Surah Waqiah: Challenging Ego Identity of "I"

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Each of these questions asked in Ayahs of Surah Waqiah directly by ALLAH invite us to heal one of our soul wounds which we carry as a result of our Ego identities:
    “Have you considered the water you drink?
    Is it you who bring it down from the clouds, or is it We Who do so”?
    Soul Wound: I have to take care of everything - I have a lot of responsibilities
    Antidote: We are NOT in charge of any resource that we have been given, not even the water we take for granted - so ease back into the ONE who is the provider of all - Ease back to the One in charge.
    “If We willed, We could make it salty. Will you not then give thanks?
    Soul Wound: I do not like the place I am in my life -
    Antidote: It is the perfect place for we don’t know what ELSE could have been if it were not this - so ground yourself in gratitude for this moment.
    “Have you considered the fire you kindle?”
    Is it you who produce its trees, or is it We Who do so?
    We have made it ˹as˺ a reminder ˹of the Hellfire˺ and a provision for the travellers.”
    Soul Wound: Whatever I have been given is not serving me well - I wish I had another set of resources, I wish I had a different life.
    Antidote: Within the resources we have been given which seem to be a trial for us is also the flame that has the power to light our way as travelers, if used in alignment with Divine Decree.
    “Why then ˹are you helpless˺ when the soul ˹of a dying person˺ reaches ˹their˺ throat,
    while you are looking on”?
    Soul Wound: I am in control of everything in my life
    Antidote: We are completely helplessly dependent on Allah - acknowledge it and fall deeper into this realization to release all illusion of control.
    “You already know how you were first created. Will you not then be mindful?
    Have you considered what you sow?
    Is it you who cause it to grow, or is it We Who do so?”
    Soul Wound: I am a victim of my circumstance - this is what my life is and always will be - nothing new can be born from this.
    Antidote: There is an opportunity for rebirth available to us THROUGH every trial - Allah gives us the opportunity to be REBORN through every hardship. Lean in.