Tbf any 122/long 88 or 85/100mm can just UFP you and there are plenty of those at 6.3. Not sure why the 76 Jumbo goes up an entire BR for 50 extra mm of pen.
@@dti131don't even need a long 88. Panthers 75mm one shots through ufp 75% of the time. Plus machine gun port. Heck, I got one shot by an ostwind yesterday. 1 37mm trap shot and nuked all 5 full health crew members utter bull.
@@lsjaguar3190 can't angle especially against a panther. You're lower side is extremely weak, like 37mm if I remember correctly? Every time I try I'm always penned on the lower side at a 75+% angle. Not sure why they don't ricochet honestly.
@@jakedavids9017 yeah, at the time it was 6.7 and would constantly see it. At that time we didn't have a top tier premium it was either the T29 or m46 as your choice and nobody had a reason to use the M46 due to facing the IS6. So they gave it it's HEAT-FS shell 😊
@@clarietta yeah especially the mantle..... Had a 100mm spall shield or something crazy so the ONLY weakspot was the cupola or a absolute godly trapshot
@@An0beseGiraffeIt's a 50mm spall shield behind a 150mm gun mantle, but it was "accidentally" made 300mm thick. I can understand, 50 and 300 are right next to each other on a cyrillic keyboard.
I don't know why Spookston was so shocked he penned it. The turret sides on it are at best 150mm and almost entirely flat. The only place it has any sort of protection whatsoever is directly frontally. That, and the only shell that would have had realistic chances of penning him at a distance is the HEAT-FS, the IS-6 too rounded in the turret and sloped in the front for the uncapped APBC.
there's nothing to be afraid in WT as many of it's players are complete clowns. kanonpanzer, bmp, leopard, APDS tanks can destroy any IS tank in game except 279 but their drivers are usually busy eating crayons regardless of who is against them
@@SpardaSon21 it doesnt have apcbc? i swear the french amx 50s and foch have the same gun but theirs is capped (although i havent gotten an opportunity to test if it would go through the turret cheeks so i dont know if it'd make a difference)
love to see your channel truly popping off - 250k and pretty consistent, nice early views. i think the is6 isn't that broken, but is still viable as a tank to have fun in and make some RP and SL. and on the flipside, i love to pop is6's with the new AuF1.. which i really think you should visit at some point, if you liked the 2s3m or type 75.
i was playing 5.7 germany with a friend playing 6.3. i found an is-6, shot it, and then turned and ran. literally the scariest thing ive ever seen in war thunder
This is the tank that made me drop the game. The second the IS6 was released it was nothing but fighting that for months. I grinded through 4 tech trees worth of tanks, but I never found anything as overtly broken as this was at release.
It's not as bad not with many HEAT, HEATFS, APDS shells at this BR that can go through it. Even the Tiger II's long 88 can defeat it if you know how to aim
Thanks as always for the entertaining content you provide, your hard work is appreciated ^^ I always get a chuckle when the BR of vehicles like this get discussed. "It can't go any higher because in an uptier it's armour doesn't work!" is the most common thing I see. Welcome to playing most of the other nations in the game, they don't need an uptier for their armour to do nothing lol.
Hey Spook, you should play the Semovente 75/46 M43. It's a deeply overshadowed italian tank destroyer which can deliver an heavy punch but it's deeply ignored the potential it has. (Day 55)
Hey Spookston, could you play the Yugoslav M36 Jackson in the US TT? Yes, you heard it right. Rather than modeling it after the US variant, Gaijin used the Yugoslav one with a modified rear and an M3A1 gun.
Thanks for the 13 minutes commercial and encouraging the final push for me to reward Snail on improving gameplay. You’re right Spookston, we all deserve this.
I love soviet heavies, the IS-4M being my favorite. Its just incredibly painful with the fact that its at 7.7 and gets uptiered constantly to where everyone gets modern equipment and will pen you
9:16 I did the same thing once. Not with a Bulldog, IDK what it was. Just a dead tank I used for cover to back off from a gnarly tank while I marked his position for friendly CAS to deal with. The only thing that saved me was the fact that I could bust his tracks whenever he started flanking me, but my shells definitely weren't causing damage through his hull.
Can confirm that it's still an absolute beast, even with all the heat slinging tanks that gaijin have added IS-6s mobility allows is to pick its fight. I got three nukes since it was added and all of it was on the IS-6.
Very rare do I see other people who understand why the IS6 is still in a good spot. Other heavies you're gambling on whether your armour is going to be a benefit or a detriment. IS6 keeps its mobility and doesn't lose out. Just get out of the way of the stuff you can't or don't want to fight and pick on a different target. Though KT is still my nuke printing machine.
Can you play the Conquerer heavy tank too? Stablized 120mm gun combined with a decent armor is a really enjoyable combo (and it can absolutely destroy is-6s)
Love my Conquerer. Absolutely amazing in downtiers, still very good at its actual tier, just good enough in a full upteir Gaijin did brake APDS though, which is the round that a majority of British tanks use at basically 6.0 upwards, but a still very fun tank
Conqueror is wank even as a British main, armor doesn't mean anything at that BR and still has 15-20 second reload and SABOT/APDS nerf...it's a shitty chieftain and needs to go down but knowing how gaijin hates Britain, it'll go up like the challengers despite underperforming.
I disagree. Other tanks are paperweights in an uptier. IS6 is a medium tank in an uptier. Except not every tank on the other team in an uptier is a higher tier tank.
I come across IS-6’s way to much, and they’re such a pain, as I can only pen them in the mantlet, or between the track wheels. As I’ve been playing the centurion mk1, surprisingly with the stock round (171mm pen)you can still pen it between the track wheels
I remember being able to fight using just sound, knowning what and where things were, but the sounds have been changed so much and so often that I almost ignore htem now.
You don't need to go for the MG port shot on Super Pershings, you can just UFP them with the 122mm. Which it couldn't do IRL but whatever. Gaijin doesn't model the shell normalizing on the first two plate and then hitting the main plate sideways, they just give it a good angle pen without modeling why it has the good angle pen lol.
You know I used to hate fighting this thing. Turns out, I still do. But I hate fighting it slightly less since I discovered you can pen the left side of the mantlet with a long 88 if you hit it just right. Almost always one shots.
Yup, Yet a good IS player will probably wiggle the turret, and then if they want to be super extra the tank. All i also have to do is shoot either side of your turret. Thing thing is laughable easy to play. And just eats CAS at times like the bombs are breakfast or something
@@DevinEMILE ...yeah... I know... But that's also why I bring the JPZ 4-5 which can pen it frontally. And the Me 262 A1/U4 which I have used to pop many an IS-6
6.7 has been unplayable for years, view it from this point, when you have to get a vehicle that should be 7.0 or higher to actually play 6.7 confortably (maybe this one is a bit too comfortable to play) its a sign you need to decompress that br heavily, not just change a couple vehicles, but the majority
yeh, it makes me miss old war thunder, very bad. i knew things were going in a bad direction when they first added cold war stuff and i would see them when bringing out my ww2 shit. its like playing a game of operation aiming at some weakspots, while they are just playing a point and click adventure game. at least 6.0 isnt so bad, but its the upper limit tbh before uptier hell
For fighting panthers in the IS-6, or really anything with the soviet 122, I always just aim for the ufp. Doesn't matter how angled it is, it will punch through like butter.
This and the Ru 251 we’re basically playing their own game when they were added. The ru stayed lower for a bit longer because “German teams” still was undertiered, got through all of tier 3 and most of 4 Germany using a test drive.
The mobility makes up for. What's killing heavy tanks nowadays is there's so much CHEAT FS around that your one advantage means nothing if the wrong tank comes around the corner. Maybe you get to use your armour maybe you won't. But the IS6 has the mobility to react and get out of the way if it needs to. Basically just becomes a medium tank in those situations and that is workable.
@@viktoriyaserebryakov2755IS-6 is a lot like the KV-1S, shocking mobility, an insanely bouncy turret if you don't hit exactly the right spot, and just the right BR to brainlessly stomp people in a downtier.
I feel like until Gaijin decompressed BRs at that range, 6.0+ should only be able to uptier/downtier by 0.7BR. So 6.0 only up to 6.7. I know it might make things confusing for some, but I feel like it would greatly improve gameplay without affecting queue times too much.
The Somua SM is basically the perfect counter against the IS-6, since it has a very powerful cannon, a fast autoloader, and pretty good frontal armor. Not only that but the cannon is extremely stable and allows for some shots while on the move. I really love teaching IS-6 players a lesson while playing the Somua SM.
Was tempted to buy it but this thing now sits at 7.7, and fighting 8.7's would 100% be nightmare, specially with such terrible reload speed, no stab, no smoke.
It did get a new round however but it should be played like a tank destroyer or medium talk at 8.3 or 8.7. Dow tiers at 7.7 at still very common however.
Do you think you'll ever play the Challenger 2s for a video? They have the nicest non-autoloader reload rate for Western MBTs! Note: I mean toptier Western MBTs
They got to give them something to make them worthwhile. Also the IMP1 is also five second reload with a max crew. but its round its a 105 so theres that drawback.
@@DevinEMILEit does have stock APDS and also, like the chally 1, it has good turret armor with a lot of cast armor parts for better protection against APDS
4:51 That's little unfair in my opinion. If the Tiger II (H) can face 5.7 tanks (Sherman 76, T-34-85) who can't pen the Tiger II (H) frontally and that's totally fine, then the IS-6 has the right to face 6.0 and 6.3 tanks. Heavy tanks should feel like heavy tanks and not like slow and expensive medium tanks.
@@VelicoFides 2 reasons, I woulds day. First, the Jumbo is played by a lot of competent players. And by Gaijin's balancing logic, the more successful a tank is, the higher it's BR needs to be. Second, premium tanks are always at a lower BR than they should be. Why? Because players need incentive to buy them. Jumbo is a free vehicle that everyone can research. But you need to give Gaijin real money in order to play the VK.
yeah i own the damn is6, not sure if its a content creator blessing but ive gotten like 3 uptiers since i bought it, i dont like it at all due to the fact that it can face bradleys, leopards, marders, etc etc
@@ziga4870 you're explaining gaijins logic (except you're wrong in the fact that the vk 30 02m is a premium, it's not) but not justifying it. if the is6 can say 7.0 in your eyes in the interests of 'heavy tanks feeling like heavy tanks' when it's basically almost an mbt, then the 76 jumbo can go down to 5.3 where it'll actually function almost like an mbt.
Spookstons encounter with the first maus and the edit he did, is what i think of when i push someone in a is6-3, knowing damn well they cant do anything except try to hit the barrel, and in return, i barrel them with the 75mm heat shell.
At 2:45 is that a picture of Biscuit from the lady who feeds random foxes on youtube? Debs something... I knew Spoops' brain must be filled with cute animal shorts daily, just like mine!
You should play the Zachlam Tagar (the thing you always feel bad about killing), the AMX-13, or the AML-90. The first one would be an entertaining suffering fest and the latter two are quick speed demons of death.
You forgeting something? Reverse your hull soo that top tier Heat shell tanks cant pen your front plate and kill your crew its like the is2 reversed trick ;)
The plush has been funded but will still be available for 21 days: www.makeship.com/products/spookston-plush
Should I buy is6? I want a premium tank to grind and it’s on sale for $20.
The Feds are watching me
Plush in jar😋
i kind want one but i dont think anyone else in my family understand very well. and also im not a furry soo
Let's be honest, Gaijin didn't say "Oh no" when they added the IS-6. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Oh Money
EBR (1954):🌚
"Oh no, we accidentally added an extra 100m or so hidden behind the mantle, oopsies"
That thing is so unfair i cant kill it wit a panther from the side
@@Dumifyyou must aim lower
Me, in my full-uptier Sherman Jumbo, deciding how I want to be buried after coming face to face with an IS-6
When I die, I want Der Snail to provide my pallbearers so they can let me down one last time
Tbf any 122/long 88 or 85/100mm can just UFP you and there are plenty of those at 6.3. Not sure why the 76 Jumbo goes up an entire BR for 50 extra mm of pen.
@@dti131don't even need a long 88. Panthers 75mm one shots through ufp 75% of the time. Plus machine gun port. Heck, I got one shot by an ostwind yesterday. 1 37mm trap shot and nuked all 5 full health crew members utter bull.
@@whoknows8864 Did you angle against the panther? You can move left and right so that they can't get a shot at your mg port of barrel.
@@lsjaguar3190 can't angle especially against a panther. You're lower side is extremely weak, like 37mm if I remember correctly? Every time I try I'm always penned on the lower side at a 75+% angle. Not sure why they don't ricochet honestly.
At the BR 7.0 there’re virtually no tanks that can penetrate it frontally, when it gets a full down tier it’s practically invincible
Yea I think BR decompression in that BR area would make it more tolerable
Just like Maus
The American long 90 with apcr can pen the right side of the turret by the optics and disable the turret crew.
@@yanvitor9123 Except the Maus doesn't move as fast as a light tank both forwards and in reverse
Cant they just uptier the is3s and is6s or atleast downtier more capable tanks to that br that xan go toe to toe with them
i loved how a 7:19 spookston zooms in and i have no idea what tank that is from the 3 pixels on screen, this man has superb eyes
I like how this tank was the sole reason why the M46 tiger premium got its heat shell, because it was running so rampant back in the day 😂
Daaang, was that really the reason why? Ngl though, if I could trade its HEAT-FS for regular HEAT to be 6.7 I’d take it.
ah the days where all wt vids was about how broken this tank was 😂
@@jakedavids9017 yeah, at the time it was 6.7 and would constantly see it.
At that time we didn't have a top tier premium it was either the T29 or m46 as your choice and nobody had a reason to use the M46 due to facing the IS6.
So they gave it it's HEAT-FS shell 😊
@@clarietta yeah especially the mantle..... Had a 100mm spall shield or something crazy so the ONLY weakspot was the cupola or a absolute godly trapshot
@@An0beseGiraffeIt's a 50mm spall shield behind a 150mm gun mantle, but it was "accidentally" made 300mm thick.
I can understand, 50 and 300 are right next to each other on a cyrillic keyboard.
Its really saying something when the only vehicle you were afraid of the entire video was the M103, a 7.7 vehicle. Pure pain.
M-103 is easy to kill when you learn the turret cheeks are easy to pen with tiger 2 88mm
I don't know why Spookston was so shocked he penned it. The turret sides on it are at best 150mm and almost entirely flat. The only place it has any sort of protection whatsoever is directly frontally.
That, and the only shell that would have had realistic chances of penning him at a distance is the HEAT-FS, the IS-6 too rounded in the turret and sloped in the front for the uncapped APBC.
there's nothing to be afraid in WT as many of it's players are complete clowns. kanonpanzer, bmp, leopard, APDS tanks can destroy any IS tank in game except 279 but their drivers are usually busy eating crayons regardless of who is against them
@@SpardaSon21 it doesnt have apcbc? i swear the french amx 50s and foch have the same gun but theirs is capped (although i havent gotten an opportunity to test if it would go through the turret cheeks so i dont know if it'd make a difference)
@@shronkler1994 No, the M103 uses APBC rounds with no AP cap. Its penetration its absolutely terrible as a result.
love to see your channel truly popping off - 250k and pretty consistent, nice early views. i think the is6 isn't that broken, but is still viable as a tank to have fun in and make some RP and SL. and on the flipside, i love to pop is6's with the new AuF1.. which i really think you should visit at some point, if you liked the 2s3m or type 75.
i was playing 5.7 germany with a friend playing 6.3. i found an is-6, shot it, and then turned and ran. literally the scariest thing ive ever seen in war thunder
"why is boss music playing?" *sees is6*
That and a maus when u get a full up tier in a 6.7 vehicles@@Hectorious_
This is the tank that made me drop the game. The second the IS6 was released it was nothing but fighting that for months. I grinded through 4 tech trees worth of tanks, but I never found anything as overtly broken as this was at release.
It's not as bad not with many HEAT, HEATFS, APDS shells at this BR that can go through it. Even the Tiger II's long 88 can defeat it if you know how to aim
@@Lofi.z34 Shame all he has to do to defeat TII is to aim in the vague direction of its turret.
You have no idea how satisfying it is to see a IS-6 with a M-51...
@@quan-uo5ws Oh brother, your words sound like music, all the suffering when it was downtiered...
IS6s are easy prey for the JpZ 4-5.
Should definitely play the T-34-100, I literally have never seen anyone other than myself play it.
Its so underrated its criminal.
T-54 pen at 6.3 with better mobility
He already made a video on it
it's super fun but even though i'm quite far in the soviet tree the poor gun depression always gets me
I play this thing all the time it’s wonderful.
-3 Degrees of depression no thanks
Day 41 of asking for the SU100Y,I have hostages
Please im locked in his attic
I stole his phone tho lmao
Im in his beasment pls play it
I'm the atf lol, gonna knock on your door lmao
I am in his fridge, please I am freezing, please play it
i was the bmp at 6:51 and i remember that i was running on like 3 hours of sleep and was not thinking when i peaked that maus
idk why but i really love how the IS-6 looks, the angles on the hull and relatively short(?) turret is just so visually appealing
Thanks as always for the entertaining content you provide, your hard work is appreciated ^^
I always get a chuckle when the BR of vehicles like this get discussed.
"It can't go any higher because in an uptier it's armour doesn't work!" is the most common thing I see.
Welcome to playing most of the other nations in the game, they don't need an uptier for their armour to do nothing lol.
Hey Spook, you should play the Semovente 75/46 M43. It's a deeply overshadowed italian tank destroyer which can deliver an heavy punch but it's deeply ignored the potential it has.
(Day 55)
PLZ Spookston, do a video about this!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Eww Italy meatball tank
@@FearsomeTiger12Italy meatball is better than Sweden meatball though.
Holy shit it took you over a year
7:18 shows the most pixilated image ive ever seen litterly 14x20
When you upload you make my day, tanks spookston
Hey Spookston, could you play the Yugoslav M36 Jackson in the US TT? Yes, you heard it right. Rather than modeling it after the US variant, Gaijin used the Yugoslav one with a modified rear and an M3A1 gun.
Spookston, I think you'd do really well in a tank like the M60A1 (AOS). It's pretty good and quite fun to play.
Ugh that piece of shit. It fuckin sucks. Its so damn slow.
M60s are my favs
Thanks for the 13 minutes commercial and encouraging the final push for me to reward Snail on improving gameplay. You’re right Spookston, we all deserve this.
I love soviet heavies, the IS-4M being my favorite. Its just incredibly painful with the fact that its at 7.7 and gets uptiered constantly to where everyone gets modern equipment and will pen you
9:16 I did the same thing once. Not with a Bulldog, IDK what it was. Just a dead tank I used for cover to back off from a gnarly tank while I marked his position for friendly CAS to deal with. The only thing that saved me was the fact that I could bust his tracks whenever he started flanking me, but my shells definitely weren't causing damage through his hull.
pro tip: if you see an IS-6 rushing your spawn after getting a shitload of kills and no deaths, you are better off NOT killing him.
“Something is going to come barreling around that corner” kill says otherwise 5:09😂
May I suggest the British Conqueror? Basically the irl counter to the IS series, plus it gets a stabilizer on a 120 and good armor.
Weird I killed on of these using a tiger 2p right through the gunport 1shot kill
I guess the is3 is more of a hard target then is6
nooo my poor elend/aml :c
good to see another video from you!
Can confirm that it's still an absolute beast, even with all the heat slinging tanks that gaijin have added IS-6s mobility allows is to pick its fight. I got three nukes since it was added and all of it was on the IS-6.
Very rare do I see other people who understand why the IS6 is still in a good spot. Other heavies you're gambling on whether your armour is going to be a benefit or a detriment. IS6 keeps its mobility and doesn't lose out. Just get out of the way of the stuff you can't or don't want to fight and pick on a different target. Though KT is still my nuke printing machine.
Hey Spook: congrats on your channel reaching 250k! Can you do a video on the XM1 Chrysler?
This thing is a DEMON at 6.7, also mr. spook you should play the su-122-54 its pretty fun and has 2 14.5mm machine guns like the object 268
Do you mean against 6.7 tanks? Because it is a 7.0 tank
The dedication to the Halo CE Combat Rifle SFX every time you use the machine gun is impressive!
Can you play the Conquerer heavy tank too? Stablized 120mm gun combined with a decent armor is a really enjoyable combo (and it can absolutely destroy is-6s)
Love my Conquerer. Absolutely amazing in downtiers, still very good at its actual tier, just good enough in a full upteir
Gaijin did brake APDS though, which is the round that a majority of British tanks use at basically 6.0 upwards, but a still very fun tank
Conqueror is wank even as a British main, armor doesn't mean anything at that BR and still has 15-20 second reload and SABOT/APDS nerf...it's a shitty chieftain and needs to go down but knowing how gaijin hates Britain, it'll go up like the challengers despite underperforming.
Thank you so much for the IS-6 video!
What a great video! Your sense of humor is amazing, love the memes!
IS-6 is really strong in a downtier, but in an uptier it's a paperweight. 7.3 and especially 7.7 can onetap it even at long range.
I disagree. Other tanks are paperweights in an uptier. IS6 is a medium tank in an uptier. Except not every tank on the other team in an uptier is a higher tier tank.
fantastic editing per usual, always a treat
One of my favorite tanks in the 6.0 range is the M-51, I usually done have trouble taking out any IS tanks and I would love to see you play it.
its a good tank but its slow
well well well :3
4:38 that hit home bruh. My is2 can’t pen panther mantlet a lot of the time, but I can pen its frontal armor. Amazing work gaijin
I come across IS-6’s way to much, and they’re such a pain, as I can only pen them in the mantlet, or between the track wheels.
As I’ve been playing the centurion mk1, surprisingly with the stock round (171mm pen)you can still pen it between the track wheels
I remember being able to fight using just sound, knowning what and where things were, but the sounds have been changed so much and so often that I almost ignore htem now.
You don't need to go for the MG port shot on Super Pershings, you can just UFP them with the 122mm. Which it couldn't do IRL but whatever. Gaijin doesn't model the shell normalizing on the first two plate and then hitting the main plate sideways, they just give it a good angle pen without modeling why it has the good angle pen lol.
And shouldn't it also stop heat or heatfs ?
@@iBlameRiyaSpaced armour doesn't work on US tanks.
I love how spookston is so calm in the tensest of situations
You know I used to hate fighting this thing. Turns out, I still do. But I hate fighting it slightly less since I discovered you can pen the left side of the mantlet with a long 88 if you hit it just right. Almost always one shots.
Yup, Yet a good IS player will probably wiggle the turret, and then if they want to be super extra the tank. All i also have to do is shoot either side of your turret.
Thing thing is laughable easy to play. And just eats CAS at times like the bombs are breakfast or something
@@DevinEMILE ...yeah... I know... But that's also why I bring the JPZ 4-5 which can pen it frontally. And the Me 262 A1/U4 which I have used to pop many an IS-6
God I love how there’s so many random pics of animals definitely one of my fav parts of this channel
6.7 has been unplayable for years, view it from this point, when you have to get a vehicle that should be 7.0 or higher to actually play 6.7 confortably (maybe this one is a bit too comfortable to play) its a sign you need to decompress that br heavily, not just change a couple vehicles, but the majority
yeh, it makes me miss old war thunder, very bad. i knew things were going in a bad direction when they first added cold war stuff and i would see them when bringing out my ww2 shit. its like playing a game of operation aiming at some weakspots, while they are just playing a point and click adventure game. at least 6.0 isnt so bad, but its the upper limit tbh before uptier hell
@@ixxxxxxx 6.7 hard unbalance is what made me leave the game, tbh I'm better without it, leave gaijin to rot in his grindfest,
Had a really great time with this fellow carried me through rank 1-4 until it got moved up to 7.7.
Gaijin: The Maus can't be balanced, we had to remove it from the tree.
Also Gaijin: The IS-6 definitely needs to be 7.0.
The only really spot where u can pen it is the turret cheeks. And already that is very jard because its a very small spot.
Nice video as always! Can you play the american T34, it basically shoots an ap round the weighs like a 7 year old child.
Yup i call it the child-slinger
"what just shot me"
>Next map
I wonder
For fighting panthers in the IS-6, or really anything with the soviet 122, I always just aim for the ufp. Doesn't matter how angled it is, it will punch through like butter.
Have the IS-2 unless it’s very close to front on I don’t go through your better off aiming for the side
@jameson1239 the base is2 doesn't get the 230mm pen round the later 122s have so its more iffy for that
This and the Ru 251 we’re basically playing their own game when they were added. The ru stayed lower for a bit longer because “German teams” still was undertiered, got through all of tier 3 and most of 4 Germany using a test drive.
1:27 Those are some cursed looking decals
"It is what it is" a mantra to live life by👍
The is-6 is one of those heavies that’s neigh invincible in a downtier, but nearly paper thin in an uptier. Still decent tho
The mobility makes up for. What's killing heavy tanks nowadays is there's so much CHEAT FS around that your one advantage means nothing if the wrong tank comes around the corner. Maybe you get to use your armour maybe you won't. But the IS6 has the mobility to react and get out of the way if it needs to. Basically just becomes a medium tank in those situations and that is workable.
Meanwhile the Maus is "unbalanceable"
@@viktoriyaserebryakov2755IS-6 is a lot like the KV-1S, shocking mobility, an insanely bouncy turret if you don't hit exactly the right spot, and just the right BR to brainlessly stomp people in a downtier.
8:58 "hi buddy😊" *murders a small child😈*
I feel like until Gaijin decompressed BRs at that range, 6.0+ should only be able to uptier/downtier by 0.7BR. So 6.0 only up to 6.7. I know it might make things confusing for some, but I feel like it would greatly improve gameplay without affecting queue times too much.
1:06 Anti air cannon for you :)
The Somua SM is basically the perfect counter against the IS-6, since it has a very powerful cannon, a fast autoloader, and pretty good frontal armor. Not only that but the cannon is extremely stable and allows for some shots while on the move.
I really love teaching IS-6 players a lesson while playing the Somua SM.
the is6 can oneshot you through your turret btw
IS-6 solos 🥱🥱
Now it's at 7.7 and gets APFSDS'd the second it's seen
1:04 IS-6 with mobile artillery modification in next update
Was tempted to buy it but this thing now sits at 7.7, and fighting 8.7's would 100% be nightmare, specially with such terrible reload speed, no stab, no smoke.
It did get a new round however but it should be played like a tank destroyer or medium talk at 8.3 or 8.7. Dow tiers at 7.7 at still very common however.
It really just does allow you to turn your brain off, somehow nonpenned it with 120mm APDS, very tanky
I love how spookston is just like "kill me I'm here" but first let me kill two more
3:20 it took me 5 rewinds to see the tip of the gun of that U-SH. Bushes are only cosmetic.
Do you think you'll ever play the Challenger 2s for a video? They have the nicest non-autoloader reload rate for Western MBTs!
Note: I mean toptier Western MBTs
They got to give them something to make them worthwhile. Also the IMP1 is also five second reload with a max crew. but its round its a 105 so theres that drawback.
@@DevinEMILEit does have stock APDS and also, like the chally 1, it has good turret armor with a lot of cast armor parts for better protection against APDS
you can pen a maus with an is-6 by either shotting the lower part of the side or hitting under its gun so it bounces into its body killing it
4:51 That's little unfair in my opinion. If the Tiger II (H) can face 5.7 tanks (Sherman 76, T-34-85) who can't pen the Tiger II (H) frontally and that's totally fine, then the IS-6 has the right to face 6.0 and 6.3 tanks. Heavy tanks should feel like heavy tanks and not like slow and expensive medium tanks.
then why do we have a heavy tank called Sherman Jumbo at 6.3 that can be easily penned by a 5.0 VK
@@VelicoFides 2 reasons, I woulds day. First, the Jumbo is played by a lot of competent players. And by Gaijin's balancing logic, the more successful a tank is, the higher it's BR needs to be. Second, premium tanks are always at a lower BR than they should be. Why? Because players need incentive to buy them. Jumbo is a free vehicle that everyone can research. But you need to give Gaijin real money in order to play the VK.
@@ziga4870 no, I mean a panther VK, thats free. But you are right, these are the reasons for this, but its dumb as hell
yeah i own the damn is6, not sure if its a content creator blessing but ive gotten like 3 uptiers since i bought it, i dont like it at all due to the fact that it can face bradleys, leopards, marders, etc etc
@@ziga4870 you're explaining gaijins logic (except you're wrong in the fact that the vk 30 02m is a premium, it's not) but not justifying it. if the is6 can say 7.0 in your eyes in the interests of 'heavy tanks feeling like heavy tanks' when it's basically almost an mbt, then the 76 jumbo can go down to 5.3 where it'll actually function almost like an mbt.
Thank you for this (:
Been asking for quite a while
Best feeling when you one shot the IS-6 with HEAT.
i love all the classics SFXs. Love the work
Great vid as always, may we please have more vids from my favorite country in WT, Italy. Would love to see it.
Spookstons encounter with the first maus and the edit he did, is what i think of when i push someone in a is6-3, knowing damn well they cant do anything except try to hit the barrel, and in return, i barrel them with the 75mm heat shell.
When spookston says: “what could possibly go wrong?”
5 seconds later: “SINCE WHEN CAN-
Nowadays, I’m mostly watching Spook’s videos first for the animal reaction memes and when he gets jumpscared, second because he’s funny
you've made me unable to breathe because of that opening meme, thank you
Love it, Spookston playing an IS tank. But can we get a T-54/55 video?
Happy late birthday wishes Spookston.
Friends: Why do you like to play the M-51? Me: Because I can 1 shot or 2 shot IS6's.
I like how he's so nice letting the enemy get a free "kill"
>gets nuke
>tries to get himself killed instead of respawn
>cant drop nuke
Wade up! Spookston has posted, Christmas came early!
At 2:45 is that a picture of Biscuit from the lady who feeds random foxes on youtube? Debs something...
I knew Spoops' brain must be filled with cute animal shorts daily, just like mine!
spookston's intuition makes him a human rangefinder.
i hightly reccomend you play the italian M47 105/55 OTO. It's the only M47 with a 105mm cannon but keeps the same 7.3 br rating as the others
7:30 A fragment of the Jerma Rats song was *not* what I expected to hear during this video.
My man just “it is what it is”ing through life
I love the Halo sound bits! Very cool and funny lol 👍
I’d love to see you use that more in the future
“That was a pretty ok match” me getting 20 reserch every match in 5.3
You should play the Zachlam Tagar (the thing you always feel bad about killing), the AMX-13, or the AML-90. The first one would be an entertaining suffering fest and the latter two are quick speed demons of death.
on a second note, im now realizing how many halo related memes you yous in your videos since your qna
You need to do a "Is the T-80BVM still broken" video. Cant believe we've never seen you do one.
You forgeting something? Reverse your hull soo that top tier Heat shell tanks cant pen your front plate and kill your crew its like the is2 reversed trick ;)
1:00 introducing IS-6-2
Since we got a video on the IS series of tanks. I think it's only fitting that we get the 183mm Derp gun the Brits made to counter the IS series.
I love fighting this thing with vehicles that straight up CANNOT kill it at any angle other than 2 meters behind it’s behind.
man i wish i met spookston but also i wouldnt wanna be in the opposite team of his
spookstom when the 130mm round can pen an armor plate thinner than whatever it can go through:🤯🤯🤯
speaking of 6.7 you should play the type 61. I have been, and I've been experiencing nothing, but pain even when spaded.
I love how he just starts the video with a wt meme