Day 196: Destruction of Israel - The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @youtubeKathy
    @youtubeKathy Місяць тому +13

    July 14, 2024 Sunday. Here I am.

  • @ojie285
    @ojie285 Місяць тому +16

    I pray for PEACE ... in Israel, in Ukraine, and in all countries going through wars.
    O Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us. 🔥❤️🙏
    Day 196, thank you as always, Fr. Mike. Praying for you, Fr. John, Fr. Paul, Fr. Jean, Fr. Chris, Fr. Michael, Fr. Leon, Fr. Donald, Fr. Tito and all priests and religious, and the faithful.

  • @ansond6372
    @ansond6372 Рік тому +26

    I can't believe how deeply this program enters into me. This is my 3rd year participating and I'm still learning. Picking up on things that I missed in the 2 years prior. Thank you so much Fr Mike and Ascension for continuing to make this available. Fr Mike's explanations examine and clarify God's word so that I in turn learn how to understand how to love Him more deeply

  • @antyschaar2603
    @antyschaar2603 2 роки тому +39

    I love listening to this Bible podcast. It is the highlight of every morning for me to hear Gods word. I’m understanding more and more of the Bible the 2nd time around. Me and my brother are caregivers for our mom who is 95 yrs old and has dementia and is very heartbreaking to see your mom slowly dying before your eyes. I pray to God every day to let her have a happy death through St. Joseph . That is all I want for my mom as she doesn’t deserve this. I did everything with my mom and she is my best friend and not to do those things anymore as she is wheelchair bound is killing me slowly also, but I know that is has to be God’s will to take home with him not mine. All I ask for is prayers for my mom to ask God to let her have a happy death through St. Joseph if it is God’s will.

    • @irenebrough8674
      @irenebrough8674 2 роки тому +4

      Praying for you and your brother, God give you strength, courage, for you will be rewarded by Him for your love and care for your mother.

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

    • @sshankleton
      @sshankleton Рік тому +3

      Bless you & your brother for caring for your Mom. I was blessed to have my Mom with me at age 95 too.

    • @janicemulry8140
      @janicemulry8140 Рік тому +3

      Prayers said for you and your brother in the patient and loving care of your 95 year old Mum! (It’s a year later now so she would be 96 if God hasn’t yet brought her home) What a wonderful blessing for her to have loving sons to take care of her needs. God bless! 🙏🥰

  • @roknrone
    @roknrone Місяць тому +9

    Day 196..with God, all things are possible. The book of Tobit confirms this. May we follow God's will and love and serve him..prayers for Father Mike and all the BIY family 🙏❤.

  • @sugandhasingh8510
    @sugandhasingh8510 Місяць тому +6

    In the book of Tobit, 12, the angel Raphael says twice: “It’s good to hide a king’s secret from view, and good to reveal God’s works in an honorable way” - has a deeper teaching behind it
    It is good to conceal the secret of a king, but what God does should be told everywhere, so that he may be praised and honored.🙏🌟🕊Honor GOD by letting others know what he has done for you. If you do what is right, nothing bad will happen to you.🕯🙏
    Praise Almighty GOD and acknowledge HIS works 🙏 we praise and thank you GOD with our heart and soul.🕯🙏🕊
    Praying for everyone journeying BIY 🙏 Amen 🙏
    Date - 14 July 2024

  • @jldisme
    @jldisme 7 місяців тому +9

    Lord Jesus, I humbly pray for myself, Father Mike, & all the people participating in the Bible-in-Year podcast. May your word take deep root in our hearts & transform our ways of thinking, discerning, and acting. May your grace open our ears to hear & understand both the Old & the New Testaments that we may revere & treasure the words which God has prepared for all who desire to enter his kingdom. Send us your Holy Spirit to give us the Spirit of Knowledge, that we may know God and know ourselves. Give us the grace to approach the Word of God with meekness & humility, & with an eagerness to do everything God desires. Help us to be diligent students & faithful disciples of your Word. May our hearts never grow dull & may our ears never tire of listening to your voice. Amen.

  • @margaretferrara1008
    @margaretferrara1008 Рік тому +13

    All please pray for my twin sister Cecelia, who passed very suddenly. Thank you. We are very heartbroken. Blessings.

    • @luzclara3855
      @luzclara3855 Місяць тому

      I know this is one year later, I am truly so very sorry for your loss, my dear. 🙏❤ God bless you always. May your beloved twin sister rest in the peace of Heaven, I pray with much love. 💕

  • @joseguzman1051
    @joseguzman1051 2 місяці тому +7

    AMEN 🙏.

  • @ellensstory4429
    @ellensstory4429 Рік тому +12

    So interesting, as a Protestant I have never heard Tobit before.

    • @ojie285
      @ojie285 Місяць тому +1

      Well, you can "thank" Martin Luther for removing this and other books from your bible. Do your own due diligence to see if this book is really "apocryphal".

  • @ruthortega5822
    @ruthortega5822 2 роки тому +14

    Do not be the enemy of your own life. Oh Jesus, please do not let me be the enemy of my own life. Sometimes I think I am, so I need your help with this. The last two days have been so very interesting. The Book of Tobit is great and I am enjoying it. Father Mike's explanations are awesome.

  • @stevensobba1785
    @stevensobba1785 10 місяців тому +4

    As I listen to this day ,we are 8 days into Gaza/Israel brutal conflict. Keep us, me , family close Lord, truth of this unknown… cling by a thread to Your Truth… Help my trust in you.

  • @dawnmireles2912
    @dawnmireles2912 Рік тому +3

    July 18, 2023
    Round Two
    A great addition to Father Mike’s Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year is listening/watching EWTN Mother Angelica Live Classics. She speaks to us today to help us live right with God. Another suggestion is Saint Faustina’s Diary. I urge you to listen to or read her Diary to also help guide you in this life. Jesus I trust in You. #DivineMercy

  • @antonelladipiazza187
    @antonelladipiazza187 2 роки тому +15

    "Do not be slow to give thanks!" "PRAISE THE LORD FOR EVER!" Wow wow wow. Amen!

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @susanbourke1655
    @susanbourke1655 2 роки тому +13

    Prayer along with fasting and almsgiving and righteousness. I've never heard this so simply before. 4 Steps: I take care of those around me, deny myself, and live righteously along with prayer.

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @charliego7375
    @charliego7375 Рік тому +8

    I want to thank God for this beautiful gift that he has given us 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 and thank you Fr. Mike for the work your doing your ministry as a priest first of all but also for taking on this monumental task of bible in a year. It is a blessing to listen to the scriptures and to get further insight as you explain the reading. Blessed be the Lord God all mighty our triune God🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @jutta7053
    @jutta7053 3 роки тому +28

    Dear Father Mike, thank you so much for your explanation. I'm listening from Germany and enjoy reading the Bible with you. Praying for you and staying in prayer together. God bless you and " Vergelt's Gott ". ....Jesus, I trust in you. Amen! Halleluja! Praise the Lord 🙏 🕯 ❤ 🌹

    • @jutta7053
      @jutta7053 3 роки тому +2

      @@spidermiddleagedman Dankeschön! Bin total begeistert! Viele Grüße nach Österreich! Gottes Schutz und Segen 🙏

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

    • @ojie285
      @ojie285 Місяць тому

      ​@armandohajos9655 , Beyond SO MANY GRAMMATICAL and SPELLING ERRORS multiplied by your copying and pasting, you are just passing the errors you've learned from your pastor.

  • @patmendell381
    @patmendell381 Рік тому +6

    The more you love, the less you sin….

  • @wreloise1
    @wreloise1 3 роки тому +19

    Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving, Righteousness, Hallow be Thy Name…ABBA Father…Great is Your forgiveness….Developing a deeper relationship with You is the desire..AMEN 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @antonelladipiazza187
    @antonelladipiazza187 2 роки тому +6

    Sorry I keep adding comments but this is getting better and better the more we approach the Fullness of Time, JESUS'S COMING! Thank you for this wonderful journey.

  • @ceciwolfcat7
    @ceciwolfcat7 3 роки тому +31

    Two of my top five readings, Isaiah and Tobit. Thank you Fr. Mike and Ascension for bringing these words to those who didn't know them, I am thoroughly enjoying the last couple of days.🙏🏼

    • @donaldtrump2884
      @donaldtrump2884 3 роки тому

      Go back to mexico

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @Ruth-kg6gs
    @Ruth-kg6gs 3 роки тому +38

    I am embarrassed to admit: for sixty years, I’ve said a short prayer just before the gospel and I had no idea what “as you touched the lips of Isaiah with a burning coal” meant!! Now I know😂🤣😂🤣. Thanks, Fr. Mike, for this and so much more!

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @patrick.7326
    @patrick.7326 10 місяців тому +5

    Praise God for ever and ever.

  • @elizabethhunter4525
    @elizabethhunter4525 2 роки тому +5

    I love that Isiah verse 6-7 For unto us a child is born........we sing it in a song sometimes, so good to sing the truth. There has been a high profile bowel cancer lady over here (UK) raising millions for cancer charities, she has sadly just passed away, her zest for life was amazing and she coined a phrase of having 'rebellious hope' I thought yes so do we Christians, in all the dross, and bad bad ways of this world, we have that rebellious hope in Jesus, that He will lead us on into paths of righteousness. Amen to that.

  • @naomiwelch6715
    @naomiwelch6715 2 місяці тому +7

    Beautiful readings today.

  • @17CW68fNv
    @17CW68fNv Рік тому +7

    Love this reading. The story of Tobias and Sarah and their lives, and Raphael the angel, so enjoyed this. God Bless. Claire.

  • @fashionforwardmom8008
    @fashionforwardmom8008 Рік тому +3

    Lord, We thank you and give you praise because you are mighty God, Prince of Peace and the everlasting Father. Strengthen our commitment to seek you in prayer during our day so we can conform to your ways. May 😢we rely upon/desire you above all else by disciplining or minds/bodies- show us our need for you in fasting. Humble us to bless others with the fruit you bear in our lives. Help us to remain faithful to you always and see how your ways are always higher than our own. 🙏🏻

  • @eduardohoover2127
    @eduardohoover2127 2 роки тому +3

    This passage in Tobit reminds me of Mark Twain's quote, " The rumors of my death are highly exaggerated."

  • @margaretferrara1008
    @margaretferrara1008 Рік тому +3

    Wonderful Counselor, prince of peace. Jesus Jesus Jesus praise and bless you Almighty Father glory to the Holy Spirit.

  • @pammish5899
    @pammish5899 2 роки тому +6

    Fr. Mike, your explanation of the Bible is such a blessing. Praise God and thank you !

  • @antonelladipiazza187
    @antonelladipiazza187 2 роки тому +4

    "LOVE covers all offenses." And st. Maximilian echoed, "Hatred destroys. LOVE ALONE CREATES!"

  • @charmiemael460
    @charmiemael460 Рік тому +4

    Thanks Fr.Mike 🤗🙏➕📿🛐🔥📖🧡🕊🧡

  • @elizabethvigil5939
    @elizabethvigil5939 Рік тому +3

    Praying for everyone who is listening and reflective with BIAY.
    I hope to continue reading, listening and learning next year and in the years to come.
    Thank you Father Mike and BIAY staff and all who continue to walk this journey.
    What beautiful lessons about the Bible and our Faith.

  • @solomonaster
    @solomonaster 3 роки тому +13

    I hope and pray that I am not the enemy of myself. Amen. Thank you Fr. Mike.

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому +1

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @oonwing
    @oonwing 3 роки тому +8

    Haven't reported, like attendance....but I'm here, Father, I'm hanging tough.

  • @cherylawitherell1800
    @cherylawitherell1800 4 місяці тому +6

    Soooo good, Thank you Fr.Mike🙏❤️

  • @charityescala3213
    @charityescala3213 2 роки тому +13

    I guess Fr. Mike meant Tobit and Anna who are waiting for their son, Tobias…this really means I’m paying attention. Thank you Lord for Your Word 🙏🙏🙏

  • @berryberry2508
    @berryberry2508 2 роки тому +2

    He who walks in integrity walks securely .
    Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
    Proverbs 10 : 9-12

  • @marianmilne6009
    @marianmilne6009 2 роки тому +8

    Sinning.....the enemy of my own life. Very thought provoking. Thank you once again Fr Mike. Praying for you and everyone here. God bless 🙏 ❤️ 🙏

  • @MrDarshD
    @MrDarshD Місяць тому +1

    A great reminder to always pray, always do good and believe in God as well as Jesus!
    * I love how Fr. Mike shares the connection between Isaiah Ch 9 and Matthew Ch 2 - Zebulun and Naphthali- first two tribes destroyed is the place (North shore) where Jesus started finding His Apostles (fishers of men). 12 Apostles for 12 tribes. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and God Himself in flesh!
    * When we sin, we become our own enemies! When we do charity, that’s much better than sacrifice to God. Love these inspiring verses. May we all keep doing good as Raphael said and may we be friends to self, to God and to all.
    * Tobit’s story was fun and full of good messages, such as never lose hope, always do good, and always pray! I discovered this book thanks to this podcast!
    Thank you Fr. Mike and Team Ascension! God bless you and the fellow listeners

  • @mapinoita279
    @mapinoita279 11 місяців тому +3

    God bless you Fr. Mike!

  • @irenebrough8674
    @irenebrough8674 2 роки тому +5

    I know that every who reads or listens to Tobit, will love it, Thanks Father Mike for bringing it me again!

  • @williamgroel2880
    @williamgroel2880 Рік тому +5

    Thank you father mike for bringing us gods word Amen 🙏

  • @erint6540
    @erint6540 2 роки тому +5

    The book of Tobit is so wonderful!

  • @dawnmireles2912
    @dawnmireles2912 2 роки тому +5

    Learning so much!
    Please join me in praying for Souls in Purgatory. Consider listening to the Marian Press Podcast of Saint Faustina’s Diary in a Year with Father Roesch. Prayers for you.
    July 8, 2022

  • @RallyTheTally
    @RallyTheTally 11 місяців тому +5

    Thank you for the reading Father Mike.

  • @woahdaniel
    @woahdaniel 2 роки тому +9

    This Bible in a year is so good. It's helped me so much!

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @wreloise1
    @wreloise1 2 роки тому +6

    Blessings of almsgiving…
    “He who has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:9‬ ‭

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @speroconstantine9957
    @speroconstantine9957 3 роки тому +11

    So Blessed. Thank you for all you do....

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @nellennatea
    @nellennatea Рік тому +4

    I am the enemy of my life. I don't do anything but wish.

  • @thankfullyforgiven9611
    @thankfullyforgiven9611 2 роки тому +4

    This was great. This definitely was some food for thought to think about today. Thanks so much for sharing this little treasure of God’s word, with some beautiful commentary, and a heart felt prayer. It was a blessing. Today I’m praying for all of y’all at Ascension Press, Father Mike, and our Bible in a Year family.😊

  • @dawnmireles2912
    @dawnmireles2912 Рік тому +3

    July 18, 2023
    Round Two
    Please pray for Souls in Purgatory. Go ahead, just take about 30 seconds to help save a soul that maybe is your family member or friend! Go forth and help save! Here is the prayer:
    (According to tradition, St. Gertrude the Great was told by Our Lord that each time she piously recited the following prayer, it would release 1,000 souls (or a vast number) from their suffering in purgatory.)
    The Prayer of St. Gertrude
    Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family.
    God would reply to St. Gertrude that He would use whatever was offered to Him for the faithful departed, according to His inclination to show pardon & mercy.

  • @1im4real
    @1im4real Рік тому +6

    So Beautiful, this is so profound. Glory and Praise be to God forever ❣️
    Thank you so much Fr. Mike, and Ascension. As always, I am continually praying for all. God Bless 🙏🏻

  • @catholicwifecatholicmother7023
    @catholicwifecatholicmother7023 3 роки тому +10

    Thank you Father ! You have no idea what your dedication to this project means to me 🙏

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @konradkomisarczyk396
    @konradkomisarczyk396 2 роки тому +3

    God bless

  • @munchlax9715
    @munchlax9715 Рік тому +2


  • @janetthetonia7922
    @janetthetonia7922 Рік тому +3

    Praying for you Father Mike and everyone on this journey Amen 🙏

  • @catholicwifecatholicmother7023
    @catholicwifecatholicmother7023 3 роки тому +5

    I pray for you every day 🙏

  • @uteme
    @uteme 3 роки тому +4

    ...enemies of their own lives... 🤲🏽🕊

  • @maurahoulihan7036
    @maurahoulihan7036 3 роки тому +4

    Listening from ireland

  • @leekshikapinnamneni4835
    @leekshikapinnamneni4835 3 роки тому +6

    What beautiful passages today.

  • @dileakadias4727
    @dileakadias4727 3 роки тому +4

    Revent father thank you God bless

  • @robehrgonzales77494
    @robehrgonzales77494 7 місяців тому +2

    DaY 196 ❤❤❤
    Amen ❤❤❤

  • @valentinabiebie
    @valentinabiebie 2 роки тому +1

    God, help us choose not be enemies to our lives. 🙏

  • @monicaleerbay4125
    @monicaleerbay4125 Місяць тому

    Glory and honor to You Almighty Merciful Father God ! Thank You for this awesome gift and the gift of Father Mike! Thank you Father Mike! Here I am today, August 9, 2024!🙏❤️

  • @michelleferrao8888
    @michelleferrao8888 3 роки тому +7

    Thank u Father Mike 💫
    Prayer is good when accompanied by fasting, almsgiving and righteousness.
    ~St Raphael Archangel "Divine Healer"

  • @billgroel4463
    @billgroel4463 2 роки тому +3

    Father mike you bring the bible to life Thank you for sharing God Bless 🙏

  • @elizabethcronin3074
    @elizabethcronin3074 2 роки тому +2

    Such great readings & reflections today by Fr, Mike! 🙏

  • @Overlord277
    @Overlord277 2 роки тому +3

    I guess this is why Jesus quoted Isaiah.

  • @theresadavis1834
    @theresadavis1834 2 роки тому +2

    Thank You Father Mike for sharing the Bible with all of us. It is a true blessing to be able tot understand the word of our Lord. It helps us to grow closer to our God. Praying for Father Mike and anyone else who is in need of prayers

  • @praizejesus5772
    @praizejesus5772 3 роки тому +5

    Tobit! Awesome! You are doing the entire Canon.

  • @donnapollock
    @donnapollock 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you and God Bless you Father Mike....Praying for you always and for all of your followers here on this Journey....

  • @gloriaviruet6026
    @gloriaviruet6026 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Fr. Mike I love your interpretation of the bible.

  • @emsvbracken
    @emsvbracken 3 роки тому +4

    I love the reflection of these readings, Father Mike. Thank you so much!🥰♥️

  • @admg1340
    @admg1340 2 роки тому +3

    Day 196, 2/26/2022

  • @giovannigennaro9732
    @giovannigennaro9732 2 роки тому +2

    Praise God.

  • @chavelasalas9151
    @chavelasalas9151 Місяць тому

    Thanks be to God❤❤❤ prayers father Mike amen amen

  • @peterbibbo3141
    @peterbibbo3141 2 роки тому +2

    I don't remember exactly which episode, but it was somewhere around 196. The prophesy was about Egypt and Assyria, who at the time were ganging up un Judea, would one day come to worship the Lord. And I think the proof of that prophesy was sort of left open. But I immediately thought of the Copts and the Syrian church, two of the oldest if not the oldest Christian communities. So I think the prophesy could be understood as fulfilled at least in these two realities. I think you could also include the early Church in Alexandria and the Desert Fathers in the fulfillment of this prophesy.

  • @marcihf217
    @marcihf217 2 роки тому +3

    Another wonderful lesson. Thank you! ❤

    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Patrick Hollywood dear brother, no one is reedemed by his deeds, no one is without sin in front of god, and literaly no one will be in heavens because the good deeds taht they ve id, each and everysingle one of the people who will be in heavens , its because gods grace, and jesuses shatered blood, equaly ,for everyone! redemption is free, its up to us as we have free will, if we grab his loving hand or not! all you have to do is sincerly feel sorry, want to cutloose with the fake one, and have faith, FAITH is whats all about, if you believe, jesuses blood saved you, and youre being coopereative with the holy spirit, you will be in heavens! another thing, its not us who can do something as i sayed we are powerless, but oure faith is the conection to the holy spirt, tru faithfull prayers, and besides the prayers, god let us the bigest jolly joker posible, the BIBLE,! the bible is not a book ,its goods word, its literaly a sword against evil! everything you need to be set free to find back the meaning,: hope,joy,wisdom, love forgiveness, streght,shelter, guidance, literaly everything worthfull and what matters is there! its an unfatimable river of streght and guidance from above! the only thing is when you read the bible ,to be aware that is not just a book, but is gods private line to the siners ,along with prayers! so always before you read the bible , pray, for then holy spirit to reveal you ,what you need to hear! another thing, when people think at the bible they think, its a big book that they will never finish, its completly wrong, when it comes to bible its not about quuantity, its about quality! so dont even thinki you have to read much of it, not at all, ! read slowly and mediate at what you are reading, . see even if you ve read the same verse or chapter 100 times, buyt you sincerly and in an unshalow maner want to meet with god, for guidance and streght, you read the same thing 101 th , time it will always reveal you somegthing new, something you didnt understood, last time! another thing under the verses youl see a small writing, those are sendings, if you dont understand something, or you need more clarification, go to a sending , or even 2, thatsn how you shoul read the bible dive into gods word! those sendings are either same thing under diferent circumsyance or some similarity to what you read! i know it may sound, hard boring ,or useless, but i asure you is anything but! the key to it ,is realising its not a novel ,is gods word, theres no biger treasure than that, ! if you pray faithfully and you sincerly want to hear god, look no further is there! its all about you wanting to chanege, and having faith! i sugest you start with the new testament, from Mathew, but you can start with genesis to, its not a wrong or right way to read the bible, al its required is to pray before, and let god talk to you! its absolutely mandatory, satan infiltred everything, especialy the churches! for exemple the 4th coamndent: keep my sabaths, thatsb SATURDAY not sunday, exactuly that will be the 666 sign-worshiping sunday will be a decret! another huge decives , wich satan harvest huge , is the idea that the spirit lives aftelife, theres no such thing, death is like a 1 second sleeep, Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man who died no longer knows anything, hes dreams, hes wrath are long gone, he doesnt know anything hapning under the sun anymore, even his name is forgotten" see satans lies are everywerr, ;like the purgatory idea, it depicts god as cruel, and jesuses sacrifice as insuficnet, plus it lies that you can sin plenty, as the popoe will cleans you by confessions, and in the end after all that burning, youl be clean! or comandmnts 1 and 2"i am youre god ... do not have other gods... do not give prayse or worship anything else than me, dont bow and dont make lokalikes of anything in heavesn earth or seas..." its full(the pope, crucifixes, countles saints, paintings of maryu and the babay, ceremonyes ,opulence and what not! see devil infiltratted everything, thats why you need a persoanl conection to god true the holy spirot, so you can tell satans decive from what god wants! and you can only achieve that by prayings and bible study! the biger the rank in eveerything, but sadly churches, the more the decive..(as i told you the sign 666 will be keoing sunday) take daily time for god, and when you hear him revealing what and how, listen to god, not the priest, or the comforting majority! and always praysse one for eachoters, praying to a piece of wood , has no power, praying one for eachoter has, its actualy a task and a blessing at once,! youl find the ten comandnts in exodus 20! il keep you all in my prayers, do asweel! god bless you and youre loved ones!

  • @adelaidawallaert287
    @adelaidawallaert287 Рік тому +2


  • @fabianflores2339
    @fabianflores2339 3 роки тому +4

    Hello from san antonio!

  • @adelaidawallaert287
    @adelaidawallaert287 2 роки тому +2


  • @isntthatdemintha
    @isntthatdemintha 3 роки тому +4


  • @lorraineokie2054
    @lorraineokie2054 3 роки тому +6

    7 Archangels
    Who are the other 4 ?

  • @golgibella
    @golgibella Рік тому +3

    There is so much good stuff in Tobit, why did they cut it out of the Protestant Bible? Exhortation how to pray, what is new for me is the exhortation to speak of the works of God before others. There's always that emphasis on going to your prayer closet. But this right here says to declare before others testimony of God's work. I've never heard of this before until this book!!! What's weird is that testimony is really big in Pentecostal and Evangelical Christianity culture, maybe others too but it's explicitly taught in this book!
    God help me not to sin and he an enemy to my own soul and self!!!! ❤❤❤🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🙏🎶✨🎶🙏😭😭😭
    For me and all BIY participants: St Raphael the archangel please bind the demon asmodeus and beezlebub and demons of lust, broken relationships, gluttony, pestilence,and disease. Send them to Jesus for immediate sentencing for the glory of God. St Michael the archangel please bind the demon Lucifer and Leviathan and belphegor and demons of pride, envy, government, debt, and sloth. Send them to Jesus for immediate sentencing for the glory of God. St Gabriel the archangel please bind the demon Mammon and Satan and demons of greed, wrath, injustice, lies, and death. Send them to Jesus for immediate sentencing for the glory of God. Guardian angel please bind the demon Satan, belphegor, Mammon, asmodeus, Leviathan, Lucifer, beezlebub, and demons of wrath, injustice, lies, death, sloth, greed,lust, broken relationships,broken families, envy, government, debt, pride, gluttony, envy, pestilence, and disease. Send them to Jesus for immediate sentencing for the glory of God and my sincere conversion. Mary please send a special troop of warrior angels to bind all devils effecting me and my husband and my family, send them to Jesus for immediate sentencing for the glory of God.
    For me, my husband, my family, and the whole world, especially me and my husband: My adorable Jesus, may our feet journey together, may our hands gather in unity, may our hearts beat in unison, may our souls be in harmony, may our thoughts be as one, may our ears listen to the silence together, may our glances profoundly penetrate each other, may our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.Amen.💜

  • @nellennatea
    @nellennatea Рік тому +3

    The mighty God separated himself to make the separated part of himself, called the son, come down and be born on earth and be with us in order to die for us. & the separated part of God that died for us rose back to life because he was part of God and the separated self had to be reunited with the rest of himself, the Father and the holy spirit.

  • @Manyanababy
    @Manyanababy 2 роки тому +3


    • @armandohajos9655
      @armandohajos9655 2 роки тому

      @Jonny 3241 hello brother , god bless you,! see thats the beauty with god, he doesnt pun ish peopel in theire unkowigness! and has lost sheeps everywere, no matter what denominations, even satansits will redem! and if he is a truly geniunly loving person ,the holy spirit will reveal him what god wants , and well everyone to know, and as i sayed if hes geniunly good, the choice will be easy, he goes with god not themajority, who will be fooled...! il keep you and him in my prayers! do aswell, seriously praying one for eachoter is a favour god alows us to do, is a task and a blessing all at once! praying to a piece of wood, or confessing sins to pope , doesnt do anything, but praying one for eachoter does! especialy when youre faithfull, you have to be faithfull in youre prayers, be asured god listens, and will provide! redemption is almost entirely FAITH, and cooperation! see el chapo himself if he realises ,jesuses shateted blood, is stronger than santa muerte, falls on hes knees, and prayse faithfully, being truly sorry, god will forgive him! even him! the unforgiven sin is not about the gravity of the sin, a sin is a sin1 its again about you, its u ignoring that voice so much that you no longer want to be forgiven! so if youre amoung those , who feel bad about all this awfulness satan rules , great news , god is a prayer away! and besides often prayers, he let us the biggest jolly joker to, thats the bible wich is gods word, its tyhe most amazing thing is gods private chanel to the siner! you may say ,oh is this big book wich im never gonna finish, you think wrong! bible is not about quantity iss about quality! so always pray before reading, for the holy spirt to reveal you what you need for the day! read slowly while meditating at what you read! and another thing, under many verses youl find a small writing, those are sendings, so if you dont get something were youre reading, go to a sending or even 2, 3, thats how you should read the bible , dive within gods word! and when its revealed to you clearly something, like the sabath for exemple(the sign 666 , wile be keping sunday, this will be a death decret pretty soon as its late, gods day the 4th comandmnt, "keep my sabaths its reafering at saturday, sunday is satans sign, or the 2nd comandnt , dont worship anything else than god, dont bow or give prayse to anything else than god(its full, the pope, countless dead saints, "holy water" even dead corpses and what not, satan infiltrated and corupted gods word, thats why you need youre sword and shield wich is the bible, wich is the truth, wich is an unfatimable river of knowledge, love, wisdom, guidance, shelter, forgiveness, strenght, and much much more! so when youl pray and study bible, and youl hear god telling you whats good and whats not, go with god, not the majority! death is a second- see also a huge decive peopel belive, god depicted god as this cruel maniac, with the purgatory and stuff, god is anything butcruel Eclesiast 9:4,5"the man after death no longer knows anything, he has no clue what hapens under the sun, even his name is forgotten" all this(ghost, horoscope, witccraft,ouija tbale, reiki ,hipnosis, - this are just demons and forms of decive the man as much as they can posibly do, and with the imortality of the soul fools huge, not just in christianism but in everything, as youre budist friend with the yoga-karma bulsshit! see thats why you need to talk to god, god never lies if you trust him, satan on tthe other hand cant tell a single truth, as he invented lies, his truth is, shut up heroin youl feel great, and youu will did he lied!? see thats him, thats his truth! so trust jesuses, get a bible and meat jesuses daily by prayers and bible! and i asure you, if youre wilingly sorry and want god, god already found you! dont lose in mind praying for others, love is the essence to it all! and as god wants you saved and youre buddy so he wants everyone, alway prayse for others to! il keep you in my prayers, do aswell and have faith!

  • @patmendell381
    @patmendell381 2 роки тому +1

    Soooo very awesome❣️❣️❣️❣️

  • @Bloodhoundfostermom
    @Bloodhoundfostermom 3 роки тому +5


  • @lois7235
    @lois7235 2 роки тому +1

    Is it best to start where you are or at the beginning. I am on day 8. Ty Father Mike. The readings are helping me

  • @jojo_mcelwee6591
    @jojo_mcelwee6591 2 роки тому +3

    ❤️ 03/07/2022

  • @virginia3700
    @virginia3700 3 роки тому +7

    Fr Mike thank you very much. I love to listen to you and I love The Bible in a Year. But I am confused. If Israel was lost and the people living there were not devote Jews how is it that there is where Jesus found His apostles.

    • @run4cmt
      @run4cmt 2 роки тому +2

      The two tribes of the Southern Kingdom returned from exile. They Judah and Benjamin. Jesus came from the tribe of Jesus, descended from David. Matthew lists the entire geneology.

    • @sunrhyze
      @sunrhyze 2 роки тому +1

      My understanding from the readings here is that a "devout remnant" remained in the land after the destruction (also they were generally poor and powerless, the kind of people an invader wouldn't bother wiping out unless they started causing trouble). What happened to Israel was different from Sodom, which was completely burned down with no one remaining.

  • @stanleygrover1685
    @stanleygrover1685 3 місяці тому +2


  • @tomgosse7204
    @tomgosse7204 Рік тому

    There has to be some presentation or discussion of the spiritual impact of Isaiah's prophetic utterances and the life of Jesus the Christ so that the physical context does not become the overriding point. As such the restoration of Israel has become a corrupted political image rather than the true image of Life in Christ.

  • @jadagijane2677
    @jadagijane2677 2 роки тому +2

    Jun 8 22

  • @johns1834
    @johns1834 Рік тому +2


  • @kathyesargent9088
    @kathyesargent9088 Рік тому +2


  • @willtailor6813
    @willtailor6813 2 роки тому +1


  • @RallyTheTally
    @RallyTheTally 11 місяців тому +2


  • @thephotoandthestory
    @thephotoandthestory Рік тому +2

    Is it safe to say Israel/Judah was chastised through Assyria?