Summer Terns in Hong Kong, 2024

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • In summer, from June to September, some lovely little terns will come to Hong Kong. They include Black-naped Tern, Bridled Tern, Roseate Tern, and in some occasions, Common Tern. Usually, they can be found in the Northern East water of Hong Kong, namely, Mirs Bay, Tolo Harbour and Long Harbour. So, when you stay in Hong Kong during summer, you can consider to pay a visit to them.
    每年六月至九月的夏天, 都會有一些可能愛的小燕鷗造訪香港. 這些燕鷗包括黑枕燕鷗, 褐翅燕鷗, 粉紅燕鷗, 偶爾還會有普通燕鷗. 它們通常都可以在香港東北面的水域見到, 包括大鵬灣, 吐露港和大灘海. 所以若果你會在香港渡過夏季, 不妨考慮去拜訪一下它們.