Hey all. You don’t call it a pean tree instead of pine tree or I’m going to stand in lean not line. I’m going on a mountain alpean trek instead of alpine. Everything is fean not fine..... Love the channel
The way it is pronounced in the US is the right way as it is close to the French word, basically it is the same thing without the accent, in the UK they say Car-Pine/CarByne which deviates from the original word.
Trust me, "Carbyne" isn't that close, but I consider both pronunciations right. The French word is Carabine, pronounced Caghabean, Carbean is definitely closer than Car-byne. Regardless, there is no need to argue; as I said both pronunciations are just right.
I remember when I was a kid hearing my grandpa talk about a rifle that shot 50 caliber rockets with no kick. I thought he was messing with me but look what I found today crazy shit I thought he was full of it
My engineer grandfather had a saying: “You can always tell how hard a project is by how many DPMs you hear,” DPM meaning “Damnits per minute”. I imagine the machinists that had to hand drill those little holes were operating at around 16-24 DPMs.
Drilling those holes wouldnt be hard at all. Start the hole with an endmill to create a flat face for the drill to avoid walking and then poke em through with a drill. Hardest part would be setting up the machine to make the cut.
@100,000 Subs, No Content You can actually thank the old money corporate overlords that control 95% of the media in this country for running an aggressive high profile smear campaign against youtube forcing them to change their policies to make them politically correct and advertiser friendly. Basically the old boys club that controls the media in this country realized youtube has a massive audience and actually posses a real threat to their monopoly over dispersing information to the public in this country so they decided the best way to go after youtube would be to run a bunch of front page smear articles showcasing youtube playing ads from their biggest sponsors and advertising customers on shit like neo nazi hate videos etc. A bunch of internet pansies enraged by the smear campaign screeched autistically about this and threatened to boycott the advertisers and so the advertisers started dropping youtube left and right. UA-cam was then forced to placate the pansies and the advertisers thanks to the old money corporate cocksuckers riling them all up leading to the fucked up demonetization polices and PC pandering youtube has been forced to put into action. Thanks to the sheer volume of videos that get uploaded the only way to police them all outside of using black magic or time travel is with a computer algorithm rather than real people which leads to all the random bullshit with videos getting flagged incorrectly. Basically we now have overly sensitive algorithms flagging any and every video that could remotely be considered controversial enough for people to screech about them. So to make a long story short, you can thanks the likes of the assholes that own the Wallstreet Journal, CNN, Fox News etc. for intentionally forcing youtube into this corner and shitting on content creators everywhere. UA-cam only cares about making money. They would love it if they could monetize everything, but thanks to the above mentions reasons they can no longer do this. UA-cam actually has lost a shit ton of money over this along with countless content creators and the assholes who own our news papers, magazines and TV news outlets are laughing all the way to the bank.
As a kid growing up in the 70’s, my dad got to shoot one of these guns and came home one day all excited and told us kids all about it. I’ve always remembered the story of this gun.
and letting them be fired. those are $300 rounds last I checked. I kinda want to get a gyrojet just to see if I can make passable copies of that ammunition.
@@FactsFirst would you have a woman and never touch her? You gotta get dirty to have fun . for the life of me to have something you don't use is pointless. Oh its nice. Yeah well it would be if you can play with it otherwise its just sitting there waiting to be used.
You might have something, with a modern propellant and perhaps using tungsten or another alloy it might be a suitable candidate for a weapon for space.
@@deathstrike its a perfectly adequate gun. It failed because they went with a .51 caliber bullet. That means the gun is an NFA Item subject to the same fees and background checks as machine guns
@@37thgungrunts Well if this video is anything to go by, it was also extremely unreliable, had serious issues with heat, and had ammo that was very expensive.
The owner of these guns and their ammo, is an absolute legend for allowing this to happen!! Thank you guys, great video and info!! I am a gun fanatic and just love the history of any and all fire arms thru the ages!! Thank you guys!!
Thanks Shaun for your contribution. That’s probably the only modern footage of actual firing one of these unique weapons. Can’t believe there were actually 1.2k people that thumb down this. Obviously don’t appreciate anything
Now a couple years later, I can only imagine how cool it would look on the newest high speed cameras (like the ones "Slow mo Guys" and "Smartereveryday" are using)
I remember seeing one in 1972. I was impressed because it looked ultra modern. At the time the seller wanted almost $1000.00, but the ammo was very expensive. The cop who was selling it said that at ten feet it would probably bounce off of you, but by the time it crossed a street you would not want to be in front of it. Thank you and the pilot for this rare video.
I recently watched You Only Live Twice again. The Gyro Jet is one of those things you might never realize actually existed if it wasn't for pop culture. It's great too see someone finally shoot one.
Excellent video guys! And Sean, dude, you are awesome to share your gyrojet collection with us and to let us see them fire puts you over the top. With such a rapid spin on the round, I thought Jeff's shot would have just drilled through the melon without much damage.
My pleasure. I’m glad you liked Jeff’s video. It’s the most definitive video I have ever seen on the Gyro Jet. He did a great job, which is what I was hoping for.
I'm so glad for Danny that together with the TAOFLEDERMAUS crew, he got the ability to test so many exotic rounds and guns. Throwing in a casual joke here and there, enjoying doing what he loved to a dreamlevel, and he deserved every second of it. RIP Danny, the sharpest shooter i've ever seen
When I was in High School, a friend of mine had one of the carbines. I still remember watching the bullet leave the barrel, then light up, and haul ass! I tried to find him to see if he still had it, but no luck. Still a good memory!
It’s great that you took the time to make such a well documented video with these rare items. I had a bunch of questions but you covered them all during the video. Maybe the home bullet creators out there can get some ideas from this projectile. :)
Honestly! I could see some military applications for these fellas if the research fellas could get the things streamlined and more predictable. The lack of recoil and shell ejection could be very very useful. I’m gonna share this video with some of the boys in my platoon (I am a cadet at UNG, a Senior Military College, and hope to transfer to West Point after this year) and I’m sure they’ll figure the same thing.
I just wanted to thank Sean for his generous gift to all of us. This was a very cool and probably unrepeatable chance to see those pieces of history fired. Thank you
I worked at MBA. I was responsible for taking the Gyrojet Pistol from13mm to 12mm when the federal law regarding "destructive devices" made any weapon with a bore diameter .500" dia a "destructive device." I have a 12mm version and some ammunition.
The 12mm rounds are somewhat different. As can be seen by the video, the originals had the nozzles retained by roll-forming the body into a groove in the nozzle, together with an o-ring as a seal. The nozzles were machined from Ledloy and the ports machined by specialized equipment. Very Expensive. So Mainhardt tasked me with finding a better solution along with the program I had to make the 12mm version compliant with the new law. Besides going down to 0.496 dia,, because of the law's requirement for "rifling, " I had to have the barrels pull broached with two spiral grooves. The law was predicated on standard firearms technology and they wanted to make sure that the "bullets" had a rifling signature. So we put them in, but they were simply cosmetic and didn't engage the round. I designed a powdered metal nozzle that had slots for ports that expanded in only one axis to replicate the canted drilled ones. The four port design had problems in that the pins that formed the bottom of the ports were only .042 in dia and the tooling would not hold up. So our supplier, Kwikset Lock Co. said we had to fix the problem, because we didn't have a capable process. So I went to a three port design, which allowed that diameter to increase to about 0.50 as I recall, and that tooling "lived." The funny thing is that the three port rounds flew better than the four port design, but we never were able to figure out why. Also the nozzles now fitted into a counterbore in the back of the body and were retained by upsetting the end of the case by stamping it over the end of the nozzle plate. Another thing that may not be known is that the end of the nozzle plate that faced inside has a combination poly film/aluminum foil "barrier" heat sealed to it. This is necessary because the propellant ( a solid grain of ARP) has to have the ability to build chamber pressure on ignition, or it will not stay lit. That film/foil diaphragm allows the pressure to build to something like 2,000 psi before it ruptures, allowing the propellant grain to fully "light!" Also, you are incorrect about going to two-port nozzles for the Gyrojet rounds. Two-port nozzles were only used in the Gyrojet signals ( smoke, flare and chaff). And as far as the bodies (we called them ogives), we had them impact formed by Olin Brass. Actually drawn from a flat piece of metal and then copper plated. Also some rounds used a piece of "quick match" to take the ignition from the primer and put more heat into the propellant grain.You mentioned Mel Carpenter's book. I met with Mel a few years ago along with another former MBA employee who ran the Ordinance Lab there. We gave Mel a bunch of our hardware and other stuff, all of which is included in a subsequent chapter (28) in his book. This includes stuff on the Stun Gun and the Javette.
This stuff is so very old that it could have been because of any number of defects. When we did T&H conditioning of the personal distress signals, which were in most respects nearly identical in construction, we had rounds blow up (actually detonate in flight and expell the nozzle plate). Inspection of unfired samples revealed that the double base propellant had disassociated due to the 160 degree F temp soak. there was Nitroglycerin "sweat beads" on the surface of the propellant which caused over pressure. Sometimes firing rounds after T&H conditioning at the low temp (-65F) caused what we called a "chuffer." The rocket would initiate, then when the NG sweat was gone, the propellant would self extinguish and the rocket would shut down in early flight. In some designs, the propellant grain was "inhibited on the exterior surface with teflon tape to force the burn to take place radially from the center outward giving the correct surface dimensions to cause it to burn at a uniform rate and to keep the propellant grain to stay concentric with the case. It 's been such a very long time that I don't remember all of what we did. I worked at MBA from 1968 to 1971.
That may help shape the rocket nozzles more precisely. Still need to make the propellant grain, but that's somewhat figured out as a science. I'm thinking ammonium perchlorate, same stuff as used in the space shuttle solid rocket booster.
That might actually be a good design for a space gun, there's no atmosphere to alter its path, and shell casings in space could take out fast objects accidentally, and the low recoil is absolutely a huge bonus in zero g. Wicked footage guys.
GyroJets are one of my favorite historical curiosities, I'm SOOOO glad you found a way to experiment with them and talk about them. They're such weird little space-blasters and I never understood them terribly well, this was a really awesome video!
Ok, I was born in 65 and seen thousands of guns and fired hundreds I have never seen or imagined that existed. Thank you, great video and remember, we learn something every day! Awesome video.
I remember reading about these in a book some 15, 20 years ago and thinking to myself "Too bad I will never see one of those in action" Thanks for proving me wrong on that one, guys!
pretty much, except armor-piercing, delayed explosive tip. Caliber-wise, it can count as human-sized bolt pistol (around .50cal, meant for commissars and those who can afford one) Though it would be an extremely anemic and simple for a bolt pistol
@@iamlazycatxP Logically speaking Bolters are very different from Gyrojets, and I don't mean the trans-human super soldiers wielders. To have the kick and roar they are described within the books, the rocket fuel would have to be high powered yet slow-burning with the kicker charge having to extremely powerful because there is no way your fitting enough standard power in there to get the desired velocity, it would have to be more like a firecracker than excellent. It sort of handwaved away by saying that the shells are actually assisted by coil-gun rails, but if that's the case then they can reduce the charge significantly to where it only meets the rails and they take it from there but this the Imperium so they don't do anything that makes sense. There are also problems with the rocket fuel itself, even if you get an energetic but slow-burning, there will not be enough to get it a decent range or velocity while still putting the mass-reactive charges for that explosive punch, now this can but compensated for by extending the shells to include more of everything. Now everything I've just said operates on the assumption that Bolter shells are all self-contained like the normal Gyrojets, they do not. In nearly all media I can find, be it in games, art(both fan and official), or books, Bolters eject casings like normal chemical weapons. So this in mind, we can rework the shell itself. Moving the chemical kicker charge to the casing, more room is added for the fuel without cutting into mass-reactive explosives. It also explains the kick, with simple physics we understand what normal recoil is, and it's compounded with the fact, that if the rocket-fuel is set off immediately, it will also be pushing backward with the normal recoil. With adding an outer cartage you would also be able to seal it up to the elements while eliminating the varius other problems I brought up.
Jeff....... you should do a Danny’s top 5 video series.... I think .. we’d like that..... saw this video several times... but today UA-cam recommend it under my subscriptions ... I saw Danny and thought I’d watch it again.. remind me of his personality 👍
My favorite is that the guy that owns these super rare, amazing pieces of gun history lives in what is probably the second most regulated firearm state.
+Joe Keller The American people are NOT a militia. If they are and we ever have to rely on them, we’re totally fucked haha If we had a real militia, you would probably sign up for it then be in the militia equivalent of the reserves. They’d send you through basic training and teach you how to fight, and may even own all the guns themselves. What we have no is either just hobbyists with random weapons and hunters with hunting rifles. 99% of these guns are made for civilian use and not to be used in an actual war zone.
I know the designers wouldn't have had access to it, but I wonder if the military did any high speed footage of these during testing? They had the technology o do it.
Correction: You Only Live Twice premiered in 1967. In more recent times the International Bounty Hunter/Bodyguard Silver Sable use a Gyrojet pistol during her apperances in Spider-Man comics
I love to come back and watch a video from years ago.
6 років тому+474
Interesting legal issue about this gun! In my country (Hungary) a "firearm" is defined as any device which shoots a projectile with more than 7.5 Joule of energy measured at the muzzle. By this definition a gyrojet gun may not even be a firearm! Firstly because the gun doesn't shoot anything per se, it's the bullet that shoots itself, but that's not a solid argument. However, secondly, the energy of the rocket bullet may not exceed 7.5 J when it exits the barrel, since it is picking up speed later as the rocket burns.
Tamás Polgár But if you count the potential energy and not just kinetic, it may still qualify.
6 років тому+64
The law says nothing about potential, and indeed I know of a case when this was used against a defendant. Guy was an idiot, went to a shady market and bought a "gun" from a Chinese guy, a 6.35 mm Zbroyovka. It has been disabled then rearmed, but the barrel was drilled up to 7 mm and the striking pin was a broken piece of a small drilling bit. Yeah, some gun. The bullets were real, but the entire thing was not much more powerful than a toy cap gun, the bullets just fell out of the barrel. So the guy went and tried to shoot his ex with this shit, which of course didn't work: he made a lot of noise and actually managed to fire one "shot" which hit the woman in the back as she was running away, but caused no injury, and she actually thought he tossed a rock at her. The guy was arrested for attempted manslaughter. A firearms expert took a look at that junk, and fired a few dozen test shots. He concluded that the gun was practically unusable. Out of his shots, a few didn't even leave the barrel, most didn't make it to the target from 10 meters, only a few did, but they hardly tore into the paper. The expert made measurements and from the average energy of the bullets he concluded that the gun has an average muzzle energy of 7.8 joules. This was enough for the judge to declare that the gun was a real firearm, capable of killing a person, and convicted the idiot to 8 years. Nobody gave a shit to the potential energy of the bullets, or how they lost energy on the long run. As a matter of fact, Hungarian criminal justice is always going overboard to convict defendants and maintain a 98-99% conviction rate. I am pretty sure that if someone took a deliberate shot at another person with a regular handgun from several kilometers, obviously way beyond the effective range, it would still be attempted manslaughter, regardless of physical possibilities.
Great video. I was really fascinated by this gun when I saw Ian's video. Never thought I would see it in action though. Thank you so much guys. This made my day. Special thanks to Sean.
Big thanks to Sean for sharing this very rare weapon with us. It is very important that we leave a record of these items for future generations to see. Think of the loss if no one else had made a video about it.
I can’t believe you were actually able to shoot this irreplaceable ammo. I remember seeing these for sale in Dallas in the early 60’s. Thanks for posting.
It needs the addition of a base charge. This deals with most of the inconsistencies at close range and accuracy (asuming using in barrel rifling) similar to base bleed artillery rounds.
My father bought the carbine model new and hated it immediately , I remember him throwing a fit because the company refused to refund his money , I can't remember if he traded it for another Thompson SMG or if he sold it , he left over 300 firearms to me when he passed but I believe more than a thousand weapons went thru his hands in his lifetime ,now I wish he would have kept the carbine for his collection like he had the foresight to collect 2 police special Thompson SMGs with the police carry cases holding the stick magazines while the 50 round drums we're on the weapons .
I'm a Retired Vet,. and have been an Avid Air-gun/Rifle Collector since I first got a Crosman 760 @ the age of 12,,,,I have around 50 in my Collection Now, w/ at-least 2-3 "addition's" per Year,,,,,,even used to bring a .22 Chinese B2-2A w/ me on Deployment's,,,,,,,Sure was "busy" w/it!,,,,,averaging 25 Rat's a Night w/ it,,,,,and some "Borrowed" N/V optic's, LoL!,,,,,,,In the air-Gun World, there's a Big "Craze" on Now for Big-Bore gun's, like the .45 cal "Texan" which can send a 150gr,. Round down-range at speeds in excess of 1,000fps!,,,,,,This weapon(GyroJet), should be Looked at again,,,w/ Modern Technology, This could prove to be Fantastic,,,,especially if Range-Specific ammo was developed and used(round's made for use in 100-200 yard Increment's, as well as Using Lead for the Round, and actually adding Land's & Groove's to the Barrel would Increase its Accuracy Greatly!!,,,,But you'd have to Match the Round's Port's to match the barrel's "Twist-Rate"!,.
,,,,,after thinking about this for a bit(Barrel&Projectile),,,,I thought of a recent "addition" to the Air-Gun World called "The Smooth-Twist" barrel by FX, (ua-cam.com/video/xPF6dWAqfhY/v-deo.html ) which would suit this type of Round perfectly, esp,. in w/ a 2 stage design!,,,,,when I mentioned "range Specific", I meant a 2 stage design, w/ a small amount of Accelerant in the primary stage, and then different weight's according to range,,,,which could be 2 stage for distances of 500-1000 meter's, and then perhaps even multiple stage's to keep the round spinning(@ a specific rate)stably, and in flight for distances up to,,,,,,who know's!,,,,If done "Intelligently" a world breaking 3,500 meter "Powder-Burner" Kill-Shot could seem "Trivial", when compared to the Possibilities of something like this,,,,We may Still! not have the Technology to make something like this a "feasible" thing, yet.
Really great video guys. Super cool to get a real life perspective on how this historical and very weird firearm performs :) Thank you to everybody involved making this video happen.
@@taofledermaus No chance of that either, I very much doubt there is a single example of either in Australia. Someone should consider making some ammo, I'm sure there are owners who'd be happy to pay good money to send a few down range and the development of loads would actually be quite interesting to those of us who obsess over ballistics.
Ok guys...Im old... because im old i have owned, fired and sold about 12 of these in my life time. some facts the 4 vent rockets are much more accurate than the two vent rockets... the round nosed rounds are standard and the semi pointed flat nose are Armour piercing. the mark one's were 13 mm and the post 68 gun control act guns were 12 mm they are smooth bore yes they fire under water and make cool bubbles. the mk1's and experimentals that made it to the markets had a flip up loading side plate the later models had the pull back loading gate like in the video With original ammo i fired about 25 years ago it broke the sound barrier at about 25 yards..nice delayed sonic boom action the us army special forces used and tested some in vietnam..they were stored at fort hood armory after the war the liaison for acquiring them for the army was ret marine medal of honor winner mitchell paige they also made a scuba underwater rocket spear gun and the cigarette rocket launcher and cigarette pack multi launcher were also real. the last known ones were surrendered to the us govt by mitchell paige at this residence in california when they came calling for them. He said he believed they were poisoned as well but wasn't sure..the multi launcher was activated by unwrapping the lucky strike pack by using the red band and pulling hard on the band to ignite and launch the whole pack. the mini rockets inside looked kind of like flechettes. yes they made machine gun versions for testing the explosive rockets were unpredictable and didnt go further than a testing phase the grandfather of rocketry ..goddard was the hero of maynard..(mba) maynard .beal associates and so he included a goddard medal and book along with the early presentation models that shipped in a red velvet lined wood case with brass mba plaque glued on the top... if you find one with black metal checkering on the side panels instead of the grips this is because the grips broke and fell off..this is common... the black factory was always semi gloss(dark) black..if it is matte black it is re-done.. I sold the last of them i had in about 2000 for about $2800 each for an experimental mk1 carbine and pistol in 13mm and include a full box of 24 armor piercing rockets with each one(The ammo shipped in a plain white cardboard ,top opening flapped box with a perforated white cardboard liner with four horizontinal rows of six rockets, the original factory boxes,certificates,accessories and manuals i could go on about the original packaging and certificate of authenticity included...but i have a life ... hope this information is helpfull.... You think they were weird...I also had about 5 dardick magazine fed revolver tround guns over the years (not "gun parts corp" parts guns but the real deals) d15,-d13,-d-11..carbine conversion...wood prototypes etc.now those were weird over complicated pieces of cr@p..but that is for another post Semper fi....
I hope you get the time to write down as much information as you can on the interesting weapons you've collected over the years. Future collectors would love you for it. If nothing else, you could send it to Forgotten Weapons or Taufledermaus.
@@luisfernandez7270 yeah so long as you don't mind paying a couple grand per bullet. lol. I do agree modern manufacturing could make these bullets better and probably without being much more expensive then a normal bullet. maybe cheaper 3d printing has come a long way.
@@GiRR007 please elaborate why? advanatges: it's practiclly recoil-less bullet can have more advanced components in it (like tracking mechanisms, fin stabilizers, etc) yeah, it may not have the raw power of a rifle (or it would, idk, considering modern technology), but it's gonna be strong enough to kill, and significantly more accurate too, hell, it could probably pierce body armor with the right core (something like a miniature anti-tank missile perhaps?)
@@God-ch8lq Recoil isn't as big of a problem as you would think since if you are in a situation where you are actually trying to hit a target your going to be using semi auto any way so any recoil you feel will be negligible in the first place. There have also been traditional rounds that have had some unique components added onto them like homing bullets and the like, not that things like that are exactly practically for how much time and effort it takes to make them as compared to traditional rounds. As far as accuracy goes it would be almost impossible to make gyrojet rounds more accurate than traditional rounds given the already explained problems of the weapon in the video such as the propulsion system. The whole problem basically boils down to for the amount of effort it takes to make a gyrojet even in modern times it would be much more efficient to just make a normal round that firs a more specific purpose. Sure technology has advanced since then but that also means the technology of traditional rounds has advanced as well and probably at a faster rate since they are the rounds everyone uses already
@@taofledermaus you laugh but this is what our spaceforce is going to be fighting with. This weapon was designed for use in outer space. Things like bullet drop and windage are irrelevant in space. Unfortunately under atmospheric conditions, the low muzzle velocity is affected by wind.
*TAOFLEDERMAUS* I invented and have prototyped a gun that shoots a round similar to this. It uses a steel bullet that contains finely powdered calcium carbide that is separated from hydrogen peroxide (10%) by a wax seal. On the backside is a burst disc rated at 50,000 psi, and fires from a special gun with a high voltage and amperage induction coil. What happens is the moment the trigger is activated the steel heats up, the hydrogen peroxide boils and also breaks down into hydrogen and superheated steam which breaks the wax and mixes with the calcium carbide which off gasses acetylene. The combination of superheated steam, hydrogen, and acetylene bursts the disc in about half a second once the flashpoint is reached. You know the rest, thank you for all the great videos.
This was one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my life. I'm very positive in saying that without this channel I would have never seen anything like this in my life. Thanks Jeff and everyone else for this video. It was freakin awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Thanks to you guys and the owner for letting us see this rarity in action. I've always been facinated with the design but never thought I'd see one fired. Thanks a lot gentlemen!!!
What an interesting video. I am glad he chose you guys to present an informative and sensible review of these extremely rare guns and ammunition. You can see how a much larger missile can accelerate to devastating speeds with all the extra fuel on board.
Why you pronounce "carbine" the way you do.
TAOFLEDERMAUS because he wanted to. why you so worried about it.
Hey all. You don’t call it a pean tree instead of pine tree or I’m going to stand in lean not line. I’m going on a mountain alpean trek instead of alpine. Everything is fean not fine.....
Love the channel
The way it is pronounced in the US is the right way as it is close to the French word, basically it is the same thing without the accent, in the UK they say Car-Pine/CarByne which deviates from the original word.
Trust me, "Carbyne" isn't that close, but I consider both pronunciations right.
The French word is Carabine, pronounced Caghabean, Carbean is definitely closer than Car-byne.
Regardless, there is no need to argue; as I said both pronunciations are just right.
Dude that guy was so obscenely nice to not only come out with weapons beyond rare, AND ammo, but letting yall shoot the majority of them too!
Yes, a rare person indeed!
I remember when I was a kid hearing my grandpa talk about a rifle that shot 50 caliber rockets with no kick. I thought he was messing with me but look what I found today crazy shit I thought he was full of it
You sure he didn't just play Warhammer 40K?
@Lassi Kinnunen no he was a rancher but he saw this shit and it stuck with him
@@nottelling7488 Isn't a bolter shell a 65 caliber shell.
Was your grandfather in Vietnam? Army Special Forces used the 50 cal rocket pistol in Vietnam.
@@renpope1210 lmao what
We still have 28000 years to improve this.
Emperor protects
Instead of improving this, I would prefer mass producing volkite weapon
Nah my Guardsman, plasma weapons is where it is.
Josh Doz no my rail gun is the ticket
Yes brother.
Mad props to danny going and finding that round, like a literal needle in a haystack. this is why we love him. RIP mate.
I thought he actually died for a second lol
@@nolmanimates3031 who's gonna tell him?
@@THEgameHATESyou wait what! I saw recent uploads, i guess i just wanted to believe :"(
@@THEgameHATESyou wait... im confused my bad, he did die?
@@austinporter4285 yeah, he died. RIP
I spent the entire video trying to get over the $49.85, German Lugers.
Adjusting for inflation that was still quite a lot.
Yea and the ar15 for under 200
@@peebay3515 Around $428 dollars equivalent. Not chump change, but way better than the 2k+ Lugers go for now.
@@jonraybon8582 where? for 425$
@@jonraybon8582 true, but I think people act like it's practically free back then, it wasn't and your wages were not the same as today.
It's like those game trailers that show the whole cartridge being fired
Where do the ejected casings come from when such a thing happens? XD
Which game trailer?
@@cosmicbilly The portal 2 turret commercial.
@@Cowboycomando54 thats hilarious dude... lmao
@@Cowboycomando54 Portal does it on purpose tho. After all it's 65% more bullet per bullet!
My engineer grandfather had a saying: “You can always tell how hard a project is by how many DPMs you hear,” DPM meaning “Damnits per minute”.
I imagine the machinists that had to hand drill those little holes were operating at around 16-24 DPMs.
That sounds pretty damn boring
Drilling those holes wouldnt be hard at all. Start the hole with an endmill to create a flat face for the drill to avoid walking and then poke em through with a drill. Hardest part would be setting up the machine to make the cut.
😂 yup DPM would’ve been higher if my big hands were trying it
Am a budding blacksmith, can confirm
DPM, thanks for the idea!
*here at Apeture science labs, we shoot the whole bullet, thats 65% more bullet, per bullet*
Underrated comment
that means the bullet could be fired again if you step on it wrong
Imagine being the only guy in history to ever be shot and killed with a gyrojet.
Some people carried them in Vietnam. Some vietnamese guy got hit by one and was like "Was that a freaking rocket!? Americans are weird. . ."
Go fer it...
How can we think we’re dead?
Lmao i read that last part in a heavy asian accent.
Dude, dead is dead. Makes no difference how you got that way, dead is just dead.
This is a historically important video. Pretty rare footage of an interesting firearm. Great work Jeff.
Someone archive this shit.
Why don't they advertise guns, on gun videos...smh
You can easily archive it yourself :)
Great work, Sean
Dont worry I have it on an old lto tape.
@100,000 Subs, No Content
You can actually thank the old money corporate overlords that control 95% of the media in this country for running an aggressive high profile smear campaign against youtube forcing them to change their policies to make them politically correct and advertiser friendly.
Basically the old boys club that controls the media in this country realized youtube has a massive audience and actually posses a real threat to their monopoly over dispersing information to the public in this country so they decided the best way to go after youtube would be to run a bunch of front page smear articles showcasing youtube playing ads from their biggest sponsors and advertising customers on shit like neo nazi hate videos etc.
A bunch of internet pansies enraged by the smear campaign screeched autistically about this and threatened to boycott the advertisers and so the advertisers started dropping youtube left and right. UA-cam was then forced to placate the pansies and the advertisers thanks to the old money corporate cocksuckers riling them all up leading to the fucked up demonetization polices and PC pandering youtube has been forced to put into action.
Thanks to the sheer volume of videos that get uploaded the only way to police them all outside of using black magic or time travel is with a computer algorithm rather than real people which leads to all the random bullshit with videos getting flagged incorrectly. Basically we now have overly sensitive algorithms flagging any and every video that could remotely be considered controversial enough for people to screech about them.
So to make a long story short, you can thanks the likes of the assholes that own the Wallstreet Journal, CNN, Fox News etc. for intentionally forcing youtube into this corner and shitting on content creators everywhere. UA-cam only cares about making money. They would love it if they could monetize everything, but thanks to the above mentions reasons they can no longer do this. UA-cam actually has lost a shit ton of money over this along with countless content creators and the assholes who own our news papers, magazines and TV news outlets are laughing all the way to the bank.
Ha, I knew I heard "Gyrojet" somewhere before!
Was looking for a torgue comment. HIGH FIVE ! BADASS
As a kid growing up in the 70’s, my dad got to shoot one of these guns and came home one day all excited and told us kids all about it. I’ve always remembered the story of this gun.
I am Borthax
This is why we give the Astra Millitarum lasguns. They can't comprehend the true strength of holy weaponry.
i was about to say this reminds me of the bolters from warhammer 40k 😂
and the fuel for the further/ bolter round is a mixture, compressed grimdark and angst, and Gothic pomposity. and robot tears.
@@williamcasey1927 Aswell as gallons upon gallons of nerd sweat and Memes
I am Borthax
true that! the good news and the bad news is that we can do this.
hooray for wasted time in good company.
That owner is a legend for letting us see them.
and letting them be fired. those are $300 rounds last I checked.
I kinda want to get a gyrojet just to see if I can make passable copies of that ammunition.
I don't get it, why have something if you don't use it? Just to have it? The funs in the use of it.
@@FactsFirst would you have a woman and never touch her? You gotta get dirty to have fun . for the life of me to have something you don't use is pointless. Oh its nice. Yeah well it would be if you can play with it otherwise its just sitting there waiting to be used.
Gyrojet guns: *Fail commercially*
You might have something, with a modern propellant and perhaps using tungsten or another alloy it might be a suitable candidate for a weapon for space.
For the emperor!!!!!!
@@deathstrike its a perfectly adequate gun.
It failed because they went with a .51 caliber bullet.
That means the gun is an NFA Item subject to the same fees and background checks as machine guns
@@37thgungrunts Well if this video is anything to go by, it was also extremely unreliable, had serious issues with heat, and had ammo that was very expensive.
28000 years in the future: we made it into a pistol, an actual rifle, a machine gun version, a minigun version and a gigantic 800mm version
Holy bolter
Sturmtiger 38 look it’s already a thing
In the Emperors name
We were so close to holy bolters
Gun owner is massively generous. Kudos to him, great video.
Erm no, this individual was. Learn the difference
@az12223 Um yes, he actually was generous. Both of them were/ are. Learn what generosity is.
@@az12223 no the gun owner was generous.
The owner of these guns and their ammo, is an absolute legend for allowing this to happen!! Thank you guys, great video and info!! I am a gun fanatic and just love the history of any and all fire arms thru the ages!! Thank you guys!!
Thanks Shaun for your contribution. That’s probably the only modern footage of actual firing one of these unique weapons. Can’t believe there were actually 1.2k people that thumb down this. Obviously don’t appreciate anything
I think the dislikes are people who were upset the the old ammunition was used and they hoped it would stay preserved.
Now a couple years later, I can only imagine how cool it would look on the newest high speed cameras (like the ones "Slow mo Guys" and "Smartereveryday" are using)
Drove 4+ hours of LA traffic, huh?
So.. he made it across town, then?
@Ebba Akerlund You should have walked.
These are some good-looking Bolters. The Emperor would be proud.
I was thinking the exact same thing all throughout the presentation. These are early era, probably used by the Thunder Warriors.
Purge the heretics.
Yeah I'd rather be issued an M40 Armageddon pattern autogun or since we're in the 21st century and not the 41st millennium, an AKS-74U.
The true fist of the emperor is the Mk XXXV Magnacore Pattern Plasma Rifle. Seeing that fired would be something to behold I think.
Sidorovich bolsters actually are a mix they have case gunpowder like a regular gun and the propellant like this one
Mighty generous of Sean to expend his precious ammo for your vid.
He sounds like a really cool bloke.
Yes, a very nice guy!
Some love from the man himself!
he probably just used it before and wanted someone else to experience them, that is what i would have done too :P
When you get older... The more you realize you have less time to enjoy thing's.
PinkOld Thank you! I try...haha.
This is an awesome record of how the Gyrojet really operates.
thanks Pete!
I remember seeing one in 1972. I was impressed because it looked ultra modern. At the time the seller wanted almost $1000.00, but the ammo was very expensive. The cop who was selling it said that at ten feet it would probably bounce off of you, but by the time it crossed a street you would not want to be in front of it.
Thank you and the pilot for this rare video.
"Rare, IRREPLACABLE Ammo..."
Sean, the gun owner: "Oh.. I missed."
damn it sean lol
@DH ?
DH lol
@DH Well it does help to impart the context of what one is saying... seeing as it's impossible to tell through text alone.
DH lol
These guns would’ve fit perfectly in the Fallout universe.
There's a mod about that actually. I think it's called Mk41 Gyrojet heavy Machine gun or something like that.
I feel the same way with that Dardick magazine-fed revolver. Unfortunately I don't think there's a mod for that one.
its called the 40k bolter mod
I played New Vegas with this gun added by a mod, also pretty sure there's one for Fallout 4
@@tekkstoybox8297 BOLTAS BRUVAS
I recently watched You Only Live Twice again. The Gyro Jet is one of those things you might never realize actually existed if it wasn't for pop culture. It's great too see someone finally shoot one.
Wow that was so cool! The acceleration on those things is really quite something! Thank you guys for putting such a great video together :)
thank you Ted!
Excellent video guys! And Sean, dude, you are awesome to share your gyrojet collection with us and to let us see them fire puts you over the top. With such a rapid spin on the round, I thought Jeff's shot would have just drilled through the melon without much damage.
I'm just glad SOMETHING hit that dang melon! lol
My pleasure. I’m glad you liked Jeff’s video. It’s the most definitive video I have ever seen on the Gyro Jet. He did a great job, which is what I was hoping for.
I’ve been so damn excited to see this ever since you put up the teaser
DannyBoyDDD you and me both was amazing to see these actually in use
I've been so damned excited to see this ever since I read about it 50 years ago! ^_^
I came to the comments hoping to see WH40k references. I was not disappointed, the Emperor Protects
Great game.
The Emperor Protects
And having a loaded bolter never hurt, either.
I was looking for the Borderlands references, MR. TORGUE would definitely feel this video lacked enough EXPLOSIONS, AIR GUITAR, AND S@#%!
The Emperor Protects.
This dude has not one but TWO gyro jets! He probably lowkey owns a G11 as well.
He probably beat Half Life 3
@@bobwannabe9141 LMAOOOO
Hand made bullets. No wonder they were so expensive, and non-predictable from round to round.
Really interesting stuff guys.
I think the Gyro jet rounds are awesome! Would be amazing if someone modernized it. Thanks for sharing with us!
That would be cool!
I'm so glad for Danny that together with the TAOFLEDERMAUS crew, he got the ability to test so many exotic rounds and guns. Throwing in a casual joke here and there, enjoying doing what he loved to a dreamlevel, and he deserved every second of it. RIP Danny, the sharpest shooter i've ever seen
-"What if we used 100% of the brain?"
-"I don't know, what if we put rockets in bullets?"
@Magna Pony you are using all brain all time, this is bullshit with 100% or 20% xD
@@neverbeenbetter2903 it’s a meme chillllll brrreeeeooooo
What if we used 100% of the cartridge?
@Basement Bohab Brilliant. We shoot the whole gun. That's 86% more gun per gun.
So what if i activated 100% of my brain, causing an epileptic seizure while firing 100% of the bullet?
the slowmo of the rocket accelerating is awesome.
mike allen I thought it was cool too!
When I was in High School, a friend of mine had one of the carbines. I still remember watching the bullet leave the barrel, then light up, and haul ass! I tried to find him to see if he still had it, but no luck. Still a good memory!
Omnissiah, please bless us with a new generation of this holy seed of purge!
It’s great that you took the time to make such a well documented video with these rare items. I had a bunch of questions but you covered them all during the video. Maybe the home bullet creators out there can get some ideas from this projectile. :)
Thank you!
Coming soon, shotgun rocket slugs!
Honestly! I could see some military applications for these fellas if the research fellas could get the things streamlined and more predictable. The lack of recoil and shell ejection could be very very useful. I’m gonna share this video with some of the boys in my platoon (I am a cadet at UNG, a Senior Military College, and hope to transfer to West Point after this year) and I’m sure they’ll figure the same thing.
I can already hear the gears turning in the heads of all the machinists that watch this channel :D
Ballistic Machinist?
I just wanted to thank Sean for his generous gift to all of us. This was a very cool and probably unrepeatable chance to see those pieces of history fired.
Thank you
I worked at MBA. I was responsible for taking the Gyrojet Pistol from13mm to 12mm when the federal law regarding "destructive devices" made any weapon with a bore diameter .500" dia a "destructive device." I have a 12mm version and some ammunition.
Very cool! I heard the 12mm stuff is even harder to come across.
The 12mm rounds are somewhat different. As can be seen by the video, the originals had the nozzles retained by roll-forming the body into a groove in the nozzle, together with an o-ring as a seal. The nozzles were machined from Ledloy and the ports machined by specialized equipment. Very Expensive. So Mainhardt tasked me with finding a better solution along with the program I had to make the 12mm version compliant with the new law. Besides going down to 0.496 dia,, because of the law's requirement for "rifling, " I had to have the barrels pull broached with two spiral grooves. The law was predicated on standard firearms technology and they wanted to make sure that the "bullets" had a rifling signature. So we put them in, but they were simply cosmetic and didn't engage the round. I designed a powdered metal nozzle that had slots for ports that expanded in only one axis to replicate the canted drilled ones. The four port design had problems in that the pins that formed the bottom of the ports were only .042 in dia and the tooling would not hold up. So our supplier, Kwikset Lock Co. said we had to fix the problem, because we didn't have a capable process. So I went to a three port design, which allowed that diameter to increase to about 0.50 as I recall, and that tooling "lived." The funny thing is that the three port rounds flew better than the four port design, but we never were able to figure out why. Also the nozzles now fitted into a counterbore in the back of the body and were retained by upsetting the end of the case by stamping it over the end of the nozzle plate. Another thing that may not be known is that the end of the nozzle plate that faced inside has a combination poly film/aluminum foil "barrier" heat sealed to it. This is necessary because the propellant ( a solid grain of ARP) has to have the ability to build chamber pressure on ignition, or it will not stay lit. That film/foil diaphragm allows the pressure to build to something like 2,000 psi before it ruptures, allowing the propellant grain to fully "light!" Also, you are incorrect about going to two-port nozzles for the Gyrojet rounds. Two-port nozzles were only used in the Gyrojet signals ( smoke, flare and chaff). And as far as the bodies (we called them ogives), we had them impact formed by Olin Brass. Actually drawn from a flat piece of metal and then copper plated. Also some rounds used a piece of "quick match" to take the ignition from the primer and put more heat into the propellant grain.You mentioned Mel Carpenter's book. I met with Mel a few years ago along with another former MBA employee who ran the Ordinance Lab there. We gave Mel a bunch of our hardware and other stuff, all of which is included in a subsequent chapter (28) in his book. This includes stuff on the Stun Gun and the Javette.
Sorry, it isn't for saie.
In regards to the primer blow-out, did you ever see that occur? My theory is at some point that round was dropped and the grain may have cracked.
This stuff is so very old that it could have been because of any number of defects. When we did T&H conditioning of the personal distress signals, which were in most respects nearly identical in construction, we had rounds blow up (actually detonate in flight and expell the nozzle plate). Inspection of unfired samples revealed that the double base propellant had disassociated due to the 160 degree F temp soak. there was Nitroglycerin "sweat beads" on the surface of the propellant which caused over pressure. Sometimes firing rounds after T&H conditioning at the low temp (-65F) caused what we called a "chuffer." The rocket would initiate, then when the NG sweat was gone, the propellant would self extinguish and the rocket would shut down in early flight. In some designs, the propellant grain was "inhibited on the exterior surface with teflon tape to force the burn to take place radially from the center outward giving the correct surface dimensions to cause it to burn at a uniform rate and to keep the propellant grain to stay concentric with the case. It 's been such a very long time that I don't remember all of what we did. I worked at MBA from 1968 to 1971.
It would be fascinating to see how this design could be improved with modern machining techniques like laser cutting and 3d metal printing
My thoughts exactly. A 3d printed round could be turned out stupid easy
It'd be the exact same
That may help shape the rocket nozzles more precisely.
Still need to make the propellant grain, but that's somewhat figured out as a science. I'm thinking ammonium perchlorate, same stuff as used in the space shuttle solid rocket booster.
definitely not the gyrojet is an extremely primitive rocket@@riddell26
That might actually be a good design for a space gun, there's no atmosphere to alter its path, and shell casings in space could take out fast objects accidentally, and the low recoil is absolutely a huge bonus in zero g. Wicked footage guys.
thank you!
How convenient that we're getting a Space Force soon. They gotta take another look at these.
GyroJets are one of my favorite historical curiosities, I'm SOOOO glad you found a way to experiment with them and talk about them. They're such weird little space-blasters and I never understood them terribly well, this was a really awesome video!
Forgotten weapons with Gun-Jesus and this channel are my favorite content creators.
Squeezey don't forget demo ranch. Another good gun channel
Wow! Space Marine Bolters from Warhammer 40k actually do exist. In a very primitive state of course.
The man needs to hear a dozen thank yous per person here. THANK YOU SEAN
Ok, I was born in 65 and seen thousands of guns and fired hundreds I have never seen or imagined that existed. Thank you, great video and remember, we learn something every day! Awesome video.
thanks David!
I remember reading about these in a book some 15, 20 years ago and thinking to myself "Too bad I will never see one of those in action"
Thanks for proving me wrong on that one, guys!
Je ziet ze ook in een james bond film
If this gets perfected, the entire humanity will hear a soft whisper of a demonic laughter.
Normies: It's a gyrojet gun.
Me, a Intellectual: *BOLTERS, BROTHERS!*
pretty much, except armor-piercing, delayed explosive tip. Caliber-wise, it can count as human-sized bolt pistol (around .50cal, meant for commissars and those who can afford one) Though it would be an extremely anemic and simple for a bolt pistol
Emperor protects
Nah is teakniley a mini missle
@@iamlazycatxP Logically speaking Bolters are very different from Gyrojets, and I don't mean the trans-human super soldiers wielders. To have the kick and roar they are described within the books, the rocket fuel would have to be high powered yet slow-burning with the kicker charge having to extremely powerful because there is no way your fitting enough standard power in there to get the desired velocity, it would have to be more like a firecracker than excellent. It sort of handwaved away by saying that the shells are actually assisted by coil-gun rails, but if that's the case then they can reduce the charge significantly to where it only meets the rails and they take it from there but this the Imperium so they don't do anything that makes sense. There are also problems with the rocket fuel itself, even if you get an energetic but slow-burning, there will not be enough to get it a decent range or velocity while still putting the mass-reactive charges for that explosive punch, now this can but compensated for by extending the shells to include more of everything.
Now everything I've just said operates on the assumption that Bolter shells are all self-contained like the normal Gyrojets, they do not. In nearly all media I can find, be it in games, art(both fan and official), or books, Bolters eject casings like normal chemical weapons. So this in mind, we can rework the shell itself. Moving the chemical kicker charge to the casing, more room is added for the fuel without cutting into mass-reactive explosives. It also explains the kick, with simple physics we understand what normal recoil is, and it's compounded with the fact, that if the rocket-fuel is set off immediately, it will also be pushing backward with the normal recoil. With adding an outer cartage you would also be able to seal it up to the elements while eliminating the varius other problems I brought up.
I've been waiting for this and it didn't let me down. Thanks so much for bringing this rarity to us! Really truly enjoyed this and added to favorites.
thank you very much!
Great video! A gyrojet documentary!
Jeff....... you should do a Danny’s top 5 video series.... I think .. we’d like that..... saw this video several times... but today UA-cam recommend it under my subscriptions ... I saw Danny and thought I’d watch it again.. remind me of his personality 👍
I might do that
My favorite is that the guy that owns these super rare, amazing pieces of gun history lives in what is probably the second most regulated firearm state.
hehe is funny when you say regulated firearm in USA =) you can bear and keep fire arms but where is the well regulated militia?
@@TuriusRay The American people are the militia...A militia doesnt mean a standing army, it just means a well armed group of fighting age men
+Joe Keller The American people are NOT a militia. If they are and we ever have to rely on them, we’re totally fucked haha
If we had a real militia, you would probably sign up for it then be in the militia equivalent of the reserves. They’d send you through basic training and teach you how to fight, and may even own all the guns themselves. What we have no is either just hobbyists with random weapons and hunters with hunting rifles. 99% of these guns are made for civilian use and not to be used in an actual war zone.
That was incredibly fascinating, thanks guys for making this possible! I wonder what the original inventors would do seeing that slow mo footage.
Thank you very much! Having HS footage would have really helped them iron out some of the bugs I would think.
I know the designers wouldn't have had access to it, but I wonder if the military did any high speed footage of these during testing? They had the technology o do it.
Whoa, cool to see Angus here!
Make excuses, is my guess. ;P
does anyone remembers that there was a remarkable product placement of these weapons in the 1964 movie "007, You Only Live Twice"?
Cool comment!
@Jerrol Hale I was looking for this and was about to comment the same. Still my favorite Bond movie to this day.
Hence the “you only live twice” theme he added in the video ;-) nice touch.
007 movies always had and used the latest gadgets in their films. Yes I think it's in the same one that they used the jetpack. Just amazing!
Correction: You Only Live Twice premiered in 1967. In more recent times the International Bounty Hunter/Bodyguard Silver Sable use a Gyrojet pistol during her apperances in Spider-Man comics
I love to come back and watch a video from years ago.
Interesting legal issue about this gun!
In my country (Hungary) a "firearm" is defined as any device which shoots a projectile with more than 7.5 Joule of energy measured at the muzzle. By this definition a gyrojet gun may not even be a firearm! Firstly because the gun doesn't shoot anything per se, it's the bullet that shoots itself, but that's not a solid argument. However, secondly, the energy of the rocket bullet may not exceed 7.5 J when it exits the barrel, since it is picking up speed later as the rocket burns.
Tamás Polgár But if you count the potential energy and not just kinetic, it may still qualify.
The law says nothing about potential, and indeed I know of a case when this was used against a defendant. Guy was an idiot, went to a shady market and bought a "gun" from a Chinese guy, a 6.35 mm Zbroyovka. It has been disabled then rearmed, but the barrel was drilled up to 7 mm and the striking pin was a broken piece of a small drilling bit. Yeah, some gun. The bullets were real, but the entire thing was not much more powerful than a toy cap gun, the bullets just fell out of the barrel.
So the guy went and tried to shoot his ex with this shit, which of course didn't work: he made a lot of noise and actually managed to fire one "shot" which hit the woman in the back as she was running away, but caused no injury, and she actually thought he tossed a rock at her.
The guy was arrested for attempted manslaughter. A firearms expert took a look at that junk, and fired a few dozen test shots. He concluded that the gun was practically unusable. Out of his shots, a few didn't even leave the barrel, most didn't make it to the target from 10 meters, only a few did, but they hardly tore into the paper. The expert made measurements and from the average energy of the bullets he concluded that the gun has an average muzzle energy of 7.8 joules. This was enough for the judge to declare that the gun was a real firearm, capable of killing a person, and convicted the idiot to 8 years.
Nobody gave a shit to the potential energy of the bullets, or how they lost energy on the long run. As a matter of fact, Hungarian criminal justice is always going overboard to convict defendants and maintain a 98-99% conviction rate. I am pretty sure that if someone took a deliberate shot at another person with a regular handgun from several kilometers, obviously way beyond the effective range, it would still be attempted manslaughter, regardless of physical possibilities.
Wait so If I made a spring or rubber powered bowling ball launcher with a barrel would it be considered a firearm?
The Pope *fallout 4 far harbour intensifies*
Great video. I was really fascinated by this gun when I saw Ian's video. Never thought I would see it in action though.
Thank you so much guys. This made my day. Special thanks to Sean.
thank you very much!
Big thanks to Sean for sharing this very rare weapon with us. It is very important that we leave a record of these items for future generations to see. Think of the loss if no one else had made a video about it.
The loss of 20minutes of top quality youtube entertainment is unbearable
These were used in the James Bond movie, "You Only Live Twice". They were called "Rocket" guns, in the movie.
I discovered this gun like a week ago and there was not a single decent slow motion video of this bullet in flight. Very well done!
thanks Pedro!
Amazing! Sean is an awesome guy, also!
I can’t believe you were actually able to shoot this irreplaceable ammo. I remember seeing these for sale in Dallas in the early 60’s. Thanks for posting.
Bolter: the prequel.
next steps:
1st: improve the ammo
2nd: make them bigger
3rd: bless it by the emperor of mankind
BAM: real life Boltgun
I was thinking the same thing the whole time
*Distant sound of an assault cannon purging and screaming Genestealers*
Actually they were originally 13mm. US law changed so it was illegal to make them and use them as an anti personal gun so they made them 12mm
It needs the addition of a base charge. This deals with most of the inconsistencies at close range and accuracy (asuming using in barrel rifling) similar to base bleed artillery rounds.
They just need to explode on impact and then all good for the Astartes.
Thank you Sean I read about this weapon but never saw one fired,to use that super rare ammo for the video was very generous.
Glad you enjoyed it. Jeff and Danny did a great job.
Extremely generous of him! Great video Jeff, as always!
shite4brains outta actually really smart nobody really want live rounds some people even have them de-powdered, like the do with 50cal rounds.
7:15 "Something went wrong"
Me: He obviously turned on hacks, that's why the gun aimed for the head despite the operator aiming for the chest
My father bought the carbine model new and hated it immediately , I remember him throwing a fit because the company refused to refund his money , I can't remember if he traded it for another Thompson SMG or if he sold it , he left over 300 firearms to me when he passed but I believe more than a thousand weapons went thru his hands in his lifetime ,now I wish he would have kept the carbine for his collection like he had the foresight to collect 2 police special Thompson SMGs with the police carry cases holding the stick magazines while the 50 round drums we're on the weapons .
I'm a Retired Vet,. and have been an Avid Air-gun/Rifle Collector since I first got a Crosman 760 @ the age of 12,,,,I have around 50 in my Collection Now, w/ at-least 2-3 "addition's" per Year,,,,,,even used to bring a .22 Chinese B2-2A w/ me on Deployment's,,,,,,,Sure was "busy" w/it!,,,,,averaging 25 Rat's a Night w/ it,,,,,and some "Borrowed" N/V optic's, LoL!,,,,,,,In the air-Gun World, there's a Big "Craze" on Now for Big-Bore gun's, like the .45 cal "Texan" which can send a 150gr,. Round down-range at speeds in excess of 1,000fps!,,,,,,This weapon(GyroJet), should be Looked at again,,,w/ Modern Technology, This could prove to be Fantastic,,,,especially if Range-Specific ammo was developed and used(round's made for use in 100-200 yard Increment's, as well as Using Lead for the Round, and actually adding Land's & Groove's to the Barrel would Increase its Accuracy Greatly!!,,,,But you'd have to Match the Round's Port's to match the barrel's "Twist-Rate"!,.
,,,,,after thinking about this for a bit(Barrel&Projectile),,,,I thought of a recent "addition" to the Air-Gun World called "The Smooth-Twist" barrel by FX, (ua-cam.com/video/xPF6dWAqfhY/v-deo.html ) which would suit this type of Round perfectly, esp,. in w/ a 2 stage design!,,,,,when I mentioned "range Specific", I meant a 2 stage design, w/ a small amount of Accelerant in the primary stage, and then different weight's according to range,,,,which could be 2 stage for distances of 500-1000 meter's, and then perhaps even multiple stage's to keep the round spinning(@ a specific rate)stably, and in flight for distances up to,,,,,,who know's!,,,,If done "Intelligently" a world breaking 3,500 meter "Powder-Burner" Kill-Shot could seem "Trivial", when compared to the Possibilities of something like this,,,,We may Still! not have the Technology to make something like this a "feasible" thing, yet.
Why do I care?
Cool story bro, changed my life!
Really great video guys. Super cool to get a real life perspective on how this historical and very weird firearm performs :) Thank you to everybody involved making this video happen.
Thank you Lars!
This was a great video. I did not know these existed. Very cool!
Thank you! You should watch more Bond movies! They had a number of them (even a gold plated one!) in You only live twice, shot by Ninjas, no less!
TAOFLEDERMAUS Haha I guess so!
Well that is one firearm I never thought I'd see fired, thanks guys and especially Sean for making this possible.
I never thought I would even SEE one first hand!
@@taofledermaus No chance of that either, I very much doubt there is a single example of either in Australia.
Someone should consider making some ammo, I'm sure there are owners who'd be happy to pay good money to send a few down range and the development of loads would actually be quite interesting to those of us who obsess over ballistics.
Absolutely incredible! You really did this rare round justice
Thank you William! I never imagined seeing these shot in real life.
Ok guys...Im old... because im old i have owned, fired and sold about 12 of these in my life time.
some facts
the 4 vent rockets are much more accurate than the two vent rockets...
the round nosed rounds are standard and the semi pointed flat nose are Armour piercing.
the mark one's were 13 mm and the post 68 gun control act guns were 12 mm
they are smooth bore
yes they fire under water and make cool bubbles.
the mk1's and experimentals that made it to the markets had a flip up loading side plate
the later models had the pull back loading gate like in the video
With original ammo i fired about 25 years ago it broke the sound barrier at about 25 yards..nice delayed sonic boom action
the us army special forces used and tested some in vietnam..they were stored at fort hood armory after the war
the liaison for acquiring them for the army was ret marine medal of honor winner mitchell paige
they also made a scuba underwater rocket spear gun
and the cigarette rocket launcher and cigarette pack multi launcher were also real. the last known ones were surrendered to the us govt by mitchell paige at this residence in california when they came calling for them. He said he believed they were poisoned as well but wasn't sure..the multi launcher was activated by unwrapping the lucky strike pack by using the red band and pulling hard on the band to ignite and launch the whole pack. the mini rockets inside looked kind of like flechettes.
yes they made machine gun versions for testing
the explosive rockets were unpredictable and didnt go further than a testing phase
the grandfather of rocketry ..goddard was the hero of maynard..(mba) maynard .beal associates and so he included a goddard medal and book along with the early presentation models that shipped in a red velvet lined wood case with brass mba plaque glued on the top...
if you find one with black metal checkering on the side panels instead of the grips this is because the grips broke and fell off..this is common... the black factory was always semi gloss(dark) black..if it is matte black it is re-done..
I sold the last of them i had in about 2000 for about $2800 each for an experimental mk1 carbine and pistol in 13mm and include a full box of 24 armor piercing rockets with each one(The ammo shipped in a plain white cardboard ,top opening flapped box with a perforated white cardboard liner with four horizontinal rows of six rockets, the original factory boxes,certificates,accessories and manuals
i could go on about the original packaging and certificate of authenticity included...but i have a life ... hope this information is helpfull....
You think they were weird...I also had about 5 dardick magazine fed revolver tround guns over the years (not "gun parts corp" parts guns but the real deals) d15,-d13,-d-11..carbine conversion...wood prototypes etc.now those were weird over complicated pieces of cr@p..but that is for another post
Semper fi....
DaBig Fubar Wish you still had some for sale....
That was more info than the vid ! Nice . I ll bet these rounds are pricey
Very cool,thanks for your comment. Very informative.
Thanks! Magazine fed revolver? Amazing!
I hope you get the time to write down as much information as you can on the interesting weapons you've collected over the years. Future collectors would love you for it. If nothing else, you could send it to Forgotten Weapons or Taufledermaus.
Sean is the best.....somebody buy that guy a beer!!!! Fascinating video.
Imagine this with modern technology, ammo cost could be far lower, power could be higher, and it'd be a fairly good weapon
If i ever go to the USA i want to shoot one of these but modern!
@@luisfernandez7270 yeah so long as you don't mind paying a couple grand per bullet. lol. I do agree modern manufacturing could make these bullets better and probably without being much more expensive then a normal bullet. maybe cheaper 3d printing has come a long way.
sadly even with modern tec I believe this weapon would still be inferior to modern fire arms
@@GiRR007 please elaborate why?
advanatges: it's practiclly recoil-less
bullet can have more advanced components in it (like tracking mechanisms, fin stabilizers, etc)
yeah, it may not have the raw power of a rifle (or it would, idk, considering modern technology), but it's gonna be strong enough to kill, and significantly more accurate too, hell, it could probably pierce body armor with the right core (something like a miniature anti-tank missile perhaps?)
@@God-ch8lq Recoil isn't as big of a problem as you would think since if you are in a situation where you are actually trying to hit a target your going to be using semi auto any way so any recoil you feel will be negligible in the first place. There have also been traditional rounds that have had some unique components added onto them like homing bullets and the like, not that things like that are exactly practically for how much time and effort it takes to make them as compared to traditional rounds.
As far as accuracy goes it would be almost impossible to make gyrojet rounds more accurate than traditional rounds given the already explained problems of the weapon in the video such as the propulsion system.
The whole problem basically boils down to for the amount of effort it takes to make a gyrojet even in modern times it would be much more efficient to just make a normal round that firs a more specific purpose. Sure technology has advanced since then but that also means the technology of traditional rounds has advanced as well and probably at a faster rate since they are the rounds everyone uses already
It's absolutely clear why this never caught on.
Haha, yep! Thanks for stopping by!
It could be perfected in modern times. Its a fantastic concept.
I don't get it the gun looks like a normal gun
@@taofledermaus you laugh but this is what our spaceforce is going to be fighting with. This weapon was designed for use in outer space. Things like bullet drop and windage are irrelevant in space. Unfortunately under atmospheric conditions, the low muzzle velocity is affected by wind.
I'm working on a modernized variation with different propulsion and simplified technology that can work with current tech.
I appreciate this comment, just so you know someone does :)
My dream is to be engineer in order to -invent- reinvent gyrojet bullets.
yah but torgues Gryojets got Sticky C4 that has action trigger mechanism.
Best guns in borderland 1,2,and 3
I'm glad I found atleast one bl reference here
*TAOFLEDERMAUS* I invented and have prototyped a gun that shoots a round similar
to this. It uses a steel bullet that contains finely powdered calcium carbide that is separated from hydrogen peroxide (10%) by a wax seal. On the backside is a burst disc rated at 50,000 psi, and fires from a special gun with a high voltage and amperage induction coil. What happens is the moment the trigger is activated the steel heats up, the hydrogen peroxide boils and also breaks down into hydrogen and superheated steam which breaks the wax and mixes with the calcium carbide which off gasses acetylene. The combination of superheated steam, hydrogen, and acetylene bursts the disc in about half a second once the flashpoint is reached. You know the rest, thank you for all the great videos.
Prolific Invention video or bullshit
It's a cool concept. Have you been able to make it work? Or is it theoretical at this point?
the alt-flight. The reaction works well, only tested with a. 60 cal deck cannon and a blow torch. Booms like hell
Post a vid man sounds interesting
Prolific Invention lol! May as well start big and then scale it down I guess. Have you tried different concentrations of peroxide and different fuels?
A rocket gun isn't something I knew I needed until just now.
Great video. This video should be submitted to the library of Congress.
Thanks for the amazing video! I've wanted to see this for years!
It's a privilege to be able to see these incredibly rare guns and rounds!
thank you very much!
What a nice guy to bring those to actually shoot them.
Great video.
Thanks Sean - truly appreciate seeing your two rare guns in action - a real treat! Jeff, Danny - thanks as always, great job.
This was one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my life. I'm very positive in saying that without this channel I would have never seen anything like this in my life. Thanks Jeff and everyone else for this video. It was freakin awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
thanks Brandon!
TAOFLEDERMAUS your welcome Jeff. Always love your vids man.
Thanks to you guys and the owner for letting us see this rarity in action. I've always been facinated with the design but never thought I'd see one fired. Thanks a lot gentlemen!!!
What an interesting video. I am glad he chose you guys to present an informative and sensible review of these extremely rare guns and ammunition. You can see how a much larger missile can accelerate to devastating speeds with all the extra fuel on board.
Just WOW. Thanks guys, this was great.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Congrats on having the only chance anyone will have to shoot this. Also, surely the best footage that will ever be of it in action.
Thank you very much!
i just can't believe how much power was actually packed into those little rockets! Also that Shawn guy seemed super cool
Rest well Danny, much love
Sean seems like a really great person. That's mighty generous of him to do this with you guys.
Thank you Sean for letting us see these odd pieces of history. This was really cool. And now itll be around to see forever.
With modern manufactering, it would be interesting to see how the design of the bullets can be improved
The manufacturing methods at the time could have been better used
@ThunderLawyer Only if you don't have pro-level engineering tools and experience like Adam Savage for example.
3d printing and cnc this thing just needs tweaked and updated