Getting Your Day Started Right | Joyce Meyer

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Getting Your Day Started Right Part 1
    (Joyce's Bootcamp: Prayer and Bible Study | Week 1)
    In a message by Joyce Meyer, she highlights the importance of making the most of each day, as time is a precious resource that cannot be regained once it's lost. She emphasizes the need to start each day on the right foot, especially by spending time with God, as this can set the tone for the rest of the day.
    Joyce shares anecdotes of people hitting the snooze button, rushing through their morning routines, and experiencing frustrating situations, all of which can lead to a difficult day. She argues that the devil tries to fight people on their time with God, as personal time spent with Him is the most valuable aspect of one's spiritual life.
    She asserts that merely attending conferences or listening to sermons is not enough for personal growth and victory; individuals must also study and spend time with God on their own. Joyce encourages her audience to learn from their experiences, engage in personal study, and strive for a deeper relationship with God to live life to the fullest.
    Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.
    With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.
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    #riseandshine #goodmorning #joycemeyer


  • @lilsparrow7845
    @lilsparrow7845 5 років тому +7

    Just want to add my testimony in the event it may help someone else.
    My life has been spiraling downward. I am married with 1 child. Financial problems is the main stressor in our life, but family problems, marital problems, joblessness for myself, health problems...the list goes on. Not too terribly long ago, everything came to a head. I just got home from dropping my son off at school and I sat in my car, in my driveway and screamed at God. I literally screamed "what do you want from me...what do you want me to do? I had always believed in God so I could not understand WHY nothing..and I mean my life has been working out. I sat in silence for a few minutes and I heard a voice in my head " come closer to me, study my word and be closer to me". A light went off in my head. I KNOW it was a message from God. I picked up my bible and started to read, front to back, I prayed and prayed and prayed. I thank God for all my blessings every day, I pray for a huge list of people everyday, I pray for strangers I see on the street, I pray for myself. I talk with God....just to "gab". I tell God about my day, I tell God what my plans are, I laugh with God, I cry with God...every little element of my day..I include God. Everyday I ask God to be in every area of my life of every moment of the day. I tell God "I can't make it without you". I read the bible, listen to sermons, I listen to Gospel. The stress in my life is gone. I know tough and stressful times will come again, but this time I KNOW God will help me through. He has never failed me, he has kept all his promises to me. Invite God into your life and watch how amazing it feels.

  • @danjones5161
    @danjones5161 7 років тому +119

    I dont see how anyone would thumbs down Joyce Meyer. She preaches God's word, yet she is so down to earth. Her sermons are like having a conversation with an old friend.

  • @marciaguzmanesq.2161
    @marciaguzmanesq.2161 4 роки тому +1

    Joyce Meyer speaks through scripture. She is amazing. God is great.

  • @pattiejune
    @pattiejune 6 років тому +162

    Joyce said every time you open your bible the devil faints. The devil never gets up with me around, my bible stays open most all the time. Because of Joyce she also said hand write at least 2 scriptures a day, I do at age 70 my handwriting isn't always the best it has improved. I thank GOD for everything every morning.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  6 років тому +3

      That's awesome, Patricia! Thanks for sharing! -Team JMM

    • @ShiningStar-vx6jw
      @ShiningStar-vx6jw 5 років тому +3

      God bless you Patricia! 🌸🌸

    • @kingdombringerentrepreneur5310
      @kingdombringerentrepreneur5310 5 років тому

      @@ShiningStar-vx6jw Jesus holy sprit love to you Daniel

    • @davidphillips7533
      @davidphillips7533 5 років тому

      @@joycemeyer Matthew 25:31-46
      31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
      32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
      33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
      34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
      35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
      36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
      37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
      38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
      39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
      40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
      41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
      42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
      43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
      44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
      45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
      46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    • @patwinslow5046
      @patwinslow5046 3 роки тому

      @@joycemeyer Ivan. Do. All. This. N. Do. All. Thlnk. The. R. You. H. Who. Stergh. Me. Amen. Ame. NFL😇😇😇😇

  • @skinnurse5665
    @skinnurse5665 8 років тому +405

    People who talk bad about ministers and Ministries such as Joyce Meyers about her being rich and living comfortable should really read their Bibles. Abraham David Daniel including Solomon and many other people in the Bible were rich because God blessed them God does not want his people to live in poverty God never said that it was wrong to have money he said LOVING money was wrong. God wants you to live an abundant prosperous life people like Joyce Meyers does not charge you to come to her conference like some of the other ministers do she is a true woman of God and an inspiration for all people who have been down in the dumps and God has pulled them out God bless you all & get in your Bible before you talk bad about people know your facts because not only does she not charge people but her and her husband give to many people around the world clean water schools & clothes she's a wonderful woman, & may God continue to bless her as well as you all.

    • @matildegelao2863
      @matildegelao2863 7 років тому

      vorrei che fosse in italiano per poter capire grazie.
      Skin Nurse

    • @matildegelao2863
      @matildegelao2863 7 років тому +1

      Skin Nurse

    • @michaelstrong2352
      @michaelstrong2352 7 років тому +21

      i agree totally how can people get help if the church has no money to do anything

    • @heildelbergebol5224
      @heildelbergebol5224 7 років тому

      Skin Nurse q

    • @huyt71
      @huyt71 7 років тому +19

      I believe if we are getting "fed" and the meat that we are receiving is biblical then yes we should give to the ministry because that minister is spending a lot of their time studying praying and spending time with God in order to teach Gods if that minister is using their ministry to get rich then God will deal with them. We have to do what the bible tell us to do which is give and dont worry about where its going or what it is being used for. you did what god told u to do so u will be blessed

  • @jasonsensation14U
    @jasonsensation14U 5 років тому +5


  • @BlueEyes7871
    @BlueEyes7871 4 роки тому +1

    I find she's the most down to earth my kinda woman of God. She teaches at a human level And hits the soul. Thanks for the great teachings!💯

  • @yamilexCortezi
    @yamilexCortezi 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you sooo much Lord for Introducing Joyce into my life 💙💛

  • @pg-qw5ex
    @pg-qw5ex 5 років тому

    “ I am not God; I am a teacher “. Sister Joyce is so humble. Oh how I wish to be in a room with her ,face to face and stay silent and just feel her presence ! She makes my day go good. Her sermons are Very inspiring and uplifting !!

  • @yolandecooper4566
    @yolandecooper4566 7 років тому +161

    This is the ONLY person that has got me to stop & listen...I think she preaches to the soul!

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому +4

      Thank you for sharing how much Joyce's teachings have touched your life, Yolande! We invite you to stay inspired by visiting us at -Team JMM

    • @towannadiggs8774
      @towannadiggs8774 6 років тому +3

      Yolande Cooper I agree she TEACHES! That's is what is needed. I pray for all humanity to ask God to search their lives. Joyce is right as soon as our eyes👀 open up in the mornings get dressed SPIRITUALLY...Satan dont sleep he keep his comrades on us 24/7....WE AS a people have the tendency to blame one another for the violence of all kinds, but fail to search spiritually within. Forgetting why this world all over is filled with HATE! The disobedience from Adam and Eve, and Satan refusing to remain in his position when he was in heaven. He chose to lose his place in heaven and was KICKED OUT of heaven to the earth and for us humans, the WAR BEGAN. Have a blessed day my sister, and just keep God first, and working on you....people can be a distraction. Speak Gods word into their situations and let God do the rest, blessings to you and your family.

    • @lilsparrow7845
      @lilsparrow7845 5 років тому +3

      Yes, she is wonderful and I do thank God for guiding me to her.

    • @emcat8444
      @emcat8444 5 років тому +1


    • @jessydsouza3854
      @jessydsouza3854 4 роки тому +1


  • @basedporcupine
    @basedporcupine 5 років тому

    Listening to Joyce is literally the only way I can get my wife on board learning God's word. Thank you

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  5 років тому

      We're glad that Joyce has been such a great resource to your wife! We have other great Bible studies on our website as well, at Bless you. -Team JMM

  • @yewmengchoo4038
    @yewmengchoo4038 7 років тому +40

    What I like about Joyce... She just teaches and does not sell herself

  • @Dandelion_flight
    @Dandelion_flight 7 років тому +2

    At 5 mins 19 secs, yes that's exactly how I felt a week ago!!! I was reading the Bible, listening to sermons, praying in tongues etc etc as I busyed away with the so called busyness of life!!! But it's not helping and something is still not right!!! And that's when I was at the end of my struggles and realized that I was Martha as usual and I needed to be Mary sitting at Jesus' feet to spend time with Him!!! The devil is scared when we make time to be with God!!! He wants us to be distracted with life's busyness!!! And that's exactly what I needed to do - spend time alone with God in quietness. If Jesus spent time with God in solitary during his time on earth, how about all of us? Let's spend time with God even when we don't feel like it and even when we feel that God is not near. It does not depend on our feelings. Praise God! xxx

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому

      Great encouragement! You have truly inspired others with your comments. God bless you! -Team JMM

  • @pitaespinoza1474
    @pitaespinoza1474 7 років тому +81

    "I'm afraid of myself!...when I don't spend time with God!". Classic Joyce Meyer! She's how I like starting my days...listening to her while I get ready or clean! She makes God's Word understandable! Thank u Joyce!!

  • @gerikolbable
    @gerikolbable 8 років тому +154

    She is a woman of God ! she is for real and teaches what we need to know.

    • @higherlearning9597
      @higherlearning9597 6 років тому

      Which one of the 12 disciples was a woman?

    • @KingJamesBibleBeliever-de9fy
      @KingJamesBibleBeliever-de9fy 6 років тому

    • @lilithstar9045
      @lilithstar9045 5 років тому +1

      There was a judge in the bible named Deborah. Just because she's a woman preaching the word doesn't mean she's evil. There are some godly women who are brave enough to take a leadership position. The way you know is by their fruits.
      She has blessed me. So many talk so evil against her and call themselves saints. You can't speak evil and say you do good.

    • @lilithstar9045
      @lilithstar9045 5 років тому +2

      @@higherlearning9597 actually Mary magdaline was a disciple, but because men have no respect for ALL of God's creations, the men of the early church excluded her from that simply because she is a woman. There is even a book written from her perspective, but due to being "incomplete" from age it was not added to the bible. Look up the books of the catacombs. You'll find many books were not added in when king James gathered all of his scribes to collect all the writings and create what is the bible today.

    • @reletaortiz2026
      @reletaortiz2026 5 років тому +1

      Mary M. was the 1st to preach the Gospel when she ran to tell the apostles "HE IS RISEN"
      Guess no one told her, including the Risen Messiah, she wasn't suppose to. ⤴️⤴️⤴️

  • @mishawatts2046
    @mishawatts2046 5 років тому

    When I wake up I’m wide awake and get up and can’t wait to start my day and thank God for another day to live

  • @eduardamarques5614
    @eduardamarques5614 6 років тому +16

    where the mind goes the man follows..the devil takes advantage of us for too long before we realize we can do all things through Christ that stregthens us. I need to start having the life Jesus died for me to have. Put on the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Word! We are at war or we would not need a sword. War against the devil!! I need to dedicate a rededicate my life to God. Here I am Lord! I am yours! Use my mind, my voice, my hands, my finances as you please. Let me know what you want from me today? Amen

  • @BibleMunch
    @BibleMunch 8 років тому +271

    Time spent studying God's word is never time wasted!
    May God bless all who watch!

  • @joellehosette818
    @joellehosette818 Рік тому +2

    I wish more people would listen to you. Their life would be so much better if they would focus on Jesus.

  • @paulawargo1022
    @paulawargo1022 6 років тому +16

    I cannot function without starting my day with the Lord. Thanks to your teachings Joyce Meyer..Thank you ...

  • @melindagonz9226
    @melindagonz9226 7 років тому +19

    There will always be haters! Keep going Joyce Meyers! God bless you!

  • @mukonojohn8671
    @mukonojohn8671 8 років тому +36

    may the Lord bless MAMA Joyce for having sacrificed time to spread the Gospel to the people in the world keep it up

    • @oleskoolicky7702
      @oleskoolicky7702 7 років тому +5

      Thank you Lord for Joyce Myers Joyce you are an absolute blessing Amen.

  • @Jenjane55
    @Jenjane55 Рік тому +6

    I sure got into the flesh today with my attitude. I repented and went about my day. I won't leave God because I don't ever want to go back to the world.

  • @marvettagreen292
    @marvettagreen292 3 роки тому

    GOD Thank you, for waking me up this morning, thank you that am in my right mind, thank you for my children, house the car, just thank you for everything in Jesus name Amen.

  • @12345678evette
    @12345678evette 5 років тому

    I thank GOD for everything every morning

  • @Radmxray
    @Radmxray 8 років тому +73

    I love that Joyce Meyer tells you to study the Bible on your own. She is anointed by God she's an excellent teacher and I love her messages they speak to my heart.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому +1

      +Mary Klischies Thank you so much for your kind and loving words! We pray that knowing God will become a desire of your heart. All it takes is spending time with Him. He will speak to your heart, sometimes in a still, small voice: ^Ellen

    • @jchenmei3765
      @jchenmei3765 8 років тому

      +Joyce Meyer Ministries I like listening to your program. Can I ask for your help... please tell me what. to do?? A billionaire. Sheikh Abdul Wassim El Whani giving millions to poor people. .I'm one of them who he promised me if I only pay for the courier charges 159USD. I will receive my no limit debit card in two days but now is fourth days. He ask me to bankin to Western union bank. another 135USD for transfer money to me. please help, Is this truth.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому

      +j chenmei Hi friend. In the past such requests have proven to be scams. Please be mindful. Blessings! ^Kim

    • @jchenmei3765
      @jchenmei3765 8 років тому


    • @claudiarobinson8899
      @claudiarobinson8899 7 років тому +1

      Mary Klischie

  • @hiskidstoohiskidstoo3899
    @hiskidstoohiskidstoo3899 5 років тому

    People who say, I don't have time to do 'that'' (spend time with God in the a.m.) we don't have the time to NOT do that. We are up M-W-F feeding homeless, and I used to 'not' be a morning person, at least not at 5:30 a.m, but I have now used that time to connect with God; on the way to the food pick-up, during the delivery and distribution, and then on the return, has been an amazing time to connect with God and share His love for the lost.
    Yesterday our ministry van burned, due to a electrical short, where we live (Ukraine), there isn't insurance for your vehicle, only if you hit someone; God knows we need this ministry vehicle, so now we stand in obedience and wait on Him to supply a new avenue to complete the task He has given us. Please pray for us. Thank you.

  • @rgober60
    @rgober60 5 років тому

    Thank you Father for giving me Joyce ' s videos to help teach me how to get closer to you. At 59 I'm still striving to learn and get closer to you. ➕➕➕❤❤❤❤

  • @elvaordonez8311
    @elvaordonez8311 7 років тому +14

    I completely agree, always start your day with the Lord, having communion with God should be #1 priority. I don't agree at 5am, some people work nights, and morning are not starting their day. I believe everyone should start their day, at what ever time they wake up, and just talk to God, giving the Lord His time....and starting your own personal day with that personal relationship with Him.

    • @azaddilmahomed2621
      @azaddilmahomed2621 5 років тому

      One.god.mesager.rasoullaws bonneanneerege2019thankyou hazard alley goods and

    • @azaddilmahomed2621
      @azaddilmahomed2621 5 років тому

      One.god.mesager.rasoullaws bonneanneerege2019thankyou hazard alley goods and Mauritius

  • @SusanMadata
    @SusanMadata 7 років тому +6

    I have been a bit restless recently and my sister sent me this two day ago. I was looking for something to read in the bible today because I felt like I can not let this day pass without my time with God. But I couldn't find anything that spoke to me so I went back to this video telling God "you don't have anything for me to read today so I'll just go and watch this video" and while I was watching this I realized why I was restless these past few weeks. it's because I have been doing all of what you taught except I stopped putting time for God. And I thank God so much for showing me the way to this video.

  • @johnarnold5830
    @johnarnold5830 7 років тому +5

    Woke up this morning and just wanted to be closer to my God so i put on Joyce s sermon on how to start every day off with my Lord. She opened my eyes and heart and clarified the how to. Now I'm off to study my Bible and get closer to understanding my Father God. I would like to thank you Joyce Meyer for all your help these last few years. Thank God for sending you. The world is a better place with you in it. God's love and blessings to you and your family and friends. I love my God! !!!!

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому +1

      John, we are always amazed and in awe of how God shows up just when we need Him. Joyce would be proud to know that you are diving into the Word and drawing closer to Him! That is her heart! -Team JMM

    • @johnarnold5830
      @johnarnold5830 7 років тому +2

      Joyce Meyer Ministries
      Joyce, i have been watching you for about 3yrs now. It's not just a sermon for me. Somehow you get me and i listen to every word you speak as if you are talking right to me. I understand clearly and fully the message and alot of times the Holy Spirit fills me up to overflowing as i follow it. Your not religious, your spiritual to us. Thanks for allowing me to get the guidance i need to be what God wants me to be. Still under construction being made whole again because of your ministry. May the Lord truely bless you. Amen Aba Amen.

    • @aroquianadaneanthonyswamy3265
      @aroquianadaneanthonyswamy3265 7 років тому

      John Arnold nu Vu sdxxv

  • @dominiquewatson1868
    @dominiquewatson1868 5 років тому +1

    Praise God for Joyce and all friends online LET us all have a day full of Jesus

  • @lyndsieannette957
    @lyndsieannette957 5 років тому +1

    God continuously shows me how dependent I am on Him alone. What a wonderful sermon.

  • @Budgie.lover_cute
    @Budgie.lover_cute 7 років тому +35

    She's been my source of inspiration and an amazing voice of God through her sermons are certainly touching.

    • @piahansen656
      @piahansen656 7 років тому

      Tk Hilkhiang.... Hi there. How wonderful to see. Good for you and to Him goes all the glory. He truly has anointed this woman, but I also remember Joyce saying that The Lord showed her, that to have the ministry He showed her, she would have to DO a couple of things. 1) Keep all the strife out of her life ( in everything )....2) Do everything with honesty and integrity, and from what I have seen,( and sure I can't claim to KNOW all about her) she has done exactly that. By no means am I trying to make her out to be perfect, she's the first to admit, that it wasn't always easy, but to me, she has PERFECTLY shown, how God can do anything, with whosoever WILL. We must first be willing with God, because UNLIKE the devil , He will never force us, we will always have a choice. Whether the choices suit us? Well, that's another matter. Peace always.........pia

    • @margaretmunozrealtor5574
      @margaretmunozrealtor5574 5 років тому

      Thank you for the mighty word of God!

  • @cherylweinberger9861
    @cherylweinberger9861 3 роки тому +1

    Listening to you has made such a difference. My life is changing more every day!

  • @patricemarie2960
    @patricemarie2960 5 років тому

    PSALM 118 ....... IMPORTANT! ...... GOOD WORK!
    "PRAY ....... WITHOUT CEASING!" .....

  • @sharonnycum5414
    @sharonnycum5414 Рік тому +3

    A song called good morning mercy has absolutely changed my mornings. I thank God and Jason Crabb for this song. Joyce and battlefield of the mind has helped me so much. I have lost so much. My mother and father and a son. I had turned against God when my son died. God pulled me back and I'm so thankful that he did. Our relationship with God is more important than any relationship we will ever have. Thank you God for showing me how good life can be with you.

  • @coreyoldknow272
    @coreyoldknow272 4 роки тому

    People that listen to message and let it change the mind and soul through the Word of God . Know that Christ is the one that came to save our souls . Through the word . Grace . Love to all of us and others . Than we should realize that this is what we need to be seeking to find the light of Gid and then give it others

  • @sharlenecooper7989
    @sharlenecooper7989 5 років тому

    Praise Unto Jesus. Thankyou Jesus

  • @tatisantos7295
    @tatisantos7295 7 років тому +1

    i love Joyce Meyer♡♥♥♡♥♡♡♡

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому +1

      Thanks for your love and support, Tati! We love you too and invite you to stay connected with us at -Team JMM

  • @bobbygober2320
    @bobbygober2320 5 років тому

    I think joyce is a very good angel and she helps me with bad times when I feel down I always listen to you

  • @steph1806
    @steph1806 8 років тому +20

    God is amazing. She is an amazing woman who is sensitive to God's voice :)

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому +3

      Thank you Stephanie! Acts 3:19 teaches that "times of refreshing" come to us when we spend time in God's presence. The Lord is ever present & always available for fellowship. Take time to hear His voice today. He loves you! ^Ellen

  • @namulindwadianah976
    @namulindwadianah976 5 років тому

    Let's delight the day in the Lord

  • @sundayakanbiadebolu-ololad5127
    @sundayakanbiadebolu-ololad5127 6 років тому +3

    A woman of God indeed. Highly endowed. I get blessed each time I listen to her teach the word of God.

  • @tonimcastillovargas1032
    @tonimcastillovargas1032 5 років тому

    JMM-Joyce Is 100% JESUS, TRUTH, INTEGRITY, COMPASSION, OBEDIENT, WILLING, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, In Jesus Name COMPLETE & TOTAL SURRENDER UNTO ABBAGOD JESUS, & HOLY SPIRIT! I never would have "opened-up", had I NEVER heard her testimony back in 89', or 90', 91'! I honestly couldn't believe, "I Was Listening To MY Story, Yet I Had NEVER Opened My Mouth!" I Love You Joyce & Dave Meyer! I love how you all LIVE BREATHE & LOVE Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Our SAVIOUR & Our KING! Hallelujah, AMEN! Lifting you all in Prayer J.M.M.! I am so Eternally GRATEFUL In Jesus Name! You're Very Beautiful Joyce! The Wondrous Love Of "OUR Living ABBA GOD!" Amen, Amen, Amen!

  • @nikkicacci7189
    @nikkicacci7189 7 років тому +55

    I start every day with my Time with God and I watch Joyce Meyer. This has helped me more than anything I ever have done in the flesh. Praise the Lord.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому +8

      Thanks for including us in your morning! We love encouraging you and helping you! -Team JMM

    • @piahansen656
      @piahansen656 7 років тому +4

      Joyce Meyer Ministries.... What an amazing surprise seeing The Ministry responding, very impressive ! I feel sure that by now Joyce must be aware, that she, MORE than any other T.V. teacher/preacher, actually reaches people and HELPS people, through her willingness to share the less than perfect moments in her life, as well as the miraculous. Upon receiving the Holy Spirit in the beginning of the 90's, I went straight to a library and borrowed a Bible ( too expensive to buy at the time) and I began to watch 5 different Telly-Evangelists, which I continued to do for many years, and once in a blue moon, I would receive through one of the other ministers, but I consistently both saw and heard the RIGHT stuff from Joyce, and she is THE only one out of all that lot ( and others who have tried to do likewise later on ), that I still watch to this day. The enemy even tried to trip me up by something in my computer which makes it almost impossible to watch the official Joyce Meyer web site, but thankfully I can get it on You tube now, so a bit of catching up to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, to those who post these, the entire Joyce 'Team', and to Joyce, for being obedient to The Lord, and surely too for Dave, without whom it may not have happened, as he was showing Joyce by his own walk, how to trust in The Lord......Peace and blessings to you all........Pia

    • @bluebaby3074
      @bluebaby3074 6 років тому

      Nikki Cacci amen same here !!

  • @breakthruracing
    @breakthruracing 8 років тому +21

    So glad the Holy Spirit led me to look on UA-cam for Joyce!
    A word in die season, bless God!!

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому +5

      +Vicki James You gotta love it when God sets you up like that right, Vicki! We are ecstatic to hear this was a timely word for you, friend. God knows just what to send to help get us back on track and focused on The Promise! He's a Good, Good, Father! ^Kim

    • @breakthruracing
      @breakthruracing 8 років тому +2

      A word in DUE season! 😉

  • @elcommandantdelmonte555
    @elcommandantdelmonte555 Рік тому +5

    I am grateful for your time spent with me and I am encouraged to grow spiritually to the best of my abilities and really start helping other people.God Bless you all 💗✝️

  • @nickdolgikh4602
    @nickdolgikh4602 8 років тому

    Joyce Meyer teachings has brought me to want to know Jesus.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому

      +Nick Dolgikh Praise God, Nick! We are super happy to hear this! Here's some bible tools for your journey. We love you friend! ^Kim

  • @mandygarcia4872
    @mandygarcia4872 8 років тому +16

    Your word is applicable / practical to every area of our lives. Thanks for loving Jesus and giving us meat for our souls and spiritual lives with the Word Of God. God bless you and your family.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому +1

      Thank you, Mandy! We appreciate you and your feedback. We thank God that He is ministering to you through Joyce's teachings. Have a blessed day! ^Cassie

  • @kelliemiller2276
    @kelliemiller2276 7 років тому +10

    Praise God for you Joyce Meyer. You speak to all in your messages. Actually it's like through your words that are presented to you from God. From my age of ten years old till now at soon to be 57 years old. This is the first day of my life. Praise God for you.

  • @marylean7311
    @marylean7311 5 років тому

    Thank you Joyce Meyer ministry. Very powerful sermon. Wake up in the morning make your decision wear spiritual clothes and and thank God. Dear Lord Jesus put me on full of your amour, that I be able to stand in the evil day. Amen 🙏

  • @wonderwonderful5817
    @wonderwonderful5817 6 років тому +1

    I am like you when I'm getting out of bed, because almost every morning when I get out of bed. I'm in pain from back, neck, and hip. I prayer the night before for God to bless me! to help me out of bed without pain. If it be His will. I have so much to be thankful for that it brings tears to my eyes. It's not like I have a lot of money are material things, although everyone in my family thinks I have a money tree in back yard. My husband and I have been married 39 years and just worked hard for what we have and through the grace of God was blessed, and I have always tried to help people in a small way. I know God blesses us when we help others, although most of the time my husband don't know we are helping somebody else.😊 I am asking for prayer for my back pain and hip pain, that the Lord will guide me where I need to get help, from the right doctor or that He, Himself will heal me. He healed my shoulder along time ago. When doctor's we're telling me I need surgery. I refused and relied on my Lord and savior. That's why I know He will heal my hip and back. Oh, thank you Jesus! I have two bulging disc in my back one is on a sciatic nerve and it gives me a great deal of pain. But I rely on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from where my help comes from and to alleviate this pain in my body in Jesus Name Amen!

    @COMPASSION2611 5 років тому

    Powerful word!!! I hear You LORD!!!! 😇🙏💕

  • @beverlydawson7746
    @beverlydawson7746 7 років тому

    She have help me out a whole lot through her teachings . everything she teaches have came to light.she is very accurate. I thank God for her every day!

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому

      All of the staff at JMM appreciate hearing encouraging words! Glad that God directed you to Joyce's teachings! -Team JMM

  • @sharbear4734
    @sharbear4734 Рік тому +2

    I listen to you every morning. Thank you! From Nevada

  • @yasmeenm5316
    @yasmeenm5316 6 років тому +1

    ‘You need to go to bed at night so you can get up in the morning.’ That is my main takeaway lol love you Joyce!

  • @nadada247
    @nadada247 8 років тому +7

    am from Uganda, Africa. I listen to Joyce.her sermons have helped me.have strengthen very difficult times.I can listen to a sermon for more than 5times.thak you Joyce you've no idea. how much you help me.

  • @jenniskellington4297
    @jenniskellington4297 6 років тому +1

    Joyce has spoken to me, she has really encouraged me to get close to God & I’m so grateful💜✝️💒☀️🌸📖👣

  • @dennyhaverstick4751
    @dennyhaverstick4751 5 років тому


  • @292B
    @292B 5 років тому

    I usuallly don't like listening to her but, am I the only one who's listening to this, looks up at God and said😲OMGOSH! It isn't a coincidence, my Father directed me to this message that he knows I needed to hear.
    Yet again God Always know exactly what I need to be reminded of. God Always knows the exact needs of my heart. God always knows what I need at the exact, perfect time I need to be guided. But God is so perfectly Cool, God is so AWESOME❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!!!!!!!!
    Té Adoro Yeshua!! Blessed be the Lamb of God. I thank thee Father, All of the Glory is yours 💋 💘 ❤❤😘😍😃!!!!!!!

  • @ronniejenkins1810
    @ronniejenkins1810 Рік тому +2

    Love You Joyce Meyer from Louisville, KY

  • @ninjadkooldadschannel4969
    @ninjadkooldadschannel4969 4 роки тому

    Always start your day with God

  • @danae4609
    @danae4609 8 років тому +6

    Thank you Joyce for reminding me to put on my christian armour before I leave home.Your great lady

  • @amitgurung8176
    @amitgurung8176 5 років тому

    Iam from India 🇮🇳 my name is Amit. And I love Joyce messages and very much I think 🤔 is she has the wonderful heart ♥. Message that we never heard before.. She wonderful and teacher

  • @mariesmith8547
    @mariesmith8547 7 років тому +42

    Love Joyce's sermons she makes it easier to understand the Bible and more interesting

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому +6

      Praise God, Marie! Joyce loves sharing God's Word with you each day. Glad you are being blessed! ^Ellen

    • @rsb4199
      @rsb4199 7 років тому +4

      +Joyce Meyer Ministries l love hearing your messages they always lift me up

    • @indradurham3575
      @indradurham3575 7 років тому

      Rs B ö

  • @han119
    @han119 8 років тому +56

    Amen, your message has changed me a lot.

  • @mischellejones3519
    @mischellejones3519 8 років тому

    This Mischelle Jones.Love your teaching.Look at you every day.Thank you.Need it every day.Trying to get my GED.Im60years old.Thank you for your prayers

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому

      Thanks, Mischelle! That is really awesome that you are working toward getting your GED. We're honored to keep you in our prayers. And remember, with God you can do all things! ^Cassie

    • @mischellejones3519
      @mischellejones3519 8 років тому +1

      Thank you for recognize me. Thank you for your prayer. I love it

  • @sukibhirth9317
    @sukibhirth9317 5 років тому

    Always relevant A now time Word Thank you Jesus for using Your ministers like Momma Joyce

  • @thatonespaniard6509
    @thatonespaniard6509 Рік тому +1

    I'm so grateful to God for having anointed you to became a preacher and a professor. Lots of us we've grown up without understanding and without knowledge about what's the true meaning of being a Christian. So, I'm very grateful to God for having made a way so that I can learn about Him through you and I want you to know that I appreciate the effort and the time you use to create this videos. I want to thank you and your team for creating this content. I hope God blesses you all.

  • @semotapaleao501
    @semotapaleao501 7 років тому +22

    Great Sermon, easy to digest and apply, it's important to get dress spiritually like the physical... to kick start the day. Thank U Joyce and Team. God Bless. Tuning in...from our Paradise in the Pacific, Aoloau American Samoa.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому +7

      Hello there! It's awesome to hear that your life is being impacted by Joyce's teachings. Thanks for letting us be a part of your life! -Team JMM

  • @catherinenansamba6286
    @catherinenansamba6286 5 років тому

    Joyce, I've loved you for years! I hope that one day I will get to tell it to you in person. I just thank God that I have you! God has blessed me through you in so many ways! May HE bless you ABUNDANTLY!

  • @sonofgodjesuschrist2785
    @sonofgodjesuschrist2785 5 років тому


  • @BeniltonMaia
    @BeniltonMaia 6 років тому +5

    Pratical teaching for a real life with God's word. Thanks, Joyce..!!Never stop !

  • @santinomiceli3180
    @santinomiceli3180 6 років тому

    Thank you daughter Joyce, you are such a good girl,

  • @vestanail3338
    @vestanail3338 5 років тому

    Thank you Lord God for Joyce Meyer teachings, love u 🙏🙏🙏

  • @lynnclark4182
    @lynnclark4182 8 років тому +10

    God Is My Saviour . He Is My Everything . Thank you 4 Sharing

  • @dianedefrancisco6409
    @dianedefrancisco6409 8 років тому

    Good strong teaching! I thank God for choosing you to be one of His Teachers!! 😌

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому

      +Diane DeFrancisco Blessings to you, Diane! We are glad to hear that you are being blessed by Joyce's teachings. On behalf of Joyce, thank you for the kinds words. We appreciate you, friend. ^Kim

  • @Eyerusalem_
    @Eyerusalem_ 8 років тому

    I will be honest I used to watch joyce Meyer and I never took it seriously meaning apply it in my daily life even though I have been a Christian my whole life now she is the first person I listen to when I wake up. Her teaching is a daily principle to live by, she helped me how to walk with God and how to have a relationship but not be just a church goer, the difference the see in my spiritual life is a night and day.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому

      +shalom4714 Thanks for sharing with us! It really blesses us to know that God is impacting your life through Joyce's teachings. Continue to seek His face. For more encouragement go to: Blessings for your day! ^Leigh

    • @bryantotten7315
      @bryantotten7315 8 років тому

      +Joyce Meyer Ministries Be encouraged joyce we love you ,your honesty(now!) and how you allow Gods wisdom to flow through you!We need it!

  • @anastasiareborns
    @anastasiareborns 4 роки тому

    That my state I'm born and raise Minnesota im go see her when she come back to us mama Joyce !! She the one that help me gain back my faith in God.

  • @birdman1843
    @birdman1843 4 роки тому

    Thank you 🙏 after 11 months over seas at a mining job I used your words for survival out here .

  • @michelleg.5474
    @michelleg.5474 8 років тому +16

    Thank you 'LORD'💙 for this Awesome Sermon, I truly needed this!

  • @Connieleann
    @Connieleann 5 років тому

    Thanks 🙏 God for all your wonderful helpers on earth. I enjoy listening to Joyce Meyers.

  • @jenniedixon1687
    @jenniedixon1687 5 років тому +1

    Joyce is so wise and I thank God for her.

  • @annalyakundi4996
    @annalyakundi4996 8 років тому +16

    this helps me alot.. to walk in Christ

  • @jillianlapan4761
    @jillianlapan4761 7 років тому +3

    The Holy Spirit shines through Joyce Meyer! Her messages are always filled with good sense and knowledge. I am Catholic. I love to get a variety of teachings... from Church, Joyce Meyer and others. Joyce just touches my heart in so many ways. Her sermons fill my heart and helps me cope with this crazy world.

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  7 років тому +1

      Thanks so much Jillian! We praise God for allowing us to help you grasp and understand the transforming power of His love and the healing power of His Word in your everyday life. You are loved, righteous, fearless and valuable - Press forward with boldness into everything God has for you! -Team JMM

  • @daunteslettebak8060
    @daunteslettebak8060 7 років тому +3

    Amen! Morning Messages are best from the Lord Jesus! Gets your day off the right way! God will put you in a good mood! Your day goes better! Isn't Jesus wonderful! He is so nice! I know he is coming back soon! I'm so excited about going to the Lord's Supper with all the saints. So fun for all! PEACE AND LOVE -D I LOVE YOUR SERMONS SO MUCH! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!

  • @ArizonaPatriot
    @ArizonaPatriot Рік тому +2

    We just adore you, Joyce, and your anointed, powerful teaching. Thank you yet again for sharing your Life and Wisdom with us!

  • @austintucker1973
    @austintucker1973 6 років тому

    I Really NEED God in my life. I suffer from anxiety and depression and I don't know much else to put here , but I need Him today. I DO LOVE GOD. WOKE UP AND PRAYING FOR HIM TO WAKE ME UP SPIRITUALLY.

    • @monalisasmile6306
      @monalisasmile6306 5 років тому

      Sophia, put this demon where it belongs. Under your feet, for by the grace of the Father God Creator, The Great I AM he has overcome "the world". You are a child of God, the Almighty. The Alpha and the Omega. He is above all things and Thank God for being LOVE and all the GLORY goes to him!!!

  • @mschelleh67
    @mschelleh67 6 років тому

    2013 is 5 years ago...Still, she is an instrument of God's Love & Truth! I was an immature Christian, many years ago, but it's ALWAYS pleasant to know the message hasn't changed. Thank you, again, Joyce Meyer!! You did the next best thing to a physical handshake for me in 2005!! You said, "Your welcome" when I went back to my seat, in Sacramento, CA...I finally knew God's Grace & Mercy!!!! Thank you.

  • @slovell920
    @slovell920 7 років тому +17

    On point Joyce. Take tine each AM to praise him each day

  • @jennypatton645
    @jennypatton645 5 років тому

    I love her , she is such a God giving blessing.

  • @Tracifriday
    @Tracifriday 4 роки тому

    Love Joyce....this is part of my morning regimen.....THANK YOU JESUS!!!

  • @fgarcia7732
    @fgarcia7732 7 років тому +20

    Glory to God in the highest! I so needed this thank you for being obedient Joyce Meyer Ministries :0)

  • @aprilrenaeofficial9668
    @aprilrenaeofficial9668 5 років тому +1

    This is such a powerful message. How you start your day is extremely important!!

  • @FeliciaRedmondlishar91
    @FeliciaRedmondlishar91 7 років тому +11

    Enjoyed the message! Put on the righteousness of God every day! Amen

    @COMPASSION2611 5 років тому

    Amen! I'm thankful for this timely message!!! Nothing but the truth!!!

  • @debidaily6605
    @debidaily6605 8 років тому

    I have been truly inspired and will begin my day with the Lord! Debi

    • @joycemeyer
      @joycemeyer  8 років тому

      +Debi Daily Yay Debi! We look forward to hearing what God does in your life when you take time for Him each morning! :) ^Diane

  • @andreasinclair598
    @andreasinclair598 7 років тому +1

    God's people must be blessed. Because it's the will of God our father

  • @1uanofgod944
    @1uanofgod944 4 роки тому

    Your gentle voice touches my heart thru you God is speaking to the world 🙏🏼 amen