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So basically you’re saying to suck on their boots huh? And then ya tell us not to reach around and then ya tell us to record the interaction. Well don’t ya think the fiddling with the phone constitutes movement that could be fearsome to a paranoid piggy? Your confusing us man, ya say not to do and they ya say do.
My son and I, he was 5 yrs old at the time were traveling down the road when a woman ran a red light nearly crashing into me, she honked at me, cussed at me and made a point to get next to me at the next red light. While she was screaming at me as if it were me who ran the red light I calmly told her that she was lucky she didn't hurt my son... she then commenced to following me, finally after about a mile of her following and tailgating me I called the police. The dispatcher informed me that the woman had called 911 already and was on the phone with them accusing me of pointing a firearm at her. I pulled over at a Walgreen's with 911 still on the phone where I met the police. she was just up the road at another gas station with other police. The police asked me if I had any guns, I did not, It was very unusual that I was unarmed but this is the rare time when I was glad I was not armed. They searched my truck and found some gun parts but no gun.... I heard through the radio that the woman had finally admitted that I did not pull a gun on her. The saddest part of the whole issue was that they let the woman go, no charges at all even after falsely reporting that I had pointed a gun at her, searched my vehicle, and nearly causing a crash where my son could have been seriously harmed or worse. I think that a person falsely accusing someone of a crime should get the same penalty as the crime they are falsely reporting.
anyone that falsely accuses/reports should be charged the same penalty of that of the falsely accused crime. This would stop a lot of it and make others think twice. But we live in a weak country atm, but one can dream about fair justice...one day.
@@terryhsley3808 True!! But people are IGNORANT and got CONDITIONED to PAY & REGISTER vehicles…. while we have THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL FREELY…. and that “DRIVING LICENSE” and “ CAR REGISTRATION “ is used against The Second Amendment.. ** The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit ofhappiness.
freedom is a concept that needs more talk and understanding, most do not understand it the constitution and specifically the bill of rights is an expression of the parameters required for an INDIVIDUAL to have freedom they are representative of inborn, inalienable, nature rights that ALL humans of the earth have, and the removal of such rights is what takes away freedom autonomy, free will, are supressed, subverted, in society/civilization (which is based on enslaavement of humans and control of them, the land, the resources on the land which people depend to live - free to live on the earth is a concept to consider and process towards)
@ I don’t need to read.. I already read more than most people!! There could be no RIGHT to a commodity at the expense of OTHERS’ RIGHTS! It simple, it’s BIBLICAL! The GIFT OF CHARITY is what we are SUPPOSED TO DO, but not at the “gun point “ of GOVERNMENT!
The ONLY time I'm okay with being barred from carrying, is when there are metal detectors and armed guards. Otherwise they're just making us a soft target with an open invitation to bad actors. 😕
I don't remember the part in the Constitution that says you're not allowed to bear arms if you had a glass of wine with your dinner. End qualified immunity. sue every single time.
The secret Good and Plenty clause, written backwards in Esperanto, with invisible ink. Common mistake to forget about it. They tend to keep quiet about its importance for obvious reasons.
@glennwhis There were no "cops" when the bill of rights was adopted. "Cops" are nothing more than a group of people who got together and told the public that they are in charge of you. And also told the public that they can not create their own group of cops.
0:04 “We have a second amendment right to bear arms, the problem…” that we have allowed states and municipalities to override a federal amendment, stating “shall not be infringed“. They will chip away at this until you are simply not allowed to have a firearm.
@@jamespattan5653 I have read the entire second amendment. Is very clear. I am not “cherry picking”, but it does seem like certain states are cherry picking. Well, regulated refers to a well equipped militia. The militia is the people, not an army. Security of a free state refers to security against government tyranny. My argument is still valid.
@@jamespattan5653 the right of the people….its the crucial part. A well regulated militia means a well armed and trained. The statement covers the reasoning behind the amendment. Shall not be infringed means the government has no right to interfere, period
laws are the opposite of freedom countries/states are cages laws are chains governments are wardens military/police are guards the masses are kept domesticated slaaves to serve the ruling class/perpetuate the enslaavement creation of government creates a ruling class - this is an extension, refinement of 'kingdoms, empires, dynasties" - slaaves becames 'serfs' became 'subjects' became 'citizens'
Really disappointing this long after Bruen, to still be hearing a lawyer spouting cautions against unconstitutional 'prohibited places', clearly identified as beyond the reach of prohibition.
Makes one wonder why even carry cause it appears to me to be a double standard & trying to find an insurance company that'll back you up is next to impossible. It's all about the $.
I was recently pulled over for speeding, after the explanation of why i got pulled over, he asked me if i had any weapons, to which i responded "I have my legal handgun in the car" just out of habit i turned in the direction of my weapon and he said " Now dont reach for yours and i wont reach for mine, just tell me where it is." I did and he was happy with that. He told me to slow down and have a good night. God i love living in Indiana. Keep up the great work bruddah
@@hillbillytarzan I think the law in Indiana you are required to disclose if asked. Of course you could lie or refuse, which doing so could escalate the situation but… yeah.
In some cases, you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Take the recent example of a man in Florida who was legally carrying a concealed handgun and was stopped for a traffic violation. According to the media reporting, he was not required by law to declare that he was carrying, but he voluntarily made the declaration to the police officer. She ordered him out of the car, of course, and did a pat-down before acting to disarm him during the stop. The police spokesman says, "The weapon discharged," shooting the man in the leg. Yeah, all by itself, riiight...
How about the young man killed in his own home because he was answering the door while armed... the cops never gave him a chance to put the weapon down.
Does that include giving a president a free pass on breaking the law while he’s in office, lol? If something’s not written in black and white in the US Constitution, then the SCOTUS shouldn’t say that it’s implied! That’s the kind of thing that will come back to bite the Court before it’s over!
One of the reasons I chose not to move to Texas is that signs prohibiting firearms carry the force of law behind them, even for private retail businesses. That’s total BS. If I walk into Costco here in Nevada with a firearm and ignore their sign, they can tell me to leave, but have no legal recourse whatsoever unless I refuse to leave, then it’s only a trespassing. In Texas, proper signage at a business entrance has the force of law, so if I walk into Costco and ignore it, I can immediately be arrested. Such an atrocious anti-second amendment law, in a state that is allegedly, supposedly a pro-gun state.
@@buyaj7693 You are correct. Being asked to leave does not appy to prohibited places by law. If that's all that happens you'd be lucky, it's usally cops and bracelets if it's listed in law. It's the same in FL.
sane deal in FL you are only told to leave, but the new close to constutitional carry, federal law if your found with weapon 1000 from school even driving buy if you dont have the permit renewal is 57 bucks for 7 yrs but also allows you to walk in the gun store and after the instant check your deliverd the weapon no permit travel back after 3 days so a businessman who has weapon and it breaks and tomorrow your going to transport jewlrey to your 2nd store and have been robbed your vulnerable . bad law in fl even accidental display say you trip and coat flys open and cop sees it its a felony good were allowed a safe warning shot prohipited by law a smaller list than some states but dont forget . one part in PA my old state all courthouses by law must have lockboxes at the public entrances and low cost for permit
@@remocres Dude, if you're in FL support HB 31. Removes a lot of language in our hodgepodge if then therefores. Cuts it so much cleaner and less confrontational in just doing what we do everyday. Funny, I have a friend from PA who won't even go back for weddings or funerals in his home state because of their laws and lack of pre-emption (though that may have changed).
Business' that prohibit the carry of a weapon in their establishment are also subject to law suits for not providing enough protection/security is you are injured while not having your weapon. This means that the security needs to be equal or better to what I can provide myself. No mall cop will ever come close to that standard.
If i ever become governor i am adopting a policy that if ANY cop disarms ANY citizen or appears on youtube in any video of negative capacity they will automatically be fired and lose their credentials in my state
I would say that most are not that, but I think you only have to deal with the dredge of society for so long before you become jaded and suspicious. You ever walked up to someone’s car at night not being able to see in?
That’s what I was thinking too (and asked ^) Field sobrieties are so subjective.. not everyone is well balanced sober or not, or even standing on one leg, for whatever reason
True, never give evidence against yourself. FST are evidence gathering tools. I openly refuse to do FST. Loosing license for a year is way better than a DUI. I do not drink, but there are many people in jail who do not and was not drinking because of a failed FST.
@@marcrud1250 Your Lawyer would probably tell you different. You realize those tests are designed for you to fail and just used as a pretext for the cop to search you and start looking inside of your now open car door for anything he can use to arrest you .... right?
@_Coffee4Closers You (myself especially) Never submit to any sobriety tests... Even high school kids know this. Cut straight to the breathalyzer because, I know that shuts it down when I blew ZERO. ZERO.....
I must say, The Constitution says Nothing about Purchasing Permission to carry my own defense weapon from the very people I intend to defend myself against.
Oh, we're way beyond that. We've allowed them to chip away at this so much.Just like taxes, we've allowed them to get this far, there's no going back, we b**** about this.We b**** about that, but we never actually do anything about it it's getting to the point where you're in some states.You can't even defend yourself unless you want to end up in jail
Couple of interesting points. In Tennessee, the posted business laws says that in order to be a lawfully posted building, EVERY entrance to that building must be posted. In the early oughts, I used to work at a mall. I was a closer at the business I worked at and would regularly carry bank deposits to the bank. The mall was posted at all entrances except ONE. I would use that entrance every time, with a small pocket pistol on my person. I went by that mall a few months ago, and while the original businesses are long gone, but the door remains unposted. A few years ago, I got pulled over for speeding. As I was flipping through my ID'S for my license, the county deputy saw my carry permit. "You got your firearm on you?" "Yes." "Where's it at?" "Uh, it's on my left hip." "Why didn't you tell me about it?" "Well, you didn't ask." "You need to tell a police officer you're carrying a firearm as soon as they approach your window." "Ma'am, that's actually not what the law says. I am intimately familiar with what the Tennessee state law says about disclose, and I have fully complied to the letter of the law." What the law says is if an officer explicitly asks you if you're possessing a firearm, you are required to tell them. There is zero duty to volunteer that information on your own. She wasn't happy, but she knew I was right. And surprisingly let me off with a verbal warning on the speeding.
@@ianstradian and what are you going to do if your attacker has been drinking and points his weapon at you or the crowd in the bar where you are partying with your family or friends. You saying your right to save yourself no longer matters? Remember the big mass shooting at the ~~~ bar in Florida ! We don’t give our right to breath nor to live just because we have a glass of wine! Maybe we have a designated driver who is our designated body guard ? This is not in the 2A … or is it?
@@ianstradian so what if u are attacked by a drinking assailant while having a glass with your family at anniversary or New Year's party in public ( or private) ? How r u going to defend against deadly attack?
Same here and @billjones5178, the answer is in his response, he would still be prepared because he would either “not consume” *or* “have a single drink”.
@@billjones5178 In that scenario he will still be armed and prepare to defend because he said he will either (1) “not consume alcohol” *or* (2) “have a *single* drink”.
@@billjones5178 His answer is in his response, he would still be armed and prepared to defend. He would either “not consume” *or* “have a single drink”.
When cops ask "Do you have a weapon in the vehicle" why can't you just answer. "I don't answer questions". Or "I'm exercising my 5th amendment right not to answer questions". Also what sane person would agree to do a field sobriety test? I would only ever agree to a blood test at a hospital. I'm not leaving my future up to the opinion of an officer on how well I walk. I've had serious back injuries so I already don't walk so well, but I don't have any problems driving.
it's called "duty to report" and is subtly included in a lot of law language, for various things. In my state, in a traffic stop with a cpl/ccw the paperwork you signed to get that cpl/ccw says you have a duty to and WILL report. Additionally and similar, when you apply for a drivers license, in most if not all states, in the paperwork you sign that you are preemptively agreeing to submit bac/urine sample if suspected of a dui under penalty of default suspension of your license for a year
Police read from the card so they are 100% sure (and you are 100% sure) that your rights have been read correctly. Government doesn’t want the charge thrown out because the officer misplaced a word or read them incorrectly. I see nothing wrong with police dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s.
@@OctaneExpress we should publish and carry with us copies of the laws , rights and court rulings that preserve our rights to carry, and restrictions on gov that prevent them from any illegal search and seizure! Pass cops copies when necessary!
2:32 It was my understanding that you can't be arrested simply for entering a building with a sign. They can ask you to leave or secure your weapon in your vehicle - but NOT have you arrested unless you refuse.
In Pennsylvania they know if you got a carriers permit from the plate reader. My buddy got pulled over at midnight, cop demanded his gun and permit. Cop came back with a bad attitude confiscated his gun and told him he will be charged with a felony for having a fake carriers permit. The loser cop typed in his permit number wrong that came back to another person in a different county. My buddy went to the police station and demanded his gun back. At least they apologized for screwing everything up
@johnleca handguns bought in PA are registered. But if you have some other unregistered ones you got when you lived in a red state. If they run your serial number and it comes back to nobody's name. Cops will take it and keep it for themselves or give it to their family members. I've seen it happen. I've also had 4000 rds stolen from me from Cops then deny they ever took it
@@brettcatterall7761 Interesting I am an ex Philly pig and have encountered firearms that did not come back with specific owner information. Unless the serial number comes back with an NCIC/PCIC hit it stays with the owner or if the serial number is obliterated then I would have taken it. It sounds like you encountered pig cops that are thieves and criminals. Always file a written complaint although pigs investigating pigs usually results in nothing BUT it may generate a paper trail or contribute. Merry Christmas.
I've had that happen to me. I've NEVER surrendered my weapon. I always called for a sergeant or lieutenant. Higher ranking officer shows up and tells me to have a nice day and I'm free to go.
@@bdub0983 just let them assume that all persons they encounter have right to carry, and we have not shot anyone today , so what are they worried about? They are armed. They have body armor. Cameras. Dogs, & radios and backup , helicopters and swat! They still afraid to talk to a person who lawfully carries and has done no harm! Maybe they should keep on trucking stop no one or flip burgers if they are afraid of the general public !
An estimated 250,000 civilian injuries are caused by law enforcement officers annually. More than 600 innocent people are killed by law enforcement in the U.S. each year.
Way back in the 80’s I was pulled over for a minor vehicle infraction. I handed my CC along with my drivers license. The officer asked for my firearm to be”check” to see if it was stolen. I refused. Two back up officers and a trooper later I drove off without surrendering my firearm.
11:53 "make sure you get out slowly. You move very slowly ..." And since a cop can turn absolutely everything into suspicion he'll happily say you were lethargic and therefore impaired. 🍺 I love that you used Tayvin Galanakis in this video. The cops intrepreted his 💯 normal movements in the car as uncoordinated and impaired. His perfectly normal speech as slurred. There was zero he could have done to avoid arrest.
100% !! Even when,you think,you're just getting groceries,gas,or any innocent life errands, you may end up in jail or major money, demanded, before you get back home!!? This is so scary and just a joke,to so called "democracy "!
That is some really good advice. A lot of this all comes down to common sense as well. A police officer is simply another human being and their job is never the same from one traffic stop to another so that is why I never liked the term 'routine traffic stop" because there is nothing ever routine about a traffic stop. Police officers know this so it stands to reason why they are or can be a bit reactive to someone who makes a sudden movement. I always keep my hands on the wheel and when speaking to the officer I make constant eye contact. I also try and address the officer by last name and rank. It shows the officer respect at least that's how I see it. I always have my firearm on my and in my car and to be honest, I am so calm and I never get upset even if someone cuts me off because I tend to avoid any type of conflict at all. Carrying makes me want to NOT use my firearm. Having a firearm is such a bigger responsibility than a lot of people think including myself. I have to constantly update my self awareness as I move from place to place so as to prevent from getting into a situation where I have to use deadly force. Anyway, nice video!
I live in Texas and carry with a license. Texas has 2 groups of carry, Constitutional and Licensed. Each type has it's own rules and signage. The 51% sign is the 3rd area and it covers both carry groups. The best example I can give is our local Theater. It only posts the signage restricting Constitutional Carry and allows Licensed Carry patrons. In my opinion, the 51% sign is difficult to navigate because it's generally posted on the wall behind the Bar which means you don't find out until your already inside. There are phone APPS in Texas you can search your destination in advance which really helps me choose where I want to spend my money.
There are quite a few lawyers that make videos similar to yours. Yours cover the best subjects, are clear, concise, and offer the best advice. Very well done.
From a legal perspective, it is different depending on what state you live in. For instance in IL, municipal parks are prohibited places, state parks are not prohibited, buildings in state parks are prohibited, county forest preserves are not prohibited, but Cook County forest preserves are prohibited. Confusing enough?
and people are being manipulated to call for more authoritarianism and control-systems freedom does not come in a cage with walls, with more surveillance, requirements for "ID" and consequences for not providing when shown, etc.
but cowards love positions of power to feel safe. the police should be banned and only the sheriffs department should enforce the law (they are the only constitutionally approved law enforcement agency)
I am so glad that in Indiana the sign does not carry the force of law. All they can do is ask you to leave. If you don't they can call the cops on you for trespassing.
I got pulled over and the cop asked if i had any weapons. Of course i do. He asked for my permit so i handed him my pocket size constitution.. he was not amused.
do not consent to searches & seizures. do not consent to field sobriety tests ever. do not answer questions. invoke your right to remain silent & right to an attorney if questioned.
You sir, are one DAMN FINE attorney. When you said "the odor of an alcoholic beverage" in the beginning... only cops and ESQ's know that. Speaking from years of professional experience in these areas.
Some years ago, I was a plainclothes/plain car officer and got stopped for a center line fault. Knowing the officer safety concerns, I slowly put both hands on the steering wheel and said "I am legally carrying a gun. It is on my belt. The holster blocks my wallet containing my license. How do you want to do this?" No problem. Some years later, still a plainclothes officer/car with my infant son and wife (not an infant) I got stopped in a MacDonald's parking lot for carrying a concealed gun. I put the gun on the floor of the car, got out, turned around, and put my hands on the roof of the car. One officer yelled "STOP THAT!" I said "It's on the driver side floor. My BADGE is in my left rear pocket." They didn't recognize me (I was stationed in another city in the state where our headquarters was) and started asking all about my (state) agency. I wanted to ask how they knew I was carrying if it was concealed--they had actually stopped me for a non-concealed gun an officer saw when I got out of the car to throw away my trash! Open carry was not controlled in my state at that time, so I had not committed any crime and saw no need for five cars with flashing lights. I didn't know I looked so much a badass! I didn't want to antagonize obviously rookie (or stupid) officers, so I didn't say it. After I retired, I got a LEOSA carry license (federal 2004 Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act) which allowed retired officers to carry concealed anywhere in the country where any sworn) officer could carry: It was after 9/11 and Congress wanted to get more trained/armed people on the streets (no power of arrest). You had to pass a laws test and qualify with the weapon every year. We could carry SOME places local officers couldn't, but very few departments even knew something like this existed, so most of us carried printouts of the law in out pockets with us. I later joined a local sheriff's office and their administrators/training officers didn't know about it, even in 2017. I DID get rousted in a federal courthouse once for carrying a disposable Bic razor in my briefcase---the local judge had meant no straight razors, and I had no intention to shave anyone within an inch of their lives, but rules is rules!! I no longer do this as I'm now disabled and cannot pass the qualification test, so I don't know if it's still a thing, or if restrictions have been placed on it by now.
I have worked municipal law enforcement in Illinois, Federal law enforcement in Maine, Virginia, Georgia, and finally, municipal law enforcement here in my home state of Wyoming. I am not in law enforcement anymore, as I am now disabled and can no longer physically perform the duties required by law enforcement. Open carry and concealed carry is legal here in Wyoming, without a permit, and without a concealed carry license. Here in Wyoming, we typically have an AR15 (7.62) rifle for self defense, and 17 HMR semi automatic rifle for small game and varmints, and a long range rifle (30-06, 300 win mag) for big game animals. The number of vehicle vs deer, antelope, elk, moose, bears, large Angus cattle, and in growing numbers, American Bison accidents are increasing, each year, in our big sparsely populated state. We keep our rifles in our trucks and SUVs to dispatch any road injured big game, varmints, and stray dogs hit and injured, but not killed in the vehicle vs animal accidents. Waiting for a lone deputy on duty in the whole county, or waiting on a super trooper to show up during their required 350 miles per day patrol area, or municipal police who are typically too busy with their communities to drive 25 to 75 miles, or more, out of town to assist with a vehicle vs animal accidents, not involving injuries to humans in the vehicle. We typically call the local police dispatch office and ask for permission to end the suffering of animals involved in the vehicle vs animal accident. If no law enforcement response is within 25 miles of the vehicle vs animal accident, the dispatcher will contact an on duty law enforcement officer and request permission for a citizen to end the suffering of the injured animal. When we call in to police dispatch, they run our information by name and DOB, to ensure we are legally allowed to possess firearms, so when the law enforcement officer does finally arrive on scene, they run our officers already know who was given permission to end the suffering of the injured animals, and will include our information in their short one page traffic report. Out of state people ask, “Don’t you worry about someone breaking into your truck and stealing your rifles?” Our answer is always, “No. Because the common sense people are always afraid the owner of the truck and rifles are not too far away, and we will always carry a handgun to protect our property.” Just last year, an idiot, vacationing in Cody Wyoming from New Jersey, was in the process of trying to steal the rifles from a truck owned by an area ranch hand. As we use locking gun racks in our trucks and SUVs, the New Jersey idiot had already smashed the side window and was struggling with the locking mechanism of the rifle rack, when the ranch hand owner walked up, called 911 to report the attempted theft, and then drew his handgun out, and told the New Jersey idiot, “Junior, you are about to meet Jesus. I hope you have all your affairs in order. Get out of my truck and lay down on the ground while we wait for the police to arrive.” The New Jersey idiot was arrested, charged, and sentenced to 3 to 5 years felony burglary and attempted theft of firearms. The ranch hand owner was not arrested or charged for any reason, as the prosecutor said the vehicle owner was defending his private property, even though the vehicle was parked in the Wal-Mart parking lot. 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, and 1st Amendment rights are sacred here in Wyoming. Miranda Rights are strictly protected in Wyoming. Wyoming is a We The People Constitutional Republic state.
Yes, at %:30 on "brandishing a firearm". The bit you quoted says " ..., or otherwise make the presence of a firearm known to another person to intimidate that person, regardless of whether the firearm is directly visible to that person". So simply telling someone that you have a gun, or having a "weapons on board" sign would suffice.
Some good information presented here. Lots of laws stacked to snag a regular citizen. Very important to know these things to avoid getting killed, locked up and or in deep shit.
On the brandishing issue, when we lived in Seattle, I exited I-5 and pulled into a gas station. When I pulled up to the pump, a car drove up and stopped immediately behind us. It was only me and my infant daughter in her car seat. A guy, red-faced and yelling got out of the other vehicle with a pistol in his hand. He brought the pistol up, and holding it in two hands, he started screaming about me cutting him off. Had I cut him off? I don't know. I hadn't seen him or his vehicle in my life. But even if I had, it wasn't intentional. Why would i risk my child's life, my life, and the lives of other people on the interstate? What was definitely intentional was that he was pointing a pistol at me and the car that my child was sleeping in. He could've yelled at me. He could've cursed me. He could've taken down my license plate and reported it to the police. Instead, what was his go to? To threaten my life. My experience with firearms began at FT Benning, and what was one of the first things that the drill sergeants taught us? "Do not point your weapon at anyone that you don't want to kill." Was that his intention? I explained to him that I hadn't seen his car, and some other people at the pumps said that the police were on their way. He got back into his car, called me an asshole, and drove off. Almost twenty years later, I'm still angry at that cowardly punk.
@@pilgrimwings1295 I enjoyed my time in service, and no, I didn't think about getting his number. I was worried about the baby. I'm grateful for the other people at the pumps. Their bluff scared him off.
@@tangotango256 Thank you for your service as well. I went through infantry OSUT at Harmony Church the summer of 1979. I was never stationed there, but I was stationed at FT Stewart years later.
SUGGESTION: (For those who rarely get pulled over by law enforcement) A few years back a close friend shared these details about a traffic stop by local police: 1) Before the officer got to his truck, he dialed 911, told dispatch he was stopped by police, shared that he had a bad feeling about the stop. 2) Dispatch asked him what was the problem, he stated that he didn't know why the officer stopped him and that he needed them to monitor the situation, he then placed his phone in its upright mount on the dash after activating Speaker Mode. 3) He notified the officer that 911 dispatch was on the phone, pointed to his phone to show the call was LIVE. HE DID NOT RECEIVE A CITATION.
My personal feeling is if the situation is serious enough that you have to remove your weapon from it's holster you have to use it. A firearm is not for warning or intimidation, they have one singular purpose.
@@larryfinley9221 If someone is thoughtful about future possible litigation then they probably aren't in a situation where they need to draw their weapon and defend themselves. There are consequences for carrying a firearm and also for not carrying one. If 'dead' is preferable to possibly going to prison then don't carry. The reasonable man rule is about sound judgement, anyone who lacks that shouldn't carry a firearm anyway.
Well, I hope you never have to test that theory. I have diffused two situations simply with the presence of my firearm in my hand. If I had shot, would I still be a free man ? I can't say for certain. Be safe out there.
@Freeeeeeeedoooooooom Yeah, me too. Carrying isn't a game or an extension of ego. The people who do violence as a form of entertainment should know what's at stake. I'm old and have gotten this far without having to use the Texas defense... With any luck I will never have to.
The thing is, asking someone "Do you have weapons" is a massive trick question because there is no way to answer it. If you say "yes" you've gone and done it, and if you say "no" they are "trained not to believe you." Do an episode on that dilemma Mr. Lawbertarian
It’s best to paint a picture of normality for them so they don’t think you’ve recently lost your mind and out there looking for trouble. “Officer, I regularly carry protection and yes it’s on me right now. I’m not going to reach anywhere near it. I carry it in a holster on my right hip under my shirt.” It’s a little better than “yes”. Then they know the what, where and why. Eliminate questions before they have to ask them. You’ve even given them the “when”. Always. I always have it. It’s not that I’m out here angrily carrying something just tonight.
Well, it’s been my experience that dealing with police officers on the side of the road your first rule is this: be polite. If you’re polite, and reasonably aware of the situation, it is less likely for the officer to give you a hassle. However, this does not mean that they won’t give you a hassle at all, but it will put them at their ease, just a little bit more. The second rule: think before you speak. This one should probably be rule one, but I think it’s actually better as rule too.
A Conceal carry license is a permission slip you volunteered for to give up your right to keep and bear arms. Also, any law that says you can only carry in this place or time is a violation of the 2nd. Having to treat the police with kid gloves only for them to be able to beat, kill and violate your rights without any recourse shows we all live in Police States.
It does more than that. It informs the officer that you have passed a Criminal Background check and are not a criminal. They usually relax and stop fishing for suspension at that point.
Here in KY you don't need a permit. If you can legally own a gun and over 21, you can carry concealed and you don't have to immediately inform an officer.
I don't need a permit in Florida either. But there are still good reasons to have one. Weapons like clubs, long knives and slungshots (not a typo) are legal to have with a permit. Still illegal without. @@hillbillytarzan
A couple notes. 1. You are not required by law to submit to a field sobriety test, however you can be taken to jail for a blood draw if you refuse to blow in a breathalyzer. 2. You are correct the police can tell you to step out of the vehicle for officer safety, however most police when they tell you to step out of the vehicle they will claim they can demand it for any reason, which is obviously a lie. 3. There's absolutely no way I'm just going to hand over or allow an officer to confiscate my firearm "for their safety". The reason I have it in the first place is for MY safety. The only reason they need to touch it is if I'm being arrested.
All that sounds really good. I have a question for you: When our second amendment apply and obey the law of the land protected for the people by the people? Since when codes and statuses take superiority over the Constitution of the United States of America? The truth is corporate policy are not law and if they presumed to be law they are colorable law and never been ratified. These advices are nothing but compliance to foreign officers paid by the county to violate our rights. No one have the authorityto rule over another man if he or she is not his property or his slave. Under the law of the land, we all are equal and ones would have more rights or power over another.
As the establishment that has posted "no weapons" signs at their door has no legal responsibility for your safety, I choose to ignor these signs. The only time I disarm is if I know there will be a metal detector at the entrance. If you are effectively concealing your firearm, nobody will notice. If you do need it in a posted establishment, go ahead and charge me with tresspassing. I will have made my point!
Business' that prohibit the carry of a weapon in their establishment are also subject to law suits for not providing enough protection/security is you are injured while not having your weapon. This means that the security needs to be equal or better to what I can provide myself. No mall cop will ever come close to that standard.
When it comes to “Duty to Disclose”, California does not require it, but the county I live in requires, as a condition of my CCW, that I disclose every time I have official interaction with law enforcement.
I could not even get past your first one without laughing. Not surprising coming from an attorney. On the first one, you would state I don’t answer questions. And you never submit to any test.
I live out here in Wyoming...a very gun-friendly state. During any traffic stop I always say, early in the encounter (with my hands on the steering wheel at 10 and 2, with fingers extended), "Officer, so there are no unpleasant surprises, I would like to inform you that I am legally carrying concealed on my right hip." The most I've ever gotten is, "Just keep your hands away from that right hip."
Get out of the car and lock the doors with the keys visible inside. I keep a spare hidden under the car so no problem getting back into the car after the officer leaves.
32% of Americans own a gun. So majority doesn't. I suspect that majority may not want to see your gun in the public building. Please, think about this. Minority shouldn't push their views on the majority.
@@UtseuskiOur civil rights are not subject to majority consent. Blacks are not a majority, and I’m sure many people feel uncomfortable around blacks; so, by your logic, perhaps they should be prohibited from public buildings as well.
@@Utseuski To me, THAT says only 32% ADMIT to owning a firearm. It's no one else's BUSINESS if I own a firearm, and IF you ask me, I'll deny it. YOU'RE in the "minority" here, sir.
@@UtseuskiAnd the majority don't have the right to push their views on the minority either. We live in a constitutional Republic. I guess you missed the part that stated building paid for by tax payers. Minority rights don't end where majority begin.
They need to take away these businesses ability to limit concealed carry on their premise. Shouldn't be considered private property if they're conducting public business. All that junk is infringement of the 2nd
Let's not forget that it is attorneys that made a mess of the "law" while you listen to an attorney explain how your rights have been infringed with excuses...
That depends where you are. Here in Arkansas you're only legally required to tell officers you're carrying if you have a CHCL (we also have constitutional carry). If you have no CHCL your only answer should be "I don't answer questions." Consult with a local lawyer about anything before trying it
Better off just getting the CCP. I lived in Arkansas for 40 years and the cops never gave me any issues while carrying, as long as I handed the CCL over with my DL. As I've also pointed out, it additionally helps to cover the carrying of non-firearm weapons.
My answer to if I know why i was pulled over is, "No. I'm guessing that maybe a taillight has gone out on me?" Ball is now in their court to explain why they pulled me over. Not a confession nor an admission of my knowledge of any situation.
Thankfully, in my state, there's no standard formatting for a sign prohibiting guns. So I can ignore them completely. They can't claim trespassing here unless they directly told me to leave and I refuse to leave at that point....not that I'm eager to spend money in any place that has one of those signs.
I have never seen a 51% sign, and have often wondered how a citizen is supposed to know that an establishment makes more than 50% of its income from the sale of alcoholic beverages. It makes sense that a sign should be required before a firearms carrier could be charged. Maybe I just don’t actually visit such establishments?
What has worked for me for 30years as a truck driver in California while legally armed. “I have a license;in my possession; to carry a concealed weapon and I am armed. How would you like to proceed?”
Signs mean nothing in oklahoma unless the type of location is prohibited by law (govt building, certain arena, bar) 5:20 I haven't done that since 91😂😂
In VT each time I was asked if I have a firearm on me I said yes. Pending wha situation you are in if you are at right vs other guilty party they don't care. Just asked for their safety. Also, we had a private business here that had a sign. No guns allowed, then they took the sign down means either the owner started carrying realizing that something might happen or he possibly might have gotten sued.Regardless the sign is gone.
Only pulled over once in last 10 years in Northern VT. Officer asked if I had a firearm in the vehicle. Asked him which State he came from, because any native VT cop would ask 'How many firearms are in your vehicle?'
We don't have a right to defend ourselves. If we did, there woud be few prohibited areas. In some cities, the entire city is one huge prohibited area, partly because of school zones.
Move slowly is a given now a days. Watched many episodes of cops I noticed they always shout for people to stand still / freeze just before the gun shots sounds as they cut to commercials.
I was guilty of #4. I had a friend tell me you don't need to disclose to the police if you are CC. While this is part true, if you get pulled over you don't need to disclose it but if the cop asks you, you are 100% legally bound to disclose it. Also do your own research.
If you have a permit you have to disclose it depending on the state( you agreed to do that when getting a permit) if you live in a permit-less state you don’t have to disclose regardless and they don’t have a right to seize your weapon without reasonable suspicion as you never agreed to anything restraining your rights.
5:45 based on this definition, when a cop approaches your vehicle with his hand resting on his pistol, he is brandishing his firearm. It has happened to me and it is very uncomfortable.
*Kinda funny (not really) that if you’re carrying in a state where “Open Carry” is legal so you don’t have a concealed permit, and your firearm is partially covered you can be charged with carrying a concealed weapon, at the same time if the exact same thing is true, except that you do have a concealed permit but ”Open Carry” is not legal, that partially covered firearm is not being concealed, it is being carried openly*
You should NEVER HAVE TO REACH FOR ANYTHING IN YOUR CAR! ALWAYS keep your insurance, registration and driver license strapped to your drivers side visor. When pulled over, be certain to keep your hands on the wheel, eyes front. When the oinker asks for your info, simply reach up and take it from the visor and hand it over and put your hands back on the steering wheel. In my state, there is no need to tell the oinker I am carrying a gun. I will refuse to answer even if he asks. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND INVOKE YOUR FIFTH AMENDMENT RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. NEVER CONSENT TO A SEARCH OF ANYTHING. PUT THAT OINKER IN HIS PLACE AND KEEP HIM THERE!
Your response tells all you just hate the police. In all my stops but one I received the ticket I deserved and it was a professional attitude and a friendly one.
@@davefletch3063 Never keep it in your phone. DO NOT HAND THAT COP YOUR PHONE! PRINT OUT THE NECESSARYY DOCUMENTS AND STRAP THEM TO YOUR DRIVER SIDE VISOR. That keeps you from having to reach for anything and keeps cops out of your phone.
Go to ground.news/Hampton to break free from media manipulation and stay informed on breaking news. Subscribe through my link for 50% off unlimited access this month.
So basically you’re saying to suck on their boots huh? And then ya tell us not to reach around and then ya tell us to record the interaction. Well don’t ya think the fiddling with the phone constitutes movement that could be fearsome to a paranoid piggy? Your confusing us man, ya say not to do and they ya say do.
@@hamptonlawfirm thanks for your like that means a lot coming from you. I appreciate your hard work us peons.
Do all these new firearms on premises in private facilities legally stand up to off duty law enforcement as well
Sounds like an argument for discrimination
Man....... You are a Great Lawyer I Wish I live in TEXAS 😊
My son and I, he was 5 yrs old at the time were traveling down the road when a woman ran a red light nearly crashing into me, she honked at me, cussed at me and made a point to get next to me at the next red light. While she was screaming at me as if it were me who ran the red light I calmly told her that she was lucky she didn't hurt my son... she then commenced to following me, finally after about a mile of her following and tailgating me I called the police. The dispatcher informed me that the woman had called 911 already and was on the phone with them accusing me of pointing a firearm at her. I pulled over at a Walgreen's with 911 still on the phone where I met the police. she was just up the road at another gas station with other police. The police asked me if I had any guns, I did not, It was very unusual that I was unarmed but this is the rare time when I was glad I was not armed. They searched my truck and found some gun parts but no gun.... I heard through the radio that the woman had finally admitted that I did not pull a gun on her. The saddest part of the whole issue was that they let the woman go, no charges at all even after falsely reporting that I had pointed a gun at her, searched my vehicle, and nearly causing a crash where my son could have been seriously harmed or worse. I think that a person falsely accusing someone of a crime should get the same penalty as the crime they are falsely reporting.
anyone that falsely accuses/reports should be charged the same penalty of that of the falsely accused crime. This would stop a lot of it and make others think twice. But we live in a weak country atm, but one can dream about fair justice...one day.
I would have insisted she be charged with "Swatting", a federal crime.
@@louispawloski9123 some people are just sick
AND they should have to pay all court costs and lawyer fees of the person they wrongly accused if they lose a court case.
It's communism
According to the constitution, you are not required to pay a fee or obtain a license to exercise a right.
True!! But people are IGNORANT and got CONDITIONED to PAY & REGISTER vehicles…. while we have THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL FREELY…. and that “DRIVING LICENSE” and “ CAR REGISTRATION “ is used against The Second Amendment..
The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit ofhappiness.
freedom is a concept that needs more talk and understanding, most do not understand it
the constitution and specifically the bill of rights is an expression of the parameters required for an INDIVIDUAL to have freedom
they are representative of inborn, inalienable, nature rights that ALL humans of the earth have, and the removal of such rights is what takes away freedom
autonomy, free will, are supressed, subverted, in society/civilization (which is based on enslaavement of humans and control of them, the land, the resources on the land which people depend to live - free to live on the earth is a concept to consider and process towards)
You are right!
@@AlCatrraz what we have the right to is the pursuit of acquiring those things without being violated to do such
look up "american's creed"
I don’t need to read.. I already read more than most people!!
There could be no RIGHT to a commodity at the expense of OTHERS’ RIGHTS! It simple, it’s BIBLICAL!
The GIFT OF CHARITY is what we are SUPPOSED TO DO, but not at the “gun point “ of GOVERNMENT!
I’m sure the bad guys will obey the no weapons sign.
Of course, they will, and I am sure an order of protection is just as important.
Im sure the cops wont either.... on or off duity
That's the only ones that will have a weapon in those places. They take your ability to protect yourself against someone like that.
the bad guys control the laws and government
The ONLY time I'm okay with being barred from carrying, is when there are metal detectors and armed guards. Otherwise they're just making us a soft target with an open invitation to bad actors. 😕
I don't remember the part in the Constitution that says you're not allowed to bear arms if you had a glass of wine with your dinner. End qualified immunity. sue every single time.
I don’t remember the part of the constitution that says that you can’t bring a firearm to the airport, a school, a courthouse, or on private property.
Laws that violate the constitution are null and void..
Constitutional or not, it remains stupid.
No, not everyone is a drunk.
I know imagine us living in Toddler Nation where we can't even be like a gentleman and have a glass of wine
Where in the Constitution does it say that your rights are dependent upon a cops impression?
Police unions lobby for Unconstitutional laws.
The secret Good and Plenty clause, written backwards in Esperanto, with invisible ink.
Common mistake to forget about it. They tend to keep quiet about its importance for obvious reasons.
It doesn't. Alot of cops think they are above you the citizen
@glennwhis There were no "cops" when the bill of rights was adopted. "Cops" are nothing more than a group of people who got together and told the public that they are in charge of you. And also told the public that they can not create their own group of cops.
It's called traffic law.
Too many laws. Too many cops. Too much power from gang members to have authority over you for victimless crimes.
Can not infringe on.
A “victimless crime” isn’t a crime, at all.
But you local politician says “you will be fine, thank you for paying taxes so I get paid to control you 😂.”
The police are organized crime.
Yes Sir the blue sh-t skid mark gang members aka blue line gang are definitely working for the authoritarian scourge government's of America
0:04 “We have a second amendment right to bear arms, the problem…” that we have allowed states and municipalities to override a federal amendment, stating “shall not be infringed“. They will chip away at this until you are simply not allowed to have a firearm.
Only way to,fix it is for the people to stop cooperating with their oppression
@@davefletch3063correct, not only noncompliance, but they must re-establish their own authority by stripping the power from police and politicians
You can't just cherry pick parts you like. Read the entire amendment all together.
@@jamespattan5653 I have read the entire second amendment. Is very clear. I am not “cherry picking”, but it does seem like certain states are cherry picking. Well, regulated refers to a well equipped militia. The militia is the people, not an army. Security of a free state refers to security against government tyranny. My argument is still valid.
@@jamespattan5653 the right of the people….its the crucial part. A well regulated militia means a well armed and trained. The statement covers the reasoning behind the amendment. Shall not be infringed means the government has no right to interfere, period
These gun laws are such BS 😤 if cops can arrest you for carrying your gun , all laws for guns are a infringement
laws are the opposite of freedom
countries/states are cages
laws are chains
governments are wardens
military/police are guards
the masses are kept domesticated slaaves to serve the ruling class/perpetuate the enslaavement
creation of government creates a ruling class - this is an extension, refinement of 'kingdoms, empires, dynasties" - slaaves becames 'serfs' became 'subjects' became 'citizens'
Really disappointing this long after Bruen, to still be hearing a lawyer spouting cautions against unconstitutional 'prohibited places', clearly identified as beyond the reach of prohibition.
@@michaelsoper3610 this is about Fire Arms.. not Arms, as protected by the Constitution.
Please explain the Difference! It's always been my understanding that the 2nd Amendment Arms = Fire Arms!!??
Makes one wonder why even carry cause it appears to me to be a double standard & trying to find an insurance company that'll back you up is next to impossible. It's all about the $.
I was recently pulled over for speeding, after the explanation of why i got pulled over, he asked me if i had any weapons, to which i responded "I have my legal handgun in the car" just out of habit i turned in the direction of my weapon and he said " Now dont reach for yours and i wont reach for mine, just tell me where it is." I did and he was happy with that. He told me to slow down and have a good night. God i love living in Indiana. Keep up the great work bruddah
It was none of his business. You should have said, "............."
@@hillbillytarzan I think the law in Indiana you are required to disclose if asked. Of course you could lie or refuse, which doing so could escalate the situation but… yeah.
In some cases, you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Take the recent example of a man in Florida who was legally carrying a concealed handgun and was stopped for a traffic violation. According to the media reporting, he was not required by law to declare that he was carrying, but he voluntarily made the declaration to the police officer. She ordered him out of the car, of course, and did a pat-down before acting to disarm him during the stop. The police spokesman says, "The weapon discharged," shooting the man in the leg. Yeah, all by itself, riiight...
Also said it wasn’t a police involved shooting even though she shot him with his own gun. She had no clue on safely handling a firearm
@@reddfoxx9019 Yes, exactly. As I mentioned, "The weapon discharged," as if of its own volition.
@@arinerm1331didn't know Megatron was in Florida. That's concerning. Wonder what scheme he's planning.
That's why you never offer the information unless asked. No need for complications during a simple traffic stop.
How about the young man killed in his own home because he was answering the door while armed... the cops never gave him a chance to put the weapon down.
"All laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." -SCOTUS, Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Does that include giving a president a free pass on breaking the law while he’s in office, lol?
If something’s not written in black and white in the US Constitution, then the SCOTUS shouldn’t say that it’s implied! That’s the kind of thing that will come back to bite the Court before it’s over!
Exactly. Such an important landmark case people should know.
One of the reasons I chose not to move to Texas is that signs prohibiting firearms carry the force of law behind them, even for private retail businesses. That’s total BS. If I walk into Costco here in Nevada with a firearm and ignore their sign, they can tell me to leave, but have no legal recourse whatsoever unless I refuse to leave, then it’s only a trespassing. In Texas, proper signage at a business entrance has the force of law, so if I walk into Costco and ignore it, I can immediately be arrested. Such an atrocious anti-second amendment law, in a state that is allegedly, supposedly a pro-gun state.
I'm non-iconographic so I just carry on.
If you have a license then from my understanding they have to ask you to leave first. But I don't think it applies to 100% prohibited places by law
@@buyaj7693 You are correct. Being asked to leave does not appy to prohibited places by law. If that's all that happens you'd be lucky, it's usally cops and bracelets if it's listed in law. It's the same in FL.
sane deal in FL you are only told to leave, but the new close to constutitional carry, federal law if your found with weapon 1000 from school even driving buy if you dont have the permit renewal is 57 bucks for 7 yrs but also allows you to walk in the gun store and after the instant check your deliverd the weapon no permit travel back after 3 days so a businessman who has weapon and it breaks and tomorrow your going to transport jewlrey to your 2nd store and have been robbed your vulnerable . bad law in fl even accidental display say you trip and coat flys open and cop sees it its a felony good were allowed a safe warning shot prohipited by law a smaller list than some states but dont forget .
one part in PA my old state all courthouses by law must have lockboxes at the public entrances and low cost for permit
@@remocres Dude, if you're in FL support HB 31. Removes a lot of language in our hodgepodge if then therefores. Cuts it so much cleaner and less confrontational in just doing what we do everyday. Funny, I have a friend from PA who won't even go back for weddings or funerals in his home state because of their laws and lack of pre-emption (though that may have changed).
“The Right of the People to bear arms shall not be infringed.”
25 minute rundown of infringements….
Wish it made sense.
Business' that prohibit the carry of a weapon in their establishment are also subject to law suits for not providing enough protection/security is you are injured while not having your weapon. This means that the security needs to be equal or better to what I can provide myself. No mall cop will ever come close to that standard.
If cops are so fearful, fragile, and irrationally unpredictable, perhaps they shouldnt be cops.
If i ever become governor i am adopting a policy that if ANY cop disarms ANY citizen or appears on youtube in any video of negative capacity they will automatically be fired and lose their credentials in my state
I would say that most are not that, but I think you only have to deal with the dredge of society for so long before you become jaded and suspicious. You ever walked up to someone’s car at night not being able to see in?
@@fullthrottlemaxrpm I get what you are saying, but they signed up for the job. They knew what they were buying when they bought the package.
@@fullthrottlemaxrpm Then don't walk up on it. You have no business walking up on anyone.
😂 you applied for the job and were determined to be unfit.
NEVER consent to or do any "field sobriety test"... this guy is a lawyer and should know this.
That’s what I was thinking too (and asked ^)
Field sobrieties are so subjective.. not everyone is well balanced sober or not, or even standing on one leg, for whatever reason
True, never give evidence against yourself. FST are evidence gathering tools. I openly refuse to do FST. Loosing license for a year is way better than a DUI. I do not drink, but there are many people in jail who do not and was not drinking because of a failed FST.
No, I would like to take a breathalyzer and a supervisor please.
@@marcrud1250 Your Lawyer would probably tell you different. You realize those tests are designed for you to fail and just used as a pretext for the cop to search you and start looking inside of your now open car door for anything he can use to arrest you .... right?
@_Coffee4Closers You (myself especially) Never submit to any sobriety tests... Even high school kids know this.
Cut straight to the breathalyzer because, I know that shuts it down when I blew ZERO. ZERO.....
I must say, The Constitution says Nothing about Purchasing Permission to carry my own defense weapon from the very people I intend to defend myself against.
LOL great reply
Oh, we're way beyond that. We've allowed them to chip away at this so much.Just like taxes, we've allowed them to get this far, there's no going back, we b**** about this.We b**** about that, but we never actually do anything about it it's getting to the point where you're in some states.You can't even defend yourself unless you want to end up in jail
Couple of interesting points. In Tennessee, the posted business laws says that in order to be a lawfully posted building, EVERY entrance to that building must be posted. In the early oughts, I used to work at a mall. I was a closer at the business I worked at and would regularly carry bank deposits to the bank.
The mall was posted at all entrances except ONE. I would use that entrance every time, with a small pocket pistol on my person. I went by that mall a few months ago, and while the original businesses are long gone, but the door remains unposted.
A few years ago, I got pulled over for speeding. As I was flipping through my ID'S for my license, the county deputy saw my carry permit.
"You got your firearm on you?"
"Where's it at?"
"Uh, it's on my left hip."
"Why didn't you tell me about it?"
"Well, you didn't ask."
"You need to tell a police officer you're carrying a firearm as soon as they approach your window."
"Ma'am, that's actually not what the law says. I am intimately familiar with what the Tennessee state law says about disclose, and I have fully complied to the letter of the law."
What the law says is if an officer explicitly asks you if you're possessing a firearm, you are required to tell them. There is zero duty to volunteer that information on your own.
She wasn't happy, but she knew I was right. And surprisingly let me off with a verbal warning on the speeding.
You took away her power, fool. 😆
If I’m carrying concealed I will either not consume alcohol or have a single drink…. And I have kept this rule for myself for 20+ years now.
@@ianstradian and what are you going to do if your attacker has been drinking and points his weapon at you or the crowd in the bar where you are partying with your family or friends. You saying your right to save yourself no longer matters? Remember the big mass shooting at the ~~~ bar in Florida !
We don’t give our right to breath nor to live just because we have a glass of wine! Maybe we have a designated driver who is our designated body guard ? This is not in the 2A … or is it?
@@ianstradian so what if u are attacked by a drinking assailant while having a glass with your family at anniversary or New Year's party in public ( or private) ? How r u going to defend against deadly attack?
Same here and @billjones5178, the answer is in his response, he would still be prepared because he would either “not consume” *or* “have a single drink”.
@@billjones5178 In that scenario he will still be armed and prepare to defend because he said he will either (1) “not consume alcohol” *or* (2) “have a *single* drink”.
@@billjones5178 His answer is in his response, he would still be armed and prepared to defend. He would either “not consume” *or* “have a single drink”.
When cops ask "Do you have a weapon in the vehicle" why can't you just answer. "I don't answer questions". Or "I'm exercising my 5th amendment right not to answer questions".
Also what sane person would agree to do a field sobriety test? I would only ever agree to a blood test at a hospital. I'm not leaving my future up to the opinion of an officer on how well I walk. I've had serious back injuries so I already don't walk so well, but I don't have any problems driving.
If you're in a state where you're required to tell them when asked, you've committed a crime if you refuse to answer. Do you really want that?
@@deebee4575then you have no right to remain silent in those states. Make it make sense.
@@deebee4575no state law trumps the constitution.
it's called "duty to report" and is subtly included in a lot of law language, for various things. In my state, in a traffic stop with a cpl/ccw the paperwork you signed to get that cpl/ccw says you have a duty to and WILL report.
Additionally and similar, when you apply for a drivers license, in most if not all states, in the paperwork you sign that you are preemptively agreeing to submit bac/urine sample if suspected of a dui under penalty of default suspension of your license for a year
When a cop reads you your rights from a laminated paper, you can be sure they don’t know your constitutional rights
Police read from the card so they are 100% sure (and you are 100% sure) that your rights have been read correctly. Government doesn’t want the charge thrown out because the officer misplaced a word or read them incorrectly. I see nothing wrong with police dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s.
Oh, that's no problem. The judge will just call it a "good faith effort." Because they are never wrong 🙄
There are some that have that committed to memory, but if they are having to read it from a card, I don't think they deserve to be cops.
@@l.clevelandmajor9931 anyone can make a slip up. The use of cards help prevent such fowl ups.
@@OctaneExpress we should publish and carry with us copies of the laws , rights and court rulings that preserve our rights to carry, and restrictions on gov that prevent them from any illegal search and seizure! Pass cops copies when necessary!
Everything in this video needs to be unconstitutional
it is, they have corrupted the law.
2:32 It was my understanding that you can't be arrested simply for entering a building with a sign. They can ask you to leave or secure your weapon in your vehicle - but NOT have you arrested unless you refuse.
This is true.
Don't worry about it, the criminals will obey the sign. Lol. Always carry!
So.. Basically.. Act the same way you would with an unpredictable wild animal.. Got it.
Well said
Basically lol
In Pennsylvania they know if you got a carriers permit from the plate reader. My buddy got pulled over at midnight, cop demanded his gun and permit. Cop came back with a bad attitude confiscated his gun and told him he will be charged with a felony for having a fake carriers permit. The loser cop typed in his permit number wrong that came back to another person in a different county. My buddy went to the police station and demanded his gun back. At least they apologized for screwing everything up
Certainly sounds like a gun registration huh?
@johnleca handguns bought in PA are registered. But if you have some other unregistered ones you got when you lived in a red state. If they run your serial number and it comes back to nobody's name. Cops will take it and keep it for themselves or give it to their family members. I've seen it happen. I've also had 4000 rds stolen from me from Cops then deny they ever took it
@@brettcatterall7761 Interesting I am an ex Philly pig and have encountered firearms that did not come back with specific owner information. Unless the serial number comes back with an NCIC/PCIC hit it stays with the owner or if the serial number is obliterated then I would have taken it. It sounds like you encountered pig cops that are thieves and criminals. Always file a written complaint although pigs investigating pigs usually results in nothing BUT it may generate a paper trail or contribute. Merry Christmas.
Thats why you dont give up your rights and ask permission….ever wonder the gangster never has a problem with carrying their guns?
I've had that happen to me. I've NEVER surrendered my weapon. I always called for a sergeant or lieutenant. Higher ranking officer shows up and tells me to have a nice day and I'm free to go.
I'm glad I live in a fairly free state. Constitutional carry, no requirement to tell police you have a gun
@@bdub0983 just let them assume that all persons they encounter have right to carry, and we have not shot anyone today , so what are they worried about? They are armed. They have body armor. Cameras. Dogs, & radios and backup , helicopters and swat!
They still afraid to talk to a person who lawfully carries and has done no harm!
Maybe they should keep on trucking stop no one or flip burgers if they are afraid of the general public !
PA vs Mimms is what the Police use when they get butt hurt because they don't like your answers.
There’s a remedy. When you get stopped get out of your car. They’ll scream at you to get back in the car. Lol
@@karinaz8756 that seems like a bad idea and a good way to get the cop worked up and on edge.
And that ruling has no basis in the constitution
An estimated 250,000 civilian injuries are caused by law enforcement officers annually. More than 600 innocent people are killed by law enforcement in the U.S. each year.
Bull sh it.
This needs to be reversed in every day life.
Way back in the 80’s I was pulled over for a minor vehicle infraction. I handed my CC along with my drivers license. The officer asked for my firearm to be”check” to see if it was stolen. I refused. Two back up officers and a trooper later I drove off without surrendering my firearm.
11:53 "make sure you get out slowly. You move very slowly ..." And since a cop can turn absolutely everything into suspicion he'll happily say you were lethargic and therefore impaired. 🍺
I love that you used Tayvin Galanakis in this video. The cops intrepreted his 💯 normal movements in the car as uncoordinated and impaired. His perfectly normal speech as slurred. There was zero he could have done to avoid arrest.
That is because all cops are dirty liars.
100% !! Even when,you think,you're just getting groceries,gas,or any innocent life errands, you may end up in jail or major money, demanded, before you get back home!!? This is so scary and just a joke,to so called "democracy "!
Watching, this makes you realize most police forces,are just that! Natzi Boot Squad!! How long til they treat our home, like they do our vehicles!!??
That is some really good advice. A lot of this all comes down to common sense as well. A police officer is simply another human being and their job is never the same from one traffic stop to another so that is why I never liked the term 'routine traffic stop" because there is nothing ever routine about a traffic stop. Police officers know this so it stands to reason why they are or can be a bit reactive to someone who makes a sudden movement.
I always keep my hands on the wheel and when speaking to the officer I make constant eye contact. I also try and address the officer by last name and rank. It shows the officer respect at least that's how I see it.
I always have my firearm on my and in my car and to be honest, I am so calm and I never get upset even if someone cuts me off because I tend to avoid any type of conflict at all. Carrying makes me want to NOT use my firearm. Having a firearm is such a bigger responsibility than a lot of people think including myself. I have to constantly update my self awareness as I move from place to place so as to prevent from getting into a situation where I have to use deadly force.
Anyway, nice video!
The advice ics appreciated. The laws are preposterous. According to Bruen, there was never a law prohibiting carrying in any condition.
I live in Texas and carry with a license. Texas has 2 groups of carry, Constitutional and Licensed. Each type has it's own rules and signage. The 51% sign is the 3rd area and it covers both carry groups. The best example I can give is our local Theater. It only posts the signage restricting Constitutional Carry and allows Licensed Carry patrons.
In my opinion, the 51% sign is difficult to navigate because it's generally posted on the wall behind the Bar which means you don't find out until your already inside. There are phone APPS in Texas you can search your destination in advance which really helps me choose where I want to spend my money.
There are quite a few lawyers that make videos similar to yours. Yours cover the best subjects, are clear, concise, and offer the best advice. Very well done.
Public parks are NOT no gun zones. We absolutely live in a police state.
From a legal perspective, it is different depending on what state you live in. For instance in IL, municipal parks are prohibited places, state parks are not prohibited, buildings in state parks are prohibited, county forest preserves are not prohibited, but Cook County forest preserves are prohibited. Confusing enough?
and people are being manipulated to call for more authoritarianism and control-systems
freedom does not come in a cage with walls, with more surveillance, requirements for "ID" and consequences for not providing when shown, etc.
cops that are scared are guns should get another job
For real I used to work at walmart and people bring em in there all the time not even reasonably secured etc. and I just had to go about my day!
but cowards love positions of power to feel safe.
the police should be banned and only the sheriffs department should enforce the law (they are the only constitutionally approved law enforcement agency)
Valid reason for not getting a concealed carry because they already know if you "might" have a gun before they even stop you.
Yup !! as soon as they ding your tag they know
I am so glad that in Indiana the sign does not carry the force of law. All they can do is ask you to leave. If you don't they can call the cops on you for trespassing.
I got pulled over and the cop asked if i had any weapons. Of course i do. He asked for my permit so i handed him my pocket size constitution.. he was not amused.
do not consent to searches & seizures. do not consent to field sobriety tests ever. do not answer questions. invoke your right to remain silent & right to an attorney if questioned.
You sir, are one DAMN FINE attorney. When you said "the odor of an alcoholic beverage" in the beginning... only cops and ESQ's know that. Speaking from years of professional experience in these areas.
What is legality of a cop walking up to a parked car, an occupant inside, with the cop's weapon already drawn?
Some years ago, I was a plainclothes/plain car officer and got stopped for a center line fault. Knowing the officer safety concerns, I slowly put both hands on the steering wheel and said "I am legally carrying a gun. It is on my belt. The holster blocks my wallet containing my license. How do you want to do this?" No problem. Some years later, still a plainclothes officer/car with my infant son and wife (not an infant) I got stopped in a MacDonald's parking lot for carrying a concealed gun. I put the gun on the floor of the car, got out, turned around, and put my hands on the roof of the car. One officer yelled "STOP THAT!" I said "It's on the driver side floor. My BADGE is in my left rear pocket." They didn't recognize me (I was stationed in another city in the state where our headquarters was) and started asking all about my (state) agency. I wanted to ask how they knew I was carrying if it was concealed--they had actually stopped me for a non-concealed gun an officer saw when I got out of the car to throw away my trash! Open carry was not controlled in my state at that time, so I had not committed any crime and saw no need for five cars with flashing lights. I didn't know I looked so much a badass! I didn't want to antagonize obviously rookie (or stupid) officers, so I didn't say it. After I retired, I got a LEOSA carry license (federal 2004 Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act) which allowed retired officers to carry concealed anywhere in the country where any sworn) officer could carry: It was after 9/11 and Congress wanted to get more trained/armed people on the streets (no power of arrest). You had to pass a laws test and qualify with the weapon every year. We could carry SOME places local officers couldn't, but very few departments even knew something like this existed, so most of us carried printouts of the law in out pockets with us. I later joined a local sheriff's office and their administrators/training officers didn't know about it, even in 2017. I DID get rousted in a federal courthouse once for carrying a disposable Bic razor in my briefcase---the local judge had meant no straight razors, and I had no intention to shave anyone within an inch of their lives, but rules is rules!! I no longer do this as I'm now disabled and cannot pass the qualification test, so I don't know if it's still a thing, or if restrictions have been placed on it by now.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse, unless you have qualified immunity. Then it's OK. DO anything you want to.
I have worked municipal law enforcement in Illinois, Federal law enforcement in Maine, Virginia, Georgia, and finally, municipal law enforcement here in my home state of Wyoming.
I am not in law enforcement anymore, as I am now disabled and can no longer physically perform the duties required by law enforcement.
Open carry and concealed carry is legal here in Wyoming, without a permit, and without a concealed carry license.
Here in Wyoming, we typically have an AR15 (7.62) rifle for self defense, and 17 HMR semi automatic rifle for small game and varmints, and a long range rifle (30-06, 300 win mag) for big game animals.
The number of vehicle vs deer, antelope, elk, moose, bears, large Angus cattle, and in growing numbers, American Bison accidents are increasing, each year, in our big sparsely populated state.
We keep our rifles in our trucks and SUVs to dispatch any road injured big game, varmints, and stray dogs hit and injured, but not killed in the vehicle vs animal accidents.
Waiting for a lone deputy on duty in the whole county, or waiting on a super trooper to show up during their required 350 miles per day patrol area, or municipal police who are typically too busy with their communities to drive 25 to 75 miles, or more, out of town to assist with a vehicle vs animal accidents, not involving injuries to humans in the vehicle.
We typically call the local police dispatch office and ask for permission to end the suffering of animals involved in the vehicle vs animal accident.
If no law enforcement response is within 25 miles of the vehicle vs animal accident, the dispatcher will contact an on duty law enforcement officer and request permission for a citizen to end the suffering of the injured animal.
When we call in to police dispatch, they run our information by name and DOB, to ensure we are legally allowed to possess firearms, so when the law enforcement officer does finally arrive on scene, they run our officers already know who was given permission to end the suffering of the injured animals, and will include our information in their short one page traffic report.
Out of state people ask, “Don’t you worry about someone breaking into your truck and stealing your rifles?”
Our answer is always, “No. Because the common sense people are always afraid the owner of the truck and rifles are not too far away, and we will always carry a handgun to protect our property.”
Just last year, an idiot, vacationing in Cody Wyoming from New Jersey, was in the process of trying to steal the rifles from a truck owned by an area ranch hand. As we use locking gun racks in our trucks and SUVs, the New Jersey idiot had already smashed the side window and was struggling with the locking mechanism of the rifle rack, when the ranch hand owner walked up, called 911 to report the attempted theft, and then drew his handgun out, and told the New Jersey idiot, “Junior, you are about to meet Jesus. I hope you have all your affairs in order. Get out of my truck and lay down on the ground while we wait for the police to arrive.”
The New Jersey idiot was arrested, charged, and sentenced to 3 to 5 years felony burglary and attempted theft of firearms.
The ranch hand owner was not arrested or charged for any reason, as the prosecutor said the vehicle owner was defending his private property, even though the vehicle was parked in the Wal-Mart parking lot.
2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, and 1st Amendment rights are sacred here in Wyoming.
Miranda Rights are strictly protected in Wyoming.
Wyoming is a We The People Constitutional Republic state.
Yes, at %:30 on "brandishing a firearm". The bit you quoted says " ..., or otherwise make the presence of a firearm known to another person to intimidate that person, regardless of whether the firearm is directly visible to that person". So simply telling someone that you have a gun, or having a "weapons on board" sign would suffice.
that is hor$hit ...just another ordinance not worth the paper it's written on........ 1773 JS
Some good information presented here. Lots of laws stacked to snag a regular citizen. Very important to know these things to avoid getting killed, locked up and or in deep shit.
On the brandishing issue, when we lived in Seattle, I exited I-5 and pulled into a gas station. When I pulled up to the pump, a car drove up and stopped immediately behind us. It was only me and my infant daughter in her car seat.
A guy, red-faced and yelling got out of the other vehicle with a pistol in his hand. He brought the pistol up, and holding it in two hands, he started screaming about me cutting him off.
Had I cut him off? I don't know. I hadn't seen him or his vehicle in my life. But even if I had, it wasn't intentional. Why would i risk my child's life, my life, and the lives of other people on the interstate? What was definitely intentional was that he was pointing a pistol at me and the car that my child was sleeping in.
He could've yelled at me. He could've cursed me. He could've taken down my license plate and reported it to the police. Instead, what was his go to? To threaten my life.
My experience with firearms began at FT Benning, and what was one of the first things that the drill sergeants taught us? "Do not point your weapon at anyone that you don't want to kill." Was that his intention?
I explained to him that I hadn't seen his car, and some other people at the pumps said that the police were on their way. He got back into his car, called me an asshole, and drove off.
Almost twenty years later, I'm still angry at that cowardly punk.
Thank you for your service sir ... I live in Columbus now was stationed here in 1984 ....Glad he didn't pull the trigger ...God Bless
Thank you for your service. But did no one at thegas station, including yourself, not get his LPN and report him ?
@@pilgrimwings1295 I enjoyed my time in service, and no, I didn't think about getting his number. I was worried about the baby. I'm grateful for the other people at the pumps. Their bluff scared him off.
@@tangotango256 Thank you for your service as well. I went through infantry OSUT at Harmony Church the summer of 1979. I was never stationed there, but I was stationed at FT Stewart years later.
Thank you for the info and websites. I have had my CCW permit for years and I see how easy it is to make a mistake that can land you in trouble.
SUGGESTION: (For those who rarely get pulled over by law enforcement)
A few years back a close friend shared these details about a traffic stop by local police:
1) Before the officer got to his truck, he dialed 911, told dispatch he was stopped by police, shared that he had a bad feeling about the stop.
2) Dispatch asked him what was the problem, he stated that he didn't know why the officer stopped him and that he needed them to monitor the situation, he then placed his phone in its upright mount on the dash after activating Speaker Mode.
3) He notified the officer that 911 dispatch was on the phone, pointed to his phone to show the call was LIVE.
I’d say that all those signs are in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment…
A private business has rights as well, if you don’t like businesses anti gun rules don’t shop there. Pretty simple…
So businesses can violate civil liberties?
They are usually find heavily for that…..
I disagree. If you own or rent your place you have the right to keep people coming that have guns. It isn't just a simple thing though
My personal feeling is if the situation is serious enough that you have to remove your weapon from it's holster
you have to use it. A firearm is not for warning or intimidation, they have one singular purpose.
Maybe. Don’t forget about the reasonable man rule. This is what the jury will be going by.
@@larryfinley9221 If someone is thoughtful about future possible litigation then they probably aren't in a situation where they need to draw their weapon and defend themselves. There are consequences for carrying a firearm and also for not carrying one. If 'dead' is preferable to possibly going to prison then don't carry. The reasonable man rule is about sound judgement, anyone who lacks that shouldn't carry a firearm anyway.
Well, I hope you never have to test that theory. I have diffused two situations simply with the presence of my firearm in my hand. If I had shot, would I still be a free man ? I can't say for certain. Be safe out there.
@Freeeeeeeedoooooooom Yeah, me too. Carrying isn't a game or an extension of ego. The people who do violence as a form of entertainment should know what's at stake. I'm old and have gotten this far without having to use the Texas defense... With any luck I will never have to.
The thing is, asking someone "Do you have weapons" is a massive trick question because there is no way to answer it. If you say "yes" you've gone and done it, and if you say "no" they are "trained not to believe you." Do an episode on that dilemma Mr. Lawbertarian
"I don't answer questions"
@@trentvlak and how do you think that will work out an estate where you are required to give them that information?
It’s best to paint a picture of normality for them so they don’t think you’ve recently lost your mind and out there looking for trouble.
“Officer, I regularly carry protection and yes it’s on me right now. I’m not going to reach anywhere near it. I carry it in a holster on my right hip under my shirt.”
It’s a little better than “yes”. Then they know the what, where and why. Eliminate questions before they have to ask them. You’ve even given them the “when”. Always. I always have it. It’s not that I’m out here angrily carrying something just tonight.
@@deebee4575 we are "required" in my state but there's no penalty for not saying.
Doesnt matter what they believe
Well, it’s been my experience that dealing with police officers on the side of the road your first rule is this: be polite. If you’re polite, and reasonably aware of the situation, it is less likely for the officer to give you a hassle. However, this does not mean that they won’t give you a hassle at all, but it will put them at their ease, just a little bit more.
The second rule: think before you speak. This one should probably be rule one, but I think it’s actually better as rule too.
A Conceal carry license is a permission slip you volunteered for to give up your right to keep and bear arms. Also, any law that says you can only carry in this place or time is a violation of the 2nd. Having to treat the police with kid gloves only for them to be able to beat, kill and violate your rights without any recourse shows we all live in Police States.
It does more than that. It informs the officer that you have passed a Criminal Background check and are not a criminal. They usually relax and stop fishing for suspension at that point.
@@sarge12212 No they don't, watch video after video after video they think we're all criminals period !! they escalate until they can effect an arrest
Here in KY you don't need a permit. If you can legally own a gun and over 21, you can carry concealed and you don't have to immediately inform an officer.
I don't need a permit in Florida either. But there are still good reasons to have one. Weapons like clubs, long knives and slungshots (not a typo) are legal to have with a permit. Still illegal without. @@hillbillytarzan
A couple notes. 1. You are not required by law to submit to a field sobriety test, however you can be taken to jail for a blood draw if you refuse to blow in a breathalyzer. 2. You are correct the police can tell you to step out of the vehicle for officer safety, however most police when they tell you to step out of the vehicle they will claim they can demand it for any reason, which is obviously a lie. 3. There's absolutely no way I'm just going to hand over or allow an officer to confiscate my firearm "for their safety". The reason I have it in the first place is for MY safety. The only reason they need to touch it is if I'm being arrested.
All that sounds really good. I have a question for you: When our second amendment apply and obey the law of the land protected for the people by the people? Since when codes and statuses take superiority over the Constitution of the United States of America? The truth is corporate policy are not law and if they presumed to be law they are colorable law and never been ratified. These advices are nothing but compliance to foreign officers paid by the county to violate our rights. No one have the authorityto rule over another man if he or she is not his property or his slave. Under the law of the land, we all are equal and ones would have more rights or power over another.
As the establishment that has posted "no weapons" signs at their door has no legal responsibility for your safety, I choose to ignor these signs. The only time I disarm is if I know there will be a metal detector at the entrance. If you are effectively concealing your firearm, nobody will notice. If you do need it in a posted establishment, go ahead and charge me with tresspassing. I will have made my point!
Business' that prohibit the carry of a weapon in their establishment are also subject to law suits for not providing enough protection/security is you are injured while not having your weapon. This means that the security needs to be equal or better to what I can provide myself. No mall cop will ever come close to that standard.
As a veteran that took his oath in 1981 and still train weekly ....I concur
When it comes to “Duty to Disclose”, California does not require it, but the county I live in requires, as a condition of my CCW, that I disclose every time I have official interaction with law enforcement.
I could not even get past your first one without laughing. Not surprising coming from an attorney. On the first one, you would state I don’t answer questions. And you never submit to any test.
I live out here in Wyoming...a very gun-friendly state. During any traffic stop I always say, early in the encounter (with my hands on the steering wheel at 10 and 2, with fingers extended), "Officer, so there are no unpleasant surprises, I would like to inform you that I am legally carrying concealed on my right hip." The most I've ever gotten is, "Just keep your hands away from that right hip."
I was pulled over in mesa az for loud muffler, I was later arrested under ARS13-3102a1b for saying I don’t answer questions
What was the charge? And how much did you get for suing them for violating your rights under color of law?
@ the ARS I put up was the charge and I haven’t had court yet
"... shall not be infringed." That is the law.
The right to have and bear arms shall not be infringed! Sounds like infringement to me
I don't answer questions, i don't consent to any searches nor seizures.
And “With all due respect, I would like to exercise my right to remain silent.”
Dumb that you have to verbally say it, but you do.
it's also good to not consent to be subject to and ruled by any authority
'slaaves' became 'serfs' became 'subjects' became 'citizens'
Get out of the car and lock the doors with the keys visible inside. I keep a spare hidden under the car so no problem getting back into the car after the officer leaves.
Very stupid
@@MattRios-jn1qx Depends on if you want them searching your car even if you say no. I've had it happen. This stops that.
So after listening to this, 1 ) it makes all cops seem like they're your enemy, and 2) makes you question if it's even worth carrying.
Any building paid for by taxpayers should not be able to prohibit carrying a firearm. We own the damn thing.
32% of Americans own a gun.
So majority doesn't.
I suspect that majority may not want to see your gun in the public building.
Please, think about this. Minority shouldn't push their views on the majority.
@@UtseuskiOur civil rights are not subject to majority consent. Blacks are not a majority, and I’m sure many people feel uncomfortable around blacks; so, by your logic, perhaps they should be prohibited from public buildings as well.
@@Utseuskithat's not what the constitution says
@@Utseuski To me, THAT says only 32% ADMIT to owning a firearm. It's no one else's BUSINESS if I own a firearm, and IF you ask me, I'll deny it. YOU'RE in the "minority" here, sir.
@@UtseuskiAnd the majority don't have the right to push their views on the minority either. We live in a constitutional Republic. I guess you missed the part that stated building paid for by tax payers. Minority rights don't end where majority begin.
They need to take away these businesses ability to limit concealed carry on their premise. Shouldn't be considered private property if they're conducting public business. All that junk is infringement of the 2nd
Let's not forget that it is attorneys that made a mess of the "law" while you listen to an attorney explain how your rights have been infringed with excuses...
we do not have a 2 amendment right! WE HAVE A GOD GIVEN RIGHT! the 2nd guarantees that right we the people already have!
That depends where you are. Here in Arkansas you're only legally required to tell officers you're carrying if you have a CHCL (we also have constitutional carry). If you have no CHCL your only answer should be "I don't answer questions." Consult with a local lawyer about anything before trying it
Better off just getting the CCP. I lived in Arkansas for 40 years and the cops never gave me any issues while carrying, as long as I handed the CCL over with my DL. As I've also pointed out, it additionally helps to cover the carrying of non-firearm weapons.
@sarge12212 yeah, no. I don't beg for permission from the state to carry 🤷♂️
In Oklahoma, if you get pulled over for a motor vehicle violation, they can’t ask you if you are armed.
My answer to if I know why i was pulled over is, "No. I'm guessing that maybe a taillight has gone out on me?" Ball is now in their court to explain why they pulled me over. Not a confession nor an admission of my knowledge of any situation.
That's a great response. 😎👌
I just said "absolutely not"
What I got out of this was…..ALL my rights are the same anywhere in the USA without question…except the 2nd
Crazy isn’t it. Like imagine if North Carolina was like you need to apply for a permit to exercise your first amendment right of free speech.
@@InvestWithFFI exactly my point... and this is why I don't ask my government for permission to exercise ANY of my rights especially the 2nd
Thankfully, in my state, there's no standard formatting for a sign prohibiting guns. So I can ignore them completely. They can't claim trespassing here unless they directly told me to leave and I refuse to leave at that point....not that I'm eager to spend money in any place that has one of those signs.
I have never seen a 51% sign, and have often wondered how a citizen is supposed to know that an establishment makes more than 50% of its income from the sale of alcoholic beverages.
It makes sense that a sign should be required before a firearms carrier could be charged.
Maybe I just don’t actually visit such establishments?
You aren't required anywhere to let them know. Because we have the right to remain silent no matter what the state and city laws are.
Honest people fallow the laws.
Crooks do not.
Honest people don't need laws.
Laws are created for criminals & idiots, to deter both from harming others.
Smart people can spell
What has worked for me for 30years as a truck driver in California while legally armed.
“I have a license;in my possession; to carry a concealed weapon and I am armed. How would you like to proceed?”
Signs mean nothing in oklahoma unless the type of location is prohibited by law (govt building, certain arena, bar)
5:20 I haven't done that since 91😂😂
In VT each time I was asked if I have a firearm on me I said yes.
Pending wha situation you are in if you are at right vs other guilty party they don't care.
Just asked for their safety.
Also, we had a private business here that had a sign. No guns allowed, then they took the sign down means either the owner started carrying realizing that something might happen or he possibly might have gotten sued.Regardless the sign is gone.
Only pulled over once in last 10 years in Northern VT. Officer asked if I had a firearm in the vehicle. Asked him which State he came from, because any native VT cop would ask 'How many firearms are in your vehicle?'
They put their safety over yours
If they’re so spooked why are they cops?
As per Corpus Jurus Secundum. If the clients situation conflicts with the court, the lawyers loyalty is to the court first.
Never tell the officer you are carrying.
Not being able to drive through a school zone with a loaded firearm is a complete violation of the 2nd Amendment, IMO.
We don't have a right to defend ourselves. If we did, there woud be few prohibited areas. In some cities, the entire city is one huge prohibited area, partly because of school zones.
We do have the right. Dont comply with rules and laws that violate them. Ot is you duty to exercise them and defend them
"All laws repugnant to the constitution are null and void."- SCOTUS, Marbury v Madison 1803
Move slowly is a given now a days. Watched many episodes of cops I noticed they always shout for people to stand still / freeze just before the gun shots sounds as they cut to commercials.
Can a cop go into these establishments with a gun then, or are they above the law...
I was guilty of #4. I had a friend tell me you don't need to disclose to the police if you are CC. While this is part true, if you get pulled over you don't need to disclose it but if the cop asks you, you are 100% legally bound to disclose it.
Also do your own research.
If you have a permit you have to disclose it depending on the state( you agreed to do that when getting a permit) if you live in a permit-less state you don’t have to disclose regardless and they don’t have a right to seize your weapon without reasonable suspicion as you never agreed to anything restraining your rights.
Second amendment is your carry permit!
There shouldn't be prohibited places for our rights.
Abolish qualified immunity
5:45 based on this definition, when a cop approaches your vehicle with his hand resting on his pistol, he is brandishing his firearm. It has happened to me and it is very uncomfortable.
*Kinda funny (not really) that if you’re carrying in a state where “Open Carry” is legal so you don’t have a concealed permit, and your firearm is partially covered you can be charged with carrying a concealed weapon, at the same time if the exact same thing is true, except that you do have a concealed permit but ”Open Carry” is not legal, that partially covered firearm is not being concealed, it is being carried openly*
Keep it conceal 100% of the time and you never have an issue
You should NEVER HAVE TO REACH FOR ANYTHING IN YOUR CAR! ALWAYS keep your insurance, registration and driver license strapped to your drivers side visor. When pulled over, be certain to keep your hands on the wheel, eyes front. When the oinker asks for your info, simply reach up and take it from the visor and hand it over and put your hands back on the steering wheel.
In my state, there is no need to tell the oinker I am carrying a gun. I will refuse to answer even if he asks.
Keep it in your phone
Your response tells all you just hate the police. In all my stops but one I received the ticket I deserved and it was a professional attitude and a friendly one.
Didn't post again
@@JerryRedd-bs8xi the police are not your friend and every interaction has a chance to escalate and get you injured or killed.
@@davefletch3063 Never keep it in your phone. DO NOT HAND THAT COP YOUR PHONE! PRINT OUT THE NECESSARYY DOCUMENTS AND STRAP THEM TO YOUR DRIVER SIDE VISOR. That keeps you from having to reach for anything and keeps cops out of your phone.