Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
The thing is when Giovanni was exposed as a villain in gen 1 it was an actual plot twist, we had no prior gens to compare with. Now it's so obvious that the rich and powerful person whos name you are given is the head villain
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
I got persona 5 for 8 dollars and spent 95 hours on it and loved it. I spent 60 dollars on Pokémon shield and spent 20 hours on it and only finished it because I spent 60 dollars on it, I genuinely hated it
ThankYouGameFreak wasn't a defense against the sword and shield game it was standing against the people who sent employees of gamefreak death threats, fucking death threats because a game didn't include their favourite Pokémon. So some people realised how the verbal part of this community was so toxic and ungrateful and just horrible that they decided to start this to show their gratitude towards gamefreak. I mean even gen 5 got reknown hate even though it is now hailed as one of the best generations. The fans generally don't know what they want and what they like. They want it just like the old gens but "actually to innovate and do something new" completely contrasting wishes they want at the exact same time. No wonder gamefreak slipped up, look at the expectations
@@MegamanElric16@Loink You really don't know anything about game development. The models are the same. However, they still would each have to be altered to fit the new hardware. It's not as simple as just porting the models from one console to the other.
As much as I like breath of the wild. I will say that it is definitely not a 10/10 game. For me it’s a 7/10. Obviously I want more dungeons. Shrines were fine but I think there were too many. Weapon durability wasn’t a huge problem for me but I think weapons could do with an increased durability in the sequel. DLC was great but was maybe a tad to short. Overall great game just a few things that hold it back a bit for me.
@@infiniteedge4427 yes, I am going to, since all those pokemon are available and able to be obtained. Most of them you can catch. Others, you can trade. Can't do that with Gen 8, even though they cost 1.5x the price.
Well to be fair it is the fan bases fault that they aren't focusing on the story as much anymore, as the one time they did in gen 5 people didn't appreciate the story and were annoyed because old pokemon were reserved for postgame gen 5 and gen 8 responses remind me a lot of each other because they both did things that were controversial give it some time and eventually the fanbase will praise the game and the dexit supporters will be treated as a joke like gen wunners. I also would like to address how pokemon fans don't know how critiquing works instead of focussing on what the game does have and what the devs were going for, they complain about what isn't in the game, and this isn't the first time either, some examples are: not being able to transfer pokemon from gen 2 to gen 3, the lack of older pokemon in inova, the lack of postgame in karlos, the lack of a battle frontier in oras(which I think is one of the dumbest as the fans built up a false expectation that the battle frontier would be in the game despite it never being stated), and the nature of usum despite the fact they're the enhanced versions which is don ed almost every pair of games. So stop harassing the higher ups at gamefreak about the national dex (a very minuscule and unimportant aspect of the games that no one cared about until they couldn't have it) and appreciate the character development in the game that had thought put into it you even got a mean rival (that you've been begging for for so long) with more character than the first too
Game freak: "okay so we removed this, this, this, this" *goes on for awhile Fan: *raises hand "what did you guys add?" Game freak: *covers mic, leans over to other worker, whispers "What did we add?"
This whole game in a nutshell is: Wow! This would've been cool, *if Sun and Moon didn't do it first.* Edit: People who are replying to my comment, I didn't make this comment to say that Sun and Moon were "amazing" games. (Far from it, my faveorite games in the series are both from generation 4 and 5) I just made this comment to point out how Sword and Shield reuses alot of things from Sun and Moon. RadicalSoda points out how Team Yell is just a lazy copy and paste from Team Skull which is true, but how both games have a supposed "true evil team" etc. (Granted Lusamine is more threatning than Rose)
@Chancellor Harris I'd say pokemon should have stayed 2d or done something like arcsys with guilty gear to make the 3d still have that 2d appeal. Granted it isn't as bad as most 3d rpg graphics where it just looks lifeless. But I'd say sun and moon were some of the worst. Difficulty was falling asleep easy, the 3ds was fighting to play it, story was too in your face and what story there was, was lacking, and most if all it was pretty much a scam cause ultra sun and moon came out which are objectively better version (I still think they are pretty bad) made sun and moon irrelevant. Black wasn't invalidated by Black 2, the 3rd legendary version while better didn't blow the first two out of the water. The designs for mons imop are forgettable, and trials were just eh... I'd prefer gyms.
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
Others: I’m ok with that, Pokémon is supposed to be a light hearted adventure, it doesn’t need god like Pokémon Other others: But it shows a level to Pokémon that explains how the universe is created Fans: We already had Mew in the 1st gen, who’s lore states it is the ancestral pokemon Reviewer Fans: This is a light hearted adventure, introducing Final Fantasy like creatures just destroys the world building because it makes it impossible to gauge their powers, how they work. and how they interact with the world with humans.
The Holy Wooomy with 69 Nuggets of Toasted Chaos Considering how most gods have been written and portrayed, they’re either symbolic of morals that humans should practice to have peace with itself, arrogant and forceful lords who asserted their dominance, or are indeed connecting our entire existence to itself so anything we do, it wills us. And that’s not getting into god or GOD(s) and the levels of gods as well
I was kind of hoping that there would at least be something like an in-game justification for some of the removals. Like, the included Pokemon are the ones native to the region. Foreign Pokemon have some reason they can't arrive like customs, or maybe they aren't able to cope with the region's Dynamax energy or whatever. Note that I'm not thinking of this like a political immigration thing, but more like how (at least in the United States) you aren't allowed to bring certain plants or things across borders. As for their comments about maintaining game balance and keeping the more broken Pokemon away, that's easily explained with your own comment. Could you imagine being the poor customs official who has to deal with the small child who just showed up with God at his side? I think I'd at least be a little worried that just casually letting in something that could nuke the entire country at will would have at least some sort of political problem. Then, when the DLC came out and they expanded the PokeDex a bit, they could simply say that they managed to get some of the red tape cleared up in-universe if you want to take the border-control explanation, or they've figured out which foreign Pokemon are able to deal with the particular conditions for the region. Something like that. Also, I'm in agreement with RadicalSoda regarding that Pokemon Home thing. From what I've heard, it's a one-way trip as far as the 3DS goes, so I'll bet anything that it turns out that you have to pay a monthly subscription fee for them to keep your Pokemon hostage, and if you don't pay up every month then your collection gets deleted. I've been playing the games in order lately, and I'm going to stick with using PokeGen to copy my team to each new game as I go.
I discovered Rose was bad when Sonia mentioned that house area that’s like an energy plant thing that Rose owned, so I knew at that point he was evil cause energy resource=environmental message
Really? You are the kind of guy that thought that leon was a fake champion just because he is using a crown stamp on his hat. and that he would be the main villain.
@@lunasperidot8760 wake eternatus to prevent dynamax energy to ran out. dynamax energy extincts every 1000 years so rose wants to prevent that to happen 1000 years in the future by awaking eternatus and make leon to catch it. but that didn't go well
Luna's Peridot In the REAL WORLD, his looking ahead in the future is like any scientist or environmentalist, but Pokémon world is a utopia, any issues with power or resources would already be implied to be handled by any generic scientist NPCs, it’s arguable alternate energies were how the Pokémon world was already functioning in the first place, the bare minimum kinds of Pokémon can cover nearly all basic energy resources the real world struggles to create, and they end up killing the planet, while Pokémon can mostly avoid that problem, so Rose’s preaching, while important from a real world perspective, falls on deaf ears completely in Pokémon’s world, and it was treated as such. And just to humanize him to spite my logic, any kind of science group or his own company can easily be written to say “Rose was right to look toward the future, but he went about his ambition the wrong way, so we’re gonna work to solve the energy crisis together” and just like that, it’d be seen as ok.
Gen 5 definitely were that last games that game freak actually cared about. The plots are just soo boring now that its not even funny, I know its pokemon and all and pokemon does cater to kids, but you still have teens and adults that are fans to the series so you could have somewhat of a serious plot to it. Ever since X and Y rivals are just so single noted, nowadays your rival is just some happy-go-lucky that wants to be strong, unlike in black and white you had 3 rivals, Bianca who became a trainer not to be the champion but to actually figure out what she wants to do in her life, Cheren I'm still trying to figure since I'm replaying b&w & b2&w2, and N who doesn't like pokemon battles but knows he has to become a trainer since its the only way his dream of freeing pokemon can be realized to the world. Music is also another thing in pokemon that isn't as enjoyable as it used to be, yeah there's some good tracks here and there, but most of Gen 5's music was fantastic like N's battle theme, when the gym leader has 1 pokemon left, Champion Iris's theme in b&w2, Undella town's theme, the list goes on
I agree the rivals now are way too nice like what happened to silver and blue like seriously x and y are the first pokemon games to introduce 3d modeling but there the most forgettable games but ima stay true to pokemon because no matter what i will always ALWAYS like POKEMON😃
Biggest aspect I saw that made me realize B/W was made for the core fans was when they made the MCs around the age that most of the core audience was: Hilda and Hilbert were around 16 years old, whereas most core Pokemon fans at the time were around that age. Then suddenly, it's "Fuck you guys, we're gonna appeal to the little kids now" and we got shoved to the side.
@@teamsonicforcesquadts8858 Wait, I got some of my info wrong. Hilda and Hilbert in B/W are 14 years old, and 16 in B2/W2. Rosa and Nate are unconfirmed in age, but they're probably 14-16 as well.
I feel you on the "Thank you Gamefreak" point. I understand what they wanted to do but it was the worst thing they could've done at the moment, now you can't even criticise ANYTHING gamefreak makes on Pokemon legitimately cause they have a defense team online to help them out and they'll still sell millions. I'm honestly not sure if Pokemon will ever get better at this point it's just sad.
It really sucks I love Pokémon I made most of my friends because of it. So I can’t believe what became of it, but that’s not the worst the worst are the people defending it. I just hope it dies fast so Fan programmers can take over and program a Pokémon that’s actually good again.
Yeah honestly i've been so depressed that my grades in school have dropped because of this situation i honestly just want to kill myself i don't want to see one of my and everyone's favorite franchise crash and burn and i feel you man i don't think pokemon will be able to recover from this and if you don't think i'm really trying to kill myself well... a few months a go my dad bought a gun and i wanted to pull the trigger so badly but i didm't but this time i might
"I took one look at his Hunger Games ass beard and it was all over baby" absolutely KILLED me. There is no better way to put the immediate knowledge that Rose was the villain than that hahahaha
As someone who loves programming, this game is painful to look at. There is no optimization, generic game mechanics, no debugging for serious problems like file corruption, et cetera.
@@psynque Yeah, it's very easy to say "Oh yeah I work in programming, so that makes me an authority on this subject!". Willing to bet that this guy hasn't worked on any major AAA games or has been in contact with anyone working at Game Freak.
@@Michael-wv7vc Not but really, the voice sounds like a male to me like 100% Is rad like a girl that is very masculine? or a girl transitioning to male? or a male transitioning to girl? The face looks androgynous more male than female, and voice sounds like 100% male.
Yeah, and if you hear the supposed rumor for gen 9 it gets even worse, pretty much they take out whole regions worth of pokemon, and sell them back with DLC to visit those regions being sold afterward for around $30 a pop, the only way to get the full game it to spend $210+ on it to unlock all of the pokemon.
Not really a rumor when you know that individual companies in the game industry as a whole go down this path at one point or another, SwSh just means that the Pokemon company started their spiral now.
Can I just say, as a guy with long hair, thank you for that bit about adding a character creator. I'm so tired of games telling me to pick an avatar that looks closest to me, and then giving me to pick the white, blue eyed, blonde doofus with a perfectly trimmed short hair cut.
Fellow long-haired individual but I have it even worse. I'm a redhead, too. They never have a red hair option. And also I'm female but hate girly things and refuse to wear skirts. I have to chose between my gender preference or my clothing preference, and I never have a hairstyle or a hair color that represents me at all. I have to pick solely based on eye color and skin tone.
Playing black 2's post game right now and i fogot how JAM PACKED it is with side content seriously: white forest hollow, a bunch of routes and towns on the east side of unova open up as well as the beginning routes of black 1, pokestar studios, pokemon friggen world tourment, the medal box basically acting as achievements to earn, exploring the underwater ruins and the list goes on and on. Then i look at sword and gens 6 & 7 and feel so underwelmed it's not funny, i guess you don't know what you have till it's gone but it's sad to see this franchise settle for so much less.
@@Kneevirus But seriously the list of (for now) cut and removed content in Sword and Shield compared to FRICKING GB, GBA and DS games is tremendous. -No higher or lower floors in caves anymore -No diving under the sea (like Hoenn) -Less Pokémon than Gen 4 on the DS and even with the upcoming DLC is less than than Gen 5 that is ALSO on the DS. -Laughable and removed animations like they didn't even put work into a fly animation just a lazy black loading screen... -Also removed attacks for no reason... SERIOUSLY WHY THEY EVEN REMOVED ATTACKS??? It's like they put more work into the removal of features than the developing of Sword and Shield this generation.
Yeah, Black and White 2. Now look at Black and White 1: an anemic postgame which consisted a crappy Battle Tower, like 10 trainers to beat and nothing else in Eastern Unova, catching Landorus and Thundurus/Tornadus depending on the version, and Kyurem. Gen 5, and previous generations, aren't exempt from criticism when it comes to low content because several games from older generations were also low content as games from later generations. The ratio of games with low content to games with a lot of content is biased to the former. So this "pokemon games used to have more content than now" is a meme that needs to die.
To be fair, they couldnt really do that. With a game like Zelda breath of the wild, there's really only merchandise after the game is already successful, and aside from manga, zelda is pretty much exclusively a game franchise. With a big multimedia company like pokemon with potentially dozens of companies involved, they kinda NEED to make the games on the planned release date because until then, millions of dollars are just being burned away until the games are released.
@@faultyvideos2215 So how fucked this whole franchise has become when the games release dates are being dictated by the mechandise, anime and so on instead of the other way around? The games should be the one driving the franchise.
@@okagron it is the other way around. The problem is that chances are most likely that a lot of the media is already completed, but they cant be released until AFTER the games release. And though yes, a good chunk of pokemon's profit DOES come from the games, there's also stuff like the anime, the TCG, and god knows what else. They cant profit off of them until the games are released because they cant RELEASE them until the games release.
@@faultyvideos2215 It is not the other way around as you just proved it. They have to release the games quick or else the merchandise, anime and other stuff that is already finished gets left behind, meaning lost money. If it was the other way around, the games would be released whenever Gamefreak wished to instead of yearly like they have become. Meaning the merchandise and other stuff would be the ones waiting for the games to be released before they were made.
@@faultyvideos2215 "they cant be released until AFTER the games release" That's BS. Do you know how many licensed tie-in games to movies get released before the movie actually does? There's nothing preventing things like merch and media from being released before the game. Hell, doing exactly that can help hype up the game.
I know I'm way late on this, but the pop-in is caused by a problem Game Freak has had for years, the programming in the game has everything preloaded in an area, and then doesn't bother unloading anything, so if you were somehow able to trick the game when you entered the wild area to detect your character on one side then free cammed over to the other it would be loaded and textured just missing the pokemon, characters, and foliage. This is something that happened in the 3DS where an in-engine cutscene had character doing custom animations, the game would load the same environment a second time and have the playable layer still loaded underneath. And this isn't just a problem since they've gone 3D, back when they were making the original gold and silver Mr. Iwata had to come in and fix it for them because they ran out of room on the Game Boy cartridge, so he cleaned it up, programmed it correctly and added Kanto just to flex.
@@logankrohn1472 Yeah, if they didn't have things in the distance prerendered all the time they could actually give decent render distance to entities, like the pokemon, characters and berry trees
@@patchedart And from what I understand there are low poly options for rendering that would become more fine the closer you get(no idea how it works). The switch may be underpowered compared to the competition but that is no excuse to be lower quality than a 3ds game.
@@logankrohn1472 If you think about it we have games that do this on the switch already, Skyrim, Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild, The Outerworlds, Assassins Creed, and Soon Fynx Rising, the switch is capable, they just chose to make the game this way
@@patchedart I can only hope Nintendo hears our feedback even though we know they have been deaf to it for years. The two game system is outdated and annoying because there is nothing differentiating the games besides 15 Pokémon and they never optimize or try to learn from modern rpgs.
@@imlaughing2death It actually wasn't, the anime was made to hype the games, which made them do merch - The Pokemon Company was made due to The Pokemon Center needing a better way of being handled, and was made around Gen 2 or so.
compared to Sun and Moon it's animations are pretty shoddy, just watch the opening scenes of both games and tell me which one has better dynamic animations, 3DS can do better
That is one criticism I feel is unfair. Pokemon has always had a bunch of houses and called it a town. I'd rather have just that than like, 50 houses I can't enter or interact with just so UA-camrs can stop complaining towns aren't realistically big.
@@FraserSouris But words have meaning. Calling a few houses a town feels disingenuous. Calling a place like Castelia a town would be just as disingenuous. There's a reason why every official bit of lore calls it a CITY. Let's look at Kanto. There's literally 3 buildings. 2 people live in. One is the professor's lab. Under normal circumstances? That's just two houses. That's your neighbor. That's not a town. But Pallet Town is what it's called. Even in the anime where we see a *few* more places. The landscape is predominantly taken up by Oak's lab. With maybe 2-3 other people's houses. Okay now we have a neighborhood. Maybe a little village.
@@aaronwishard7093 Ok but why does that matter? Games and especially JRPGs have always called a few collection of houses a town not because they are being literal but to communicate a setting to the player without overdoing in development. Eidos Montreal, when making Deus Ex Mankind Divided, had this same part brought up. They basically said "we would rather have a few buildings the player can truly interact with rather than a row of copy-pasted houses the player just runs past". And I'd argue this makes for better games. Even in the case of Pokemon, having a couple of houses that the player can enter and interact with is much better than a whole swath of houses the player can't enter and are just sceneray. It communicates the idea that the area is representative of a larger one.
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
The worst part of the opening cutscene is that the mouse cursor makes since at first because it’s on a website but the character is watching it on their phone so it just makes you realize how much more rushed the game was for Christmas
Am I the only one who thinks that the legendaries' colors should've been switched? I just think that sword should've been red and shield be blue. Red is such an offensive color and you know if you slice someone with a sword there will be blood and blood is red. Does that make sense??
the whole switch to 3d was a huge mistake. the Pokemon have no color and they just stand there like "bruh" the gen 5 sprites were epik ASF and overworld Pokemon ruined the feel of hunting for your favorite. now I can just sit here and wait for it to pop up out of nowhere. A game in sprites is easier to make anyway. the only thing I might miss is the character customization.
@@zyella277 Yeah, the characters also seem more flat and dead than ever, I mean in the original games you don't really say anything but that was because you are the pixelated silent protagonist, but in 3d it just looks creepy as hell.
they, they just don’t have enough emotion. imagine seeing a starmie spinning its back star for its idle animation while dancing or something! there are many other examples but I think my point is clear. 2d was messy if anything but at least the Pokémon had emotion 😢
its gamefreak, i never expected something really _great,_ but they have managed to almost completely fail to live up to nearly non-existent expectations. i am very happy to not have bought this dross.
That’s actually why all the thumbnails contain a girl, people used to also think he was a girl so he started adding a female Character called Poppy to the thumbnails as sort of joke on himself, and now she’s used in every thumbnail with a different theme depending on the topic
i miss triples battles, what are they gonna do when they have the Gen5 remakes, bring them back and re-drop them right after that? we know they can work again without crashing the game or causing slow down now since max raid battles essentially include over 6 models at a time.
@@moviefan005 Honestly they shouldn't it would ruin already good games, similarly how the ruby and saphire remakes felt bland tasteless so would gen 5 remakes same goes for gen 4.
But how will they milk idiots that still buy the games even though they haven't made good games since bw2. I mean if they split the game up between two games the dumb twats will just by two games that should have been one.
@BitterOrange I disagree highly on that. I know your not trying to be offensive but either way categorizing people who make that criticism to the people who fall victim to that practice is just a way to make the other person sound hypocritical and thus make their argument be ignored despite there being little to no proof or evidence out there to prove that these are the same type of people. I think this new criticism has only come to light recently because Pokemon is now on a console thus is now as expensive as a console game compared to a handheld so people are asking why are there still version differences for a main series console with an online service and isn't as local multiplayer friendly as being it's not just being purely a handheld. The version exclusive dlcs also don't help the situation as most people probably would see that as complete nonsense to have additional downloadable content also have exclusivity to it. I know what your saying but the situation with version differences is more complicated now with the most recent release in comparison to past releases with free internet, less to buy the games, and more local player friendly enviroments. Version exclusives in this sense doesn't feel right. There is a reason they didn't make two versions of XD, Stadium, Colosseum, or any other console release before gen 7.
Okay, I just found you, and you immediately strike me as a glorious combination of JonTron and Indiemaus. Clever scripts, good humor, and fantastic editing. Take my sub. Take three.
It also looks incredibly janky with a majority of pokemon not able to keep pace with the trainer so they constantly teleport to you with no animation and you can just push them around by walking into them. They made the mechanic so good in let's go, why is it so awful in Sw/Sh?
@@yoso378 gamefreak often has players unknowingly test mechanics so likely in future games we'll have walking pokemon in the whole region plus gamefreak made a good choice cutting the national dex because now th err y can ffg focus on postgame, the most likely reason there hasn't been much postgame in recent games is because THEY'VE HAD TO PROGRAM IN MORE POKEMON EVERY GEN so get over the useless and pointless nsyion as l dex and enjoy the game for what it is
@@megasnowey7177 I can't tell if you're joking, pretty sure cutting the national dex for no reason just to maybe give us a bit more mons in the "post game" that you have to $30 extra dollars for for not even half a games worth of content, as well as gen 7 on the frickin nintendo 3ds was able to handle all the pokemon just fine, and just all the problems, if I'm going to pay $30 for my "post game" I want my gameplay mechanics to be at least workable for the price I paid.
@@pixeltcat Honestly while yes saying it was a good choice to cut the dex was a joke, I do think that the fandom really overreacted trying to seemingly "expose" gamefreak since the pokemon not in the game would probably be in the next game
Zachary Vogel while that is true it does seem a bit cheap, and they didn’t really give a strong reason to not include them, I’m just saying that for $60 I want my game to have all the mons
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: Yeah! 600+ Pokémon are easy to have on our small 3DS cartridge memory. Pokémon Sword and Shield: Noooo! You can't have more than 493 Pokémon!! It's too much on our more advanced Switch cartridge and better advanced console, with more space for capabilities.
To be fair, Gamefreak has a REALLY low budget for a AAA company, and half the team was working on another game, so most of the graphics and no voice acting make sense. It still doesn't explain a lot of design decisions though, or why they have such a small budget in the first place. Even if Nintendo doesn't fund them, they have should have enough money of their own. Pokemon X/Y had a budget of 20 million dollars, but it's estimated to have earned them 500 million. And the franchise gets roughly 4 billion a year (on average, and since the beggining in the 90's, so they are getting even more now) Even if 90% of that is merchandise, that's still way more than they pay to make these games. So yeah, Gamefreak still fucked up in my eyes.
The point is that Pokemon is the biggest money making media franchise of any kind on earth EVER.... Low budget isn't an excuse, it's simply proof of them being greedy, lazy bastards who don't even bother trying cause they know people will buy their s#!t regardless of what they do....
How would they have a smol budget? They are literally the highest grossing game company in existence. Unless Nintendo takes 99% of their money, but still that would be a ton even at 1%. I’d still bet they have a bigger budget than Compile Heart and Third Party companies
Fray Gensen i’d bet on them having the money to make a great high budget Pokemon game. I think they have just grown complacent with how they handle the series.
@@wizd101 Yeah, and I think it might be a bit excessive, I feel like I know have a check list of stuff I have to do, honestly Pokemon was a bit simpler and honestly more fun in my personal opinion in gens 1-5 which funny enough all had a bit-like graphics, perhaps the jump to 3D is what partially killed the franchise, but I digress the point is that pokemon is more complicated, and it costs more to get what should already be in the game.
This guy is also getting screwed over by revenue too. Did you hear him comment about it at the part of the video where there was the pokemon youtube thing.
I'll be mourning tangrowth with ya. tangela was the first shiny I ever caught (not counting red Gyarados) and my little green spaghetti becoming big green spaghetti made me so happy. I guess he's destined to just die in sun with all my non Kanto starter partners now.
Honestly, I remember being hyped about the game after the two first Pokémon directs last year. I thought I could finally get into Pokémon... Yeah, I ended up gladly buying Dragon Quest XI S instead
So, Game Freak just doesn't optimize. They don't hire people who can, and they don't outsource their code at all. They still think they are making games in the 90s. Literally, the only reason you could visit Kanto in Gold and Silver is because some Nintendo reps came in and redid a lot of their code. Most of the code for Pokemon goes into each individual pokemon, because the game doesn't run on randomized pokemon or randomized pokemon trait/stats/moveset generators. Each pokemon is designed to be that specific pokemon exactly, and its specific data is stored at all times, even when it hasn't spawned. That is why the games are shit, because Game Freak doesn't want to admit they don't know how to do things.
As many shortcomings as Sword and Shield have, ESPECIALLY stuff like riding/having pokemon follow you, WHICH WAS WAS IN LET'S GO, but somehow not in Sword and Shield... the one thing that is driving me the most nuts is that all of the Pokemon added back in don't have Pokedex numbers, and since they changed all the Pokedex numbers to hide which Pokemon didn't make it in, I have no room in my boxes for any of the ones they added back in with the DLC. Yeah, that probably won't matter to most people, but to those of us that like to actually fill the Pokedex and collect all the Pokemon that are available in the game, it's an absolute nightmare that I've never experienced in any Pokemon game ever. I don't think Game Freak realizes just how large of impacts even the smallest detail left out can make.
I always find it weird when people say XY music was forgettable (the joke that he had to think hard to remember music from that game pretty much implies this). While not every theme is great, i thought XY had a lot of great tunes.
Honestly, playing through it, the games do seem rather...bland. it's alright aa a game but it's just alright. I'm not gonna grab pitchforks or anything but I am a little mad, especially knowing that they have thw ability to, in some capacity
@@Blackemperess Are you asking if i think it is worth 90$? I would say no, even including DLC. Maybe Crown will change my mind, but the base game and Isle of Armor don't provide a 90$ experience.
"Pokèmon has NEVER had voice acting!" Black and White 2's unmemorable voice tracks: "AM I A JOKE TO YOU!?" Edit: I watched more of the video, and I am molded that he actually addressed this. I should have just kept watching the video, instead of typing a comment. 😭 I am so sorry, I'll crawl back into the haunted well that I came out of.
8:50=ShSw has no level of detail and particles aren't displayed smartly. The characters are always on full polygon that's why despawn so the game doesn't struggles having the whole game loaded. On top of that,the amount of particales stress the game because the amount of effecr aren't set on how much is processed and alwyas goes full out. That stresses the game and therefore it despawns stuff to load better
This game has plenty of different storylines, but none are interesting because you can normally summarize them easily. Hop: Wants to live up to famous brother then realizes he can be himself. Marnie: Wants to become champion to help home town. Bede: Wants to help the person who saw potential in him. Got overconfident. Got betrayed. Got helped by old lady. Becomes more humble. Sonia: Wants to impress her grandma and accidentally discovers a conspiracy. Rose: Wants to save future region so much he risks destroying present region. Darkest Day: Energy dragon makes animals giant. Two wolves with weapons don't like that and fight it. (This is for both darkest days)
Kinda wished they'd do a reboot with - all regions - all species so far released - all moves and types - option for 2d or 3d mode (yeh, lotsa work in there..) - option wether pokemon spawn overworld or encounter style - stat experience instead of EVs - new feature: :o maybe shinys could be like, really random?!
@Job Lozada nostalgia (btw I played every game and pearl was my first) plus its dumb people want to pay full game price for a little extra content instead of paying half price for 2 packs of extra content you are the reason pokemon is dying
@@virgobro2025 That's the point, it was hyped up to be this very big game, but flopped so hard that no one really talked about it after initial reviews and was actually rated quite poorly by most reviewers.
I remember seeing an interview from Gamefreak developer. He said that the Pokémon company are Puppetering gamefreak. Ever since gen 5, gamefreak keeps forcing the developers to half ass a game which forces them half finish games. BW 2 wasn't supposed to be a game. South Kalos was supposed to be explored in XY. Ultra SM weren't supposed to be a thing. So it's not out of the picture that this game was forced out so the anime and TCG could be out on time. Also half of the developers in Small Town Hero were yeeted back into the Pokemon development. Small Town Hero actually seemed like it had potential but it just looks shit. Edit: oh yeah, The Pokemon Company made gamefreak work illegal work hours so yunno thank you Pokemon Company
Gamefreak might not be great at software optimization; but it definitely doesn't help nintendo has not only been significantly lagging behind in hardware for decades, but also notorious for forcing gimmick implementations on game developers (most notably motion controls). I'm not saying gamefreak is innocent by any means, just pointing out they didn't get much to work with either; context is important regardless if it's a technical problem or telling a joke.
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
Then your okay with mediocrity, no offence but that's kinda what Pokemon is. The same formula with slight adjustments to make it *seem* better than it actually is. People fawn over Sonia and you have the opposite side with Nessa. You see Pokemon is okay but it has lasted long enough to be more, it clearly has the money to do so. But they are always either mediocre these recent years or just good. And now with SW&SH we have to pay an extra 30 just for some new content that probably just slightly improve the base game as a *selling point* of the DLC is the returning Pokemon which imo is stupid. It's like giving me 3/4 of a cake and then after i ate it you gave me the other 1/4 for almost the same price as the 3/4 i had. Sure it could of been a third game but that's not my point, Pokemon keeps recycling the same thing with slight adjustments never actually trying to be number 1 but now just to sell merch.
You don't have shit taste. People luke what they like. I LOVE pokemon sword. It's one of my favorite pokemon games. People hate the game but that doesn't mean you should feel bad about liking it
15:21 Quite frankly, the two editions here feel like one hell of a rip off to me, because many of the exclusive pokemon of the other version are used by other trainers. For example, just to name a few: Shielbert in the post-game, who you fight in SHIELD specifically, has a *Sirfetched*, which should be exclusive to SWORD. In the raid-battles in SHIELD, the NPC can have a *Solrock*, also exclusive to SWORD. The Waiter at the cafe in SHIELD has an Alcreamie together with a *Slurpuff*, which should be exclusive SWORD. (the Slurpuff only, Alcreamie is not exclusive) Heck, Bede, in both versions, has a *Gothirita*, a *Duosion*, a *Ponyta* AND a *Mawile*, ALL OF WHICH are Pokemon supposedly exclusive to one of the two versions, so no matter WHAT version you have, half his team consists of Pokemon he shouldn't be able to have! It just leaves me with a feeling off getting ripped off, because why can THEY have whatever the hell they want with no problem, but I can't? Why can BEDE have ALL of them together, but I have to pay another 60,-$ so I can trade the other ones over? And I can't even do that in this game! Granted, I haven't played the previous Pokemon-Games yet, so I don't know if that's normal for this franchise, but even if it is, I still feel generally put at a disadvantage if the NPCs have access to Pokemon which are locked behind a paywall for me. And it really pisses me off in this game, because I have Favourites that are exclusive to both versions.
honestly, the queen should have been the champion, not the professor. like she’s the figurehead of england, and who’s the figurehead of galar? the champion. like?? it was too perfect why did they not do it????
GameFreak are noobs when it comes to making 3D games. Look at any other spinoff Pokémon game in 3D like the Stadium style games and Snap. They were all not made by GameFreak. Even all the 3D Pokémon models they use where created with help from Creatures inc
I didn't even buy this game, I borrowed it from a friend and beat it. I refused to buy it. I played it and was very let down. It was just boring bland garbage. I went back to play Pokemon White not too long after and it was awesome. Pokemon has gone to shit no question.
I don’t like how I feel bad for enjoying sword and shield, people say you can enjoy things and have different opinions but when I like a game they don’t like you get called a sheep and harassed for just enjoying aspects of the game that they didn’t. I just like the exploration of the wild area, the dynamax adventures are genuinely really fun, and the story is honesty not as bad as people make it out to be, especially at the end. The characters also have more personality in this game than any other in the series. I just wish more people gave it a chance
I can understand that experiencing the open world aspect of the game is somewhat enjoyable, but the story isn't really that great. one of the lowest 3 in my opinion. And the NPCs themselves aren't any different.
Currently playing Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and *those* games have Mega Evolutions and more Pokemon than the originals. As well as metric ton of new features and QOL changes compared to the OG games. It's almost like the staff that developed those games cared more than those that developed the Gen 8 core games.
now I know why it's called sword and shield: Half the fanbase attacks it and half of it defends it
That was good XD
@disabled account I actually heard it from my bf :o
the sword sliced off the extra content and the shield is nintendo's fan-made meat barrier
I honestly can't decide which one I should be. ✨😧
Bold of them to make the villain an evil businessman/leader of an “ideal” city right after the Detective Pikachu movie did it
Declan McKenna wait, the evil guy was canonically from galar?
Huh. The more you know
Donovan Joseph very late, but the actor is English so that’s probably the joke
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
@@kerrywien6775 sure thing bot
The thing is when Giovanni was exposed as a villain in gen 1 it was an actual plot twist, we had no prior gens to compare with. Now it's so obvious that the rich and powerful person whos name you are given is the head villain
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
@@kerrywien6775 i mean the graphics and the animation are still terrible
It wasn't Giovanni being the villain that was the plot twist, It was that the game's villain was also the last gym leader.
@@kerrywien6775 Calling people who happen to disagree stupid af? Smart.
I got persona 5 for 8 dollars and spent 95 hours on it and loved it. I spent 60 dollars on Pokémon shield and spent 20 hours on it and only finished it because I spent 60 dollars on it, I genuinely hated it
Wait hold on you got persona 5 for 8 fucking dollars what the hell
Cactus_Juice maybe used
@@Roxas_XIII_13 ps4 always has sales going on with most being 60 to 70% off. i got 3 full games for $13 US not long ago
@@cactus_juice3217 Nintendo gqmes is interesting for not having too discounted games - I just bought Sonic Mania for 75% on Steam, only around $6!
I rather pay like $100 on Alter Code f than to spend $60 on a Pokémon game.
The funny part about #ThankYouGameFreak was that it immediately ended once people found out that the models they used were completely unchanged.
ThankYouGameFreak wasn't a defense against the sword and shield game it was standing against the people who sent employees of gamefreak death threats, fucking death threats because a game didn't include their favourite Pokémon. So some people realised how the verbal part of this community was so toxic and ungrateful and just horrible that they decided to start this to show their gratitude towards gamefreak. I mean even gen 5 got reknown hate even though it is now hailed as one of the best generations. The fans generally don't know what they want and what they like. They want it just like the old gens but "actually to innovate and do something new" completely contrasting wishes they want at the exact same time. No wonder gamefreak slipped up, look at the expectations
Team Killer Joker it was a defense to shut down criticism. Joe Merrick isn’t going to hear you here.
YoshiWare No it wasn’t. How?
You mean it wasn't readily apparent to them from day one? I mean, they *look* the same.
@@MegamanElric16@Loink You really don't know anything about game development. The models are the same. However, they still would each have to be altered to fit the new hardware. It's not as simple as just porting the models from one console to the other.
Also, a lot of this game *screams* "cut content and missed potential."
Sonic forces
Dlc says hi.
planned but never implanted content cause the needed to rush the shit out of this game
@Pokémon & FF fan Alright this is just a *hunch...* but I think you may not like BoTW
As much as I like breath of the wild. I will say that it is definitely not a 10/10 game. For me it’s a 7/10. Obviously I want more dungeons. Shrines were fine but I think there were too many. Weapon durability wasn’t a huge problem for me but I think weapons could do with an increased durability in the sequel. DLC was great but was maybe a tad to short. Overall great game just a few things that hold it back a bit for me.
To put it into context, this game only has fourteen more pokemon than Emerald.
With DLC, it still has fourty-nine less pokemon than Black and White.
sure if you want to stack in the national dex
@@infiniteedge4427 yes, I am going to, since all those pokemon are available and able to be obtained. Most of them you can catch. Others, you can trade. Can't do that with Gen 8, even though they cost 1.5x the price.
That's... Actually sad considering emerald is only blocked because of it's generation
Oh god
@@d1mensi0n70 i don't get the "i can't use every old mon in this new game" thing
"I miss gen 5"
Me too. Me too.
Same ;n;
Gen 5 needs more love.
I wish we can have remakes of gen 4 and 5 soon
BW2 and HGSS are the best pokemon games of all time
Well to be fair it is the fan bases fault that they aren't focusing on the story as much anymore, as the one time they did in gen 5 people didn't appreciate the story and were annoyed because old pokemon were reserved for postgame gen 5 and gen 8 responses remind me a lot of each other because they both did things that were controversial give it some time and eventually the fanbase will praise the game and the dexit supporters will be treated as a joke like gen wunners. I also would like to address how pokemon fans don't know how critiquing works instead of focussing on what the game does have and what the devs were going for, they complain about what isn't in the game, and this isn't the first time either, some examples are: not being able to transfer pokemon from gen 2 to gen 3, the lack of older pokemon in inova, the lack of postgame in karlos, the lack of a battle frontier in oras(which I think is one of the dumbest as the fans built up a false expectation that the battle frontier would be in the game despite it never being stated), and the nature of usum despite the fact they're the enhanced versions which is don ed almost every pair of games. So stop harassing the higher ups at gamefreak about the national dex (a very minuscule and unimportant aspect of the games that no one cared about until they couldn't have it) and appreciate the character development in the game that had thought put into it you even got a mean rival (that you've been begging for for so long) with more character than the first too
Fun fact: In the ending credits where the crappy animations repeat there is an actual mouse on screen
They patched it out, but it was there~
Nope but u can also see some fun things out of bounds, I recommend trying it
@@YeppKing Well "nope" now but "yup" pre-patch.
Just the fact that even happened speaks volumes of the incompetence of GF's employees.
@@leviosdraekion6993 Or how strangulating their time window was. Could be either.
Game freak: "okay so we removed this, this, this, this" *goes on for awhile
Fan: *raises hand "what did you guys add?"
Game freak: *covers mic, leans over to other worker, whispers "What did we add?"
You can throw a ball... :>
You can make curry...
“Uh, you can make ya pokemanz real large!”
Uhhh, we have big Pokémon... That throw Z attacks... And... Curry...
Ummm, big pokemon
I'm glad you brought up BW2's voice acting, because that's EXACTLY what I was thinking of during Piers' awkward ass scene.
I thought he would bring that up when he mentioned the Eggman foot tap cut scene in Generations. Seriously, what were they thinking?
Wait, bw2 had voice acting?
bernardo pessamilio In Roxies gym you can hear her singing
@@TheShelby313 And at the Village Bridge, you can hear this one guy singing as well :).
I had no idea that game had voices... then again I didn't notice the voices in SAd3 until someone pointed it out.
Sonic Unleashed looking hella weird these days, huh...
Huh, Sonic unleashed is looking more like Pokémon right know
I hope it's still *FEELING GOOD*
Yeah,kinda looks like a mod
I know this isn’t the point of the review but I’m so glad the BW soundtrack is being appreciated
Same here, their soundtrack was awesome. Such a futuristic, cybernetic vibe.
6:12 Your timestamp, friend.
Gen 5 soundtrack is goated
Now people are making memes about it.
Gen 5 has good tunes, but peeps have just run the memes into the ground at this point.
This whole game in a nutshell is: Wow! This would've been cool, *if Sun and Moon didn't do it first.*
Edit: People who are replying to my comment, I didn't make this comment to say that Sun and Moon were "amazing" games. (Far from it, my faveorite games in the series are both from generation 4 and 5)
I just made this comment to point out how Sword and Shield reuses alot of things from Sun and Moon. RadicalSoda points out how Team Yell is just a lazy copy and paste from Team Skull which is true, but how both games have a supposed "true evil team" etc. (Granted Lusamine is more threatning than Rose)
Even when sun and moon did it, it sucked. (Sun and moon legit put me to sleep. Still didn't bother with the post game.)
TBC1 tbh Alola had pretty good stuff
@@chemicalfuzzy like?
@@tbc1880 A 3d environment instead of the "3d" that Gen 6 had
@Chancellor Harris I'd say pokemon should have stayed 2d or done something like arcsys with guilty gear to make the 3d still have that 2d appeal. Granted it isn't as bad as most 3d rpg graphics where it just looks lifeless. But I'd say sun and moon were some of the worst. Difficulty was falling asleep easy, the 3ds was fighting to play it, story was too in your face and what story there was, was lacking, and most if all it was pretty much a scam cause ultra sun and moon came out which are objectively better version (I still think they are pretty bad) made sun and moon irrelevant. Black wasn't invalidated by Black 2, the 3rd legendary version while better didn't blow the first two out of the water. The designs for mons imop are forgettable, and trials were just eh... I'd prefer gyms.
'I miss Gen 5' is the most crucial quote from this video.
I miss gen 5 and 3 arguably the best game
@@paulblache2122 can you be more specific? Gens 5 and 3 aren't exactly "games" so do you mean Ruby&Sapphire, and Black&White??
@@Andrew53670 yes
@@Andrew53670 But gen 5 is generally just one storyline. Gen 5 is the Black White gamee
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
6:15 Rad's hair when he's bangin' to the music makes him look like he's evolving into a Jellyfish on crack
Thanks for the time stamp, now I can endlessly watch him head bang.
This is what Nihilego’s neurotoxins can do to you.
Christian Flaherty: Sequel Edition
Sin from FFX: I hear you there.
*tentacruel on crack
That is disgustingly accurate 😂😂
You didn't include that they took out Arceus. THE LITERAL GOD OF POKEMON WAS EXCLUDED FROM POKEMON
Others: I’m ok with that, Pokémon is supposed to be a light hearted adventure, it doesn’t need god like Pokémon
Other others: But it shows a level to Pokémon that explains how the universe is created
Fans: We already had Mew in the 1st gen, who’s lore states it is the ancestral pokemon
Reviewer Fans: This is a light hearted adventure, introducing Final Fantasy like creatures just destroys the world building because it makes it impossible to gauge their powers, how they work. and how they interact with the world with humans.
they've done that in like every gen, even in gen 4 you could obtain it legally
I don’t think god wanted anything to do with this. Gods gotta have a good reputation, I think
The Holy Wooomy with 69 Nuggets of Toasted Chaos
Considering how most gods have been written and portrayed, they’re either symbolic of morals that humans should practice to have peace with itself, arrogant and forceful lords who asserted their dominance, or are indeed connecting our entire existence to itself so anything we do, it wills us.
And that’s not getting into god or GOD(s) and the levels of gods as well
I was kind of hoping that there would at least be something like an in-game justification for some of the removals. Like, the included Pokemon are the ones native to the region. Foreign Pokemon have some reason they can't arrive like customs, or maybe they aren't able to cope with the region's Dynamax energy or whatever. Note that I'm not thinking of this like a political immigration thing, but more like how (at least in the United States) you aren't allowed to bring certain plants or things across borders.
As for their comments about maintaining game balance and keeping the more broken Pokemon away, that's easily explained with your own comment. Could you imagine being the poor customs official who has to deal with the small child who just showed up with God at his side? I think I'd at least be a little worried that just casually letting in something that could nuke the entire country at will would have at least some sort of political problem.
Then, when the DLC came out and they expanded the PokeDex a bit, they could simply say that they managed to get some of the red tape cleared up in-universe if you want to take the border-control explanation, or they've figured out which foreign Pokemon are able to deal with the particular conditions for the region. Something like that.
Also, I'm in agreement with RadicalSoda regarding that Pokemon Home thing. From what I've heard, it's a one-way trip as far as the 3DS goes, so I'll bet anything that it turns out that you have to pay a monthly subscription fee for them to keep your Pokemon hostage, and if you don't pay up every month then your collection gets deleted. I've been playing the games in order lately, and I'm going to stick with using PokeGen to copy my team to each new game as I go.
I discovered Rose was bad when Sonia mentioned that house area that’s like an energy plant thing that Rose owned, so I knew at that point he was evil cause energy resource=environmental message
Really? You are the kind of guy that thought that leon was a fake champion just because he is using a crown stamp on his hat. and that he would be the main villain.
Is Rose evil tho? Whats his plan? Isn't he the one whos thinking about what best for humanity and pokemon?
@@lunasperidot8760 wake eternatus to prevent dynamax energy to ran out. dynamax energy extincts every 1000 years so rose wants to prevent that to happen 1000 years in the future by awaking eternatus and make leon to catch it. but that didn't go well
Luna's Peridot
In the REAL WORLD, his looking ahead in the future is like any scientist or environmentalist, but Pokémon world is a utopia, any issues with power or resources would already be implied to be handled by any generic scientist NPCs, it’s arguable alternate energies were how the Pokémon world was already functioning in the first place, the bare minimum kinds of Pokémon can cover nearly all basic energy resources the real world struggles to create, and they end up killing the planet, while Pokémon can mostly avoid that problem, so Rose’s preaching, while important from a real world perspective, falls on deaf ears completely in Pokémon’s world, and it was treated as such.
And just to humanize him to spite my logic, any kind of science group or his own company can easily be written to say “Rose was right to look toward the future, but he went about his ambition the wrong way, so we’re gonna work to solve the energy crisis together” and just like that, it’d be seen as ok.
@@TheKpa11 I guess that makes sense
Gen 5 definitely were that last games that game freak actually cared about. The plots are just soo boring now that its not even funny, I know its pokemon and all and pokemon does cater to kids, but you still have teens and adults that are fans to the series so you could have somewhat of a serious plot to it. Ever since X and Y rivals are just so single noted, nowadays your rival is just some happy-go-lucky that wants to be strong, unlike in black and white you had 3 rivals, Bianca who became a trainer not to be the champion but to actually figure out what she wants to do in her life, Cheren I'm still trying to figure since I'm replaying b&w & b2&w2, and N who doesn't like pokemon battles but knows he has to become a trainer since its the only way his dream of freeing pokemon can be realized to the world.
Music is also another thing in pokemon that isn't as enjoyable as it used to be, yeah there's some good tracks here and there, but most of Gen 5's music was fantastic like N's battle theme, when the gym leader has 1 pokemon left, Champion Iris's theme in b&w2, Undella town's theme, the list goes on
I agree the rivals now are way too nice like what happened to silver and blue like seriously x and y are the first pokemon games to introduce 3d modeling but there the most forgettable games but ima stay true to pokemon because no matter what i will always ALWAYS like POKEMON😃
I personally like gen 7 but yeah 6 wasn’t that good
Biggest aspect I saw that made me realize B/W was made for the core fans was when they made the MCs around the age that most of the core audience was: Hilda and Hilbert were around 16 years old, whereas most core Pokemon fans at the time were around that age. Then suddenly, it's "Fuck you guys, we're gonna appeal to the little kids now" and we got shoved to the side.
@@TheChildofAuraReborn Oh damn I never knew that. Do you know how old Rosa and Nate are from B&W2?
@@teamsonicforcesquadts8858 Wait, I got some of my info wrong.
Hilda and Hilbert in B/W are 14 years old, and 16 in B2/W2. Rosa and Nate are unconfirmed in age, but they're probably 14-16 as well.
15:43 I'm really disappointed that your dlc prediction was an overestimation
The fact that her yellow hearts weren't demonized buttons makes me mad
thats demonetized, bud
demonized has a very different meaning but i guess it still applies in youtubes case, ha
But he has monotization?
@@yourehereforthatarentyou why does it matter if you know what the man means
Why? That means the video is monetized?
I missed you Rad, you beautiful long-haired bastard.
I feel you on the "Thank you Gamefreak" point. I understand what they wanted to do but it was the worst thing they could've done at the moment, now you can't even criticise ANYTHING gamefreak makes on Pokemon legitimately cause they have a defense team online to help them out and they'll still sell millions. I'm honestly not sure if Pokemon will ever get better at this point it's just sad.
tbh I kidna want the franchise to crash and burn...
Because if it doesn't die now it'll become a zombie.
@@woobgamer5210 with ruin comes rise, I guess.
It really sucks I love Pokémon I made most of my friends because of it.
So I can’t believe what became of it, but that’s not the worst the worst are the people defending it.
I just hope it dies fast so Fan programmers can take over and program a Pokémon that’s actually good again.
@@Gumbrases *_"So I can’t believe what became of it"_*
This is all I agree with.
Yeah honestly i've been so depressed that my grades in school have dropped because of this situation i honestly just want to kill myself i don't want to see one of my and everyone's favorite franchise crash and burn and i feel you man i don't think pokemon will be able to recover from this and if you don't think i'm really trying to kill myself well... a few months a go my dad bought a gun and i wanted to pull the trigger so badly but i didm't but this time i might
"I took one look at his Hunger Games ass beard and it was all over baby" absolutely KILLED me. There is no better way to put the immediate knowledge that Rose was the villain than that hahahaha
As someone who loves programming, this game is painful to look at. There is no optimization, generic game mechanics, no debugging for serious problems like file corruption, et cetera.
I honestly doubt you are more talented in programmin compared to people working at Game Freak.
@@psynque Yeah, it's very easy to say "Oh yeah I work in programming, so that makes me an authority on this subject!". Willing to bet that this guy hasn't worked on any major AAA games or has been in contact with anyone working at Game Freak.
It’s just down to the fact that these people are rushed to get a Christmas release. Of course, it’s not a great excuse, swsh still sucks
As someone who has no experience in programming, I am also disgusted by the optimization in this game.
they just stated their opinion, no reason to try to downplay their skills
Radical soda: releases new video
It’s 30 minutes long
*It’s only part one*
The question isn't, are their multiple parts. The question is, how many parts are there going to be?
This can only mean one thing.... We have to wait three months for the next part
His evolution into ExoparadigmGamer has begun
You'd think one of the most profitable series in the world would shell out a few bucks to make all the trees look like something above a PS2 game...
@@SuperCer054Real "Yes."
That bugged me the most about this game.
This is why i love Rad and his reviews. He is a fan, but that makes him that much more critical because he wants them to improve.
rad is a girl
@@Michael-wv7vc Rad is a what?
@@diablo.the.cheater an incredibly sexy human being. Rad exudes sex.
@@Michael-wv7vc Not but really, the voice sounds like a male to me like 100%
Is rad like a girl that is very masculine?
or a girl transitioning to male?
or a male transitioning to girl?
The face looks androgynous more male than female, and voice sounds like 100% male.
@@diablo.the.cheater nope rad is 1,000,000,000% female and this comment is not sarcastic in the slightest
After sword and shield I’m not sure if I’m a fan of Pokémon.
Yeah, and if you hear the supposed rumor for gen 9 it gets even worse, pretty much they take out whole regions worth of pokemon, and sell them back with DLC to visit those regions being sold afterward for around $30 a pop, the only way to get the full game it to spend $210+ on it to unlock all of the pokemon.
@bruh Just a rumor so easily debunkable so I don't think we need to worry too much
Not really a rumor when you know that individual companies in the game industry as a whole go down this path at one point or another, SwSh just means that the Pokemon company started their spiral now.
@Novem Crowe
Have faith my friend. NOT to much faith though. say 30%.
I simply disregard their existence. I consider Gen 8 to be unofficial and illegitimate. It works better for your soul.
Can I just say, as a guy with long hair, thank you for that bit about adding a character creator. I'm so tired of games telling me to pick an avatar that looks closest to me, and then giving me to pick the white, blue eyed, blonde doofus with a perfectly trimmed short hair cut.
Fellow long-haired individual but I have it even worse. I'm a redhead, too. They never have a red hair option. And also I'm female but hate girly things and refuse to wear skirts. I have to chose between my gender preference or my clothing preference, and I never have a hairstyle or a hair color that represents me at all. I have to pick solely based on eye color and skin tone.
Playing black 2's post game right now and i fogot how JAM PACKED it is with side content seriously: white forest hollow, a bunch of routes and towns on the east side of unova open up as well as the beginning routes of black 1, pokestar studios, pokemon friggen world tourment, the medal box basically acting as achievements to earn, exploring the underwater ruins and the list goes on and on.
Then i look at sword and gens 6 & 7 and feel so underwelmed it's not funny, i guess you don't know what you have till it's gone but it's sad to see this franchise settle for so much less.
The postgame of the old DS game is bigger and longer than Sword/Shield's main game! ;-)
@@cannabishornliu6119 just like a bottle of 7-up.
But seriously the list of (for now) cut and removed content in Sword and Shield compared to FRICKING GB, GBA and DS games is tremendous.
-No higher or lower floors in caves anymore
-No diving under the sea (like Hoenn)
-Less Pokémon than Gen 4 on the DS and even with the upcoming DLC is less than than Gen 5 that is ALSO on the DS.
-Laughable and removed animations like they didn't even put work into a fly animation just a lazy black loading screen...
-Also removed attacks for no reason...
It's like they put more work into the removal of features than the developing of Sword and Shield this generation.
Yeah, Black and White 2. Now look at Black and White 1: an anemic postgame which consisted a crappy Battle Tower, like 10 trainers to beat and nothing else in Eastern Unova, catching Landorus and Thundurus/Tornadus depending on the version, and Kyurem. Gen 5, and previous generations, aren't exempt from criticism when it comes to low content because several games from older generations were also low content as games from later generations.
The ratio of games with low content to games with a lot of content is biased to the former. So this "pokemon games used to have more content than now" is a meme that needs to die.
I hope we won’t need to pay dlc for the rest of the video
It’s been 2 months. Where’s your pay pal?
@@GrumpySylveon yeah I should probably buy it huh
You've been doing so sinze gen 2
@@DanielPereira-ey9nt elaborate?
Out the gate: I think this game is lovely, but it clearly suffered from a lack of development time.
To be fair, they couldnt really do that. With a game like Zelda breath of the wild, there's really only merchandise after the game is already successful, and aside from manga, zelda is pretty much exclusively a game franchise. With a big multimedia company like pokemon with potentially dozens of companies involved, they kinda NEED to make the games on the planned release date because until then, millions of dollars are just being burned away until the games are released.
@@faultyvideos2215 So how fucked this whole franchise has become when the games release dates are being dictated by the mechandise, anime and so on instead of the other way around? The games should be the one driving the franchise.
@@okagron it is the other way around. The problem is that chances are most likely that a lot of the media is already completed, but they cant be released until AFTER the games release. And though yes, a good chunk of pokemon's profit DOES come from the games, there's also stuff like the anime, the TCG, and god knows what else. They cant profit off of them until the games are released because they cant RELEASE them until the games release.
@@faultyvideos2215 It is not the other way around as you just proved it. They have to release the games quick or else the merchandise, anime and other stuff that is already finished gets left behind, meaning lost money. If it was the other way around, the games would be released whenever Gamefreak wished to instead of yearly like they have become. Meaning the merchandise and other stuff would be the ones waiting for the games to be released before they were made.
@@faultyvideos2215 "they cant be released until AFTER the games release"
That's BS. Do you know how many licensed tie-in games to movies get released before the movie actually does? There's nothing preventing things like merch and media from being released before the game. Hell, doing exactly that can help hype up the game.
I know I'm way late on this, but the pop-in is caused by a problem Game Freak has had for years, the programming in the game has everything preloaded in an area, and then doesn't bother unloading anything, so if you were somehow able to trick the game when you entered the wild area to detect your character on one side then free cammed over to the other it would be loaded and textured just missing the pokemon, characters, and foliage. This is something that happened in the 3DS where an in-engine cutscene had character doing custom animations, the game would load the same environment a second time and have the playable layer still loaded underneath. And this isn't just a problem since they've gone 3D, back when they were making the original gold and silver Mr. Iwata had to come in and fix it for them because they ran out of room on the Game Boy cartridge, so he cleaned it up, programmed it correctly and added Kanto just to flex.
So what your saying is that they could change how it renders to fix the pop ups?
@@logankrohn1472 Yeah, if they didn't have things in the distance prerendered all the time they could actually give decent render distance to entities, like the pokemon, characters and berry trees
And from what I understand there are low poly options for rendering that would become more fine the closer you get(no idea how it works). The switch may be underpowered compared to the competition but that is no excuse to be lower quality than a 3ds game.
@@logankrohn1472 If you think about it we have games that do this on the switch already, Skyrim, Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild, The Outerworlds, Assassins Creed, and Soon Fynx Rising, the switch is capable, they just chose to make the game this way
I can only hope Nintendo hears our feedback even though we know they have been deaf to it for years. The two game system is outdated and annoying because there is nothing differentiating the games besides 15 Pokémon and they never optimize or try to learn from modern rpgs.
elgato is so shit it drives me insane lmfao. never realized that crit in the beginning is scripted! the more you know
A great explanation for why the recent Pokémon games are so bad:
The games are only for merch.
The games have ALWAYS been used to sell merch.
@@imlaughing2death It actually wasn't, the anime was made to hype the games, which made them do merch - The Pokemon Company was made due to The Pokemon Center needing a better way of being handled, and was made around Gen 2 or so.
Bought this game used on Ebay for $40.
Honestly, it's a pretty good 3DS game.
It's mediocre at best really.
compared to Sun and Moon it's animations are pretty shoddy, just watch the opening scenes of both games and tell me which one has better dynamic animations, 3DS can do better
@@seb5542that's why he said 3ds game and not switch game
@@LD-_0606 thank you Luca lol
@ they are iteraly same models expects with higher definition.
06:12 His face just slowly disappears into a mass of hair
He's turning into a wooloo
You know what this means
*grabs the razor*
"The Towns are So Small, Why are they even called a Town"
Every Starting-Town in every game: *Sweating Profusely*
That is one criticism I feel is unfair. Pokemon has always had a bunch of houses and called it a town. I'd rather have just that than like, 50 houses I can't enter or interact with just so UA-camrs can stop complaining towns aren't realistically big.
@@FraserSouris But words have meaning. Calling a few houses a town feels disingenuous. Calling a place like Castelia a town would be just as disingenuous. There's a reason why every official bit of lore calls it a CITY.
Let's look at Kanto. There's literally 3 buildings. 2 people live in. One is the professor's lab. Under normal circumstances? That's just two houses. That's your neighbor. That's not a town. But Pallet Town is what it's called. Even in the anime where we see a *few* more places. The landscape is predominantly taken up by Oak's lab. With maybe 2-3 other people's houses. Okay now we have a neighborhood. Maybe a little village.
@@aaronwishard7093 Ok but why does that matter? Games and especially JRPGs have always called a few collection of houses a town not because they are being literal but to communicate a setting to the player without overdoing in development.
Eidos Montreal, when making Deus Ex Mankind Divided, had this same part brought up. They basically said "we would rather have a few buildings the player can truly interact with rather than a row of copy-pasted houses the player just runs past". And I'd argue this makes for better games. Even in the case of Pokemon, having a couple of houses that the player can enter and interact with is much better than a whole swath of houses the player can't enter and are just sceneray. It communicates the idea that the area is representative of a larger one.
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
The worst part of the opening cutscene is that the mouse cursor makes since at first because it’s on a website but the character is watching it on their phone so it just makes you realize how much more rushed the game was for Christmas
Am I the only one who thinks that the legendaries' colors should've been switched? I just think that sword should've been red and shield be blue. Red is such an offensive color and you know if you slice someone with a sword there will be blood and blood is red. Does that make sense??
the whole switch to 3d was a huge mistake. the Pokemon have no color and they just stand there like "bruh" the gen 5 sprites were epik ASF and overworld Pokemon ruined the feel of hunting for your favorite. now I can just sit here and wait for it to pop up out of nowhere. A game in sprites is easier to make anyway. the only thing I might miss is the character customization.
i think it was more the fact that theyre lazy asf, imagine 3d graphics with the same ammount of effort that was put into gen 5
@@Amartin-mu6oj exactly 3D Models itslef isnt issue it can do alot fot the series, btu gamefreak just doesnt put actual effort in them
@@zyella277 Yeah, the characters also seem more flat and dead than ever, I mean in the original games you don't really say anything but that was because you are the pixelated silent protagonist, but in 3d it just looks creepy as hell.
they, they just don’t have enough emotion. imagine seeing a starmie spinning its back star for its idle animation while dancing or something! there are many other examples but I think my point is clear. 2d was messy if anything but at least the Pokémon had emotion 😢
For now, i have only played the first 4 gens(haven't beated 4 yet),and i'm just saying,gold and silver Sprites are beutyfull
its gamefreak, i never expected something really _great,_ but they have managed to almost completely fail to live up to nearly non-existent expectations.
i am very happy to not have bought this dross.
I really should've bought astral chain or fire emblem or mario odyssey
I pre-ordered the game and to this day still haven't played past the second or third gym. I'm not even sure.
@@definitelynotashark1799 SAAAMMMEEE!!!🤣
Why did it take a year for people to undisputably agree with this
Because they actually played through the dreaded game and realised “wow, this sucks!”
People are extremely fickle and will defend something they bought just because they bought it, it doesn't matter if its complete shit.
@A Literal Octopus probably trying to justify the 60 dollars +
I still like it lmao. Fuck the national dex tbh.
@@bforthigh1617 you can like it, but they are objectively fervour games
There are two things that catches my atention in this thumbnail, but i don't know exactly what they are
Game Freak knows what they’re doing when it comes to the females designs
That a ton of them are flat upset that rare few
Did you see Klara
Bea is bae
6:13 The only proper way to react to that theme
Its rare to find a Unova theme thats not a bop
I laughed so hard at the B&W2 part. Glad somebody is giving the game some love.
I thought you were a girl until you opened your mouth lol
That’s actually why all the thumbnails contain a girl, people used to also think he was a girl so he started adding a female Character called Poppy to the thumbnails as sort of joke on himself, and now she’s used in every thumbnail with a different theme depending on the topic
@@javoobis3107 thank you for clarifying ON GOD thought he was a trans woman lmao,
@@jjju3 I thought this as well. Thanks for @Preference for giving context.
He would make a pretty girl lol.
amazing what long hair does to a man lmfao
Pokémon: (insert name) wants to be petted
Me: oh cute, you can pet your po-
Pokémon: no
i miss triples battles, what are they gonna do when they have the Gen5 remakes, bring them back and re-drop them right after that? we know they can work again without crashing the game or causing slow down now since max raid battles essentially include over 6 models at a time.
Simple not do gen 5 remake. Heck we will be lucky to have gen 4 remakes. I think GF is not doing remakes because it is "too much work" for them.
@@moviefan005 Honestly they shouldn't it would ruin already good games, similarly how the ruby and saphire remakes felt bland tasteless so would gen 5 remakes same goes for gen 4.
@@pixeltcat yeah gen 4 and 5 remakes as gamefreak is will be a disgrace and I won't even look at them.
@@tbc1880 Yeah, honestly personally if you want the full pokemon experience play up to gen 5, and don't play any more of the games afterward.
@@pixeltcat yup
Yeah, I agree that we don't need two versions anymore since its a console game rather than a handheld with friends.
But how will they milk idiots that still buy the games even though they haven't made good games since bw2. I mean if they split the game up between two games the dumb twats will just by two games that should have been one.
@BitterOrange I disagree highly on that. I know your not trying to be offensive but either way categorizing people who make that criticism to the people who fall victim to that practice is just a way to make the other person sound hypocritical and thus make their argument be ignored despite there being little to no proof or evidence out there to prove that these are the same type of people.
I think this new criticism has only come to light recently because Pokemon is now on a console thus is now as expensive as a console game compared to a handheld so people are asking why are there still version differences for a main series console with an online service and isn't as local multiplayer friendly as being it's not just being purely a handheld. The version exclusive dlcs also don't help the situation as most people probably would see that as complete nonsense to have additional downloadable content also have exclusivity to it.
I know what your saying but the situation with version differences is more complicated now with the most recent release in comparison to past releases with free internet, less to buy the games, and more local player friendly enviroments.
Version exclusives in this sense doesn't feel right. There is a reason they didn't make two versions of XD, Stadium, Colosseum, or any other console release before gen 7.
Okay, I just found you, and you immediately strike me as a glorious combination of JonTron and Indiemaus. Clever scripts, good humor, and fantastic editing.
Take my sub. Take three.
Pokemon DLC brought back walking Pokemon, only in the DLC though. Not available anywhere in the main game.
It also looks incredibly janky with a majority of pokemon not able to keep pace with the trainer so they constantly teleport to you with no animation and you can just push them around by walking into them.
They made the mechanic so good in let's go, why is it so awful in Sw/Sh?
@@yoso378 gamefreak often has players unknowingly test mechanics so likely in future games we'll have walking pokemon in the whole region plus gamefreak made a good choice cutting the national dex because now th err y can ffg focus on postgame, the most likely reason there hasn't been much postgame in recent games is because THEY'VE HAD TO PROGRAM IN MORE POKEMON EVERY GEN so get over the useless and pointless nsyion as l dex and enjoy the game for what it is
@@megasnowey7177 I can't tell if you're joking, pretty sure cutting the national dex for no reason just to maybe give us a bit more mons in the "post game" that you have to $30 extra dollars for for not even half a games worth of content, as well as gen 7 on the frickin nintendo 3ds was able to handle all the pokemon just fine, and just all the problems, if I'm going to pay $30 for my "post game" I want my gameplay mechanics to be at least workable for the price I paid.
@@pixeltcat Honestly while yes saying it was a good choice to cut the dex was a joke, I do think that the fandom really overreacted trying to seemingly "expose" gamefreak since the pokemon not in the game would probably be in the next game
Zachary Vogel while that is true it does seem a bit cheap, and they didn’t really give a strong reason to not include them, I’m just saying that for $60 I want my game to have all the mons
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: Yeah! 600+ Pokémon are easy to have on our small 3DS cartridge memory.
Pokémon Sword and Shield: Noooo! You can't have more than 493 Pokémon!! It's too much on our more advanced Switch cartridge and better advanced console, with more space for capabilities.
Ahh yes, my favorite UA-camr:
A.k.a, TWIP...
To be fair, Gamefreak has a REALLY low budget for a AAA company, and half the team was working on another game, so most of the graphics and no voice acting make sense.
It still doesn't explain a lot of design decisions though, or why they have such a small budget in the first place. Even if Nintendo doesn't fund them, they have should have enough money of their own. Pokemon X/Y had a budget of 20 million dollars, but it's estimated to have earned them 500 million. And the franchise gets roughly 4 billion a year (on average, and since the beggining in the 90's, so they are getting even more now) Even if 90% of that is merchandise, that's still way more than they pay to make these games. So yeah, Gamefreak still fucked up in my eyes.
The point is that Pokemon is the biggest money making media franchise of any kind on earth EVER.... Low budget isn't an excuse, it's simply proof of them being greedy, lazy bastards who don't even bother trying cause they know people will buy their s#!t regardless of what they do....
How would they have a smol budget? They are literally the highest grossing game company in existence. Unless Nintendo takes 99% of their money, but still that would be a ton even at 1%. I’d still bet they have a bigger budget than Compile Heart and Third Party companies
Fray Gensen i’d bet on them having the money to make a great high budget Pokemon game. I think they have just grown complacent with how they handle the series.
Also they are now catering more towards mobile
@@wizd101 Yeah, and I think it might be a bit excessive, I feel like I know have a check list of stuff I have to do, honestly Pokemon was a bit simpler and honestly more fun in my personal opinion in gens 1-5 which funny enough all had a bit-like graphics, perhaps the jump to 3D is what partially killed the franchise, but I digress the point is that pokemon is more complicated, and it costs more to get what should already be in the game.
5:49 well hello to you too!
11:50 Gladion hitting a Jojo pose when his theme kicked in made me love him 100x more than originally .
My mans joked about x and y not having good music when Lysendres theme exists. Smh
6:21 congratulations! Your RadicalSoda has evolved into Tangela!
Pyrocynical fans have Petscop 2, we simply have Sonic Unleashed review.
hey, at least he released a bit of it. We still have to imagine how the title is going to be
16:03 You joke, but UA-camrs are ending due to a lack of revenue you know
This guy is also getting screwed over by revenue too. Did you hear him comment about it at the part of the video where there was the pokemon youtube thing.
I'll be mourning tangrowth with ya. tangela was the first shiny I ever caught (not counting red Gyarados) and my little green spaghetti becoming big green spaghetti made me so happy. I guess he's destined to just die in sun with all my non Kanto starter partners now.
3:45 I hope you mention later that another mouse cursor shows up in the ending cutscene, there was also one during some promotional footage
Honestly, I remember being hyped about the game after the two first Pokémon directs last year. I thought I could finally get into Pokémon...
Yeah, I ended up gladly buying Dragon Quest XI S instead
Good choice.
It will forever be your greatest decision.
okagron you should check out Temtem. It’s so much better
I brought Digimon Cyber Sleuth. 385 complex designed Digimon and all of their models can walk with you in.dungeons
At least Sega listens to criticism.
Too bad they listen to criticism WAY TOO much. Now we have Green Hill and Classic Sonic.
So, Game Freak just doesn't optimize. They don't hire people who can, and they don't outsource their code at all. They still think they are making games in the 90s. Literally, the only reason you could visit Kanto in Gold and Silver is because some Nintendo reps came in and redid a lot of their code. Most of the code for Pokemon goes into each individual pokemon, because the game doesn't run on randomized pokemon or randomized pokemon trait/stats/moveset generators. Each pokemon is designed to be that specific pokemon exactly, and its specific data is stored at all times, even when it hasn't spawned. That is why the games are shit, because Game Freak doesn't want to admit they don't know how to do things.
"Some Nintendo reps"? Dear friend, not just some, but THE one and only Satoru Iwata, who hopefully rests in peace.
As many shortcomings as Sword and Shield have, ESPECIALLY stuff like riding/having pokemon follow you, WHICH WAS WAS IN LET'S GO, but somehow not in Sword and Shield... the one thing that is driving me the most nuts is that all of the Pokemon added back in don't have Pokedex numbers, and since they changed all the Pokedex numbers to hide which Pokemon didn't make it in, I have no room in my boxes for any of the ones they added back in with the DLC. Yeah, that probably won't matter to most people, but to those of us that like to actually fill the Pokedex and collect all the Pokemon that are available in the game, it's an absolute nightmare that I've never experienced in any Pokemon game ever. I don't think Game Freak realizes just how large of impacts even the smallest detail left out can make.
"Pokemon walking has been removed."
it was put back in lets go, and inside the sw/sh codes along with all pokemon taken out
Which I didn't get why especially in Gen 5 (as they already had sprites for old Pokemon).
12:19 You went with Diantha's theme over Xerneas and Yveltal's theme?! _HERESY, I SAY!!!_
I always find it weird when people say XY music was forgettable (the joke that he had to think hard to remember music from that game pretty much implies this). While not every theme is great, i thought XY had a lot of great tunes.
@@okagron Probably because played it once. And thats about it.
Honestly, playing through it, the games do seem rather...bland. it's alright aa a game but it's just alright. I'm not gonna grab pitchforks or anything but I am a little mad, especially knowing that they have thw ability to, in some capacity
@iSynthh agreed. Even with a dlc out now, it feels lackluster.
But would you say its a $90 game? Yes, I am including the 'dlc'.
@@Blackemperess Are you asking if i think it is worth 90$? I would say no, even including DLC. Maybe Crown will change my mind, but the base game and Isle of Armor don't provide a 90$ experience.
6:39 That was diamond & pearl actually, it was ever since Platinum that they've been given as gifts.
I love how you can get a Poliwag shirt but can't actually get it in the game.
20:08 Hey. At least the Honedge line made it in, because Aegislash is a Sword and a Shield.
"Pokèmon has NEVER had voice acting!"
Black and White 2's unmemorable voice tracks: "AM I A JOKE TO YOU!?"
Edit: I watched more of the video, and I am molded that he actually addressed this. I should have just kept watching the video, instead of typing a comment. 😭 I am so sorry, I'll crawl back into the haunted well that I came out of.
8:50=ShSw has no level of detail and particles aren't displayed smartly. The characters are always on full polygon that's why despawn so the game doesn't struggles having the whole game loaded. On top of that,the amount of particales stress the game because the amount of effecr aren't set on how much is processed and alwyas goes full out. That stresses the game and therefore it despawns stuff to load better
This game has plenty of different storylines, but none are interesting because you can normally summarize them easily.
Hop: Wants to live up to famous brother then realizes he can be himself.
Marnie: Wants to become champion to help home town.
Bede: Wants to help the person who saw potential in him. Got overconfident. Got betrayed. Got helped by old lady. Becomes more humble.
Sonia: Wants to impress her grandma and accidentally discovers a conspiracy.
Rose: Wants to save future region so much he risks destroying present region.
Darkest Day: Energy dragon makes animals giant. Two wolves with weapons don't like that and fight it. (This is for both darkest days)
Kinda wished they'd do a reboot with
- all regions
- all species so far released
- all moves and types
- option for 2d or 3d mode (yeh, lotsa work in there..)
- option wether pokemon spawn overworld or encounter style
- stat experience instead of EVs
- new feature: :o maybe shinys could be like, really random?!
@@speedforce8970 not sure if you know this but companies require money to stay alive and it will be your boycotter's fault when the franchise dies
@Job Lozada the game wasn't pumped out quickly plus pokemon games were never good they were normally just average
@Job Lozada you stated yours like it was fact why can't I
@Job Lozada plus did you even play swsh or did you act like you have the full right to criticize it without experiencing it
@Job Lozada nostalgia (btw I played every game and pearl was my first) plus its dumb people want to pay full game price for a little extra content instead of paying half price for 2 packs of extra content you are the reason pokemon is dying
"Why is this game one of the most controversial games of all time"
Last of Us 2: Hold my beer
“Hold my golf bag”
No no Fortnite
Never heard of it
@@virgobro2025 That's the point, it was hyped up to be this very big game, but flopped so hard that no one really talked about it after initial reviews and was actually rated quite poorly by most reviewers.
@@pixeltcat Flopped? TLOU2 sold millions and has been rated quite well by critics. It's a success by just about every metric
I don't know who you are, I just found you out through recommendations, but you, sir, are wearing a Gintama shirt so you earned my like
I remember seeing an interview from Gamefreak developer. He said that the Pokémon company are Puppetering gamefreak. Ever since gen 5, gamefreak keeps forcing the developers to half ass a game which forces them half finish games. BW 2 wasn't supposed to be a game. South Kalos was supposed to be explored in XY. Ultra SM weren't supposed to be a thing. So it's not out of the picture that this game was forced out so the anime and TCG could be out on time.
Also half of the developers in Small Town Hero were yeeted back into the Pokemon development. Small Town Hero actually seemed like it had potential but it just looks shit.
Edit: oh yeah, The Pokemon Company made gamefreak work illegal work hours so yunno thank you Pokemon Company
ShiRuBa8th I need a source on that!
Which interview?
Man. If only I could get these thumbnails as full images.
Too many people use patreon as a paywall rather than early access.
Gamefreak might not be great at software optimization; but it definitely doesn't help nintendo has not only been significantly lagging behind in hardware for decades, but also notorious for forcing gimmick implementations on game developers (most notably motion controls). I'm not saying gamefreak is innocent by any means, just pointing out they didn't get much to work with either; context is important regardless if it's a technical problem or telling a joke.
The thumbnails is legendary 😍🤤 sonia is the best!
Wasn’t expecting Sonic Unleashed 3 to be based in England.
At least the waifus are good.
Too bad the animations look like shit.
Pokémon Sword and Shield are actually really great Pokémon Games thanks to the DLC that added more content and areas to explore and everyone who says otherwise is stupid af.
Peak of Pokémon when comes to quality was everything from Emerald to B2W2. So basically the second half of the 2D era of Pokémon
Pokemon peeked during the Black and White era. I haven't wholeheartedly enjoyed a Pokemon since.
You ever get caught off guard and start laughing like a maniac at an only okay joke? Cause 10:00 instant trasmission broke me
There are times where I feel like I’m the only one that didn’t hate this game.
Yes I know I have shit tastes
Buddy pal, a lot of people like the game. On the other hand a lot of people also dislike it. That's it
Then your okay with mediocrity, no offence but that's kinda what Pokemon is. The same formula with slight adjustments to make it *seem* better than it actually is. People fawn over Sonia and you have the opposite side with Nessa. You see Pokemon is okay but it has lasted long enough to be more, it clearly has the money to do so. But they are always either mediocre these recent years or just good. And now with SW&SH we have to pay an extra 30 just for some new content that probably just slightly improve the base game as a *selling point* of the DLC is the returning Pokemon which imo is stupid. It's like giving me 3/4 of a cake and then after i ate it you gave me the other 1/4 for almost the same price as the 3/4 i had. Sure it could of been a third game but that's not my point, Pokemon keeps recycling the same thing with slight adjustments never actually trying to be number 1 but now just to sell merch.
Well today’s your lucky day
There are so many people so fiercely defending these games, so obviously there a lot of people that like them.
You don't have shit taste. People luke what they like. I LOVE pokemon sword. It's one of my favorite pokemon games. People hate the game but that doesn't mean you should feel bad about liking it
I feel like Game Freak saw his list of Pokemon and said, "Yeah, most of those are as good as any."
15:21 Quite frankly, the two editions here feel like one hell of a rip off to me, because many of the exclusive pokemon of the other version are used by other trainers.
For example, just to name a few:
Shielbert in the post-game, who you fight in SHIELD specifically, has a *Sirfetched*, which should be exclusive to SWORD.
In the raid-battles in SHIELD, the NPC can have a *Solrock*, also exclusive to SWORD.
The Waiter at the cafe in SHIELD has an Alcreamie together with a *Slurpuff*, which should be exclusive SWORD. (the Slurpuff only, Alcreamie is not exclusive)
Heck, Bede, in both versions, has a *Gothirita*, a *Duosion*, a *Ponyta* AND a *Mawile*, ALL OF WHICH are Pokemon supposedly exclusive to one of the two versions, so no matter WHAT version you have, half his team consists of Pokemon he shouldn't be able to have!
It just leaves me with a feeling off getting ripped off, because why can THEY have whatever the hell they want with no problem, but I can't? Why can BEDE have ALL of them together, but I have to pay another 60,-$ so I can trade the other ones over? And I can't even do that in this game!
Granted, I haven't played the previous Pokemon-Games yet, so I don't know if that's normal for this franchise, but even if it is, I still feel generally put at a disadvantage if the NPCs have access to Pokemon which are locked behind a paywall for me. And it really pisses me off in this game, because I have Favourites that are exclusive to both versions.
honestly, the queen should have been the champion, not the professor. like she’s the figurehead of england, and who’s the figurehead of galar? the champion. like?? it was too perfect why did they not do it????
GameFreak are noobs when it comes to making 3D games. Look at any other spinoff Pokémon game in 3D like the Stadium style games and Snap. They were all not made by GameFreak. Even all the 3D Pokémon models they use where created with help from Creatures inc
"pokemon has never had voiceacting."
professor kukui in that one scene in the sun and moon games: _am i a joke to you?_
When was that?
What scene?
@@ayala5154 i dont think it exists. I've replayed those games 3 times. There's no voice acting.
@@sechabatheletsane9784 Yea I think so. I've also replayed those games.
Don't forget Totem Mimikyu
I didn't even buy this game, I borrowed it from a friend and beat it. I refused to buy it. I played it and was very let down. It was just boring bland garbage. I went back to play Pokemon White not too long after and it was awesome. Pokemon has gone to shit no question.
The only garbage I see here is you
Midnight the Noivern hey thanks dood:)
I don’t like how I feel bad for enjoying sword and shield, people say you can enjoy things and have different opinions but when I like a game they don’t like you get called a sheep and harassed for just enjoying aspects of the game that they didn’t. I just like the exploration of the wild area, the dynamax adventures are genuinely really fun, and the story is honesty not as bad as people make it out to be, especially at the end. The characters also have more personality in this game than any other in the series. I just wish more people gave it a chance
I can understand that experiencing the open world aspect of the game is somewhat enjoyable, but the story isn't really that great. one of the lowest 3 in my opinion. And the NPCs themselves aren't any different.
Doesn't change the fact that it's trash
Currently playing Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and *those* games have Mega Evolutions and more Pokemon than the originals. As well as metric ton of new features and QOL changes compared to the OG games. It's almost like the staff that developed those games cared more than those that developed the Gen 8 core games.
You better give me all of your damn thumbnail art, right now.
@Casswury I'm on mobile, weirdo.
But thanks for reminding me that that was a feature.
I'll come back when my PC charger is repaired.
1 dollar a month on Patereon
Thank you wise Duck.
@Casswury Bruh. lmao
@@HallowedHero un momento de "bruh"