27 BEST Survival Foods to Stock Up on NOW for Your Prepper Pantry

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MarysNest
    @MarysNest  Рік тому +40

    Hi Sweet Friends, Learn what are the 27 BEST Survival Foods to Stock NOW in Your Prepper Pantry. ➡SUBSCRIBE to my channel: ua-cam.com/users/marysnest WATCH NEXT➡ ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0WCxRNWm60Yt0ihEQbfpUl.html&si=Vz81XkaTcTDgGqa1
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    🍎BLOG POST and FREE SURVIVAL PANTRY CHECKLIST DOWNLOAD: marysnest.com/27-best-survival-foods-to-stock-now-in-your-prepper-pantry/
    0:00 Introduction
    3:53 Baking Category
    35:15 Beans Category
    40:04 Beverages Category
    50:08 Dairy Alternatives Category
    1:00:40 Fats Category
    1:11:55 Pasta Category
    1:18:06 What is a Four Corners Pantry?
    1:19:15 What is a Prepper Pantry?
    1:21:40 What is an Emergency Pantry?
    1:25:19 What is a Healing Pantry?
    1:31:07 What is a Survival Pantry?
    1:34:31 Proteins Category
    1:41:21 Salt Category
    1:50:04 Seasonings Category
    1:54:44 Sweeteners Category
    2:04:30 Veggies and Fruits Category
    2:18:34 Whole Grains Category
    2:29:51 Bonus Category
    ➡FREE 36-PAGE ESSENTIAL TRADITIONAL FOODS PANTRY LIST: marysnest.com/free-traditional-foods-pantry-list/
    ➡FOUR CORNERS PANTRY INVENTORY AND SHOPPING LIST: marysnest.com/why-you-need-to-stock-up-on-these-top-15-foods-now/
    ➡FOUR CORNERS ACCELERATION PANTRY INVENTORY AND SHOPPING LIST: marysnest.com/how-to-accelerate-stocking-your-prepper-pantry/
    ➡EMERGENCY FOOD SUPPLY LIST AND MEAL PLAN: marysnest.com/how-to-build-a-2-week-emergency-food-supply/
    ➡HEALING PANTRY INVENTORY LIST: marysnest.com/how-to-stock-your-healing-pantry-and-create-an-herbal-medicine-cabinet/
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    ▶HOMEMDADE JAM: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U36xuW2AaITr8q6F-JDpck5.html&si=1E1Uyx279SZ3xFXU
    ▶VANILLA EXTRACT AND MORE: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1HihunrD-TjcEryOo1hnb_.html&si=_uf-QBDREUIhEjR-
    ▶HOME REMEDIES FOR NATURAL LIVING: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1ySGH6jpsfr-Wk0D_hf96Z.html&si=A_6ii-3QzsmJtc8M
    ▶HOW TO MAKE HARDTACK: ua-cam.com/video/SUTr3tmCvKc/v-deo.htmlsi=oPgp_jdRTmXHYhlq
    ▶HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U14s7hgEoGWEc0kJe2NoRd2.html&si=lDNLX5NB_FLFL6Ld
    ▶HOW TO DEHYDRATE VEGGIES THE EASY WAY: ua-cam.com/video/rMWTBMDxYvE/v-deo.htmlsi=o2yNc5G2p13rPZtz
    ▶THE ULTIMATE PREPPER PANTRY SERIES: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0WCxRNWm60Yt0ihEQbfpUl.html
    ▶MAKE IMMUNE BOOSTING FOODS AND HOME REMEDIES: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd.html
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    ➡You Can Order My New Book Now: THE MODERN PIONEER COOKBOOK: marysnest.com/my-cookbook/
    FoodSaver Handheld Vacuum Sealing System: amzn.to/3FdfB9k
    Foodsaver Bags: amzn.to/3M0Ieue
    5 Gallon Buckets w/ Lid: amzn.to/2ZEdlDM
    Bucket Lid Opener: amzn.to/2Fp2IOw
    Bay Leaves: amzn.to/3ltXiBR
    1 Gallon Mylar Bags: amzn.to/3RXrHvc
    300CC Oxygen Absorbers: amzn.to/3rO6I3a
    10g Silica Gel Packs: amzn.to/2HnVScs
    The Modern Pioneer Cookbook: amzn.to/3MBU8fo
    Nourishing Traditions: amzn.to/2PLIXTG
    SAS Survival Handbook: amzn.to/3RRMyg1
    SAS Urban Survival Handbook: amzn.to/3TXYMWh
    The Survival Medicine Handbook: amzn.to/3De6Coz
    Official U.S. Army Survival Manual: amzn.to/3RIaqme
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    Thanks for watching!
    Love and God Bless,

    • @gusper314
      @gusper314 Рік тому +4

      *Muito obrigado for your tips...every single one of your videos is something to keep...may our Lord guide and bless you. Saudações desde o sul do* 🧉🇧🇷💥

    • @michiganhighfiveliving
      @michiganhighfiveliving Рік тому +3

      I am rather new to your videos but this is a way of life that is near and dear to me. I was born and raised on a Farm in Northern Michigan and we made or grew EVERYTHING we could possible do for ourselves. I think we only purchased Rice, Coffee and flour on a regular basis. I took all of it for granted and felt I had "arrived" in my twenties when I could buy pre-made food. As I have gotten older I have reverted back to a more traditional foods kitchen. Watching your videos has helped to "bring back" all the memories and things my Mom taught us. God Bless you and your sweet family. I now have a stocked pantry of canned foods I have made in the last 2 months. I made Sauerkraut for the first time in many years and the green apple trick is wonderful. I also love Redman's salt from Utah and I make what I call a salt shot each morning with real salt, nu-salt and liquid magnesium. I feel better since starting this about 4 years ago. Between the salt shot, giving up sugar and using MCT powder or coconut oil in my coffee and feel pretty fantastic. I do have a freeze dryer and adore the dried berries and fruit. It has been a God send in helping me minimize waste. I freeze dry leftovers and seal them in the mylar bags to rehydrate at another time. I rendered leaf lard and a few days ago I made my first pie with my lard. You have helped me have the confidence to know I can make a difference in my families life and health.
      You are a wonderful source of information and I am so blessed to have found your videos.

    • @sherrlynmingus9174
      @sherrlynmingus9174 Рік тому +2

      Mary, Thank you for sharing this wealth of knowledge with us. Would you share your thoughts on dry canning items for long term storage...i.e. flour, beans, rice etc...
      This method appeals to me because glass canning jars are easier to store in our present situation than large buckets are. Do you believe this is an effective reliable method? Thanks for sharing your insights.

    • @sheilabrennan5543
      @sheilabrennan5543 6 місяців тому +1

      Non GMO should be recommended. Usually from Italy. GMO can cause stomach issues. Example bloating and harder to digest

    • @jedeyejess111
      @jedeyejess111 5 місяців тому +1

      Hi, I’m not finding the discount code for Healing Harvest Honestead

  • @justcallmejay3041
    @justcallmejay3041 10 місяців тому +37

    She's the Martha Stewart of the apocalypse. And im grateful for her 🙏

  • @theonewhomjesusloves7360
    @theonewhomjesusloves7360 Рік тому +26

    Whats so important about Mary's information is, you wont just survive, you will thrive!!!❤

  • @jaylee968
    @jaylee968 Рік тому +185

    Mary after this turbulent week in the world, it is sure a blessing to see your sweet smiling face and hear you sharing positive, helpful information with us. God bless you and your family. 🙏

  • @tgardenchicken1780
    @tgardenchicken1780 Рік тому +59

    Items stored in clear glass (herbs, tinctures home canned items ) should be stored in the dark. If you have old socks with holes, cut off the feet and use the socks to create 'glass cozies' if you need to store in a bright area. If you live in an area where earthquakes or mining tremors cause your glass stored items to jiggle against each other, use the socks to cushion each one or every other one to prevent glass from tapping its neighbor. For earthquake areas, make sure things can't fall off shelves or shelves to fall. And of course, always label stuff. you may know what is in your pantry, but what if another person has to use your pantry. (If you are ill or away from the house)
    Mary's book is fantastic!
    As usual, I learned so much in this video and truly appreciate the gift that you are, Mary. Thank you.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +6

      Wow! Thank you so much for all the great tips and thank you so much for the kind words about my book! I’m so glad you are enjoying it! Love, Mary

    • @sandymosshart9164
      @sandymosshart9164 Рік тому +11

      I love your sock idea!

    • @deemckinney1486
      @deemckinney1486 Рік тому +2

      I am going to use your sock idea. Thank you so much great for earthquakes.

    • @DonnaMM6361
      @DonnaMM6361 8 місяців тому +2

      Thanks for the sock tip!

  • @kiawalker6203
    @kiawalker6203 Рік тому +16

    I've been feeling the Lord encouraging me to begin storing some food for what's going on in the world but had no idea where to start. This video is so helpful. It isn't just the sound wisdom about food storage but the fact that u aren't anxious. I knew the Lord had led me to your channel. Thank u for this wealth of information. God bless u

  • @debbiemusgrove676
    @debbiemusgrove676 Рік тому +7

    It is The Purposeful Pantry. Her name is Darcy. She is located in Texas also. She is very knowledgeable.

  • @crystalclear1969
    @crystalclear1969 Рік тому +21

    Soooo refreshing to hear your beautiful voice teaching on emergency preparedness. Seriously. Removes the anxiety

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +3

      So happy I can play a small roll in calming us during these turbulent time. Love, Mary

  • @famous9222
    @famous9222 Рік тому +49

    I store flour in 5 lb amounts, in paper lunch bags, then in Food Saver type plastic bags but I VACUUM seal the bags. I make the Food Saver type bags extra long so when I open one up I can wash/dry and reuse over and over.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +6

      Great tip!!

    • @barbarad.517
      @barbarad.517 Рік тому +11

      I leave my flour in it’s original unopened bag, then pop the whole thing into a vacuum seal bag and vacuum seal, then store in big bins. Love my vacuum sealer!

    • @frsp3403
      @frsp3403 Рік тому +5

      ​@@barbarad.517I do the same. The square-ish blocks stack nice in a big rectangle tote

    • @susieramick7202
      @susieramick7202 10 місяців тому +2

      Newish prepper HELP please.
      Do you freeze ,thaw your flour, grains and beans. Many say do this and others are saying no, can bring mold to food they seal and oxygen absorbers. ???

    • @lindalawrence5526
      @lindalawrence5526 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@susieramick7202 I always freeze , refreeze in room temp, but now using my vacuum sealer or mylar bags and oxygen absorbers I don't, once the air is sucked out termites or worms , bugs can't survive..

  • @princessdumbarton9877
    @princessdumbarton9877 Рік тому +23

    I make pantry minestrone and eat it all the time. It uses up lots of pantry items and it is cheap and healthy. Just use some kind of tomato product like tomato paste, sauce, diced or crushed tomatoes, add water to consistency you like, add veg broth if you have it, add whatever herbs you have or want to use up like parsley, oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, italian seasoning, whatever. Use whatever vegetables you have, I use dried. Then drain and rinse a can of beans, add those, bring to a boil, throw in a few handfuls of whatever pasta, some salt, boil a minute, cover, let it sit a while. In a few minutes you have minestrone and can eat it for days. It contains everything you need to stay alive a long time. Eat it with biscuits or crackers or whatever you have. It's very adaptable to whatever you have around.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +5

      Great tips!! ❤️🤗❤️

    • @jeanineskitchen2607
      @jeanineskitchen2607 Рік тому +2

      yes we agree on the same tomatoes,all 4 i keep as you said and a few more as well,so many recipes require different sizes consistancy and such,good ideas

  • @buckbundy8642
    @buckbundy8642 Рік тому +54

    Mary, this is a great video! And the effort you put into time stamping for ease of use is greatly appreciated.

  • @jess4metoo
    @jess4metoo Рік тому +26

    Good morning Mary. Went through the Loma Prieta earthquake. We were on survival mode for about three weeks. Excellent tips, thank you!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +4

      Oh wow! God bless you. Glad you made it through safe and sound. Love, Mary

  • @lamgardn3800
    @lamgardn3800 Рік тому +32

    Thank you so much, Mary, for another excellent, highly informative, invaluable video. I so appreciate that you haven't jumped on the "pay for a course on this information " bandwagon and keep your information highly accessible to all of us! You have my gratitude and admiration 😊

    • @jia6276
      @jia6276 11 місяців тому +2

      Amen! Thank you Mary!

  • @hollyclark690
    @hollyclark690 10 місяців тому +6

    Hi Mary
    The tip about the flour storage is great! When I buy flour, I divide it into (5 cup) paper bags as this is the amount my bread recipe calls for. Always the perfect amount and less mess .

  • @conniekline9881
    @conniekline9881 23 дні тому +2

    Here we are 1 year later and we are still looking at turbulent and unexpected times, with many new stories of how being better prepared is absolutely necessary. Thank you for the logical ways to set up the different levels of pantries. Also, good news that your book is now available for Kindle for $1.99 during Black Friday sales.

  • @jenihansen7201
    @jenihansen7201 Рік тому +35

    Hi Mary, I put tea bags and tea in a glass jar, such as an old jelly or jam jar, and keep my teas in that. Works great.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +6

      Great tip!!

    • @marlayneboblett1267
      @marlayneboblett1267 Рік тому +4

      I love this idea. I have a lot of herb teas that I do not want to go bad before I can use them. Thank you.

    • @_evilqueen
      @_evilqueen Рік тому +2

      Consider using a vacuum sealer and a mason jar. Also if the tea bags are packaged individually wrapped in foil they will last longer

  • @nursepam6424
    @nursepam6424 10 місяців тому +3

    Hey Mary, not a prepper here. I am a sourdough baker, miller, fresh healthy food advocate. I’ve always had a well stocked home and am never caught unprepared. That being said, I appreciate your logical non inflammatory approach to your topics. That can be rare in your followers. Stay well and be a voice of reason.

  • @irisdude
    @irisdude Рік тому +7

    So many forever foods!
    Making rice with chicken broth and just a dash of soy sauce is delicious, filling and way more nutritious than plain white rice and water. But chicken and mixed veggies added to it is a fabulous meal. Canned chicken and veggies or reconstituted dehydrated veggies work great.
    Lentils and rice with some canned tomatoes and spices is a complete protein and scoops up well with flat bread.
    I love sharing the idea of forever foods with friends and family. Nobody anymore in my circle thinks it is crazy to prepare and stock up on some forever foods anymore like they used to. They have seen the last 3 years and the supply shortages. I have two friends keeping veggie scrap bags in their freezers now for soups and stews and broth. One friend told me she had some carrots past their prime and throw them in the scrap bag rather than the garbage. I was like, Yay!

  • @Stevefor1776
    @Stevefor1776 Рік тому +7

    A caution from a Californian: If you live in an area where one of your potential catastrophes is earthquake you should have very little jarred foods in your survival pantry. Either that, or you should have them all in padded, hard cases.

  • @florencehendrick4781
    @florencehendrick4781 Рік тому +14

    God bless you dear sweet Mary, and thank you for all the valuable information, I have to say that after hearing and reading about all the vile and unconscionable news about what has happened this week, and of course what could happened in the near future....it's such a blessing to listen to your sweet voice and see your smiling face as usual...you are indeed a blessing more than you know...Bountiful and boundless blessings to you, your family and your business.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! Love, Mary

  • @setexasgal8877
    @setexasgal8877 Рік тому +11

    Mary, I used to put my flour into brown paper bags then vacuum seal but now I put the whole 5lb flour bag into a large vacuum seal bag and seal that. When I take out the flour to use it I whisk the flour then measure it for my recipe.

    • @setexasgal8877
      @setexasgal8877 Рік тому +1

      Also using the original bag you have all of the information about the flour.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +1

      Great tip!

  • @Emma-3010
    @Emma-3010 Рік тому +13

    Science of softening old beans is detailed in a blog post that I came across a few years back. It's enzyme release related, if I recall correctly. You can probably find it by searching for "meanwhile back at the ranch old beans" (don't put the quotes in your search). I tried it with some stored beans that were 10 years beyond the 'best buy' date and it worked perfectly to soften them. I wrote the method onto a notecard that stays on my fridge so it's always handy!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому

      Wow!! Great info!! Will look it up!! ❤️🤗❤️

  • @dancnluc1
    @dancnluc1 Рік тому +21

    Another great video. I have been drying and jarring up my dried herbs and things that I have forage for. I love Heidi - I have learned so much from her channel.
    The other day, I was making something and came across a can of store bought tomato sauce that was out of date for several years. I ended up using it, and it was still good.
    About a month ago, I was talking to my son about if something happened and being prepared. He told me it would not matter on him. He is on daily meds from a kidney transplant. It really makes you think about people who are on meds if something goes wrong.
    Honey is amazing. Several years ago, I got sick and went to the doctor with a nasty cough and ear ache, which I had not had one since I was a kid. What a wasted trip. I ended up using honey and lemon for my cough. Then, I ended up with an eye infection. I decided I was not going to the doctor. I did research and ended up making an eye drop from honey and water. It was amazing how quickly it worked. I hesitated at first - honey in the eye.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +14

      Wow! This is amazing. I understand your son's concern. It is scary to many people who are on life saving medications. I have read that when times appear to be getting turbulent that many doctors will provide their patients such as your son - at a minimum of 90 days of medication. Sometimes 120 days. That might be something that he would like to discuss with his doctor in advance. God bless him. I know the thought of troubles can be terrifying to people in his position. I am very impressed with your home remedies. Yes, honey is amazing! My mom ate at least 1 teaspoon every day and used it for all sorts of home remedies! She's 98 so I think we can all learn a lot from her! Love, Mary

    • @tracyhoward155
      @tracyhoward155 8 місяців тому +1

      As long as your cabs aren't damaged or bulging, the contents should be good indefinitely. Lesson learned from my grandmother who had to learn the hard way how to make do during WW2

    • @Suzitao
      @Suzitao 7 місяців тому

      that's great..I am using the great healer honey to sort out my cracked lips. What is the ratio..of honey to water? How long did you need to treat it for?
      On your other point about your son..I realised the fragility during COVID when I couldn't get medication for asthma..it got very close to the bone. It made me research what I can do instead of meds..been taking it since I was 9..now 50...learned buteko breathing and using daily herbs instead. Off pretty much all of it..even the steroids now..maybe it would be worth researching if there are alternatives for your son too?

  • @maryadkins4619
    @maryadkins4619 10 місяців тому +4

    I’ve taken tea bags and put them in a food saver and removed the air. After 2 years I opened up one of the food saver bags of tea and it was still fresh.

  • @susanjane8020
    @susanjane8020 Рік тому +7

    Love my “Mary’s “ book. Reading it slowly. I usually read books 1-2-
    3. I don’t want to miss 1 single word in your book. You are the BEST . Am I still listed as a class member? I can’t tell. I changed my account soo many times due to hacking of my only account. If someone can check on it for me Please. You my DEAR woman got me started In fermentation. Bless you. You talked me GENTLY into it. What a Gem you are. I was a baker and freezer before. & needed freezer space . Now I have a 4 corners pantry & a way to save yummy foods . What a lovely GOD following family you have. Are you all smiling all the time? Keep updating your web site

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +1

      Hi Susan, So happy you are enjoying the book! Thank you! Not sure I can check on the group names but will try. Love, Mary

  • @C5Rose3
    @C5Rose3 Рік тому +11

    Herbs and spices, tea, baking powder, even flour along with other dry pantry items, are great vacuum sealed in glass jars for longer term storage if you want an alternative to the paper bag/plastic vacuum seal idea.

  • @annelieduffylindstrom7518
    @annelieduffylindstrom7518 Рік тому +8

    You can clean water with colloidaltsilver 5dl for 5 liter mix in plastic water jug (can) and you can keep it for 6 months and cock or make coffe and brush teeth. You can shift them every 5 to 6 months, use one and chang for a new one just put date on😊

  • @marlayneboblett1267
    @marlayneboblett1267 Рік тому +16

    Mary you are not only a blessing, but a lifesaver to so many of us. To me uou are an Angel here on earth to give us the knowledge we need. God bless you and yours. Your information and tips are always helpful!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +3

      Wow!! Thank you! I am so happy we are on this journey together! Love, and God bless, Mary❤️🤗❤️

  • @joycewilson6359
    @joycewilson6359 Рік тому +11

    Hi Mary, great information with great timing. Your calming sweet natured voice is so helpful . Our world is in such a terrible way right now all we can do is pray and prepare. I m so glad I watched this video and found out I can extend the shelf life of my baking powder. I have kept it in the freezer now I can have more space. I keep all of the ingredients separately to make aluminum free and make it as needed now I can make it all at once. You also mentioned dried beans and how they just keep getting harder the longer they are stored. I grow a lot of ours and we also buy large quantities. I rotate as many as possible by pressure canning a years supply of the oldest ones I also make quick beans and quick rice by cooking and dehydrating them. I also plant the older ones. I soak them overnight before planting in garden. Thank you again for all the wonderful information. May God bless you and your family

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      Thank you so much for sharing this! Love and God Bless, Mary❤️🤗❤️

    • @jeanineskitchen2607
      @jeanineskitchen2607 Рік тому +2

      I agree its a scary time,some friends made fun of my pantry years ago,calling me a prepper,im not im just a cook,i cook here on youtube and I simply keep so much for recipes,but this year i headed back to costco and started adding some bulk foods,cause i got scared of our world right now you just never know. And living in florida in a condo 12 flights up teaches you prepare for maybe a week without electric you dont. sorry for my small novel here but I too am passionate about food and smart living.ty

  • @dfrswcfox4244
    @dfrswcfox4244 Рік тому +25

    Mary your videos are so informative and calming. I so appreciate all of the information you share with us. I purchased your cook book and enjoy reading it as well as making the recipes 😘

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +4

      Wow!! Thank you so much! I’m so happy to hear that you are enjoying my cookbook! Love, Mary

  • @taililly2483
    @taililly2483 11 місяців тому +2

    Please advise where you buy your vanilla beans and what grade of beans you use. Thank you.

  • @heathernotzdaniels6350
    @heathernotzdaniels6350 Рік тому +4

    Darcy at The Purposeful Pantry is awesome. I have learned so much from her. She has definitely been a game changer in teaching me how to better use my dehydrator.

    • @jeanineskitchen2607
      @jeanineskitchen2607 Рік тому

      i wish i could dehydrate,i returned a machine i bought on amazon,i did do the mushrooms great. good for you that you can its a cool thing to do. I'm gonna tackle making my own pickles very soon,cause i never knew the store ones do not have the natural probiotics i need for stomach issues,so i'm gonna do marys recipe she makes it simple,i bought some of the supplies. good luck

  • @fallmax
    @fallmax 8 днів тому

    Mary, you and your husband outdid yourself with this video. Thank you so much. The two of you are such beautiful people. You have saved my family so much money over the years.

  • @debbiemusgrove676
    @debbiemusgrove676 Рік тому +4

    My mom always gave me milk with molasses in it also because I wanted her coffee. Little did I know that she was making me a nutritious drink. ❤

  • @victoriajohnson3034
    @victoriajohnson3034 10 місяців тому +2

    My grandma did 7 to 10 year rotating pantry. The key is rotate yearly. And store single item ingredients. Store alcohol and store vanilla beans. Don't try to store vanilla extract. Just what she did. She had store canned bacon that was still yummy years after storage.

  • @andreiadetavora8471
    @andreiadetavora8471 Рік тому +6

    In our home, we love you Mary. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому

      Oh my goodness! I love you too! So happy we are on this journey together! Love, Mary❤️🤗❤️

  • @KimCarter-pd5lk
    @KimCarter-pd5lk 7 місяців тому +1

    Sri Lanken cloves are amazing. I have ordered them from Amazon. They last a super long time. I have also put them on a toothache! The clove aroma is so fresh, fragrant, and amazing

  • @azsummerskyss6628
    @azsummerskyss6628 7 місяців тому +1

    I use lock & lock air tight containers for most all of my long-time storage.

  • @maryholton162
    @maryholton162 Рік тому +3

    Instead of flour, I am buying wheat berries and grind it as needed. It is much healthier as it still has the germ and bran and has a very long shelf life.

  • @patriciawoodward2566
    @patriciawoodward2566 Рік тому +1

    When we come to Texas to see our kids, HEB is one of my favorite stops. Love HEB!!

  • @marciabosteder9781
    @marciabosteder9781 Рік тому +4

    Good to know about the coconut milk and cream.

  • @hitchhikerfromanothergalaxy
    @hitchhikerfromanothergalaxy Рік тому +2

    I have used the brown bag technique and then go the foodsaver route. I found I can't get many bags into a 5 gallon pail. That then becomes a waste of space. For me, half gallon jars with an O2 absorber and vacuum sealed works best for extended flour storage in a cool dark place.

  • @DawnieRotten
    @DawnieRotten Рік тому +2

    RE: Rice/Grains/Flours/Oats
    I think that I'd left this comment before, in the comment section of your vid(s), Mary.
    If one is going to store rice/grains/flours/oats 'long term', one should put the new, unopened package(s) in the FREEZER for 1 week, to kill off the weevils. Or, if one is going to re-package these things (like in vacuum sealer bags), do so, then freeze for 1 week before putting 'into storage'.

  • @decoy8645
    @decoy8645 Рік тому +2

    Canned water not only is good for long term storage for drinking but it can also be used to clean wounds or injuries, put in neti pots, etc. if i dont have a full canner load (not often) i can always finish off with however many jars of water that would be needed .

  • @marysidle5132
    @marysidle5132 Рік тому +11

    As always, excellent information and excellent advice. Your approach to everything is easy, practical, and relevant to the times we are in. Keep up the wonderful shares, Mary. GOD bless

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      Glad it was helpful! Love and God Bless, Mary

  • @susangoins1221
    @susangoins1221 Рік тому +1

    Thanks Mary. I will be buying some books from you.
    God put you here on earth to help others.

  • @stable-shadow
    @stable-shadow Рік тому +5

    Happy weekend Mary, hope you been well! Thanks for the great information as always..... 🕊️

  • @aurea-920
    @aurea-920 11 місяців тому +2

    Thanks Mrs Mary
    You are so calm about teaching us
    Blessings to you and your family 🙏🙏🙏

  • @brendaprice3319
    @brendaprice3319 5 місяців тому +1

    Hi Mary! Love your show! From RVA, USA!😊

  • @vivianp.4814
    @vivianp.4814 9 місяців тому +1

    Wow! Nice channel; just joined...learned a lot already.
    Thank you.

  • @catacomb_catholic
    @catacomb_catholic 2 місяці тому

    Mary, you had me enthralled with the wide scope of information in this video! I have stayed up past my bedtime just to keep learning. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your extensive research and experience!!!

  • @melodyfordham7878
    @melodyfordham7878 Рік тому +3

    Thank you SO VERY MUCH for your loving labors! You are an angel! 🙏🏻💕

  • @theLambisthelight
    @theLambisthelight 10 місяців тому +2

    Mary I can usually get a variety of canned meat where I live. Like roast beef, corned beef & of course chicken. I'm in Western NC. love your book too Mary🐑

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  9 місяців тому +1

      Thank you!! ❤️🤗❤️

  • @maryscolorfuljourney2159
    @maryscolorfuljourney2159 5 місяців тому +2

    Wow, wow and wow!! Thank you, sweet Mary, for this wonderful informative video! I'm forever grateful to you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us. I'm learning so much with every video. I did get your cookbook for Christmas, and I've been enjoying it also. You are such a gem and breath of fresh air during these trying times in this world. Just start with one day at a time and just keep learning as we go. I've been thinking and praying for your son and family. Hope he is doing well and on his way to complete healing 🙏 Thanks again and take care💞💞💞💞

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  5 місяців тому

      Wow!! Thank you!! ❤️🤗❤️

  • @PattyWatts-jz4em
    @PattyWatts-jz4em 10 місяців тому +2

    Hi Mary, Love your cookbook! So much useful information included. I’m 77 and found answers in your cookbook I have never found elsewhere. This book is invaluable to the experienced or mew cook, prepper! Thank you!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  10 місяців тому

      Wow!! Thank you!! ❤️🤗❤️

  • @kathleengilmore8238
    @kathleengilmore8238 Рік тому +3

    I learn so much from you, and I am so appreciative!!! I have a question. I have a bunch of pancake boxes, where one only needs to add water. They have the eggs already in them. Is it ok to put the contents into brown bags and seal it with a food saver? Thank you so very much Mary!!!

  • @barbwells5605
    @barbwells5605 Рік тому +5

    When purchasing prepared foods, canned, bottled, boxed, etc. do you watch for "bioengineered food product' on the label? Just curious, because I do and will not purchase any and I wonder if it will limit some of your suggestions. TIA

  • @mariadasilva7465
    @mariadasilva7465 Рік тому +7

    Got your cookbook. Love it! Thank you, Mary, for all the information you share. You have been such a blessing to me! God bless!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      Wow!! Thank YOU!! And so happy to hear you love the cookbook!! ❤️🤗❤️

  • @fallmax
    @fallmax 8 днів тому

    Oh Mary, this has been a wonderful wonderful UA-cam video. Thank you so very much. We watched it twice.

  • @dianevictorianshabbyshop3876
    @dianevictorianshabbyshop3876 Рік тому +2

    Purposeful Pantry is great!!!!! And so is Sutton's Daze. Great info Mary, Thank You

  • @susiegoins1450
    @susiegoins1450 Рік тому +2

    I love the idea of storing flour in brown lunch bags and then in vacuum sealed bags. I’ve never heard that tip! Same with storing boxed spaghetti noodles in vacuum sealed bags. Thank you. Love the idea of getting large bags and extra boxes out of my working pantry and into my food storage space. I have gotten into storing whole white and red wheat (and I have a mill) in vacuum sealed bags which also becomes a forever food. Love love love this video! Great information!

  • @amandahemesath6012
    @amandahemesath6012 6 місяців тому +1

    As always another fantastic video with so much wonderful info. Howdy neighbor. Good to know ur close by.

  • @osieg
    @osieg 11 місяців тому +1

    How is all this information free?! I feel like I’m stealing just watching this. Thank you so much. Making notes. Glad I found you!

  • @lauralinkous1642
    @lauralinkous1642 9 місяців тому +1

    I have the 2 week emergency food supply list, but how much of each item is not listed. how do I know how much can tuna of hash, etc?

  • @res6769
    @res6769 Рік тому +4

    Thank you for this video, I feel so much more peace about the shelf life of my canned/jars food now. God bless.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      Wonderful!! ❤️🤗❤️

  • @beckyallen3771
    @beckyallen3771 Рік тому +4

    Thank you Mary! Love your channel, you are a great teacher! The Best! I always learn so much from you! Even though I’ve been a food storage person for forty years. 😸🐾🌸

  • @plchilson6283
    @plchilson6283 Рік тому +1

    I was feeling pretty good about my on going collection of canned protein as you talked about for our pantry... I had taken advantage of past sales to catch my husband feeding it to the cats when I found an empty canned chicken can. I was very unhappy after checking my supply and even the canned salmon was gone. No sales for sometime on those items. For the future, all protein will go in a box taped hid in the very bottom back of shelves. Yes, my stomach went in my throat when I realized what had happened. All my tuna, salmon, sardines fed to the cats... at least I was able to rescue few cans of chicken.

  • @KimCarter-pd5lk
    @KimCarter-pd5lk 7 місяців тому

    Hi Mary. Welcome back! You were sorely missed
    Please stay. We all need an Angel in our lives

  • @florencehendrick4781
    @florencehendrick4781 Рік тому +1

    I just had to write another comment because I just finished this video and I am blown away at the plethora of information, wisdom, and patience that are contained within! This is by far the most informative video I've ever seen...I almost typed it out, because the thought came to mind...so I will go ahead and do it, but talk about "Nutrient Dense"...this is "Information Dense"! WOW, you packed so much into this, and everyone should feel guilty if they haven't ordered your book yet....I KNOW I DO! You are one brilliant lady, and I know how proud your family must be especially of your mother....Oh, how I bet she is just like you., brilliant, beautiful, and always smiling and willing to share.......GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  • @bumblebee7922
    @bumblebee7922 Рік тому +1

    Such a WONDERFUL video!! THANK YOU for such awesome info. Bless you sweet Mary!!

  • @barbara31655
    @barbara31655 Рік тому +1

    When you say (commercially) canned items, and even perhaps home canned, can be safe to keep years longer than the cans expiration date as long as stored in a cool, dry place. What temperature is considered cool enough? I have shelves in my home basement but there are still heat vents in the basement. I know it's always cooler in a basement in general, but is there a specific temperature that is optimal for canned/food storage?

  • @Kathy_Higginbotham
    @Kathy_Higginbotham Рік тому +5

    @Mary, this is a wonderful and informative video. Thank you so much!! I am stocking up on all that I can because I am very sure that our world is fixing to go thru very hard times. People do not realize that very soon the shelves at the stores will be empty. Going to the grocery store will not be available for a period of time. Yes, I made both the pineapple and apple scrap vinegars, Fabulous! The pineapple made an excellent dressing for coleslaw and a tasty dressing for salads! Thank you for all your helpful ideas. God bless!!!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      So wonderful to hear that the vinegars worked out well. And yes, we are all smart to prepare whatever might come our way. Love, Mary

  • @lilmedusa8027
    @lilmedusa8027 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for this video. I’ve been looking for something informative just like this!

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      Glad it was helpful!

    • @marlayneboblett1267
      @marlayneboblett1267 Рік тому +1

      You will gain a wealth of information from Mary. She explains saving, uses, extra tips and so much more. I am truly amazed at her brain.

  • @eduardosalcedosr1727
    @eduardosalcedosr1727 Рік тому +2

    Hi MARY this was a very long video but it was worth watching it, I did learn a lot like always I wonder how many hours of research you did in order to do this video and I am going to have to watch it again so I can take notes. I watched it while I was in bed resting so I did not take any notes did not use the timestamps, I watch all three ads the one in the beginning the two at the end and one in the middle that was about four seconds long, thank you for your teachings and like always best video in UA-cam.

  • @NewbieNoMore
    @NewbieNoMore 7 місяців тому

    I'm new, I'm doing my best. I saved every penny to get my 2012 wrangler camper. Now I need to remodle it as the wiring is tore out in the baxk half the flooring is tore up. We have painted the ceilings and the kitchen walls. Then I found out I need plumbing in the kitchen. So the whole kitchen cabinets and all have to be replaced. The roof leaks on the back half and the whole wall and half the ceiling has to be replaced. I have listen and im doing everything yall say. I'm just a disabled granny and trying to get it all taken care of on my ssi. It's hard but we have to hold our heads up and do our best

  • @soniamarshall9293
    @soniamarshall9293 Рік тому +1

    Your voice is so soothing and information so needed. God bless you and family.❤❤

  • @marlayneboblett1267
    @marlayneboblett1267 Рік тому +1

    Mary your knowledge blows my mind. As I watch each bideo, it takes ne ahes because I hand write notes. I know not everything you know can be out into a book, and thos saves me from having to re-watch a video to see what I am looking for. Starting a Marys Nest notebook of my own. Thank you is not gratitude enough for all you share. Appreciate you immensely.😉☺️

  • @bjames310
    @bjames310 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for helping us beginners. I was terrified of flour and yeast until I made the No Knead Bread. It was so good and my confidence is way up to continue with my transition to the 4 Corners pantry.

  • @ellenviveiros9359
    @ellenviveiros9359 9 місяців тому +1

    Hi Mary, I randomly came across this lesson and had to subscribe as this was so helpful. I’m single, and never thought of having pantry storage in such an organized way. Thank you for knowledge sharing.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  9 місяців тому

      Hi Ellen, Welcome! So glad you’re here! And happy to hear that this video was useful. You might enjoy my food storage playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0WCxRNWm60Yt0ihEQbfpUl.html&si=FkP8c33yX4Djslgh Love, Mary ❤️🤗❤️

  • @marciabosteder9781
    @marciabosteder9781 Рік тому +2

    Great video, Mary.
    I am going to learn how to make sour dough bread, thanks to you, my dear sweet friend ❤

  • @lindalawrence5526
    @lindalawrence5526 9 місяців тому

    That's how i store my flour, in brown bags. then place in vacuum seal bag and vacuum all air out , i used some whole wheat flour i stored 3 yrs ago to make bread and it was perfect..great vid you lovely lady..

  • @LucyGirl-61
    @LucyGirl-61 Рік тому +3

    Happy Saturday Mary and family ❤

  • @mvm5375
    @mvm5375 Рік тому

    St. Mary……Bless you and thank you for all of your care and wisdom.

  • @jctrumb
    @jctrumb Рік тому +1

    So much excellent education here. Thank you. I'm going to have to watch this multiple times to soak it ALL up. I have printed your list and purchased your cookbook, so I will devour those also. Love to keep learning. Thanks for all you do.

  • @davidworley3945
    @davidworley3945 9 місяців тому +1

    Along with dried lentils and dried split peas, dried black eyed peas and dried lima beans cook up pretty fast.

  • @brendarector4194
    @brendarector4194 Рік тому +1

    Mary flat 7 Up is a home supply stand in for hospital IV hook up fluids.Especially useful for treating food poisoning.❤

    • @job1595
      @job1595 10 місяців тому +1

      I have 7 Up in my home supplies. It is also great for stomach flus when you can't eat.

  • @pnwusa
    @pnwusa Рік тому +6

    great, great information mary. thank you very, very much. you're brilliant how you defined each survival food needed for our health with its nutrients.
    fyi: olives are considered our world's oldest fermented food.
    darcy, purposeful pantry. continued blessings.🕊

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      So happy you found this helpful! And thank you for the info on olives!! Fascinating!! Love, Mary

    • @jeanineskitchen2607
      @jeanineskitchen2607 Рік тому

      I didnt know that about olives but being Italian we always have 3 types around

  • @carolynfindley4746
    @carolynfindley4746 10 місяців тому

    I wish I could buy a good dehydrator and freeze dryer. I appreciate you so much. You take your time explaining everything . Just everything you do. Thank you❤

  • @dorethablunt5452
    @dorethablunt5452 Рік тому

    Hello Mary you seem like a very sweet person,you have such a soothing voice I love ❤️ to hear you talk.AND I am also finding your videos very informative and most pertinent. Thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise i enjoy you so much and I am learning so much.From Houston TEXAS!!!

  • @polskigirl8547
    @polskigirl8547 Рік тому +3

    You can store green coffee beans a long time….you just need an air popper or stir corn popper to roast….

  • @maryadkins4619
    @maryadkins4619 10 місяців тому

    For my long term storage I have used the jelly jars to store spices and used the food saver attachment to remove the air out of the jar…..since watching your video I would put in a silica packet to keep everything dry to absorb moisture…..not sure if it would be needed but to be on the safe side. You could use bigger jars and just reseal them each time you use them. I think we could use this for baking soda, baking powder, corn starch, arrow root.

  • @roserosenberg5805
    @roserosenberg5805 Рік тому +3

    Thank you so much for all of your wonderful information:)

  • @nancyralls3396
    @nancyralls3396 Рік тому +4

    I enjoy your helpful videos. I’m not a full fledged prepper but have been stock pilling grocery and household items in a second pantry for years and allow friends and family to “shop” for what they need, as well as donating to our Church food bank. I did a lot of it when couponing was easy to do. But today that is so complicated, so I watch for good sales and shop at Aldi’s. We are getting an H.E.B. here in North Fort Worth (Keller) soon. So excited. Thanks again for all your great advice.

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +1

      So happy you will get an HEB! Love, Mary

    • @jeanineskitchen2607
      @jeanineskitchen2607 Рік тому

      its nice to hear you say for friends and family to shop,your sweet

  • @kshoe5004
    @kshoe5004 11 місяців тому

    Ooo! Did you say lemon curd?! That sounds delicious! And I learned another principle of canning, no savory and strawberry jam and other sweets at the same time! Thank you!

  • @alexandramassler4141
    @alexandramassler4141 Рік тому +3

    Hi Mary. What about putting things in a Mason jar and using an electric Mason jar (lid) vacuum sealer. Thank you for all the guidance and knowledge you share with your viewers.

    • @melodybeswick953
      @melodybeswick953 Рік тому

      Thats what I was wondering too.

    • @dberger1010
      @dberger1010 11 місяців тому

      You can absolutely do that. I store crackers, pasta, nuts that way.

  • @huginnandmuninn4865
    @huginnandmuninn4865 Рік тому +3

    God bless you Mary 🙏🏼 ❤

    • @MarysNest
      @MarysNest  Рік тому +2

      Thank you so much! God bless you too! Love, Mary❤️🤗❤️

  • @cindyloguirato8435
    @cindyloguirato8435 Рік тому +2

    Can we place the flour into mason jars and vacuum seal it that way?

  • @marciabosteder9781
    @marciabosteder9781 Рік тому

    I have learned so much from you, Dear Mary. You're a blessing from God in my life. Thank you ❤❤❤

  • @judymcmurtry7805
    @judymcmurtry7805 Рік тому +1

    Hi Mary, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I finally bought your cookbook. Yay!!! God bless you and your family. Hugs

  • @clareankerstein9519
    @clareankerstein9519 Рік тому

    Hello Mary, this video of survival Pantries is excellent and also it reassures me that I’m doing things right because I have everything you were talking about regarding the various pantries and also I wanted to say your husband is a very fortunate man to have you as a wife being as knowledgable as you are in the field of family living. Thank you very much