the context is that, at some point during uwu prog about 6 months ago, our summoner, marth, called our dragoon "quilliam" instead of quill. this has gradually spiraled into an ever persistent joke where we continue to butcher my friend's name. and it eventually culminated in this, perhaps the height of our bullshittery.
the context is that, at some point during uwu prog about 6 months ago, our summoner, marth, called our dragoon "quilliam" instead of quill. this has gradually spiraled into an ever persistent joke where we continue to butcher my friend's name. and it eventually culminated in this, perhaps the height of our bullshittery.
turned into half uwu speak through the clip XD
at least that's what my brain sees it as
This is so dumb in the best way lmao, may your static quontinue to have many quadventures together
I was quaughing so quard that I quouldn't do the quechs for the whole qull, 10/10 quould do it quagain