Thanks for joining us. Happy New Year! Here's to hoping that 2021 is much better than 2020. Cheers! UPDATE: Link to a video of the Keller City Council meeting:
Right turns. Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. As close as practicable. So if it is simply impossible for a vehicle to turn from and into the right-hand curb lane, you have a defense. A driver just has to show that they were as close to the curb lanes as possible. The statute does not require that the driver be in the curb lanes.
@@markovichglass 1. Fighting the wide turn violation doesn't undo the arrests, and the costs/damages associated with the arrests. 2. Fighting the wide turn violation assumes that the judge will be acting in good faith, which clearly the police officers here did not.
The officer illegally arrested someone, depriving them of their rights. LEO's like this need to be placed in a register and forbidden to EVER hold a job, ANYWHERE, WHICH INVOLVES in any capacity, any law enforcement activity, including dog catcher and meter maid. That was as criminal as it gets. You or I would have been charged with kidnapping.
Update: Officer got demoted 2 ranks. Resigned earlier this year. They victims won a 200,000 settlement. And now since 2 days ago the officer is being indicted hehehehe justice rises
Great comment. I am sure the kid and his dad will not easily forget this. There was nothing good or justified about this entire incident. Arrested for a "wide right turn". Yeah, right.
@@dangelo1369 Really? The only time I ever had a negative interaction with law enforcement was a time I was detained w/o reason by a Sheriff deputy that was a "POC"
And even worse for no legitimate reason at all! He thought he could just get away with arresting and pepper spraying someone, all because he wanted to and didn't like the guy. That mentality and doing it like it was something normal is scary af, i can't even imagine how many times that p.o.s abused his power in the past. These videos get me actually enraged, it's crazy how criminal *law enforcement* can be, and i keep thinking about all the unjust and unlawful arrests that have taken place with no one finding out and with no justice for the victims and accountability for the officers. This system and those people need a reform, cause this ain't it.
Well, according to his PD; He was doing what he was TRAINED to do; Lie, Assault, and Extort. "When one starts Policing for Profit, it immediately becomes the criminal it was originally tasked with protecting us from..."
Just shows the entitlement of cops is ridiculous. How many times cops will literally say they can do whatever they want. Actions speak even louder than those words.
No, not stupidity! It is his belief that he is above the law, as the others have said. Like Cuomo! Until we put aside politics and hold EVERYONE accountable for his actions, this will continue.
UPDATE: Officer Blake Shimanek was indicted for official oppression, and he plead guilty to that charge, The body cam footage had him caught red handed. He had to surrender his peace officer's license and join the county's public safety treatment program for rehabilitation. If he fails to complete the program he could be sentenced to a year in prison and a $4000 fine. Marco Puente sued, and the city of Keller, TX paid him $200,000
Great post! Thank you for taking the time to bring us up to speed. I'm glad the police did face punitive action, though, it was not what it should have been.
@@RitaFieldsRacing No, the taxpayers paid NOTHING! All police departments, their unions, all cities, towns and municipalities… they ALL have to carry liability insurance specifically for legal issues like this. A small amount of tax dollars would be involved as the cost of that insurance would go up due to this claim, but that would be marginal at best. The pay out SHOULD come from the officer who broke the law, but qualified immunity and the legal system make that impossible to happen. If any private citizen had been sued civilly for doing something similar, that private citizen WOULD have to pay whatever settlement amount there was, out of his own pocket - I doubt any of us regular people have liability insurance outside of insuring our vehicles and homes, so there wouldn’t be any insurance company to save the day for a citizens stupid and illegal actions. It’s horrible that there IS insurance for a law enforcement officer and agency though. Bottom line, settlements like this cost taxpayers zero except for a few rare issues. 1) a violation of the insurance policy (so the officer doing this while off duty may be an example of that). 2) The city had too many insurance claims and using insurance to pay the settlement would cause an increase in insurance premiums higher than the settlement. In that case it would make sense for the police agency/city to pay “cash” vs making insurance claim. Cheers! 🤠👍🏼☮️
This is what ALL Police Departments and Law Enforcement Agencies have been trained to and how they respond and conduct themselves no matter what the situation anymore. "Cops" no longer police or defuse the situations or try to resolve before it escalates with anything they get involved with. Their mentality and training, thanks a lot to Federal Assistance/ Guidance, is now to be aggressive, violent and smash all resistance even if they are wrong or there is no need for it. Look at their equipment they are given, again by the Federal Govt. MRAP's, bigger stronger weapons and weapon systems. They have been Militarized and no longer assist any citizens generally instead their mentality and "status quo" is all about Intimidation and Over Law Enforcement. This video is a prime example, this Cop has it out for this guy, for some reason, because he knows his history and uses a BS excuse of a "Wide Turn" then proceeds to "LIE" about everything that has happened! What parent will not question what is happening to their child, no matter their age, in a similar incident? I hope they win a HUGE Lawsuit against those officers and that PD! My experience is, Not all mind you but a big number of Cops, no matter what position, department, State or Fed, doesn't matter, were the kids in school/college who were picked on, bullied and made fun of or shunned for some reason or another. Then they get a taste of the "Authority-Respect" that comes with being in the Law Enforcement Realm and it turns them into this "perfect storm" of Officers abusing their power and is ultimately a recipe for disaster for all that come in contact with these types! Thank goodness not all Officers in these respective different departments and agencies are like this... but the old adage "One Rotten Apple Spoils the Bunch" comes to mind.
@@universaljoint yeah it is absolutely ridiculous! I know their job is tough and generally involves them dealing with the worst society has to offer. Usually the worst day, for a particular person, is having or some people having mental breaks and/or with mental issues for what ever reason. The Police usually have to deal with these people in their worst mindsets. So it's never an ideal situation or interaction but Police/Cops are supposed to be thoroughly trained to deal, cope and defuse situations such as these but nowadays they approach every call as forcefully, roughly, aggressively and violently as most criminals. Which is exactly not what people generally want when dealing with Law Enforcement.?. Example: Call comes in that a lil old ladies' cat it stuck in a tree. Cops roll up kited out as tactical as possible with every unit available including Animal Control, Fire Dept, EMS, State Wildlife Game Wardens, Drones are buzzing nearby, SWAT shows up with 3 MRAPS and 2 Up Armored Humvees with Helicopters on stand-by and blast the cat out of the tree. When completed they track down the Lil Old Woman shuffling down near the end of the street and tell her... Turns out the old woman's cat died 5 years ago and she is suffering from Dementia & early stages of Alzheimer?
All police officers believe they are incredibly brilliant and know the law... Fact is, they usually are High School graduates, who were bullies and never did well in school.
They were trained on how to use a traffic infraction as an excuse to search people's cars. they were doing exactly what they were trained to do in that Police Department
Knowingly lying in a police report should be considered perjury and maybe even tampering with evidence depending on how deceptive it's made out to be. Give these crooked cops what they deserve: some time to see things on the other side of the bars.
It is considered perjury and carries stiff penalties, actually. Or, it would, if the Prosecutor's office ever actually charged and got convictions against cops for committing that crime.
Why judges still take any police report as gospel when, at best, it's one side of a set of events is beyond me. Thank goodness for video. The 1st group to promote cameras in squad cars were insurance companies who needed facts...not testimony.
This officer should be removed from his position. He's aggressive, power tripping and lying. None of these behaviors are consistent with proper training or procedure.
@@vagrant911 the only people who don't see something wrong with how police treat the people of the United States is the rich and the ones who are brainwashed and are too far gone.
He wanted to get the camera away from dad. He was going to do anything to shut that down. He couldn’t chance dropping a little present into the car with dad filming right over his shoulder.
Yep. definitely a WTF moment. Father's recording to safeguard his son, cop get's ANNOYED he can't do anything shady and has to look like he's actually doing his job right. Nope. Just out and out arrests the father on trumped up charges. Problem solved...
He put that alleged offense from a minute before into his lunchbox. How the sadist cop then followed his seemingly nonsensical order without hesitation was also telling.
Thank god man I’ve had a run in with Keller pd before for failure to signal (100% sure I did signal every damn time I made a lane change or turn) when I was visiting the city and by god were they all egotistical maniacs like u can tell how power hungry these sobs are it truly amazed me! Finally some real justice has been served in Keller mfn Texas
No such thing as a bad dad! You're earn the title dad for being a good father! If your a bad father you're not a dad! I love my son more than he will ever know! I'd do anything for him! He's only 2 I hope I get lots of opportunities to show him what he means to me! I'll never understand fathers who neglect their children! Truly life's greatest gift!
@@MARK_ROSINE i had a wonderful dad he would always whip me sometimes strangle me at the age of 5 years old i would hide under beds hide in the loft sometimes sleep in the chicken coops, at the age of 11 i hung myself but mother saved me, he murdered his best friend he smashed his head in with a metal pipe... i am now 62 i could write a book about my life , you might even read it one day
He shouldn't have been allowed to quit. These "bad apples" can't just be allowed to quit and move on to some other shitheel backwater where no one will hold him responsible for his actions.
Hope as a civilian he gets a lying cop to fabricate evidence that lands him in jail where nobody cares about him enough to pay the $40 bail so he gets to spend the weekend in a holding cell thinking about why being a scumbag isnt a smart way to move through life no matter how many times hiswife cheated on him for having a small ED afflicted penis and how he had no one willing to be friends with him there to consul him through the emotional trauma
@@IdeologyOfPain The pattern I see is these people often think their camera is going to match their lies and they always seemed very confused when it doesn't. Morons..
@@chrisofstars I often wonder how much of their lies come from the same place as mistaken witness stratements--when there's a lot of stress, memories are not reliable. However, there are enough times when the cop's story changes and is clearly being crafted on the fly to provide an excuse for the cop's actions. The fact that so many cops don't seem to care that their lies and rights violations are being captured on film says to me that they know there will very likely be no repercussions for anything they do. They may get some free vacation time, if anything.
Alot of police think they are the shit. Most of them seem to be nothing more than highschool dropouts without an education in anything. I swear to god the police recruit for people who instinctively lie. Poor cops feelings got hurt.
@@rslwannabe9475 Think about it, they are only high school graduates who doesn't have to know their job, they are poorly trained, indoctrinated to favor themselves over the citizenry they are deemed to protect, protected by everyone around them, and are never held responsible for their behavior. That creates egomanical monsters called police officers.
Funny thing: If a cop is parked and he has the window down, and you walk up to him to ask directions or something, guess what he does? Yep, he rolls the window up for his safety.
@@EnderElohim Why not? Have you never walked up to a police car parked with a cop inside? He leaves the window open a crack, but far too small for you to reach thru the window.
The sergeant was so ready to ruin two men’s lives and all he got was a demotion? And at that he could’ve reapplied within a year?! The American “justice” system is a joke.
@@Zantonny Public unions are so fucking evil, it's insane. Teacher unions protect pedophiles, prison guard unions lobby for harsher penalties for non-violent drug offenders... it's just sickening.
Cop told the dad "go park your car and walk back here!" Dad does EXACTLY as he was told....cop says to arrest him for approaching his traffic stop. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to be a cop nowadays!!
The stupid ones are the public who put up with this system where criminals with badges get off with a slap on the wrist and the stupid citizens pay for their lawsuits.
@@ICBMCatcher Congratulations, but that's not how the law works. Either enforce it or don't. Cops get butthurt and then make the situation worse. How a citizen was emotionally acting should be irrelevant. Either they broke a law or they didn't. People have had enough with this "you giving me lip boy" attitude cops have. It's pure power trip stuff.
Unfortunately it is entirely up to the prosecutor (District Attorney) to decide if charges are pressed. Seen it all the time that the DA chooses not to pursue it when it comes to cops. Just the way it works.
I found it amusing that they 'demoted' a sergeant to an 'officer'. They aren't officers, they are constables. An officer has a commission from a head of state. A constable has a warrant from a head of state. Very big difference. Stop calling constables 'officers'. It's as stupid as calling arrest 'detained' (i.e. creating a third state of legal being for the first time since 1066, and eventually some smart cop realised they can say 'yes' and not have to do all the paperwork and some nasty lawmaker in some jurisdictions there then decided to make it law).
Not just this officer but also the other one who obeyed the order to arrest the father and then the lieutenant who approved the search of the car with the bogus traffic stop of "committing a wide turn".
@@adcolt54 well we do have to be fair. The other officer did not seem to be present at the time and probably was not fully aware of the circumstances so there was no reason for him to disobey. But he most certainly should have been disciplined for excessive force - under all circumstances he still had no reason to mace the guy for supposedly resisting arrest, lawful or otherwise. Also the lieutenant doesn't have any responsibility in that aspect because he is not required to sign off on that. The sergeant can do that with or without the lieutenant's presence. Also he's just going off the same lies that the Sgt. told him so he has no reason to object without further information. That being said the lieutenant has to keep a closer eye on his guys since that's part of his job requirement and in this case he is the one that should have been considered for possible demotion unless he cleans his house (with the Sgt. also being fired as soon as the investigation was completed - but that goes without saying).
Sure hope it came out of his pension and the police unions funding. If not, and the citizens taxes paid that money, maybe it's time to take it to federal court.
Doesn't give him the right to go hands on ,I give you guys so much love and respect for doing these audits, I have no patience with bullies of any kind I know I would not be able to handle this kind of thing I the right way it would most likely go very wrong for me and we couldn't help to educate citizens of we the people of the United States of America my our country people gave their lives to protect it and serve it.
This cops asks, "Your safety?" as if the citizen has nothing to worry about, and then he proceeds to demonstrate why the citizen should in fact fear for his safety.
This cop needs to find a different job.Somthing that is out of law enforcement. I should hope hiring practices in the future would require more mental health evaluations.
@@joels5722 No they are trained to de-escalate situations, it's called "Verbal Judo" however many officers choose not to, because their egos get in the way
first thing officer says is "I have been following you for a mile". He clearly was looking for any excuse to stop and check this guy. He is a bully and shouldn't be a policeman.
slurmy scott, Cops do profile people. I guess we all do that to some extent. I have been profiled and stopped many times for having an old truck, long hair and driving at early hours in the morning. Cops have searched my vehicles, for no reason, before I knew about my rights. Looking back, I think it's important to know what you are required to do at a traffic stop and what cops can do under the law. If we don't know and exercise these laws, they will slowly be taken away.
Most drivers will make an error if followed by a police car for one mile. And as far offence go, turning a little too wide has to be the lamest offence.
@@christopherodonnell7718 - Making a "wide right turn" is purely a judgment call. Notice he didn't say he crossed into an oncoming lane in that turn, or anything like that... merely that he judged the turn to be "wide". That's not a criminal act, nor does it warrant an arrest. If that's the best he could come up with after following the kid for a mile, then the kid was driving just fine. That cop should NEVER wear a badge again.
He should have been terminated on the grounds of falsifying his report alone! If I ever tried to lie to my bosses like that and got caught I would be fired immediately! I'm tired of law enforcement not being held to the very laws they claim to be enforcing!
He also clearly told his LT. that he was going to search the kid's car but later said he was doing an inventory for the tow for his BS arrest. Also a Texas boy here and this officer should be ashamed we don't treat people like this in Texas unless you are not born here and live here and don't have a clue we treat everyone like family. Just some family we don't talk about, this officer is not family for sure.
While I don't wish to defend the corrupt cop, I believe the heavy breathing was a result of the scuffle with the father. His nervousness when talking to his chief, I attribute to his certain knowledge that he was stretching his authority and that he was hanging everything on finding drugs in the car. Although, honestly, the cop was giving off plenty of signs that a reasonable person could construe to be indicators of drug use.
@@contumelious-8440 You mean crossing the street and assaulting the father. Going out of his way to escalate the situation. All the father wanted to do was via recording protect his son from potentially being murdered!
When I was a kid back in the 50's we had a walking-beat patrol man that covered our neighborhood. All he carried was a Billy club attached to his belt. We knew him on a first name basis. My mom would make him cookies. He was friends with everybody, and he made us feel safe. My how times have changed.
So he will just get another job at a poorly run police department. The only thing that caused him a problem was that it was recorded. I would not be shocked to see a new law in the near future that makes taking a video of a police/citizen interaction a crime . The law will be so policemen are not distracted . I wonder how many other people had to endure his type of policing?
I spent 35 years and retired in Law Enforcement. I totally agree with the majority of your line and also some negative responces that overshadowed things. I believe in this typ of programe. The Truth is very important in any enforcement of the law, in any direction.
"We've had a very lengthy conversation. He's been reasonable... I think I'm going to arrest him for the wide right turn." They searched his car. No drugs were found. Mr. Puente was taken to jail and his car was towed. Wow.
The officer initially resigned but was later indicted and could potentially face up to a year in jail. I am glad he’s going through this now. He fabricated the part of the encounter and deserves this
@@lt4753 But they didn't commit a crime and then used the bullshit arrest to search the vehicle without a warrant. How about police officers comply with the law? Not only that the Officer falsified evidence. What do you think about the violations against a citizen's rights, Adam?
@@dannacht6827 how can you have a bullshit arrest if there wasn’t a crime? You don’t know what you are saying. A traffic infraction occurred, that’s why the car was stopped, the officer can order (yes it’s lawful) everyone out of a car. The dad was interfering (distracting the officer) that’s a crime. You have no idea what you are doing or saying. Hey! If you can do the job better, go out and do it!
"routine traffic stop" Maybe for the cop, but it's never routine for a normal citizen, how low IQ does the cop have to be to not realize that getting pulled over it could make someone nervous.
The officer was no doubt a star fine generator and doing precisely what his department wanted. That’s why he’s still on the job. City Council is dirty to the core as well.
Yeah who stood up for the Sgt? One guy was following his orders because he’s new. The LT, was being lied to by the Sgt. the Sgt is a scumbag, but I disagree anyone stood up for him.
Jails/prisons are tools, used for basically free labor. Look into how many companies use prisoners to make their products, and pay way less. Some cops help to put away innocent people or those not deserving of the time given. It's all a big scam with many involved.
Don't forget to invoke your right to remain silent. It is not implied and could be used against you if you dont audibly invoke your right (or sign language etc.)
I have a hard time getting though there videos. Police should purge there assholes frim their ranks bc one day the public won't take it anymore and all police will be put into the same category.
@@toddmetzger I couldn't agree more... and I'll add that his corpse should be stripped naked and nailed to a tree on the lawn of the local town hall and/or police station as a reminder to any idiot pig with thoughts about violating the peoples rights, and miss using... well.. EVERYTHING!! this is one of the worst officers i have ever seen. Would be right at home in the Albuquerque PD.
@@JackG79 I agree the office acted poorly and I'm glad he was demoted but advocating needless and excessive violence isn't going to do anything but fan the flames of the already burning fire that is the relationship between the public and police officers...
@@toddmetzger LMAO never have kids. Or run for any kind of office (thought I doubt you could even get anywhere close to winning with that kind of mindset)
It’s entirely ridiculous that with all the filming of cops abusing their power and lying outright on their reports that the court systems still give them the greatest benefit of the doubt when it comes to honesty.
@@mja91352 lol if you really believe"MOST cops are honest" then you haven't been pulled over much or had very many interactions with cops. 90% are NOT honest. I'm a conservative for most matters & have had several absurd interactions with cops.
@@WarmongerYT you call him absurd for saying most cops are honest people, yet you throw out a random, obviously false, percentage that 90% aren’t lmaooo
Yup. Been learning that one. Especially after the actions of a city officer in the next small town over from me. The fifth amendment exists for a reason. USE IT.
Though the cop still seems to have his job. As long as laws like this are on the books, and cops like this are employed, I don't need to visit Texas. And I won't be doing so.
@@megafonzie5541 Some judges in some jurisdictions are making the cops themselves pay. But it's unusual. The best possible outcome for taxpayers is usually that the liability insurance of the police department pays it. But that just raises the insurance premiums, which are again paid by taxpayers.
I'll said this once and I 'll keep saying it a thousand times "The ability to view all Body cam or video footage along with requiring AND enforcing full transparency to the public of ANY police interaction should be a federal law."
in addition to a law enforcing that access be given to the tapes of body recorders. almost 75% the civilian plaintiff in a IA case is denied the taxpayer funded film to pursue a case or, it gets 'lost'
I used to agree with this completely, but....police interact with a large number of people, and often read SS#, addresses, and other private information. Everything they do should be monitored, absolutely. But how do we do that without also making every stop completely public information? I'd want the cops interaction with me public, but I wouldn't want him reading my address or social security number public. It's a tough issue.
I was thinking the same thing. How can he blatantly lie on the report and then have a video contest his story and prove he's lying without any reprimand?!
"License/registration, and insur....Nah, just skip all that BS, and give me all your $$$!!!" The fact that the tyrant kept his job, while any one OTHER than a tyrant, would have lost everything; Should tell us everything we need to know!
@@CallMeAmateur No. The term you were searching for is: "Qualified Immunity"; For which, the corrupt courts have ruled as a "Licence to do anything they want"...In NO OTHER profession(besides vaccine manufacturers), are the workers immune from personal liability...
After serious investigation into this situation it was discovered by the law enforcement investigators that the person they were investigating was also a part of law enforcement, and thus proceeded to replace the hammer of justice with a fluffy pillow as is procedure. It should be noted the Fluffy pillow can at most give a demotion of 2 ranks, and at the least unpaid leave for a week, so a whole rank lost was quite a severe pillow smite. Stellar work guys!
If a citizen lies on a police report it is a crime. "Filing a false police report is a crime and can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony." But like you commented, police that lie on a police report don't get punished and therefore condones that behavior.
Talks 100 MPH, makes wild accusations, issues orders outside his authority, orders him out of his vehicle immediately puts him in cuffs, gets into a confrontation with his father, then asks why he is acting nervous.
And then they wonder why they got endless protests and people demanding their funding be cut, the bad apples are rooted deep and there is no check and balance to fix this as of right now. Its shocking how someone can get into a position of power like this.
@@jr540123 I was thinking how this person is completely unfit for every decent paying job I can think of. Hopefully the states step up and start dismantling the blue shield which is now embedded in police departments.
That's like a case here in the banana republic of Florida. Cops raided this poor woman's home for some bullshit reason(suspected of being a hacker), storm through the house, screaming like maniacs, pointing their fucking guns at the woman, her husband, and there kids(HER KIDS!) all the while ordering her and her family to "CALM DOWN!!"
@@genemulhern7405 AND that was a false warrant as well so not only was that an illegal raid it was an illegal raid the governor is in on, this shit here is why people are getting angry all around.
Thanks for joining us. Happy New Year! Here's to hoping that 2021 is much better than 2020. Cheers!
UPDATE: Link to a video of the Keller City Council meeting:
Thank you for what you do! Happy New Year!
Ain’t new year yet mate
2021 will make 2020 look fun
They're laughing in the south Pacific islands, New Zealand, Australia atm.
Falsifying any police records should be terminated as well as going to jail just like anyone else..
If not jail time, how about having the officer pay the fines that his victim had to pay.
@@adcolt54 If they had accountability, we would see the stuff drop.
What if we made falsification of police records carry the same sentence as lying under oath in court?
@@comochinganconesto A police report should be treated as a sworn affidavit. Perjury on those is a felony.
who paid the towing
The department ended up paying the dad $200,000 after he sued, and Shimanek resigned after being demoted.
You love to fucking see it!!
Let’s go!!! I was waiting for this
fuckin nice!
your an angel for actually looking that up
amen brother
Fucking justice, makes me sick these powerhungry paranoid pigs man this shit has happened to me.
When a wide turn gets you arrested but lying on a police report gets you demoted.
A+ for simplicity. Should be the title of an article in their local paper. But it won't be.
Right turns. Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
As close as practicable. So if it is simply impossible for a vehicle to turn from and into the right-hand curb lane, you have a defense. A driver just has to show that they were as close to the curb lanes as possible. The statute does not require that the driver be in the curb lanes.
@@markovichglass 1. Fighting the wide turn violation doesn't undo the arrests, and the costs/damages associated with the arrests. 2. Fighting the wide turn violation assumes that the judge will be acting in good faith, which clearly the police officers here did not.
I dont even believe it was a wide right turn. He never left the lane of travel.
Because the person doing the turn isn't a police officer.
But the person lying on the report is.
That's the difference. And it's disgusting.
The officer was fired, plead guilty to a misdemeanor, and the family won $200,000 in a settlement with the city
The officer illegally arrested someone, depriving them of their rights. LEO's like this need to be placed in a register and forbidden to EVER hold a job, ANYWHERE, WHICH INVOLVES in any capacity, any law enforcement activity, including dog catcher and meter maid. That was as criminal as it gets. You or I would have been charged with kidnapping.
Didn't lose her job??
Good. A cop that paranoid doesn’t deserve the badge
Once you've been fired from one PD you should not be able to get a job with another.
Update: Officer got demoted 2 ranks. Resigned earlier this year. They victims won a 200,000 settlement. And now since 2 days ago the officer is being indicted hehehehe justice rises
danm 200,000 dollars nice
Thanks for the update
The former officer displayed the classic signs of a man too consumed by fear to be capable of being a police officer of any benefit to the community.
It's like the idiot forgot he had a body cam on.
The indictment is a good development. Let's see if they'll convict him.
Just imagine if Cops didn't have body cams, these two dudes would of had their lives totally changed for a lying ego motivated cop. Unbelievable!
Great comment. I am sure the kid and his dad will not easily forget this. There was nothing good or justified about this entire incident. Arrested for a "wide right turn". Yeah, right.
you should have the top thumbs up. you nailed it.
Welcome to being an African American or any POC in the United States.
@@dangelo1369 Really? The only time I ever had a negative interaction with law enforcement was a time I was detained w/o reason by a Sheriff deputy that was a "POC"
Would *have.
But yeah, I agree with you 100%.
"He made a wide right turn so obviously he has narcotics."
What a maniac
If they can jump to anything, it's conclusions lol
We spoke and he worked with me, I’m gonna arrest him for a wide right turn.
Probally had a knife or a gun too...oh and a stolen baby.
“He’s being reasonable.... HE MUST HAVE NARCOTICS!!!”
@@XRobotWarriorX Get em get em!
"Arrest him." He literally sounded like a dictator the way he said that so calmly and matter-of-factly.
And even worse for no legitimate reason at all! He thought he could just get away with arresting and pepper spraying someone, all because he wanted to and didn't like the guy. That mentality and doing it like it was something normal is scary af, i can't even imagine how many times that p.o.s abused his power in the past.
These videos get me actually enraged, it's crazy how criminal *law enforcement* can be, and i keep thinking about all the unjust and unlawful arrests that have taken place with no one finding out and with no justice for the victims and accountability for the officers.
This system and those people need a reform, cause this ain't it.
Same energy as “off with their head!”
Jawohl mein führer !
He sounded like Trump
Still lying with body cams imagine what they were getting away with in 1999
alot I plan on becoming a cop next year and i still believe police officer should indeed wear body cams
I wish cops had bodycams here in France, so much abuse over here.
Rodney King
These kind of cops call the time before body cameras and cell phone video, "The good old days."
Demoted? This cop should lose his badge forever.
Well, according to his PD; He was doing what he was TRAINED to do; Lie, Assault, and Extort. "When one starts Policing for Profit, it immediately becomes the criminal it was originally tasked with protecting us from..."
@@brentfarvors192 Where is that quote from? Some other dirt bag that you encountered in the county lock up?
Karl H @ Doesn't matter,cop got demoted,anyways!
@@KarlH1980 are you defending policing for profit?
Hes gonna get shot. Give it time. Just watch
He has a bodycam and still lies... I call that stupidity.
Just shows the entitlement of cops is ridiculous. How many times cops will literally say they can do whatever they want. Actions speak even louder than those words.
More to the point; The fact he can knowingly lie....And get away with it, Is the BIGGEST slap in the public's face!!! No accountability!
These moron cops think they can get away with it. The body Cam is a Good thing.
I call it privilege
No, not stupidity! It is his belief that he is above the law, as the others have said. Like Cuomo! Until we put aside politics and hold EVERYONE accountable for his actions, this will continue.
UPDATE: Officer Blake Shimanek was indicted for official oppression, and he plead guilty to that charge, The body cam footage had him caught red handed. He had to surrender his peace officer's license and join the county's public safety treatment program for rehabilitation. If he fails to complete the program he could be sentenced to a year in prison and a $4000 fine.
Marco Puente sued, and the city of Keller, TX paid him $200,000
Awesome news!
Great post! Thank you for taking the time to bring us up to speed. I'm glad the police did face punitive action, though, it was not what it should have been.
You mean the taxpayers of that town had to pay his $200,000
@@RitaFieldsRacing No, the taxpayers paid NOTHING! All police departments, their unions, all cities, towns and municipalities… they ALL have to carry liability insurance specifically for legal issues like this. A small amount of tax dollars would be involved as the cost of that insurance would go up due to this claim, but that would be marginal at best. The pay out SHOULD come from the officer who broke the law, but qualified immunity and the legal system make that impossible to happen. If any private citizen had been sued civilly for doing something similar, that private citizen WOULD have to pay whatever settlement amount there was, out of his own pocket - I doubt any of us regular people have liability insurance outside of insuring our vehicles and homes, so there wouldn’t be any insurance company to save the day for a citizens stupid and illegal actions. It’s horrible that there IS insurance for a law enforcement officer and agency though.
Bottom line, settlements like this cost taxpayers zero except for a few rare issues. 1) a violation of the insurance policy (so the officer doing this while off duty may be an example of that). 2) The city had too many insurance claims and using insurance to pay the settlement would cause an increase in insurance premiums higher than the settlement. In that case it would make sense for the police agency/city to pay “cash” vs making insurance claim.
Citizen: I'm exercising my rights.
Officer: Do you realize how suspicious that seems to me?
Hey Floyd P...this kid was lucky that his father showed up...because this cop started out being overly aggressive and might have gotten violent!
And rude, the cop called him rude for exercising his rights🙄 What a little snowflake.
@@wish1012 agree!
This is what ALL Police Departments and Law Enforcement Agencies have been trained to and how they respond and conduct themselves no matter what the situation anymore. "Cops" no longer police or defuse the situations or try to resolve before it escalates with anything they get involved with. Their mentality and training, thanks a lot to Federal Assistance/ Guidance, is now to be aggressive, violent and smash all resistance even if they are wrong or there is no need for it. Look at their equipment they are given, again by the Federal Govt. MRAP's, bigger stronger weapons and weapon systems. They have been Militarized and no longer assist any citizens generally instead their mentality and "status quo" is all about Intimidation and Over Law Enforcement. This video is a prime example, this Cop has it out for this guy, for some reason, because he knows his history and uses a BS excuse of a "Wide Turn" then proceeds to "LIE" about everything that has happened! What parent will not question what is happening to their child, no matter their age, in a similar incident? I hope they win a HUGE Lawsuit against those officers and that PD! My experience is, Not all mind you but a big number of Cops, no matter what position, department, State or Fed, doesn't matter, were the kids in school/college who were picked on, bullied and made fun of or shunned for some reason or another. Then they get a taste of the "Authority-Respect" that comes with being in the Law Enforcement Realm and it turns them into this "perfect storm" of Officers abusing their power and is ultimately a recipe for disaster for all that come in contact with these types! Thank goodness not all Officers in these respective different departments and agencies are like this... but the old adage "One Rotten Apple Spoils the Bunch" comes to mind.
@@universaljoint yeah it is absolutely ridiculous! I know their job is tough and generally involves them dealing with the worst society has to offer. Usually the worst day, for a particular person, is having or some people having mental breaks and/or with mental issues for what ever reason. The Police usually have to deal with these people in their worst mindsets. So it's never an ideal situation or interaction but Police/Cops are supposed to be thoroughly trained to deal, cope and defuse situations such as these but nowadays they approach every call as forcefully, roughly, aggressively and violently as most criminals. Which is exactly not what people generally want when dealing with Law Enforcement.?. Example: Call comes in that a lil old ladies' cat it stuck in a tree. Cops roll up kited out as tactical as possible with every unit available including Animal Control, Fire Dept, EMS, State Wildlife Game Wardens, Drones are buzzing nearby, SWAT shows up with 3 MRAPS and 2 Up Armored Humvees with Helicopters on stand-by and blast the cat out of the tree. When completed they track down the Lil Old Woman shuffling down near the end of the street and tell her...
Turns out the old woman's cat died 5 years ago and she is suffering from Dementia & early stages of Alzheimer?
The audacity, calling a man rude for rolling his window up while keeping him in handcuffs for doing so. This should never have happened, at all.
Ego and on a power trip=a lying deceitful bully punk COWARD
It’s not a crime to be rude, even to an officer.
write the ticket first, release then explain. So much smarter than escalating with a belabored explanation.
“For your safety??” Cops says. He’s never thought about a citizen's safety in his life
All police officers believe they are incredibly brilliant and know the law... Fact is, they usually are High School graduates, who were bullies and never did well in school.
A really badly trained Police Department..WOW . These Cops needs to learn how to Flip Burgers...and Mow Lawns. They are unfit to serve PERIOD.
If I knew their background for the type of person that they really are, I doubt on hire them to take out my garbage.
They were trained on how to use a traffic infraction as an excuse to search people's cars. they were doing exactly what they were trained to do in that Police Department
That’s what they were doing before they became cops lmao
Oh yeah, Keller police are terrible. It makes me scared to drive around here.
He would still be a dishonest burger flipper or landscaper.
Knowingly lying in a police report should be considered perjury and maybe even tampering with evidence depending on how deceptive it's made out to be. Give these crooked cops what they deserve: some time to see things on the other side of the bars.
It is considered perjury and carries stiff penalties, actually.
Or, it would, if the Prosecutor's office ever actually charged and got convictions against cops for committing that crime.
Why judges still take any police report as gospel when, at best, it's one side of a set of events is beyond me. Thank goodness for video. The 1st group to promote cameras in squad cars were insurance companies who needed facts...not testimony.
It would be cool if the channel had playlists by state so I could brush up on local state laws for my road trips.
That's an amazing idea
Great idea actually
Kevo F same
@@kevof1650 This was in Texas. Keller, Texas
This officer should be removed from his position. He's aggressive, power tripping and lying. None of these behaviors are consistent with proper training or procedure.
Truth. Perhaps he got such training and he ego continues to get in the way. That speaks more to recruitment procedure.
You sure about that?
Joe Biden’s america
@@bombfirst157 *OHHH BROTHER* Always that one guy smh
That applies to all Pigs though.
When are we going to start charging cops for assault after this type of behavior?!?
The police protect the politicians. In turn they get immunity from their wrong doings.
@@rjskum688 not only the politicians. They serve the rich and powerful above all (as do the politicians)
@@vagrant911 very true.
@@vagrant911 the only people who don't see something wrong with how police treat the people of the United States is the rich and the ones who are brainwashed and are too far gone.
@@HerpaDurpVg well damn 👀😂
I remember seeing this video when it went viral. Glad to know that the cop got punished.
"Arrest him for blocking the roadway"
Man standing on the sidewalk: "What"
"Officer, how much have you been drinking today? I'm gonna need your license and registration"🤣
He wanted to get the camera away from dad. He was going to do anything to shut that down. He couldn’t chance dropping a little present into the car with dad filming right over his shoulder.
Yep. definitely a WTF moment. Father's recording to safeguard his son, cop get's ANNOYED he can't do anything shady and has to look like he's actually doing his job right. Nope. Just out and out arrests the father on trumped up charges. Problem solved...
He put that alleged offense from a minute before into his lunchbox.
How the sadist cop then followed his seemingly nonsensical order without hesitation was also telling.
Thats a sidewalk not a roadway then. DUR DUR DUR
The cop's speech patterns show that he's struggling to fabricate justification for his power trip. Typical abuser.
Yep! 100% bully!
Whoever got pull over by this F**king cop will e-open the case and sue the police
Steroids makes a 🐷 go crazy
This is a better explanation. I was actually worried that he was dumb.
Sadly.... Now days, is not about the honor to be able to serve or protect their community..... For some cops
Is all about gun badge and poor mindset.
Update: officer resigned in February. City settled the lawsuit for $200,000, and the officer was indicted by a grand jury.
Thanks for posting.
Thank god man I’ve had a run in with Keller pd before for failure to signal (100% sure I did signal every damn time I made a lane change or turn) when I was visiting the city and by god were they all egotistical maniacs like u can tell how power hungry these sobs are it truly amazed me! Finally some real justice has been served in Keller mfn Texas
It's time the settlement should come from the police pension funds not the taxpayers. This will cut such silly incidents to near zero
Southern justice
i bet he resigned so he can move to another state and get a sgt position right away.
Great content. Glad the Puente family is seeing some justice with their settlement and pending charges. Pray the emotional scars heal as well.
I give the dad an A+ being a good father and protecting his son
No such thing as a bad dad! You're earn the title dad for being a good father! If your a bad father you're not a dad! I love my son more than he will ever know! I'd do anything for him! He's only 2 I hope I get lots of opportunities to show him what he means to me! I'll never understand fathers who neglect their children! Truly life's greatest gift!
This honestly should of turned into a self defense situation against the blue uniform gang.
@@MARK_ROSINE i had a wonderful dad he would always whip me sometimes strangle me at the age of 5 years old i would hide under beds hide in the loft sometimes sleep in the chicken coops, at the age of 11 i hung myself but mother saved me, he murdered his best friend he smashed his head in with a metal pipe... i am now 62 i could write a book about my life , you might even read it one day
@@MARK_ROSINE u seem like a great parent ❤️❤️
@@MARK_ROSINE thank god you have kids
Update: Sergeant Shimanek was demoted two ranks and ultimately quit the department in February of this year
Should've gotten worsec
He shouldn't have been allowed to quit. These "bad apples" can't just be allowed to quit and move on to some other shitheel backwater where no one will hold him responsible for his actions.
Bye Felicia!
Hope as a civilian he gets a lying cop to fabricate evidence that lands him in jail where nobody cares about him enough to pay the $40 bail so he gets to spend the weekend in a holding cell thinking about why being a scumbag isnt a smart way to move through life no matter how many times hiswife cheated on him for having a small ED afflicted penis and how he had no one willing to be friends with him there to consul him through the emotional trauma
@@EGstill85 ........ okay
"What are you afraid off?" Proceeds to power trip and give him a reason lol
And they maced dad for recording
@@beardsntools ARE YOU STILL AFRAID???7777
The fact that they have body cams now and are still doing stuff like this is insane.
@@IdeologyOfPain The pattern I see is these people often think their camera is going to match their lies and they always seemed very confused when it doesn't. Morons..
@@chrisofstars I often wonder how much of their lies come from the same place as mistaken witness stratements--when there's a lot of stress, memories are not reliable.
However, there are enough times when the cop's story changes and is clearly being crafted on the fly to provide an excuse for the cop's actions.
The fact that so many cops don't seem to care that their lies and rights violations are being captured on film says to me that they know there will very likely be no repercussions for anything they do. They may get some free vacation time, if anything.
UPDATE!: the officer was charged with a class A misdemeanor and had to forfeit his peace officer certification and cannot be a police officer in Texas
You love to see it
"Policeman shits himself over a routine traffic stop, gets triggered because his feelings get hurt"
Yeah, kinda sums it up pretty neatly.
Alot of police think they are the shit. Most of them seem to be nothing more than highschool dropouts without an education in anything. I swear to god the police recruit for people who instinctively lie. Poor cops feelings got hurt.
That's the normal ego of a police officer.
Disrespecting a fragile cop's ego is a felony offense, ya know?
@@rslwannabe9475 Think about it, they are only high school graduates who doesn't have to know their job, they are poorly trained, indoctrinated to favor themselves over the citizenry they are deemed to protect, protected by everyone around them, and are never held responsible for their behavior. That creates egomanical monsters called police officers.
I love how 'officer safety' seems to often result in civilian danger.
Second amendment seems like a joke and only works again children.
Funny thing: If a cop is parked and he has the window down, and you walk up to him to ask directions or something, guess what he does? Yep, he rolls the window up for his safety.
@@darrennew8211 that make no sense
@@EnderElohim Why not? Have you never walked up to a police car parked with a cop inside? He leaves the window open a crack, but far too small for you to reach thru the window.
@@darrennew8211 okay now you changed context
The sergeant was so ready to ruin two men’s lives and all he got was a demotion? And at that he could’ve reapplied within a year?! The American “justice” system is a joke.
Somebody wow on may 7th he was charged with excessive force in the comments
Police Unions
Ya that's crazy af
@@Zantonny Public unions are so fucking evil, it's insane. Teacher unions protect pedophiles, prison guard unions lobby for harsher penalties for non-violent drug offenders... it's just sickening.
he resigned and the department paid the dad $200,000
"Why are you nervous, routine traffic stop" 🙄 it's always a "routine traffic stop" till it's not.
Also cops: "there is no such thing as a routine traffic stop." Lol
"What are you in for?" "Murder." "What are you in for?" Drug possession." Hey, kid. What are you in for?" Making a right hand turn."
How could you sleep at night knowing that you put someone in jail for making a wide turn...
MANSLAUGHTER!!!!! I slaughtered a man, just like a pig. What are you in for?? LOITERING!!!!! - Brian Regan
Would be funny if it was "for rolling my window up"
I would really hate to be a truck driver in that county.
It's a wide turn and rolling up the window. Get your facts right bro. Thats like 10 years right there!
Cop told the dad "go park your car and walk back here!" Dad does EXACTLY as he was told....cop says to arrest him for approaching his traffic stop. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to be a cop nowadays!!
The stupid ones are the public who put up with this system where criminals with badges get off with a slap on the wrist and the stupid citizens pay for their lawsuits.
Cops name was ((tomer)) makes sense why they refused to discipline him
"You gotta be a special kind of fascist to be a cop nowadays." FTFY
There’s nothing special about it. It’s just stupid.
He said "park your car and get out" not "walk back here". Don't lie like the cops did.
@Simon North if you want to be sarcastic you type every other letter in caps “ iM bEiNg SaRcAsTiC “
mapezaid On what planet? Certainly not in the US.
Most officers are like this. I've seen no end of officers escalate the situation because someone wasn't nice to them.
@@ICBMCatcher Congratulations, but that's not how the law works. Either enforce it or don't. Cops get butthurt and then make the situation worse. How a citizen was emotionally acting should be irrelevant. Either they broke a law or they didn't. People have had enough with this "you giving me lip boy" attitude cops have. It's pure power trip stuff.
This is exactly why every cop needs to have a camera on them at all times.
A police officer lying on a report should be found personally guilty of the felony of perjury on a sworn affidavit.
Yep.....I want to see him fired and serve jail time.
Mind-blowing how this isn't already the way things are. Just goes to show how corrupt the systems really are.
Unfortunately it is entirely up to the prosecutor (District Attorney) to decide if charges are pressed. Seen it all the time that the DA chooses not to pursue it when it comes to cops. Just the way it works.
Absolutely!! 👍🏻👍🏻
I found it amusing that they 'demoted' a sergeant to an 'officer'. They aren't officers, they are constables. An officer has a commission from a head of state. A constable has a warrant from a head of state. Very big difference. Stop calling constables 'officers'. It's as stupid as calling arrest 'detained' (i.e. creating a third state of legal being for the first time since 1066, and eventually some smart cop realised they can say 'yes' and not have to do all the paperwork and some nasty lawmaker in some jurisdictions there then decided to make it law).
Demoted? This officer should have been fired immediately for what he just did!
Not just this officer but also the other one who obeyed the order to arrest the father and then the lieutenant who approved the search of the car with the bogus traffic stop of "committing a wide turn".
Depends on the public will. The city council will need to be pressured.
After pouring hot wax on his marbles for balls.
He should be incarcerated.
@@adcolt54 well we do have to be fair. The other officer did not seem to be present at the time and probably was not fully aware of the circumstances so there was no reason for him to disobey. But he most certainly should have been disciplined for excessive force - under all circumstances he still had no reason to mace the guy for supposedly resisting arrest, lawful or otherwise.
Also the lieutenant doesn't have any responsibility in that aspect because he is not required to sign off on that. The sergeant can do that with or without the lieutenant's presence. Also he's just going off the same lies that the Sgt. told him so he has no reason to object without further information. That being said the lieutenant has to keep a closer eye on his guys since that's part of his job requirement and in this case he is the one that should have been considered for possible demotion unless he cleans his house (with the Sgt. also being fired as soon as the investigation was completed - but that goes without saying).
The city just settled a lawsuit from this man's father for $200,000.
thank you
should've been more
200k only? hmmm they kind
Shimanek also resigned. I'm surprised the family didn't go for at least 500k, but it goes to show you that these are good people.
Sure hope it came out of his pension and the police unions funding. If not, and the citizens taxes paid that money, maybe it's time to take it to federal court.
Doesn't give him the right to go hands on ,I give you guys so much love and respect for doing these audits, I have no patience with bullies of any kind I know I would not be able to handle this kind of thing I the right way it would most likely go very wrong for me and we couldn't help to educate citizens of we the people of the United States of America my our country people gave their lives to protect it and serve it.
He needs to be fired for falsifying the report and charged not just demoted.
testifying under oath in a court of law with false information is called perjury, which is a criminal offense, no matter who it is.
Then charged
@@terryavery9918 Absolutely!!... Unless it's a police officer then they just get a slap on the wrist how messed up is that though? Smh
Well heis gonna be ashamed for the rest of his pathetic life and his family too what better punishment than that
Simply dropping the charges and saying "oopsy daisy" is NEVER enough for a wrongful arrest.
That's what ropes are for. Short drop hard stop. Stops tyranny right in it's tracks. Oh wait... Trump authorized firing squads... even better :D
To quote the guy from the Pitch Meetings channel, “OHHH WHOPPS!!!” Whoopsies!!
Foreal he literally kidnapped them
It's the equivalent of going for a handshake but ending up drop-kicking them to the chest and arguing "That was an honest mistake, don't be so mad".
Sadly it’s better than a lot of people get.
The cop that was demoted resigned back in February and on may 7th was indicted for excessive use of force and can face up to one year in jail.
Great! This restored some of my trust in accountability. Thank you for sharing this important info, though would like a source to confirm.
Source? Thanks for the info
@@thisisntsergio1352 all over the internet, just search for the officers name, Blake Shimanek
Oh no one year!
@@TheJallumn it was just context didn’t act like it was enough. You’re welcome for info you were too lazy to look up yourself
That poor kid. And he had to watch his dad get abused. And that poor dad had to see his son be arrested for rolling up his window 😔
the cop said why are you acting like this when the kid was very polite...too polite in my opinion
American cops are schoolboy bully thugs. 😡
Imagine all of the shit they were getting away with before bodycams were a thing....
@@qhtl9 ask black people
They still are around here. It's been almost a year and they still can't figure out how to program their body cams 🙄
When police started using bodycams, it revealed that the vast majority of complaints against cops were false and/or baseless.
@@flossinmauwano4217 Doesn't seem like they were opposed.
This cops asks, "Your safety?" as if the citizen has nothing to worry about, and then he proceeds to demonstrate why the citizen should in fact fear for his safety.
This cop needs to find a different job.Somthing that is out of law enforcement. I should hope hiring practices in the future would require more mental health evaluations.
Very true. Good point……
For real. Stupid ass pigs. I wish one would.
very well said.
That was the second example. The first was approaching a normal traffic stop with hands on gun.
A Cops job should be to de-escalate situations, not escalate them.
Unfortunately that’s not what they’re trained to do. They’re trained to rack up as many charges as they can.
thats basic cop training in most of Europe, Australia and Canada... Should be the basics in the US too
@@joels5722 No they are trained to de-escalate situations, it's called "Verbal Judo" however many officers choose not to, because their egos get in the way
They are trained to de-escalate. Some just choose to do the opposite.
@@henry410axe9 ...too much testosterone and lack of thought?
Thank you for mentioning that insightful physiological study, that was truly eye opening for me years ago.
first thing officer says is "I have been following you for a mile". He clearly was looking for any excuse to stop and check this guy. He is a bully and shouldn't be a policeman.
slurmy scott, Cops do profile people. I guess we all do that to some extent. I have been profiled and stopped many times for having an old truck, long hair and driving at early hours in the morning. Cops have searched my vehicles, for no reason, before I knew about my rights. Looking back, I think it's important to know what you are required to do at a traffic stop and what cops can do under the law. If we don't know and exercise these laws, they will slowly be taken away.
Most drivers will make an error if followed by a police car for one mile. And as far offence go, turning a little too wide has to be the lamest offence.
The cop said he had a previous narcotics charge so he was gonna get him for what ever he could. Though he was gonna be a hero and make a bust.
Even more a Sergeant!
@@christopherodonnell7718 - Making a "wide right turn" is purely a judgment call. Notice he didn't say he crossed into an oncoming lane in that turn, or anything like that... merely that he judged the turn to be "wide". That's not a criminal act, nor does it warrant an arrest.
If that's the best he could come up with after following the kid for a mile, then the kid was driving just fine. That cop should NEVER wear a badge again.
He should have been terminated on the grounds of falsifying his report alone! If I ever tried to lie to my bosses like that and got caught I would be fired immediately! I'm tired of law enforcement not being held to the very laws they claim to be enforcing!
He also clearly told his LT. that he was going to search the kid's car but later said he was doing an inventory for the tow for his BS arrest. Also a Texas boy here and this officer should be ashamed we don't treat people like this in Texas unless you are not born here and live here and don't have a clue we treat everyone like family. Just some family we don't talk about, this officer is not family for sure.
he will be terminated , if he carries on behaving like that , dont you worry.
@@patthewoodboy Before or after someone gets more seriously hurt or killed?
@@MountainTomb I cannot read the future
@@MountainTomb I think you missed my subtle comment about being "terminated" ;-)
Out of control cop. His breathing got heavier and heavier. He realised he'd screwed up early on but his ego stopped him from de-escalating.
While I don't wish to defend the corrupt cop, I believe the heavy breathing was a result of the scuffle with the father. His nervousness when talking to his chief, I attribute to his certain knowledge that he was stretching his authority and that he was hanging everything on finding drugs in the car.
Although, honestly, the cop was giving off plenty of signs that a reasonable person could construe to be indicators of drug use.
@@contumelious-8440 You mean crossing the street and assaulting the father. Going out of his way to escalate the situation. All the father wanted to do was via recording protect his son from potentially being murdered!
He’s big fat ego ,was coming out in every breath
Cop egos kill.
"You're gonna be arrested if you don't park and get out"
*parks and gets out*
"You're under arrest for blocking the roadway"
He was demoted? He should have been fired. This was abuse.
Atleast it was something
He's been arrested.
@@somerandomperson4143 thats what they want you to say
You are 200% right!
Should be tased for acting suspiciously abusive
"Acting nervous as can be"
Sounds like a perfectly natural reaction to being confronted by a dishonest agent of state violence.
Another lie (extreme exaggeration). Not one accurate statement in that police report.
And one who was stalking him for a mile
I just googled this officer's name and saw he resigned. I hope every arrest this man ever made is looked at very closely.
Thank you I needed to know this
Totally off topic and irrelevant, but the picture that goes along with his F grade shows a guy I would be scared of meeting in a dark alley.
Resigned so he can move to different city.
@boi mac From your lips to God's ears !!
Don’t worry - they won’t be
When I was a kid back in the 50's we had a walking-beat patrol man that covered our neighborhood. All he carried was a Billy club attached to his belt. We knew him on a first name basis. My mom would make him cookies. He was friends with everybody, and he made us feel safe. My how times have changed.
Imagine being in a holding cell in Jail and an inmate asks you what you’re in for. Your response, “Yeah I made a wide right turn”.
And I rolled up my window 3/4, I'm a hardcore driver.
@@Michael9-23-15 yooo you got to chill with that Crazy crime
@@Michael9-23-15 stone cold thug-like behavior for sure! 😂🤣
I'm in jail because I stopped blocking a roadway, top that
I got arrested for speeding once. The inmates speculated the whole 3 days i was in there.
he resigned, after the city paid 200k
@@birthmarksback1840 who got 200k the officer or the young man?
@Darren Obrien you can't
God promised that the christians will serve the jews
@@birthmarksback1840 "resigned"
@@birthmarksback1840 this is bullshit. now we know their motives. they just wanna retire early.
The officer resigned on February 1 after the city paid the family $200k.
Really?? Is there a link for this ,i wanted to follow up on this outcome
@@MrHighdro21 I googled. There are other videos on UA-cam as well.
So he will just get another job at a poorly run police department. The only thing that caused him a problem was that it was recorded. I would not be shocked to see a new law in the near future that makes taking a video of a police/citizen interaction a crime . The law will be so policemen are not distracted . I wonder how many other people had to endure his type of policing?
Good one thug gone
that's awesome!
I spent 35 years and retired in Law Enforcement. I totally agree with the majority of your line and also some negative responces that overshadowed things. I believe in this typ of programe. The Truth is very important in any enforcement of the law, in any direction.
"We've had a very lengthy conversation. He's been reasonable... I think I'm going to arrest him for the wide right turn." They searched his car. No drugs were found. Mr. Puente was taken to jail and his car was towed. Wow.
If there was not bodycam he probably put drogs in the car and frame him
Why are some cops able to do this if they want?
@@Anonymous38572 sick country with incompetent burocrats ?
@@Anonymous38572 they can do whatever they want dude
@@Skilebougre lol, where are you from bro? Let's see if you have absolutely zero police corruption. I highly doubt it.
The officer initially resigned but was later indicted and could potentially face up to a year in jail. I am glad he’s going through this now. He fabricated the part of the encounter and deserves this
Just imagine how much prison time you would get if you beat up a man pepper sprayed him kidnapped him and his son.
@@joshsmith7176 yup! the cop gets a year, you or i get life!
Do you have a source for this? Would love to see a follow-up.
Hope the officer has a hard first night in jail.
he fabricated the whole report, not part of the encounter. nothing he wrote was true
“It’s rude”
Oh my god he hurt the cops feelings
IKR! They're not feelings enforcement they're fucking LAW enforcement. Preach, bro.
"And pulling me out of my car and putting me in handcuffs is polite?"
People want to claim the cop is rude as a reason for something, rude is subjective so just comply.
@@lt4753 But they didn't commit a crime and then used the bullshit arrest to search the vehicle without a warrant. How about police officers comply with the law? Not only that the Officer falsified evidence. What do you think about the violations against a citizen's rights, Adam?
@@dannacht6827 how can you have a bullshit arrest if there wasn’t a crime? You don’t know what you are saying. A traffic infraction occurred, that’s why the car was stopped, the officer can order (yes it’s lawful) everyone out of a car. The dad was interfering (distracting the officer) that’s a crime. You have no idea what you are doing or saying. Hey! If you can do the job better, go out and do it!
FINALLY! A case where the officer is held accountable, the victim compensated and justice is served!
"Is your ID in your wallet?"
"Yes, Sir."
Exactly! I was like whhaaaattttt?????
He is straight up comfortable lying about what happened to his superiors while on body cam as well...I imagine this isn't the first time for him
i bet this was just the end of his luck after hundreds of times practicing same lies on his job of an armed revenue hunter
Scary stuff!!!
police are almost all seasoned liars
It isn't the first time for hundreds of thousands of cops all around the country
Your right it's not but he got caught this time
The cop lies to the other cop, and LIE on the report that is a crime!
Wow it’s almost like that NEVER happens! 🙄
This is how alot of police work, lies to get insured they get away with what they did.
You forgot about their qualified immunity, even though it violates usc 18-242
The blatant lies, in his report, are the reason the officer should be terminated.
That cop should be fired right away
I have never heard of an officer apologising. I was falsely arrested for having radios that I was licensed for and I never got an apology.
"routine traffic stop" Maybe for the cop, but it's never routine for a normal citizen, how low IQ does the cop have to be to not realize that getting pulled over it could make someone nervous.
"Our" Supreme Court has opined that it's acceptable and appropriate to deny employment to police applicants on the basis that their IQ is too high.
That is so true Luke
Very well said Luke! Thanks for pointing that out.
Specially when they have a gun and can shoot you if you make a wrong move like reach for your phone in your pocket
Unless you're doing something wrong you have no reason to be nervous
Dad gets an A+ for pulling up in the Lightning 🔥🤣
Better hurry, theyre going up in prices every year. My Grandpa has one he bought new in 2000, got my first ticket in it haha
Badass truck
@@UHK-Reaper that truck is slow as shit bro your gmc would gap that truck easily don’t waste your time
Give the father and son A+.
I had one For 15 years. My favorite truck
These Cops lie in a heartbeat. They should get charged for lying
They're legally allowed to lie
I think that's one of the reasons why he got demoted? because of lying.
@@TheLiberalBoogeyman To suspects, not to their fellow officers. BIG difference.
All cops lie
3:40 is so freaking funny lmao the stock footage. the disrespect. the threat of extraction. the legality. THE AUDACITY. LMAO WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY
This officer is still out there with a gun good luck everyone
Yep sadly
And he’s even more of a maniac now that he’s been demoted.
Yeah and we are supposed to trust the police when they have psychos like that on their side??
Time to check out this department’s Facebook page....
Scary the way these dangerous officers all stand up for each other. The never admit wrong doing... Excellent video thank you Audit the Audit..
Technically the chief admitted bad conduct which will fuck them in court.
The officer was no doubt a star fine generator and doing precisely what his department wanted. That’s why he’s still on the job. City Council is dirty to the core as well.
Yeah who stood up for the Sgt? One guy was following his orders because he’s new. The LT, was being lied to by the Sgt. the Sgt is a scumbag, but I disagree anyone stood up for him.
Secretary of State: What voter Fraud?
Quick... shred the evidence.
Temporarily demoted, but he's still a patrol officer doing the same thing. Why wasn't he arrested for falsifying documents / perjury and fired?
Because of police unions. All public unions should be banned.
Because the DA's and judges are all in on it too. As George Carlin said: "It's a big club.....and you ain't in it"!
Jails/prisons are tools, used for basically free labor. Look into how many companies use prisoners to make their products, and pay way less. Some cops help to put away innocent people or those not deserving of the time given. It's all a big scam with many involved.
Because he’s a democrat
@@PurpleHelix That's ridiculous. Cops of other races get away with murder too, so that's not it.
Crazy how the people who are to uphold justice, are the ones who are grossly unjust.
That “officer” needs a drug test. Sounds like he’s hopped up on something.
Pig’s got an adrenaline rush
@Chris Smith clearly the cop doesn’t have that skill.
@Chris Smith I think you’re just misinterpreting my comment by telling me what I think. No I don’t think only cops get adrenaline rushes
@Chris Smith also just cause cops experience anger doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be held to the fairly low standard of facts over fucking feelings
Got dat roid rage and is paranoid as fuck.
“I want a lawyer”. Say it once. Don’t say anything else. Period.
Yes. Too many people keep talking after they say they're done talking.
Don't forget to invoke your right to remain silent. It is not implied and could be used against you if you dont audibly invoke your right (or sign language etc.)
@@YDfC21 excellent advice that i didn’t think about. well done.
Texas is hell, no?
I wish drunk me would've remembered that
your videos raise my blood pressure and awareness about different laws
I have a hard time getting though there videos. Police should purge there assholes frim their ranks bc one day the public won't take it anymore and all police will be put into the same category.
Love the show John! Thanks for doing what you can to educate the public and bridge the gap between everyday citizens and peace officers
The cop is instantly escalating, rude, scared, and lying. What a punk.
If the driver had complied no issue. Dad is about to get arrested.
damn bro how’s that boot taste
@@robertvelasquez2173 You talking to me or the bootlicker?
RedSkaal He's talking to the other guy who slobbering all over the cop's boots.
@@Dexrazor Just like you do every time a cop drives by
Police: "Park and get out"
Dad: *parks and gets out*
Police: *arrests and pepper sprays him*
These officers should be brought to the Town square and knelt down and executed for being traitors to their oaths.
@@toddmetzger I couldn't agree more... and I'll add that his corpse should be stripped naked and nailed to a tree on the lawn of the local town hall and/or police station as a reminder to any idiot pig with thoughts about violating the peoples rights, and miss using... well.. EVERYTHING!! this is one of the worst officers i have ever seen. Would be right at home in the Albuquerque PD.
@@JackG79 I agree the office acted poorly and I'm glad he was demoted but advocating needless and excessive violence isn't going to do anything but fan the flames of the already burning fire that is the relationship between the public and police officers...
@@toddmetzger and the politicians
@@toddmetzger LMAO never have kids. Or run for any kind of office (thought I doubt you could even get anywhere close to winning with that kind of mindset)
It’s entirely ridiculous that with all the filming of cops abusing their power and lying outright on their reports that the court systems still give them the greatest benefit of the doubt when it comes to honesty.
Most cops ARE honest
Hes probably good friends with the higher ups and thought they would have his back
@@mja91352 lol if you really believe"MOST cops are honest" then you haven't been pulled over much or had very many interactions with cops. 90% are NOT honest. I'm a conservative for most matters & have had several absurd interactions with cops.
@@WarmongerYT you call him absurd for saying most cops are honest people, yet you throw out a random, obviously false, percentage that 90% aren’t lmaooo
@@mja91352 most cops are NOT honest and they lie to cover for each other, and then people like you cover for them, its so fucking frustrating
Always remember these five simple words, "I don't answer questions, officer."
Been learning that one. Especially after the actions of a city officer in the next small town over from me.
The fifth amendment exists for a reason. USE IT.
Update: Marco Puente received a $200,000 settlement from the city of Keller, Texas, per NYT.
Though the cop still seems to have his job. As long as laws like this are on the books, and cops like this are employed, I don't need to visit Texas. And I won't be doing so.
Sadly enough, that money didn't come from any of the officers involved, but from taxpayers.
@@megafonzie5541 Some judges in some jurisdictions are making the cops themselves pay. But it's unusual. The best possible outcome for taxpayers is usually that the liability insurance of the police department pays it. But that just raises the insurance premiums, which are again paid by taxpayers.
200,000 out of the city’s pocket doesn’t change the facts that these officers are scumbags
Paid for by the citizens [taxes] of that city. In other words... zero penalty to the PD.
I'll said this once and I 'll keep saying it a thousand times "The ability to view all Body cam or video footage along with requiring AND enforcing full transparency to the public of ANY police interaction should be a federal law."
You damn right
in addition to a law enforcing that access be given to the tapes of body recorders. almost 75% the civilian plaintiff in a IA case is denied the taxpayer funded film to pursue a case or, it gets 'lost'
I used to agree with this completely, but....police interact with a large number of people, and often read SS#, addresses, and other private information.
Everything they do should be monitored, absolutely. But how do we do that without also making every stop completely public information? I'd want the cops interaction with me public, but I wouldn't want him reading my address or social security number public. It's a tough issue.
So lying on statements isn’t a criminal offense when you’re a cop? Good to know
Basically. they can lie and do literally anything under the pretense of "job duties and stress" as per immunity by the Supreme Court.
I was thinking the same thing. How can he blatantly lie on the report and then have a video contest his story and prove he's lying without any reprimand?!
It's disgraceful that they can get away with that. Disgusting individual.
Apparently lying is only illegal when citizens do it.
Yes they can lie while investigating but citizens cannot..
Thank you sir! Much respect and love to you!❤
Officer: "Hello, I'm stopping you today to escalate a none issue. Step out of the vehicle. "
"License/registration, and insur....Nah, just skip all that BS, and give me all your $$$!!!" The fact that the tyrant kept his job, while any one OTHER than a tyrant, would have lost everything; Should tell us everything we need to know!
Literally how 99% of officer interactions go lmaooo
If he was black he would have lost his job.
What a terrible country.
@@CallMeAmateur No. The term you were searching for is: "Qualified Immunity"; For which, the corrupt courts have ruled as a "Licence to do anything they want"...In NO OTHER profession(besides vaccine manufacturers), are the workers immune from personal liability...
"Nothing he did during this encounter advanced the safety of his community." I feel like a lot more cops should hear that every single day.
This cop should be fired immediately, and never be allowed to be in law enforcement ever again.
You misspelled arrested
@@shasshybear ok fact checker stfu and enjoy the vid
You misspelled "I'm not very observant"
@@ElectricAlien577 😂😂😂😂😂😂
After serious investigation into this situation it was discovered by the law enforcement investigators that the person they were investigating was also a part of law enforcement, and thus proceeded to replace the hammer of justice with a fluffy pillow as is procedure.
It should be noted the Fluffy pillow can at most give a demotion of 2 ranks, and at the least unpaid leave for a week, so a whole rank lost was quite a severe pillow smite.
Stellar work guys!
"It's rude" and there it is, he got his feelings hurt.
“it’s rude” so was interrupting their day over a harmless turn but they stayed quiet
The guy rolled up his window because he was concerned for his safety. Then the cop showed the guy that rolling up the window was the correct move.
Imagine before bodycams how many reports are filled with blatant lies...
Very Very Scary ... no body cam, both could have ended up being shot.
You know the numbers would be bad. Scary to think just how bad.
Yeah.. that's true.
All of them were and still are!
I've had my life ruined by this exact situation by a cop with this exact mindset and I'm glad these people didn't go through what I did.
Need to get rid of criminals with badges
Poor you, Livia.
I almost did
What happened?
This cop was that scared over a traffic stop he was literally hyperventilating 😂
I think he was aroused and excited.
he lied on an offical report, he should have been fired.
He should be in prison.
@@ZeranZeran Was going to say the same thing. Lying on these reports isn't a victimless crime, and this gang kidnaps people for less
well you can contribute to the petition in the description if you'd like justice to have a chance of happening.
@@xxzel4732 Cops dont listen to petitions, but its a nice thought.
Civil court case will say what happens.
He should have been arrested for filing a false report. This is what encourages this behavior is the fact theres no ramifications
Nobody in the department would push for an arrest because they know they've all done similar shady shit.
@@hippocritic and the actual good ones are probably held at gun point not to say anything..
@@spider-mancantsee5875 What good ones??
There ARE no ramifications.
If a citizen lies on a police report it is a crime. "Filing a false police report is a crime and can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony." But like you commented, police that lie on a police report don't get punished and therefore condones that behavior.
Talks 100 MPH, makes wild accusations, issues orders outside his authority, orders him out of his vehicle immediately puts him in cuffs, gets into a confrontation with his father, then asks why he is acting nervous.
And then they wonder why they got endless protests and people demanding their funding be cut, the bad apples are rooted deep and there is no check and balance to fix this as of right now. Its shocking how someone can get into a position of power like this.
@@jr540123 I was thinking how this person is completely unfit for every decent paying job I can think of. Hopefully the states step up and start dismantling the blue shield which is now embedded in police departments.
That's like a case here in the banana republic of Florida. Cops raided this poor woman's home for some bullshit reason(suspected of being a hacker), storm through the house, screaming like maniacs, pointing their fucking guns at the woman, her husband, and there kids(HER KIDS!) all the while ordering her and her family to "CALM DOWN!!"
@@budkillabrew8082 it was a robbery attempt. 12 wanted to steal the drugs and cash
@@genemulhern7405 AND that was a false warrant as well so not only was that an illegal raid it was an illegal raid the governor is in on, this shit here is why people are getting angry all around.