The future of money | David Birch | TEDxWoking

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @elmntlgnd4995
    @elmntlgnd4995 4 роки тому +2

    How do we vote... against this?

  • @lamebubblesflysohigh
    @lamebubblesflysohigh 9 років тому +7

    Cash money is one of the pillars of freedom!

    • @37tara
      @37tara 6 років тому

      lamebubblesflysohigh Cash is King !!

    • @sylwesterbogusiak2334
      @sylwesterbogusiak2334 6 років тому +1

      Nonsense. Cash is a barrier to constant develop in modern world.

    • @CIA_Is_aTerrorist_Orginization
      @CIA_Is_aTerrorist_Orginization 6 років тому

      Might want to research fractional reserve banking before you say that again

    • @sylwesterbogusiak2334
      @sylwesterbogusiak2334 6 років тому

      Thanks, I know what is fractional reserve system. But in some countries there are no fractional reserve. Minimum reserve ratio is equal to 0%. This is very good solution to make a next step and cancel usury. Imho usury is one of element in money supply by credit product which is inflatory. Because when credit is repaid money dissapear from economy (capital is destroyed), and amount of money in economy back to previous state. Only usury in meaning any interest rate from capital of credit is real problem for economy. I have proposal how to move a cost of interest rates from customer to bank which could create also money for interest rates. This solution could work in 0% reserve ratio and 100% reserve ratio system. But full reserve in my solution should by be active not passive to regulated money supply throught credit action. Maybe I'm wrong abut it, and usury have to be paid always by bank client. I just waiting for Your opinion. Sorry if this is hard to understand but english is my second language.

  • @ThatsMrPencilneck2U
    @ThatsMrPencilneck2U 8 років тому +6

    This reminds me that I need to start using cash, and not my debit card.

  • @sbohunko
    @sbohunko 9 років тому +6

    Haha, what a waist of time.
    "Because you arnt thinking about how money should be, technologists are building bitcoin" he then describes bitcoin as nothing like how it really is
    If we use Bitcoin we will be living like Somolians? What???
    If I want to buy Methanphetamines I will use Darkcoin and preserve my anonymity - also 20% of the transaction will be a government tax - ROFL - that explains this guys crazy ideas - he smokes meth.

    • @chrisjohnson7318
      @chrisjohnson7318 9 років тому

      sbohunko yet apparently "light coin" is great to pay for taxi's with and is fantastic for companies to data mine through because it's very transparent and it's fantastic.

  • @kangzosa
    @kangzosa 9 років тому +2

    Lol, yeah let's get rid of cash and just trust all the banks with our money. That should go well.

  • @bitcoinrat5656
    @bitcoinrat5656 9 років тому +1

    David is David ! ... love him or loath him he certainly knows his stuff.
    thinking outside the box is essential , and society is hurtling head-long into the new internet age - and as David quite rightly says - with little or no perception on the part of the 'general public' as to what is being built - right now - by the cyber geeks and developers in the blockchain space. And as for the politicians who are supposedly 'in charge' ... they havnt got a clue whats coming.
    Again , as David points out, mobile is certainly going to be the transport mechanism, and your device will handle a multitude of "digital wallets" and various 'coins' and the phone will intuitively know which App to use. (Apple pay is just the start, and very limited, but it will drive forward the usage)

  • @hohohomeboy
    @hohohomeboy 9 років тому +2

    As I read "the future of money" I was excited to hear something about alternative money systems since what we got implies crashes by definition. So this should be called "the future of cash". Plus the guy is annoying and not even remotely funny, but that's just my opinion.

  • @ytmm9055
    @ytmm9055 4 роки тому

    People with to much money - have to much time.....

  • @Marcusstarksmusic
    @Marcusstarksmusic 9 років тому +1

    This intelligent man really bothers me... He reminds me of a species of snake with wings that I've been eating my whole life till one day one nips me, I die and it slithers away...

  • @martytrain
    @martytrain 8 років тому +9

    I want to have a free market where I,m free to transact with anyone I choose without accountability to a bunch of war mongers who make decisions behind closed doors without my consent and then waist my hard earned money on pointless crusades in far off lands. Meanwhile the super rich park their money in offshore accounts whilst the rest of our services are destroyed. Its my energy expelled in order to earn this so called money.

  • @GianfrancoFronzi
    @GianfrancoFronzi 4 роки тому +1

    Cash not cash, what do you want?
    Well we need cash for drug deals and prostitution, but we can change it to cashless without recording transactions.
    You know what you end up with?

  • @HALEdigitalARTS
    @HALEdigitalARTS 9 років тому +7

    Sorry, but do not think others deserve money that they did not earn. I am not against worthy charity. I am against forced entitlement.

  • @rufusfromjohto7515
    @rufusfromjohto7515 3 роки тому

    I want anonymous encrypted debit cards that work like walking around with a bundle of cash. No amount.
    Or a withhold data option on Google pay.

  • @Pleiadiaes
    @Pleiadiaes 5 років тому +1

    This presenter must be sponsored by bankers

  • @markysharky03
    @markysharky03 5 років тому +1

    That wasn’t very cash money of you

  • @certifiedhealthnut
    @certifiedhealthnut 8 років тому +2


  • @waqasmug
    @waqasmug 7 років тому +2

    he is the least funny man i have ever heard!

  • @tommarsal3356
    @tommarsal3356 4 роки тому

    This guy is a liar and not funny.

  • @GerNiels
    @GerNiels 7 років тому +4

    "below zero interest rates are an extra tool of monetary policy"
    Yes, and they're also a form of coercion used to force the citizens to spend their money and instad of saving it.
    This guy disguises the most orwellian things with a few jokes here and there and the audience eats it up.

    • @tommarsal3356
      @tommarsal3356 4 роки тому +1

      I completely agree. It seems to me people are actually buying these kind of lies! I am shocked how gullible some are!

  • @sylwesterbogusiak2334
    @sylwesterbogusiak2334 6 років тому

    Let's create electronically, free of debt money for everyone. That much as someone need. Central bank could muliplies bank reserves in his main computer. Then commercial banks could add new money on customers account. Hyperinflation of electronic money is not the same phenomenon that occurs in the case of hyper-inflation resulting from the printing of banknotes. First of all, no state in the history of this world has yet experienced it. Does anyone want to be first? Full financed freedom for everyone is possible, since money started travelling with speed of light. (Fibreoptics). Debt money system is a new slavery. Wake Up. Do something for better future of your kids. Free of debt money for everyone, a solution to repay the debt. World debt is massive, let's start to repay this, and destroy this money. Repaying the debt to the bank destroys money. So really we need free of debt money in economy, otherwise debt crisis may happen again.

  • @duggydugg3937
    @duggydugg3937 6 років тому

    You are apparently ignoring the debt... national debt.. virtually all nation states hav escalating public bond debt...
    In ameruka (it used to be America before foreign entities took over.. both legit and criminal ) ameruka is swimming in criminal debt...$20 trillion... and skyrocketing
    Greece.. italy.. spain.. Puerto Rico... etc etc are all experiencing abundance... all financed by debt..
    Gvt borrows and spends.. cits enjoy abundance... the debt goes up correspondingly... bonds...
    gvt sells bonds to get cash ..gvt spends.. we receive... the debt grows as a result.. almost nobody has a clue what to do about it... almost nobody realizes what will happen the minute treasury declares that can't reimburse bonds or pay the interest on the bonds... Disaster... Stone Age... Zombie apocalypse
    You will dismiss this... You will make up vague and senseless reasons why it can't be so... It is first was that will be declaration that it can't happen here... This is America... Government won't let it happen...
    News flash... Government has been allowing it to happen since 1913... But you are dazzled by TV ... smartphone... fast food... Tobacco ... Drugs... cars... Etc
    Nobody can talk to you... Nobody can tell you different... Continue for now in your woozy boozy state.. have fun it won't last too much longer

  • @brianwhelan5382
    @brianwhelan5382 5 років тому

    'If the American people knew how their banking system worked there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning' Henry Ford Auto Manuf.

  • @chrisbaker2669
    @chrisbaker2669 5 років тому

    Negative interest rates would be a really bad thing.

  • @scottd1603
    @scottd1603 9 років тому

    Cash is for criminals! David is always entertaining and thought provoking. I challenge his position going into the future due to the increase use of cash by those looking to cash as a shield against the prying eyes of the marketers and data aggregators.

  • @caswellbay01
    @caswellbay01 9 років тому

    So what's new? What haven't we heard before???

  • @PvblivsAelivs
    @PvblivsAelivs 8 років тому

    Stores will take hundred-dollar bills. I have seen people buy a couple hundred dollars worth of groceries at a swoop. Why wouldn't the store accept hundreds? Now, a fast-food place or a convenience store won't take them. But you are not going to spend that much money there (at any given time.)
    I don't count negative interest rates as a benefit. I count it as a reason to keep cash around. But then, I use cash. The bank, government, or future dictator that wants a mass extermination of people with beliefs he doesn't like doesn't need to know how much I spend on toilet paper, what brand of food I buy, or any of a thousand other details about my financial transactions that could be used to create a profile of me.

  • @kaarlimakela3413
    @kaarlimakela3413 8 років тому +2

    Money, as we have been using it since bronze-age coinage, has the drawbacks which have become evident over 2 1/2 millenia of time - if you think poverty, hunger, greed, wealth-hoarding and political manipulation ARE actual drawbacks.
    ... 99% of us should recognize this is true - even in America!!
    I have never before wanted to see an end to 'mere cash', since the alternative was to trust entities that want to charge tolls to move and store our 'money' ...
    But now, with the 'futuristic' technology that exists as of today ...
    I think it is possible now to make this logical BLOCKCHAIN system work ...
    I especially look forward to seeing it used to make VOTING a LOT more Democratic.
    And it will all work better, too, to OPT-OUT of the 100 year old power grids ASAP and move toward greener choices ... there are many that already work for entire cities right here in the USA.
    We need to psychologically divorce our minds from dependency on The Too Big to Fail entities that MOST heinously limit, siphon away and dilute the tremendous VALUE we all possess, in our collective abilities.
    I think I see the 'Economic Justice Light' at the end of this long-dark tunnel ...
    Value your Labor - Value your Time!
    Adopt this change sooner rather than later!
    My conclusion comes after following - and enduring - economic matters since the 60's.

  • @caycepollard1170
    @caycepollard1170 9 років тому

    "What haven't we heard before"?
    That "payments pho pas" joke.

  • @gsamkaria
    @gsamkaria 6 років тому

    Dark and light currency great idea

  • @universalsheep
    @universalsheep 6 років тому

    "I couldnt even tell if its real" ..aaaannnnnddd im out

  • @MAX-fo2xc
    @MAX-fo2xc 7 років тому

    future of money