The Ren & Stimpy Show Marvel adapted this title from the immensely popular animated Nicktoon series seen on Nickelodeon and MTV. From Ren and Stimpy turning to a life of crime after Stimpy can't resist stealing the litter box of his dreams -- to Ren offering bribes to readers who vote him in as president -- Marvel did a terrific job of capturing the off-beat humor of the animated series. Fans of the series will also find such favorites as "Log for Girls", "Muddy Mudskipper" and "The Adventures of Powered Toast Man." If that weren't enough, the premiere issue came with 1 of 2 scratch 'n' sniff "air foulers" enclosed, reportely smelling either of wet Chihuahua or kitty litter box.
I didn't have The Ren & Stimpy Show comic books by Marvel Comics when I was growing up. But later I gonna purchase each/every issue of all of them. And I want that Spider-Man crossover with Ren & Stimpy and Powered Toast Man.
I like how you did this video and I especially liked the Packers mat underneath the stack of comics!
Go Pack Go! Thanks, your videos are awesome!
The Ren & Stimpy Show Marvel adapted this title from the immensely popular animated Nicktoon series seen on Nickelodeon and MTV. From Ren and Stimpy turning to a life of crime after Stimpy can't resist stealing the litter box of his dreams -- to Ren offering bribes to readers who vote him in as president -- Marvel did a terrific job of capturing the off-beat humor of the animated series. Fans of the series will also find such favorites as "Log for Girls", "Muddy Mudskipper" and "The Adventures of Powered Toast Man." If that weren't enough, the premiere issue came with 1 of 2 scratch 'n' sniff "air foulers" enclosed, reportely smelling either of wet Chihuahua or kitty litter box.
I didn't have The Ren & Stimpy Show comic books by Marvel Comics when I was growing up. But later I gonna purchase each/every issue of all of them. And I want that Spider-Man crossover with Ren & Stimpy and Powered Toast Man.
I love ren and stimpy cool
I Seen Stimpy’s birthday present
I remember buying one in Guayaquil, Ecuador back in 1999! :D
Wow, that was a while ago! I think I bought most of these with my weekly allowance at the local mall, haha.
Nice! I bought it in Ecuador's defunct currency, the sucre -A while ago, indeed
I want them all
i want any and all duplicates
Awsome I really want that spiderman crossover with Ren and Stimpy
Actually I want all of them
Hey there Mike. What duplicates do you have? I am very interested.
Hey Ash! Since creating this video, I've sold my duplicates. Sorry but thanks for watching! :)
Ahh bummer no worries and no problem! Are these the only comics you collect? Any other cartoon related?