I have several of his books and his talk at D. James Kennedy's church in 1982, on his book A Christian Manifesto. He took my Biblical faith from theoretical to applied. He's a very deep thinker and he made me think more deeply.
I still remember the thrill of reading Francis Schaeffer's *The God Who Is There* in 1973. It was a breath of fresh air after the modernist theology (now rebranded as Progressive Christianity) that was all around.
Francis August Schaeffer was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He is best known for co-founding the L'Abri community in Switzerland with his wife Edith Schaeffer, née Seville. He was featured on The 700 Club in 1982 on GMA Radio-Television Arts
I began following Francis Shaeffer in 1977, and he helped me arrive at the solution to what he was warning us about. View “The Biblical Basis of The Bill of Rights” at: libertycf.org/1591-2/ to see how America was founded upon the application of the Bible to civics!
It's fascinating seeing these old videos from 40 years ago. I used to follow Schaeffer's every word, read all his books, met and socialized with his children, and even studied at his place in L'Abri Switzerland. Now I see a man who was stuck in the traditional/authoritarian stage of development wringing his hands at the onslaught of the modernist stage of societal development. Having personally passed through those two stages as well as the higher stage of post-modernism/pluralism, and now looking at this through an integral lens, I have lots of compassion and understanding for him and for my younger self. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish ways." - I Corinthians 13:1
And it appears that you still don't understand what he is saying or you're simply a humanist. He's not ringing his hands, he's stating that you can start with God which will always be relevant and consistent or man which will change with the new winds.
thanks for admitting that. I came a litttle later in the game, but I couldn't get enough..of Schaeffer. I don't idolize people, but at my stage of my life, I know when someone has taken on the task of Principles - to teach the real way to live a Life. I grew up in a non christian home.. My task that I took on , was to find out who this 'Jesus' really was,... years later when I found Schaeffer.. it was such a breath of fresh air..
Schaffer is simply whole, and responsive to God's grace. He does not pander to modern pycholigical nit wittery. Choosing man's articulation of our present, rather than the God centered life. Is fractured and corrupt, this leads to elitest, fatuous nonsense from the corrupt intellgencia. Thank you for revealing the corruption of today's leftist,globalist, deception which serves Satan. The denial of Jesus, as Lord, by deception. Very sad, as a display of Man as a god.
We are in an age now where our culture doesn't worship golden calves but science and worldly knowledge (man, which is to say, humanism). That is why it is so difficult to "realize" today that we are getting way off track. If these people were worshipping a statue it would be easy to point out and see, however, they are worshipping man's intellect, which cannot be as easily seen as such. That being said, it is not that the scientific method and pursuit of knowledge is "bad" and shouldn't be pursued. However, they should be seen in there rightful place below the pursuit of honoring God and His laws. Since the beginning with Adam and Eve it has been man trying to do what it can to "get on God's level", today some "intellectuals" boast that no God is necessary for the universe to exist and such thinking is equivalent to be stuck in the stone age. This type of pride is very dangerous and will lead to even more moral decay. Our most fundamental laws must be based on God's law for society to be robust. Any of man's law that contradicts God's law must be done away with since we know that God only does just and righteous works. Putting man above God has ALWAYS led to destruction and will always lead to destruction.
Yes, one can pray in public schools, on one's own! It cannot be official, in any way, because, news flash, not all students are of Christian parents, and non-Christians invariably get bullied, among other things.
Thanks for your contribution, Scott! ~ Hey! here is some interesting HISTORY FYI! (The PRAYER that got "PRAYER OUT OF SCHOOLS" was VERY VERY NON SECTARIAN, and in MY OPINION, NO THREAT TO ANYONE, but EVIL and THE EVIL ONE! and VERY MUCH APPROPRIATE for AMERICA and NECESSARY for OUR SCHOOLS, OUR CHILDREN, and our NATION! Lest we become a NATION WITHOUT GOD's BLESSINGS) ~ Vince ~ Public School PrayerQUESTION: What was the public school prayer which originally sparked the debate? ANSWER: Although some public schools at the time recited the Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6 and Luke 11; the prayer that led to the 1962 U.S. Supreme Court decision to ban public school-sponsored prayer was not found in the Bible nor drafted by a religious institution. It was drafted by the New York State Board of Regents. It read as follows: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country.”
In the same way, you can have prayer in public schools but not everyone participate if you are still a non-believer. You can say invariably that the Christians praying in an unbelieving school will get bullied for doing so, just as you say Christians will bully those that don't pray. Further, because some deny God it does not therefore follow that we must all be held back due to their current stance. In that line of thought, you get the moral decay that we now have in our country. As Joel Salatin said in an interview, Liberals are more offended if you cut down a tree than kill a human baby in the womb, talk about morally bankrupt! That is where "God must take a backseat, so as to not offend unbelievers" gets you; it is the very moral erosion of society which will lead to collapse. Society, to be lasting, must be built on the Rock of Christ and the absolute truth of God. Not on the sand man's opinion and relative truth of man.
I hate secularism dictating others not have Christian things as Christmas. But, I'm somewhat humanist. Very much humanist, but, too many misunderstand Christmas faith, where some get ugly using religion as a guise. Yet I love to be around good Christians that are sincere in faith as well as kind.
The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a defrocked baptist preacher. Defrocked because he was a socialist. God was not added to the pledge until after WWII.
41 years ago, how closer we are now to a total humanist society and maybe are already there.
I have several of his books and his talk at D. James Kennedy's church in 1982, on his book A Christian Manifesto. He took my Biblical faith from theoretical to applied. He's a very deep thinker and he made me think more deeply.
I still remember the thrill of reading Francis Schaeffer's *The God Who Is There* in 1973.
It was a breath of fresh air after the modernist theology (now rebranded as Progressive Christianity) that was all around.
Every Christian should watch at least the last 15 minutes of this interview. Dr. Schaeffer's foresight is frighteningly on point.
I have all of his videos.. and was able to meet him years ago.. I taught my children everything I knew that he taught us.
Francis August Schaeffer was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He is best known for co-founding the L'Abri community in Switzerland with his wife Edith Schaeffer, née Seville. He was featured on The 700 Club in 1982 on GMA Radio-Television Arts
Dr. Schaeffer was truly brilliant and understood both the Christian worldview and our duty as citizens of America.
I never knew Schaeffer was on 700 club.
Frankie sure won't be.
frankie went crazy, he is simply a spoiled brat...
Pat Robertson gets it and is able to do an excellent interview with Dr. Schaeffer.
I began following Francis Shaeffer in 1977, and he helped me arrive at the solution to what he was warning us about. View “The Biblical Basis of The Bill of Rights” at:
to see how America was founded upon the application of the Bible to civics!
legende, por favor
Do you have the full episode of Austin City Limits from 1982? Featuring George Thorogood & The Destroyers, and Dave Olney & The X-Rays.👍
he's dismayed watching this world right now
It's fascinating seeing these old videos from 40 years ago. I used to follow Schaeffer's every word, read all his books, met and socialized with his children, and even studied at his place in L'Abri Switzerland. Now I see a man who was stuck in the traditional/authoritarian stage of development wringing his hands at the onslaught of the modernist stage of societal development. Having personally passed through those two stages as well as the higher stage of post-modernism/pluralism, and now looking at this through an integral lens, I have lots of compassion and understanding for him and for my younger self.
"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish ways." - I Corinthians 13:1
And it appears that you still don't understand what he is saying or you're simply a humanist. He's not ringing his hands, he's stating that you can start with God which will always be relevant and consistent or man which will change with the new winds.
thanks for admitting that. I came a litttle later in the game, but I couldn't get enough..of Schaeffer. I don't idolize people, but at my stage of my life, I know when someone has taken on the task of Principles - to teach the real way to live a Life. I grew up in a non christian home.. My task that I took on , was to find out who this 'Jesus' really was,... years later when I found Schaeffer.. it was such a breath of fresh air..
Schaffer is simply whole, and responsive to God's grace.
He does not pander to modern pycholigical nit wittery. Choosing man's articulation of our present, rather than the God centered life. Is fractured and corrupt, this leads to elitest, fatuous nonsense from the corrupt intellgencia. Thank you for revealing the corruption of today's leftist,globalist, deception which serves Satan. The denial of Jesus, as Lord, by deception. Very sad, as a display of Man as a god.
We are in an age now where our culture doesn't worship golden calves but science and worldly knowledge (man, which is to say, humanism). That is why it is so difficult to "realize" today that we are getting way off track. If these people were worshipping a statue it would be easy to point out and see, however, they are worshipping man's intellect, which cannot be as easily seen as such.
That being said, it is not that the scientific method and pursuit of knowledge is "bad" and shouldn't be pursued. However, they should be seen in there rightful place below the pursuit of honoring God and His laws.
Since the beginning with Adam and Eve it has been man trying to do what it can to "get on God's level", today some "intellectuals" boast that no God is necessary for the universe to exist and such thinking is equivalent to be stuck in the stone age. This type of pride is very dangerous and will lead to even more moral decay. Our most fundamental laws must be based on God's law for society to be robust. Any of man's law that contradicts God's law must be done away with since we know that God only does just and righteous works. Putting man above God has ALWAYS led to destruction and will always lead to destruction.
Yes, one can pray in public schools, on one's own! It cannot be official, in any way, because, news flash, not all students are of Christian parents, and non-Christians invariably get bullied, among other things.
Thanks for your contribution, Scott! ~ Hey! here is some interesting HISTORY FYI! (The PRAYER that got "PRAYER OUT OF SCHOOLS" was VERY VERY NON SECTARIAN, and in MY OPINION, NO THREAT TO ANYONE, but EVIL and THE EVIL ONE! and VERY MUCH APPROPRIATE for AMERICA and NECESSARY for OUR SCHOOLS, OUR CHILDREN, and our NATION! Lest we become a NATION WITHOUT GOD's BLESSINGS) ~ Vince ~ Public School PrayerQUESTION: What was the public school prayer which originally sparked the debate?
Although some public schools at the time recited the Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6 and Luke 11; the prayer that led to the 1962 U.S. Supreme Court decision to ban public school-sponsored prayer was not found in the Bible nor drafted by a religious institution. It was drafted by the New York State Board of Regents. It read as follows: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country.”
as long as there are tests in school there will always be prayer in schools
In the same way, you can have prayer in public schools but not everyone participate if you are still a non-believer. You can say invariably that the Christians praying in an unbelieving school will get bullied for doing so, just as you say Christians will bully those that don't pray.
Further, because some deny God it does not therefore follow that we must all be held back due to their current stance. In that line of thought, you get the moral decay that we now have in our country. As Joel Salatin said in an interview, Liberals are more offended if you cut down a tree than kill a human baby in the womb, talk about morally bankrupt! That is where "God must take a backseat, so as to not offend unbelievers" gets you; it is the very moral erosion of society which will lead to collapse. Society, to be lasting, must be built on the Rock of Christ and the absolute truth of God. Not on the sand man's opinion and relative truth of man.
11.27.2020 it happened, tyranny has arrived...
Ask Steve Ray about this guy regarding Humanism.. 😅😅
I am brasilian I need to anyone to learn English
I hate secularism dictating others not have Christian things as Christmas. But, I'm somewhat humanist. Very much humanist, but, too many misunderstand Christmas faith, where some get ugly using religion as a guise. Yet I love to be around good Christians that are sincere in faith as well as kind.
The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a defrocked baptist preacher. Defrocked because he was a socialist. God was not added to the pledge until after WWII.
There is no such thing as Christian humanism. Humanism is secular. After all secular and sacred are misunderstood by most schlars.
I like schaffer, i don't like the 700 prophets of baal.
and here we are, Robertson is a hack though. Schaeffer however the opposite.