What a person! I am just 14 years old ( grade 9 student) but i have great dream to be a pilot. Then i have searched related things then i have seen you. You are absolutely my role model from this time
Hello Addika Different departments has different price. For the details here is z details corporate.ethiopianairlines.com/AboutEthiopian/careers/vacancies
Kifyaw lememar kehone each credit hour be dollar yetekemete hisab alew esun be atekalay courses mabazat then wede birr mekeyer new mastawekiyaw lay payment option ale
ሰላም ወንድሜ በባለፈው announcement ለ aircraft modularized technicians አልፊያለው and iam waiting for their phone to go to airforce for decipline training so እንደዚህ አይነትዝርዝር video ለእኛም (for current and future grond technicians) በቻልከው አቅም ቶሎ ብትሰራልን ...and thanks alot
Selam Biruktawit #1 Ke gilm hone ke mengist college/university yichalal #2 corporate.ethiopianairlines.com/AboutEthiopian/careers/vacancies#collapsetwo Bezih link mulu mereja plus register madreg tichiyalesh
Thank you for asking 1# Most of the Airlines don't allow except some like Air Canada, with limitations of lengths 2# There is no General rule most Airlines allowed prying not more than 3 minutes plus the presence of co-pilots
@@DFLIGHTTIPS Yes, the data and records are accurate because aviation reduces the likelihood of a crash to almost zero unless people stop using airplanes and find alternative ways to travel or develop new technologies. Perhaps you remember the recent incident in Ethiopia, where a jetliner carrying 157 people crashed shortly after takeoff from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa Bole airport, killing everyone on board and leaving a crater in the ground. At least 35 different nationalities were among the dead. So, if I had another form of transportation, I'd cease taking planes.
@SintayehuMamo-lh9yx I remembered it Sinte! The bad thing is even if it's frequency is very low aircrafts incidents most of the time they don't give survival chance. In the other way First Half of the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year: Between July 8, 2023, and February 28, 2024, Ethiopia reported 1,358 deaths due to traffic accidents. Additionally, 2,672 individuals sustained serious injuries.
@getanehgmariyam6377 kefleh lememar kehone be dollar ena be credit hours tebazito new details kefelegk corporate.ethiopianairlines.com/AboutEthiopian/careers/vacancies
Enem amesegnalehu Awo yichalal Le ground technician yichalal gin physics, English & Maths result Ke 50% belay wutet yifelgalu... Lela demo ahun yalew mastawekiya bekifiya new
@@DFLIGHTTIPS graduate saderg 25 amet yihonengal enam ehe neger gin chigr alew,zendero new 12 yetefetenkut enam 350 new yametawit enam September 7 new 21 amet yehoneg enam computer science new lememar yasebkut enam yaw graduate saderg 24 amete lay new mihonew ena tesfa aleng?🙏🙏 ስለምታደርገው ትብብር ሁሉ ምስጋናዬ የላቀ ነው🙏
Hi Dear there are some exceptional Airlines like AirAsia, Malaysia Airlines & Royal Brunei Airlines do allow women pilots who wear the hijab to operate.
ሰላም ወንድሜ በባለፈው announcement ለ aircraft modularized technicians አልፊያለው and iam waiting for their phone to go to airforce for decipline training so እንደዚህ አይነትዝርዝር video ለእኛም (for current and future grond technicians) በቻልከው አቅም ቶሎ ብትሰራልን ...and thanks alot
What a person! I am just 14 years old ( grade 9 student) but i have great dream to be a pilot. Then i have searched related things then i have seen you. You are absolutely my role model from this time
Really thank you dear!, it's a lot for me and I use it as energy!
Wish u all best in your entire life!
How about having your Owen Jet? In this era, you don't have to be an employee because there are various methods of building wealthy.
የኢትዮጵይ ሀኪሞች ከፓይለቶች በላይ ተምረው ብዙ ከባድ ስራ እየሰሩ የሚያገኙት ደመዎዝ የሚያሳዝን ነው::
መስፍኔ ፓይለቶች የትም ተቀባይነት ስላላቸው ደሞዛቸው ዓለም ላይ ካለውና አቭዬሽን ኢንደስትሪው ከሚሰራበት ብዙ ከራቀ ለአየርመንገዶቹ ውድቀት ነው።
@ ፓይለቶች ደሞዎዛቸው በዛ ማለቴ ሳይሆን የዶክተሮችም ጥሩ ይሁን ለማለት ነው:: የፓይለቶችም ክውጪ ሀገር ጋር ሲወዳደር ትንሽ ነው:: የዶክተሮችም ልፋት በቃላት የማይገለፅ ነው:: የኔ ወንድም ወይም እህት የተረዳችሁኝ መሰለኝ::
የፓይለት ሞያ ከህክምና ሞያ ስለሚበልጥ አይደለም ። ማንም ሰው ፓይለት መሆን ይችላል ። ግን ማንም ሰው ሀኪም መሆን አይችልም ። ሆኖም የአቪዬሽን ኢንዱስትሪ በቀጥታ የቢዝነስ ኢንዱስትሪ ስለሆነ በዚህ ዘርፍ የተሰማሩ ሞያተኞች የተሻለ ተከፋይ ናቸው ። ሌሎች ሀገሮች ግን ህክምና፣ትምህርት ፣ወታደርነት የተለየ ትኩረት የሚሰጣቸው የስራ ዘርፎች ናቸው ። በዚህ ዘርፍ የተሰማሩትም በክፍያም ሆነ በሌሎች ጥቅማጥቅሞች ከሌሎች የተሻሉ ናቸው ። ምክንያቱም ለአንድ ሀገር መሰረታዊ ስለሆኑ ። የኛ ሀገር ግን ተቃራኒው ነው ።
@@MESFINAGEGNEHUበማንኛውም open market economy ምንም አይነት ስራ በሚያስገባው ገቢ እንጂ: በትምህርቱ ወይንም በድካሙ ልክ ክፍያ አያገኝም:: ስለዚህ ሃኪሞችም ሆነ ሌሎች እንደተቀጠሩበት መስሪያ ቤት ክፍያቸውም ይለያያል:: ለምሳሌ አንድ በግሉ በኮንትራት የሚሰራ የቀዶ ጥገና ዶክተር በአማካይ ወደ $400ሺ ሲከፈለው ለተቋም ተቀጥሮ የሚሰራ ግን ክፍያው $250ሺ ብቻ ሊሆን ይችላል:: በውጭው አለም ጥቅማ ጥቅምና quality of life ግንዛቤ ውስጥ ስለሚገባ ስራን በገንዘብ ብቻ መተመን አይስፈልግም
በጣም ያንሳቸዋል ለአንድ እግር ኳስ ተጨዋች በሳምንት እስከ 400 000 ዶላር በሚከፈልበት አለም ውስጥ ነው ያለነው ይህ የገንዘብ መጠን ወደ መካከለኛው ምስራቅ ከእጥፍ በላይ ይሆናል
የኢት/ያለ ከለሎች ሀገራት ስታይ የጉልበት ብዝበዛ ነው።
9:30 for ethiopian pilots
የኢትዮጵያ ሀኪም ከምሆን እንደወርቁና በላይነህ ዘይት ነጋዴ ብሆን ይሻለኝ ነበር።
Thanks so much 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks too dear!
ለመወዳደር ምን ፊልድ ነው የምፈልገው?
የትኛውም ፊልድ ይቻላል
Tks about info
Thanks Luye!
Thank you betam 🙏🙏💖
you're my best youtuber
Big Respect!
It's a lot for me to work hard!
Thanks more I want to be apilot
በነፃ ነው የሚሰሩት
ከ ኢትዮጵያዊ አየርመንገድ በ pilot ስራ ሞያ ወደ ትልልቅ አየር መንገድ መቀላቀል ይቻላል ከተቻለስ የሚስፈልገው መስፈርት ምንድነዉ በ ቀጣይ ቪዲዮ ብትሰራልን ይጠቅምናል ከቻልክ
ሰላም ሰኒ
እሺ እሰራለሁ!
ኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ aviation school የተማረ ኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ብቻ ነው መስራት የሚችለው። ሌላ የትም መሄድ አይቻልም።
Usa senior pilots salary 250,000 a year
በጣም ተሳሳትክ የጀማሪ ረዳት አብራሪ ደምዝ እክ 65000 መነሻ ነው የሲኔየር አብራሪ ደምዝ ከ 500,000 ብር በላይ ነው ፤የውጭ expats pilot 10 000 usd ማለትም 1,270000 ብር ነው የማታውቀውን ዘባረክ
Am sorry the wage is very low
ለስው ኢንፎርሜሽን የሚስጥ ሚዲያ ደስ ይላል❤❤❤
አመሰግናለሁ ሜስ!
What about Ethiopian Airlines?
Koki it also included @ z middle of z video
አቭዬሽን ዩንቨርስቲ ለመግባት ከምያስፈልጉን መስፈርቶች ጠንከር ያለ
ከአሁኑ ጀምረን የምናቶክርበት የትኛው ነው
Pilot training እና AMT ለናቹራል ያደላሉ ሌሎች ሆስቴስና ማርኬቲንግ ግን በየትኛውም ዘርፍ ላይ ይቻላል!
እኔ የገረመኝ እዚ አሜሪካ አንድ ሰው የመጨረሻ ዝቅተኛ:ተራ የሚባለው ስራ ሲሰራ በሰአት የሚከፈለው $15 ነው:በወር 2400 ማለት ነው(አንድ ስራ ብቻ ከሰራ ነው እንጂ አብዛኛው 2 ስራ ነው የሚሰራው) 400 በታክስ ተቆረጠ እንኳን ብንል $2000 በኢትዮጵያ 240,000 አካባቢ ነው:በኢትዮጵያ ትልቁ ከሚባለው ኘሮፌሽን ደሞዝ መብለጡ ወይም እኩል መሆኑ ይገርማል::ግን የነሱ ደሞዙ ኢትዮጵያ ላይ በመሆኑ ተንቀባረው መኖር ያስችላቸዋል::
please do another video on the salary of Ethiopian airlines ground technicians.
Already we made it we will share it on 6th December, Friday
If i want learn in Ethiopia air lines how much i must pay
Hello Addika
Different departments has different price.
For the details here is z details
God bless u🙏🙏
Thank you Elu!
Caibn crew snseltn kefaya alew demoz st nw
@FikirFitigu kifiya yelewum ET-sponsred new
@@DFLIGHTTIPS seltenn tewtan st nw demoz sensra
@FikirFitigu le pilot kehone ezihu video layko ale fikir
Im a social student, can i become a pilot
Yes u can
Ground tehnician please?
I will do Amanu
Thank you!
Selam dagi be university be managment benmar ena keza weten mn aynet sera mesrat enchlalen airlines west
Selam Selina
School of marketing join adirgesh Airport wust mesrat tichiyalesh yaw wudidir binorewum... Lela Head office Human resources office vacancy sinor apply madreg tichiyalesh ... Lelaw Skylight hotel ye Airlines silehone betelayeye gize mastawekiya yawetalu
😂😂😂 Ethio airline pays his pilots $500/ month
ET lay pilotoch eske 1M yekefelachewal teblo yeneberew weshet nw malet nw??
Demoz tebilo yihn yahil eskahun alsemanim gin kedemozu yemibelt yeteleyayu benefits alut wedegenzeb sikeyer kedemozu yemibelt
Thank you for all information
Thank u Really Bezi!
Ground technician how much pay Ethiopian airlines?
Hi Wonde
It is different from due to work experience, seniority, job position and other parameters... Generally it is above 50K ETB
ET Sponsored የለም? for pilot trainees
Le gizew yelem Addis neger sibor update enadergalen
keep it up
Thank you !
Dalta airman’s piles money salary how much??
Delta Air Lines pilots' salaries range from around $100,000 to $400,000 / year, as their position & experience.
Sele AMT salary of Ethiopia ?
Eshi Abelo
Selam endiet nachu programachu des ylala Avisinoch ,gin lemin new yelidet card yemiteyekew Grade 8 aybekam endiet ,endanawota degimo beahunu situation kegna aychalim ,so lemeketer metche melisewugnal.
Selam Gezish
Aviation industry wust edime tilk concern new .... Bizu gize ministry lay edime yetesasate lihon silemichil be mengist tekwam yetesetete birth certificate mandatory new ... Huletu documents lay yalew edime temesakiro new check yemideregew
ena ye aircraft maintenance kefeyaw sent new
Kifyaw lememar kehone each credit hour be dollar yetekemete hisab alew esun be atekalay courses mabazat then wede birr mekeyer new mastawekiyaw lay payment option ale
ግምት ከ10000እስከ 25000 US dollar monthly salary for a pilot.
ያስቀመጥከው ግምት Ethiopia wust ያለው አይደለም አደል ደምስ?
ሰላም ወንድሜ በባለፈው announcement ለ aircraft modularized technicians አልፊያለው and iam waiting for their phone to go to airforce for decipline training so እንደዚህ አይነትዝርዝር video ለእኛም (for current and future grond technicians) በቻልከው አቅም ቶሎ ብትሰራልን ...and thanks alot
Congrats Natisha
I will try all my best to provide such updates!
Thank you!
1,private college temiren degree yizen pilot mehon yicalal weyse ye gid ke mengst university new degree yizen memerek yalebin?
2,ethiopian aviation universty endet new join mareg yemicalew malete 12 matric wesiden new join mareg yeminicilew weyse degree yizen new join mareg minicilew
Join argen eza lememar kifiya yinorewal?
Selam Biruktawit
#1 Ke gilm hone ke mengist college/university yichalal
#2 corporate.ethiopianairlines.com/AboutEthiopian/careers/vacancies#collapsetwo
Bezih link mulu mereja plus register madreg tichiyalesh
@@DFLIGHTTIPS betam amesegnalew
1, I am a muslim & in my religion it's prohibited to shave beard so can I be a pilot with out shaving
my beard
2, can I pray in the airplane
Thank you for asking
1# Most of the Airlines don't allow except some like Air Canada, with limitations of lengths
2# There is no General rule most Airlines allowed prying not more than 3 minutes plus the presence of co-pilots
Stay away from here n do ur Business in merkato then ya can pray 5 Times a day ya can ur bear till ur foot grow😂
I'm not kidding
ከአንድ ፋብሪካ ወይም ገንዘብ ሚኒስቴር ሰራተኛ ሰራተኝነት ተለይተው አይታዩም በተለይ ወደዚህ ስራ ሲገቡ የሚመረጡበትን ደረጃ እናዉቃለን ምን የሚያስገርም ነገር አለው።የኢቢኤስ ሪፖርተሮችስ በብር ዛሬ ባለብዙ ብሮች አይደሉም እንዴ።ጊዜው ከህዝባዊ ደሞዛዊ ተሸጋግሩዋል ወንድሜ።
የኛም ሃሳብ የተለየ ነገር ስላላቸው ሳይሆን ቻናላችን የሚያተኩረው አቭዬሽን ኢንደስትሪው ላይ ስለሆነ ነው።
Are beaky sele Nicaragua endet mehed enmichal Negrg benat
Selam Antex
Nicaragua sulezefeyehu yikirta next week lay yize emetalehu!
I will not allow any of my family members to be pilots or hostesses because it is the most dangerous job in the world.
It is z safest transport way in the world u can check any data & records!
@@DFLIGHTTIPS Yes, the data and records are accurate because aviation reduces the likelihood of a crash to almost zero unless people stop using airplanes and find alternative ways to travel or develop new technologies. Perhaps you remember the recent incident in Ethiopia, where a jetliner carrying 157 people crashed shortly after takeoff from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa Bole airport, killing everyone on board and leaving a crater in the ground. At least 35 different nationalities were among the dead. So, if I had another form of transportation, I'd cease taking planes.
@SintayehuMamo-lh9yx I remembered it Sinte!
The bad thing is even if it's frequency is very low aircrafts incidents most of the time they don't give survival chance. In the other way First Half of the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year: Between July 8, 2023, and February 28, 2024, Ethiopia reported 1,358 deaths due to traffic accidents. Additionally, 2,672 individuals sustained serious injuries.
et-sponsored pilot trainee 2017 መቼ የሚወጣ ይመስልካል brother
ሰላም ማስሬ
የወጣው Self-Sponsored ምዝገባ እስካሁን አላለቀም ምን አልባት መስከረም መጨረሻ አካባቢ ሊወጣ ይችላል:: መረጃው ስንሰማ እናደርሳለን!
@@DFLIGHTTIPS tx u dear fam
cabin crew mendenew aseredagn
ሰላም ጌች
የበረራ አስተናጋጅ ማለት ነው
@@DFLIGHTTIPS amesegenalew ye aircraft maintenance fee sent new ahune lay
@getanehgmariyam6377 kefleh lememar kehone be dollar ena be credit hours tebazito new details kefelegk
የ ኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ በ አንድ batch ስንት አብራሪዎችን ያስመርቃል።
Selam Beki
ሁሌም ተመሳሳይ ቁጥር የለውም አሁን በቅርቡ ያስመረቃቸው ፓይለቶች 142 ፖይለቶችን አስመርቋል!
ምን አሥደበቃችሁ ይኸን ያህል ብላችሁ አትናገሩም። ይህም ትልቅ ነገር ሆኖ ምሥጢር ሆነ!!!???
ተናግረናል አልተደበቀምኮ በቄ
ከደሞዙ ውጭ ሙያውን ለሚፈልግ ብዙ አስፈለጊ ጉዳዮች አብረው መነሳት ነበረባቸው!
betam betam enamesegnalen
gn ahun zendro ke 12 air craft mentenance memar ychalal
Enem amesegnalehu
Awo yichalal
Le ground technician yichalal gin physics, English & Maths result Ke 50% belay wutet yifelgalu... Lela demo ahun yalew mastawekiya bekifiya new
Great 👍
Thank u Epha
30000 bir
77,000 ለጀማሪ ነው? ማልት co-pilot እና ትናንሽ አይሮፕላን የሚያበር
አዎ ወዳጄ
ለጀማሪ ነው በተጨማሪም ለአብራሪና ለሆስቴስ ለበረራ ሲሄዱ የሚከፈላቸው ክፍያም አለ
ፓይለት ሁስቴስ ጋር ይማግጣሉ😃😃😃😃😃
አንተ ምን አስጨነቀህ ? ማን ግም ጋሚ ሾመህ !!
@@user-Nezhiaአንተ አውራ እነሱ ይበራሉ ሥራ ይሰራሉ....ለወሬ የለውም ፍሬ
Wey gud😂😂😂
Keep going more information please
I will do dear Hamza!
Thank you!
ደመወዝሳይሆንሀገርንይዘርፋሉ ካለታክስ በበሩጊዜአበል የጉድሀገር ኢትዮጵያየፓይለቶች የመብራትሀይል የባንክ የቴሌ ናየባለስልጣት ሀገርስትሆንሌላውሰራተኛየመግስትጭሰኛ ሎሌአሽከርእጅዜጋአይደለም የጉድሀገርበተማረመሀይምየምትመራ አሰራሩዋ ውጥቅጥነው
Temereh endenesu magnet kenategba dedeb
ነፃውም ነፃ አደለምበ
አሁን የክፍያውም ሆነ የክፍያው ምዝገባ የለም እየሰለጡኑ ያሉት ሲጨርሱ አዲስ ማስታወቂያ የሚያወጡ ነው የሚሆነው።
Ye hostes kifya please
Amesegnalehu Mekdi
Eshi be kirb ken!
Ye cabin crewis
በቅርብ ቀን ይዘን እንመጣለን !
Hijab argo mesrat ychlal
Bizu ayer mengedoch ayifekgum
What about cabin crew salaries? I would appreciate it, because it's going to help me on decision.
Ye Cabin Crew yeseranbet video new
Ye cabin crew minimum n maximum salary beyaze ejeh
Eshi Ayni
Bikirb ken!
Selam lante yehun ye telgram acc betaskemtelg lanagreh selmfelg nw
Biruke tiru gimit new
By z way leloch tikmatikmoch Ke demoz etif yalfalu
Ke grade 12 wede Ethio airlines university ligeba ichilalew??
Awo Pilot wuchi tichlaleh
@DFLIGHTTIPS Ethio airlines ke gebaw ke sint amet bohal new pilot mihonew?
@geletabekela916 2 Amet Yifejal
@@DFLIGHTTIPS Thank you so much for being so interested in becoming a pilot
የ ብጉር ጠባሳ yalebet sew pilot mehon yichilal?
ሰላም ናቲሻ
ይቻላል ግን ደ'ሞ ሜዱካሊ ሙጥፋት ስለሚችል ቀድመህ ትሪት ብታደርገው ይመረጣል!
betam new mamesegnew behiwote betam yaschenekengn neger new solve yaderekiling betam amesegnalew.🙏🙏
*Yikirta gin edme 25 hono digre kaleh CGPA more than 3 kehone normal new?
graduate saderg 25 amet yihonengal enam ehe neger gin chigr alew,zendero new 12 yetefetenkut enam 350 new yametawit enam September 7 new 21 amet yehoneg enam computer science new lememar yasebkut enam yaw graduate saderg 24 amete lay new mihonew ena tesfa aleng?🙏🙏
ስለምታደርገው ትብብር ሁሉ ምስጋናዬ የላቀ ነው🙏
የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ውስጥ ሙስሊም ሴቶች ሂጃብ አርገው ማብረር ይችላሉ?
የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ በዚህ ጉዳይ ያስቀመጡት ነገር የለም በዓልም አቀፍ ደረጃ የሚፈቅዱም የማይፈቅዱም አሉ::
ዩኒፎርም አለ ።እንዴት ነው የሀገር ልብስ ወይም የእምነት ልብስ የሚለበሰው ? ቤትሽ መልበስ አይበቃም እንዴ
Hijab is not allowed in international role not only in ethiopia
Hi Dear there are some exceptional Airlines like
AirAsia, Malaysia Airlines & Royal Brunei Airlines do allow women pilots who wear the hijab to operate.
@@Anson..23-s2l denez
አንተ ፖይለት ነህ?
ሰላም ወንድሜ በባለፈው announcement ለ aircraft modularized technicians አልፊያለው and iam waiting for their phone to go to airforce for decipline training so እንደዚህ አይነትዝርዝር video ለእኛም (for current and future grond technicians) በቻልከው አቅም ቶሎ ብትሰራልን ...and thanks alot