He was successful at passing off blame during his first administration, why wouldn't it work again? He doesn't have to fool everyone, and this time he won't even be running again.
Trump has had it hammered into his head by the smartest and most honest (ahem) people in his current staff that his policies, if enacted, will cause a severe stock market crash and lead to mass unemployment even greater than what occurred during the Great Recession caused by George W. Bush. THAT is why he's now trying to frame a way to blame it on the Democrats and especially on President Biden, whom Trump knows out-classes him and will go down in the history books as one of the most effective American Presidents to this point in time. We have to remember it's not Trump making the calls here, it's Elon Musk. Musk and probably a majority of the billionaires Trump wants to stock his Cabinet with want a stock market crash because they can then buy stocks for good companies at really cheap prices. Musk doesn't give a damn that millions of Americans will be thrown out of their jobs as consumer spending collapses and corporate profits start to slide downward when prices continually rise due to Trump's tariff policies and at the same time instability increases in the stock market with Trump's stupid and unending threats to nations around the globe, including our allies in NATO, for pete's sake! By the way, at 11:24 AM (Daylight Saving Time in Wisconsin) on 12/30/2024 the Dow is down around 300 points; it was down more than 500 points earlier. The slide downward is continuing from last week.
If he can't blame anything ahead of time. He will also do it after the fact. I remember when hospitals were running out of emergency PPE and other supplies. He was crying about Obama, leaving the cupboards empty. Despite his being in office for over three years. That's what you get, having a lying, malignant narcissistic toddler in charge. Who's never been held fully accountable for anything in his irresponsible life.😮
Isn't it amazing how his followers not only haven't caught on, but they fall for it every time. They are the most easily manipulated people in this country.
I already saw a headline saying he was the worst president and post president. They really need to get ahead of that by showing him working. He is the only president that I know of that dedicated his whole life to helping people.
The Democrats "would prefer depression as long as it would hurt the Republican Party"? From the guy who spent part of the last year rooting for a depression, if one should occur, to occur while Biden was president? Once more, an accusation is a confession.
THANK YOU. One thing about Trump, is that he does tell the truth and layers it in between lies and distractions. And HE ALWAYS GETS AHEAD OF THE BLAME GAME ALWAYS, so my theory is Elon will purposely tank economy and China and Russia are in cohorts together. it makes sense for them both to team up cause they both don't like us and together they are stronger. I believe we are headed into the next great depression and that's a set up for another distraction where MAGAs rage will turn towards another marginalized group. I believe that is the set up for us going to war, because war ALWAYS brings in more profits. I just really suggest Americans to save save save and have money in cold hard cash and gold. Gold sounds crazy but I really feel our money will lose value I know I sound coocoo but I had the same feeling about COVID in New Orleans at the end of February and I was wearing a mask and everyone was looking at me crazy. I literally wore a mask on Mardi gras day in Feb 2020
He wants no accountability for spending our money on his own personal political agenda and delusional policies and ideas. Been like that his whole life.
Maybe balance the budget BEFORE giving more corporate tax cuts. Just an idea. He wants to blame Biden for raising the debt limit despite the fact he raised the debt limit during his presidency 3 times during his first term and the fact that if his tax cuts for the rich are extended it will add $5 trillion to the deficit.
They don't understand math. They're the party that suggested to families that can't afford child care to have a parent quit their job and stay home with the kid. You know, because cutting your income when you already can't afford something makes sense to them. And it surely doesn't help single parents. But hey, you can never accuse that party of having logical solutions.
That's exactly what he wants Leo! Blame biden, last time it wss blame Obama. It's the tramp's circle of life...always spend somebody else's money, cry bankruptcy and blame it on somebody else. Here we go again, only he's more dangerous, more vengeful and his hangers on like musk are even more extreme on bad influences. I'm 68 and I've been listening to the GOP blame spending on democrats forever while every republican president spends more than democratic presidents even dream about. How does this lying still work when the numbers are always there for people to see
History has shown the republicans rack up a hefty debt then when dems win the gop blames the economy/recession on the dems. Frump is responsible for 1/4 of the deficit in just 4 years. Will he break a record on this 4. He’s already off to a great start & not in office yet. Cut cancer healthcare for children & healthcare for 9/11 responders! Way to go firefighters. You voted for him ! 👀
I had heard about republicans that they always say the government doesn't work, and when they get into office, they prove it. I was a full believer after the multiple gov shutdowns during 45's administration
The problem is, during the 1st Trump Admin. they gave tax cuts to the tune of $35 trillion, mostly to millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. They’re blaming it on spending. 😮😮
@CricketsBay , Relublican motto: "The tax cuts will continue until billionaire's morale improves". (paraphrased from a sign I often saw in corporate-drone cubicles: "the beatings will continue until morale improves")
That’s what I’m saying. The best we can hope for is just a totally incompetent administration that can’t get anything done due to his own laziness as well as the party’s infighting
I'm torn. Don't want any of Trump's dictatorship dreams to come true, but also want MAGA to realise Trump is just using them - he is NOT going to help them with ANYTHING. But, yeah, I realise they'll just fall for the next dictator. That's what Trump Chumps do.
Unfortunately if something bad does happen. We can be sure he won't do anything to help Blame workers and Democrats. Ect. How long will his voters support him? Who knows.
coltonius: They're trying but the Right wing and corporate media just don't run it. They prefer the sensationalism of trump's craziness. It's political theater.
“My party is going to control the entire government and I’m scared we’re going to have a legislative and economic disaster.” How to boost consumer confidence, from Captain Chaos of the Bankruptcy Zone.
- Ran on a promise to lower grocery prices, now says he can't promise to lower them. - Ran on reducing the national debt, now is trying to increase the debt BEFORE he gets in office and wants to get rid of the limit all together. - Claimed his tariffs wouldn't increase debt, after elected claimed he couldn't promise that. - I could do this for hours... I wonder how many actual people have woken up at all?
because now there is a chance of a shutdown happening on his watch when he fights with the populists and fiscal conservatives, trump loves spending money and wanted to use the threat of a shutdown on Bidens watch not on his term but it got punted to June
Yup. During the 1st Trump Admin. they gave tax cuts to the tune on $35 trillion, mostly to millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. They’re blaming it on spending, but lack of revenue, which they caused, is the real reason for the increased debt. 😮😮
I wish on Jan 20th... that all WOMEN, LGBTQI, IMMIGRANTS, POC, NON-CHRISTIANS & NON-FRUMP SUPPORTERS, would walk off the jobs, come out to their town halls, & ring a bell... to declare freedom from tyranny.
Unfortunately, some of us, doing "invisible (and unpaid) labor" are unable to walk off the job. It is a sad fact of our ultra capitalist society (that relies a lot of unpaid, invisible labor to run).
Unfortunately for all of us, that could be their SOP standard operating procedures. No, no matter how much I can't stand seeing, hearing that incoming president I also can't stand dealing with stagflation again. Ronald Reagan drove the first edition since WW2, no repeats please.
Because refusing to raise the debt limit is like refusing to pay your Visa bill. THEY ALREADY SPENT THE MONEY. All refusing to pay does is ruin the national credit and trash the willingness of the rest of the planet to buy our bonds.
His plans for rounding up immigrants, and the homeless, and putting them into camps, with medical care, shelter, and food, will cost much more than the 2 trillion they are looking to cut.
In a month they'll be in Mexico and Canada... I'd suggest buying any of the more expensive imports you may want (electronics, computers, furniture, clothing, etc) before then.
You see the price of eggs😳. I got a load of that yesterday at the store. Since I don’t do any research, I’m assuming it’s due to the election of Trump.
The hypocrisy. He just flip flopped from what he demanded last week. Ok last week he was FOR raising it. I swear to God I don't think this man even knows what a debt ceiling is.
Am I the only one who thinks covfefe was an old joke an hour after he typed it? I remember thinking at the time that he did it on purpose to distract people by getting them to talk about him
The Hill published an interesting article... " Congress has the power to block ***** from taking office, but lawmakers must act now." It seems there is a way to stop this. It's questionable if our "representatives" have the balls to do their constitutional. duty. It is our duty to encourage them to do the right thing. Write, call, do whatever you can. It's just a thought!
@@dieweisseRose2025some independent media (Jessica Denson/Lights On) have been talking about this for a month. She had to leave Meidas Touch because Ben said she couldn't talk about it in air. Then Popok on Legal AF posted totally gaslighting about how the 14th amendment actually works in relation to SCOTUS. I'm hoping enough in the Congress have courage. Sadly, my reps are MAGA.
Depressions benefit the ultra rich. They can go around buying everything up (especially real estate) at fire sale prices and sell to foreign investors. Depression almost feels baked into the Trump administration at this point.
Thank you Belle for always telling us what we need to hear, even when it isn't what we want to hear. That is a hallmark of true leadership, humanity and selflessness.
I can't wait to see what the Republican working class do when he makes them work more hours for less pay. They should have to suffer more than anyone else.
Dems have GOT to get their shyt together and get out In front of messaging. Dem messaging negligence is a part of why we find ourselves in the situation we do
Agree. I think we need to snake some of the Republican's messaging people to work for the Dem side. They know how to twist things, not that we need twisted messaging, but we need people who know how people want to hear the message 😬🤷♀️
And to rely on social media and independent media more, because the corporate media are collaborating with the fascists. Even here in Canada, we've been seeing the corporate media leaning further and further right.
Agreed. We're coming up on the third anniversary of Putin's invasion and I swear half of the US still thinks we're sending buckets of cash to Kyiv. I get so tired of explaining over and over that 3/4 of that money never leaves the US.
you keep presuming the democrat establishment is pro-democracy for some reason. haven't you figured out yet why they've never fought back against any of the bullshit the republican party has pulled over the last 43 years, hmmm?
When they are brainwashed to only listen to Trump and his loyalist how do we fight them? Spreading the truth doesn’t work, actually doing a great job like the Biden Administration did and the results were very clear!! As I said they have been told to only listen and watch their tribes. FOX, Britt Bart, News Max, White Supremist, Evangelicals, etc, etc. Their plan is total destruction, fueled by Greed and Power of the Ultra Wealthy that Do Not Want to pay their fair share like the working class does. They have promised with lies the same privileges to the working class and they took the bait, hook line and sinker! Some have to learn the hard way yet we will ALL PAY THE PRICE . Convince me I am wrong.
apparently, you love having republican presidents who care nothing about the country. all but 1 of 'em over the course of the last century has very obviously cared more about their rich "friends" (face it, the wealthy don't have friends, only competitors) than the country.
If the Bird Flu does get a foothold in humams, I bet $5 that President Musk tells Trump and his minions to gut the CDC and the NIH, then sell the strategic stockpile of PPE and ventilators to Russia and China, resulting in the U.S. having the highest number of dead from Bird Flu in the world.
he knows there's gonna be a depression. there are people in his orbit telling him that his policies will cause one. he don't care. he thinks he'll be fine. doesn't seem to get that, personally, he's a relatively small fish swimming in oceans of debt. only the ultra wealthy have the financial wherewithal to survive a "depression"* relatively intact. trump ain't the ultra-wealthy, he just believes he is.
He will blame Biden, and his MAGA disciples will believe him. On second thought, he will DENY the recession, Fox will repeat it, and his MAGA disciples will believe him.
Yup. We can fight back by being resilient and building a community. Start planning a garden, then plant it in the Spring. Find like-minded people. Build YOUR community. Exclude MAGA for your own wellbeing and your family's safety. Anyone who can afford it, buy and install a wood stove, and buy 2 cords of firewood. Be prepared for a power grid failure, especially if you live in Texas. If it doesn't happen, you'll still be more self-sufficient and be able to help your family and your neighbors. Don't give up. I know I posted this other places. It's still good advice. For anyone who's unclear about the 2 cords of firewood, 1 cord is a stack 8 feet long, 4 feet tall, and 4 feet wide. 2 cords is twice that. 2 cords will get most people through the Winter in the Midwest.
Trump is that kid who shits on his own team before the season starts just so he doesn't have to actually do anything to help them win and he'll still look like he was right when they lose.
the last time this happened... Trump spent over 3 billion dollars on 83 miles of fence. it's not looking good for his campaign promise to pay down the national debt
Coming soon $86 Billion to deport 50% of our farm and construction workers. $28 Billion to bail out soybean farmers after retaliatory tariffs last time. That's a lot of eggs.
Thank you Belle for reading these posts first so we don’t have to. But, oh, boy, his ramblings do point to someone who once again doesn’t care what his misguided policies do to the American people, he just doesn’t want to be blamed for them. Heaven help us all! 😢
Good afternoon Belle and internet people! We should make a habit of reminding the Republicans, "You have the majority power, this is YOUR problem!" when they whinge about upcoming issues.
@ Jeez, I am so aware ! What a bizarre game for us! So…close. Congrats to the 🦅🏈. Vikings/Lions should be a great game. I think you all are going to the SB. I wouldn’t mind the Lions either. The city needs some good vibes 😎 We will see what happens with my 🧀
What's most likely to save us is the incompetence of his minions, since he has been picking entirely by loyalty and who kissed his butt or did him the biggest favors. He doesn't take competence into account in his hiring at all. The super-divisive and tissue-thin GOP majority in the House will also help cripple his agenda.
We have to stop venting our anger and frustration online. Having this pressure valve is hurting us. In times past, if we were furious with our leaders, we massed in the streets. Now we just scream into the aether in exchange for a few “likes”.
In this case an economic reaction would be better than massing in the streets, which they will use as an excuse to declare a state of emergency and bring on the disaster even faster. Prepare yourself for a depression: reduce debt and don't take more on, reduce monthly costs (especially subscriptions) as much as you are able, then do it again. It isn't fun and dramatic, but it will send a message and you will be better off. If everyone did a spending fast for a week starting on January 20th it would send a powerful message in the only language the Good Ole Perverts understand.
in times past, people were not fat and comfortable and entertained amidst their poverty. no screens to capture the attention with mindless entertainment and propaganda about how great things are "here" as opposed to "there", no cheap, sugar-laden, sodium-infused shit food to nibble on endlessly, no mind-numbing, soul-crushing debt to sink into, and the majority of humanity back then could grow their own food and process it themselves into something edible and healthier. see the differences?
He wants to cut spending and taxes, and he hates obligations. In his defense, the debt ceiling is artificial . Unfortunately for him, what's needed is a real budget with visible spending levels to show the cuts, and the last thing he wants is the numbers out there in broad daylight because there's no way in that case for his tax cuts to continue.
“I take no responsibility”! Never admit failure or take any blame when you can blame the other side. That’s the idiot in a nutshell! And how many millions of Americans voted for this?!?!
In Star Trek and other SciFi, they have a thing called Technobabble, which is when they just make up strange futuristic sounding words for the story, but ultimately mean nothing. A SciFi version of a MacGuffin. What we have here is Trumpnobabble. Good luck figuring it out.
Reversing the polarity of the neutron flow at least sounds impressive. Pertwee et al. really sold that they were doing something that would help. Not so much with the Fanta Menace. But I do like the term you're using - I may use that if you don't mind.
Thanks Belle. Tfg is getting worse and whatever happens is going to be his fault, no matter what he tweets. Since I refuse to look at what he writes or says, I know I can count on you to cut through the bs.
The big issue here is to prevent him from deflecting the blame for the coming disasters onto anyone else. That should be our second priority (after saving lives from his policies directly).
Hello Shawn, Victoria, 🚲 and Victoria! Please remember you only have TWO DAYS to complete last year’s New Year’s resolutions! For me, I need to lose about a pound an hour… I’m in trouble. 😂
Tight monetary policy and import tariffs made the crash of '29 worse. Lack of banking regulations set up the table for the over leveraged stock market. What are the Republicans proposing? Exactly what caused and worsened the Depression.
The mood in the US seems eerily similar to that in the UK after Brexit . Many people are going to find out that what they voted for will hurt them most of all . If Republicans have any sense they'll save the worst of their policies till after the mid terms but I expect that circumstances will overtake them due to the incoming administration being massively under talented and fueled by self agrandisement and enrichment . Republican politicians won't vote for things that leave them out of the cash handouts and there isn't enough money to go around even if they could keep it quiet. Interesting times .
the hardest core of the brexiteers still cling to the idea that brexit will pan out for them. meanwhile, the rich bastards who engineered it so they wouldn'tget investigated for tax evasion, fraud, and money-laundering made out like bandits betting against the UK on the markets after convincing the people of england, mainly, to shoot their own feet off, metaphorically speaking.
When the economy fails is the best time to buy. Like in 2008. Lot of people lost their house. A lot of people took advantage of the situation. This looks to be the plan.
Well done, always! You deliver current events (which are typically depressing) in a no-nonsense manner yet you make me chuckle at the insanity of it all. Thank you Belle and crew!!!
In general, the state of the economy can always reflect more on the previous administration than the current one, for about a year. It might well be very different this time. I think the economy is doing quite well right now. Lets see how long it takes Trump to make the economy go into reverse...
Anybody stop to consider the security risks stemming from a “commander in chief” posting his personal concerns to social media? This isn’t a beauty/popularity pageant, Donald…
Anyone concerned that he “handled” policy, especially foreign policy, by 2 am angry tweets didn’t vote for him. I hate having to wake up every morning wondering what the toddler posted the night before
My translation of his word salad: I’m going to cause a disaster for the people that I want to blame the democrats for. The disaster won’t cause the rich to suffer so it’s ok to cause a disaster. Just blame the democrats.
The problem is, during the 1st Trump Admin. they gave tax cuts to the tune of $35 trillion, mostly to millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. They’re blaming it on spending when lack of revenue, which they caused, is the real problem. 😮😮
Wow, he's not even in office yet and is already trying to find scapegoats for his inevitable failures.
He was successful at passing off blame during his first administration, why wouldn't it work again? He doesn't have to fool everyone, and this time he won't even be running again.
Trump has had it hammered into his head by the smartest and most honest (ahem) people in his current staff that his policies, if enacted, will cause a severe stock market crash and lead to mass unemployment even greater than what occurred during the Great Recession caused by George W. Bush. THAT is why he's now trying to frame a way to blame it on the Democrats and especially on President Biden, whom Trump knows out-classes him and will go down in the history books as one of the most effective American Presidents to this point in time. We have to remember it's not Trump making the calls here, it's Elon Musk. Musk and probably a majority of the billionaires Trump wants to stock his Cabinet with want a stock market crash because they can then buy stocks for good companies at really cheap prices. Musk doesn't give a damn that millions of Americans will be thrown out of their jobs as consumer spending collapses and corporate profits start to slide downward when prices continually rise due to Trump's tariff policies and at the same time instability increases in the stock market with Trump's stupid and unending threats to nations around the globe, including our allies in NATO, for pete's sake! By the way, at 11:24 AM (Daylight Saving Time in Wisconsin) on 12/30/2024 the Dow is down around 300 points; it was down more than 500 points earlier. The slide downward is continuing from last week.
one of his main talents
His ONLY talent I think.
Same as it ever was.
"I don't take responsibility at all."
The only true thing Trump ever said.
I believe he also said “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote.”
@@brucebennett5338Only time Trump ever told the truth to his moron base.
@@brucebennett5338OK, a second true thing, but he doesn't make that mistake very often.
When I think about it, I can't remember any single thing Trump was involved in that he took the blame for, or even partial blame.
He's trying to place the blame elsewhere ahead of time as he always does....
That’s literally what Belle says in the video
it's the blame game as usual
If he can't blame anything ahead of time. He will also do it after the fact.
I remember when hospitals were running out of emergency PPE and other supplies. He was crying about Obama, leaving the cupboards empty. Despite his being in office for over three years. That's what you get, having a lying, malignant narcissistic toddler in charge. Who's never been held fully accountable for anything in his irresponsible life.😮
Isn't it amazing how his followers not only haven't caught on, but they fall for it every time. They are the most easily manipulated people in this country.
Rest in Peace, President Carter 💙
😢,but made it a century alive!!
I already saw a headline saying he was the worst president and post president. They really need to get ahead of that by showing him working. He is the only president that I know of that dedicated his whole life to helping people.
I don't believe in heaven, but if anyone should be there Jimmy deserves to be there, and mister Rogers a dynamic duo if there ever should be one.
We lost a good one. He's with his wife now at least 💙
@@57WillysCJWho was that from?
The Democrats "would prefer depression as long as it would hurt the Republican Party"? From the guy who spent part of the last year rooting for a depression, if one should occur, to occur while Biden was president? Once more, an accusation is a confession.
Stefan I’m not a Democrat, but I do think MAGA needs a good recession. Thank you 😆
Republicans have a tendency to root for recessions if not depressions, that's why they routinely try to cause them.
Projection, deflection obfuscation and outright LIES.
(R)ed Hat/MAGAt policy platforms.
Yeah, it's always projection with those clowns
THANK YOU. One thing about Trump, is that he does tell the truth and layers it in between lies and distractions. And HE ALWAYS GETS AHEAD OF THE BLAME GAME ALWAYS, so my theory is Elon will purposely tank economy and China and Russia are in cohorts together. it makes sense for them both to team up cause they both don't like us and together they are stronger. I believe we are headed into the next great depression and that's a set up for another distraction where MAGAs rage will turn towards another marginalized group. I believe that is the set up for us going to war, because war ALWAYS brings in more profits.
I just really suggest Americans to save save save and have money in cold hard cash and gold. Gold sounds crazy but I really feel our money will lose value
I know I sound coocoo but I had the same feeling about COVID in New Orleans at the end of February and I was wearing a mask and everyone was looking at me crazy. I literally wore a mask on Mardi gras day in Feb 2020
He wants no accountability for spending our money on his own personal political agenda and delusional policies and ideas. Been like that his whole life.
Maybe balance the budget BEFORE giving more corporate tax cuts. Just an idea. He wants to blame Biden for raising the debt limit despite the fact he raised the debt limit during his presidency 3 times during his first term and the fact that if his tax cuts for the rich are extended it will add $5 trillion to the deficit.
They don't understand math. They're the party that suggested to families that can't afford child care to have a parent quit their job and stay home with the kid. You know, because cutting your income when you already can't afford something makes sense to them. And it surely doesn't help single parents. But hey, you can never accuse that party of having logical solutions.
That's exactly what he wants Leo! Blame biden, last time it wss blame Obama. It's the tramp's circle of life...always spend somebody else's money, cry bankruptcy and blame it on somebody else. Here we go again, only he's more dangerous, more vengeful and his hangers on like musk are even more extreme on bad influences. I'm 68 and I've been listening to the GOP blame spending on democrats forever while every republican president spends more than democratic presidents even dream about. How does this lying still work when the numbers are always there for people to see
As long as drumph can blame someone else for his severe mismanagement, he's golden.
Pretending to care about national debt and then racking up record amounts has always been the republican way, they're just mad he's not hiding it
He added 8 trillion to the debt last time around.
History has shown the republicans rack up a hefty debt then when dems win the gop blames the economy/recession on the dems.
Frump is responsible for 1/4 of the deficit in just 4 years. Will he break a record on this 4.
He’s already off to a great start & not in office yet.
Cut cancer healthcare for children & healthcare for 9/11 responders! Way to go firefighters. You voted for him ! 👀
I had heard about republicans that they always say the government doesn't work, and when they get into office, they prove it. I was a full believer after the multiple gov shutdowns during 45's administration
The problem is, during the 1st Trump Admin. they gave tax cuts to the tune of $35 trillion, mostly to millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. They’re blaming it on spending. 😮😮
@CricketsBay , Relublican motto: "The tax cuts will continue until billionaire's morale improves". (paraphrased from a sign I often saw in corporate-drone cubicles: "the beatings will continue until morale improves")
I am just so sick of him and his tinpot mafia.
And his ties to real Mafia.
That is part of how he was put on office !
A real grifter and loser.
Grab 'em by the debt ceiling, he says
Severe mismanagement? Isn’t that his business model?😅
Only if involves bankruptcy
You misspelled *serial* mismanagement. Just like he's a serial tax cheat, serial extramarital cheat, serial womanizer and abuser, serial liar.....
I mean.....you're not wrong lol
The best we can hope for, for the next 4 years, is that nothing happens.
I agree
He's too lazy and unmotivated to actually carry out all his ideas, but...
Those around him are capable of making them real and that's the scary part.
That’s what I’m saying. The best we can hope for is just a totally incompetent administration that can’t get anything done due to his own laziness as well as the party’s infighting
I'm torn. Don't want any of Trump's dictatorship dreams to come true, but also want MAGA to realise Trump is just using them - he is NOT going to help them with ANYTHING.
But, yeah, I realise they'll just fall for the next dictator. That's what Trump Chumps do.
Unfortunately if something bad does happen. We can be sure he won't do anything to help Blame workers and Democrats. Ect. How long will his voters support him?
Who knows.
Trump _knows_ shit is about to hit the fan with his incoming policies, so Democrats NEED to get in front of him with the “blame game” messaging.
You are totally correct, yet they probably wont...🙄
@@shawnca7349 They're preoccupied with trans worship :(
@@1JamesMayToGoPleaseGive it a REST. Trans people are .2 of the population.
Would be nice if the dems took the fucking kid gloves off.
coltonius: They're trying but the Right wing and corporate media just don't run it. They prefer the sensationalism of trump's craziness. It's political theater.
Gee Trump trying to avoid being held responsible who would have thought?
“My party is going to control the entire government and I’m scared we’re going to have a legislative and economic disaster.” How to boost consumer confidence, from Captain Chaos of the Bankruptcy Zone.
By not voting for him in the first place.😂
- Ran on a promise to lower grocery prices, now says he can't promise to lower them.
- Ran on reducing the national debt, now is trying to increase the debt BEFORE he gets in office and wants to get rid of the limit all together.
- Claimed his tariffs wouldn't increase debt, after elected claimed he couldn't promise that.
- I could do this for hours... I wonder how many actual people have woken up at all?
Ran on cutting power prices within 12 months -- don't see that happening either 😂
I think most are still trying to process the fact that ACA and Obamacare are the same thing.
can't dream the american dream if you're awake and aware ...
MAGA: Wow, he is the best president ever.
Ran on ending the war in Ukraine and Gaza within 24 hours of being elected. Yeah, that didn’t happen.
Normal people begin to take corrective measures when they see a wreck coming, they don't plan to smash in to it and blame the other driver.
Thanks for reminding us.
You mean blame the passenger
because now there is a chance of a shutdown happening on his watch when he fights with the populists and fiscal conservatives, trump loves spending money and wanted to use the threat of a shutdown on Bidens watch not on his term but it got punted to June
This fool is not normal.
Not even close.
already making excuses for not keeping his promises.
Im exhausted from his presidency. And its not even started yet. 😅
He does not want anything to get in the way of his taxes cuts for himself and his rich friends.
Yup. During the 1st Trump Admin. they gave tax cuts to the tune on $35 trillion, mostly to millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. They’re blaming it on spending, but lack of revenue, which they caused, is the real reason for the increased debt. 😮😮
“It was like that when i got there man” -Bart Simpson
I wish on Jan 20th... that all WOMEN, LGBTQI, IMMIGRANTS, POC, NON-CHRISTIANS & NON-FRUMP SUPPORTERS, would walk off the jobs, come out to their town halls, & ring a bell... to declare freedom from tyranny.
My straight white bearded good ol' boy husband would join. He loathes the orange swamp thing.
But the straight white people can just remain in tyranny?
Unfortunately, some of us, doing "invisible (and unpaid) labor" are unable to walk off the job. It is a sad fact of our ultra capitalist society (that relies a lot of unpaid, invisible labor to run).
As a cis middle-age white man, I fully support this idea.
I agree. If Trump want chaos then the WORKING CLASS should hand him chaos on a gold platter.
The insanity here is that they expect fiscal responsibility from the Bankruptcy King...
One of the few true news channels available in this country. & the best!
Severe mismanagement sounds like the Republican Party to me.
Unfortunately for all of us, that could be their SOP standard operating procedures.
No, no matter how much I can't stand seeing, hearing that incoming president I also can't stand dealing with stagflation again. Ronald Reagan drove the first edition since WW2, no repeats please.
If they succeed in making huge spending cuts, why would they still need to raise the debt ceiling?
This simple question would never occur to them.
Decreased incoming tax revenues from millionaires, via his tax cuts. His base is to stupid to figure it out.
So they can give even bigger tax cuts to the wealthy.
Because refusing to raise the debt limit is like refusing to pay your Visa bill. THEY ALREADY SPENT THE MONEY. All refusing to pay does is ruin the national credit and trash the willingness of the rest of the planet to buy our bonds.
His plans for rounding up immigrants, and the homeless, and putting them into camps, with medical care, shelter, and food, will cost much more than the 2 trillion they are looking to cut.
The future was in our hands when we voted & I fear the worst coming in 2025 💙
👋🏻💗🌞, agreed.
@ 🌅💙✌
The worst is coming to MAGA. More poverty ....
President Biden still has time to perform "Presidential Acts".
The orange once and future king is almost here. The monarchy has begun
Where are my cheap groceries
2019. 😂
😂 would be much better!@@BeauoftheFifthColumn
In a month they'll be in Mexico and Canada... I'd suggest buying any of the more expensive imports you may want (electronics, computers, furniture, clothing, etc) before then.
@@BeauoftheFifthColumn "
Now THAT's "whistling past the graveyard" 🧐😱😳
You see the price of eggs😳. I got a load of that yesterday at the store. Since I don’t do any research, I’m assuming it’s due to the election of Trump.
Trump makes me depressed.
Depression helps nothing. Get angry. Stay angry. Be ready to focus that anger into action.
@@pixeldragon6387 Damn straight! Be ready so you don’t have to get ready.
Let nature be your friend..
Ya. I’m not sad anymore. I’m just pissed about all of this. And I think it’s time for everyone to start getting pissed if we want to rectify things.
He wanted the ceiling eliminated a week ago. How stupid do you have to be to support him?
The hypocrisy. He just flip flopped from what he demanded last week. Ok last week he was FOR raising it. I swear to God I don't think this man even knows what a debt ceiling is.
@@Leonaza7 First Lady Donnie is the queen of flip-flopping. He has more reverse gears than a Russian tank.
"How stupid do you have to be to support him?" Hang on, the MAGAts will show you! 😁
Demented Donnie is the queen of flip-flopping; he has more reverse gears than a Ruzzian tank.
Our country proved how stupid we could be with the last election.
Oh good lord he's not even in office yet! How the F are we gonna get through 4 years of this?
He's been doing this for TEN FRIGGIN' YEARS!
He's exhausting.
🥰 ☕
With cream of course! The white the better with repug politicians.
It's pronounced "COV-FEE-FEE" 🤣
Am I the only one who thinks covfefe was an old joke an hour after he typed it? I remember thinking at the time that he did it on purpose to distract people by getting them to talk about him
“It’s called NUCLEAR!”
Good morning Ms. Belle and internet folks. Nearly spit out my covfefe!
Me too 😅,👋🏻💗🌞
Good morning Mark! Have a day with minimal cleanup!
he he he, me too
Love her subtle humor, smart lady.
More often, I am reminded of the poem "September 1, 1939" by W. H. Auden. Everybody knows that something dreadful will happen, and no one can stop it.
Don't go into the cellar ... I mean Mar a Lardo!
The Hill published an interesting article... " Congress has the power to block ***** from taking office, but lawmakers must act now." It seems there is a way to stop this. It's questionable if our "representatives" have the balls to do their constitutional. duty. It is our duty to encourage them to do the right thing. Write, call, do whatever you can. It's just a thought!
@@dieweisseRose2025they have NO BALLS/COURAGE
@@dieweisseRose2025some independent media (Jessica Denson/Lights On) have been talking about this for a month. She had to leave Meidas Touch because Ben said she couldn't talk about it in air. Then Popok on Legal AF posted totally gaslighting about how the 14th amendment actually works in relation to SCOTUS. I'm hoping enough in the Congress have courage. Sadly, my reps are MAGA.
Here’s a thought: if your policies are going to tank the economy, then don’t do them!!!
Depressions benefit the ultra rich. They can go around buying everything up (especially real estate) at fire sale prices and sell to foreign investors. Depression almost feels baked into the Trump administration at this point.
He owns it. There is no way out!
Nope, he will find a way to deflect blame and his supporters will believe it.
He's very transparently trying to set up the blame game for the coming economic disaster.
Not even in office yet, and the fluck is already a cluster. 😐
Thank you Belle for always telling us what we need to hear, even when it isn't what we want to hear. That is a hallmark of true leadership, humanity and selflessness.
Sharp lady. I like it. Respect from Norway. 👍
If I remember right, Hoover was president in 1929 and he was a republican!😂
so was coolidge before him. sensing a pattern yet?
Republicans held the White House since 1920.
And George W was president in 2008. Obama did not get sworn in until 2009.
That awkward moment when you can see trump knows the truth of what his policies will do and tries to preemptively blame it on the democrats.
I can't wait to see what the Republican working class do when he makes them work more hours for less pay. They should have to suffer more than anyone else.
Dems have GOT to get their shyt together and get out In front of messaging. Dem messaging negligence is a part of why we find ourselves in the situation we do
Agree. I think we need to snake some of the Republican's messaging people to work for the Dem side. They know how to twist things, not that we need twisted messaging, but we need people who know how people want to hear the message 😬🤷♀️
And to rely on social media and independent media more, because the corporate media are collaborating with the fascists. Even here in Canada, we've been seeing the corporate media leaning further and further right.
Agreed. We're coming up on the third anniversary of Putin's invasion and I swear half of the US still thinks we're sending buckets of cash to Kyiv. I get so tired of explaining over and over that 3/4 of that money never leaves the US.
you keep presuming the democrat establishment is pro-democracy for some reason. haven't you figured out yet why they've never fought back against any of the bullshit the republican party has pulled over the last 43 years, hmmm?
When they are brainwashed to only listen to Trump and his loyalist how do we fight them? Spreading the truth doesn’t work, actually doing a great job like the Biden Administration did and the results were very clear!! As I said they have been told to only listen and watch their tribes. FOX, Britt Bart, News Max, White Supremist, Evangelicals, etc, etc. Their plan is total destruction, fueled by Greed and Power of the Ultra Wealthy that Do Not Want to pay their fair share like the working class does. They have promised with lies the same privileges to the working class and they took the bait, hook line and sinker! Some have to learn the hard way yet we will ALL PAY THE PRICE . Convince me I am wrong.
Just what we need, an ignorant President who cares nothing about the country.
Yes! Again.
I couldn't have said it better.
apparently, you love having republican presidents who care nothing about the country. all but 1 of 'em over the course of the last century has very obviously cared more about their rich "friends" (face it, the wealthy don't have friends, only competitors) than the country.
How does someone who is found guilty of sex assault plus robbed womans rights get to steal their land house to ???
These dogs have really gotta stop catching cars.
Create a problem and blame someone else when it fails. Yep, that's Donny's usual MO.
Trump had only one major crisis to deal with his last term. He bungled the pandemic royally. The world is a much more dangerous place this time.
Now another pandemic is ramping up - bird flu. Hoping his people are smarter this time but i’m not holding my breath.
If the Bird Flu does get a foothold in humams, I bet $5 that President Musk tells Trump and his minions to gut the CDC and the NIH, then sell the strategic stockpile of PPE and ventilators to Russia and China, resulting in the U.S. having the highest number of dead from Bird Flu in the world.
I think he's worried there is going to be a recession under his watch and is building in an excuse. He does that with everything.
he knows there's gonna be a depression. there are people in his orbit telling him that his policies will cause one. he don't care. he thinks he'll be fine. doesn't seem to get that, personally, he's a relatively small fish swimming in oceans of debt. only the ultra wealthy have the financial wherewithal to survive a "depression"* relatively intact. trump ain't the ultra-wealthy, he just believes he is.
He will blame Biden, and his MAGA disciples will believe him. On second thought, he will DENY the recession, Fox will repeat it, and his MAGA disciples will believe him.
Oh my friends in America. You gotta do something about this clown. It's gonna be a wild ride for Canada too.
Seed catalogs be coming in soon, keep your head down and work local.
Yup. We can fight back by being resilient and building a community. Start planning a garden, then plant it in the Spring. Find like-minded people. Build YOUR community. Exclude MAGA for your own wellbeing and your family's safety. Anyone who can afford it, buy and install a wood stove, and buy 2 cords of firewood. Be prepared for a power grid failure, especially if you live in Texas. If it doesn't happen, you'll still be more self-sufficient and be able to help your family and your neighbors. Don't give up.
I know I posted this other places. It's still good advice. For anyone who's unclear about the 2 cords of firewood, 1 cord is a stack 8 feet long, 4 feet tall, and 4 feet wide. 2 cords is twice that. 2 cords will get most people through the Winter in the Midwest.
Trump is that kid who shits on his own team before the season starts just so he doesn't have to actually do anything to help them win and he'll still look like he was right when they lose.
Ignorance is not an excuse. Lets see how corporate media “reports” his administration 🙄🤦♂️
We have to hold their feet to the fire that sanewashing Trump isn't acceptable
the last time this happened... Trump spent over 3 billion dollars on 83 miles of fence. it's not looking good for his campaign promise to pay down the national debt
Coming soon $86 Billion to deport 50% of our farm and construction workers. $28 Billion to bail out soybean farmers after retaliatory tariffs last time. That's a lot of eggs.
"That would take severe mismanagement, and his party will be in power." Answered your own question there, Belle!
Thank you Belle for reading these posts first so we don’t have to. But, oh, boy, his ramblings do point to someone who once again doesn’t care what his misguided policies do to the American people, he just doesn’t want to be blamed for them. Heaven help us all! 😢
He was alone again with his own thoughts, wasn't he?🤦♀️👀
if he was alone with his own thoughts, all he'd hear is an echo of a drop of water hitting a puddle every few minutes.
Good afternoon Belle and internet people!
We should make a habit of reminding the Republicans, "You have the majority power, this is YOUR problem!" when they whinge about upcoming issues.
Weird how you can simultaneously make me feel comforted and existential dread with “it’s just a thought, y’all have a good day”
"The buck stops....way over there somewhere."
Good morning peeps 🐥. Heading to work. Catch up later. Rest in power President Carter with Roslyn
☕🌞🧀😋🍕💙👋Good morning, Kat !
Week 18 : Bears @ Packers 🧀🏈; NY Giants @ Eagles 🦅🏈(end of regular season)...
@ Jeez, I am so aware ! What a bizarre game for us! So…close. Congrats to the 🦅🏈. Vikings/Lions should be a great game. I think you all are going to the SB. I wouldn’t mind the Lions either. The city needs some good vibes 😎 We will see what happens with my 🧀
Good morning Kat! Have a great day at work today!
Remember that there are those behind the curtain
He can't not say it, even if it hurts him, and that's about the only thing that will save us all.
What's most likely to save us is the incompetence of his minions, since he has been picking entirely by loyalty and who kissed his butt or did him the biggest favors. He doesn't take competence into account in his hiring at all. The super-divisive and tissue-thin GOP majority in the House will also help cripple his agenda.
Remember all.. when a MAGAt/Republican makes an accusation, it's actually a confession
If you're cutting the budget with DOGE why do you need to raise the debt ceiling?
Trump's the new bank manager saying,"I'm going to rob your bank, and it's the old bank manager 's fault."
Belle o'clock! Oh dear, I'm longing for the time we won't have to hear about him for weeks on end...
Or ever again!
That would make for a very happy new year Angelika!
We have to stop venting our anger and frustration online. Having this pressure valve is hurting us. In times past, if we were furious with our leaders, we massed in the streets. Now we just scream into the aether in exchange for a few “likes”.
In this case an economic reaction would be better than massing in the streets, which they will use as an excuse to declare a state of emergency and bring on the disaster even faster. Prepare yourself for a depression: reduce debt and don't take more on, reduce monthly costs (especially subscriptions) as much as you are able, then do it again. It isn't fun and dramatic, but it will send a message and you will be better off. If everyone did a spending fast for a week starting on January 20th it would send a powerful message in the only language the Good Ole Perverts understand.
in times past, people were not fat and comfortable and entertained amidst their poverty. no screens to capture the attention with mindless entertainment and propaganda about how great things are "here" as opposed to "there", no cheap, sugar-laden, sodium-infused shit food to nibble on endlessly, no mind-numbing, soul-crushing debt to sink into, and the majority of humanity back then could grow their own food and process it themselves into something edible and healthier. see the differences?
Odd. I was told by all the right wingers that Trump was going to cut the deficit. Why would he need the debt cap lifted?
He wants to cut spending and taxes, and he hates obligations. In his defense, the debt ceiling is artificial . Unfortunately for him, what's needed is a real budget with visible spending levels to show the cuts, and the last thing he wants is the numbers out there in broad daylight because there's no way in that case for his tax cuts to continue.
What we are heading into reminds me of a particular Vonnegut scenario….
“I take no responsibility”! Never admit failure or take any blame when you can blame the other side. That’s the idiot in a nutshell!
And how many millions of Americans voted for this?!?!
"Hey, 'Severe Mismanagement' is my middle name!" tRump
In Star Trek and other SciFi, they have a thing called Technobabble, which is when they just make up strange futuristic sounding words for the story, but ultimately mean nothing. A SciFi version of a MacGuffin. What we have here is Trumpnobabble. Good luck figuring it out.
Trekkie here. Trump is Ferengi
Even Bender’s “I’m done reconfoobling the energy motrons. Or whatever.” made more sense.
Reversing the polarity of the neutron flow at least sounds impressive. Pertwee et al. really sold that they were doing something that would help. Not so much with the Fanta Menace. But I do like the term you're using - I may use that if you don't mind.
@@bast713 I don't mind if I can use Fanta Menace. 😊
@ He may or may not mind; I suggest using the Heisenberg Compensator.
Thanks for the thought
Thanks Belle. Tfg is getting worse and whatever happens is going to be his fault, no matter what he tweets. Since I refuse to look at what he writes or says, I know I can count on you to cut through the bs.
The big issue here is to prevent him from deflecting the blame for the coming disasters onto anyone else. That should be our second priority (after saving lives from his policies directly).
Whenever it is wherever you are, I hope it's a good time for you!
Good morning.
@@MBMCincy63Buenas Diaz
Great to see you Victoria!
Hello Shawn, Victoria, 🚲 and Victoria! Please remember you only have TWO DAYS to complete last year’s New Year’s resolutions! For me, I need to lose about a pound an hour… I’m in trouble. 😂
Tight monetary policy and import tariffs made the crash of '29 worse. Lack of banking regulations set up the table for the over leveraged stock market. What are the Republicans proposing? Exactly what caused and worsened the Depression.
So he admits he is part of the problem?
Or is that wishful thinking??
He occasionally admits to things only to later deny them. The Mango Mussolini is ever inconsistent. Cheers!
Sago Belle thank you.
The mood in the US seems eerily similar to that in the UK after Brexit . Many people are going to find out that what they voted for will hurt them most of all . If Republicans have any sense they'll save the worst of their policies till after the mid terms but I expect that circumstances will overtake them due to the incoming administration being massively under talented and fueled by self agrandisement and enrichment . Republican politicians won't vote for things that leave them out of the cash handouts and there isn't enough money to go around even if they could keep it quiet. Interesting times .
the hardest core of the brexiteers still cling to the idea that brexit will pan out for them. meanwhile, the rich bastards who engineered it so they wouldn'tget investigated for tax evasion, fraud, and money-laundering made out like bandits betting against the UK on the markets after convincing the people of england, mainly, to shoot their own feet off, metaphorically speaking.
When the economy fails is the best time to buy.
Like in 2008. Lot of people lost their house. A lot of people took advantage of the situation. This looks to be the plan.
Well done, always! You deliver current events (which are typically depressing) in a no-nonsense manner yet you make me chuckle at the insanity of it all. Thank you Belle and crew!!!
Can not, will not, never have supported djt/maga.
Trump stated decades ago that he wanted to see the country go into another depression.
"It would take severe mismanagement for that to happen." That means it will be a goal for them! 🤬
Spot on Belle.
"Severe mismanagement." The Republican Party is the party to do it...
In general, the state of the economy can always reflect more on the previous administration than the current one, for about a year. It might well be very different this time. I think the economy is doing quite well right now. Lets see how long it takes Trump to make the economy go into reverse...
Thanks America for four more years of agony!
Waiting for those who will spend $100000 to attend Church with Trump .
If you don't like trump's positions right now, just wait five minutes then check again.
Thank you for the commentary, Belle.
Good morning Shawn! I hope it's a wonderful day for you today!
@victoriajohnson-parratt6975 and you also.
Anybody stop to consider the security risks stemming from a “commander in chief” posting his personal concerns to social media?
This isn’t a beauty/popularity pageant, Donald…
Anyone concerned that he “handled” policy, especially foreign policy, by 2 am angry tweets didn’t vote for him. I hate having to wake up every morning wondering what the toddler posted the night before
My translation of his word salad:
I’m going to cause a disaster for the people that I want to blame the democrats for. The disaster won’t cause the rich to suffer so it’s ok to cause a disaster.
Just blame the democrats.
Perfect. Translation.
It speaks volumes to the plans that Elon has for our nation in the near future.
Thank you for this analysis
Would we have to make cuts if everyone paid their share of taxes. They keep taking while we keep paying.
The problem is, during the 1st Trump Admin. they gave tax cuts to the tune of $35 trillion, mostly to millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. They’re blaming it on spending when lack of revenue, which they caused, is the real problem. 😮😮
Severe missmanagment, isn't that the other name of the republican party.