Thank you so much, Vanessa! It is very informative and I am planning to replicate it soon with another painting to see how I can apply the same process! Awesome results!
Thank you so much Ness, this was fascinating. I'm very interested in this process, as I have a lot of traditional art work that I would like to try making into patterns. You have given me hope that it's possible to use my prior work!
Thank you Vanessa! That's very usefull!
Thank you hun, I'm glad it was helpful!
Thank you so much, Vanessa! It is very informative and I am planning to replicate it soon with another painting to see how I can apply the same process! Awesome results!
Thank you for doing this collaboration with me, it was great!
@@ArtBusinesswithNess ❤ Thank you too!🥰
Thank you so much Ness, this was fascinating. I'm very interested in this process, as I have a lot of traditional art work that I would like to try making into patterns. You have given me hope that it's possible to use my prior work!
Yay I'm glad it was helpful! Traditional paintings make gorgeous, very unique patterns :) You should definitely use them!
Omg you’re amazing 😭 whatta life saver ❤
I'm so glad you found the video helpful!
I love it! But at the end I got a bit lost with how should you save it to use later… or just like a normal PSD…
You can do file/export as PNG and it will export just the repeating tile, ready to use!