yeah, honestly i put on machine learning + PWYF + coup de grace so i can induce that kind of panic that he did in the original games, but i wish nemmy's basekit allowed us to do stuff like that
Honestly, by now I kinda wish Bhvr hadn't gotten Freddy as a licence that early, I would love to see how they would translate him now, after clearly having more expirience and are seemingly putting way more care into the adaptions, being way more detailed and more complicated with their powers
“Hey survivors, today we are ranking the survivors in this match. In the bottom tier we have the Baby Dwight. Though not from lack of trying, Baby Dwight was ineffective in this match at holding chase. While it took them time to find the gen, they were able to get some progress done. Either way, Baby Dwight will be getting a Mori. Up next we have the Feng Min. While being a great chaser, the Feng Min did tend to tea-bag, which led to them being caught early in chase due to her over confidence. However, they said GG at the end of the match so we will give them B tier. Up text is the Haddie. She played some solid chases and did some great team plays, but what gets her the higher rating is that she is actually a subscriber to the channel, making this a lore accurate match, and we really appreciate that level of commitment to the lore getting an A tier. At S tier is the Kate Denson. Kate made great save, played smart, and overall put up a great game with only one hook. And due to her great plays, we’ll be giving her S-tier, and the hatch at the end of the round. Alright, that’s gonna do it, who was the best survivor in your opinion? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks… Goooooodbye.”
Xenomorph has effortlessly replaced Myers as my new favorite licensed killer. They must have drawn inspiration from Alien Isolation because they have absolutely achieved the deadly beauty of it's design. H.R. Giger's nightmarish, biomechanical style has always been so enthralling to me and my interpretation of it is that every living thing, human or animal, has an inherent fear of being violated. Whether by machine or the flesh of another. That's why the Xenomorph is such a terrifying creature. A parasite of superior intelligence, causing unspeakable slaughter with malice dripping in it's every intention. No wonder some people think it represents rape. It's so diabolical. 😰
I think having a new ghost face is genius since the ghost face in the movies aren't the same people every single time. The most iconic ones are the first movie but still having a new ghost face and new lore is actually pretty good.
With the addition of those flame turrets in the xenomorph chapter, Pinhead's mechanics, as well as Sadako's tapes, I hope that they add more obstacles/ways to interact with the killers over all to add more variety and entertainment to the game,instead of just generator,hook and all that. Anything to spice the game more is welcome
I agree, however they need to be careful with how these interactions are implemented because I think Singularity's EMP make him the most unfun Killer to play in the entire game.
i think for ghost face its not just faithful because of the mask, but because the actual killer, Danny Johnson, is an original character. In the movies, ghostface can be anyone, it's not one killer. and that's why i love it so much
This list turned SO quickly from “here’s a list showing which killers are most like their movie/game counterparts” to “so I haven’t ACTUALLY seen their movies or played their games but here’s which DBD abilities I find the best”
As a Myers main, this channel is a breath of fresh air. I love how he scores high in every list, that's probably the reason I love playing as him so much.
Pig has got to be the number 1 choice for me. From the sound design like the lion roar when you ambush, to the perk names like "make your choice", she is the perfect adaptation from the saw franchise.
I feel like for Sadako it should've been mentioned that exactly 7 days after purchasing her, an eerie video similar to the actual Ring video plays when you open the game, and you are then given a charm that is a well with Sadako coming out of it.
Dude, I didn't know it was that well made, I thought it was random. It's funny because I stayed exactly 7 days without playing and i forgot I brought her, so I took a real jumpscare with that creepy video.
I just bought yoichi and got the same video and charm yesterday without knowing why. Its funny I ran into this comment almost immediately but the video is really cool and creepy when the survivors are all crawling, really cool feature they did.
Myers is still king for me. Everything you mentioned, on top of how his stalking ability both ties into the way he works in his movie _and_ how the progression of that movie works in a meta way; starts out slow and quiet, more foreboding, getting more active towards the middle, and exploding in a loud climax right at the end, all represented in his Tier system. The others are good, don't get me wrong, but there's something really special about the way Myers was implemented.
I am extremely excited for the Xenomorph to come out! As you said, Azhymovs, they brought him in really well, and the chapter overall was extremely well done!!
I 100% agree with what you said about Nemisis. He is still one of my favorites to play and has great gameplay even though it's not fitting to the character. Also Chucky is gonna have to go at the top of this list. I've seen all 7 movies and every episode of the show and he's perfect
Pinhead is like perfectly done. Even the lobby music sounds straight from Hellraiser. The only complaints I have about the Hellraiser chapter is that it didn’t include a survivor.
Freddy in the dream world should be invincible. Understandably he can’t be in game however he should be at least much more power for dreaming survivors. The balance being that you can wake up whenever you want, thus taking Freddy’s power away.
The only representation of nemesis is the add ons because i think yhe devs are re fans. In terms of addons. They refrenced the vines you wash away in the lab in re2. Jills sandwich as a callback to the classic line. Fepleted ink ribbon. Mikahaeils eye. The one who exploded in the train. T virus sane. Shattered stars badge. Marvins remains, the cop from re2 marvin. They were spot on on the addons it gives me callbacks and chills when i see the addons in the menu. Good job on the add on refrences bhvr😊
Pinhead is pretty lore accurate, going against him absolutely feels like you're suffering. 10/10 would recommend if you don't want to waste good suffering.
Now that i think about you're right alien did feel slow for some reason even though he is a normal speed killer especially compared to the movie version. It would be nice if he got like 5% extra speed while in runner mode so he doesn't feel slow and so that survivors have more of an incentive to use the turrents.
survivors already have plenty of incentive to use turrets wdym? Her chase is very strong and she is countered on a macro level due to her chase being so hard to counter. Which means knocking her out of her power and slowing her down as much as possible
I'm glad you brought attention to Nemesis as being a lousy adaptation by putting him last. Whilst I grant it's not as if Nemesis is like the biggest piece of garbage in DBD's sandbox, his portrayal compared to both the modern and even the old RE3 versions is just so... underwhelming. Why is a tentacle slap all he does? There was a huge missed opportunity to make his addons alter his playstyle by giving him extra crazy mutation effects at T2 or T3, or swapping out the zombies to change his weapon/power to the rocket launcher or flamethrower. I mean in RE3 he literally holds his damaged flamethrower by the barrel and swings it like a sledgehammer. And above that, all his other modern RE iterations have him spawning the rocket to use a single shot before it goes on cooldown, or using the tentacle in much more creative ways than a simple whip. He just seems so limited and almost feeble in comparison, and he really should not be. He is capable of so much more...
How to balance RPG: 1 charge. 10 meter blast range. Survivors in 5 meters of blast range’s center when rocket hits a surface are downed. Beyond 5 meters are injured, so long as they are still within range. Instantly destroys dropped pallets, but does not affect standing ones or the surrounding environment. Explosion audio is map wide, making everyone Deafened and Oblivious for probably 20 seconds or something. (Deafened is a rare status that removes most audio except for a loud ringing that devolves) Also, no stun immunity because yeah, so you’re right there. lol.
The Xeno is a fave of mine, and knowing the movies as I do, I'd make some improvements. Xeno in the first film is an ambush predator, a "camper" waiting for someone to come to him. He can lose tracking simply by stopping, and he's invulnerable to flashlights. (Inherent Insidious and Lightborn.) In the second film, we again see that Xenos can simply freeze and blend into the walls. It's also the first time we see them stab with their tail. The remaining films don't count. ALIEN: Isolation revealed xenos have a very narrow field of vision, but excellent hearing. They evidently see in IR, as the Sevastopol aliens saw perfectly well in the dark (which would mean flamethrowers would also blind them.) Beyond the automated flamethrowers, I'd like to see flares and noisemakers.
If pig was completely lore accurate it would be op as suit “Hey so I welded the gates shut and the survivors start with traps on their head, they have a minute to remove them or their kidneys melt”
Nice one, as always. I was thinking killers ranked by how whealty they are ? I mean, a lot of killers have things in their lore that can help you determine whether they were rich or poor, like trapper and skull merchant. Something like a tier list: Doesn't use money Poor Averege Rich
New Killer: The Reviewer (from: AZHYMOVS Chapter) A ranking Killer, able to rank Survivor performances within trials to determine their fates. His personal perks, Hey Everyone, Goodbye, and Foot Ranking unlock awesome potential in aura reading, block exit gates, and immobilize Survivors. Killer Power: Tier List SPECIAL ABILITY: RANKING The Reviewer can press the Active Ability button on a Survivor within 10 meters to Rank their performance for the next 30 seconds. While being Ranked, Survivors are Incapacitated but have 0.5% Haste. If a Survivor is hit while Ranked, their Tier goes down by 1 level. If they succeed to break a chase while Ranked, their Tier goes up by 1. Tiers are locked in once the exit gates are powered. Survivors are highlited in white while being Ranked. SURVIVOR AFFLICTION: TIERS S Tier: The Survivor has performed near perfectly and can no longer be attacked once Tiers are locked in. A Tier: The Survivor performed well, gaining 5% Haste when Tiers lock in and gaining Endurance for 3 minutes. B Tier: The Survivor was okay, gaining 3% Haste when Tiers lock in. C Tier: The Survivor wasn’t the best, but did fine. They are indefinitely Oblivious once Tiers lock in. D Tier: The Survivor was bad, and are Oblivious and Exposed once the Tiers lock in. F Tier: The Survivor was horrible! They are Oblivious and Exposed once Tiers lock in, and can be killed once downed. Iridescent Add-Ons: Sped-Up Video: A sped-up version of an iconic video. Reminds The Reviewer of pursuing the realm. Grants 5% Haste when a Tier goes up or down. Lasts 10 seconds. Iridescent Phone: A phone created in The Fog. It infinitely replays AZHYMOVS videos. Limits possible Tiers to C,D, and F. This decreases The Reviewer’s base movement speed to 4.5 m/s. I can’t think of more, perks and stuff can be written in replies by nice comment people
In my opinion Ghostface and Pinhead have the best adaptations. First Ghostface, they gave him the knife swipe from the movies and his design looks great, his power fits that of what we see from him in the movies as he is very stealthy only thing missing for me is voicelines. And secondly Pinhead, his voicelines are great and done by the actor who played him in the Hellraiser movies, his power and design is accurate to what we see in the movies and he is just so iconic and thats what i just realy love about his adaptation.
prior to pinheads release i was honestly a bit scared, that they would ditch the blue lightning effects, since they add a lot to pinheads overall appearance
I’ve been thinking about how good Nemesis possibly be changed and I feel like it’s be cool if he got a flashbang grenade launcher. Hitting survivors directly injures them, but the blast radius would cause blindness to disorient them. That way he can have a large weapon that he deserves.
Some ideas to make Nemesis play better and feel more lore accurate would be a pseudo Oni buff, make it so tier 3 provides more than a range bonus. Include an action speed bonus to vault and break pallets better, and change his add ons too. Make an Iridescent add on allow him to skip the infection mechanic so that in two whips, he can down a Survivor instead of needing 3 whips.
Nemesis on last place is deserved tbh. He definitely does not feel like the colossus and threat he is in either version of RE3, because lets face it, Nemesis getting stunned by a wooden pallet doesn't make much sense. But to be fair, I wouldn't be able to think of a way to accurately adapt Nemesis as a DbD Killer either.
He is still somewhat accurate IMO. They kept his unstoppable nature intact with the tentacle as he is easily the best pallet shredder in the entire game.
While I love head trapping people, it’s always bothered me that it isn’t a saw trap that would work in a team game. Maybe something that might temporarily pin survivors against each other to save themselves. That’s the jigsaw way.
I think they did a good job with simplifying nemesis for the sake of DBD, he can infect people like he does in Re3 and he mutates but just doesn’t change his whole body, the only difference being that in RE3 remake he doesn’t actually use his tentacle as a whip just as a way to pull you closer to him.
"My one gripe about Wesker is that his crazy mechanic that slows survivors down by 8% and lets you insta-down them with dash has a counter." Umm...okay, buddy...
I gotta say I really prefere Myers look in the original movie. I really like how te mask looks and I think his normal size made his supernatural abilities, like his superhiman strength and durability much scarier and closer to the supernatural. Its one of the many things I didn't like of Rob Zombie's remake since his giant size kinda justified his strenght while a regular size person with that kinda strength seemed more unnatural. Also, there was a scene when Myers was stalking his preys and it seemed really stupid that nobody noticed a giant hulk with a mask even in Halloween, while in the two first movies he just passed out as a normal dude dressed in a Halloween costume
I think it would be cool to have a character from Outlast be the next killer. Chris Walker would be cool but doesn't have great potential for abilities since he's just a muscular guy. The Walrider has great potential as a stealth killer IMO.
Idk ig my only problem with the Alien chapter is the alien eggs and facehuggers weren't implemented in some way because they are seen alot in the series but as far as gameplay and technical I could see why. And the problem I have is Freddy's old power was perfect in concept but ye it was definitely a joke in game. Now it's just passive and you don't get any penalty anymore for being asleep like you did before. Especially against some of his old add ons.
@@nandanthony i don't think they'll make a skin where the Twins don't look so worn out. Most of their outfits have like hunting gear and supplies all over
the reason they didn't implement the facehuggers is probably because only a queen can lay eggs and not a drone xenomorph and a queen wouldn't make sense in dbd because they would have to scale it down a lot and it would just look goofy.
Old Freddy just needed buffs tbh. He's the only killer to date I've managed to 4k at top rank (I can't remember what the old ranking system was) with no perks or addons. It was more of a strategy based power than simply a chasing tool, and I quite liked that. Even now with the introduction of Skully, Old Freddy would still be the top dog in terms of surveillance. And his addons, my goodness his addons! They were fun gimmicks which were also USEFUL, a balance that the devs seem to have quite lost with the exception of a few lucky killers. I miss him, even now.
Nemesis is DbD is a completely unique tyrant made for DbD in the same way that DbD's Ghostface is an original character specifically made for the license, no?
I think that as far as ghost face goes its would be pretty hard to make it accurate to the moives, I think whats in dbd is very good from a gameplay perspective. lots of newer players may not even know that ghost face is the killer till its to late
if i had to be honest they couldve pulled alien off better, they couldve made xenomorph more slim and stealthlike and utilized facehuggers or something
Freddy lacks the menace of either Englund and/or Haley. Unfortunately, he is replaceable with any other killer. In order to properly play Freddy one must be the troll from parts 4 - 6. The Shape is always going to be underrated. I hear nothing, but complaints about him. People disregard the fact that Myers was always a simple character. The best way to play him is to focus on one's favorite "Halloween" film and simply role play; UA-cam player Stalky Boi has videos on this concept. One way to play is to be the sweaty, angry brute from "The Curse of Michael Myers." The Hell Priest is a hybrid of his portrayals in "Hellbound," and "Hell on Earth.". It would be nice if he received a major rework in which he could summon other survivors to the realm to act as his Cenobites. I am picturing either a very complex gameplay style similar to Knight or Nemesis. This would be a high risk leading to a high reward. As a survivor main I would love to play a few games based on "Hell on Earth." Bubba is fun, but most of the time I would rather face the Hillbilly. Hillbilly is an improvement upon Bubba's concept. The Hillbilly stood on the shoulders of a giant to make himself so powerful.
Maybe a strange idea for a video but what about ranking survivors' commentary, grunts, screams, etc., on how believable and realistic they sound? Like which are overdone, which are strange, which are so realistic you feel for the survivor, blah, blah, blah. I honestly don't know if you did a video like that.
Bro nobody actually cares that just the mask of Ghostface was licensed. You should have done it like they got him from the movies. Do you think he would be in dbd if the scream franchise never existed? Sure the mask is the only licensed part but it's pretty much completely inspired by the movies.
I believe sadako is by far the best, his power, now reworked, and being more powerful match her dreadful presence, visually is stunning , and funny enough my very first match of DBD as a survivor was against a sadako who gave me a scare once she appear and hit me
I was and still am dissapointed with Freddy and Nemesis. Freddy after and even before the rework was not adapted very good cause before it was just "Man that makes you sleep to do anything" and after "man that can make you sleep and left his period on the floor". He needs another rework just all about fake things in Dream World like fake pallets, fake gens, fake walls, fake AI Freddy that chases the survivors and make them scream when touched, fake terror radius or rather lullaby like he is the Dream Demon, he changes your world to his, changing things to his advantage. Nemesis is the similar thing, we got AI zombies (which are quite cool and good adaptation.... Same IQ) and tentacle that was never made to injure, just mobility and getting STARS closer to him. I would first change his animations to make you feel like he's a unstable pursuer: -stun is just him looking down not even flinching -breaking a pallet is destroying it with a tentacle by wrapping around it and squezzing -breaking a door is him just walking through it Now power: You start match with a tentacle. This tentacle is a map mobility tool. You jump with it to the sky and choose where to land. You have 2 seconds to decide, after that it gets a cooldown of 20 seconds. On the map there 4 boxes, 2 with Flamethrower and 2 with Rocket Launcher (so the RNG wouldn't fuck you in the ass). When picking any of those weapons, you are slowed down to 4.4m/s. Flamethrower: Flamethrower has 100 points. It takes a point for every 1 seconds of use. After that you throw the weapon out. You can discard it earlier. Flamethrower can burn survivors, walls and pallets. When a wall or a pallet is burning it, after 3 seconds it gets destroy. When burning the survivor or when they vault a burning pallet, this survivor gets a 5 burn points. Burn is losing 1 point per second after not being burned by any means for 1 second. After those 5 points, pallets don't burn you but Flamethrower gives 2 points per second. After 100 points survivor loses a health state. Rocket Launcher: Rocket Launcher has 4 tokens. After using the ability button, Nemesis starts aiming showing a red laser. After 2 seconds of getting ready, he can shoot a rocket, taking 1 token. After 4 tokens you throw away the weapon. It can be discarded earlier. Rockets when hitting a wall gives survivor Splash Damage. Survivors hit by a Splash, become Defeaned and lose a health state. Area of Splash Damage is 8 meters. If the rocket hits a survivor they go into the dying state. Splash and direct hit can destroy walls too. What do you think of that? Did i miss the mark too? Did i just made something so OP that even Nurse would shit herself or quite the opposite, that Trapper would call him trash and was right? Or did you not even read that? Comment cause why not
Nemi is weird because the way his gameplay is you'd think more about Mr X instead. At the same time I feel like if we're going to give BHVR props for making good adaptations when translation was difficult (ex Pyramid head and alien) then we have to be more forgiving with Nemi. Much in the way Wesker uses a tendrils to mimic his fast movement Nemi's is his way to interact with the environment of breaking objects circumventing having to use break animations. The only place Nemi falls apart for me is it's interaction with a survivor. As on one hand the fact that his power gets more menacing with infecting people (thus evolving like Nemi evolves in RE3 and his relentless pursuit via getting more powerful against someone he chases) on the other the "feel" of Nemi whipping people just doesn't translate well. I also don't like that he punches people. Again something I could see Mr X doing but not Nemi. Similarly bothered by Wesker using a knife.
I main Nemesis, but I absolutely despise Nemesis Horrible adaptation aside, the fact he has a power that's both tiered AND relies on rng Idk what they were thinking when designing him
Honestly i don't blame you for putting nemesis in last. In fact his design which is from the remake is also less fateful to his og design in re3. Their a reason why resident evil 3 remake is the weakest out of the 3 modern remakes Capcom is doing.
As a Nemesis main I’ve gotta agree. I love him, but I wish I felt more like the fast and unstoppable pursuer that I’ve come to love from RE.
I know there is a video out there of a guy who made an animation in Blender of lore accurate Nemesis in DBD and that is the Nemesis I wish we got
@@llamabadgergaming173 I’ve seen that I love it so much
@@VioletVaniaComposer His if Mr. X was in DBD was amazing too
just wait for Halloween event so you can use the serum with pwyf and pumpkins, you literally turn into speed racing car
yeah, honestly i put on machine learning + PWYF + coup de grace so i can induce that kind of panic that he did in the original games, but i wish nemmy's basekit allowed us to do stuff like that
They've done such a good job with the recent Licensed adaptations, I can't wait to see what crazy shit they'll put out
@@epg96these are not great ideas
@@bootyclap69klaughable 😂 but let a man dream ig
@@epg96They won't add children to DbD.
@@bootyclap69kseen better ideas when I have horrible diarrhea at June 9 2024 At 3:42
@@joannis46678the entity is cruel and would add children but pyramid head would *will* not let that slide
Honestly, by now I kinda wish Bhvr hadn't gotten Freddy as a licence that early, I would love to see how they would translate him now, after clearly having more expirience and are seemingly putting way more care into the adaptions, being way more detailed and more complicated with their powers
Yeah, I agree
Hey guys Bhvr didn’t want you guys to know this but I’m actually the next licensed chapter in dbd, Azhymovs will be the killer.
A yes,The Reviewer
“Hey survivors, today we are ranking the survivors in this match.
In the bottom tier we have the Baby Dwight. Though not from lack of trying, Baby Dwight was ineffective in this match at holding chase. While it took them time to find the gen, they were able to get some progress done. Either way, Baby Dwight will be getting a Mori.
Up next we have the Feng Min. While being a great chaser, the Feng Min did tend to tea-bag, which led to them being caught early in chase due to her over confidence. However, they said GG at the end of the match so we will give them B tier.
Up text is the Haddie. She played some solid chases and did some great team plays, but what gets her the higher rating is that she is actually a subscriber to the channel, making this a lore accurate match, and we really appreciate that level of commitment to the lore getting an A tier.
At S tier is the Kate Denson. Kate made great save, played smart, and overall put up a great game with only one hook. And due to her great plays, we’ll be giving her S-tier, and the hatch at the end of the round.
Alright, that’s gonna do it, who was the best survivor in your opinion? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks… Goooooodbye.”
His power will be spitting facts at them until they die
He wins by rating all survivors in the “lose” tier.
Xenomorph has effortlessly replaced Myers as my new favorite licensed killer. They must have drawn inspiration from Alien Isolation because they have absolutely achieved the deadly beauty of it's design. H.R. Giger's nightmarish, biomechanical style has always been so enthralling to me and my interpretation of it is that every living thing, human or animal, has an inherent fear of being violated. Whether by machine or the flesh of another. That's why the Xenomorph is such a terrifying creature. A parasite of superior intelligence, causing unspeakable slaughter with malice dripping in it's every intention. No wonder some people think it represents rape. It's so diabolical. 😰
I think having a new ghost face is genius since the ghost face in the movies aren't the same people every single time. The most iconic ones are the first movie but still having a new ghost face and new lore is actually pretty good.
Speaking of...
With the addition of those flame turrets in the xenomorph chapter, Pinhead's mechanics, as well as Sadako's tapes, I hope that they add more obstacles/ways to interact with the killers over all to add more variety and entertainment to the game,instead of just generator,hook and all that. Anything to spice the game more is welcome
Right? It allows the devs to give killers larger and more unique kits because there’s at the very least counter play.
I agree, however they need to be careful with how these interactions are implemented because I think Singularity's EMP make him the most unfun Killer to play in the entire game.
@@Ssscrubbbit wasn’t programmed to be fun to play 😭
@@andrewdiaz6795 NAH but like literally
@@Ssscrubbbbros hella fun till you see some mf with an emp
i think for ghost face its not just faithful because of the mask, but because the actual killer, Danny Johnson, is an original character. In the movies, ghostface can be anyone, it's not one killer. and that's why i love it so much
This list turned SO quickly from “here’s a list showing which killers are most like their movie/game counterparts” to “so I haven’t ACTUALLY seen their movies or played their games but here’s which DBD abilities I find the best”
Well what would your list be? If you've played or seen their things
As a Myers main, this channel is a breath of fresh air.
I love how he scores high in every list, that's probably the reason I love playing as him so much.
He's fun just outdated with the amount the game has evolved. He doesn't need a rework he just needs to be modernized
Pig has got to be the number 1 choice for me. From the sound design like the lion roar when you ambush, to the perk names like "make your choice", she is the perfect adaptation from the saw franchise.
I feel like for Sadako it should've been mentioned that exactly 7 days after purchasing her, an eerie video similar to the actual Ring video plays when you open the game, and you are then given a charm that is a well with Sadako coming out of it.
Man is a genius 😂❤
Dude, I didn't know it was that well made, I thought it was random.
It's funny because I stayed exactly 7 days without playing and i forgot I brought her, so I took a real jumpscare with that creepy video.
I just bought yoichi and got the same video and charm yesterday without knowing why. Its funny I ran into this comment almost immediately but the video is really cool and creepy when the survivors are all crawling, really cool feature they did.
Myers is still king for me. Everything you mentioned, on top of how his stalking ability both ties into the way he works in his movie _and_ how the progression of that movie works in a meta way; starts out slow and quiet, more foreboding, getting more active towards the middle, and exploding in a loud climax right at the end, all represented in his Tier system.
The others are good, don't get me wrong, but there's something really special about the way Myers was implemented.
Ghostface: "No one's here right? Good" Begins to Pick up Surv
Ace Visconti: 1:18
I am extremely excited for the Xenomorph to come out! As you said, Azhymovs, they brought him in really well, and the chapter overall was extremely well done!!
I 100% agree with what you said about Nemisis. He is still one of my favorites to play and has great gameplay even though it's not fitting to the character. Also Chucky is gonna have to go at the top of this list. I've seen all 7 movies and every episode of the show and he's perfect
Pinhead is like perfectly done. Even the lobby music sounds straight from Hellraiser. The only complaints I have about the Hellraiser chapter is that it didn’t include a survivor.
Kirsty would've been such a nice addition to the game!
My three favourite adaptions are Leatherface, Wesker and Ghostface. Very excited for the Alien Chapter. It looks really cool.
Glad to know i'm in your top #3
Pinhead is definitely one of the best adaptations. How the Survivors can just solve the puzzle box in two seconds really reflects the film nicely
Freddy in the dream world should be invincible. Understandably he can’t be in game however he should be at least much more power for dreaming survivors. The balance being that you can wake up whenever you want, thus taking Freddy’s power away.
I love how perfectly they adapted Pinhead into the game.
I just want to say these videos one of the few things that keep me in dbd i hope the best comes to you ❤
The only representation of nemesis is the add ons because i think yhe devs are re fans. In terms of addons. They refrenced the vines you wash away in the lab in re2. Jills sandwich as a callback to the classic line. Fepleted ink ribbon. Mikahaeils eye. The one who exploded in the train. T virus sane. Shattered stars badge. Marvins remains, the cop from re2 marvin. They were spot on on the addons it gives me callbacks and chills when i see the addons in the menu. Good job on the add on refrences bhvr😊
Pinhead is pretty lore accurate, going against him absolutely feels like you're suffering. 10/10 would recommend if you don't want to waste good suffering.
The developers gave so much love and time to Pinhead, Xenomorph, Wesker, Pyramid head and now recently...
9:30, 3 tinkers in less than 30 seconds 💀
Now that i think about you're right alien did feel slow for some reason even though he is a normal speed killer especially compared to the movie version. It would be nice if he got like 5% extra speed while in runner mode so he doesn't feel slow and so that survivors have more of an incentive to use the turrents.
survivors already have plenty of incentive to use turrets wdym? Her chase is very strong and she is countered on a macro level due to her chase being so hard to counter. Which means knocking her out of her power and slowing her down as much as possible
I'm glad you brought attention to Nemesis as being a lousy adaptation by putting him last.
Whilst I grant it's not as if Nemesis is like the biggest piece of garbage in DBD's sandbox, his portrayal compared to both the modern and even the old RE3 versions is just so... underwhelming. Why is a tentacle slap all he does?
There was a huge missed opportunity to make his addons alter his playstyle by giving him extra crazy mutation effects at T2 or T3, or swapping out the zombies to change his weapon/power to the rocket launcher or flamethrower. I mean in RE3 he literally holds his damaged flamethrower by the barrel and swings it like a sledgehammer. And above that, all his other modern RE iterations have him spawning the rocket to use a single shot before it goes on cooldown, or using the tentacle in much more creative ways than a simple whip.
He just seems so limited and almost feeble in comparison, and he really should not be. He is capable of so much more...
Well problem with Nemesis is they just can't give him Rocket Launcher and make immune to stun because people would cry
How to balance RPG:
1 charge. 10 meter blast range. Survivors in 5 meters of blast range’s center when rocket hits a surface are downed. Beyond 5 meters are injured, so long as they are still within range. Instantly destroys dropped pallets, but does not affect standing ones or the surrounding environment. Explosion audio is map wide, making everyone Deafened and Oblivious for probably 20 seconds or something. (Deafened is a rare status that removes most audio except for a loud ringing that devolves)
Also, no stun immunity because yeah, so you’re right there. lol.
You can tell how much love and time the Devs put into each licensed chapter just from the animation, sound effects and voice acting
I feel like they need to start updating their old license killers, they are the ones that made DbD as big as they are today and need some love
I love the footage changing with each number.
The Xeno is a fave of mine, and knowing the movies as I do, I'd make some improvements.
Xeno in the first film is an ambush predator, a "camper" waiting for someone to come to him. He can lose tracking simply by stopping, and he's invulnerable to flashlights. (Inherent Insidious and Lightborn.) In the second film, we again see that Xenos can simply freeze and blend into the walls. It's also the first time we see them stab with their tail. The remaining films don't count. ALIEN: Isolation revealed xenos have a very narrow field of vision, but excellent hearing. They evidently see in IR, as the Sevastopol aliens saw perfectly well in the dark (which would mean flamethrowers would also blind them.)
Beyond the automated flamethrowers, I'd like to see flares and noisemakers.
If pig was completely lore accurate it would be op as suit
“Hey so I welded the gates shut and the survivors start with traps on their head, they have a minute to remove them or their kidneys melt”
That’s a huge stretch
Amanda literally tore open someone’s tendons and told them to disarm a bomb
@@henrysheridan9571 yes that is the point of saw movies
Nice one, as always. I was thinking killers ranked by how whealty they are ? I mean, a lot of killers have things in their lore that can help you determine whether they were rich or poor, like trapper and skull merchant. Something like a tier list:
Doesn't use money
New Killer: The Reviewer (from: AZHYMOVS Chapter)
A ranking Killer, able to rank Survivor performances within trials to determine their fates. His personal perks, Hey Everyone, Goodbye, and Foot Ranking unlock awesome potential in aura reading, block exit gates, and immobilize Survivors.
Killer Power: Tier List
The Reviewer can press the Active Ability button on a Survivor within 10 meters to Rank their performance for the next 30 seconds. While being Ranked, Survivors are Incapacitated but have 0.5% Haste. If a Survivor is hit while Ranked, their Tier goes down by 1 level. If they succeed to break a chase while Ranked, their Tier goes up by 1. Tiers are locked in once the exit gates are powered. Survivors are highlited in white while being Ranked.
S Tier: The Survivor has performed near perfectly and can no longer be attacked once Tiers are locked in.
A Tier: The Survivor performed well, gaining 5% Haste when Tiers lock in and gaining Endurance for 3 minutes.
B Tier: The Survivor was okay, gaining 3% Haste when Tiers lock in.
C Tier: The Survivor wasn’t the best, but did fine. They are indefinitely Oblivious once Tiers lock in.
D Tier: The Survivor was bad, and are Oblivious and Exposed once the Tiers lock in.
F Tier: The Survivor was horrible! They are Oblivious and Exposed once Tiers lock in, and can be killed once downed.
Iridescent Add-Ons:
Sped-Up Video: A sped-up version of an iconic video. Reminds The Reviewer of pursuing the realm.
Grants 5% Haste when a Tier goes up or down. Lasts 10 seconds.
Iridescent Phone: A phone created in The Fog. It infinitely replays AZHYMOVS videos.
Limits possible Tiers to C,D, and F. This decreases The Reviewer’s base movement speed to 4.5 m/s.
I can’t think of more, perks and stuff can be written in replies by nice comment people
Did you guys know that pig has a cosmetic that makes her into one of the male pigs that popped up at the end of the saw movie before the jigsaw movie
I think that the Zenomorph is such a great adaption and the map is just godly
Dbd doesn’t have “Zenomorph”
@@jordiumu what do you mean that’s the alien
@@Therealcarlos726 I think he was just being rude because you spelt it wrong, sorry for him. Its spelt "Xenomorph" 👍
@@IgScar lol not a him
@@Therealcarlos726 it’s not spelled like that lmaooo
In my opinion Ghostface and Pinhead have the best adaptations. First Ghostface, they gave him the knife swipe from the movies and his design looks great, his power fits that of what we see from him in the movies as he is very stealthy only thing missing for me is voicelines. And secondly Pinhead, his voicelines are great and done by the actor who played him in the Hellraiser movies, his power and design is accurate to what we see in the movies and he is just so iconic and thats what i just realy love about his adaptation.
Hope the alien gets some amazing legendary skins for different zenomorphs
prior to pinheads release i was honestly a bit scared, that they would ditch the blue lightning effects, since they add a lot to pinheads overall appearance
periodt, slay Queen pussy out, 100% Fax spoken
I always thought bubba made the most sense because he’s guy with chainsaw that puts survivors on meat hooks
biggest issue with Pig is her not having her own music. The Saw theme is so iconic, such a waste
That hey everyone hit diffrent
I’ve been thinking about how good Nemesis possibly be changed and I feel like it’s be cool if he got a flashbang grenade launcher. Hitting survivors directly injures them, but the blast radius would cause blindness to disorient them. That way he can have a large weapon that he deserves.
M8 I was shocked when you put pinhead over alien but I gotta say I can’t decide myself whether pinhead or xeno is better LMAO😂
As Matthew Cote would say - They did a pretty good job so far
Some ideas to make Nemesis play better and feel more lore accurate would be a pseudo Oni buff, make it so tier 3 provides more than a range bonus. Include an action speed bonus to vault and break pallets better, and change his add ons too. Make an Iridescent add on allow him to skip the infection mechanic so that in two whips, he can down a Survivor instead of needing 3 whips.
I actually think dbd's ghostface could have perfectly been a scream movie killer
Nemesis on last place is deserved tbh. He definitely does not feel like the colossus and threat he is in either version of RE3, because lets face it, Nemesis getting stunned by a wooden pallet doesn't make much sense. But to be fair, I wouldn't be able to think of a way to accurately adapt Nemesis as a DbD Killer either.
It is accurate because they clearly just nerfed him, he’s still very scary in the game
He is still somewhat accurate IMO. They kept his unstoppable nature intact with the tentacle as he is easily the best pallet shredder in the entire game.
While I love head trapping people, it’s always bothered me that it isn’t a saw trap that would work in a team game. Maybe something that might temporarily pin survivors against each other to save themselves. That’s the jigsaw way.
actually now that you put it that way. A killer fundementally forcing survivors to somewhat turn on eachother would be a truly amazing saw adaption
I think they did a good job with simplifying nemesis for the sake of DBD, he can infect people like he does in Re3 and he mutates but just doesn’t change his whole body, the only difference being that in RE3 remake he doesn’t actually use his tentacle as a whip just as a way to pull you closer to him.
I’ve would have waited for the chapter after Alien as it’s confirmed to be licensed.
"My one gripe about Wesker is that his crazy mechanic that slows survivors down by 8% and lets you insta-down them with dash has a counter." Umm...okay, buddy...
Ayoo that Pig build is op as hell
I gotta say I really prefere Myers look in the original movie. I really like how te mask looks and I think his normal size made his supernatural abilities, like his superhiman strength and durability much scarier and closer to the supernatural. Its one of the many things I didn't like of Rob Zombie's remake since his giant size kinda justified his strenght while a regular size person with that kinda strength seemed more unnatural. Also, there was a scene when Myers was stalking his preys and it seemed really stupid that nobody noticed a giant hulk with a mask even in Halloween, while in the two first movies he just passed out as a normal dude dressed in a Halloween costume
I think it would be cool to have a character from Outlast be the next killer. Chris Walker would be cool but doesn't have great potential for abilities since he's just a muscular guy. The Walrider has great potential as a stealth killer IMO.
The representation of Nemesis described by S.T.A.R.S
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Nemesis: “S.T.A.R.S”
Resident Evil 3 Remake Nemesis: “S.t.a.r.s”
DBD Nemesis: “s.t.a.r.s”
now that alien is in the game
predator and terminator have to join too
Not complaining with #1 AT ALL. As a massive Hellraiser fan, he’s a perfect representation
If you set the video speed to 1.25% it sounds like he is speaking normally
Idk ig my only problem with the Alien chapter is the alien eggs and facehuggers weren't implemented in some way because they are seen alot in the series but as far as gameplay and technical I could see why.
And the problem I have is Freddy's old power was perfect in concept but ye it was definitely a joke in game. Now it's just passive and you don't get any penalty anymore for being asleep like you did before. Especially against some of his old add ons.
Skin for The Twins where Charlotte is wearing a plushie xenomorph costume and victor is a tiny facehugger when
@@nandanthony i don't think they'll make a skin where the Twins don't look so worn out. Most of their outfits have like hunting gear and supplies all over
the reason they didn't implement the facehuggers is probably because only a queen can lay eggs and not a drone xenomorph and a queen wouldn't make sense in dbd because they would have to scale it down a lot and it would just look goofy.
Old Freddy just needed buffs tbh. He's the only killer to date I've managed to 4k at top rank (I can't remember what the old ranking system was) with no perks or addons. It was more of a strategy based power than simply a chasing tool, and I quite liked that. Even now with the introduction of Skully, Old Freddy would still be the top dog in terms of surveillance. And his addons, my goodness his addons! They were fun gimmicks which were also USEFUL, a balance that the devs seem to have quite lost with the exception of a few lucky killers. I miss him, even now.
Pinhead is definitely the best licensed killer. And he is the best killer for me too. Love going against him and playing him
Fun fact: The DbD adaptation of Pyramid Head is actually despised by the Silent Hill creator
wait really ? why ?
This guy makes some really good videos
Great vid
Nemesis is DbD is a completely unique tyrant made for DbD in the same way that DbD's Ghostface is an original character specifically made for the license, no?
I think that as far as ghost face goes its would be pretty hard to make it accurate to the moives, I think whats in dbd is very good from a gameplay perspective. lots of newer players may not even know that ghost face is the killer till its to late
I think nemesis should have had some sort of UVX or oni dash
"with his little tentacle" 😂
I am still sad the facehuggers aren't a part of the xenomorphs power
if i had to be honest they couldve pulled alien off better, they couldve made xenomorph more slim and stealthlike and utilized facehuggers or something
i hope that they change the aliens chase music, its the only thing that bothers me
Freddy lacks the menace of either Englund and/or Haley. Unfortunately, he is replaceable with any other killer. In order to properly play Freddy one must be the troll from parts 4 - 6.
The Shape is always going to be underrated. I hear nothing, but complaints about him. People disregard the fact that Myers was always a simple character. The best way to play him is to focus on one's favorite "Halloween" film and simply role play; UA-cam player Stalky Boi has videos on this concept. One way to play is to be the sweaty, angry brute from "The Curse of Michael Myers."
The Hell Priest is a hybrid of his portrayals in "Hellbound," and "Hell on Earth.". It would be nice if he received a major rework in which he could summon other survivors to the realm to act as his Cenobites. I am picturing either a very complex gameplay style similar to Knight or Nemesis. This would be a high risk leading to a high reward. As a survivor main I would love to play a few games based on "Hell on Earth."
Bubba is fun, but most of the time I would rather face the Hillbilly. Hillbilly is an improvement upon Bubba's concept. The Hillbilly stood on the shoulders of a giant to make himself so powerful.
Nemesis dysmorphia
I can't wait for Freddy's rework next year
You should make an blighted killer video
Maybe a strange idea for a video but what about ranking survivors' commentary, grunts, screams, etc., on how believable and realistic they sound? Like which are overdone, which are strange, which are so realistic you feel for the survivor, blah, blah, blah.
I honestly don't know if you did a video like that.
Bro nobody actually cares that just the mask of Ghostface was licensed. You should have done it like they got him from the movies. Do you think he would be in dbd if the scream franchise never existed? Sure the mask is the only licensed part but it's pretty much completely inspired by the movies.
I love loopin big boy and bubba 😂
I believe sadako is by far the best, his power, now reworked, and being more powerful match her dreadful presence, visually is stunning , and funny enough my very first match of DBD as a survivor was against a sadako who gave me a scare once she appear and hit me
I was and still am dissapointed with Freddy and Nemesis. Freddy after and even before the rework was not adapted very good cause before it was just "Man that makes you sleep to do anything" and after "man that can make you sleep and left his period on the floor". He needs another rework just all about fake things in Dream World like fake pallets, fake gens, fake walls, fake AI Freddy that chases the survivors and make them scream when touched, fake terror radius or rather lullaby like he is the Dream Demon, he changes your world to his, changing things to his advantage. Nemesis is the similar thing, we got AI zombies (which are quite cool and good adaptation.... Same IQ) and tentacle that was never made to injure, just mobility and getting STARS closer to him. I would first change his animations to make you feel like he's a unstable pursuer:
-stun is just him looking down not even flinching
-breaking a pallet is destroying it with a tentacle by wrapping around it and squezzing
-breaking a door is him just walking through it
Now power:
You start match with a tentacle. This tentacle is a map mobility tool. You jump with it to the sky and choose where to land. You have 2 seconds to decide, after that it gets a cooldown of 20 seconds. On the map there 4 boxes, 2 with Flamethrower and 2 with Rocket Launcher (so the RNG wouldn't fuck you in the ass). When picking any of those weapons, you are slowed down to 4.4m/s.
Flamethrower has 100 points. It takes a point for every 1 seconds of use. After that you throw the weapon out. You can discard it earlier. Flamethrower can burn survivors, walls and pallets. When a wall or a pallet is burning it, after 3 seconds it gets destroy. When burning the survivor or when they vault a burning pallet, this survivor gets a 5 burn points. Burn is losing 1 point per second after not being burned by any means for 1 second. After those 5 points, pallets don't burn you but Flamethrower gives 2 points per second. After 100 points survivor loses a health state.
Rocket Launcher:
Rocket Launcher has 4 tokens. After using the ability button, Nemesis starts aiming showing a red laser. After 2 seconds of getting ready, he can shoot a rocket, taking 1 token. After 4 tokens you throw away the weapon. It can be discarded earlier. Rockets when hitting a wall gives survivor Splash Damage. Survivors hit by a Splash, become Defeaned and lose a health state. Area of Splash Damage is 8 meters. If the rocket hits a survivor they go into the dying state. Splash and direct hit can destroy walls too.
What do you think of that? Did i miss the mark too? Did i just made something so OP that even Nurse would shit herself or quite the opposite, that Trapper would call him trash and was right? Or did you not even read that? Comment cause why not
Schroedinger's Ghostface
luv ya vids!!!
I kinda can't believe you prefer how Myers looks on DBD to how he looks on the first movie...
I Hope more Resi Skins are coming
Nemi is weird because the way his gameplay is you'd think more about Mr X instead. At the same time I feel like if we're going to give BHVR props for making good adaptations when translation was difficult (ex Pyramid head and alien) then we have to be more forgiving with Nemi. Much in the way Wesker uses a tendrils to mimic his fast movement Nemi's is his way to interact with the environment of breaking objects circumventing having to use break animations.
The only place Nemi falls apart for me is it's interaction with a survivor. As on one hand the fact that his power gets more menacing with infecting people (thus evolving like Nemi evolves in RE3 and his relentless pursuit via getting more powerful against someone he chases) on the other the "feel" of Nemi whipping people just doesn't translate well. I also don't like that he punches people. Again something I could see Mr X doing but not Nemi. Similarly bothered by Wesker using a knife.
Honestly, May just be me but Nemesis feels more like Mr. X in DBD..strangely enough.
Let’s be real, scratched mirror myers is ideally the most accurate
Hehe... "well"
Pinhead is not a hot take at all, was the obvious answer to me when I saw the video title, he's perfect
Pinhead is super lore accurate! Causes pain to the survivors much like the films!
I mean isn’t that just the game and objective??
@@jordiumu it's just a joke, a lot of people hate going against pinhead
@@ConquerorKikii get mad he spawn near me while im trying to open a box or the chains💀
@@xguy2950 you open? he come!
Common Pinhead W. You open the box… he comes. Pretty Straight to the point right?
Okay.. pig section.. i have to know why you’re using predator and beast of prey (or territorial imperative i can’t tell them apart)
I like how dbd used the porn version of nemesis
@@ajvrkic1787 you you don’t questions like that around here
I main Nemesis, but I absolutely despise Nemesis
Horrible adaptation aside, the fact he has a power that's both tiered AND relies on rng
Idk what they were thinking when designing him
You need to bring back the lord videos bro
Honestly i don't blame you for putting nemesis in last. In fact his design which is from the remake is also less fateful to his og design in re3. Their a reason why resident evil 3 remake is the weakest out of the 3 modern remakes Capcom is doing.
Wesker's run is probably the worst thing about him lol.
How do you think they could make nemesis better in the game?