  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • → #Brexit: In a parallel universe - Share 2-minute video
    On the day after the #EU referendum, 24 June 2016, the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, stood outside 10 Downing Street.
    He could have said that “The people of the United Kingdom have all had their say.”
    But he didn’t. He didn’t mention “United Kingdom” at all.
    What he actually said was, “Over 33 million people, from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar have all had their say.”
    And this is a key point. Of the five territories asked to take part in the referendum, three strongly voted AGAINST Brexit.
    Despite this, Brexit went ahead.
    Brexiters are quick to point out that the referendum was a UK-wide vote. But it surely should not have been.
    When David Cameron said that England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar all had their say, he didn’t mention that the say of Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar was to remain in the #EuropeanUnion.
    Their say was ignored.
    When a vote is taken in the EU on whether to go ahead with a big change, the say of each country is equal, whatever their geographical size or the size of their population.
    With three out of five territories in the referendum voting against Brexit; with only a wafer-thin difference between Leave and Remain; with only 37% of the electorate supporting Leave, was it right to storm ahead with Brexit?
    My video rewrites history to show what David Cameron could have done the day after the referendum, instead of resigning and running away.
    Brexiters often tell me that they haven’t got the Brexit they wanted. I ask them, “When did you vote for the Brexit you wanted?”
    Of course, they didn’t.
    The electorate was never given an opportunity to vote for a specific version of Brexit. In the referendum, it was Remain - which we’d had for 43 years - versus Leave, which was entirely vague and undefined.
    But in the parallel universe presented in the video, voters would have been given a more realistic and democratic choice. We could have had a new referendum that properly pitched a defined Brexit with an already known Remain.
    Watch and wonder.
    To change the future, we must understand what's gone wrong in the past.
    © Video and report by ‪@JonDanzig‬


  • @JonDanzig
    @JonDanzig  7 місяців тому +10

    → #Brexit: In a parallel universe - Share 2-minute video
    On the day after the #EU referendum, 24 June 2016, the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, stood outside 10 Downing Street.
    He could have said that “The people of the United Kingdom have all had their say.”
    But he didn’t. He didn’t mention “United Kingdom” at all.
    What he actually said was, “Over 33 million people, from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar have all had their say.”
    And this is a key point. Of the five territories asked to take part in the referendum, three strongly voted AGAINST Brexit.
    Despite this, Brexit went ahead.
    Brexiters are quick to point out that the referendum was a UK-wide vote. But it surely should not have been.
    When David Cameron said that England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar all had their say, he didn’t mention that the say of Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar was to remain in the #EuropeanUnion.
    Their say was ignored.
    When a vote is taken in the EU on whether to go ahead with a big change, the say of each country is equal, whatever their geographical size or the size of their population.
    With three out of five territories in the referendum voting against Brexit; with only a wafer-thin difference between Leave and Remain; with only 37% of the electorate supporting Leave, was it right to storm ahead with Brexit?
    My video rewrites history to show what David Cameron could have done the day after the referendum, instead of resigning and running away.
    Brexiters often tell me that they haven’t got the Brexit they wanted. I ask them, “When did you vote for the Brexit you wanted?”
    Of course, they didn’t.
    The electorate was never given an opportunity to vote for a specific version of Brexit. In the referendum, it was Remain - which we’d had for 43 years - versus Leave, which was entirely vague and undefined.
    But in the parallel universe presented in the video, voters would have been given a more realistic and democratic choice. We could have had a new referendum that properly pitched a defined Brexit with an already known Remain.
    Watch and wonder.
    To change the future, we must understand what's gone wrong in the past.

  • @colinsmith1288
    @colinsmith1288 7 місяців тому +22

    Camerom was a political coward. He only saw what was best for his party's interest and gambled a nations future on it and walked a way when it backfired.

  • @anthonygrayson7753
    @anthonygrayson7753 7 місяців тому +23

    Exactly right, but then he should never have called the referendum in the first place. Children playing with matches and all that! If only he'd had the backbone to face down the loonies in his party, Jon. If only!😢

    • @cia5649
      @cia5649 6 місяців тому

      better for the eu since no more britain stonewalling intergration

    • @clickrick
      @clickrick 6 місяців тому +2

      If he wanted a referendum - and let's face it, he felt like he was on a winning streak after the AV and Scottish votes - there were many alternatives open to him, such as being specific that it was not binding on parliament (parliament being sovereign and all that), or that it required a super-majority to have any effect.
      But no, his hubris was his - and our - downfall.

  • @HelenaMikas
    @HelenaMikas 7 місяців тому +10

    It was not democratic. Note I'm British have passport pay tax each month but even as a one off ,we were excluded .Irony of Irony I came to Germany as a teacher for the UK Gov. It affected my life too , indeed many in Europe .Cameron "the confused coward ". He doesn't care he now has a title and has made money as UK citizens get poorer ..Another public school fool who has no idea what life means for most .

  • @Geffo555
    @Geffo555 7 місяців тому +9

    The Money men got what they wanted. And perhaps Cameron lacked the nerve to challenge them. The country as a whole got conned. And I believe that most people see that now.

  • @clarecrawford9677
    @clarecrawford9677 7 місяців тому +5

    Statesman he was not and is not, whatever his title.

    • @gavinedinburgh
      @gavinedinburgh 6 місяців тому

      one in series of weak Prime Ministers. continung to the present day.

  • @YouD0ntSay
    @YouD0ntSay 7 місяців тому +3

    But ... but ...... Brexit meant brexit, didnt it? And the fishermen knew what they were voting for ....😭😭😭

  • @federicoprice2687
    @federicoprice2687 6 місяців тому +4

    Jon, thank you once again; this your latest video and narrative above are both enlightening and chilling. Words cannot describe how utterly betrayed I feel by our travesty of a 'government,' and we now see an ever increasing majority feeling the same way. Now retired, I was working for HMG at a senior level in one of our major Embassies in the EU during the entire Brexit process - including throughout one of the UKs terms in the EU Presidency. I was totally astonished by the level of gross incompetence and ineptitude in devising the terms and execution of the referendum itself, and the mismanagement of the entire political process. The utterly crass way in which the deceptive, undemocratic, externally influenced and deviously funded campaigning was overseen and conducted remains unforgiveable. As was the abrogation of political responsibility for managing the outcome, for which words fail me, but you've managed to express so logically and succinctly in your video.
    I for one am 100% convinced that Brexit as a whole, including the way in which it "was done," was an outstanding success. Yes, Brexit has been an exceptional triumph ...for the 0.032% of our nation (and many more beyond) who designed, engineered and delivered Brexit - and profited hugely as a result. Profited, at our unfathomable expense and lasting cost to the people of the United Kingdom, our descendents and the cataclysmic degradation of our nation as a whole. Brexit was a deliberate, finely conceived and minutely executed act of deception, corruption, fraud and profiteering - its overall impact tantamount to losing a war. The advisory referendum and its undefined and ultimately pernicious outcome were certainly not conducted democratically, not least because the entire process was based on deception.
    Those responsible should be held to account (dare I say some acts amounted to treason?) But they won't be because they're largely untouchable, already laughing all the way to their secretive banks in remote tax havens. As you say Jon, we can't change the past, but we must learn lessons and build for the future; however, it's very hard to accept how badly the UK and its people were mugged, robbed and left for dead.

    • @JonDanzig
      @JonDanzig  6 місяців тому

      Thanks for your supportive words and I share your deep concerns.
      Feel free to reach out if you would like to talk about this privately. I can be contacted via my contact page at
      I need to take a break now and post just occasionally for the time being.

  • @dukeofaaghisle7324
    @dukeofaaghisle7324 7 місяців тому +3

    We got the Brexit that Putin wanted

  • @martynjones8560
    @martynjones8560 7 місяців тому +1

    Not so much a "parallel" universe, rather a "rational" one. If only ....

  • @NetZeroNo
    @NetZeroNo 7 місяців тому +3

    The problem is you are forgetting that he kept doubling down during the run up to the vote. I am sure I remember him saying at one point that if there was only one vote in it we would leave. Don't forget also the vote for the Welsh assembly was even closer - but they went ahead. If he had said what you suggest he would have been hoist by his own petard. He was just so convinced he would win it (as Wilson did imho a much smarter politician) that he kept on ramping up the threat as he saw it. For me it was a typical boaty mc boat face - ask a stupid question...

    • @JonDanzig
      @JonDanzig  7 місяців тому +2

      Cameron had no right to say that if there was only one vote in it Leave would go ahead. The referendum, by Act of Parliament and a subsequent ruling by the Supreme Court, was only an advisory poll, and Parliament was supposed to have the final say (except the new May government refused to let MPs have that say).
      We cannot change the past. But we could change the future. And on Brexit, the public deserves another vote on this.

    • @NetZeroNo
      @NetZeroNo 7 місяців тому

      @@JonDanzig please not another vote. I think the current course of closer alignment on common issues (eg working with frontex and rejoining horizon) allows both sides to come together quite well. Those of us who believe leaving was a massive error can see these as gradual steps to inevitable rejoin what will be a different eu to the one we left anyway. Those who voted to leave but realise their mistake can (and do) claim these are selective sovereign decisions we can now make because we left. So let's all pull together and not face another bun fight (as has been said Brits aren't very good at referendums - it brings out the worst rather than the gest)

    • @JonDanzig
      @JonDanzig  7 місяців тому +2

      @@NetZeroNo When I say a new vote, I don't mean another referendum. But people eventually should have a democratic opportunity to expres their views on rejoining. That is likely to be a general election rather than a referendum; a party winning power on a manifesto promise to apply to rejoin. That's not going to happen in this year's general election, maybe it could at the next one, after the process of small steps to getting closer to the EU as you suggest (and which I have suggested too). Clearly, this is all going to take many years.
      My contribution has been to publish thousands of posts these past 12 years about the benefits of EU membership and how Brexit is entirely based on falsehoods. However, I am a tiny voice in all this. Small steps towards the EU might work, but what we need to energise the process is a better understanding by the British public of the many benefits of EU membership. That case needs to be made, but few are doing it, and for sure, there is no big awareness campaign that is needed if the message is going to resonate deeply across the country.

  • @anthonybarnes9132
    @anthonybarnes9132 7 місяців тому +1

    Nothing of misinformation that I have said is only the truth, something some people can't seem to except these days no wonder the world has gone mad.

  • @PHDiaz-vv7yo
    @PHDiaz-vv7yo Місяць тому

    This is spot on.
    I still recall some Leave voters post referendum not believing it was a serious vote. I recall my significant anxiety for the rush to Article 50
    While the parallel universe element does indeed make sense- it could have tarnished Cameron and other Remainer Tories politically as “being procrastinators and filibusters” while the likes of Johnson would stoke the fire of “the govt is not listening to you “ etc…
    Basically , as with the will to have a referendum, Cameron was playing party politics to avoid civil war- putting the party first as opposed to actual governance

  • @maartenaalsmeer
    @maartenaalsmeer 7 місяців тому +5

    I understand the trauma and the need to search for reason when there was none, the moment it was needed so very much. But it's still only water under the bridge. Brexit is done and can't be reversed. The UK needs to pick up the pieces and start a new EU application process, whenever it's ready and willing to do so. Currently it's not, I fear. The country's still too divided on the issue.

    • @JonDanzig
      @JonDanzig  7 місяців тому +4

      We can't change the past, that's certainly true. But as I explain in this post and all my other posts about the history:
      'To change the future, we must understand what's gone wrong in the past.'

    • @Paul-eb4jp
      @Paul-eb4jp 7 місяців тому

      The country is far less divided than it was at the time, it was an even split in 2016 but since then we've started to have a honest conversation about the EU which we never had before, on top of that a lot of brexit voters have passed away, I realise some remain voters have also passed but nothing like as many then we have the number who have turned 18 since 2016 and most young people feel much more European than their grandparents ever did.

    • @JonDanzig
      @JonDanzig  7 місяців тому

      @@Paul-eb4jp Yes, you make some positive and pertinent points. You may like my video which explains how there are no longer 17.4 million Leave voters and have not been for years.

    • @ab-ym3bf
      @ab-ym3bf 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Paul-eb4jpHaven´t seen any trace of an "honest conversation about the EU" happening in the UK. There are conversations, for sure, but mostly about which parts the Uk likes to cherry-pick, and always economy related (ie SM/CU).
      An honest discussion would be about what the EU actually is, how it functions, what it stands for, and how it is trying to achieve those goals. None of that is happening.
      As for the demography, that is undeniable. But young people growing up outside the EU might get accustomed to the current situation, not having experienced the advantages of being in the EU. And young people tend not to vote or be that much interested in politics.

    • @JonDanzig
      @JonDanzig  7 місяців тому +1

      @@ab-ym3bf Yes, your words almost exactly match mine over many years. "An honest discussion would be about what the EU actually is, how it functions, what it stands for, and how it is trying to achieve those goals. None of that is happening." Nothing much can change until the Rejoin sides gets organised, puts aside petty rankles and rivalries and works together to launch a proper, professional, nationwide, well-funded pro EU awareness campaign, for the first time. I don't know why this has not happened, either before or after the referendum. Here I am, 12 years after starting to present the case for EU membership since the word Brexit was invented in 2012, and I am still operating alone, without the support of any of the bigger groups such as the European Movement. The Rejoin side simply cannot win that way.

  • @nicolass7102
    @nicolass7102 6 місяців тому

    Btexit is not working

  • @wendysimpson6395
    @wendysimpson6395 6 місяців тому

    Oh how I wish.

  • @JonDanzig
    @JonDanzig  7 місяців тому

    Now on Twitter/X

    • @clickrick
      @clickrick 6 місяців тому

      I'm not on X, but are you also in touch with Truth To Power?