Jeanne Calment

  • Опубліковано 7 бер 2008
  • This is a video of Jeanne Calment when she was 119 years old. She lived to 122 years of age. Excerpted from
    Edited on 21 Aug 2008.


  • @Laporisduvelay
    @Laporisduvelay 13 років тому +1884

    Can you imagine? You arrive at 100 years old and you've got another 22 years to live!

  • @milky0candy
    @milky0candy 13 років тому +1397

    She was born in 1875....
    She saw Van Gogh, lived through the romantic current, realism, etc...Also industrial revolution....
    WW1, WW2, Cold war...omg

  • @warpedcomedy
    @warpedcomedy 14 років тому +871

    In 1895, she was 20 years old. Incredible.

  • @18CaStRaDoMiS89
    @18CaStRaDoMiS89 15 років тому +651

    She met Van Gogh and lived through two world wars. She witnessed the Apollo moon landings, birth of the internet and was older than both the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. She was 37 when the Titanic sank, and outlived most of the oldest survivors....DAMN!!!!!!!!
    i would have to live until 2109 to match her age!

  • @Hippoclite
    @Hippoclite 14 років тому +686

    Translation :
    - Did you meet Van Gogh ?
    - Yes
    - How ?
    - I met him at the end of his life. He was ugly. He was alcoholic.
    - Where did you meet him ?
    - He came at the store (in Arles). He still painted a little bit. He came to buy some canvas. My husband sold canvas, to paint.

  • @JestonXi
    @JestonXi 14 років тому +97

    I was born 'Monday, November 18, 1991' on 'Monday, October 1, 2114' I will be 122 ,
    Back in my day we had this thing called a HD-TV and PC

  • @Jotto999
    @Jotto999 15 років тому +141

    In English:
    They are talking about her meeting Vincent Van Gogh, and what he was like (since she was the only living person that actually met him, she could tell us about him).
    They also talked about some hobbies that she has. She says she likes many "decorative artistic" things, like painting, and also piano.
    The end was really interesting. At 2:22 that woman says to her "We're going", and Jeanne says "Yes, let's go!. Hurry up! March!". Her drive, her energy at her age...incredible.

  • @SouthwesternEagle
    @SouthwesternEagle 15 років тому +58

    If I were to ever beat her record, I'd have to live past October 1, 2112. Anyone of my generation would be lucky to see 2100.

  • @Pugslee3
    @Pugslee3 14 років тому +564

    Amazing, when she was 119 she looked healthier than some people who are only 85 or 88 years old.

  • @Hippoclite
    @Hippoclite 14 років тому +94

    - Then, what did you do after your studied ? - I stayed at home with my parents, I was waiting my marriage. So, I painted, I practised piano, arts. - What did you paint ? - A blind screen, with 5 parts. Each part had a long spray of flower. - Did you remember how was these painted flowers ? - Yes. Roses, iris, anemones, suns. (after the interview) - Here we go - Come on, let's go gaily (french expression) - Gaily, I don't know - Onward, let's go

  • @Pugslee3
    @Pugslee3 14 років тому +64

    Wow, she looks like an 89 year old! Thats wonderful.

  • @killamofojack
    @killamofojack 15 років тому +49

    i hope i reach 122. it would be amazing to see how much has changed since i was born. she died at 122 yrs, 164 days so for me to reach that age the date would be June 4th, 2115. WOW ! just WOW !

  • @mcdade10
    @mcdade10 15 років тому +82

    She says her age has a lot to do with Port wine and olive oil, but if that were the case a lot of people would be alive at 130 Plus. I think it was simply because she had excellent genes.

  • @chuckmanofgod
    @chuckmanofgod 14 років тому +202

    If you think about it, Jeanne Calment is old enough to be Adolf Hitler's mother. I know that would be an insult, but everyone has heard about Hitler though, so I used him as an example. At the time she was born, the telephone wasn't even invented yet, and the fastest way to travel was via a steam locomotive. If she died at an average age, she would have died sometime in the 1950's, I think that's incredible. I won't exceed her longevity until February 1, 2103.....a long time from now, lol.

  • @nemke1990
    @nemke1990 15 років тому +20

    shes seams sweet...she finally rests in peace...
    Ill be happy not if i reach 120 but if i raise my kids right and see them raise their kids right because at the end of the day everything is about 19 and happy with my life... thanks mom...

  • @ziemass
    @ziemass 15 років тому +166

    4 years older than einstein

  • @chuckmanofgod
    @chuckmanofgod 15 років тому +29

    If i were to pass her age, I would have to live past February 1, 2103; Jeanne Calment lived for 44,724 days.

  • @023poseidon2
    @023poseidon2 15 років тому +25

    Cette dame est incroyable. Je ne peux pas croire qu'elle soit toujours si forte, avec une voix forte. Mais c'etait parfois pénible a comprendre ce qu'elle disait. Reposez en paix, doyenne de l'humanité!

  • @alberthurt1
    @alberthurt1 14 років тому +39

    god bless you jeanne RIP

  • @JestonXi
    @JestonXi 14 років тому +16

    to be old and wise, is a great gift.

  • @gregorifiorini
    @gregorifiorini 16 років тому +29

    Um exemplo de longevidade!
    Morreu aos 122 anos em 1997, uma pena...

  • @MichaelVereno
    @MichaelVereno 14 років тому +54

    Jeanne Calment was born before Edison invented the phonograph and the light bulb and before Eiffel had built his tower. She lived to see WW1, she was already old when Hitler was thrown down, and she even saw the first men on the moon....
    Incredible. Imagine that: If I reach her age, I will die 2108!

  • @Alienmad462
    @Alienmad462 13 років тому +167

    met vincent van gogh.

  • @ros375
    @ros375 15 років тому +16

    On-y va au monde meilleur Madame Calment! Vous avez eu une vie extraordinaire.

  • @Timcookie321
    @Timcookie321 14 років тому +43

    wow she lived longer than the terminator

  • @amaraca
    @amaraca 14 років тому +6

    She was a treasure. I find myself in awe, expressed as sadness and joy. How fortunate we were to have this chance to speak with her! I speak French and in one part she said "Alors mon mari servait des toiles, pour peindre". Translation in English: "so my husband served the canvases, to paint [upon]". That's what she said.

  • @JexPAuk
    @JexPAuk 15 років тому +34

    Her husband died after eating a dessert with some poisoned cherries,her daughter passed away at 36 owing to a pneumonia.

  • @GSUPanther2001
    @GSUPanther2001 13 років тому +95

    Tired of living at 20? You haven't even begun. Enjoy it whilst you can!

  • @Pugslee3
    @Pugslee3 14 років тому +9

    She was lucky to be a senior citizen in the later twentieth century life was a lot more comfortable.

  • @thetrueBiskui
    @thetrueBiskui 15 років тому +4

    She still rode a bike when she was 100 yeard old, and took up fencig when she was 85. So only a helpless wreck on the last years, like most people who don't die of old age.

  • @CoTeCiOtm
    @CoTeCiOtm 14 років тому +47

    I will try to reach at most as I can, but I'd prefer to live a short and active life to spend 40 years laying on a bed being unable to do anything. If I live long, I'd like to do it helping whoever I can. I'm 18 already and I haven't smoke not even once in my life and not even one single glass of alcohol.

  • @Hippoclite
    @Hippoclite 14 років тому +137

    - Did Van Gogh chose his canvas ?
    - Of course. He touched them. It wasn't my husband. My husband wasn't a specialist. At the end of his life, Van Gogh wasn't the same.
    - At this time, Van Gogh was famous ?
    - Yes. He went to whorehouse. Not to the women. He spent too much money. He gave money to drink.
    - How long did you study ?
    - I went to school until the Brevet (she was about 11-12 years old I think)

  • @Linkage1992
    @Linkage1992 14 років тому +11

    wow, she was only born one year after winston churchill.

  • @sup3rkangkong
    @sup3rkangkong 14 років тому +3

    so the french people speak today has changed very little back then. sooo goood

  • @keepXonXrockin
    @keepXonXrockin 14 років тому +2

    i wouldn't want to live that long. 75 to 80 is enough, thanks.

  • @CarlMullen
    @CarlMullen 15 років тому +6

    She died 4th August, 1997. Therefore she died age 122.

  • @annnanas1991
    @annnanas1991 15 років тому +5

    she said she met van gogh at the end of his life, that he was ugly and burned by alcool.
    then she said he went to the brothel but he paid not for the women, he paid for alcool.
    Then she speaks about her paintings (mostly flowers), her life and her marriage...

  • @Cwmbran1984
    @Cwmbran1984 15 років тому +3

    Saying that if the past 25 years for me have witnessed a huge amount of change (fall of Communism, 2 Gulf Wars, Fall of the Berlin Wall, 9/11) what on Earth will happen in the next 25 years.
    I'll be just happy to reach 60 years of age. I wouldn't want to live for 122 years if no one in my family was left alive.

  • @khayes9591
    @khayes9591 14 років тому +2

    God bless her...

  • @ckouri25
    @ckouri25 16 років тому +6

    lol wow! Elle est trop mignone a la fin!

  • @RullTapet
    @RullTapet 15 років тому +1

    Unbeliveable O_o :P . She seems to be´n a great person so RIP Jeanne Calment.

  • @reuillois
    @reuillois 16 років тому +1

    Encore hallucinante de vivacité à 119 !!!
    J'aimerais bien être comme ça dans 97 ans !
    En avant !

  • @thescorpionking2020
    @thescorpionking2020 14 років тому +4

    shit man its hard to believe we'll get old 1 day

  • @NeyoPro
    @NeyoPro 14 років тому +3

    thanks batemanier for the translation

  • @bonchbonch
    @bonchbonch 15 років тому +8

    It's cool that she lived so long, but damn, I don't even want to live to be half her age.

  • @Nogli
    @Nogli 15 років тому +8

    I wish I knew what she was saying!

  • @Joe402
    @Joe402 15 років тому +13

    I wonder if things like computers freaked her out
    that is if she was able to see them

  • @wartab
    @wartab 14 років тому +5

    @poopaholictar : Belgians, Luxembourgers, Swiss, half of Africa, some Islands in America, some places in Canada. French is the 11th most spoken language (English is the 3rd).

  • @jmacdow
    @jmacdow 14 років тому +8

    she's talking about how she knew Van Gough.

  • @jimmyluc
    @jimmyluc 14 років тому +23

    LOL shes would be all pissed saying why are you yelling in my ears!

  • @zaleenbaba
    @zaleenbaba 14 років тому +1

    yes she is

  • @KelvintoKind3
    @KelvintoKind3 15 років тому +3

    Didn't you read the description? She was 119 years old in this video.

  • @ZBTEproductions
    @ZBTEproductions 14 років тому +6

    @GURG3L I speak french. She sais she knew Van Gogh an that when she was young, her family owned a shop, and Gogh would buy painting stuff there.

  • @Pugslee3
    @Pugslee3 14 років тому +25

    I wonder if anyone has her autograph. Would it be worth anything?

  • @aaa8181
    @aaa8181 14 років тому +2

    @elobservadorenliinea I used to not want to live that long. But think of all the stuff you would see having lived that long. She witnessed the industrial revolution, and lived through both world wars. Hell, she was 25 at the turn of the 20th century. I cant even begin to comprehend all of the stuff she has seen its absolutely incredible. However it would suck outliving all of your friends and family...

  • @fashionhistorylover
    @fashionhistorylover 14 років тому +3

    Yeah seriously. My grandma on my mother's side was only a year old and my grandpa was 6 years old when she was already 60!!!

  • @claudefrollono1
    @claudefrollono1 15 років тому +5

    Born in the same year like Carl Gustav Jung!

  • @Ruldolphmaker
    @Ruldolphmaker 13 років тому +153

    would've asked her to prove if Jesus was real or not! lol
    she probably shook hands with him

  • @Jotto999
    @Jotto999 15 років тому +7

    I would absolutely love that as well, simply to see how humans do. Unfortunately, currently scientists have doubts on whether we'll ever manage to colonize other parts of the universe. We need to progress a lot more in science if we want to manage it.
    If I live to 100, it would be the year 2090. I wonder how things will be in that time, and I do hope I can be there. :)

  • @Theo_Theemuts
    @Theo_Theemuts 14 років тому +8

    damn, i should have do my best in french class....

  • @bobbobato
    @bobbobato 14 років тому +8

    I'm not so sure that she was very lucky. Think about it, she spent over forty years (from her 80th to 122th b-days), thinking that she would die at any moment and was at the end of her life.

  • @IgnatzKolisch
    @IgnatzKolisch 16 років тому +3

    She was deaf in one ear, almost deaf in the other, and could only vaguely see colours. People had to yell into her one "good" ear for her to hear them.

  • @JP_Wu
    @JP_Wu 14 років тому +40

    OMFG in 1935 she was 60 years old (almost 10 years before my grandparents borned), since there she was an elderly person =O
    ...and in 1965! she was 90 years old, people could think she would die soon.

  • @JuicyJews
    @JuicyJews 14 років тому +1

    dear god...

    @MIKESOWELL 15 років тому +3

    Has Tutti Yusupova's age been verified? I saw Fox News scrolling about her saying she was born July 1, 1880. That would make her 128!!!!!

  • @Hippoclite
    @Hippoclite 13 років тому +4


  • @TheSteffen1223
    @TheSteffen1223 14 років тому +2

    Both of her children died before she did. I am surprised she even made it that long.

  • @kloratis
    @kloratis 16 років тому +3

    At the first 2 seconds the description says it was in 1994, so Jeanne Calment was 119 years old, not 112... She was born in 1875...

  • @lSolomonl
    @lSolomonl 15 років тому +2

    I want a english translatioan. Please.

  • @honeycomb97
    @honeycomb97 15 років тому +5

    CAN ANYONE TRANSLATE THIS FOR ME!!!! i rlly wish i knew what she was saying

  • @aitraining
    @aitraining 15 років тому +8

    Awesome! Was on wiki reading about olive oil I think and they referenced Jeanne as she credited it with part of her lifestyle. Wow! 122 (and a 1/2 actually lol). Unfuckin real. I used to say I wouldn't want to live past 90 and she is pretty messed up here but screw that! It's better than dead.

  • @Hippoclite
    @Hippoclite 14 років тому +5

    @GURG3L I have translated, read the translation

  • @astongustaf
    @astongustaf 15 років тому +2

    Healthy woman.. ;S

  • @djhey123
    @djhey123 15 років тому +13

    this is scary.
    cool tho

  • @Mortyst
    @Mortyst 14 років тому +3

    Can someone subtitle this?

  • @theoneandonly690
    @theoneandonly690 14 років тому +3

    and she smoked till she was 117

  • @turkishhash
    @turkishhash 14 років тому +5

    @elobservadorenliinea She did NOT say that!! What a horrible thing to say. U are so ignorant and negative. You will not know a full life in that mindset.
    My Nana, at 94 is happy and is still sharp and takes care of herself.
    She can even walk to the mall. She can calculate the exact price of what's in her cart.
    She also has 5 daughters and a boatload of grandkids and great grandkids who visit often and love her.
    See if you can say that!

  • @ClaireBear713
    @ClaireBear713 16 років тому +1

    when she say oui, it sounds like she is saying oouwie

  • @TwistedTransistor88
    @TwistedTransistor88 14 років тому +3

    @RijenRijen yep i just became 17 last week and i´m already sick of getting older :D:D:D

  • @buioso
    @buioso 15 років тому +4

    when IIWW ended she was 70 Yo!
    Really incredible lifespan

  • @redcomic619
    @redcomic619 15 років тому +2

    can we get this in english please? i cant believe this is the only good video of her on youtube

  • @eIectrostatic
    @eIectrostatic 15 років тому +6

    Yes, she was blind and could only hear on one ear. Almost all supercentenareans (110+) have greatly impaired eyesight and hearing...

  • @hellbat
    @hellbat 14 років тому +1

    For me 70 is already too much ^^ I am just 19 ;p

  • @TheLordHodne
    @TheLordHodne 14 років тому +3

    What's remarkeble is that she smoked all her life....

  • @powermetal4eva
    @powermetal4eva 15 років тому +1

    In the video she talks about van gogh... he drank alot of alcohol
    sorry I can't translate it all but if there's a certain part of the video you want me to translate just send me a message

  • @gummel82
    @gummel82 14 років тому +1


  • @innocent1252
    @innocent1252 14 років тому +1

    @batemanier according to wiki she was thirteen and it was her uncles store. no mention of marrying her uncle, are you sure about the translation or is she getting her story mixed up. i know some people believe that her story about Van Gogh could not be correct.

  • @kekecom
    @kekecom 15 років тому +4

    en avant , marche !! lol

  • @ronarprfct
    @ronarprfct 15 років тому +1

    Actually, since nicotene interrupts programmed cell death, as long as you can avoid cancer and other complications, it will likely lengthen you life, all other things being equal to each other and past conditions(future developments may achieve similar result with less risk).

  • @kloratis
    @kloratis 14 років тому +3

    She was an ordinary woman

  • @cowboy0212
    @cowboy0212 14 років тому +3

    @bbenjoe That's amazing! :)

  • @thelawnet
    @thelawnet 14 років тому +4

    she lived in her own house till she was 110

  • @darkflower2
    @darkflower2 16 років тому +2

    Can someone who understands French translate the video?

  • @ArranPage
    @ArranPage 15 років тому +4

    Her Grandson also died aged 36 didn't he? Motorbike accident or something.

  • @bodo635
    @bodo635 15 років тому +3

    i would like to live forever, to see our civilization colonize the universe

  • @phily8020
    @phily8020 14 років тому +1

    What did she say in English? (most important points) please...

  • @nwLohmann
    @nwLohmann 15 років тому

    what is she saying about van gogh?

  • @fcmhockeyvideos
    @fcmhockeyvideos 14 років тому +2

    When you'll be older you,ll probably dont say it.

  • @hellbat
    @hellbat 14 років тому +20

    For me someone old is minimum 75+ Thumbs up if you agree

  • @Trixiaoyu
    @Trixiaoyu 14 років тому +1

    @Pugslee3 - That doesn't make is sound any better, LOL!