's the reason why men still have nipples! :D
This is awesome, thanks, I'm showing this to my kids. Of course they've already covered evolution to some extent in their schoolwork, but you cover so much, so nice and plainly.
I know this comment is over 3 years after this video, but OMG! (Irony of the acronym recognized.) So fantastic. I watched this video years ago, and just watched it again because I wanted to see if it was as good as I remembered before I recommended it to a friend. It is. Thank you for this and ALL of your wonderful content! I'm an active research physicist (PhD working for a couple decades at a national lab). I am intimate with the details of science. This is a great example of fantastic public science education. Many thanks for this video! (You should include your channel's non profit tax ID number so those of us that use charitable fund accounts can donate more easily...)
As an anthropologist the "if we came from "mokeys" why are there still monkeys?" drives me insane. Same with the "incredible human eye" argument against evolution. The human is is incredible but not nearly the most powerful or even most adapted in nature. Our eyes are crap compared to some species! Next argument
@@josephyzpan yea thats the perfect example of our evolution. Why do you think our closest relatives (apes) also have well developed brains? Why would god randomly decide that they should have such similar brains when other animals dont? Newsflash he didnt. Evolution did it. We have living evidence of the similarity, denying that is stupid. Back when i was religious i always thought that we had no evidence of the forms that adam and eve had. Its not like we have a photo. They could be anything but even if they were humans they werent modern humans they would have been another earlier human species. If you want to believe in a magical man at least use evidence and explanations of that to explain your beliefs rather than pretending that you are all knowing even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
The eye argument would be a great one if we would consider those who are born blind as second class citizens. The question is what defines us as humans? Body brains? if our body. how much is required to meet the crytirium. No legs what if you where only a torso or a head? Now if it is mind what of those who are terminally I'll are they no longer human? Now then if none of that changes what a human is my only argument would be simply that an ape is a human.
My mom always ask me "If we are related to apes why are there still apes." I explained it to her and she got mad because she believe that God made everything the way it is. And I said, "That's religion, I speak science."
My grandma always tries to hit me with the same argument, I'm to the point now where it's not even worth my breath anymore . She's going to believe whatever she wants to believe no matter what video or literature I put in front of her.
* clicks on video link Wait, I'm pretty sure I've seen this before... * notices video length Ehh... is this... * looks at title Oh, it is... ah, whatever, let's watch them all again! =D
Your views on evolution as a continuum and that all creatures deserve to be here are amazing. And when you said we aren't the pinnacle, we are ongoing, it connected to me.
this is by far one of the best videos I've seen on evolution (personally I am religious, but am not a believer in creation) very thorough, educational and not offensive (as I've seen others do).
Does it answer this one? I couldn't watch it for long, because of all the straight forward lying. How is a designed copying machine copying things = autonomously increasing information? That was the few seconds in the video that is just straight out lying about the major problem that in principal is the reason why evolution is impossible by the physics and logic.
@@svalkonen if it was impossible by the laws of physics, it would not exist. and logic is irrelevant. evolution doesnt think. its just something that happens
@@jonascyvas I didn't say that I believe everything came out randomly but I do believe that everything came out from nothing as do people who believe in magician God who created the universe from nothing just using his magic
This video was beautifully shot and above all informative. You are conscientious, obviously passionate about what you do and I always look forward to your next video. And you're super cute. Thank you.
What annoys me is when people ask why something happens, how something knows to do something or what the purpose or meaning of a phenomenon is. There is no reason why, the thing doesn't know to do it and there is no purpose, it just happened that way because of the specifics of the laws of physics, chemistry and biology. Just accept that there's no meaning, purpose or conscious reason behind things that aren't human-controlled and move on.
A good analogy I use for that is water on a ramp. You pour water on a ramp and it moves down the ramp. Why did the water move down? How did it know to move down the ramp? It didn't, it's just the way physics in our universe works
Great video! I thought I understood evolution pretty well, but now I realize I'd been mistaken on some key points, such as why evolution is compatible with the second law of thermodynamics and how evolution is really "survival of the good enough" rather than survival of the fittest. Thanks for clarifying these points!
It's kind of depressing. 99.9% of all life on Earth that has ever existed is dead. Gone forever without our help and if you count the millions of species of animals alive today and that's .1%. How many species are dead forever then? We are causing damage but does it really matter? We should try and save life but no matter what happens. Another mass extinction will occur again. It's inevitable. We're a mere bump. Life and death are in a constant struggle to outcompete the other. That's the funny thing. One cannot exist without the other so it's a never ending cycle until the universe completely dies
but... but... the Bible? On a serious note, this video did an excellent job of explaining evolution. Anybody who denies this is in complete delusion of the reality they live in.
The bible were written by men who were drunk for 4 days straight and started hallucinating and saw "visions" and wrote them down and went to a meeting saying "hey! I got this story and its super cool!" then they write and the bible, made a religion, and lied to everyone.
@@prabathhemachandra actually, religion and science doesn't create a conflict of fact, and faith. It helps each other to understand the world. Try to think about it, and you might understand my point.
@@syngcamas exactly! You can easily point out the obvious facts they are missing... Understanding how something is does not mean it diminish its meaning or the creator that all created those complex things that the brain they use to understand those things was also given to them
It's preposterous how the cannot grasp the rope and realize they can't exactly explain life from the day one of it existence and they also cannot see it will come an end all of it... Coz in their words then entire universe came to bbein some 14B years ago and its absolute fact they know what has a beginning most certainly has an end... How people with understanding misunderstand for every creation theirs is the creator! God help us all!
so they can laugh at just how statistically impossible these biological distinct systems could evolve. The guy keeps yapping about little changes adding up too the diversity of life. Yet have evolutionist ever fast tracked it in the lab to prove mutational growth of a whole new species ? there is a thing called work in biology and like all life . the cost becomes too high and leads to death. How Hammerhead can you believe in a system of randomness with a 99% failure rate. Arriving at it's greatest mutation of mankind. Only in fairy tales can you build a mountain from a mole hill .
The twelve days of evolution On the first day of evolution, My true love gave to me, a one-celled organism On the second day of evolution, My true love gave to me, Two new species, And a one-celled organism. On the third day of evolution, My true love gave to me, Three mitochondria, Two new species, And a one-celled organism. On the fourth day of evolution, My true love gave to me, Four vocal chords, Three mitochondria, Two new species, And a one-celled organism. On the fifth day of evolution, My true love gave to me, Five articulated di-gits, Four vocal chords, Three mitochondria, Two new species, And a one-celled organism. On the sixth day of evolution, My true love gave to me, Six vertebrates, Five articulated di-gits, Four vocal chords, Three mitochondria, Two new species, And a one-celled organism. ...
+Valken Not necessarily. Current evolutionary pressures may send a species down one path, only to end being poorly adapted (To the point of non viabilty) when other pressures pop up later (Meteorite/Nuclear weapon/climate change)
Simply if there is an evolution of the earth and galaxies in universe then there should be an evolution of the life on earth or on any planet also. Every specie has its own path. Please watch also "There was no first Human" movie. We didn't evolve from the monkey directly but a form of monkey was in our path can be seen in a period of our path and moreover not only monkey also kind of a racoon even semender or fish... just try to understand the micro changes between the X number of generations, and imagine how many generations passed from the beginnig of the life on a single cell till now...
Loved this video, and thought it described many of the misconceptions of evolution that many creationists have very well. The only thing I'd suggest changing if you address this topic again is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and disorder. The 2nd Law addresses the increase in entropy, not disorder (which is the commonly misapplied term creationists use). I've never heard the silent cricket example before - thanks! It's even more interesting that both populations resulted in silent crickets, though they took different evolutionary paths.
+TheIronwil yeah great video, we finally get a real prediction from someone supporting evolutionary philosophies (instead of a fake one like the chrosome #2 fusion that never happened and wasn't even a prediction, just an erronuous irrational and unreasonable "postdiction", you can look that one up on wikipedia or a dictionary). 11:07, we're gona turn into cookies, yayyy.
+TheIronwil you gotta love the "approved by science" sign on the background there as well, as if "science" is some kind of wizard organization wielding a magic stick of truth. The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia" meaning "knowledge". The knowledge that would be of interest to what Newton would call an "experimental philosopher" and Whewell would call a "scientist" is of course knowledge about realities/certainties/truths/facts (these last 4 words are all synonyms). From wiki: Until the late 19th or early 20th century, scientists were called "natural philosophers" or "men of science". English philosopher and historian of science William Whewell coined the term scientist in 1833,... Whewell wrote of "an increasing proclivity of separation and dismemberment" in the sciences; while highly specific terms proliferated-chemist, mathematician, naturalist-the broad term "philosopher" was no longer satisfactory to group together those who pursued science, without the caveats of "natural" or "experimental" philosopher. [end wiki quote] “As in Mathematicks, so in Natural Philosophy, the Investigation of difficult Things by the Method of Analysis, ought ever to precede the Method of Composition. This Analysis consists in making Experiments and Observations, and in drawing general Conclusions from them by Induction, and admitting of no Objections against the Conclusions, but such as are taken from Experiments, or other certain Truths. For Hypotheses are not to be regarded in experimental Philosophy.” - Isaac Newton (from Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica) The Encyclopaedia Britannica on inductive reasoning: "When a person uses a number of established facts to draw a general conclusion, he uses inductive reasoning. THIS IS THE KIND OF LOGIC NORMALLY USED IN THE SCIENCES. ..." You can try it out on these videos: FJ4N0iSeR8U HkvdMHp8Dd8 yKW4F0Nu-UY TSv-Rq5C3K8 XI8m6o0gXDY v34QjYPuiEA CAc9oNjXe0M IcevP5tkWH0 CcTayxEblio ZNcFTRX9i0Y erOP76_qLWA ZWACm6BkDVo EgGL_pTo3vg VGV3fv-uZYI GY15CGxePGo
+Uenbg The fusion of chromosome #2 was an excellent prediction. Not sure where you were going with that one. Also, evolution isn't a "philosophy" in the sense you're meaning. It's a field of scientific study, a scientific theory, which also has several peer-reviewed scientific journals dedicated to publishing papers on this field alone. When we found that we had a different number of chromosomes than the other great apes, only this fusion would properly explain why that occurred. The fact that we found the fused chromosomes was icing on the cake.
"Light sensitive cells first showed up in single celled creatures." *Light sensitive cells showed up in single celled creatures.* *Cells showed up in single celled creatures.* *Cells in cells.*
This was a really good video. There was only one thing I think you got wrong or at least didn't emphasize enough; that being the fact that we didn't just come from apes; we ARE apes. We are just as much an ape as our ancestors that were apes. We never stopped being apes. Likewise, modern birds are descendants of dinosaurs and thus are still dinosaurs. Ancient dinosaurs from before the mass extinction event are known as non-avian dinosaurs to differentiate them from modern dinosaurs (birds). Life doesn't evolve from one thing into something else. It continues to be what it has always been, but with just more. If you take a dog and breed it in a way that it has exactly the same features as a cat, it looks like a cat, meows like a cat, has the temperament of a cat, it doesn't become a cat. It is still a dog. You can't change who you are descended from.
I had been watching some bullcrap "creation" and "intelligent design" videos.When I watched this video before I just came to know of facts.. now, while I'm watching it again, I see the hidden digs and shades.. well done Joe 😂
I sometimes wish the bible wasn't true, so I can be more free and enjoy life the way I want to. But I cant hide anymore from the truth. This stuff is real
@@klaseniusproductions7591 the bible is the only good evidence we have on why we are here. Scientists are clueless on the origin of life. It takes a ridiculously huge amount of faith to be an atheist, knowing what we know about how life began.
@@arielkozak lol are you serious? big sky guy takes less faith to believe than evolution, which has been proven to be true btw. yeah sure... how exactly is the bible "evidence"? it doesnt prove anything it claims. It was litterally just written by some clueless dudes thousands of years ago. what makes you think those random guys had more knowledge than the top scientists today? and what makes the bible more likely to be true than for example the quran?
*"In everyday speech, people tend to use the word 'theory' to mean an untested hypothesis, or even a guess. But the term 'evolutionary theory' does not refer to any single hypothesis, and it certainly is not guesswork. As used in science, 'theory' refers to the entire body of work on the understanding and application of a field of knowledge. When we refer to evolutionary theory, we are referring to our understanding of the mechanisms that result in biological changes in populations over time, and the use of that understanding to interpret changes and interactions of biological organisms."* -Life (the science of biology) Ninth Edition Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Berenbaum
Wonderful to see you using comedy as a teaching aid. "waste management by the amusement park" very funny. A teacher of mine many years ago explained diffusion using a fart in the middle of the classroom. Needless to say not a single student that day will ever forget how diffusion works.
so next time my wife wants to highlight my many faults i no longer have to defend myself, all i have to say is . . . . Honey dont forgett you married a . . . .Work in progress . . . lol
Nooooooo That's not how evolution works Only changes in germ cells passes on to become a observable trait in a population. For centuries girls are boring ears, but I haven't seen anyone born with bored ear yet!!! Sorry for my dumb English
@@Michael-vg2hm Really historic? 500 people rising from the dead and walking around Jerusalem would have made it into any of the dozens of contemperary historians or official Roman accounts. No Roman govenor, or general, or historian (there were several) ever mentioned the dead walking the streets, ever. Or the sun darkening for hours would have made it into astronomers accounts from Egypt to Syria to Anatolia (Turkey) to Rome to Galilee, or to Greece. And there were plenty on them. They all independently reported on comets, planetary movements, and star positions. But none reported the sun darkening for hours. In ten thousand years when they dig up New York City, it won't mean Spiderman exsisted.
@@Michael-vg2hm bible is written by humans so that invalidates everything. why would anyone listen to stories that have been written by people, like you think they knew better than you and me?
Many of you requested all of the 12 Days of Evolution episodes in one big video, so here it is! Share 'em one at a time, or share the whole thing… whatever feels like the natural selection.
I hope you enjoyed this series. It was definitely a challenge (a FUN challenge, of course) to make this many videos in a short time and to pack this much information into them. I'm really interested to hear your reactions and feedback, so hit me up on social media or leave a comment below and tell me what you thought. Any other subjects you'd like to see a miniseries on in the future?
I'll be back in January with a new video!
Thanks for working this hard just for us. You and your team. Have a happy new year.
+It's Okay To Be Smart Glorious thanks!~
+It's Okay To Be Smart I'm discussing with my friend about a task from physics.It mentions a constant force.While my friend claims that 'constant force' means that the force affects the object throughout the whole time mentioned in the task (2 seconds),I claim that 'constant force' only means that the force remains the same during its influence,not that it necessarily affects the object throughout the whole time mentioned in the task.Which one of us is right?
+Luka Ravlić (luka000sb) I know you didn't ask me but I'd like to help :P In my opinion, gravity is a constant force, because it affects the object in study throughout the study with the same strenght, so I conclude that both of you are right :D
Frederico Lourenço Actually,only one of us can be right.If she is right,the force affects the object for 2 seconds.If I'm right,the force affects the object for 1.5 seconds (thst's what it says in the task).Depending on the time the force affects the object,we get different solutions.
Man! It took me 4 years of my college to understand the evolution, and here you are completed in under 20 minutes. You are a legend dude
Good to see a video that does not need to bash creationist or feed any ones ego because they weren't unfortunate enough to be brainwashed by their upbringing.
If you ever wish to convince someone that your point of view is correct, be nice and reasonable to them, goes for most situations in life.
I think the ones who do that is just a result from their interactions/experiences with religious people, whether directly or indirectly. Given how hard headed they are and, for example, how so many of them resort to incredibly un-proportional bitterness & rudeness almost by default, simply because you don't agree with them. It certainly doesn't leave a good impression or makes them see them in any sort of positive light.
I mean in a way they did kinda wreck creationists by disproving all their common (terrible) arguments :p
They just didn’t use the word “creationist”, but we all know he was talking about creationists.
Ulek _ your comment is comedically ambiguous, because your statement is exactly what both sides think about each other and can be applied to both sides 😂 which is kinda sad :(
Then give up.
Felt so bad for that turtle drifting away, it was like .__. 'bye i guess cya later frank'
Lol @ that turtle looking like a Frank to you. haha
I thought it was more of a steve
Little did he know, frank would never be seen again
Myrtle the Turtle.
Every time I see a great evolution video I can’t help but think that most of the people who need to see it probably won’t.
take solace in the fact that if they did they would probably reject it outright... cognitive dissonance is a beech
Well believing in it so wholeheartedly and making it a defining characteristic of your whole being for 30 years will do that.
Nathaniel Lee nobody “blindly” believes scientists. The scientists’ job is to present the evidence, and if the evidence is sufficiently convincing and can be independently and repeatedly verified by others then it is tentatively accepted as true (I say tentatively because there is always the possibility of new data changing our ideas). Unlike religion, nobody ties their identity to scientific ideas, so changing your mind on them when new evidence does overturn outdated ideas isn’t a problem.
Zackfish12345 I probably “needed to see it” and still think it’s crap
@Nathaniel Lee ok zoomer
With sources like these, it's so hard to believe that people deny evolution
@The Looo animated place that's the problem...
It's probably because of your low intelligent level or / and narrow-mindedness. There are people who see an actual copying machine working and yet believe both, the machine and the original paper were man made.
I balance between religious people and non-religious people : evolution happened and it was led by god . Period .
One of the best videos explaining evolution I've ever watched. Thanks for the awesome work!
This series was absolutely amazing. At first the short length of each video put me off a little bit, but later on even the bite sized videos started to become fun. This was an enjoyable way to learn about evolution.
I'm from 2019 and I confirm: the British do indeed exist still.
Jolly good Sir
Arab muslims are replacing them
Please check back in at the end of 2020. I'm a little concerned with the way your government is approaching pandemic preparedness - and I live in New York. :\
Hey guys rn it’s March 2020 and just a day after Rich Mcgee’s comment we lost all communication with the British except for carrier pigeon and smoke signal. From what we’ve gathered everyone is fine and is practicing social distancing except for the Scottish. We aren’t really sure what the Scottish are up to but nobody will tell us.
@@rg-ed5fr I can't believe the Royal British Heliograph Network has gone out of action. It's the End Times, I tell you, the End Times! :)
I love how he said why is the garbage dump next to the amusement park 😂
Neil deGrasse Tyson said it first :s
NdT may have said it first on a vid or in print, but that's a reeeeeeeal old joke.
i still like it :P
i get it
Could reproductive isolation happen with the humans who are being sent to colonise Mars? Could they eventually become so different to humans that we couldn't mate with them?
+Tim How (FIIF) Given enough time it probably could.
+Tim How (FIIF) yeah in hundreds to thousands of generations
+Tim How (FIIF) yes totally possible, even more likely on mars, as it's more radiated by the sun meaning more mutations.
+Moth interesting to know! Thanks for the info
yes but here is the catch, reproductive isolations will never occur in our lifetime or even in the next 1000 or 10000 years.
It's refreshing not to see creationists in the comments. Unexpected, but refreshing.
+Dan Cameron
there is still a possibility of aliens creating us.
.... but they also had to evolve somewhere.
+Dan Cameron magic
magic it is
+TheAllegiantTraitor We all come from A Supreme Creator. One and Only PERFECT CREATOR.
no there is no possibility of any alien created us or whatsoever. The truth is the truth.
#IBelieveInOneAndOnlyGod #Allah
+Dx Faa You poor thing :(
+Dan Cameron well yeah there aren't any other explanations, that say how we got into existance and the other creationism, is literally a null option to an atheist, that quote is quite worthless.
the reason there is no other theory is because evolution is fact, so there is no reason to believe otherwise, unless you're a theist, and believe that everything happens from the magic man in the sky.
My kids watch these on the way to school. Such great videos. Thank you
I feel like everyone in the world should see this video. It played a major part in deprogramming me from creationism and believing in evolution.
Not me... It made me still with my beliefs than the false religion of evolution from Darlooser.
@@nelsona3440 imagine still denying evolution in the 21th century 😂😂
@@dudeman7826when did he prove the ability to have totally new species in the video even when he talk about adding information he just does what science always does makes what he's talking about smaller or adds time to it your version of God in your science religion are time and size, have faith
@@nelsona3440 you cant deny evolution. you can still be religious and just believe god causes evolution.
but evolution exists and you cannot deny that.
In the language of Software Developer-
'Survival of the fit enough' will equate to
'If it works, don't touch the code!'
That's the reason why men still have nipples! :D
Good comparison
Software devs optimize and refactor all the time doe.
@@DasAntiNaziBroetchen ask Valve lol
Just to clarify to all the idiots who may read this comment, no one wrote the code
@DaVinci Wrote Backwords right
My parents always said that you cant get through life by being good enough,
I wonder what other lies I've been told
This is awesome, thanks, I'm showing this to my kids. Of course they've already covered evolution to some extent in their schoolwork, but you cover so much, so nice and plainly.
I know this comment is over 3 years after this video, but OMG! (Irony of the acronym recognized.) So fantastic. I watched this video years ago, and just watched it again because I wanted to see if it was as good as I remembered before I recommended it to a friend. It is. Thank you for this and ALL of your wonderful content!
I'm an active research physicist (PhD working for a couple decades at a national lab). I am intimate with the details of science. This is a great example of fantastic public science education. Many thanks for this video!
(You should include your channel's non profit tax ID number so those of us that use charitable fund accounts can donate more easily...)
Reproductive isolation. Finally I have a title for my autobiography.
Gonna steal it from u
@@LuisSierra42 It's all yours. Mine would only be a picture book anyway.
Also known as virgin
69. Nice
I guess you could say that the crickets became Kauai-et
the best comment I've read in weeks.
I think the next question should be, ‘why this comment doesnt get the respect it deserves?’!
Nice work
As an anthropologist the "if we came from "mokeys" why are there still monkeys?" drives me insane. Same with the "incredible human eye" argument against evolution. The human is is incredible but not nearly the most powerful or even most adapted in nature. Our eyes are crap compared to some species! Next argument
Rachel Magowan but our brain is smarter than the other animals...
@@josephyzpan yea thats the perfect example of our evolution. Why do you think our closest relatives (apes) also have well developed brains? Why would god randomly decide that they should have such similar brains when other animals dont? Newsflash he didnt. Evolution did it. We have living evidence of the similarity, denying that is stupid. Back when i was religious i always thought that we had no evidence of the forms that adam and eve had. Its not like we have a photo. They could be anything but even if they were humans they werent modern humans they would have been another earlier human species. If you want to believe in a magical man at least use evidence and explanations of that to explain your beliefs rather than pretending that you are all knowing even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Don't say crap: say, 'good enough...for everyday sht'.
"If apples grow on trees then why are there still trees? Checkmate, evo-LIE-tionists!"
The eye argument would be a great one if we would consider those who are born blind as second class citizens. The question is what defines us as humans? Body brains? if our body. how much is required to meet the crytirium. No legs what if you where only a torso or a head? Now if it is mind what of those who are terminally I'll are they no longer human? Now then if none of that changes what a human is my only argument would be simply that an ape is a human.
This is incredible. Well done on making a series that challenges so many of the frequently asked questions in such a succinct and entertaining way.
This cleared up a lot of questions I had about evolution. Thanks.
"Your eyes are beautiful"
Me: thanks
Stalin, Joseph - hey stalin just wanted to remind you that you’re eyes are beautiful
*me in my best Han Solo impression*: I know.
My mom always ask me "If we are related to apes why are there still apes." I explained it to her and she got mad because she believe that God made everything the way it is. And I said, "That's religion, I speak science."
OfficialSP_ Thim wow, just wow
OfficialSP_ Thim keep fighting, she will give in eventually
OfficialSP_ Thim that's like saying if you are related to your mom, why is she still alive?
My grandma always tries to hit me with the same argument, I'm to the point now where it's not even worth my breath anymore . She's going to believe whatever she wants to believe no matter what video or literature I put in front of her.
I dont know you but I am actualy proud at you...
So humans evolved in just 12 days
the Almighty God Shaggy said it shall be therefore it was and only needed to use 0.01% of his power
.akknA ukA
@Bo Spoonson lol
Life evolved in 12 days
* clicks on video link
Wait, I'm pretty sure I've seen this before...
* notices video length
Ehh... is this...
* looks at title
Oh, it is... ah, whatever, let's watch them all again! =D
Your views on evolution as a continuum and that all creatures deserve to be here are amazing. And when you said we aren't the pinnacle, we are ongoing, it connected to me.
He is such a perfect guy..
Nerdy, articulate, humble.... Nice!!
Supriya Sharma i didn’t ask
Alberto Murillo wow come up with that yourself?
@Relentless , I agree!!! 🤓
"Congratulations on being good enough" made me laugh a lot hahaha.
Deanna Schneider i’m sorry that that’s just not true
in evolution the journey is the destination
It is neither. It is the process of genes changing over time and it is constantly changing.
Tymek x0 i don’t care
@@Saltie no one asked for your opinion
@@xxXthekevXxx i.e. the journey
I'm aware this is 7 years old but there is no destination when it comes to evolution. There will always be a reason for us to evolve
this is by far one of the best videos I've seen on evolution (personally I am religious, but am not a believer in creation) very thorough, educational and not offensive (as I've seen others do).
You're not a creationist so what you're trying to say is you have the ability to reason and make logical sense?
@@logicalatheist1065 I uh sure
Finally something that won’t rot my sons brain on UA-cam. Great channel!
Love how this clip addresses a lot of questions people who believes in creation/young earth would ask when trying to prove evolution wrong.
Does it answer this one? I couldn't watch it for long, because of all the straight forward lying.
How is a designed copying machine copying things = autonomously increasing information? That was the few seconds in the video that is just straight out lying about the major problem that in principal is the reason why evolution is impossible by the physics and logic.
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
@@svalkonen if it was impossible by the laws of physics, it would not exist.
and logic is irrelevant. evolution doesnt think. its just something that happens
This video should be called "Very politely telling creationists why they're idiots."
God him self is an atheist
he doesn't believe anything created him
the better name for this video could be: "Why we want evolution to be true".
or a better name could be
why the theory of evolution
is more believable than the
theory of apple and the talking snake
@@angryyoungman66 not if you believe that everything appeared out of nothing and that random processes outperform any intellect.
I didn't say that I believe everything came out randomly
but I do believe that everything came out from nothing
as do people who believe in magician God who created the universe from nothing just using his magic
Wow just Wow! This is one of if not the best videos I've seen on youtube!
This video was beautifully shot and above all informative. You are conscientious, obviously passionate about what you do and I always look forward to your next video. And you're super cute. Thank you.
Myron Baggett wow so inspirational
Scientists also call my life reproductive isolation
@Horny Fruit Flies
I bet you're super awesome to be around.
C'mon mate!
You can't impregnate yourself! Go get laid!
God was too lazy to create everything, so he downloaded an existence simulation. Then he forgot his login information.
It all makes sense now.
+die and shit everywhere Wow.. Thats one way to sum it up
This is known as deism.
+Sara3346 I
+die and shit everywhere Best theory i ever heard
Thanks, Joe. Your lessons help to kill an ignorance in people nowadays.
What annoys me is when people ask why something happens, how something knows to do something or what the purpose or meaning of a phenomenon is. There is no reason why, the thing doesn't know to do it and there is no purpose, it just happened that way because of the specifics of the laws of physics, chemistry and biology.
Just accept that there's no meaning, purpose or conscious reason behind things that aren't human-controlled and move on.
A good analogy I use for that is water on a ramp. You pour water on a ramp and it moves down the ramp. Why did the water move down? How did it know to move down the ramp? It didn't, it's just the way physics in our universe works
People are scared of what they cant control.
Exactly, you're nothing more than a few shovels full of dirt and some water God bless you
You are factually wrong.
Lucitaur who are you talking to?
Great video! I thought I understood evolution pretty well, but now I realize I'd been mistaken on some key points, such as why evolution is compatible with the second law of thermodynamics and how evolution is really "survival of the good enough" rather than survival of the fittest. Thanks for clarifying these points!
If spaghetti is god why is there still spaghetti? Checkmate pastaferians
Jett Aniceto I'm not sure what I read, but I think I have cancer now
That actualy made it to the news where I live... The Pastaferian thing :)
Because it made the spaghetti by their own image, Checkmate skeptic
Gotta use your noodle to work it out.
Your voice is very nice, clear. I like very much. I'm learning english
A lot of animals “make it” until humans come along and make it extinct.
Actually 99.8% went extinct without help from humans. Not saying were not causing damage. Just sayin.
It's kind of depressing. 99.9% of all life on Earth that has ever existed is dead. Gone forever without our help and if you count the millions of species of animals alive today and that's .1%. How many species are dead forever then? We are causing damage but does it really matter? We should try and save life but no matter what happens. Another mass extinction will occur again. It's inevitable. We're a mere bump. Life and death are in a constant struggle to outcompete the other. That's the funny thing. One cannot exist without the other so it's a never ending cycle until the universe completely dies
Walter Henry i’m not reading all that
Allosaurusfanboy buddy, 99.9 + 1 doesnt equal 100. You mean .1 percent?
@@ch2pp my bad lmao
I love this video with all my heart ❤
3:55 I'm flattered that you're flirting with me, Joe. But I don't think you're my type
Maybe it's the penis
@@bobydean1839 how do you know?
o k Got me there.
These scripts are so awesome,
Love this guy!!! The Bill Nye of our generation! Hope you stay for a long time!
"hopefully, there's no missing links"
404 evolution
but... but... the Bible? On a serious note, this video did an excellent job of explaining evolution. Anybody who denies this is in complete delusion of the reality they live in.
You pissed off at least half tge population. Congrats
I thought this video made a lot of good points as to why evolution doesn't conflict with Christianity
Thank you.
The bible were written by men who were drunk for 4 days straight and started hallucinating and saw "visions" and wrote them down and went to a meeting saying "hey! I got this story and its super cool!" then they write and the bible, made a religion, and lied to everyone.
I'm doing research for a video to prove God. Watch it when it comes out, then decide what's incorrect.(or just do your own research)
Keep the great work up! You amaze me with every vid you make! Thank you!
this guy is the best teacher ever
I might show this to some of my religious friends
You might start an argument between the smarty-pants you and your friends
@@prabathhemachandra actually, religion and science doesn't create a conflict of fact, and faith. It helps each other to understand the world. Try to think about it, and you might understand my point.
@@syngcamas exactly!
You can easily point out the obvious facts they are missing... Understanding how something is does not mean it diminish its meaning or the creator that all created those complex things that the brain they use to understand those things was also given to them
It's preposterous how the cannot grasp the rope and realize they can't exactly explain life from the day one of it existence and they also cannot see it will come an end all of it... Coz in their words then entire universe came to bbein some 14B years ago and its absolute fact they know what has a beginning most certainly has an end...
How people with understanding misunderstand for every creation theirs is the creator!
God help us all!
so they can laugh at just how statistically impossible these biological distinct systems could evolve. The guy keeps yapping about little changes adding up too the diversity of life. Yet have evolutionist ever fast tracked it in the lab to prove mutational growth of a whole new species ? there is a thing called work in biology and like all life . the cost becomes too high and leads to death. How Hammerhead can you believe in a system of randomness with a 99% failure rate. Arriving at it's greatest mutation of mankind. Only in fairy tales can you build a mountain from a mole hill .
The twelve days of evolution
On the first day of evolution,
My true love gave to me,
a one-celled organism
On the second day of evolution,
My true love gave to me,
Two new species,
And a one-celled organism.
On the third day of evolution,
My true love gave to me,
Three mitochondria,
Two new species,
And a one-celled organism.
On the fourth day of evolution,
My true love gave to me,
Four vocal chords,
Three mitochondria,
Two new species,
And a one-celled organism.
On the fifth day of evolution,
My true love gave to me,
Five articulated di-gits,
Four vocal chords,
Three mitochondria,
Two new species,
And a one-celled organism.
On the sixth day of evolution,
My true love gave to me,
Six vertebrates,
Five articulated di-gits,
Four vocal chords,
Three mitochondria,
Two new species,
And a one-celled organism.
Like. For effort.
Gilberto Urroz imagine trying this hard
LOL Bumblebee Crumplepatch as the example of a British person. Fits perfectly.
These are flipping poems of knowledge! Congratulations you've made english more intresting
The point of evolution is evolution itself.
+Valken Not necessarily. Current evolutionary pressures may send a species down one path, only to end being poorly adapted (To the point of non viabilty) when other pressures pop up later (Meteorite/Nuclear weapon/climate change)
Eoin Did I say the point of a species?
Valken, I agree, the point is to go. Not anywhere in particular, just go.
Its just because it can.
This was the most polite, scientifically honest, kid friendly way of undermining bunk creationist nonsense... lol. Protect this man at all costs!
He looks like the grandpa from happywheels in the thumbnail 😂😂
+[GD]Dazyk YES
peculiarly so
"Ultimately we just doing what we can with we got to reach tomorrow" a quote to live for
Thanks for uploading it all together, it is more meaningful this way. Please don't jump on the 12 days of xmas thing again.
Time to start selling those "My child is good enough" bumper-stickers.
Brilliant! More creationists need to watch this, because it answers their most often asked stupid questions.
This. Is. Awesome💯
One of the best videos on evolution I've ever watched!
"if humans evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?" if branches grow from trees, then why are there still trees
Nice try but that's not a very good analogy
Simply if there is an evolution of the earth and galaxies in universe then there should be an evolution of the life on earth or on any planet also. Every specie has its own path. Please watch also "There was no first Human" movie. We didn't evolve from the monkey directly but a form of monkey was in our path can be seen in a period of our path and moreover not only monkey also kind of a racoon even semender or fish... just try to understand the micro changes between the X number of generations, and imagine how many generations passed from the beginnig of the life on a single cell till now...
@@pes0s51”If humans were made from clay, why does clay still exist?” There, a good analogy.
@@MagicToenail not really, no
@@pes0s51Those were two perfectly good analogies, if you don’t think so do you mind giving a better one?
Loved this video, and thought it described many of the misconceptions of evolution that many creationists have very well. The only thing I'd suggest changing if you address this topic again is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and disorder. The 2nd Law addresses the increase in entropy, not disorder (which is the commonly misapplied term creationists use).
I've never heard the silent cricket example before - thanks! It's even more interesting that both populations resulted in silent crickets, though they took different evolutionary paths.
+TheIronwil yeah great video, we finally get a real prediction from someone supporting evolutionary philosophies (instead of a fake one like the chrosome #2 fusion that never happened and wasn't even a prediction, just an erronuous irrational and unreasonable "postdiction", you can look that one up on wikipedia or a dictionary).
11:07, we're gona turn into cookies, yayyy.
+TheIronwil you gotta love the "approved by science" sign on the background there as well, as if "science" is some kind of wizard organization wielding a magic stick of truth. The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia" meaning "knowledge". The knowledge that would be of interest to what Newton would call an "experimental philosopher" and Whewell would call a "scientist" is of course knowledge about realities/certainties/truths/facts (these last 4 words are all synonyms).
From wiki:
Until the late 19th or early 20th century, scientists were called "natural philosophers" or "men of science".
English philosopher and historian of science William Whewell coined the term scientist in 1833,...
Whewell wrote of "an increasing proclivity of separation and dismemberment" in the sciences; while highly specific terms proliferated-chemist, mathematician, naturalist-the broad term "philosopher" was no longer satisfactory to group together those who pursued science, without the caveats of "natural" or "experimental" philosopher.
[end wiki quote]
“As in Mathematicks, so in Natural Philosophy, the Investigation of difficult Things by the Method of Analysis, ought ever to precede the Method of Composition. This Analysis consists in making Experiments and Observations, and in drawing general Conclusions from them by Induction, and admitting of no Objections against the Conclusions, but such as are taken from Experiments, or other certain Truths. For Hypotheses are not to be regarded in experimental Philosophy.”
- Isaac Newton (from Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica)
The Encyclopaedia Britannica on inductive reasoning:
"When a person uses a number of established facts to draw a general conclusion, he uses inductive reasoning. THIS IS THE KIND OF LOGIC NORMALLY USED IN THE SCIENCES. ..."
You can try it out on these videos:
+Uenbg The fusion of chromosome #2 was an excellent prediction. Not sure where you were going with that one. Also, evolution isn't a "philosophy" in the sense you're meaning. It's a field of scientific study, a scientific theory, which also has several peer-reviewed scientific journals dedicated to publishing papers on this field alone. When we found that we had a different number of chromosomes than the other great apes, only this fusion would properly explain why that occurred. The fact that we found the fused chromosomes was icing on the cake.
Survival of the Fittest means survival of those who "fit" their environment best. Doesnt refer to strength.
Doesn't even have to be best - just fit enough.
Evolution is better understood with the reverse statement: the least fit don't survive.
@@NoActuallyGo-KCUF-Yourself Yes, that's an astute point
Wearing a glasses is a perfect example of evolutionary pressure turned off.
@darthvader_alex glasses are an adaptation that humans made, mate
@darthvader_alex if you really want to oversimplify and skip that many steps then ig
I guess some animals needed glasses too...maybe the lack of access make them appear to not need it...
"Light sensitive cells first showed up in single celled creatures."
*Light sensitive cells showed up in single celled creatures.*
*Cells showed up in single celled creatures.*
*Cells in cells.*
Good catch! They're actually not cells but organelle, parts of the cell that play a certain function
Cause evolution is bs
You only need one cell to have a light send cell.
Telling about the voice cord thing being wrapped around the aorta made me feel extremely fragile. Thanks science
This video is super awesome!!! to think that it is 6 years old and I just watched it 😭😭😭 THANK YOU!!!
This was a really good video. There was only one thing I think you got wrong or at least didn't emphasize enough; that being the fact that we didn't just come from apes; we ARE apes. We are just as much an ape as our ancestors that were apes. We never stopped being apes. Likewise, modern birds are descendants of dinosaurs and thus are still dinosaurs. Ancient dinosaurs from before the mass extinction event are known as non-avian dinosaurs to differentiate them from modern dinosaurs (birds). Life doesn't evolve from one thing into something else. It continues to be what it has always been, but with just more. If you take a dog and breed it in a way that it has exactly the same features as a cat, it looks like a cat, meows like a cat, has the temperament of a cat, it doesn't become a cat. It is still a dog. You can't change who you are descended from.
I had been watching some bullcrap "creation" and "intelligent design" videos.When I watched this video before I just came to know of facts.. now, while I'm watching it again, I see the hidden digs and shades.. well done Joe 😂
There is truth in those creation videos. You just don't see it yet.
I sometimes wish the bible wasn't true, so I can be more free and enjoy life the way I want to. But I cant hide anymore from the truth. This stuff is real
@@arielkozak good news, its not. feel free to enjoy your life
@@klaseniusproductions7591 the bible is the only good evidence we have on why we are here. Scientists are clueless on the origin of life. It takes a ridiculously huge amount of faith to be an atheist, knowing what we know about how life began.
@@arielkozak lol are you serious? big sky guy takes less faith to believe than evolution, which has been proven to be true btw. yeah sure...
how exactly is the bible "evidence"? it doesnt prove anything it claims. It was litterally just written by some clueless dudes thousands of years ago. what makes you think those random guys had more knowledge than the top scientists today? and what makes the bible more likely to be true than for example the quran?
*"In everyday speech, people tend to use the word 'theory' to mean an untested hypothesis, or even a guess. But the term 'evolutionary theory' does not refer to any single hypothesis, and it certainly is not guesswork. As used in science, 'theory' refers to the entire body of work on the understanding and application of a field of knowledge. When we refer to evolutionary theory, we are referring to our understanding of the mechanisms that result in biological changes in populations over time, and the use of that understanding to interpret changes and interactions of biological organisms."*
-Life (the science of biology) Ninth Edition Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Berenbaum
Thank you so much for uploading this video. It is helping me get through the pandemic!
I am going down in the comment section. If i find at most 5 crazy creationists shouting nonsense, I swear, I'm studying evolutionary biology.
+Maxime Couture (Apophyx) I feel he may have been using hyperbole.
He found out logic and order doesn't come from chaos and had his mind blown.
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep Sounds like you have no knowledge of physics or chemistry, then 😄
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep Ah, good old "fallacy" Lennox. You must have been watching an imaginary version of the debate.
+Virtuoso Joel You're still talking? lmao
Hello people from nearly 7 years ago. I came back to tell you evolution occurred and we now have ... HUGE ... EGOS.
Rip my cousin Harambe 😭
Goober's Life L
Best comment :)
Dicks out for Harambe :D
@@Dispatern that's how you get aids
Thank you so much for putting this together. It has been very helpful and informative. You are an incredible speaker!
Wonderful to see you using comedy as a teaching aid. "waste management by the amusement park" very funny. A teacher of mine many years ago explained diffusion using a fart in the middle of the classroom. Needless to say not a single student that day will ever forget how diffusion works.
I wish this guy was my science teacher
When people say they don't believe in evolution, I send them this video.
If you think that one video will convince creationists they are wrong, you’re vastly underestimating the stubbornness of their idiocy.
@@happilysecular2323 obviously I don’t think that one video is going to stop them from their beliefs. Keep scrolling next time.
We need a part two
so next time my wife wants to highlight my many faults i no longer have to defend myself, all i have to say is . . . . Honey dont forgett you married a . . . .Work in progress . . . lol
Sorry to come here 2 years later to destroy your joke, we as species are work in progress, we as individuals are the final product
@@soukai yea thats the point lmao
Can we all just say that Wallace and Darwin have beautiful beards.
And I'm a Christian so can I say first for this category.
There are new environmental pressures, though. We are always evolving.
been waiting for a video this good on evolution! So well made. Thank you!
awww I thought this was gonna be a song about evolution but I was disappointed: (
The 4th Channel an 18 minute long song?
MegaMGstudios no duh, how long would it be then
12 gold monkey
2 turtle doves
What the fk... partridge in the pare tree
I thought the thumbnail was happy wheels
ikr ? xD
Me too, tho this turned out to be better than than happy wheels for me
ZUBÆR 437 I thought this was the 12 days of Christmas
Me too 😂
2:51 Thanks for the nightmares, Joe!
Evolution, just like happiness, isn't the end goal that one strives for, rather the journey and path that one takes.
I bet in a million years my descendants will have slow legs and quick fingers.... Since im here all day sitting in a couch playing video games
That's not how evolution works
Only changes in germ cells passes on to become a observable trait in a population.
For centuries girls are boring ears, but I haven't seen anyone born with bored ear yet!!!
Sorry for my dumb English
@@VijayThakurMD lmao ik that was a joke, and what is a boring or bored ear?
@@kairu6985 hole in ear for earing
6:22, poor turtle 🐢
Waste management/amusement park. I see what you did there.
Good stuff. Tickles my brain. Thanks
whos watching this in 2019?
hears the biger question
who cares
one step ahead of ye mate
Man, this completely smashes the creationists arguments. Unfortunately, it won't stop stupid.
It doesn't smash anything. The bible is still historic fact.
Or current observations are only our oppinion of what's left over.
Really historic? 500 people rising from the dead and walking around Jerusalem would have made it into any of the dozens of contemperary historians or official Roman accounts. No Roman govenor, or general, or historian (there were several) ever mentioned the dead walking the streets, ever.
Or the sun darkening for hours would have made it into astronomers accounts from Egypt to Syria to Anatolia (Turkey) to Rome to Galilee, or to Greece. And there were plenty on them.
They all independently reported on comets, planetary movements, and star positions. But none reported the sun darkening for hours.
In ten thousand years when they dig up New York City, it won't mean Spiderman exsisted.
@Marco does stuff I don't judge beliefs I'll let God do that I only share the truth.
Somewhere there is a Jr. High school science teacher crying.
@@Michael-vg2hm bible is written by humans so that invalidates everything. why would anyone listen to stories that have been written by people, like you think they knew better than you and me?
17:22 Thanks to Astronomy, we know we are going to the great attractor..., actually.
There is one of the best examples of natural selection of I’ve come across
My fav part “why is waste management right next to the amusement park” lol.
But hey, sometimes you can have fun in the waste management area namsayin