I thought it was on the 4th place but I was wrong. It deserved much better than 10th place. Anyway, from 2003 I remember this song, tatu, sertab ( i was surprised that she won up until i listened to her song for a second or third time) and that the UK's song was stuck in my head for a couple of days although it had gotten 0 points!!
sa recunoastem ca versurile de la aceasta melodii sunt mult mai frumoase decat cele de la playing whit gire ! eu unul ador aceasta melodie! Ascultati cu inima!
I happened to visit Romania 3 years later and heard a song in the radio (Honey). I immediately thought this must be Nicola, headed to a records shop and bought the CD. It is mostly in Romanian, I do not understand the language, but still keep on listening to it. That speaks for itself. Romania regularly has good songs in Eurovision.... but the one this year was just horrible (do not criticise me for that, it is my personal taste and I did not like it at all)
ce piese erau atunci frate ...acum locul 19 la eurovision ..hai ca poate nu e vina elenei ..dar ce vremuri erau ..mai tineti minte ozone ..mai e hit si acum dupa atatia ani in japonia si in america!
In comparatie cu Nico (2008) Nicola a facut show in plus a iesit si pe un loc mai agreabil . near Nico (2008) Nicola has made a nice show and more than that she took place better
do you know that the composer of this song has another song (in the Romanian selection for Eurovision 2013) called 'What is love' and sung by Renee Santana (Carlos Santana niece)? if you have the time please listen to it and share your thoughts here thanks
@B5H8 haha??? da guta sau salam ar fi mai bun?? este una dintre cele mai bune canterete romane de care ar trebui sa ne mandri! ...frumos stii sa vb, da ti-ar placea tie sa fii tu in locul ei pe scena nu?? eu cred ca ar trebui sa gandesti umpic inainte sa vorbesti si sa dai dovada de educatie !!
Seriously? A stripper? And the very annoying and utterly unnecessary great coloured discs (along with that 3rd dancer)? Thank goodness the song is amazing!
ce voce ciudata si chiar enervanta are aici sincer nu imi plsce msi bn a cantat mandinga in fine felicitari orikm...andra te vrem la eurovision mama sa ne intoarcem cu locul 1
@ana0spies o serios? ce loc a luat Nicola la eurovision in 2003? Fie ca accepti fie ca nu, Romania este o tara de mizerie iar acest lucru nu il spun doar eu, cel "fara educatie" asa cum ma consideri tu ci multe tari...iar daca nicola este asa buna de ce nu a facut macar sau daca nu mai bine decat Luminita Anghel? Eu mi-am exprimat opinia deci este punctul meu de vedere tu il ai pe al tau si a.m.d Intr-un final tu ramai la ideile tale, "inteleptule"
Kocham tą piosenkę - totalny wymiatacz, powinna wygrać Eurowizję.
Beautiful song.It should had win.
I thought it was on the 4th place but I was wrong. It deserved much better than 10th place. Anyway, from 2003 I remember this song, tatu, sertab ( i was surprised that she won up until i listened to her song for a second or third time) and that the UK's song was stuck in my head for a couple of days although it had gotten 0 points!!
my favorite east... or south... European country... great music, i get few music channels from Romania...!
sa recunoastem ca versurile de la aceasta melodii sunt mult mai frumoase decat cele de la playing whit gire ! eu unul ador aceasta melodie!
Ascultati cu inima!
i love this song ;)
This performance is amazing.
It's just so fun and energetic.
This song should have scored way better. I think it was one of the best ones that year.
the best song! He has a very good voice (Y)
despite the passage of time, the song continues to sweep the modern competition; D
Sin comentarios
La cancion me enncanta y el video tambien
Un beso para todo@s
Great song , 12 points from Spain
Adoro su voz.
faina piesa !!
Das war 2003 definitiv der beste Song,... Leider gehts ja schon lange nichtmehr darum wer den besten Song hat.
I happened to visit Romania 3 years later and heard a song in the radio (Honey). I immediately thought this must be Nicola, headed to a records shop and bought the CD. It is mostly in Romanian, I do not understand the language, but still keep on listening to it. That speaks for itself.
Romania regularly has good songs in Eurovision.... but the one this year was just horrible (do not criticise me for that, it is my personal taste and I did not like it at all)
ce piese erau atunci frate ...acum locul 19 la eurovision ..hai ca poate nu e vina elenei ..dar ce vremuri erau ..mai tineti minte ozone ..mai e hit si acum dupa atatia ani in japonia si in america!
13 ani de la acest com,ce mai faci?:)
my best and wierdest song in Eurovision music
I'd forgotten about that flag thing. That is pretty cool...
Should have won that year, good memories
ador melodia
Her voice was strange but very good song. Nice perfomance...she deserved top 3
Ba ce bunii au fooost :O :X
in 2005 it was the best song ;)
The best song there, could someone please tell me the name of that girl that dance so charming, I would be werry thankfull.
@livesontrial her voice is not annoying Nicola-Dincolo de noapte e zi listen it please
Drum & Bass!
@unsuperstar true
16 din cate imi aduc eu aminte.
In comparatie cu Nico (2008) Nicola a facut show in plus a iesit si pe un loc mai agreabil . near Nico (2008) Nicola has made a nice show and more than that she took place better
do you know that the composer of this song has another song (in the Romanian selection for Eurovision 2013) called 'What is love' and sung by Renee Santana (Carlos Santana niece)? if you have the time please listen to it and share your thoughts here thanks
Pe locul 10.
Румыния должна была тогда выиграть с этой песней.
fajna nuta
@AlexandruOfficial sunt de acord cu tine ;].Paula si cu Ovi au fost cei mai buni
@splendorica Da-i drumul... Sau ai facut-o deja?
eurovision it's a politic contest.
free-styler! rock the microphone! (sort of)
@unsuperstar sau ca in 2008 pe locul 20 .ma rog o mica diferenta de un loc
@B5H8 haha??? da guta sau salam ar fi mai bun?? este una dintre cele mai bune canterete romane de care ar trebui sa ne mandri! ...frumos stii sa vb, da ti-ar placea tie sa fii tu in locul ei pe scena nu?? eu cred ca ar trebui sa gandesti umpic inainte sa vorbesti si sa dai dovada de educatie !!
omg her voice is so shrill -0_0;;
Seriously? A stripper? And the very annoying and utterly unnecessary great coloured discs (along with that 3rd dancer)?
Thank goodness the song is amazing!
mda.. si banuiesc ca Mandinga sau Elena sau care alte fufe ne-au reprezentat si-au sustinut mai bine piesele.
hell no it aint
pe ce loc ne`am clasat in 2003 ?
nu prea-s comentarii scrise de romani pe aici, hmmm
what place did she win ????
vocea ei ar merge foarte bine pe o piesa rock, dar asta e doar parerea mea
relax she/he did not see Antonia or Alexandra Stan or Inna or Anya or Ella Rose
or any other beautiful Romanian girl...
@87DAB nicola
ce voce ciudata si chiar enervanta are aici sincer nu imi plsce msi bn a cantat mandinga in fine felicitari orikm...andra te vrem la eurovision mama sa ne intoarcem cu locul 1
asta nu este un fel de copie la "iti multumesc"¿?
tatu sau nicola trebuia sa castige
@ana0spies o serios? ce loc a luat Nicola la eurovision in 2003? Fie ca accepti fie ca nu, Romania este o tara de mizerie iar acest lucru nu il spun doar eu, cel "fara educatie" asa cum ma consideri tu ci multe tari...iar daca nicola este asa buna de ce nu a facut macar sau daca nu mai bine decat Luminita Anghel? Eu mi-am exprimat opinia deci este punctul meu de vedere tu il ai pe al tau si a.m.d
Intr-un final tu ramai la ideile tale, "inteleptule"
si din pacate a luat locul 10:((
brw ei
dnb de romania
Pop-Rock mai bn zis
te pricepi.....dar bine rau....pfff
@worried123girl we had worse :)
Саме цф пісня запам яталась! (окрім ТАТУ звісно)
Tendria que haber ganado ellos no Turkia
Ofcause it isn't..
Otherwise, how could sweden win and not, fx. russian speaking countries? It is different countries winning every year :D
Good song but her accent is too strong!
Way to thick accent for my taste...
bad english hot song!
NU... doar rock
melodia e buna,dar live-ul suna aiurea si prestatia e proasta....la fel si vestimentatia
good song bad accent.
good. but not as good as tatus
cea mai slaba melodie dupa mine care a aparut la concursu asta,seama foarte mult cu bomfunck mc s freestyler.
nu prea imi place...
Amazing voice and performance but the dancers are too cheezy and really bad styling!!!
The song is nice but the girl's voice is omg too annoying!
pf ..nu imi place ..
ce voce enervanta are
great song, terrible voice
slaba voce..
This is bad, lol
I HATE the English commentator.