Portland Art Museum Virtual Sneakers to Cutting-Edge Kicks, Monet to Matisse: French Moderns

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • 概述
    今年夏天,《莫內到馬蒂斯:法國現代藝術》將布魯克林博物館著名的歐洲藝術收藏帶到波特蘭藝術博物館,展出約 60 件被認為是現代主義傑作的藝術作品。展覽聚焦法國作為19世紀中葉至20世紀中葉國際現代主義藝術中心的情況,展出規模、主題和風格廣泛的繪畫和雕塑作品。保羅·塞尚、馬克·夏卡爾、埃德加·德加、亨利·馬蒂斯、克勞德·莫奈、皮埃爾·奧古斯特·雷諾阿等人的作品中都探討了印象派、象徵主義、野獸派、立體派和超現實主義。莫內到馬蒂斯:法國現代藝術由歐洲藝術高級策展人麗莎·斯莫爾(Lisa Small)和布魯克林博物館前歐洲藝術策展人理查德·阿斯特(Richard Aste)組織。
    Coming to the Portland Art Museum this summer from the Brooklyn Museum’s renowned European art collection, Monet to Matisse: French Moderns showcases approximately 60 works of art considered to be modernist masterpieces. Focusing on France as the artistic center of international modernism from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries, the exhibition features paintings and sculpture ranging widely in scale, subject matter, and style. Impressionism, Symbolism, Fauvism, Cubism, and Surrealism are all explored in the work of Paul Cézanne, Marc Chagall, Edgar Degas, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and many others. Monet to Matisse: French Moderns is organized by Lisa Small, Senior Curator of European Art, and Richard Aste, former Curator of European Art, Brooklyn Museum.
    Monet’s Rising Tide at Pourville and Auguste Rodin’s Age of Bronze rank among the major masterpieces by these favorite artists, but this selection will also introduce our visitors to lesser-known innovative artists like the Hungarian painter József Rippl-Rónai and the influential academic artist Jehan Georges Vibert.
    Visitors can get their French impressionism (and symbolism, Fauvism, cubism and surrealism) fix this summer with Monet to Matisse: French Moderns.