Never Sacrifice Your Own GOALS in the Pursuit of HOLES

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
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  • @matw1x
    @matw1x Рік тому +16

    Goals over holes.

  • @tom-od1wq
    @tom-od1wq Рік тому +22

    Hello Rob, I just wanted to thank you wholeheartedly for saving my life. I have changed my life for the better, and recently shaved my head in order to improve my own self confidence. Keep working hard and creating quality content!

    • @robmulder
      @robmulder  Рік тому +7

      That's awesome man, thanks for the kind words and keep it up!

    • @thomasbitsch5488
      @thomasbitsch5488 Рік тому

      Good stuff man! I shaved my head too, in order to to improve self confidence 💪

    • @14k46
      @14k46 Рік тому +1

      @@thomasbitsch5488 ⚡

  • @LukeWit
    @LukeWit Рік тому +7

    Something I’ve noticed recently is when I put more time into myself and self improvement, hitting goals, etc. I have more girls wanting to be with me. I started self improvement about 10 months ago and I’m the best I’ve ever been and because I didn’t completely focus on girls, I want to live out my potential, I’m now talking to someone I’m really starting to like. We both try and improve ourselves everyday and have lots of similarities. She’s pretty cool and she probably wouldn’t be attracted to me if I wasn’t improving myself and focusing on my passions.

    • @quentin1o
      @quentin1o Рік тому +1

      Be careful not to get complacent, your improvement trajectory is more important than a girl you can get NOW, think about what you can get in 3 years of self improvement.

    • @LukeWit
      @LukeWit Рік тому +1

      @@quentin1o I appreciate the concern, it's something I journal about myself. of course I'm young and have lots to learn, so I keep telling myself to not be complacent and constantly learn about myself.

  • @taitcarrillo8926
    @taitcarrillo8926 Рік тому +6

    I’ve been preaching this to my boys for months. We’ve gotten to a point where we goto the club and just dance with each other.
    We have FUN dancing going crazy and guess what everyone, ladies come to us! If you put good energy into the world, good energy will find you. Make yourself the main character. No1 is No1!!!

  • @RussellClausse
    @RussellClausse Рік тому +5

    14:10 That is so good, I completely agree, when I joined the self improvement sphere first I thought that advice was kind of overblown. Social skills are equally as important because that stuff can take you so far 💯

  • @jor9463
    @jor9463 Рік тому +2

    Everybody likes honesty. It is a honorable trait. So if you're into her, just tell her. Simply. You may be sweating on your whole body and stuttering to get those words out.
    But the truth is simple.
    Of course be a gentleman, she won't want to hook up if you're a douchebag. But other than that show dominance in not making compromises. Simply say to her:
    "This takes me a lot of courage to tell you, but still I got to do it (Tbh if you can't speak freely, just read it from a letter to her. Better nervous than silent and awkward, ALSO don't make it too complicated keep it simple):
    Listen, I have found you attractive since the beginning and I had the hope that we could work out. But I don't think we will work out as friends, because as long as I am into you, I don't believe I can be myself and I will be able to work around this, because I love to be honest to people and I can't pretend to be a friend that I'm not.".
    Simplest advice I can give. If you want love in your life you need to make it work, it won't happen by itself. And if a woman isn't attracted to you physically or also because of your character, she may not even want to date you in the first place. If she does, she will only because of your brave heart.
    I think men need to learn to give up "beautiful" things they cling to in life in order to get better things. If a woman doesn't want to love you and is around you she's just picky and has other guys she's more interested in. So she's just a waste of time. Guys don't be fools, if she isn't into you atleast a bit, you can't make her to be.
    But if you shock her by finishing a friend zone for the sake of being honest to her, that will make a woman marvel at you. Women still want men to be strict to their principles, women want a guy to have stability and provide in his life (doesn't even mean financially, but you need to be true to yourself). This is in their nature to want a man who focuses on his principles rather than making compromises in his personality only to simp after a woman.
    You can make a woman to do everything for you, if you just be honest but strict about your views. Of course be open and fair, but don't enter the constant shit testing game women tend to do (conciously or unconciously).
    I am a Christian. So let me give you a Christian perspective. Eve was marveling after the forbidden fruit, so she ate from it and persuaded Adam to eat from it too. This is in the women's nature to go after the forbidden fruit, even if you warned her about it. So keep this part of a woman in check. Don't be fooled only because she is fooling herself. Don't eat from the same fruit in the hope to do her a favor, or to impress her. If you go after her and compromise with yourself at any time, she'll see weakness in you.
    That's why you all think women like assholes. That's why you all think you need to be the sportive guy. No this isn't the case at all. Just be a MAN. Be fine with learning dominance and masculinity in your life.
    In case you didn't know a little side note:
    The man Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the full image of God, gave his life, was punished to death by humans without deserving it and was resurrected by his Father, to give everyone eternal life who believes into these historical events.
    The only condition is to believe. The laws in the Bible help you in your life, but they don't get you saved. Jesus Christ gets you saved by HIS works, because he is God's word became flesh. Salvation trough his blood (because it is fully divine, not 50/50%) is 100% guaranteed trough faith.
    He is the finished work of God, that God always had in his heart. Jesus Christ is the Man from above and not below, he is the only original man, the only holy man, the only divine man and he has done all this because he loves all the creation from his Father.
    I wish you all the best in the name of Jesus Christ and hope we'll meet each other in heaven one day. Till then I hope you'll find the woman the Lord wants in your life, and start living the life that he has planned for you.

    • @xjupit
      @xjupit Рік тому

      do you really write that? cause it goes straight to my head. thank you. see you in somewhere!

    • @jor9463
      @jor9463 Рік тому

      @@xjupit I appreciate it has really touched you.
      Another tip I can give:
      Make a checklist on EVERY aspect you wish a woman to fulfill. What things are nogo's? Where do you think is a high chance you'll meet such a woman? On the street, at University, at the work place, in a dance class, in the gym, in a club, on a dating platform, around your area, in another country, on vacation, wherever else?
      Some things she "has to have" can be adaptive, others can't. Some things are dependent on your standarts, your expectations and priorities and some things may also be dependent on your physical attributes or your momentary situation:
      So what look preference, what face, which hair color, what hair shape, what skin, how are her hands, fingers, toes, nails, what smile, what voice, how sportive, what height, what libido, what music taste, what education, how active/ passive of a character, what expecations should she, could she, will she have, how much she wants to go on vacations, how much can she contribute to your lifestyle, maybe help you out with your weaknesses (in a supportive way respecting your role as the man, without making you feel weaker like you got a mommy that has pity on you), how much does she take you and your struggles serious, is she bothered by financial issues?, how many children does she want, how much is she ready to be a traditional wife, is she able to share the same core principles, belief? Has she had traumatic experiences that influence her sexuality?, if so is she willing to work on it and get over it?, will she pursue career over building a family?
      I don't want to say all these things need to be fulfilled by a woman, I just rather want to make you aware that you should have some serious thoughts on finding your future wife, that there should be some thought behind it.
      How many relationships won't work out, how many hearts get broken, because of physical attributes, body fat, anger, misunderstandments and dishonesty?
      It is easier to lie to your partner in hope to make her feel better, than to tell her the truth (in a respectful and loving way) which will hurt maybe.
      It is just important that you should avoid a breakup at all costs from the beginning, and it is also important to know that a teen love may not always fulfill the expectations for a lifetime wife.
      Do I want to say it isn't possible to adapt for each other? Or that it is impossible to learn to love one another for who they are? Certainly not.
      But it is just creating lots of pain, and heartbreak if people just sleep with each other and don't think of the consequences. Be in a relationship for years and then think to leave one another because they think out there is something better.
      I met my fiance in tinder, we are having a distance relationship since the beginning, I am with her since 5 years, and we want to marry soon.
      We had lots of issues, she's studying and I am earning our money, would love to have her at home for helping me out,
      Many times already I was looking at other women, had issues with pornography, and I think I have a pretty warped perception of physical attraction.
      But if I can share something important then it is that you should think things trough from the beginning, and then be happy with what you have.
      I really love her, I really really really love her and it would break my heart to ever lose her on my way. We fit together and have really good times, she's all I ever wished for. But it didn't always work out great. Sometimes we still got issues, but it is possible with the Lord's grace.
      Guys please take your partner/ future partner serious and always choose life experience/ wisdom over sexual experience. Don't fuck around. For what? I just see unhappy F*boys, none of them has really found real love (atleast those I know)..
      Take it serious, a human life is more important than you needing to nut. Seriously.
      Don't destroy your future family, don't destroy somebody else's family.
      God bless you

  • @tianlienhard28
    @tianlienhard28 Рік тому +1

    this might be one of the best channels on youtube. honest videos about the right topics, very underrated youtuber!

  • @syar0186
    @syar0186 Рік тому

    I heard a saying that woman are like shadows. If you chase your shadow it runs away, but if you walk away from your shadow, it chases you.

  • @sleepconcentrationmeditation
    @sleepconcentrationmeditation Рік тому +1

    A comprehensive look on the issue, it's something we all go through sooner or later. I'd like to add something, in relationships the female can also 'lose herself' and try to tag along in everything her man does, and that's just as bad.

  • @ceyyro1844
    @ceyyro1844 Рік тому +3

    these are quality messages to people, this channel should become mainstream

    • @blackfox2056
      @blackfox2056 Рік тому +4

      ideas like this will never become mainstream

    • @ceyyro1844
      @ceyyro1844 Рік тому

      @@blackfox2056 i guess youre right guys, i just wish world would be better overall

  • @yoshiakihisha8496
    @yoshiakihisha8496 Рік тому +1

    that's true, as people who already try dozens of times in relationship I agree what you said is realy true. if the girl is not interested to you in the first place, no matter how hard you'd try it never change the fact the girl is not interested and she's wont suddenly become like you.
    but we getting fooled by romance movie and drama which love can grow by the time, that's BS.
    Why?? because you're not the only guy who come to that girl, still so many more better guy come to her and she won't run out of better choice and option

    • @xjupit
      @xjupit Рік тому

      yea exactly

  • @imilanfit
    @imilanfit Рік тому +13

    There is a reason why premarital sex is a sin.

  • @pola5392
    @pola5392 Рік тому +1

    wonderful video, I don't know how much it helps but I have been sleeping on top of blankets on the mattress under additional blankets, not only better I imagine but much more comfortable

  • @unrippedhayabusa5615
    @unrippedhayabusa5615 Рік тому +1

    Personally, I have friends/acquaintances who are women not because I got put in the friendzone but because they're people I actually like interacting with generally and are fun to be around. I'm by no means spending time around them in the hopes that they'll develop feelings for me, but I think having women friends can be a good thing in terms of practicing social skills for the time when a woman that is actually attracted to you appears, so you aren't at a complete loss as to how to reciprocate her interest.
    I don't really spend that much time around lots of people which gives me time and space to think about who I am now and who I want to be (also people tend to burn me out and leave me depressed). I'm nearly 27 and honestly, I don't know. There is still so much to figure out. I've never been with a woman but I'm not ashamed or insecure about it. I'm just very sure about the kind of woman I want in my life. I have a hard enough time being around people let alone trying to get with women. In college I knew that it was a waste of time then and I know it is now. That being said I do like the idea of having a family and will continue to make the effort to socialise with people (men/women) when I have the mental bandwidth to.
    Good luck to all in whatever pursuit drives them.
    P.S. I don't like clubs. And tabletop rpgs are way better than video games as a hobby/pasttime IMO.

  • @guts4793
    @guts4793 Рік тому

    This the most honest content i ever watched

  • @AlphaEmpowerment1
    @AlphaEmpowerment1 Рік тому +1

    rob ur the main character of UA-cam

  • @marcmarc406
    @marcmarc406 Рік тому +3

    Really enjoy watching your videos Rob. Keep up the great work!

  • @FaithplusFitness1
    @FaithplusFitness1 Рік тому +1

    Everything in this video is extreme facts. Nice work Rob!

  • @SandeepSabarish
    @SandeepSabarish Рік тому +11

    but i feel lonely someyimes, donno should I purse girls or just focus on my improvement

    • @imilanfit
      @imilanfit Рік тому +11

      You know the answer brah

    • @Limbaugh_
      @Limbaugh_ Рік тому +1

      Get some good friends, think of getting women as a side quest. Did you not watch the video?

    • @robmulder
      @robmulder  Рік тому +30

      You are missing the point of this video. This is the thing... MOST guys, make the mistake of putting women on a pedestal, and treating them like queens. Because of this, they are sacrificing the pursuit of their own goals, and ironically, women think it makes them a little desperate, which is a turn-off to them. So by making this mistake, these guys are limiting their own self growth (their success and happines) AND it actually lowers their success with women. This is why we give the advice to "stop chasing women, focus on yourself".
      HOWEVER. "focusing on yourself" really just means; don't put women on a pedestal, don't sacrifice your own goals, and treat yourself as the main character in your own life. It doesn't mean that you are not allowed to interact with women at all. If you want to date women and try to get a girlfriend while being on self improvement, that is completely fine. In fact, if you do feel lonely, then spending more time with other people (including women) IS one of the factors in your life that you probably should focus on. But just make sure that you don't turn yourself into that beta that puts women on a pedestal, because this ruins everything.

    • @nathanw9770
      @nathanw9770 Рік тому

      @@Limbaugh_ I think he's being sarcastic...

    • @aaronmonk
      @aaronmonk Рік тому

      Having a good friend might just change your life bruh, it ain't gonna be easy but chase that and excellence over chicks

  • @giane7763
    @giane7763 Рік тому +2

    Great message, however im struggling to send this message to mine family and parents, they do support me but they try all the time to cut mine ambitions to a more confortable life and i dont know to manage this situation without getting into conflict with them.

    • @xjupit
      @xjupit Рік тому +1

      do what you do, even when someone is holding you

  • @valentindeliere4778
    @valentindeliere4778 Рік тому

    Thanks for your wisdom

  • @almahiislam3424
    @almahiislam3424 Рік тому

    That's what I tell my friends 🤣🤣. Pursuit holes.

  • @JangezK
    @JangezK Рік тому

    Thank you for this message

  • @ArtificalHistoryI
    @ArtificalHistoryI Рік тому

    My goals is holes

  • @Lanakila23
    @Lanakila23 Рік тому +2

    Hey rob,little Un related but I’m running a few businesses and one of the brothers in arms is very volatile towards me and other coworkers while wasting time and money,he is near essential towards our success so kicking him out would send us back at least a year
    Any ideas on what to do?

  • @user-uv3uc4ke1g
    @user-uv3uc4ke1g Рік тому

    So how can I stop trying impress others and live life for myself?

  • @TheGermanDoomGuy1939
    @TheGermanDoomGuy1939 Рік тому +2

    Infinite amount of Neins

  • @mateoslab
    @mateoslab Рік тому +2

    so then how do you balance the grind with social life?

    • @Flexipotamus
      @Flexipotamus Рік тому +1

      That's the point, a true man knows how to manage his time

    • @mateoslab
      @mateoslab Рік тому +1

      @@Flexipotamus yea i get that but it doesn't help. there's a lot of videos like this but does anyone actually know how to manage these 2 things?

    • @robmulder
      @robmulder  Рік тому +11

      Having a good social life IS part of "the grind" to improve yourself.

    • @mateoslab
      @mateoslab Рік тому +1

      @@robmulder thank you king

  • @matiksoo8228
    @matiksoo8228 Рік тому

    good vid

  • @benjyleon9835
    @benjyleon9835 Рік тому +1

    thank you so much!!!!
    you are saving a lot of people from this dirty society

  • @ertzu7824
    @ertzu7824 Рік тому

    Hey Rob quick question: I'm that guy that's in the friend group with the girls cause the guys around me are just not hanging around with girls not because I love them but just because we are friends and I am not interested in them. Is that ok to have girl friends or is there a problem with that

    • @redacted7931
      @redacted7931 Рік тому

      Bro, it's perfectly fine to have women as friends. They're humans, just like us; there's nothing inherently wrong with women, or friendships with them. Be friends with as many women as you want, and as many as will be friends with you.

    • @ertzu7824
      @ertzu7824 Рік тому

      Ye I know but as Rob is phrasing it it's bad and stuff and even if he told me to stop I would still be friends with them

  • @ululuskiappaski190
    @ululuskiappaski190 Рік тому +1

    So my ex gf added me on snap recently, she just wants to be friends. I get Googly eyes easily for her. I think I’m gonna let the fishy go back in the pond. Catch and release