Wow! that’s a intellectual K.O, Mr saboor answered every question from the atheists at Speakers Corner yet they still deny the existence of Allah and have the audacity to get angry when they called ‘disbelieves’
16:07 LOL bless him, he genuinely looked lost there for a moment, he couldn't keep up he even smiled he realised that he was in a state of confusion. Although he fell into the hole he dug for himself, he majestically concocted an opus that turned out to be his intellectual demise. loll It happens sometimes when your tongue is 3 seconds ahead of your brain (just kidding)
@Honor It doesn't matter who is credited with refining it, the fact remains that it's a useful process that has no necessity of a religious foundation. In other words, it works without it. And versions of the scientific method existed in China long before the birth of Islam.
@@DenverNuggets212 I think the poimt you are trying to make has been made by the muslim debater in this video. Science and Islam can stand on their own differently. But when scientific facts are established, they support what the Qur'an claims. And for us muslims, science is not so reliable as to say it discerns the truth from falsehoods because new findings always come to light that may end up falsifying previous thoughts. So no, we don't use science for this reason.
@@yasir889 I think this is a very ignorant way to look at things. Sience rarely disproves itself over time instead it only strengthens itself. While most religious groups will pick and choose wich scientific discoveries align with their beliefs. For instance the theory of evolutions is accepted my most modern day muslims as it is stated in the quran that "all life stems from water" however when it comes to the transitional period from homo erectus to homosapiens despite the HUGE amounts of evidence and discoveries backing this up muslims will disclose this as "just a theory" because it does not align with their believe system that wel all stem from a 60 cubit tall man and that since then we have been decreasing in size "something that has been deemed scientifically impossible btw" the main difference is that most scientists look at the entire world in a nuetral way as only then will u got an optimal understanding of it. While most religious groups will simply turn down any discovery that goes against their beliefs and label it as either "just a theory" or "some anti religous agenda being played against them"
I think most of the people got it wrong about miracles. Since God have power over the past, present and future, It's not that absurd to think that he calculated all the "miracles" to be in place and time via natural but irregular occurrences. It's not just something happening without natural causes. God is the best of planner.
Brother Subboor mashallah is the best one yet when having these discussions, even with the philosophy he is greatly underrated. Great job may Allah bless you
A religious belief invokes the supernatural. Evolution by natural selection has no need to invoke the supernatural. Thd key is in the word ' natural '.
@@going2sleep Darwinian evolution is indeed a brilliant beautiful simple idea and fact. However if we accept 'religious belief,' as invoking a supernatural God who listens to prayer,intervenes in the world, lays down rules for humans, and wishes to be praised and worshipped, then this is something else entirely.
you hide your ignorance behind fancy can't deduce from anecdotal similarities a commun ancestor..because even from a genetical point of view, we are similar to an extent to mushrooms or bananas..darwinian evolution theory is nothing but a theory and a flawed one at're welcome to identify yourself as an animal and to consider apes as your relatives, based on your darwinian religion, but don't be offended when rational people find it amusing :)
and no i meant logic which you seem to be deprived of as you seem to accept any fallacy thats presented to you as the absolute truth without even noticing the flaws and absurdities that come with it
I just noticed that in the Description of this video, the 'Category' is 'Comedy'. It all makes sense now. This video's purpose is to create humour on how Muslims approach science and reason.
Zain: Does he know that a fact is... "certain, absolute, it’s not going to change, it’s like the earth going around the Sun" and that it can mean.... "something that is generally agreed upon in science, or its the best theory for the data that we currently have" ?
I would luv to debate with this fast talking and a good debating Muslim, I have no negative feelings (luv double negatives ) towards people with different beliefs
1. A winged "horse" would not have enough space in its body for muscles, to carry its own body weight when flapping its wings. 2. No other 6 limbed mammals have been observed 3. Where exactly is heaven, and why would you have to fly there on a "horse"?
Whether or not a part of the world that advanced scientific principles had a certain religion is 100% unrelated to whether or not the pronouncements of that religion are true
//How science know that to this thing is 6 million years?// Have you heard about radiocarbon dating? //How theory evolution explains the empathy?// The empathy gives species to estimate the situation. //And you belive to 0.01% of information?// And what do you wanna say? The 100% science can't say who is evolved from who,but actually science gives you how you are close to other species by DNA analys.
Stop debating uninformed people on the streets of London. It is an unfair debate because you come into the it extremely prepared and quite frankly are brighter than the average person (yes you are bright which is why I don't get how you rationalize that there is not enough evidence for darwinian evolution). Although it is probably difficult please try to arranges debates with people like Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, Donald Hoffman, NDT, heck even Matt Dillahunty would be better than this.
Saboor knows 10 times more about evolution then the average person but yet he rejects it due to his childhood indoctrination, so what chance does an average person have
You cannot use two observations like the existence of homosexuality and empathy for strangers, to throw out the entire theory of evolution out the window. You have to consider both sides of the scale. The theory explains immense questions and has tons of evidence, on the other hand there are some things that are unexplained, however those things COULD be explained naturalistically so they are not strictly in contradiction with darwinism. If you cannot understand rational and balanced approach like this there is no arguing with you. You are trying to insist on a black and white, that it either must explain everything or it's not true. Sure it's based on 0.0001% of the data, but that's 100% of the data that exists now. The alternative which you choose - to base it on metaphysics - is based on NO data. Logic does not underly reality, logic as we understand it, is itself incomplete. The reasoning you use like "everything created must have a creator, the universe was created so it must have a creator" is just a logical meme that is internally consistent sure, and you can cling to it, but it doesn't represent the real complex world. People are still not sure about what infinities are, they aren't sure about anything, they just have models that are increasingly more accurate in describing the world. You cannot skip that entire process and say, my logic supecedes reality. Logic says that if you travel at the speed of light you will cover a distance of 2 light years in 2 years, correct? But that's not the truth, in reality you would cover it instantly. Does that make logical sense? No. Is it true? Yes. Why? Because your logic is not as firm as you believe. In-fact all of science has been about being astounded about how wrong we were. 2000 years ago I am sure religious person debating a atheist would say... Look around do you serioulsy deny that the stars move around the earth? Can't you see with your eyes? If WE rotate around the sun how come we cannot feel the movement? They would think they are being logical, and the scientist at the time would have no good answer to them. HOWEVER THEY WOULD STILL BE FACTUALLY WRONG.
Truth be told, no one knows excepg the Creator. Same way no one knows when they will die or when the world will come to and end. This is something that only the one and only Creator of life and death has knowledge about and no one else.
The Muslim desperately tries to belittle science, yet does he have any evidence suggesting his religion is true? None, only belief, which, fortunately, does not require evidence. No doubt Muslims will say, as I don’t believe in Allah, I therefore can’t reason. Doh! got me, 😃
That's where you went wrong mate. The topic of the video was 'why darwinian evolution is based on so many assumptions'. Plus Suboor here yeah, is the only one, from you're comment i think you're just a blind follower of darwinian evolution and atheism as the guy in the video who was being interviewed by Suboor.
This guy in the top of metal grill should learn some interaction mannerism. He should be learning and following sunna of our Beloved Sayyideena Muhammad SelalAllahu Aleyhi Ve Aleyhi Ve Selem how to behave in public and private. Brother Subooh should be applauded with a way he interacts in all of his debates and he represents Islam in the best way.
I've seen this video already... This shows how general people has taken Darwinism has a religion... Atheist philosopher Michal Rise said it right, "Darwinism is a religion, it was true at the beginning and still true today"
1878EFC2008 Why on earth I have to do that where main stream, secular and atheist researchers have already done it! Here's some words form (Peer Reviewed Journal of) Oxford Atheist Professor Denis Nobel, "In this article, I will show that all the central assumptions of the Modern Synthesis (often also called Neo-Darwinism) have been disproved. Moreover, they have been disproved in ways that raise the tantalizing prospect of a totally new synthesis; one that would allow a reintegration of physiological science with evolutionary biology." (Physiology is rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology)... Should I add more example..? There are a good number of mainstream Atheist academics now speaking against Darwinism and Modern synthesis.... I said it's religion and I was right. You guys accepted that due to social conditioning not checking out every aspect of it. Come on Be skeptic of every thing, not only religion, but also religion of Evolution, Darwinism in particular... Cheers...!!
1878EFC2008 Ha ha ha... Man you amuse me... I deliberately didn't mention all evidence so that I can enjoy your ignorance. Now, you r switching around. You asked to refute darwinism, and I quoted authority on this who has already done that (there are many, I've quoted only one). Now without going nuts and bolts of the paper you r making funny claim about adaptation- that is the most basic meaning of evolution i.e. change over time, and conflating that with the theory of evolution. Man plz go to UC barkeley and learn some basic science first. Or at least learn something form Paleontologist David Raup: "We must distinguish between the fact of evolution defined as change in organisms over time and the explanation of this change. Danwin's contribution, through his theory of natural selection, was to suggest how the evolutionary change took place." Evolution as an observation no one would deny but regarding theory there are multiple assumption, probabilistic framework and challenges are coming from a good number of secular academics. And there will be multiple naturalistic alternative.. do you know why? Geneticist Richard lewontin have boldly mentioned: "we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door." Free thinkers huh?? I am smelling blind faith from these!! You keep the Noble, I don't need that. Lol. Peace...!!
1878EFC2008 Man you really amuse me.. In my whole reply I never mentioned anything about Islam. But when you found out that your base is not so strong so you squeezed religion into it to slip away from argument. I was arguing on the basis of science, and showed you it is not Absolute i.e darwinian mechanism.. so it is probabilistic position having multiple alternatives... which shows the uncertainty as a theory. If it was absolute then atheist scientists are didn't came up with these many alternatives. That is all I wanted to point out. It is not 'no brainer' as you claim without knowing science properly. (I believe it is not your fault to misunderstand science, one of your pioneers Richard Dawkins himself misrepresent science according to a Peer Reviewed study.) And I said due to the assumption (i.e blind faith according to atheist Philosopher Michael Ruse ) of Naturalism scientists will never go metaphysical.. That I showed evidence of to show your claim religious people goes on blind faith is biased... Ua a.. not them only, scientists also go on several blind faith according to peer reviewed paper... I feel sorry for you man... Carry on with your religion then, Darwinism... Oh, by the way plz give yourself a name.. And one advise- rather than writing on this channel that has no survivality benefit go to street and help some people.. practise "Kin selection and reciprocal altruism" there, as you call it, that will increase your survivality chance... SAVE yourself man.. ha ha ha.. Peace...!!
1878EFC2008 (Final reply) Islam has no problem, if you just understand epistemic weight of science... Inductive science can never challenge deductive position... This position is taken even by atheist academics like thomas nagel, read his "Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False." By the way we only Muslims don't pick on Darwin, it's done by atheist academics also by plenty of journal paper and publication. You don't know that unfortunately. Go to to have glimpse. Quick answer: do u have any empirical evidence to refute that (shooting stars are like bullets to jins)? No! So only position u can take is that of an agnostic i.e. don't know. Your question makes it clear that you don't follow the epistemic value of your position. By the way you believe life spontaneously arouse by chance right? Ha ha... and you are asking me about shooting star to devils being blind faith or illogical something. Listen to what Noble winner Gerge wald said: " ―When it comes to the origin of life there are only two possibilities: creation or spontaneous generation. There is no third way. Spontaneous generation was disproved one hundred years ago, but that leads us to only one other conclusion, that of supernatural creation. We cannot accept that on philosophical grounds; therefore, we choose to believe the impossible: that life arose spontaneously by chance!" - (George Wald, The Origin of Life). Even Peer Reviewed paper is published by atheist academics showing spontaneous generous is a blind faith. Man I know atheistic tradition more than you it seems. And why not? I was one of them once. Anyone with a clear and open mind reading our conversation will figure out who is educating people. You: just making claims or I: giving reason and evidence for my stance on this issue. This will not help you much in altruism By the way do u know this adhoc 'altruism and keen selection' concept is challenged by atheist academics? You don't... why? You chose not to.. and belief whatever is said supporting evolutionary ideology. Can you give me genetic evidence for altruism? No! There is no genetic evidence. I quoted evidence why it's still and always will be 'survival of the fittest': blind faith of naturalism. you are not ready to digest or admit that. I'm really disappointed at this point at your intellectual honesty. Anyway, I will be busy with my exam, so don't have time for educating someone about their worldview. Have fun.
6:00 regarding miracles, if we apply our Muslim friends logic, then we would have to consider every “fantastical” claim anybody ever makes as perhaps true. I mean every goblin and unicorn could have been a “new observation” - scientific facts are CONSIDERED truth when it can be replicated or showed to enough people. The burden to prove lies with the claimer not the one arguing against
I don't know why he took that as an argument but personall I base my belief in miracles in the notion that Allâh (Who is in Full Control) is can decree contradict the apparent Laws of Nature which are reality just means/mediums of which Allâh executes He's Decree. Of course with that I believe that God could create everything from Goblins to Unicorns if He willed.
Allow me to abbreviate this video, muslim says muslims created science, you're welcome. Then he spends half an hour slamming science, speaking about all of its inadequacies, talk about throwing his own religion under the bus, WOW...
Defining a miracle as "a piece of data that goes against previous uniformity" is only part 1 of what a miracle is, the second part is "and god did it!" That's the part you need to prove, not assert.
Bro subhoor fails in 1 regard always. Making things tenable to the layman. Meh. He s dealing with new atheists. They think they are far wiser so they should get it.
LOL, this shows just how uninformed the public is regarding this theory and science in general. Their beliefs are more so bullet points of 'shock' 'popular' info, and dogmatism, which humans naturally go towards one way or another, and when you have someone who knows the topic, it reveals the other persons contradictions and incoherence in their own beliefs.
The guy with the big beard seems to have learnt about logic, philosophy of science, etc. and can throw around jargon, but doesn't understand at all how it applies in real situations. Throughout, he reveals that he's completely confused about the concepts he's referencing. For an example, just listen around 23:00 when he talks about Karl Popper.
you are crazy! "self-made perfection" you really made my day, it's like saying a printing house explode and the explosion produced a poem for shakespeare
You don't need to know, you just have to have faith in it. Like you don't need to know that I can walk on water, you just have to have faith in it and boom " I can walk on the water". It's all bullshit bro don't let yourself be an idiot. We all are product of evolution.
Truth is what works in a given environment .....Science works testament that you are now sending me this message. Now lets test if you God assumption works ....Send me the next message with the power of prayer.
I'm a Filipino atheist ,I have a simple question to all believers of gods and goddess..Why god or creator, created her own enemy or Satan.. what a bullshit story,its a fantasy book.
@@Edward-bm7vw yeah by saying I didn't read this work but you are wrong and you don't understand evolution. That is not how you show someone's ignorance. Aron Ra was infact showing his own ignorance.
@@Edward-bm7vw Aron Ra was not familiar with some works that Subboor Quoted. But he was still insistent that Suboor doesn't understand. Darwinian evolution is an evolutionary model. How did he conflate the two?
@@Edward-bm7vw modern synthesis is still based on natural selection which is the fundamental force behind evolution. That is why it is also called neo Darwinian evolution. I think you are not aware of this and are arguing just for the sake of it. Please provide evidence that the quotes Subboor mentioned are considered outdated in academia.
The guy standing on fence in a dress asserts that we can thank muslims for science, he went on to say, that we wouldn't be as advanced in science without islam, next minute, muslims argue that science is not reliable hahahahaha So islam is the reason why science is unreliable, thankyou islam..
the religious zealot was yelling at a bystander, who did not share his ridiculous religious belief. how do you possible see he was destroyed? the fact is we have a lack in the belief of your god or any others, just like you have a lack of belief in all gods except your own. in fact sir you are an atheist an uneducated one at that.
@Darth Shadow The correct way to form this question is : " How was the first cell formed? " Answer is, nobody knows yet.... Just because we don't know something doesn't mean you get to make up a fairytale and pretend you know the answer. Be honest and say "I don't know" to questions who's answers you don't know.
@Darth Shadow How life started isn't a theory. It's a hypothesis. Nobody said Abiogenesis is complete in the first place. Science never made that claim.
@Darth Shadow Lol what? Abiogenesis is a hypothesis. What do you mean it failed. Lol. Bottom line is, nobody knows how life started. Pls be honest enough to accept this rather than invoke magic as your justification. That isn't how thinking people reason.
@Darth Shadow lol, that's why I made my original comment. So if you can't find any answer to a question.....god did it is your response. Lol. This is why all of the scientific community across the globe keeps religion out of the class room.
@Darth Shadow Evolution is a fact. If you don't agree, that doesn't make a difference. What makes organisms change over a period of time, thats the theory. Fyi, a theory means it has supporting evidence. Pls do more research. You're getting confused between what a theory is and what a hypothesis is.
The Muslim guy loses again. He sounds as if his argument is strong but it is just a debate tactic. His Muslim friend (Abdul Hamid) laughing at atheist during conversation,power poses,having higher volume than opponent,misquoting the other debator. These are old tricks my friend.Clearly these bearded kids don't know an iota of science.
@@متين-ج4ز Death for apostacy,believing in a winged horse,slavery,taking wives of the war captives,scientific errors and ambiguity,the great problem of Hadiths in Islam,the result of Islam in terrorism and the list is endless. There are far better religions and a way of life than Islam. Take Sikhi for example is a better religion than Islam in my opinion.
I'm a Filipino atheist ,I have a simple question to all believers of gods and goddess..Why god or creator, created her own enemy or Satan.. what a bullshit story,its a fantasy book.
@@rayandaas1695 we are not Christians. Satan is a creation. God made angels out of light, Jinns out of fire and the best of creation humans out of soil. Angels have no freewill. Humans and jinns have freewill so we have the ability to disobey our creator but the angels can't. We humans can be better than the angels or worse than animals. Satan is a jinn who got the title of Satan after his his disbelief.
I'm a Filipino atheist ,I have a simple question to all believers of gods and goddess..Why god or creator, created her own enemy or Satan.. what a bullshit story,its a fantasy book.
Allah created satan to see who follows his evilness. Some other religions think that satan is the balanced power with god whish completely false no one creats something that is more powerful than him
I need to watch br. Saboor videos many times to understand half of what he said...
Lool. Exactly
I repeated 10 sec 2 times and another 10 sec 2 times lol
You are not alone. I have to pause the video and repeat it a lot. Knowledgeable brother mashallah
@ thank you sir.
I really enjoy theses discussions, there is always something new to learn alhamdulillah
@Poco Loco seriously? You know what he's learnt or not? Are you his mentor?
@Poco Loco even learning a word is still learning regardless of your condescending remark.
@Xipli Young I'm well aware of that. I pray that Allah would show him mercy.
you can learn that evolution is a fact
Wow Subscribed, Your Knowledge on Darwin theory is Amazing.
Reformed Christian Apologetics He have a UA-cam channel called Darwinian delusions.
Your welcome our fellow Christian
I've been searching for the argument in this video for a few months. Subha Allah Allah has shown it to me. Thank you brother for uploading this.
Wow! that’s a intellectual K.O, Mr saboor answered every question from the atheists at Speakers Corner yet they still deny the existence of Allah and have the audacity to get angry when they called ‘disbelieves’
Even if we give them actual proof, they'll still try to act like they know it all and deny mate
Future Baby Sorry was there ‘evidence for Allah’ in that conversation? I missed it.
In my experience, most people don't just change their minds after one debate.
16:07 LOL bless him, he genuinely looked lost there for a moment, he couldn't keep up he even smiled he realised that he was in a state of confusion. Although he fell into the hole he dug for himself, he majestically concocted an opus that turned out to be his intellectual demise. loll
It happens sometimes when your tongue is 3 seconds ahead of your brain (just kidding)
1:06 what the flip is this guy doing
Seems like an avid watcher of WWE
the muslim guy is actually an academic scientist.
Obvious Edward? That is you being emotionally unable to accept the other side because you are indoctrinated.
@@Edward-bm7vw you say obviously like you are able to last 5 minutes in a debate with him.
@@Edward-bm7vw All I've heard from you are accusations. Your evidence, so far, does not match your claim.
@@Edward-bm7vw You far too uneducated and unknowledgeable to make these claims.
Subboor is a legend ! Masha Allah brother !!
Abdul Hamid laughing in the background is the best 😂
The process of science has been demonstrably the most reliable method of discerning truth from fiction. Science isn't some "thing" it's a method.
@Honor It doesn't matter who is credited with refining it, the fact remains that it's a useful process that has no necessity of a religious foundation. In other words, it works without it. And versions of the scientific method existed in China long before the birth of Islam.
@@DenverNuggets212 I think the poimt you are trying to make has been made by the muslim debater in this video. Science and Islam can stand on their own differently. But when scientific facts are established, they support what the Qur'an claims. And for us muslims, science is not so reliable as to say it discerns the truth from falsehoods because new findings always come to light that may end up falsifying previous thoughts. So no, we don't use science for this reason.
@@yasir889 I think this is a very ignorant way to look at things. Sience rarely disproves itself over time instead it only strengthens itself. While most religious groups will pick and choose wich scientific discoveries align with their beliefs. For instance the theory of evolutions is accepted my most modern day muslims as it is stated in the quran that "all life stems from water" however when it comes to the transitional period from homo erectus to homosapiens despite the HUGE amounts of evidence and discoveries backing this up muslims will disclose this as "just a theory" because it does not align with their believe system that wel all stem from a 60 cubit tall man and that since then we have been decreasing in size "something that has been deemed scientifically impossible btw" the main difference is that most scientists look at the entire world in a nuetral way as only then will u got an optimal understanding of it. While most religious groups will simply turn down any discovery that goes against their beliefs and label it as either "just a theory" or "some anti religous agenda being played against them"
I think most of the people got it wrong about miracles. Since God have power over the past, present and future, It's not that absurd to think that he calculated all the "miracles" to be in place and time via natural but irregular occurrences. It's not just something happening without natural causes. God is the best of planner.
Brother Subboor and his team is really amazing. Brother Mansoor is another gem. Very deep and logical always and something new to learn too..
Sunglasses has absolutely no idea what he's talking about, the very definition of blind belief
The guy was schooled so hard MashaAllah. Br. Saboor is quite knowledgable on the topic.
Why is brother standing on look weird wearing cap and standing like that and having conversations
Atheists, what would non-Darwinian behavior look like?
Brother Subboor mashallah is the best one yet when having these discussions, even with the philosophy he is greatly underrated. Great job may Allah bless you
جزاك الله خيرا . My brother keep going .
Darwinian Evolution is a religious belief.
A religious belief invokes the supernatural.
Evolution by natural selection has no need to invoke the supernatural.
Thd key is in the word ' natural '.
@@iainrae6159 it is supernatural, a miracle. It is an argument of semantics, if you but knew.
Darwinian evolution is indeed a brilliant beautiful simple idea and fact.
However if we accept 'religious belief,' as invoking a supernatural God who listens to prayer,intervenes in the world, lays down rules for humans, and wishes to be praised and worshipped, then this is something else entirely.
@@iainrae6159 Darwinian evolution is a fact! hummm. have you observed one kind change to another kind?
I am not Muslim I am Christian but I agree with Subboor Ahmad against the Atheist and Western civilization
This is one of the greatest dawah videos I've ever seen.
Brilliant! Does br Subbor run courses? I wld love to study under him.
saf patel savage rotfl xD ''ask the question'' you should apply cold water to that burn
you hide your ignorance behind fancy can't deduce from anecdotal similarities a commun ancestor..because even from a genetical point of view, we are similar to an extent to mushrooms or bananas..darwinian evolution theory is nothing but a theory and a flawed one at're welcome to identify yourself as an animal and to consider apes as your relatives, based on your darwinian religion, but don't be offended when rational people find it amusing :)
and no i meant logic which you seem to be deprived of as you seem to accept any fallacy thats presented to you as the absolute truth without even noticing the flaws and absurdities that come with it
Why do you want to study nonsense?
Exactly evolution is nonsense cause it's a big lie. It's like trying to study the trinity in the bible
I just noticed that in the Description of this video, the 'Category' is 'Comedy'. It all makes sense now. This video's purpose is to create humour on how Muslims approach science and reason.
Zain: Does he know that a fact is...
"certain, absolute, it’s not going to change, it’s like the earth going around the Sun"
and that it can mean....
"something that is generally agreed upon in science, or its the best theory for the data that we currently have"
Are you Joking, The Creationist argument was Amazing, Reminds me of William Lane Craig, Respect to him, He will go far in this evolutional field.
The comedy is watching people like you, flail around like drowning rats when faced with insurmountable logic.
For anyone interested in the referenced evolutionary biologists:
James Shapiro
Masatoshi Nei
Lynn Margulis
Stuart Kauffman
this is an older video
He totally contradicted himself on Truth.
I would luv to debate with this fast talking and a good debating Muslim, I have no negative feelings (luv double negatives ) towards people with different beliefs
I'll stand in for him.
Fire away
Very very informative
Always an excuse to leave when you’re in a corner... well done brother Sabur
Bro, you need to change the title. It should say: "Atheist gets roasted."
Brother I aspire to be as knowledgeable as you. Keep it up.
Qu'ran, itself, is a clear miracle. If you've actually read it with understanding, and without any bias, you'd know that.
Look at this video on the Proof of the quran bro
Suboor is from another planet! Untouchable!
Yes planet Quran, an imaginary, yet man made, world.
Religion is verbal Mambo-Jambo.
it depends on which religion you're talking
@@pleasesubscribe7659 no bro. All religions are mumbo jumbo.
Define "mumbo jumbo"
Your statement was truly verbal 'mambo jambo'
@@think-islam-channel And you need more creativity.
1. A winged "horse" would not have enough space in its body for muscles, to carry its own body weight when flapping its wings.
2. No other 6 limbed mammals have been observed
3. Where exactly is heaven, and why would you have to fly there on a "horse"?
Reaction similar to when telling a kid : Santa isn't real.
This was hard to watch the brother was loading up fallacy after fallacy, drawing conclusions from nowhere.
Whether or not a part of the world that advanced scientific principles had a certain religion is 100% unrelated to whether or not the pronouncements of that religion are true
//How science know that to this thing is 6 million years?//
Have you heard about radiocarbon dating?
//How theory evolution explains the empathy?//
The empathy gives species to estimate the situation.
//And you belive to 0.01% of information?//
And what do you wanna say? The 100% science can't say who is evolved from who,but actually science gives you how you are close to other species by DNA analys.
Stop debating uninformed people on the streets of London. It is an unfair debate because you come into the it extremely prepared and quite frankly are brighter than the average person (yes you are bright which is why I don't get how you rationalize that there is not enough evidence for darwinian evolution). Although it is probably difficult please try to arranges debates with people like Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, Donald Hoffman, NDT, heck even Matt Dillahunty would be better than this.
He would be more than happy to, but they are too scared to debate him most of them.
Saboor knows 10 times more about evolution then the average person but yet he rejects it due to his childhood indoctrination, so what chance does an average person have
You cannot use two observations like the existence of homosexuality and empathy for strangers, to throw out the entire theory of evolution out the window. You have to consider both sides of the scale. The theory explains immense questions and has tons of evidence, on the other hand there are some things that are unexplained, however those things COULD be explained naturalistically so they are not strictly in contradiction with darwinism. If you cannot understand rational and balanced approach like this there is no arguing with you.
You are trying to insist on a black and white, that it either must explain everything or it's not true. Sure it's based on 0.0001% of the data, but that's 100% of the data that exists now. The alternative which you choose - to base it on metaphysics - is based on NO data. Logic does not underly reality, logic as we understand it, is itself incomplete. The reasoning you use like "everything created must have a creator, the universe was created so it must have a creator" is just a logical meme that is internally consistent sure, and you can cling to it, but it doesn't represent the real complex world. People are still not sure about what infinities are, they aren't sure about anything, they just have models that are increasingly more accurate in describing the world.
You cannot skip that entire process and say, my logic supecedes reality. Logic says that if you travel at the speed of light you will cover a distance of 2 light years in 2 years, correct? But that's not the truth, in reality you would cover it instantly. Does that make logical sense? No. Is it true? Yes. Why? Because your logic is not as firm as you believe. In-fact all of science has been about being astounded about how wrong we were. 2000 years ago I am sure religious person debating a atheist would say... Look around do you serioulsy deny that the stars move around the earth? Can't you see with your eyes? If WE rotate around the sun how come we cannot feel the movement? They would think they are being logical, and the scientist at the time would have no good answer to them. HOWEVER THEY WOULD STILL BE FACTUALLY WRONG.
My five year old child would love to know when God made life and the Universe.
Can any Islamic scholars help?
Allâh knows Best.
Watch videos of Yasir Qadhi, Hamza tzortzis, Zakir Naik. Might help you.
Truth be told, no one knows excepg the Creator. Same way no one knows when they will die or when the world will come to and end. This is something that only the one and only Creator of life and death has knowledge about and no one else.
Thankyou for your kind and thoughtful reply.
I wish you and your family well.
@@iainrae6159 Thank you too.
Why some brothers wear Arabic clothes while they're not. Keep parts of your culture which is not against islam. Same about arabs
30:57 👍👍
Save your time watching two random guys on the street talk about islam vs secularism, especially if one guy isn't prepared (or not good rhetorically).
The Muslim desperately tries to belittle science, yet does he have any evidence suggesting his religion is true? None, only belief, which, fortunately, does not require evidence.
No doubt Muslims will say, as I don’t believe in Allah, I therefore can’t reason. Doh! got me, 😃
That's where you went wrong mate. The topic of the video was 'why darwinian evolution is based on so many assumptions'. Plus Suboor here yeah, is the only one, from you're comment i think you're just a blind follower of darwinian evolution and atheism as the guy in the video who was being interviewed by Suboor.
You clearly didn't understand the debate.
It was a bit deep wasn't it?
1:10 what's with Abdul Hamid akhi😂😂😂😂
This guy in the top of metal grill should learn some interaction mannerism.
He should be learning and following sunna of our Beloved Sayyideena Muhammad SelalAllahu Aleyhi Ve Aleyhi Ve Selem how to behave in public and private.
Brother Subooh should be applauded with a way he interacts in all of his debates
and he represents Islam in the best way.
I've seen this video already... This shows how general people has taken Darwinism has a religion... Atheist philosopher Michal Rise said it right, "Darwinism is a religion, it was true at the beginning and still true today"
1878EFC2008 Why on earth I have to do that where main stream, secular and atheist researchers have already done it! Here's some words form (Peer Reviewed Journal of) Oxford Atheist Professor Denis Nobel, "In this article, I will show that all the central assumptions of the Modern Synthesis (often also called Neo-Darwinism) have been disproved. Moreover, they have been disproved in ways that raise the tantalizing prospect of a totally new synthesis; one that would allow a reintegration of physiological science with evolutionary biology." (Physiology is rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology)... Should I add more example..? There are a good number of mainstream Atheist academics now speaking against Darwinism and Modern synthesis.... I said it's religion and I was right. You guys accepted that due to social conditioning not checking out every aspect of it. Come on Be skeptic of every thing, not only religion, but also religion of Evolution, Darwinism in particular... Cheers...!!
1878EFC2008 Ha ha ha... Man you amuse me... I deliberately didn't mention all evidence so that I can enjoy your ignorance. Now, you r switching around. You asked to refute darwinism, and I quoted authority on this who has already done that (there are many, I've quoted only one). Now without going nuts and bolts of the paper you r making funny claim about adaptation- that is the most basic meaning of evolution i.e. change over time, and conflating that with the theory of evolution. Man plz go to UC barkeley and learn some basic science first. Or at least learn something form Paleontologist David Raup: "We must distinguish between the fact of evolution defined as change in organisms over time and the explanation of this change. Danwin's contribution, through his theory of natural selection, was to suggest how the evolutionary change took place." Evolution as an observation no one would deny but regarding theory there are multiple assumption, probabilistic framework and challenges are coming from a good number of secular academics. And there will be multiple naturalistic alternative.. do you know why? Geneticist Richard lewontin have boldly mentioned: "we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door." Free thinkers huh?? I am smelling blind faith from these!! You keep the Noble, I don't need that. Lol. Peace...!!
1878EFC2008 Man you really amuse me.. In my whole reply I never mentioned anything about Islam. But when you found out that your base is not so strong so you squeezed religion into it to slip away from argument. I was arguing on the basis of science, and showed you it is not Absolute i.e darwinian mechanism.. so it is probabilistic position having multiple alternatives... which shows the uncertainty as a theory. If it was absolute then atheist scientists are didn't came up with these many alternatives. That is all I wanted to point out. It is not 'no brainer' as you claim without knowing science properly. (I believe it is not your fault to misunderstand science, one of your pioneers Richard Dawkins himself misrepresent science according to a Peer Reviewed study.) And I said due to the assumption (i.e blind faith according to atheist Philosopher Michael Ruse ) of Naturalism scientists will never go metaphysical.. That I showed evidence of to show your claim religious people goes on blind faith is biased... Ua a.. not them only, scientists also go on several blind faith according to peer reviewed paper... I feel sorry for you man... Carry on with your religion then, Darwinism... Oh, by the way plz give yourself a name.. And one advise- rather than writing on this channel that has no survivality benefit go to street and help some people.. practise "Kin selection and reciprocal altruism" there, as you call it, that will increase your survivality chance... SAVE yourself man.. ha ha ha.. Peace...!!
1878EFC2008 (Final reply) Islam has no problem, if you just understand epistemic weight of science... Inductive science can never challenge deductive position... This position is taken even by atheist academics like thomas nagel, read his "Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False."
By the way we only Muslims don't pick on Darwin, it's done by atheist academics also by plenty of journal paper and publication. You don't know that unfortunately. Go to to have glimpse.
Quick answer: do u have any empirical evidence to refute that (shooting stars are like bullets to jins)? No! So only position u can take is that of an agnostic i.e. don't know. Your question makes it clear that you don't follow the epistemic value of your position. By the way you believe life spontaneously arouse by chance right? Ha ha... and you are asking me about shooting star to devils being blind faith or illogical something. Listen to what Noble winner Gerge wald said: " ―When it comes to the origin of life there are only two
possibilities: creation or spontaneous generation. There is no third
way. Spontaneous generation was disproved one hundred years
ago, but that leads us to only one other conclusion, that of supernatural creation. We cannot accept that on philosophical grounds; therefore, we choose to believe the impossible: that life arose spontaneously by chance!" - (George Wald, The Origin of Life). Even Peer Reviewed paper is published by atheist academics showing spontaneous generous is a blind faith. Man I know atheistic tradition more than you it seems. And why not? I was one of them once.
Anyone with a clear and open mind reading our conversation will figure out who is educating people. You: just making claims or I: giving reason and evidence for my stance on this issue. This will not help you much in altruism By the way do u know this adhoc 'altruism and keen selection' concept is challenged by atheist academics? You don't... why? You chose not to.. and belief whatever is said supporting evolutionary ideology. Can you give me genetic evidence for altruism? No! There is no genetic evidence.
I quoted evidence why it's still and always will be 'survival of the fittest': blind faith of naturalism. you are not ready to digest or admit that. I'm really disappointed at this point at your intellectual honesty. Anyway, I will be busy with my exam, so don't have time for educating someone about their worldview. Have fun.
6:00 regarding miracles, if we apply our Muslim friends logic, then we would have to consider every “fantastical” claim anybody ever makes as perhaps true. I mean every goblin and unicorn could have been a “new observation” - scientific facts are CONSIDERED truth when it can be replicated or showed to enough people.
The burden to prove lies with the claimer not the one arguing against
This is all you came up with from the whole vid?
I don't know why he took that as an argument but personall I base my belief in miracles in the notion that Allâh (Who is in Full Control) is can decree contradict the apparent Laws of Nature which are reality just means/mediums of which Allâh executes He's Decree. Of course with that I believe that God could create everything from Goblins to Unicorns if He willed.
i wonder if brother subboor brught alien evolution topic
Allow me to abbreviate this video, muslim says muslims created science, you're welcome.
Then he spends half an hour slamming science, speaking about all of its inadequacies, talk about throwing his own religion under the bus, WOW...
You are not talking sense,he was talking that Muslims do matter.he did not falsify any Muslim theory.
Defining a miracle as "a piece of data that goes against previous uniformity" is only part 1 of what a miracle is, the second part is "and god did it!" That's the part you need to prove, not assert.
What’s a miracle?
Brother Sabur ☝️💪💪
Bro subhoor fails in 1 regard always. Making things tenable to the layman. Meh. He s dealing with new atheists. They think they are far wiser so they should get it.
Out Of His Depth
This guy just plays childish word games and feels like he's proved something. A five year old could do just as well.
Ears that don't hear lol
LOL, this shows just how uninformed the public is regarding this theory and science in general. Their beliefs are more so bullet points of 'shock' 'popular' info, and dogmatism, which humans naturally go towards one way or another, and when you have someone who knows the topic, it reveals the other persons contradictions and incoherence in their own beliefs.
Suboor bhai love you
The guy with the big beard seems to have learnt about logic, philosophy of science, etc. and can throw around jargon, but doesn't understand at all how it applies in real situations. Throughout, he reveals that he's completely confused about the concepts he's referencing. For an example, just listen around 23:00 when he talks about Karl Popper.
I got one question..... How do you know godexists? Answer.... You don't bottom line.
how do you know god doesn't exists? Answer.... You don't buttom line.
Abu Musa what's the reason for the billions of other solar systems, were they just practise planets? Lol
you are crazy! "self-made perfection" you really made my day, it's like saying a printing house explode and the explosion produced a poem for shakespeare
You don't need to know, you just have to have faith in it. Like you don't need to know that I can walk on water, you just have to have faith in it and boom " I can walk on the water". It's all bullshit bro don't let yourself be an idiot. We all are product of evolution.
Haven't I seen this before? ?🤔
Hahha the giy standing lol
These islamists are unbelievably smug.
The irony!
O man this guy is so thick
Answer me this Muslim. Why is your religion and your denomination of it the one "true" religion?
16:40 you could also argue that for someone who is religious. so bs argument!
I am making a statement 'Science is THE ONLY tool we have for finding truth".....I am waiting a Muslim to challenge me.
I challenge you to know who created you
Nobody created us ......We are Evolved biological beings.
Kostas Spiliotopoulos nothing can create himsel for example can car creat itself? No there should be creator
Kostas Spiliotopoulos if you dont have religion what rules you gonna follow
Truth is what works in a given environment .....Science works testament that you are now sending me this message.
Now lets test if you God assumption works ....Send me the next message with the power of prayer.
I'm a Filipino atheist ,I have a simple question to all believers of gods and goddess..Why god or creator, created her own enemy or Satan.. what a bullshit story,its a fantasy book.
darwel ramos satan is a enemy to man not to god... idiot
How else would free will exist if the only option you had was to do good?
You are ignorant
Aron Ra would waste this guy.
Suboor Ahmad destroyed Aaron Ra in their debate lol what are you talking about?
Hahahahahaha what do you say now Mr.Atheist
@@Edward-bm7vw yeah by saying I didn't read this work but you are wrong and you don't understand evolution.
That is not how you show someone's ignorance. Aron Ra was infact showing his own ignorance.
@@Edward-bm7vw Aron Ra was not familiar with some works that Subboor Quoted.
But he was still insistent that Suboor doesn't understand.
Darwinian evolution is an evolutionary model.
How did he conflate the two?
@@Edward-bm7vw modern synthesis is still based on natural selection which is the fundamental force behind evolution.
That is why it is also called neo Darwinian evolution. I think you are not aware of this and are arguing just for the sake of it.
Please provide evidence that the quotes Subboor mentioned are considered outdated in academia.
If Islam works doesn't mean it's would you debunk it..
False analogy
I wanna talk to this guy.
Nick Ross go ahead do it.. son..
He thinks he's In a power position.
The guy standing on fence in a dress asserts that we can thank muslims for science, he went on to say, that we wouldn't be as advanced in science without islam, next minute, muslims argue that science is not reliable hahahahaha
So islam is the reason why science is unreliable, thankyou islam..
hello !
Fact Checker a magnificent response sir, I love you 😘
you guys realize they doing taqiyah right? that other guys is not atheist, he is muslim .
Idiots always go on about taqiya
I’m an ethiest but he’s rubbish at making us look good the Muslim is just saying shit and he’s just kinda agreeing sometimes
My muslim brother destroyed that atheist , that atheist has alot to learn
Abu Musa Religion is a mental illness.
it's exactly the opposite, atheist believe that all this fine tunning of the universe came by chance that is insanity
What fine tuning of the universe?
the religious zealot was yelling at a bystander, who did not share his ridiculous religious belief.
how do you possible see he was destroyed?
the fact is we have a lack in the belief of your god or any others, just like you have a lack of belief in all gods except your own.
in fact sir you are an atheist an uneducated one at that.
Muslims borrwed science and tech from India, China, Greece and other places. The science and tech of those days was well medieval and backward.
Lol, you religious nut jobs don't know how to think. Like seriously...
@Darth Shadow The correct way to form this question is : " How was the first cell formed? "
Answer is, nobody knows yet....
Just because we don't know something doesn't mean you get to make up a fairytale and pretend you know the answer. Be honest and say "I don't know" to questions who's answers you don't know.
@Darth Shadow How life started isn't a theory. It's a hypothesis.
Nobody said Abiogenesis is complete in the first place. Science never made that claim.
@Darth Shadow Lol what?
Abiogenesis is a hypothesis. What do you mean it failed. Lol.
Bottom line is, nobody knows how life started. Pls be honest enough to accept this rather than invoke magic as your justification. That isn't how thinking people reason.
@Darth Shadow lol, that's why I made my original comment.
So if you can't find any answer to a question.....god did it is your response. Lol. This is why all of the scientific community across the globe keeps religion out of the class room.
@Darth Shadow Evolution is a fact. If you don't agree, that doesn't make a difference. What makes organisms change over a period of time, thats the theory.
Fyi, a theory means it has supporting evidence. Pls do more research. You're getting confused between what a theory is and what a hypothesis is.
The Muslim guy loses again.
He sounds as if his argument is strong but it is just a debate tactic.
His Muslim friend (Abdul Hamid) laughing at atheist during conversation,power poses,having higher volume than opponent,misquoting the other debator.
These are old tricks my friend.Clearly these bearded kids don't know an iota of science.
His opponent was clearly ignorant, you can only disbelieve in Islam if you’re ignorance or dishonest
Death for apostacy,believing in a winged horse,slavery,taking wives of the war captives,scientific errors and ambiguity,the great problem of Hadiths in Islam,the result of Islam in terrorism and the list is endless.
There are far better religions and a way of life than Islam.
Take Sikhi for example is a better religion than Islam in my opinion.
@@RishabSinghRocky who cares about your opinion?
@@afifazani5300 lol,you replied to the comment which means you care...
@@afifazani5300 Who cares ? Ignorant muslims like you who want to look after the image of Islam on social media.
I'm a Filipino atheist ,I have a simple question to all believers of gods and goddess..Why god or creator, created her own enemy or Satan.. what a bullshit story,its a fantasy book.
darwel ramos read the story of Adam
First of all, god can create evil and good
And most importantly, the Satan is an enemy to humanity rather than god.
@@rayandaas1695 we are not Christians. Satan is a creation. God made angels out of light, Jinns out of fire and the best of creation humans out of soil. Angels have no freewill. Humans and jinns have freewill so we have the ability to disobey our creator but the angels can't. We humans can be better than the angels or worse than animals. Satan is a jinn who got the title of Satan after his his disbelief.
To astray ppl like u and don't think upon even yourself just write a comment here without research and study 🙏👍
I'm a Filipino atheist ,I have a simple question to all believers of gods and goddess..Why god or creator, created her own enemy or Satan.. what a bullshit story,its a fantasy book.
Allah created satan to see who follows his evilness. Some other religions think that satan is the balanced power with god whish completely false no one creats something that is more powerful than him