The slow motion shots of how they use their wings to just suspend over the water while they wash off the snail and get a good grip on it are really cool looking.
The energy and power it takes to hover, then take off from a partially submerged position, while hauling those heavy snails is astonishing...and the slo-mo really shows that!
The power of white compels you Fentanyl fossil fuels Jan Sex! CO2 Jenny Harlan Crowe Mitochondrial Eve N selection House Mother
Micro is change within a species. Macro was change into another species. Mutation an adaptation typically occurs from death/ loss of DNA. Mutation as a defect is never an advantage. You can make a wolf into a dog, but you can't make a dog into a wolf. It has never been proven that one species can change into another species to the point where they can no longer reproduce. No matter how much an animal changes it is still that animal. From a German Shepherd to a chihuahua, they will always be a dog. No matter what you do to the creature, no matter what changes from the environment, loss, mutation, it will always be a dog. This is where the theory of evolution falls apart.
With most of the bird species in the everglades just a tiny fraction of the former populations, it is encouraging to see that the snail kites may be adapting to take advantage of an invasive species. Now if the gators would just develop a taste for python.
@itookallthenames It seriously is a shame. At least they take some pythons down with them. There's a going theory that since they will often appear dead (when they've just slowed breathing/heartrate) they're still alive when swallowed sometimes. So they thrash around, and pop the python like the world's worst piñata. Several pythons were found "popped" from alligators so that's why I say theory.
breeder did it, fish and game campaign.... we did it with wolves... bred em with huskies.... all wolves in the wild now are 10% malemute... and the general public was told nuthing.... all contracts were private.... America has changed
Of course it's not perfect because it's always changing. The only kind of organism that could truly be perfect is one that is adaptable to all potential conditions without any need for evolutionary genetic changes. This is why homo sapiens are so successful at spreading out - we are insanely adaptable.
A family of these came to a park nearby a couple months back. I've been thinking they were hawks with a taste for snails. They are a pretty decent size. Almost as big as an osprey, but not quite.
@@angrydragon4574 Natural selection doesn't work by selecting the strongest, it works by selecting the species that can reproduce the best, surviving just helps them reproduce, and being strong just helps them survive, alot of animals aren't strong and have evolved other traits to help them survive like being small and agile in rats.
@@earlysdaif you could live for thousands of years you could see it in large organisms. But we routinely see it in smaller faster reproducing ones. The emergence of superbugs resistant to antibiotics is an observable evolution
@@garethmcguinness377It doesnt have to change species to evolve. Any change of a characterist is evolution. Evolution can come from any number of proximal pressures like natural selection, sexual selection, competition, predator-prey etc.
Beautiful. I remember when I was in elementary school here in south fl, we had to make a big project making a exposición about an Everglades native animals & was lucky enough to end up with the snail kite.
@@Jab7812 Are you in the hospital now, you've got to be careful have more fruits and veg in your diet. Antique vitamin d and vitamin k with the cofactors, try to limit meat consumption drink more water. And walk more no I'm not conspiracy theory but if you did get the jab, it could be related I did not get the jab. I eat very healthy so it's no issue with me.
@@theriveroffaith852 no, they were there already. It's natural selection. These birds are, probably by a genetic mutation, better adapted to eating these snails. Over time, or two generations in this case, the birds who aren't well adapted disappear, die out, move away whatever, and the genes of the most successful, better adapted birds proliferate.
Adaption is the bird changing to overcome it's environment and challenges, if it can. If it can't it dies. Evolution is the bird becoming a horse or a giraffe, that's impossible. There's a limit to how much the bird can change. For example if a species of donkeys invaded the wetlands, the bird won't become lions to eat the donkeys. Sometimes evolution is taught that way and it's wrong. And it doesn't matter if a trillion years passed, the bird would be dead by then.
True... However... As long as species have been evolving, species have been going extinct. It is estimated that over 99.9% of all species that ever lived are extinct. The average lifespan of a species is 1-10 million years, although this varies widely between taxa
It's survival of the luckiest, because many species that could've evolved to fit their niches went extinct instead, due to haphazard environmental contingencies.
This is a fantastic example of evolution and the survival of the fittest at work. The wetlands ecosystem is regaining its balance despite the foreign snail species invasion. Well done Mother Nature.
Once again, this is not an example of actual evolution. Evolution would be “natural selection of random point mutations.” It’s not like the bird had a new single letter mutation which gave it a bigger beak. This is just expressing the existing gene for size a bit longer. Beak, and other body parts size, already exist within a range. Big beaked birds already existed before the supposed evolution happened! It would be like someone killing everyone in an area that doesn’t have red hair and then saying, “Wow, evolution in a single day! Now everyone has red hair.” Natural selection is LOSING genetic information, not gaining. All the genetic info for producing other hair colors was lost. Evolution is a destructive process. It just randomly corrupts functional code until some of it stops working. One cannot produce anything truly new with a destructive process. All genetic diseases are mutations which have broken a necessary function and limited someone. And natural selection, which is claimed eliminates bad mutations, seems incapable of purging the damaged code. Thus, genetic diseases keep accumulating. If anything, creatures are de-volving, not getting better. Everything was wisely designed to have a range of features, sizes, colors, smells, etc. This provides wonderful diversity and resilience. These genes already existed though and just needed to be combined in different ways or be expressed for a longer or shorter time. These variations oscillate around a mean and will never produce anything truly new. Shuffle the canine deck of genes as long as you want and you will never get a feline and vice-versa, because those genes aren’t in that deck. Family is the equivalent of the Genesis kind. Diverse potential was packed into each Kind which can be bred into unique species WITHIN the Kind (Family classification) but experiments have proved can never result in a new Family taxonomy.
I was born in Miami , Fla. in 1953 and I can tell you there were snail kites like this when I was a teenager. And the snails have come and gone 2 or 3 times in my life. If you were able to get copies of The Miami Herald from the 60s, eventually you will find articles about them and the kites. They even printed recipes(1966-67) on cooking the snails. It's a good thing Florida made it a state park, cause if not there wouldn't be any Everglades today.
Originally, there was one language and half of the world was trying to decipher their LIVING language. They didn't know which letter each word begins and ends with. They tried to monitor what we were saying. The bird-related title of this video must be a reference to the Lynyrd Skynyrd song which is about the same thing.
If you hold one of these puppies in your hand you can see why they're nicknamed "apple snails". The biggest one I've found was almost tennis ball big. And yeah, the mind automatically goes to 'escargot' ........ but don't try to eat these, LOL. Escargot snails are terrestrial and therefore relatively clean-living. Water snails can make you dog-a$$-sick.
I would imagine that at any given time, in almost every species population, there are genetic and physical differences within the same species. Some bigger, some faster, some smaller and some slower, etc., so that there is some flexibility when times invariably change the environment. So if all of a sudden a food source is too large for a bird like these, as long as some can overcome that burden then they can pass along their gene pool pretty quickly.
@@Aniggaayaynayniga It's not like the small beaked snail kites and the big beaked snail kites are separate species from each other. ( Or at least not yet. ) Not everything in life has to remain the same just because we humans grew up with the current version. Mother nature doesn't/has ever and will never care about human bias or how attach we get to a variant a an animal. ( And don't give that "Oh so we should just let every species die if they can't adapt?" talk. I never said that so don't try and put words in my mouth to win an argument. ) She also doesn't care about which variant of a particular animal survives and which don't. The main goal of life is to survive and if the snail kites have to develop bigger beaks to survive at the cost of weeding out the small beaked ones than so be it. In addition speciation mother nature can also fodder off anyone who can't survive the changes to an environment . That's just the progress of life.
@@charlesstevenson2642 Well it's not so much "normal" vs. "not normal." It's shorter periods of time versus many millennia, which is hard for some people to wrap their minds around.
@audreymuzingo933 My first thought on this was how it may be actually a problem for scientists. Like said in the video it only took a decade for this to happen, wouldn't that be way to fast for neo darwinism? I will also point at the complete opposite side of the spectrum where scientists found that gars would only a .000000001 genetic change over millions of years yet there are many gar species that look completely different but have the same genetics?
@@Daily-PEit’s all circumstantial. Stronger selective pressure, among other things, would lead to faster expected changes. The fact that the horseshoe crab has remained nearly unchanged for something like 100 million years doesn’t hamper the fact that other species have evolved a whole lot in that time.
@@earlysda why are you so reluctant to understand a simple concept? It would make sense if you were still a child; when I was a kid I thought evolution couldn’t be possible because I couldn’t understand how the process worked. But as an adult I understand that it’s impossible for evolution not to be happening because ignoring that it exists goes against pretty much everything we know about how life works. I think if you refuse to “believe” it, it’s because you think about things on a surface level and don’t deeply analyze the way our world works. You must have heard “the theory of evolution is bad and wrong” from the people in your life and have never stopped to question it
Not magic, just natural selection- or perhaps unnatural selection in the case of Elephants, since the ones with tusks were getting killed, the ones without reproduced. However most elephants still are growing tusks. Many are being removed by conservationists in order to protect them.
"This Bird Is Evolving Right in Front of Us" - all living populations are evolving right in front of us. It just happens too slowly for a human to make much of a notice.
This is true; evolution is always at play, even when populations are stable or selection forces are weak enough that it's not very noticeable (like humans and wisdom teeth). In the case of the kites, the selection bias is very strong, so the evolution happens quick enough to see.
Indeed there were some elephants in Africa that were hunted due to their tusks and now many years later only elephants with small tusks remain, survival of the fittest. Nature will always adapt no matter what we do. What we're doing now is *nothing* compared to what has happened in the history of our planet. It's unfortunate that other species have to suffer because of us, that's my only problem.
@@KateeAngel Because it's bacteria. E. Coli can reproduce every 20 minutes. That's three generations per hour, 72 per day, 26,280 per year. Compare that to one per year for birds and many animals and about 20 years for a human generation. That's why evolution happens so quickly for bacteria.
Usually changes for evolution in the wild (at least for animals like birds) take much longer than 2 generations to create lasting changes in a species. This is honestly amazing that it happened so quickly. I'm interested to see what happens in the future with these birds and their habitat. Will the beaks get even bigger? Will the birds continue to get bigger or is this their optimum size? Will species that were chased out by the snails start to return? So many questions I'm excited to have answered in a couple of years!
The reason this form of evolution occurred so quickly is simple - the biggest of the snail kites were succeeding in handling the larger snails and these larger kites were selected for their ability to handle the new reality they found themselves living in. Thw larger kites solely had to pass thwir genes for one or two generations and now that the larger kites are the predominant birds in their species their problem has been solved. Darwinism 101, adapt or die.
This is very similar to dog breeding programs. You breed for certain attributes, and then that becomes the unique breeding line. Seems like the larger kites are the ones surviving passing on larger genes.
Microevolution is very different from the theory of Macroevolution. The difference is that this genetic information already exists in the animal. Versus new information being added (eventually creating it into an entirely new species unbreathable from the previous species) which has never been proven to be possible.
WOW. Amazing adaption. Bigger birds that could lift the bigger snails out of the water, survived and produced on average bigger offspring that could do similar.
@@earlysda Correct. Adaptation is proven, but for this to be "evolution" the bird would have to be changing to another species. If you listen carefully, you will hear that "most" kites cannot eat the snails. But, that means some of the can, and these are the ones who have a competitive advantage. Nothing new has been grown, all species have natural variations. Humans, for example, come in various morphologies, making some better at sports and others at cerebral tasks, but no new limbs, nor massive brains are "evolving." They already exist as part of the genomic expression. New "parts" require new DNA first....
Greetings, y'all. Microevolution, macroevolution, Darwinian evolution... that's burying your head in the sand. We humans have a 98.8% genetic similarity with chimpanzees. There's a reason we can test medicines in lab rats, we have a 97.5% similarity. There are tons of fossils showing us how things happened in the large scale. *Evolution* is real. Trying to skip its consequences by denying the humbling part of it won't do. Humility is a virtue, you know? What a better lesson in humility could have God devised than Evolution? Is that so different from being created from *mud?*
@AnaMendezLovesBonobos I guess you didn’t understand my point. Religious folk and evolution deniers will not tie adaptation to evolution. They instead try to separate the two and say one doesn’t prove the other. Although it’s obviously asinine.
Once again, this is not an example of actual evolution. Evolution would be “natural selection of random point mutations.” It’s not like the bird had a new single letter mutation which gave it a bigger beak. This is just expressing the existing gene for size a bit longer. Beak, and other body parts size, already exist within a range. Big beaked birds already existed before the supposed evolution happened! It would be like someone killing everyone in an area that doesn’t have red hair and then saying, “Wow, evolution in a single day! Now everyone has red hair.” Natural selection is LOSING genetic information, not gaining. All the genetic info for producing other hair colors was lost. Evolution is a destructive process. It just randomly corrupts functional code until some of it stops working. One cannot produce anything truly new with a destructive process. All genetic diseases are mutations which have broken a necessary function and limited someone. And natural selection, which is claimed eliminates bad mutations, seems incapable of purging the damaged code. Thus, genetic diseases keep accumulating. If anything, creatures are de-volving, not getting better. Everything was wisely designed to have a range of features, sizes, colors, smells, etc. This provides wonderful diversity and resilience. These genes already existed though and just needed to be combined in different ways or be expressed for a longer or shorter time. These variations oscillate around a mean and will never produce anything truly new.
So, how is this not adaptation and rather evolution? The bird isn't becoming a cow or pig or even a different bird. It is adapting to survive. It is still the same bird with the same DNA. When Northern Europeans became larger over time than their southern counterparts, did they become a different specie of human? No.
@@BackpackingBirder right… animals adapt first and depending on what survives, that will drive the evolutionary track… humans didn’t become what we are overnight.
The snails have already turned the tide. I saw a kite after one today but the snail had evolved a speargun type appendage and shot the kite through the head then invited all its friends over for the feast. Evolution is amazing isnt it?!
@@mikesiver1950 I guess you can argue the finches of Galápagos Islands are adaptations also but they are classified as different species. Give the Kite a while evolution takes time.
@@oneskydog6768 So tell us what the kite is going to become, if you can. Will it turn into a fish? Maybe a dog? Maybe you can tell us what the kite used to be? Was it a frog? Maybe a horse? The answer is none of the above, because evolution is an unproven theory. It is a myth and has been debunked beyond a shadow of a doubt. The kite was always a kite and will continue to be a kite. It was not some other animal before it was a bird, and it will not ever be anything but a bird. If you doubt what I say is true, perhaps you should do even just a little digging. The evidence is overwhelming and very easy to find.
@@mikesiver1950you are confusing evolution with speciation. Adaptation is an outcome of the evolutionary process, which is what we see in this Kite population. The evolutionary mechanism at play here being natural selection.
@@maxleshaolin On the contrary. You’re confusing adaptation with evolution. The bird is still a bird. It didn’t become a cow. It didn’t become a frog. It just got bigger. That’s adaptation, not evolution. The birds adapted to their larger prey and got larger themselves. They did not become an entirely different species, which is the premise of evolution.
@@sunset6958 Adaptation is literally the evolutionary process. They can be used interchangeably with the same end result. This is just arguing semantics one which term is technically more correct, when both are accurate.
It is an adaptation, evolution is a series of adaptations. It's still called "evolution" even if it's not a new species yet, because evolution is the process by which diversity in wildlife is shaped.
No, a single creature cannot adapt as in change their morphology (physical structure). A HERD of animals can. If an animal becomes physically different over time, that's evolution. It will breed and things change and change and now do that millions of times and see what happens. It'll be a HUGE change over HUGE amounts of time. Any fool would understand if you put a penny in a jar every day, after a month, you don't have much difference. After 50 years... quite a difference. After 100,000 years? you'd have over 3 million dollars.
Evolution is (physiological) adaptations over time. "Evolution may be defined as any net directional change or any cumulative change in the characteristics of organisms or populations over many generations."
As a raptor biologist, I will say that I am not sure I would be so restricted in my definitions. It's clearly as much natural selection as anything could be. The fact that it's happening quickly is no different than the classic peppered moth example. Nature is "selecting" for larger birds with bigger beaks because the environment is changing for the bird.
Predator-prey interactions can definitely apply selection pressures on both parties. Natural selection can also occur with competition being the selective agent/pressure.
Some animals' sizes increase over time if there's an abundance of food sources and they have time to grow older and get bigger. The sizes decrease when there are less and less food sources. That's why there are currently no megasize land animals after the extinct ones died/killed off.
The slow motion shots of how they use their wings to just suspend over the water while they wash off the snail and get a good grip on it are really cool looking.
The energy and power it takes to hover, then take off from a partially submerged position, while hauling those heavy snails is astonishing...and the slo-mo really shows that!
The power of white compels you
Fentanyl fossil fuels Jan Sex! CO2
Jenny Harlan Crowe Mitochondrial Eve N selection House Mother
Osprey and other diving birds could also have great success in that environment
I thought it was fake. CGI
That’s not slow motion. They’ve evolved to maneuver much slower than before. Pretty amazing!
Snails: "Haha, we're too big for you to eat us"
Birds: *GET SWOLE*
Smol bird now swol bird. 😂
Those were huge snails! I bet it's quite the meal, and definitely fuel for get in those reps 😂
Those big snails are filled with protein 💪
Micro is change within a species.
Macro was change into another species.
Mutation an adaptation typically occurs from death/ loss of DNA. Mutation as a defect is never an advantage.
You can make a wolf into a dog, but you can't make a dog into a wolf.
It has never been proven that one species can change into another species to the point where they can no longer reproduce.
No matter how much an animal changes it is still that animal. From a German Shepherd to a chihuahua, they will always be a dog. No matter what you do to the creature, no matter what changes from the environment, loss, mutation, it will always be a dog. This is where the theory of evolution falls apart.
With most of the bird species in the everglades just a tiny fraction of the former populations, it is encouraging to see that the snail kites may be adapting to take advantage of an invasive species. Now if the gators would just develop a taste for python.
Or people do.
Gators do have a taste for python, but there are so many pythons and they can get so big that many can kill gators as well.
Exactly what I was thinking.....
@@lildarkmatter8373that’s a shame, we need the gators to get swole
@itookallthenames It seriously is a shame. At least they take some pythons down with them. There's a going theory that since they will often appear dead (when they've just slowed breathing/heartrate) they're still alive when swallowed sometimes. So they thrash around, and pop the python like the world's worst piñata. Several pythons were found "popped" from alligators so that's why I say theory.
Back!? We never left! - snail kite spokesperson.
I still got one more in me !! --- Snail Kites at the edge of extinction
Uhh... Snail big.
Haha 😂
breeder did it, fish and game campaign.... we did it with wolves... bred em with huskies.... all wolves in the wild now are 10% malemute... and the general public was told nuthing.... all contracts were private.... America has changed
@@windygrass9807smol bird now swol bird. 😂
Nature is not perfect, it's just good enough. And this is amazing!
If it was just good enough it couldn't work. They say we have some DNA similar to Bananas. May be evolved from Bananas.
"Wathever works" - Life, everywhere
Of course it's not perfect because it's always changing.
The only kind of organism that could truly be perfect is one that is adaptable to all potential conditions without any need for evolutionary genetic changes.
This is why homo sapiens are so successful at spreading out - we are insanely adaptable.
@@mnomadvfxdoesn’t that humans are beautiful?
"Hey man, I'll let whatever versions of you survive as long as they can live long enough to have kids"
It’s amazing how a positive story is so much more enjoyable than the normal doom and gloom.
It is doom and gloom story for the snail😂
@@saketrashmi touché
@@saketrashmi nah they shouldn't have invaded the Florida birds turf :D
Okayy this is crazy. So glad to be a part of this amazing world
Its crazy how they instinctively know whats food and whats not
We need to protect it against people!
Is the this bird throning into a dinosaur
@@timmaz24sbirds have never stopped being dinos. If your ancestors were a certain thing, then technically you're that thing forever.
@@nathancanaan777 their senses don't work like ours, they are more than instincs, also fails and learning but we don't use to see that part on video
Snail: whatchu gonna do little birdie
Kite: I'll be back (in Arnold's voice)
It's awesome seeing them fly off with the snails!
It's a little known fact that this behavior is responsible for their name
A family of these came to a park nearby a couple months back. I've been thinking they were hawks with a taste for snails. They are a pretty decent size. Almost as big as an osprey, but not quite.
Incredible natural selection, in such a short period of time!! 🤯
Yes, natural selection, not "Evolution".
These are the results produced by starvation. This is Darwinism 101 in action. But in this case, instead of the strongest surviving, it's the biggest.
@@angrydragon4574 Natural selection doesn't work by selecting the strongest, it works by selecting the species that can reproduce the best, surviving just helps them reproduce, and being strong just helps them survive, alot of animals aren't strong and have evolved other traits to help them survive like being small and agile in rats.
@@angrydragon4574 "Evolution hasn't been observed while it's happening."
Evolution does not meet the scientific method.
@@earlysdaif you could live for thousands of years you could see it in large organisms. But we routinely see it in smaller faster reproducing ones. The emergence of superbugs resistant to antibiotics is an observable evolution
Even Birds are now growing at a faster rate than my Investments 😶
lmao, aint it the truth!
Index funds. .....
24% last year.
Read the millionaire fastlane
Well, they are dinosaurs …
It's STILL a bird. The same species it ALWAYS was.
@@wms72 okay? Nobody's saying it switched species lmao
It's still natural selection, just within one species rather than an entire ecosystem
@@wms72 it evolved into a bird, technically, but yes, it’s still a bird now's not from natural selection but from predator-pray selection. Evolution can have many reasons behind it.
@@garethmcguinness377It doesnt have to change species to evolve. Any change of a characterist is evolution. Evolution can come from any number of proximal pressures like natural selection, sexual selection, competition, predator-prey etc.
I remember when I was in elementary school here in south fl, we had to make a big project making a exposición about an Everglades native animals & was lucky enough to end up with the snail kite.
Never heard of Snail Kites. Goid for them though!
I didn't even know snails could fly kites.
Wonderful photography. Interesting example of adaptation. Thank you!
Kites got upgraded 👏👏👏
Their must be an intellect intelligence behind creation.
@@jameswatson5807 I had a stroke reading your comment.
@@Jab7812 Google speech to text.
@@Jab7812 Are you still in hospital take is easy.
@@Jab7812 Are you in the hospital now, you've got to be careful have more fruits and veg in your diet.
Antique vitamin d and vitamin k with the cofactors, try to limit meat consumption drink more water.
And walk more no I'm not conspiracy theory but if you did get the jab, it could be related I did not get the jab.
I eat very healthy so it's no issue with me.
Wow 🤩
That's just amazing!
For the people saying it's adaption and not evolution, just remember these tiny changes accumulate over million years and there you have new species
What’s crazy to me is it happened in less than two generations.
Isn't it using what they're given, to the best of their ability, and moving to where they are most comfortable?
@@theriveroffaith852 no, they were there already. It's natural selection. These birds are, probably by a genetic mutation, better adapted to eating these snails. Over time, or two generations in this case, the birds who aren't well adapted disappear, die out, move away whatever, and the genes of the most successful, better adapted birds proliferate.
Adaption is the bird changing to overcome it's environment and challenges, if it can.
If it can't it dies.
Evolution is the bird becoming a horse or a giraffe, that's impossible.
There's a limit to how much the bird can change.
For example if a species of donkeys invaded the wetlands, the bird won't become lions to eat the donkeys. Sometimes evolution is taught that way and it's wrong.
And it doesn't matter if a trillion years passed, the bird would be dead by then.
Get back with me when a bird turns into a giraffe!
nature always finds a way
True... However... As long as species have been evolving, species have been going extinct. It is estimated that over 99.9% of all species that ever lived are extinct. The average lifespan of a species is 1-10 million years, although this varies widely between taxa
"nature always finds a way"
Extinction: "Am I a joke to you?"
@@rodshop5897 extinction is part of nature ... survival of the fittest?? Natural selection ?adapt or ?
@@rodshop5897 isn't that what extinction is part of nature? natural selection? survival of teh fitest? Adapt or ?
@@neoanderson726 Sure, extinction is part of nature, but extinction is not "finding a way" it's the end of the line.
Just to clarify, you are effectively cheering the death of the small beaked snail kites.
Yas kween Werk
@@georgebush6002that is how nature works bud
Poor humans headed for idiocracy
How about the jumbo snails? They didn't get the evolution memo??
Life finds there way
Life finds its* way (singular, if it was plural it'd be "their*")
Totally amazing adaption
Nature is so crazy and amazing😮
Life finds a way!😊
Snails: "Hah! We're too big to eat now! Get REKT, kites!"
Kites: "Say hi to my grandkids for me."
Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.
Courtesy of Half Vast Flying
There’s no such thing as mother nature it’s father God who created nature and sustains nature.
Utterly amazing to see
Life finds a way!!
nature u awesome bro
Evolution is truly amazing!!
Evolution is a myth.
this isn't evolution. it's adaptation.
@mikesiver1950 so is the god of israel
@@lepton31415 adaptation is the first step to evolution. Maybe you need to watch a few more Nature PBS videos
@@lepton31415 It is evolution by natural selection.
Wow, adaptation is incredible!
survival of the fittest, because these bigger kites are a perfect FIT for their changing environment.
It's survival of the luckiest, because many species that could've evolved to fit their niches went extinct instead, due to haphazard environmental contingencies.
This is amazing!!! So much hope for other species!
This is a fantastic example of evolution and the survival of the fittest at work.
The wetlands ecosystem is regaining its balance despite the foreign snail species invasion.
Well done Mother Nature.
Once again, this is not an example of actual evolution. Evolution would be “natural selection of random point mutations.”
It’s not like the bird had a new single letter mutation which gave it a bigger beak. This is just expressing the existing gene for size a bit longer. Beak, and other body parts size, already exist within a range. Big beaked birds already existed before the supposed evolution happened!
It would be like someone killing everyone in an area that doesn’t have red hair and then saying, “Wow, evolution in a single day! Now everyone has red hair.”
Natural selection is LOSING genetic information, not gaining. All the genetic info for producing other hair colors was lost.
Evolution is a destructive process. It just randomly corrupts functional code until some of it stops working. One cannot produce anything truly new with a destructive process. All genetic diseases are mutations which have broken a necessary function and limited someone. And natural selection, which is claimed eliminates bad mutations, seems incapable of purging the damaged code. Thus, genetic diseases keep accumulating. If anything, creatures are de-volving, not getting better.
Everything was wisely designed to have a range of features, sizes, colors, smells, etc. This provides wonderful diversity and resilience. These genes already existed though and just needed to be combined in different ways or be expressed for a longer or shorter time. These variations oscillate around a mean and will never produce anything truly new. Shuffle the canine deck of genes as long as you want and you will never get a feline and vice-versa, because those genes aren’t in that deck.
Family is the equivalent of the Genesis kind. Diverse potential was packed into each Kind which can be bred into unique species WITHIN the Kind (Family classification) but experiments have proved can never result in a new Family taxonomy.
I was born in Miami , Fla. in 1953 and I can tell you there were snail kites like this when I was a teenager. And the snails have come and gone 2 or 3 times in my life. If you were able to get copies of The Miami Herald from the 60s, eventually you will find articles about them and the kites. They even printed recipes(1966-67) on cooking the snails. It's a good thing Florida made it a state park, cause if not there wouldn't be any Everglades today.
what kind of snails are these?
Originally, there was one language and half of the world was trying to decipher their LIVING language. They didn't know which letter each word begins and ends with. They tried to monitor what we were saying. The bird-related title of this video must be a reference to the Lynyrd Skynyrd song which is about the same thing.
@@pikiwiki apple snails; original prey was a smaller native subspecies of apple snail, the larger snails came from the aquarium trade
Everything is evolving right in front of us, including us.
They just need some toast and butter for that escargot, now time for me to go get mine
If you hold one of these puppies in your hand you can see why they're nicknamed "apple snails". The biggest one I've found was almost tennis ball big. And yeah, the mind automatically goes to 'escargot' ........ but don't try to eat these, LOL. Escargot snails are terrestrial and therefore relatively clean-living. Water snails can make you dog-a$$-sick.
I would imagine that at any given time, in almost every species population, there are genetic and physical differences within the same species. Some bigger, some faster, some smaller and some slower, etc., so that there is some flexibility when times invariably change the environment. So if all of a sudden a food source is too large for a bird like these, as long as some can overcome that burden then they can pass along their gene pool pretty quickly.
specialists are always more vulnerable
Bears , Crows , pigeons , seals do not speciate much , that's why they ruling .
Also we humans the lone species of our genus
Nature is amazing!
Life, uh... Finds a way.
With the deaths of small beaked snail kites 🙃
@@Aniggaayaynayniga It's not like the small beaked snail kites and the big beaked snail kites are separate species from each other. ( Or at least not yet. ) Not everything in life has to remain the same just because we humans grew up with the current version. Mother nature doesn't/has ever and will never care about human bias or how attach we get to a variant a an animal. ( And don't give that "Oh so we should just let every species die if they can't adapt?" talk. I never said that so don't try and put words in my mouth to win an argument. ) She also doesn't care about which variant of a particular animal survives and which don't. The main goal of life is to survive and if the snail kites have to develop bigger beaks to survive at the cost of weeding out the small beaked ones than so be it. In addition speciation mother nature can also fodder off anyone who can't survive the changes to an environment . That's just the progress of life.
Snail: Ayyy this new size upgrade is kickin’ ass!
~10 years later~
Snail Kite: **Update Complete** 🗿
"Derrr, but that's not evolution! It's not like a bird turned into a dog!"
Micro-evolution pretty normal.
Vs. macro-evolution where generations diverge into new species, genuses, classes, phyla, kingdoms.
@@charlesstevenson2642 Well it's not so much "normal" vs. "not normal." It's shorter periods of time versus many millennia, which is hard for some people to wrap their minds around.
@audreymuzingo933 My first thought on this was how it may be actually a problem for scientists. Like said in the video it only took a decade for this to happen, wouldn't that be way to fast for neo darwinism? I will also point at the complete opposite side of the spectrum where scientists found that gars would only a .000000001 genetic change over millions of years yet there are many gar species that look completely different but have the same genetics?
@@Daily-PEit’s all circumstantial. Stronger selective pressure, among other things, would lead to faster expected changes. The fact that the horseshoe crab has remained nearly unchanged for something like 100 million years doesn’t hamper the fact that other species have evolved a whole lot in that time.
@@Daily-PE Alot of scientists would actuallly love it
This is fascinating 🐌 🦅 💨
Beautiful evolution story!
Fairy-tale of Evolution.
@@earlysda Evolution is a scientific fact. You don't understand it.
@@earlysda yup, just like that one fairy tale, can't remember its name...ah yes, the bible of course, every child loves that one for sure... -.-'
@@LaKeef4323 Zvonimir/LaKeef, it is not possible, by definition, for anyone to truly be an Atheist.
@@earlysda why are you so reluctant to understand a simple concept? It would make sense if you were still a child; when I was a kid I thought evolution couldn’t be possible because I couldn’t understand how the process worked. But as an adult I understand that it’s impossible for evolution not to be happening because ignoring that it exists goes against pretty much everything we know about how life works. I think if you refuse to “believe” it, it’s because you think about things on a surface level and don’t deeply analyze the way our world works. You must have heard “the theory of evolution is bad and wrong” from the people in your life and have never stopped to question it
Beautiful. Those snails never saw it coming. God works in mysterious ways
I heard that some elephants in Africa are no longer growing tusks. Magic!
Not magic, just natural selection- or perhaps unnatural selection in the case of Elephants, since the ones with tusks were getting killed, the ones without reproduced. However most elephants still are growing tusks. Many are being removed by conservationists in order to protect them.
Reference. Evidence?
@@jz4087It’s called Google & you need to evolve more to use it.
Pretty sure those are just females
@@jz4087 National Geographic
Thats really crazy and sooo damn cool.
"This Bird Is Evolving Right in Front of Us" - all living populations are evolving right in front of us. It just happens too slowly for a human to make much of a notice.
Unless your generation time is short enough (see: MRSA).
This is true; evolution is always at play, even when populations are stable or selection forces are weak enough that it's not very noticeable (like humans and wisdom teeth). In the case of the kites, the selection bias is very strong, so the evolution happens quick enough to see.
Indeed there were some elephants in Africa that were hunted due to their tusks and now many years later only elephants with small tusks remain, survival of the fittest. Nature will always adapt no matter what we do. What we're doing now is *nothing* compared to what has happened in the history of our planet. It's unfortunate that other species have to suffer because of us, that's my only problem.
Except for all the f-ing antibiotic resistance, that happens too fast 😂
@@KateeAngel Because it's bacteria. E. Coli can reproduce every 20 minutes. That's three generations per hour, 72 per day, 26,280 per year. Compare that to one per year for birds and many animals and about 20 years for a human generation. That's why evolution happens so quickly for bacteria.
Usually changes for evolution in the wild (at least for animals like birds) take much longer than 2 generations to create lasting changes in a species. This is honestly amazing that it happened so quickly.
I'm interested to see what happens in the future with these birds and their habitat. Will the beaks get even bigger? Will the birds continue to get bigger or is this their optimum size? Will species that were chased out by the snails start to return? So many questions I'm excited to have answered in a couple of years!
The reason this form of evolution occurred so quickly is simple - the biggest of the snail kites were succeeding in handling the larger snails and these larger kites were selected for their ability to handle the new reality they found themselves living in. Thw larger kites solely had to pass thwir genes for one or two generations and now that the larger kites are the predominant birds in their species their problem has been solved. Darwinism 101, adapt or die.
_How we love thee, _*_Charles Darwin._*
Thank goodness there's a bright future for them! ❤
All animals, including us, are evolving right before us.
This footage is amazing
This is very similar to dog breeding programs. You breed for certain attributes, and then that becomes the unique breeding line. Seems like the larger kites are the ones surviving passing on larger genes.
It's selection. So yes of course it's similar
Nature never fails to amaze me.
Wonderful birds .
Can someone show this to Phoebe and Ross? Cause I want to see them argue about how evolution is something she doesn’t believe 😂
Phoebe is someone in real life you would see yelling at the strangers on the street lol
Growing up is realising none of the Friends were that pleasant
Microevolution is very different from the theory of Macroevolution. The difference is that this genetic information already exists in the animal. Versus new information being added (eventually creating it into an entirely new species unbreathable from the previous species) which has never been proven to be possible.
1:42 snail kite be like: “jokes on you snail HAHAHA!!! “
Mother Nature 🌬️ is always Evolving. 🥰🥰 If humans could just leave nature alone, things would balance out automatically.
We're a part of nature too. Eventually our population will balance out - 8 billion is unsustainable.
Wow now that is impressive & adaptive .
WOW. Amazing adaption. Bigger birds that could lift the bigger snails out of the water, survived and produced on average bigger offspring that could do similar.
That is how evolution is taught and how it works.
Exactly, no "evolving" at all shown here.
@@earlysdathis is what evolution is
No it was the bigger beaks
@@earlysda Correct. Adaptation is proven, but for this to be "evolution" the bird would have to be changing to another species. If you listen carefully, you will hear that "most" kites cannot eat the snails. But, that means some of the can, and these are the ones who have a competitive advantage. Nothing new has been grown, all species have natural variations. Humans, for example, come in various morphologies, making some better at sports and others at cerebral tasks, but no new limbs, nor massive brains are "evolving." They already exist as part of the genomic expression. New "parts" require new DNA first....
All species are evolving. Some more, some less. They don't just stop adapting even if undisturbed.
You literally canNOT deny evolution.
This is natural selection. Further information is needed to demonstrate that it's a case of Darwinian evolution.
It’s still a snail kite. And it’s micro evolution
The main arguments aren't over microevolution. The majority of Christians agree that microevolution exists. The argument lies in macroevolution.
Greetings, y'all. Microevolution, macroevolution, Darwinian evolution... that's burying your head in the sand. We humans have a 98.8% genetic similarity with chimpanzees. There's a reason we can test medicines in lab rats, we have a 97.5% similarity. There are tons of fossils showing us how things happened in the large scale. *Evolution* is real. Trying to skip its consequences by denying the humbling part of it won't do.
Humility is a virtue, you know? What a better lesson in humility could have God devised than Evolution? Is that so different from being created from *mud?*
@@stephenwright4973natural selection leads to evolution?
Interesting video , adapt or die. Is nature's way for a species to survive. Like the way nature works.👍
Even with evidence staring right at people, some are still going to deny evolution and say this is just adaptation 🤣
@AnaMendezLovesBonobos I guess you didn’t understand my point. Religious folk and evolution deniers will not tie adaptation to evolution. They instead try to separate the two and say one doesn’t prove the other.
Although it’s obviously asinine.
@AnaMendezLovesBonobos oh mb then, we are on the same page lol.
Once again, this is not an example of actual evolution. Evolution would be “natural selection of random point mutations.”
It’s not like the bird had a new single letter mutation which gave it a bigger beak. This is just expressing the existing gene for size a bit longer. Beak, and other body parts size, already exist within a range. Big beaked birds already existed before the supposed evolution happened!
It would be like someone killing everyone in an area that doesn’t have red hair and then saying, “Wow, evolution in a single day! Now everyone has red hair.”
Natural selection is LOSING genetic information, not gaining. All the genetic info for producing other hair colors was lost.
Evolution is a destructive process. It just randomly corrupts functional code until some of it stops working. One cannot produce anything truly new with a destructive process. All genetic diseases are mutations which have broken a necessary function and limited someone. And natural selection, which is claimed eliminates bad mutations, seems incapable of purging the damaged code. Thus, genetic diseases keep accumulating. If anything, creatures are de-volving, not getting better.
Everything was wisely designed to have a range of features, sizes, colors, smells, etc. This provides wonderful diversity and resilience. These genes already existed though and just needed to be combined in different ways or be expressed for a longer or shorter time. These variations oscillate around a mean and will never produce anything truly new.
So, how is this not adaptation and rather evolution? The bird isn't becoming a cow or pig or even a different bird. It is adapting to survive. It is still the same bird with the same DNA. When Northern Europeans became larger over time than their southern counterparts, did they become a different specie of human? No.
@@BackpackingBirder right… animals adapt first and depending on what survives, that will drive the evolutionary track… humans didn’t become what we are overnight.
So fascinating to watch
Florida's ecology is so f*cked with invasives but it's great to see some native predators fighting back!
The tropical environment is suitable for many invasive species but as you can see in this video here it means that the species will adapt or die.
@@angrydragon4574 Except the invasive species are not the ones adapting or dieing here, the native one is.
@@chir0pter This bird is clearly proving otherwise.
@@angrydragon4574 The bird is native! "Except the invasive species are not the ones adapting or dieing here, the native one is."
@@chir0pter You stupid or something? The bird's population just tripled. That's not a dying event, it's an adaptation.
Nature undefeated still!
The snails have already turned the tide. I saw a kite after one today but the snail had evolved a speargun type appendage and shot the kite through the head then invited all its friends over for the feast. Evolution is amazing isnt it?!
Few minutes ago, I saw a bird that discovered.........
You know what, I'm going to bed
Very good information! Gives hope to other species 😊😊😊
Evolution is not always slow and steady
But it IS always a myth.
Life is regardless of human existence, what a wonderful planet.
And humans are devolving right in front of the birds.
Ya lol mixing hybrid monkeys in what do u expect.
Devolution doesnt exist
@@muslimcel4581 Prove it.
... as a result of socialism.
Had a mating pair in my back yard in the 90s. They didn’t seem to have any trouble with large snails.
Then their descendants are most likely still living in that neighborhood.
Look at nature correcting our blunders!!!!
No mention of the snail's evolution to grow too big to eat. Cool stuff!
They’re an invasive species
So cool ❤
Uhh evolution doesn't stop fyi... it's always in motion in front of us with everything. Unfortunately with humans, we're just devolving 😂
Rare time nature finds a way fast enough to solve a problem
Evolution, “change through time” is real.
That’s not evolution. That’s adaptation. The kite is still a kite.
@@mikesiver1950 I guess you can argue the finches of Galápagos Islands are adaptations also but they are classified as different species. Give the Kite a while evolution takes time.
@@oneskydog6768 So tell us what the kite is going to become, if you can. Will it turn into a fish? Maybe a dog?
Maybe you can tell us what the kite used to be? Was it a frog? Maybe a horse?
The answer is none of the above, because evolution is an unproven theory. It is a myth and has been debunked beyond a shadow of a doubt. The kite was always a kite and will continue to be a kite. It was not some other animal before it was a bird, and it will not ever be anything but a bird. If you doubt what I say is true, perhaps you should do even just a little digging. The evidence is overwhelming and very easy to find.
@@mikesiver1950you are confusing evolution with speciation. Adaptation is an outcome of the evolutionary process, which is what we see in this Kite population. The evolutionary mechanism at play here being natural selection.
@@maxleshaolin On the contrary. You’re confusing adaptation with evolution. The bird is still a bird. It didn’t become a cow. It didn’t become a frog. It just got bigger. That’s adaptation, not evolution. The birds adapted to their larger prey and got larger themselves. They did not become an entirely different species, which is the premise of evolution.
"Life, uh, finds a way"
~ Dr. Ian Malcolm
They are nor evolving, they are adapting
Pay attention.
Adaptation is one outcome of the evolutionary process. You are probably mistaking evolution with speciation.
“Nature always finds a way”
Isn’t it called adaptation?
It is , but for some reason they keep calling it evolution. This is an educational channel too , so you'd think they'd operate on a higher standard.
@@sunset6958 Adaptation is literally the evolutionary process. They can be used interchangeably with the same end result. This is just arguing semantics one which term is technically more correct, when both are accurate.
It is an adaptation, evolution is a series of adaptations. It's still called "evolution" even if it's not a new species yet, because evolution is the process by which diversity in wildlife is shaped.
Evolution is simply changes in allele frequency over time, usually in adaptation to environmental pressures. That's it, easy-peasy.
Adaptation is an outcome of the evolutionary process
How awesome!
What is it “evolving” into??? A crocodile? A cat?
Animals were created “according to their kinds.”
Genesis 1: 23,24
"Reality is wrong, my book clearly says so."
Nature finds a way
The bird is adapting. There's a difference
Many people thing "change" or "adapt" equal "evolve", but they don't.
No, a single creature cannot adapt as in change their morphology (physical structure). A HERD of animals can. If an animal becomes physically different over time, that's evolution. It will breed and things change and change and now do that millions of times and see what happens. It'll be a HUGE change over HUGE amounts of time. Any fool would understand if you put a penny in a jar every day, after a month, you don't have much difference. After 50 years... quite a difference. After 100,000 years? you'd have over 3 million dollars.
@@earlysda it literally does
Evolution is (physiological) adaptations over time. "Evolution may be defined as any net directional change or any cumulative change in the characteristics of organisms or populations over many generations."
@@aaronmcc1020 aaron, are you sure that "change" = "evolve"? Many others have been embarrassed when shown how ridiculous that stance is.
"ThErS nO eVidEnCe fOr eVoLuTiOn"
Apart from the mountains of evidence for evolution. Maybe it's time for your thinking to evolve.
@@nexpro6985 You dond get the internet gergo do you? How old are you?
Ash when some big bird is harassing the fam of his own big bird
Just for those of us who are studying ecology...this is NOT evolution from natural selection but evolution from predator-prey competiton
As a raptor biologist, I will say that I am not sure I would be so restricted in my definitions. It's clearly as much natural selection as anything could be. The fact that it's happening quickly is no different than the classic peppered moth example. Nature is "selecting" for larger birds with bigger beaks because the environment is changing for the bird.
Predator-prey interactions can definitely apply selection pressures on both parties. Natural selection can also occur with competition being the selective agent/pressure.
They never left. They just go for training and now they are ready
How big will they be in 100 years?!
Bigger than the Earth itself, I think.
@@GGoAwayy LOL!
Some animals' sizes increase over time if there's an abundance of food sources and they have time to grow older and get bigger. The sizes decrease when there are less and less food sources. That's why there are currently no megasize land animals after the extinct ones died/killed off.
Those big snails are filled with protein 💪