Kaz/Inej - Someone Like Me [Shadow&Bone]

  • Опубліковано 24 лис 2023
  • "Don't let your head rule you heart.
    Don't let your world be torn apart."
    Please watch in HD with a full screen. :D
    This weekend and the last, it was actually planned for me to finally dive right into H*ogwarts L*egacy with the import on the switch but, noooo, I couldn't concentrate with the news about the show and it was all like "head empty, edit Kanej". Like, really, the urge to create something was strong.
    I'm not going to rage too deep about it because I'm very torn in my opinion anyway. I would have loved it to see more about the Crows and just everything else that still could be saved from the books but the second season was just painfully average. I just feel like it is not a time for book readers to see adaption because too many elements with nowadays thinking will not match to create the stories we read about in their intensity. So, I was disappointed that I really felt nothing when I read about the news with the current state of the show after the second season (it had its moments, though). And this is what angers me. :/
    Anyway, will that stop me from using songs from my playlist and develop an edit just like I imagined to get with the scenes from the show? Absolutely not. Here, have Kanej with feels and the ending from "Crooked Kingdom" we deserved to see (plus, maybe a bit of AU because why not, since I had to edit it by myself and am easily swayed to all shipping feels). Enjoy!
    Song: Someone Like Me
    Artist: Atomic Kitten
    #fanvidfeed #viddingisart #kanej #grishaverse #kazandinej #kazbrekker #inejghafa #sixofcrows #shadowandbone
    Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the footage or to the song. Made purely for entertainment, not profit. No copyright infringement intended.
    I own nothing.
    I also have changed the pitch of the song!
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  • @DarkEleni
    @DarkEleni  7 місяців тому +2

    _She adjusted the lens, and her gaze caught on two figures moving down the gangplank. Their steps were graceful, their posture straight as knife blades. They moved like Suli acrobats. […]_
    _Now Inej was shaking, her hands pressed to her mouth, watching them move up the dock toward the quay. She started forward, then turned back to Kaz. “Come with me,” she said. “Come meet them.”_
    _Kaz nodded as if steeling himself, flexed his fingers once more._
    _“Wait,” he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. “Is my tie straight?”_
    _Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair._
    _“That’s the laugh,” he murmured, but she was already setting off down the quay, her feet barely touching the ground._
    [Grishaverse. Crooked Kingdom.]

  • @reginaroseblack5849
    @reginaroseblack5849 7 місяців тому +1

    Wow! I am truly amazed! Now give me a few minutes to find my words! Like I wanna say so many things about this masteroiece of a video! Like the parallels, like ALWAYS, if you make any tribute, but especially with these two, were so damn perfect! I loved all of them so much. I'm not sure, I can point them all out right now, like while watching the video, I had the thoughts, and wanted to say them to you, like I thought to myself, 'Yes, I will mention this scene, this parallel', but then there were a lot, and just... You know.
    So, one of my fave parts, that I can recall, is, when he said the line, something like: " to point to the weakness', and she asked: 'What's yours?', and then how the scenes were arranged with thses lines... It just blown my mind.
    And not to mention, the manips??? That looked super realistic! I LOVE that you used the actors' other footages, too, to make them scenes, that were not on the show, and they looked so real, and so fitting, and so perfect, in every ways! Wow! Can't even express how much they seemed to fit in the show, and with the story, and how real they looked, and just... Everything... And... I'm honestly so mad at myself right now, because I wanted to mention so many other things, but when I started to look for more details in a rewatching, I... I mean, I really don't feel like I'm able to write some details, that I love, I mean, I can't really put them in words... If you know, what I mean. I mean, I recognized so many little detalis, like when he put his gloves off, and like, when he asked the 'May I?' line, and how it all were put together, it's awesome, and like I can't truly express what I want to say about these things... It's just... You know, but trust me!!! I'm truly blown by your talent!
    Everything in this video is right on place, and so perfectly arranged and put, and wow! It's one of your best videos yet, and I would say, probably my fave Kanej video from you, but it'd be hard to decide without rewatching the others first, but this is truly excellent! And honestly, it's not just one of the best Kanej vid from you, but one of the best tribute about this two in general! I promise, I will rewatch it many more times, because it's excellent, and incredible, and every good word.
    Also, I wanted to share a few thoughts on cancelling the show, and what you wrote in your description. You know, that I did not read any book from this world, and the show was my first introduction to this whole story, and as you know, I mostly liked the show, but just like you, I disliked Alina, and her love stories, and just every stories revolving around her, because you know... She was pretty boring and annoying. I wasn't as fond in the story with The Darkling either, I mean, he had potential as a character, but all that potential was wasted on his obsession with Alina. At least, in my opinion. And as you also know, I was more fond of the story of the crows, just like most of the audience. And I found myself really drawn to Kaz/Inej as a ship, and as caracters with interesting back stories, and I really wanted to know more of them, but even though, their story was exciting on the screen, I could also see, how they had limited screen time, and how this somewhat affected their development and full potential, that I think must be perfectly unfold and written and developed in the books.
    I was not glad about the news, that the show was cancelled. And I really wanted to dive deeper in their story, like both backstories, and their epic love story. And I also wanted to see more of Nina/Matthias. I know, you don't ship them as much, but I really did, even though, this season, they really had very few screen time. And I wanted to see more of Zoya, and more of Nikolaj as a character, because I don't know about you, but I kinda liked him. I mean, at certain moments, he seemed a bit forced to me, but generally I could say, I rather found him a quite good character. I mean, the idea of him seemed promising. The execution wasn't always the best, but I could say, I still liked him. Somewhat. (I mean, I don't blame the actor for him not being executed the best way, it's more on te screen writers, I think. Either ways, I don't really know your opinion on him. But that's mine.) And I have to be honest, I was totally fond of the idea of them (Zoya and Nikolai) becoming a couple. I know, I remember, what you said about these two to me, that you did not really ship them, because Nikolai was first in love with Alina, and trust me, I hate that he fell for Alina, but somehow I sometimes, find it rather intriguing, how a male character, that fell for the 'wrong girl', slowly falls for the 'right girl'. I mean, I know, and I absolutely get, why you don't enjoy the idea, but for me it's a bit like... I'm not sure I can explain. But there is something about this kind of stories, that buy me. Not always, of course, but I can love that kinda ways of a couple getting together. Becasue for me, for some reason, it seems liek Zoya wins over Alina. Like the guy chooses Zoya, and not Alina, and I, in no way, suggest, that Zoya should compete with Alina for a guy's love, what I mean is... Like I said, I'm not sure, if I can truly explain it.
    More opinion on the show, that I already loved Jesper in the first season, in the second, he sometimes, seemed a bit forced, but overall, he's a great character. Not to mention Wylan, who is a sweetheart, and such an inetresting character with a sad backstory (I mean, I know his backstory from an excellent character tribute video on him, which if I remember well, you saw, too, because Is aw your comment under it. Maybe you know, which one, I mean. Either ways, I would love to see more of him, too. Jesper is great, too, but I think, I love Wylan more, which is something, I would not think, after the first season, because of how amazing I found Jesper. So, yes. But Wylan really bought me. Honestly, I don't ship the two, but I like both as characters.
    But like I said, as ships, I was very into Kanej, Helnik, and Zoyalaj, which I know, we only share Kanej. But it's all good. Even if we didn't share a single ship, it would be still okay, but I'm glad, that we both shipped these two, at least.
    They are one of the only canon couple, that I liked, and that even would be endgame, had the show was continue, but this is my lack. xD
    After seeing how much I have bubbled about my opinion on the show, I feel a bit ashamed, not even really because I shared my opinon, I like to share opinions with you, but because I told much less of the video, itself, which I'm truyl sorry about. But like I said, I can't truly express all that I feel about it. I wish I could, though. I wish could highlight every detail, I see, but then I should probably stop at every scene, every voice-over, because as I see, it all is evry planned and inteneded.
    What I can promise, that I will rewatch it, and look for even more details, but I don't wanna writre a new comment, every time, I see some new meaning.
    I just leave this long comment here, and will patiently wait for your reply, which I can understand, if it will take a while.ű
    Btw, just a note, that doesn't belong here and is super off topic, I just wanted to share with you, that my sister's new boyfriend is a German guy, that lives in Germany. He spent some time with us here, and will, come soon again, and I like him, too, but because my sister and I both forgot almost everything that we learned about the German language, we both talk to him in English. He knows English, too. It kinda sucks, that none of them are capable to talk to each other on their native language, but as long as it works for them, I'm ood with it. I also liked the fact, that I could actually talk to someone in English, and not only in text. It was awesome.
    Either ways, now I absolutely don't wanna waste more of your time, so once again, it's such a beauitful tribute, and it's one of your best videos, out all the great videos, you made.

    • @DarkEleni
      @DarkEleni  7 місяців тому +1

      Awww, omg, sweetie! Your comment is EVERYTHING! 💜💜💜
      I will reply later - this evening (I'm currently cleaning my apartment and I just know my lazy self will postone this if I reply right now, hope you'll understand). But I just wanted you to know that I read your comment and was smiling from ear to ear while doing so. Truly, I had a sudden down-phase this morning and you just lifted my spirits, thank you. 🥺🥰

    • @DarkEleni
      @DarkEleni  7 місяців тому +1

      Hi, there, dearie! Finally back, so I can answer to this amazing comment! Once again, thank you so much for the kind words and sharing your opinion. It's always such a joy to read through your thoughts! 🤭
      I'm so happy that you like it and all of my Kanej edits in general. Their dynamic with their angst but also secret longing while still having different opinions in certain things is just my exact kind of taste if the ship does not start as enemies. Their story also started out with reason in mind (Kaz getting Inej from Heleen because of her skills while still showing her more respect than anyone in Ketterdam ever did up to that point - like him not demanding her to get the Dregs tattoo because she already suffered enough in the Menagerie - and Inej realizing that she is no longer helpless but was turned into something dangerous). This just appeals more to me than characters swooning about feelings. On the other hand, I probably enjoyed reading about those two simping over the other mainly because of the conplexity of their relationship. They were just done right in the duology. 😍
      Inej being Kaz's weakness is also a big turning point in between the first and second book of the Crows because in a moment of danger one turns to the thing most valuable/important to look after and, (un)fortunately, Kaz made the mistake to reveal it was Inej. And yet Inej still thought a good part of the second book that Kaz only valued her skills as his Wraith. Those two! 😭
      I'm so happy to read that you liked the manips created here. The scenes the actors made on different shows just screamed to be used because they already embodied their characters. It is SO visable why they got the roles. Plus, I especially wanted to have more aesthetic scenes for Suman. As good as Inej gets scenes, it feels like she is barely in a single focus; now this could be a choice with her being the spy and a phantom to walk in shadows but I feel like they could have offered more scenes for her. And then there is the scene with her holding the telescope because I do not approve of the show's version of Inej getting a ship that is not from Kaz (he basically gives her her own ship called "The Wraith" so she can hunt down slave ships in the very same scene where he also arranges her parents to be brought to Ketterdam for a reunition; what is so wrong with N*tflix for KAZ getting Inej all the nice things she wants? We know Inej is a badass and because of that it would be nice to see her getting spoiled because she deserves it; and don't get me even started on whatever the show was about to do with Tolya and her - the next season would have introduced such a terrible triangle and I am so glad actually that I don't have to see it; Tolya deserves better than that too! ... Sorry, I just had to rant about that now. 😤)
      I am so glad we share the dislike for Alina because she is just so badly written. In the books she never truly developed a love for the Grisha which is what should have happened with her finally getting a purpose. She also never managed to get some self reflection that she became a bit power-hungry as well. I was outright laughing when she lost her powers in the books at the end of her trilogy because, as bad as it will sound, it just served her right. And even that was taken away by the show with her being more powerful and a crown on her head now. Not sure if Bardugo has plans for Alina in the future but she is currently spying for the kingdom through the orphanage she leads with Mal. 🤷🏼‍♀️
      I was very disappointed with the portrayal of the Darkling, too! While he has his obsession with Alina, the wellbeing of the Grisha is his main goal. The tragedy of his character is him losing his way through thinking that the cause justifies the means (like giving Genya to Nikolai's parents and what this brought to her). The short story "Demon in the Woods" even shows him and his mother always being on the run and how his wish for a secure Ravka developed and just how desperate Grisha were in general. And then the fairy tale collection "The Language of Thorns" holds the tale "When Water Sang Fire" with Ulla's story many years before the main plot that heavenly implies that the Darkling is her half-brother (she meets him under another identity but you just KNOW who it is and I recall the painted pictures in the book also have the sudden appearance of the Darkling's symbol that are two overlapping circles representing the sun in eclipse). So, they really wasted showing his solitude and constant danger of being a Grisha AND an amplifier with only focusing on him and Alina. And then he was rotting away like King Viserys did in HotD while he was a real danger in the books. The only good moment was him raging at the end of the first episode that he will go and get something to eat - because it was funny and overdramatic but so in character with how done he was. Then, all went downhill. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    • @DarkEleni
      @DarkEleni  7 місяців тому +1

      To be fair with the Crows' limited screentime: The Crows were not in the original Grisha trilogy at all. Their story only starts around two years after the Darkling is defeated. It is all a twisted thing because of the Jurda Parem drug that gives Grisha more power. I actually always like to joke that there would not have been the need for the drug to be developed, if the Darklkng had won in first place (Jurda would have been brought to life anyway but still). So, it was actually a relief having the Crows in between Alina's story. However, I wished they would have focused more on truly getting the full backgrounds of the characters (in the books, most is just mentioned in snippets) while slightly putting them into the main plot (at least for the second season; can't deny that the first season's mixture was genius).
      I also would have loved to see more of Nina and Matthias because they made their story much more enjoyable than in the book and I like Matthias much more in the show. While his character point in questioning what is right and what one was always taught, I couldn't help but feeling that there was not much more to his character, not even a stoic Fjerda personality that could have been written in a fascinating or funny (him reacting more to whatever plan Kaz develops for the Crows) way. And I know many will not agree with me but I just failed to connect with his character in the books. Which is a thing the show did MUCH better. The show managed to deliver what I wanted to feel about Matthias while reading. (Sadly, I do not like the way they make Nina swooning about Matthias now. There was a line she had towards Zoya about her future life with Matthias that made me cringe so hard because it sounded like a love-struck fool instead of someone wanting to right the wrongs). 😅
      I found Nikolai and Zoya alright in the books. They just kinda bored me with their drama because it was so obvious they will end up together. Idk their scenes left me feeling nothing, though I am happy for them because they are both great characters. 🤷🏼‍♀️
      I slightly lost some respect for Zoya after I read "Rule of Wolves" actually because she started to questioning her powers she got from Juris and this train of thoughts almost felt like Alina 2.0 all over again. Why can't we have arrogant heroines who know their worth and be a glorious bitch (with a sad background, if suiting the story) about it? So, perhaps I was not that interested in her getting a love interest as I was before. 😅
      Nikolai is a great character, actually. But the show also did him dirty. He appears as Stormhound working FOR the Darkling because Alina and Mal DO get captured at the start of the second book. There was a hilarious exchange between him and Alina even that goes like: "You would betray Ravka for the Darkling for money!?" "I would betray Ravka for the Darkling for A LOT of money." This was the prototype of Kaz, I swear. 😂😂
      Only later it is revealed that all was part of a plan and Nikolai is also highly cunning with planing everything. And then he gets to be the Darkling's Horcurx (best explaination to make it short) which makes him having to deal with his unwanted turning. Although, there is also another funny moment I want to share. In "Rule of Wolves" Nikolai needs to get to the Crows for help. While the action takes place, Nikolai has to turn and this happens in front of Kaz. And it is so otherworldy that not-believe-in-anything-higher Kaz just goes "Oh saints". I was laughing so much at the irony and I really hope this is a thing from the original and something that was edited in for the German translation. 😂
      I am so happy to read that you liked Wylan! While Kaz is my fave Crow and is a bit of my inner mind, Wylan follows right after and really is how I feel I behave on the outside (strange mixture). Which is why I so loved the interaction Wylan got with Kaz already. Those two are actually my fave non-romantic dynamic in the Grishaverse because it is so obvious that Kaz just kinda adopted Wylan at some point. There is a speech he has for Wylan at the end of the first book that it does not matter that he can't read because he can do so many other, unique things. Given Wylan's insecurity and Kaz's usual calculating behavior breaking while still stating facts have my eyes so glossy everytime I just think about this interaction. 😢
      I wished they wouldn't have rushed through the Wesper story because they were just a thing without much thought to it. Their story is also very well crafted in the books (and I say this as someone who usually doesn't care about same sex ships because 90% of the time they simply don't interest me) but it seemed the show wanted to go "straight" to the fanservice part. 🤦🏼‍♀️
      And please don't apologize for sharing your opinion in such great detail. As you read, I cannot hold back from babbling either. 😂
      And this with your sister's boyfriend is very interesting! And it's good that you can practce your English too if that is a way flr communicating. (Btw, if you ever have a question to a German phrase, just ask right away. I'll be the backup for info.) 🤭
      Once again, thank you so much for the amazing words. It means so much reading you getting such a reaction from the edits with them. 💜💜💜

    • @reginaroseblack5849
      @reginaroseblack5849 7 місяців тому

      ​@@DarkEleniAw! I was so happy to read through your thoughts as well, and I'm so mad at yt system for not sending me a notification right away, you sent this to me... What's wrong with it? 😅
      Anyways, thank you for also sharing your thoughts with me, and I'd love to answer about everything, and it was such a fun to read it all, and I agree with a lot of things, you said. For example the terrible idea about a love triangle between Kaz, Inej and Tolya... It indeed is great that it won't happen. And it would've been so great, if The Darkling was portrayed well. He must have been a much better character based on what you said about him. And yes, Wylan is a sweetheart, and so glad, we both love him! I would've loved to see more of him and his backstory! And his interactions with Kaz in the books seems like they are very interesting!
      About Matthias... I don't know his book version, so I can't say anything about how he was in the books, but I liked him in the show as well. Wish though, he had some more screen time.
      About Zoya becoming like Alina... Sounds pretty bad. 😆
      Either ways, I'm on my phone, so I know that I didn't answer everything, but I just wanted say at least a few things about the things, you told.
      And of course! I'm always in love with your videos! ❤