The longest zipline in Europe /Bled, Slovenia/- travel video |GoPro Hero 10 footage|
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Najdlhšia zipline v Europe, teda nie v jednom kuse ale na siedmich úsekoch, ktorú si môžete vyskúšať v Slovinsku a to konkrétne neďaleko jazera Bled.
Šesť zo siedmich úsekov Vás prenesú ponad rieku Sava Dolinka.
Úžastný zážitok, treba určite vyskúšať.
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The longest zipline in Europe, not in one piece but in seven sections, which is 4.7 km long. You can try it in Slovenia, specifically near Lake Bled.
Six of the seven sections will take you over the river Sava Dolinka.
An amazing experience, you should definitely try it.
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