𝓜𝗒 𝗉𝖾𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗻𝗼𝗻-𝓷𝖾𝗀𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾 ; 𝗉𝖾𝖺𝖼𝖾, 𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝖼𝗄𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @Yourpasandidaaurat222
    @Yourpasandidaaurat222  2 місяці тому +14

    I am a vessel of peace and calm."
    "I breathe in tranquility and breathe out stress."
    "I am centered and at peace with the world."
    "I embrace calmness in every situation."
    "My mind is serene and at ease."
    "My heart is filled with calm and peace."
    "I am in control of my emotions and thoughts."
    "I release all tension and stress."
    "I am surrounded by a bubble of peace and calm."
    "I trust the process and flow with life effortlessly."
    "I find peace in the present moment."
    "My mind is clear, calm, and focused."
    "I am at peace with who I am."
    "I choose to release worry and embrace peace."
    "Peace begins with me."
    "I am grateful for the peace and calm in my life."
    "I create a peaceful and loving environment."
    "I let go of what I cannot change and find peace in the present."
    "I am a beacon of calm in any situation."
    "I trust in the journey and find peace in the process."
    "I nurture my inner calm and peace daily."
    "I am calm, composed, and confident."
    "I am worthy of peace and serenity."
    "Every breath I take fills me with peace."
    "I am a magnet for calm and peaceful energy."
    I release all burdens from my heart and mind."
    "I am free from all that weighs me down."
    "I let go of all worries and embrace peace."
    "My heart and mind are light and free."
    "I am liberated from all stress and tension."
    "I feel a deep sense of relief and calm."
    "I am at peace with myself and my surroundings."
    "I have let go of all negativity and feel completely calm."
    "I am surrounded by a sense of tranquility and ease."
    "I am filled with a profound sense of peace and calm."
    I am enveloped in a sense of warmth and comfort."
    "I am safe, secure, and deeply comforted."
    "I am surrounded by a nurturing and loving energy."
    "I am held in a space of peace and comfort."
    "I find solace in the love and care around me."
    "I am comforted by the gentle presence of those who care for me."
    "I am at ease, knowing I am supported and loved."
    "I feel the comforting embrace of peace and tranquility."
    "I am soothed by the calm and quiet within me."
    "I am reassured and comforted by positive thoughts."
    "I am wrapped in a blanket of comfort and security."
    "I find comfort in the simple moments of peace."
    "I am surrounded by a comforting and protective energy."
    "I am comforted by the love and compassion I receive."
    "I am at peace, feeling the comfort of the present moment."
    I am embraced by a sense of calm and comfort."
    "I feel deeply nurtured and supported."
    "I am surrounded by an aura of peace and comfort."
    "I am at home within myself, feeling comfort and ease."
    "I trust in the comforting presence of love around me."
    "I am comforted by the knowledge that I am never alone."
    "I am soothed by the gentle whispers of peace within."
    "I find comfort in knowing that I am always cared for."
    "I am comforted by the tranquility that surrounds me."
    "I feel the comforting touch of serenity in my life."
    "I am at peace, enveloped by a sense of comfort."
    "I feel comforted by the harmonious energy around me."
    "I am reassured by the constant presence of love in my life."
    "I find comfort in the stillness and quiet of the moment."
    "I am at peace with myself and the world around me."
    "I choose to remain calm in every situation."
    "My mind is calm, my body is relaxed, and my soul is at peace."
    "I am centered, balanced, and grounded."
    "I release all stress and embrace serenity."
    "I am surrounded by a bubble of peace and calm."
    "I find peace in the present moment."
    "My heart is filled with calm and tranquility."
    "I am in control of my emotions and thoughts."
    "I breathe in peace and exhale worry."
    "I am a beacon of calm in any storm."
    "I trust the process and find peace in the journey."
    "I am calm, composed, and confident."
    "I am grateful for the peace and calm in my life."
    "I nurture my inner calm and peace daily."
    "I am free from worry and at peace with my life."
    "I create a peaceful and loving environment."
    "I am at peace with my past, present, and future."
    "I am surrounded by an aura of calm and serenity."
    "I embrace the calmness within me and around me."
    I love and accept myself unconditionally."
    "I am worthy of love and respect."
    "I am proud of who I am and all I have accomplished."
    "I embrace my unique qualities and celebrate my individuality."
    "I am enough just as I am."
    "I honor my needs and take care of myself."
    "I forgive myself and let go of past mistakes."
    "I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment."
    "I trust in my abilities and believe in myself."
    "I am kind to myself and speak words of love and encouragement."
    "I accept my flaws and see them as opportunities for growth."
    "I am confident and comfortable in my own skin."
    "I radiate self-love and self-respect."
    "I choose to love myself more every day."
    "I am at peace with who I am and where I am in my journey."
    "I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer."
    "I honor my inner beauty and strength."
    "I embrace my imperfections and see the beauty in them."
    "I am my own best friend and biggest supporter."
    "I am grateful for the person I am becoming."
    I embrace my flaws as part of my unique self."
    "I accept every part of me with love and compassion."
    "My imperfections make me beautifully human."
    "I am whole, just as I am, with all my flaws."
    "I see my flaws as opportunities for growth and self-discovery."
    "I am at peace with my imperfections."
    "I honor and accept every aspect of myself."
    "I love myself fully, flaws and all."
    "My flaws do not define me; they are a part of my journey."
    "I release the need for perfection and embrace my true self."
    "I am worthy of love and acceptance, despite my flaws."
    "I find strength in acknowledging my imperfections."
    "I accept my flaws as part of my unique beauty."
    "I am gentle with myself and embrace my imperfections."
    "I celebrate my individuality, including my flaws."
    "I let go of self-judgment and accept myself completely."
    "I am a work in progress, and I embrace my imperfections."
    "I forgive myself for my flaws and treat myself with kindness."
    "I am comfortable in my skin, flaws and all."
    "I am grateful for my flaws, for they make me who I am."
    I am worthy of love and respect just as I am.
    My imperfections make me unique and beautiful.
    I embrace every part of myself, including my flaws.
    I am proud of who I am becoming.
    My worth is not defined by my mistakes.
    I love and accept myself unconditionally.
    Each day, I grow stronger and more confident.
    My flaws are what make me human and relatable.
    I am enough, just as I am.
    I forgive myself for past mistakes and learn from them.
    I deserve happiness and success.
    I am grateful for the journey of self-discovery and self-love.
    My self-worth is inherent and undeniable.
    I am deserving of all the good things in life.
    I choose to focus on my strengths and celebrate my achievements.
    "I release all doubts and fears that block my manifestations."
    "I am open to receiving all the abundance life has to offer."
    "I let go of limiting beliefs and embrace endless possibilities."
    "I trust in the process of manifestation and allow it to unfold naturally."
    "I clear all negative energy that may be hindering my manifestations."
    "I am worthy and deserving of all my desires."
    "I release any resistance and allow my dreams to flow to me effortlessly."
    "I am aligned with the energy of abundance and prosperity."
    "I remove all mental and emotional blockages that prevent my success."
    "I trust that everything is working out for my highest good."
    "I let go of all attachments and trust my journey to deliver my desires."
    "I am free from any fear of failure or success."
    "I clear any self-doubt and embrace my power to create my reality."
    "I release all past disappointments and focus on the present moment."
    "I am open and receptive to new opportunities and possibilities."
    "I am confident in my ability to manifest my dreams."
    "I let go of any need to control the outcome and trust the process."
    "I believe in my worthiness to receive all that I desire."
    "I remove any blocks to my financial abundance and prosperity."
    "I trust in the timing of my life and allow my desires to manifest."
    "I am free from any limiting beliefs that hold me back."
    "I clear all obstacles that prevent me from achieving my goals."
    "I release any negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations."
    "I am open to receiving guidance and support from within."
    "I am aligned with my highest potential and purpose."
    "I remove any blockages in my mind, body, and spirit."
    "I trust that my efforts are always leading me to success."
    "I am worthy of receiving all the good that life has to offer."
    "I clear any energy blocks that prevent my manifestations from coming to fruition."
    "I am in perfect alignment with my desires and my path."

  • @Aenazzzzzz
    @Aenazzzzzz 2 місяці тому

    Standing on terrace, wearing my moms shawl her fragrance, passing clouds, moon behind clouds, the cold breeze and fragrance of coal..
    I cant evem explain what i am feeling this sub is the most beautiful i have ever heard..
    It feels like connection with God its nature amd something that is unexplained..
    Thank you somuch for this sub, May get blessed 💞✨

  • @videovixenstarlet
    @videovixenstarlet 2 місяці тому +7

    adding this to my healing subs playlist 🤍

  • @redditfunxf2eh
    @redditfunxf2eh 2 місяці тому +8

    Thank you so much for such a beautiful and important subliminal

  • @cup1dsmuse
    @cup1dsmuse 2 місяці тому +1

    This is absolutely gorgeous

  • @raychluv
    @raychluv 2 місяці тому +3


  • @jyotimaurya1458
    @jyotimaurya1458 2 місяці тому +8

    Came just when i was crying.....

  • @decalcojk
    @decalcojk 2 місяці тому

    calm version ? 🥺 PLEASE

  • @sandhya_rajput7
    @sandhya_rajput7 2 місяці тому +1

    How can i ever thank you?