如何建立熱情的社區(走進雪梨歌劇院,TEDx亞洲影響力) - How to Build a Passionate Community? | Remo Giuffré | TEDxXinyi

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Remo用近四十年的創業旅程告訴我們他的所學於所思, 這其中包括了巨大的成功和輝煌的失敗。Remo在1988年創立了REMO商店,2001年General Thinking社群網路,1993年第一次接觸到TED全球大會,2009年創辦TEDx雪梨(全球TEDx影響力社區), 2015 年Bondi Observer。現在,他再次致力於一個更宏大而艱鉅的大膽目標,這個目標需要應用他迄今為止所做的和學到的一切,無論結果如何,滿懷希望地旅行比目的地更重要。人生是一場馬拉松,不是短跑,很高興能打持久戰。
    Through nearly four decades of entrepreneurship, Remo shares with us the lessons he has learned from both remarkable successes and illuminating failures. In 1988, Remo founded the REMO General Store, launched the General Thinking community network in 2001, attended his first TED global conference in 1993, founded TEDxSydney in 2009 (a global TEDx community), and introduced the Bondi Observer in 2015. Now, he is once again embarking on an even grander and more ambitious challenge, one that calls for the application of everything he has accomplished and learned so far. Regardless of the outcome, he believes that traveling with hope is more meaningful than simply reaching the destination. Life, after all, is a marathon, not a sprint, and Remo is grateful to be in it for the long haul.
    學習更多: / tedxxinyi Remo Giuffré 是一位創意總監和策展人。Remo擁有新南威爾斯大學的商科和法律學位,以及紐約哥倫比亞大學商學院的最高榮譽 MBA 學位。他一生大部分時間都在追尋夢想、喜歡設計和視覺化塗鴉。Remo於2023 年10 月推出《REMORANDOM》 系列叢書,包含許多來自於社區的精選事件、故事、想法和觀察。書籍內容包含文化、設計、歷史、思想、自然、人文、科學等,是大腦糖果的完美的禮物。它旨在為全球具有好奇心的讀者提供資訊、娛樂與啟發。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx