Rodrigo Matos He is implying that there is no mid play. It's either gonna be really good in terms of aggro or whatever temp it is. Or it's just gonna lose every game. The only time its neck and neck, is if its equal tier or better.
+Kripparian Hey Kripp, LanceplaysHS here. I did not snipe. I was in chat, but didn't notice I was playing you until turn 3, you can tell by the long pause which is skipped. I paused stream immediately after noticing, since I didn't want to be accused of sniping, but I figured I would be accused either way anyway, especially if I won. You didn't draw flanking strike, freezing trap, wandering monster, and grevious bite, all of which would've won you the game. You also missed the chance to get lucky and win with juggles, but in the end the difference came down to 2 hp. It was a good game and a close one, gg.
Hi +Luke Lesh, I rewatched the game just to be sure, and did not see any missed lethal, so I am fairly confident you are mistaking me for someone else. I was the first mage. +Nate Walsh thank you for the kind words friend :)
LancePlaysLoL 15:30 you had 6 on board 2 from hand and a hero power for 1 which is 9 the health total kripp had, you did not rewatch you can't miss that twice
another possibility is that another person could have started playing the game. I dont think its fair to just immediately assume he was an idiot considering how he was playing fine before.
I feel like Blizzard up'd the number occurrence of good cards in arena. I have been playing nothing but like 75+ rated decks since the expansion. Playing 0-2 people with double bonemare, double ob statue, freed from amber, dragonfire potion and every other creature above curve is just stupid.
I’ve averaged about 2 arena runs per day since the expansion came out and average around 5-6 wins per run. I’ve gotten 2 12 win runs already as reference
Current Arena experts are saying the arena no longer favors one drops as much as it did previously. Stuff like the new hunter Hydra 3 drop shuts down 1 drops badly. Going with a heavy focus on one-drops now will end up with you being too out-valued quickly and are not enough to close the game most of the time.
Helois Gevit There was a post on the Hearthstone subreddit a couple days ago by some dude who posted a bunch of arena stats and offered his interpretations of them and whatnot
Thumbs up! I missed those videos that start with an interesting analysis! I would be glad if your videos reverted to the general analytical style of "how good is xxx" as they used to be!
i think the reason you didn't feel like this was so powerful is because you didn't draft jasper spellstone. i've found that card to be unbelievably powerful in arena so far
"Bullshit not winning the tempo battle". Yeah, tends to happen when on turn 4 you play a 3 cost weapon that doesn't even kill a board threat, or when you have 3 NOT TEMPO deathrattle cards in your hand. Funny how that works
In the first game, why did Kripp kill the ghoul instead of the cobalt scalebane? how did he know that it would try to get rid of the ice elemental? I would've gone for the scalebane so it doesn't buff anything.
21:58 there wasn't anything i could do 18:43 you think you can affort to play around shadow word death? If he has it he will use it on your icegiant and you lose. You gave away at least! 7 damage for free. (He couldn't even kill the dino with both his minions.) Would have neen the trade of the century with +3 attack poison (what you got) and even +1+1 as it sets up unleash.
I agree. Played a few arenas as Hunter, all victories were going first, all losses were going 2nd and getting out-tempo'd to hell by all classes (From warrior to priest).
Yeah, when you don't play your good cards to play around the most extreme circumstance possible, you tend to lose to your opponent's curvestone. Especially when you have no removal in your hand. Crazy, I know.
Garrett Liu Hopefully that works. The quality is shit because it's pulled off Facebook, but on the left side you can make out the same name as the opponent in this video+ the same plays.
Jacob yeah it is since players are not used to play against it, it will decrease in strenght over time but still a really good card for arena, but not as strong as 5 mana 4x3/3
The main problem is Expansion bonus for cards after, prob, first month after the expansion. The meta is really begins stall and monotonous, and less balanced (because of full dependance on newest cards only)
I honestly just think that following the heartharena draft system isn't good for hunter. You seem to need to ignore card score to grab for tempo reversal and win conditions. Also think you might have to give up more value to gain tempo than kripp usually does in his play.
TheYellowSlimeGamer he missed it exactly once, so please stop pretending that playing safe by trading is a bad thing. Kripp does that all the time and no one says anything. Yet, when other players do that it’s somehow wrong
Iris Waldenburger If you're saying that I'm accusing Kripp missing lethal, I'm not, and if you're saying I'm accusing the mage of missing lethal you are right, he missed it multiple times with and clearly had 9 damage when he traded for no reason, yet the mage didn't realize it whatsoever at any given point in the game, that is why the mage is bad.
Iris Waldenburger He missplayed a dozen of times, including not playing around his own fireball that he revealed using the new board-clear cards. Kripp doesn't save trade when he can set up lethal - either from board, hand or deck.
Hunter is naturally aggressive. Its at the point where tools being used to control early on are best used early on to snowball your board. because they are only too slow later on
Hunters are no longer and don't have to be aggressive. Many of the great arena runs recently with hunter utilize very few early game cards and focus on gaining control later.
>Hunters are no longer and don't have to be aggressive. Have you seen the hunter class? Are you accidentally mixing up hunter with priest or warrior or something?
ah yes these two legendary cards obviously mean hunter doesn't have to be aggressive in arena anymore. Also, DK rexxar is actually better suited to midrange-aggro decks because it gives them minions later on lol
Warlocks are true kings now. Every one of them I played against this expansion had x2 7-7 taunt demon for 4 and x2 3-9 demon spawning voidwalkers. Unbeatable by tempo hunters / rogues / shamans that I usually draft.
I usually perform okay in arena i think my average is around 6-7 wins. I tried hunter drafted a really nice deck and went second in all of my games versus 1 drop openers. It was a fucking 1-3 run, its just a cointoss doing arena with hunter.
Got 77 point hunter deck.. first game against 82 point priest deck with All possible answers (he even stealed my 2-8 dragon with that4-5 minion before i conceded and added him to my friend list) after that faced a mage again with all answers and hunter that survived and had more luck in topdeck mode. 77 point deck ( in my top 5)went 2-3 also. All this scores for some classes are really unreliable. Rogues with much under 70 easy go 12 wins (class with most early board impact), hunters big score means nothing (no board impact at all).
Vigilante Rorschach “A scarf, plural scarves, is a piece of fabric worn around the neck for warmth, sun protection, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. They can be made in a variety of different materials such as wool, cashmere, linen or cotton.” *Also great on dogs.
It's because of all these stupid "micro" adjustments, that arn't micro at all, that Blizzard is doing behind the scenes. When your class gets a 40% bonus on your top cards, and the top classes gets a 40% penalty rate on their top cards, the meta will definitely shift. All these changes makes me want to play arena less and less...
basically. first hunter draft (73), 2 wandering monster, 2 traps, 2 spellstones and 2 flanking (crazy how nice that sounds). went 10-3 losing to priests all 3 times. next hunter draft was a 76 with 1 wandering monster, 1 spellstone and i even got 2 highmanes and went 2-3 lol
The trades DID make sense, IF you account for extra damage.... you know, knowing the game. Pretty much the same thing Kripp does when he plays around cards of his opponents, yet I doubt that those EVER claim that he is sniping simply because he is good at the game.
How was he terrible, he made every single right play to win. Like if he actually did any other things differently he could've lost if Kripp had burst from the hand. He took the 100% win route and no misplays whatsoever.
+MycroSparks Well, he made at least three terrible trades from what I noticed. There could be more, but those are the ones I noticed far as I remember. The first one was trading his 2/3 minions against Kripp's 3/1 instead of using his Argent Squire. Just... why would you do that? As for the rest of them I don't remember the specifics, but if you're willing to go through it again, I'm sure you'll find them. ;)
well @fromdkwithlove, since I am the player that made "3 bad trades", I will explain and tell you that: 1. I did not snipe. While its true that I was in Kripps stream(because Kripp is one of the streamers I watch most often), as soon as I noticed I was playing against Kripp(around turn 3, you'll notice because there was a long pause he skipped over), I paused and muted his stream and played it out from there. Kripp was in a bad mood, so I don't blame him to accuse me of sniping, but his deck wasn't super strong, he didn't get flanking strike or taunt evolve on his volcanosaur and he missed some could've been lucky juggles at the end. You don't have to believe me, but that is the simple truth. Now, the reason I traded my 2/3 into the 3/1 was because the 2/3 also has an effect which makes my minions more expensive by (2), which would've made me unable to play my 4/5 on that turn, which would have kept my board clear from being reduced to 3 mana on that turn. I traded into kindly grandmother to secure a value trade on the eggnapper and take a 2 for 1 on my 4/5, and I traded both minions into the frost elemental to guarantee myself a chance to win in case kripp drew or had a tiny bit of extra damage in hand(safer play), which he DID have with call of the wild.
IMHO, Priests are the kings of this expansion's Arena. Hunters are really good if you manage to draft Emerald Spellstone which is not that uncommon given the bonus occurrence. Once that occurs for Hunters who you face, you need board clears >= 3hp. Mages need to rely on having flamestrike or the new card that relies on mana cost of random spell in deck or any spell damage + 1 board clear 2hp spells, which is not that consistent. Mages do not have really OP or really good cards for this expansion so good spells like Primordial Glyph are crowded out. Warlocks are good counters for Hunters; you just need to be on par for the early game and not be rushed down. The problem with Warlocks is that you cannot draft a zoo or aggro deck consistently to rush down other classes, so when it comes to the value game, Priests are mostly going to win. Priests vs hunter is not as good as the board clears are Epic, even for the new spell Psychic Scream which has a bonus occurrence or at least partially with shadow madness but theres duskbreakers the new board clear dragon or you have to rely on stealing board clears. Which leads me to the conclusion that Priest is the best class ATM because there are very few useless cards you can steal, given that tempo Rogue decks are harder to draft now and are not popular as they will be crushed by aforementioned Hunter. As for druids, all the OP broken cards of the last expansion have less chance to pop up and they have problems with Emerald Spellstone. Shamans have good clears but I don't believe they have a good value game apart from the broken one with Servant of Kalimos in which you discover the OP Grumble which can become an infinite loop. In short, Hunters without Emerald Spellstone are very average whereas Priests are more consistent and is a good matchup with everyone else (except RIP tempo rogue) IMHO. Now that all the BS cards of the last expansion are not draftable or no longer has that occurrence bonus. P.S. There are more tempo neutral cards, so Priests have a better chance with the early game now
To be fair, the reason only hunter is good right now in arena is because apparently, most of hunters and I think warriors class cards got a random boost in occurrence compared to the other classes, like you see more call of the wilds then fireballs from mage.
"just gets pinged" is value argument, not tempo one. If 2-drop gets pinged, then it is just like your enemy would have 2drop, played it and you traded into it. big bad wolf argument on the other hand, is the opposite - it is proactive with a little less tempo and a little more value. I agree with the statement that both of these cards are not top tier cards, but you can't argue that playing 2drop is more tempo than pass / hero power.
This is why I don't play Arena. This and it costing Gold/Money to buy in just to be saddled with Random, and have every chance of being whipped in straight sets. Because that's fun(!)
Wanna play a game that is all skill based and no chess. Stop complaining about rng in a free on line card game that has rng inherently built in. Its not like rng came about in the last expansion its been there all along and is part of what makes this game enjoyable.
Boloto Plays not in arena lol, spells are pretty rare, so getting it in an all spell arena deck would happen to maybe one person ever, and those spells would most likely then be shit.
2:16 watch draft
skip draft 4:48
Skipperino Kripperino www
Oh man I missed kripp saying “went second”
My first Hunter Arena run went 9-3.
My second went 0-3.
It basically comes down to if you get the strong cards or garbage.
you say so
I never said I deserved the 9-3 run.
But I definitely deserved the 0-3 run.
mindscapejem you say that as if it hasn't always been about drafting good cards.
Rodrigo Matos He is implying that there is no mid play. It's either gonna be really good in terms of aggro or whatever temp it is. Or it's just gonna lose every game. The only time its neck and neck, is if its equal tier or better.
Pretty sure all Arena runs come down to if you get strong cards or garbage lol.
+Kripparian Hey Kripp, LanceplaysHS here. I did not snipe. I was in chat, but didn't notice I was playing you until turn 3, you can tell by the long pause which is skipped. I paused stream immediately after noticing, since I didn't want to be accused of sniping, but I figured I would be accused either way anyway, especially if I won. You didn't draw flanking strike, freezing trap, wandering monster, and grevious bite, all of which would've won you the game. You also missed the chance to get lucky and win with juggles, but in the end the difference came down to 2 hp. It was a good game and a close one, gg.
LancePlaysLoL Kripp loves to mistake good all around plays with sniping because he can't fathom anyone being somewhat good at this game
Dude you missed lethal tho lol you can't be surprised he thinks it's sniping, also wasn't a hard lethal.
Hi +Luke Lesh, I rewatched the game just to be sure, and did not see any missed lethal, so I am fairly confident you are mistaking me for someone else. I was the first mage. +Nate Walsh thank you for the kind words friend :)
Nate Walsh I mean, he does get sniped alot. And having to face someone that is in fact in your chat is kind of suspicious right?
LancePlaysLoL 15:30 you had 6 on board 2 from hand and a hero power for 1 which is 9 the health total kripp had, you did not rewatch you can't miss that twice
hey guys how’s it going preparing yeah
I'm not sure if I prefer getting turn 7 lethal'd by a hunter or getting my board cleared 6 times in one game by a mage..
The amount of salt in this video is top tier lul
there was some salt in this run. Worth watching
Not a single Kripperino in sight
Alan Vincent S. Fontanosa II im here bb
We are a dying breed
Alan Vincent S. Fontanosa II Maybe ContractKillerino snapped...and these two are the only ones left.
Tf was that mage doing in game #2? He had lethal with a 6/6 on the board and ping plus the flame geyser. Either really dumb or serious bm
Maybe he was aware that kripp would call him sniper and tried to lose.
or he just wanted to play that game for longer. especially since its against kripp.
Nah his a complete idiot
Nope just an idiot, after that play he really didn't deserve to win IMO. He is lucky he got fireball.
another possibility is that another person could have started playing the game. I dont think its fair to just immediately assume he was an idiot considering how he was playing fine before.
Must of recorded the intro in the dead of night since we can hear them bugs buzzing. I thought my comp had a problem for a second there.
where are all the kriperinos??? what is this dimenzions
2:17 draft
4:57 game
1:40 Kripp = Eminem?
I haven't had too much *fun*
And I think the games to *come*
I'm gonna show you guys most of an arena *run*
I feel like Blizzard up'd the number occurrence of good cards in arena. I have been playing nothing but like 75+ rated decks since the expansion. Playing 0-2 people with double bonemare, double ob statue, freed from amber, dragonfire potion and every other creature above curve is just stupid.
total marginal evidence dude, unless you've played like 100+ games then you can't really count that towards anything
I’ve averaged about 2 arena runs per day since the expansion came out and average around 5-6 wins per run. I’ve gotten 2 12 win runs already as reference
That was obviously the most extreme example but it has been pretty ridiculous this whole set
I can attest, my first KnC arena was with hunter and was my first time 12 wins
at least krip got a golden epic from the 2-3 pack award, so worth
At least he bought 1000 packs with his Lineage 2 Resomething blood money.
Says Hunter is all about tempo. Constantly passes 1 drops.
Current Arena experts are saying the arena no longer favors one drops as much as it did previously. Stuff like the new hunter Hydra 3 drop shuts down 1 drops badly. Going with a heavy focus on one-drops now will end up with you being too out-valued quickly and are not enough to close the game most of the time.
Hideyoshi Kinoshita fair game.
Where can I consult these arena experts for their sage wisdom?
Helois Gevit There was a post on the Hearthstone subreddit a couple days ago by some dude who posted a bunch of arena stats and offered his interpretations of them and whatnot
Thanks I'll check it out.
I played a more control oriented hunter and went 10-3
my 1 and only arena this season i went 11-3 as hunter. all 3 losses to hunter. checks out.
Lol the opponent hunter at 1-1 missed an obvious lethal with the flame geyser + face + hero power
Mage* at 15:22 btw
hes bming
Skipperino isnt here so i ll do his job
2:17 watch draft
4:48 skip draft
God bless
22:38 skip video
Danilo Medeiros slower than skipp
Thumbs up! I missed those videos that start with an interesting analysis! I would be glad if your videos reverted to the general analytical style of "how good is xxx" as they used to be!
do you guys still getting your daily quests? Daily quest just really broken right now.
Had the same problem, it solved on its own just wait some days.
Thanks a lot Kripp. I wondered why I encountered like 4 hunters in the row yesterday.
i think the reason you didn't feel like this was so powerful is because you didn't draft jasper spellstone. i've found that card to be unbelievably powerful in arena so far
"Bullshit not winning the tempo battle". Yeah, tends to happen when on turn 4 you play a 3 cost weapon that doesn't even kill a board threat, or when you have 3 NOT TEMPO deathrattle cards in your hand. Funny how that works
what are you fucking gay?
Hunter? King?
The Lion King?
In the first game, why did Kripp kill the ghoul instead of the cobalt scalebane? how did he know that it would try to get rid of the ice elemental? I would've gone for the scalebane so it doesn't buff anything.
21:58 there wasn't anything i could do
18:43 you think you can affort to play around shadow word death?
If he has it he will use it on your icegiant and you lose. You gave away at least! 7 damage for free.
(He couldn't even kill the dino with both his minions.) Would have neen the trade of the century with +3 attack poison (what you got) and even +1+1 as it sets up unleash.
followed your advice on hunter got a 10 win run that came with an insane 340 gold and a pack.
That second mage trolled you so hard, missed lethal so many times lul
Jackson Smith how is missing lethal exactly ONCE „soo many times“
extended BM
First hunter run got 72.9 deck score, went 2-3 :/
14:39 I think Kripp had a better chance of winning if he took the 2/3 chance on deadly shot and traded the hounds, but it's a tough spot
I agree. Played a few arenas as Hunter, all victories were going first, all losses were going 2nd and getting out-tempo'd to hell by all classes (From warrior to priest).
Yeah, when you don't play your good cards to play around the most extreme circumstance possible, you tend to lose to your opponent's curvestone. Especially when you have no removal in your hand. Crazy, I know.
The irony of this is the first mage that out tempoed you posted his win in a Hearthstone group on Facebook. I've even got a picture for proof rofl.
Starkonium link pls
Garrett Liu
Hopefully that works. The quality is shit because it's pulled off Facebook, but on the left side you can make out the same name as the opponent in this video+ the same plays.
While Crushing Walls is not too good in constructed, it's very strong in Arena.
Jacob yeah it is since players are not used to play against it, it will decrease in strenght over time but still a really good card for arena, but not as strong as 5 mana 4x3/3
this is like most of my arena runs !!! I feel u bro
Yolpa had every card he could ever need for any situation XD
14:47 ... right between the eyes?
caramida9 deadly shot
yeah... didn't know they added voice to it
The main problem is Expansion bonus for cards after, prob, first month after the expansion. The meta is really begins stall and monotonous, and less balanced (because of full dependance on newest cards only)
2:16 to skip talky-bit.
I honestly just think that following the heartharena draft system isn't good for hunter. You seem to need to ignore card score to grab for tempo reversal and win conditions. Also think you might have to give up more value to gain tempo than kripp usually does in his play.
5:05 lol
That second mage missed lethal too many times to the point he should be banned from hearthstone because of how shit he is
TheYellowSlimeGamer he missed it exactly once, so please stop pretending that playing safe by trading is a bad thing. Kripp does that all the time and no one says anything. Yet, when other players do that it’s somehow wrong
Iris Waldenburger If you're saying that I'm accusing Kripp missing lethal, I'm not, and if you're saying I'm accusing the mage of missing lethal you are right, he missed it multiple times with and clearly had 9 damage when he traded for no reason, yet the mage didn't realize it whatsoever at any given point in the game, that is why the mage is bad.
Iris Waldenburger
He missplayed a dozen of times, including not playing around his own fireball that he revealed using the new board-clear cards.
Kripp doesn't save trade when he can set up lethal - either from board, hand or deck.
playing an agro and losing because you get out tempoed. You can play big hunter cards and go for late game with some of the new cards.
Hunter is naturally aggressive. Its at the point where tools being used to control early on are best used early on to snowball your board.
because they are only too slow later on
Hunters are no longer and don't have to be aggressive. Many of the great arena runs recently with hunter utilize very few early game cards and focus on gaining control later.
>Hunters are no longer and don't have to be aggressive.
Have you seen the hunter class? Are you accidentally mixing up hunter with priest or warrior or something?
Aravash No longer is a stretch but have you seen the newest cards? Kathrena, deathstalker, etc. show that it isn’t all aggro.
ah yes these two legendary cards obviously mean hunter doesn't have to be aggressive in arena anymore.
Also, DK rexxar is actually better suited to midrange-aggro decks because it gives them minions later on lol
Stoneskin Basilisk is so OP in arena. Blizzard should remove it.
What is the rating thing you use?
What are those numbers that appear next to cards in the draft and how can I get them?
google HearthArena
German Gonzalez thanks
9 mana card gets countered by a 1 mana card, the balance yo
9 mana malgannis gets countered by 0 mana sacrificial pact but that doesn't mean anything :P
Hello guys can you plz tell me what is the name of that thing when u get into arena it gives you advices?
its called heartharena just google it
Ok thanks a lot guys for answering 😀😀😀😁😁
2:16-draft,4:48-1st game
Красин Чапалов
Gj, I don't see Skipperino, you beat him
You only had 3 cnc cards, the only reason you were winning games, is because you are the master of the arena. Welcome home, my King.
Since no skipperino
Quality GP n Kindred what are you talking about? Skipp was one of the firsts
He ded ?
Warlocks are true kings now. Every one of them I played against this expansion had x2 7-7 taunt demon for 4 and x2 3-9 demon spawning voidwalkers. Unbeatable by tempo hunters / rogues / shamans that I usually draft.
Hey guys how's it going preparing yeah
I usually perform okay in arena i think my average is around 6-7 wins. I tried hunter drafted a really nice deck and went second in all of my games versus 1 drop openers. It was a fucking 1-3 run, its just a cointoss doing arena with hunter.
Why doesn't the vegan ever taunt with his volcanosaur?!
I also thought that when I first saw it but it really wouldnt have mattered either way
As a vegan he likes plants thats why he chose to summon 4 of those in the first game
Because putting animals in harms way is against his way of life.
Take your damn like xD
*says a really depressing statement about the state of the game*
"Enjoy the clip.."
That Pix3ls guy was Dennis on another account.
Got 77 point hunter deck.. first game against 82 point priest deck with All possible answers (he even stealed my 2-8 dragon with that4-5 minion before i conceded and added him to my friend list) after that faced a mage again with all answers and hunter that survived and had more luck in topdeck mode. 77 point deck ( in my top 5)went 2-3 also. All this scores for some classes are really unreliable. Rogues with much under 70 easy go 12 wins (class with most early board impact), hunters big score means nothing (no board impact at all).
I’ve been playing hunter before it was cool.
Rest in kripperino pepperinos
Instead of hunting for sport people should try to take up knitting. That is how I make all my scarves.
Hipsterino Kripperino You mean scarfs?
Vigilante Rorschach “A scarf, plural scarves, is a piece of fabric worn around the neck for warmth, sun protection, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. They can be made in a variety of different materials such as wool, cashmere, linen or cotton.” *Also great on dogs.
Hipsterino Kripperino I actually didn't know how the plural form is written as English is not my native language.
It's because of all these stupid "micro" adjustments, that arn't micro at all, that Blizzard is doing behind the scenes. When your class gets a 40% bonus on your top cards, and the top classes gets a 40% penalty rate on their top cards, the meta will definitely shift. All these changes makes me want to play arena less and less...
you can actually see the salt drop
Arena right now is like rolling dice
Kripp still doesn't like GW2? :D
Just say emerald spellstone and flanking are really good in arena :p
basically. first hunter draft (73), 2 wandering monster, 2 traps, 2 spellstones and 2 flanking (crazy how nice that sounds). went 10-3 losing to priests all 3 times. next hunter draft was a 76 with 1 wandering monster, 1 spellstone and i even got 2 highmanes and went 2-3 lol
why did he accuse the first guy of sniping??
His trades didn't make any sense. He was fucking terrible, but had legend card back, so obviously a veteran player trolling I'd guess was the logic.
The trades DID make sense, IF you account for extra damage.... you know, knowing the game. Pretty much the same thing Kripp does when he plays around cards of his opponents, yet I doubt that those EVER claim that he is sniping simply because he is good at the game.
How was he terrible, he made every single right play to win. Like if he actually did any other things differently he could've lost if Kripp had burst from the hand. He took the 100% win route and no misplays whatsoever.
+MycroSparks Well, he made at least three terrible trades from what I noticed. There could be more, but those are the ones I noticed far as I remember. The first one was trading his 2/3 minions against Kripp's 3/1 instead of using his Argent Squire. Just... why would you do that? As for the rest of them I don't remember the specifics, but if you're willing to go through it again, I'm sure you'll find them. ;)
well @fromdkwithlove, since I am the player that made "3 bad trades", I will explain and tell you that: 1. I did not snipe. While its true that I was in Kripps stream(because Kripp is one of the streamers I watch most often), as soon as I noticed I was playing against Kripp(around turn 3, you'll notice because there was a long pause he skipped over), I paused and muted his stream and played it out from there. Kripp was in a bad mood, so I don't blame him to accuse me of sniping, but his deck wasn't super strong, he didn't get flanking strike or taunt evolve on his volcanosaur and he missed some could've been lucky juggles at the end. You don't have to believe me, but that is the simple truth.
Now, the reason I traded my 2/3 into the 3/1 was because the 2/3 also has an effect which makes my minions more expensive by (2), which would've made me unable to play my 4/5 on that turn, which would have kept my board clear from being reduced to 3 mana on that turn. I traded into kindly grandmother to secure a value trade on the eggnapper and take a 2 for 1 on my 4/5, and I traded both minions into the frost elemental to guarantee myself a chance to win in case kripp drew or had a tiny bit of extra damage in hand(safer play), which he DID have with call of the wild.
'To my side' is decent in constructed, that's what people mean, not arena obviously Kripp, but you knew that and wanted to make a dumb comment.
yeah, and he acts like he has never been wrong in a card review ( lol he called fandral a "noob trap" card )
so much salt in this comment section LUL. Chill tf out
Well to be fair, it does get murdered maliciously before it can do anything like 99% of the time.
9:56 did he just fart?? The Madman
IMHO, Priests are the kings of this expansion's Arena. Hunters are really good if you manage to draft Emerald Spellstone which is not that uncommon given the bonus occurrence. Once that occurs for Hunters who you face, you need board clears >= 3hp. Mages need to rely on having flamestrike or the new card that relies on mana cost of random spell in deck or any spell damage + 1 board clear 2hp spells, which is not that consistent. Mages do not have really OP or really good cards for this expansion so good spells like Primordial Glyph are crowded out. Warlocks are good counters for Hunters; you just need to be on par for the early game and not be rushed down. The problem with Warlocks is that you cannot draft a zoo or aggro deck consistently to rush down other classes, so when it comes to the value game, Priests are mostly going to win. Priests vs hunter is not as good as the board clears are Epic, even for the new spell Psychic Scream which has a bonus occurrence or at least partially with shadow madness but theres duskbreakers the new board clear dragon or you have to rely on stealing board clears. Which leads me to the conclusion that Priest is the best class ATM because there are very few useless cards you can steal, given that tempo Rogue decks are harder to draft now and are not popular as they will be crushed by aforementioned Hunter. As for druids, all the OP broken cards of the last expansion have less chance to pop up and they have problems with Emerald Spellstone. Shamans have good clears but I don't believe they have a good value game apart from the broken one with Servant of Kalimos in which you discover the OP Grumble which can become an infinite loop.
In short, Hunters without Emerald Spellstone are very average whereas Priests are more consistent and is a good matchup with everyone else (except RIP tempo rogue) IMHO. Now that all the BS cards of the last expansion are not draftable or no longer has that occurrence bonus.
P.S. There are more tempo neutral cards, so Priests have a better chance with the early game now
Yeah i just played hunter in arena only vs hunters and i only made 4 wins
And hunter is my favorite class...
the matching on arena is for 0-0 matches is ridiculous I've matched against ppl with 3 legendaries lose horrifically then next game win easily why.
because never lucky
Completely agree kripp
Dude If you are Hunter dont trade let him trade go face, and pick the 5 mana all beasts charge. This card is the best
15.45 missed lethal
Hunter is just good because
1. They got the best new arena cards.
2. Ne most new cards for the most classes are shit in arena
BZZZZZZZ when talkerino kripperino
No one misses you know who
yo where is skip at
To be fair, the reason only hunter is good right now in arena is because apparently, most of hunters and I think warriors class cards got a random boost in occurrence compared to the other classes, like you see more call of the wilds then fireballs from mage.
Those 2 mana deathrattle Cards Are Not exactly tempo Cards.
1.Big Bad Wolf is super Slow.
2. The Elemental just gets pinged.
Wow, so tempo, much Play.
"just gets pinged" is value argument, not tempo one.
If 2-drop gets pinged, then it is just like your enemy would have 2drop, played it and you traded into it.
big bad wolf argument on the other hand, is the opposite - it is proactive with a little less tempo and a little more value.
I agree with the statement that both of these cards are not top tier cards, but you can't argue that playing 2drop is more tempo than pass / hero power.
What I took away from this was 1. Kripp's deck was just pretty bad. 2. Hunter's hero power is soo weak in Arena.
The deck was good, just unfortunate circumstances and a few questionable plays.
whats that thing that pops up and tells u which is the best card?
Overwolf - Hearthstone Arena Companion
This is why I don't play Arena. This and it costing Gold/Money to buy in just to be saddled with Random, and have every chance of being whipped in straight sets. Because that's fun(!)
Loses a game instantly says he's been sniped ha what ever
Toast was even worse when he started streaming. I heard him complaining about being sniped pretty much every game for some ridiculousreasons
Welcome to my world. All rng.
Nice engrish title MingLee
nothing wrong with the title
Aravash i think he means it's usially are hunter.... but both options work.
Wanna play a game that is all skill based and no chess. Stop complaining about rng in a free on line card game that has rng inherently built in. Its not like rng came about in the last expansion its been there all along and is part of what makes this game enjoyable.
or play starcraft, preferably BW.
Kripp is literally talking like a drug addict.
you dumbass his main income is HS no matter how much he hates it he will keep playing to earn his money. He even said so himself
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart actaully he said that he genuenly enjoys playing HS it’s just that sometimes he gets too serious about it
"FREE online card game" Lul
Wait, streamers thought that "To My Side!" was going to be good in Arena? Wat?
Yeah, think Kripp is a bit confused here..
its called sarcasm lol
Its good in the right deck.
Boloto Plays not in arena lol, spells are pretty rare, so getting it in an all spell arena deck would happen to maybe one person ever, and those spells would most likely then be shit.
Not rare anymore
Where is skyperino ?
This video made me laugh cuz last night he went 12-2 with a Hunter deck with 6 Spellstones :P
Luis Guns no u
Did you pick the overall best value card?Or did you try to make a combo with the spellstones?
Is getting 6 spellstones something that happens often enough to invalidate his argument that the class is inconsistent?
madhaha i sure hope so
I'm glad hunter is finally fucking decent! In arena anyways, constructed is absolute suicide.