Carnival Vista Detailed Ship Tour (Full Walkthrough of the Ship)

  • Опубліковано 17 гру 2024


  • @davidwilson3373
    @davidwilson3373 Рік тому +2

    Full time cruisers love the sound of that

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  Рік тому

      Thank you David!! We’re so blessed to be able to actually cruise full time!! Come and join us!! Thanks for your comment! Bon Voyage!!

  • @ryanwalters6184
    @ryanwalters6184 7 місяців тому +1

    Wow love his style. Looks like a fun time.

  • @darrencorley0725
    @darrencorley0725 6 місяців тому +1

    I am ready to get on that ship in 60 days, and you know I'm sailing to the Caribbean!

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  6 місяців тому

      That’s great!! We really hope you enjoy your cruise!! Thanks so much for watching and commenting!! Bon Voyage!!

  • @audreyholley6049
    @audreyholley6049 Рік тому +2

    Best tour of the Vista I’ve seen yet!

  • @BryanJamesCruises
    @BryanJamesCruises Рік тому +1

    Great seeing you both again! Enjoy your next ship!

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  Рік тому

      It's always great seeing you!! Thanks so much for everything!! Cheers!!

  • @donquesenberry
    @donquesenberry 10 місяців тому

    Great walkthrough, I’ll be on Vista the 24th of February for the first time, can’t wait to sail on her.

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  10 місяців тому

      Thanks for watching and I’m so glad you enjoyed it, have an absolutely fabulous cruise! I hope you enjoy the ship as much as we do

  • @lovlyree
    @lovlyree Рік тому +2

    Great video I loved the whole thing..

  • @markmilam4297
    @markmilam4297 Рік тому +2

    Great tour!! Thanks!!

  • @KimsConnections
    @KimsConnections Рік тому +2

    Great tour!

  • @tonyresendes1159
    @tonyresendes1159 Рік тому +2


  • @destinholland3399
    @destinholland3399 6 місяців тому +1

    Me, my dad and my best friend that I’ve known since the fourth grade are going on the carnival Vista on November 2. This will be me and my dad’s second ever cruise. We went on the carnival Mardi Gras in November of last year. This will be my best friend first ever cruise.

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  6 місяців тому

      That’s so awesome!! We hope you guys have the most fun ever!! Bon Voyage!!

  • @Kris74F
    @Kris74F Рік тому +2

    Such a detailed tour as always Phyllis!! I have to say I booked the Jubilee in March 2025 mainly because of your channel. Y’all gave me the courage to try Carnival another time as I’m generally loyal to Royal but I trust you when you say the food is good in the dining room I hope it is 🤞. Hopefully Carnival will have their A team on the Jubilee!! And I also agree with you that the bigger Ships have so many activities. I have four Cruises booked for next year Independence in February and Adventure in May which we will be next to Icon on Perfect Day!! I almost booked Regal Princess but picked Jubilee just because it’s brand new. Can’t wait to see y’all’s next adventure and I’m glad you’re doing different lines and thanks for being so honest with your reviews.

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  Рік тому

      That's awesome!! We can't wait to see how the new ship is going to be!! We hope to see you on there!! Bon Voyage!!

  • @ScottiveNatish
    @ScottiveNatish 7 місяців тому

    Seriously, this is such a great ship tour. I like to know before I go. This is perfect. We will be on the Vista in August. Thanks for doing this❤

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  7 місяців тому

      Thanks so much for watching!! We really appreciate your support!! Enjoy your cruise!!

  • @connie_1234
    @connie_1234 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for the video. Lots of great information. Question. What about breakfast is it in the main dining rooms? We are planning on going on this ship next July. We have never been on a cruise

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  6 місяців тому

      Oh great!! We’re sure you’ll just LOVE it!! You can eat breakfast in the main dining rooms or the buffet is also a viable alternative! Thanks so much for your comment and question!! Bon Voyage!!

  • @rurur2434
    @rurur2434 10 місяців тому

    great video! thank you for your honest opinions. looked like you had a good time! did you have to pay for the sky ride or rope course? You did so well on that rope course! Much braver than if I tried it!

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  10 місяців тому

      Thank you so much, I’m so glad that you enjoyed the video. Both the sky ride and the road course were free!

  • @tisdale36
    @tisdale36 Рік тому +2

    I was on the Vista last week. When was this taken?

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  Рік тому

      A couple of weeks ago when the actual video was taken. We hate that we missed you and your specific sailing! We hope to sail with you in the future!

  • @paradisecruisers-flipperan8060
    @paradisecruisers-flipperan8060 11 місяців тому

    You can always ask for more hangers.

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  11 місяців тому

      Thanks for watching, yes, you are correct and I usually do 🤣

  • @jenniferbutler7904
    @jenniferbutler7904 Рік тому +2

    Is there an IMAX?

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  Рік тому

      Hello Jennifer!! YES!! It surprised us! It’s actually very nice looking. We didn’t go but we looked at it. Thanks so much for your question! We hope to cruise with you in the near future!!

    • @jenniferbutler7904
      @jenniferbutler7904 Рік тому

      Thanks! Do you know the cost?

  • @juliepark8123
    @juliepark8123 10 місяців тому

    Do they have mini refrigerator in the room?

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  10 місяців тому

      Very good question, yes, each cabin that I have seen on that ship does have a mini refrigerator

  • @timandilene2405
    @timandilene2405 11 місяців тому +1

    Loved your video, but it was a little long.

    • @FullTimeCruisers
      @FullTimeCruisers  11 місяців тому

      Thanks! It is long, but it’s very detailed and it was a very big ship with so much to show