Noah Levine on Buddhism

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @TankGirlBOOM
    @TankGirlBOOM 13 років тому +2

    My favorite thing about him is he's real and he tells it like it is.

  • @xtt20000
    @xtt20000 11 років тому +12

    Buddha nature is inside all of us, the reason I love Buddhism is that anyone is welcome, why condemn Noah Levine because of such petty things like tattoos and what he listens to.

  • @FaustAndTheNewWorld
    @FaustAndTheNewWorld 11 років тому +2

    Really inspirational. I love people who are a complete surprise! He is a Buddhist of the modern age. You can follow the teachings of Buddha and have full length tattoo sleeves! It makes no difference, it's what is inside you that brings forth wisdom. Not your skin.

  • @sujsam9921
    @sujsam9921 12 років тому +2

    as a asian therawada Buddhist, I really very happy to say thanks about your teachings about Buddhism.may prevail peace this world.

  • @Mushinkaz
    @Mushinkaz 12 років тому +2

    personally i connect with his four noble truths and i really examine each one of them with deep insight and realized that its Buddha's most fundamental teachings,I also like going to his direct teachings instead of then searching for''Buddhism'',his direct quotes and teachings gave me a lot of peace and even just few of his words and lines answered a million questions for me,they are very direct and authentic,there is no belief and i do not know who you refer to as they

  • @kulvipa
    @kulvipa 6 років тому +6

    I love you a man big man and your mind a beautiful I’m Buddhism in Thailand

  • @rourymiller23
    @rourymiller23 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you Noah, I'm an old skool punk. Dharma Punx changed my life. I've struggled with addiction, and mental illness all my life. Your book sent me to be a spiritual revolutionary. I do still suffer from many problems (I still suffer from addiction, homelessness, but when I read your books. I get hope that through meditation, and spiritually thought I may be able to overcome my problems. Thank you again for all your work to help us who suffer in life.

  • @CTFlink
    @CTFlink 10 років тому +10

    Great video. Thank you.
    As I understand it, it's not about ending suffering, it's about learning how to turn the suffering into something good. "To grow a lotusflower, you need the mud. You cannot grow lotuses from marble." Thich Nhat Hanh.

  • @888alp
    @888alp 7 років тому +6

    He has made some important changes to his life. Thanks for sharing your insights of budhasism Noah. Its not where you have been, its where you are now at present. Keep it up, your so inspiring and smart.

  • @amethyst205
    @amethyst205 11 років тому +2

    Sadhu sadhu sadhu ! Good for you Noah, many all God's protect you.

  • @Looop321
    @Looop321 7 років тому +10

    Buddhism is one of the most peaceful religions!

  • @ElPapasanga
    @ElPapasanga 12 років тому +1

    I really like this guy! His book Dharma Punx is great. I am not of his tradition but I like the freedom of how he has really personalized Buddhism for himself. This is the challenge for myself as a Buddhist and he has helped inspire this challenge to make Buddhism fun and fresh.

  • @funkeemon
    @funkeemon 12 років тому +2

    Great job for spreading the words to all brothers and sisters on this world.

  • @dnifty1
    @dnifty1 11 років тому +2

    The ultimate core of Buddhist thought is that the physical world is a transient illusion of the "real" reality. Yes, the physical world exists but it is simply a passing reflection of the infinite and boundless. In this way of thinking that understands humans as living souls looking for a purpose, or "constitution", meaning reason for being. And in the Buddhist philosophy the reason for being to see past the physical and understand ones true soul and true nature in relation to all.

  • @christopherdanjou
    @christopherdanjou 2 роки тому +1

    Noah’s book Refuge Recovery has helped me along my journey. His voice is so soothing although it doesn’t match his appearance to me lol. I enjoy his teachings

  • @jsenicar90
    @jsenicar90 12 років тому +1

    Like this guy, just started meditating, have to say its really difficult to concentrate on that one thought or no thought at all. But after only 2 or 3 meditating practices I gain enough motivation to continue with it, because of the calmness that spreads in your body and mind. I know I need practice to get there, and i will. Strongly recommend to anyone.

  • @zennovice
    @zennovice 13 років тому +1

    Thank you for your Clarity, Noah Levine, especially liked that you said Buddhism is an Experience, and also that everyone should find their own Buddhist approach,and also, so important to combine Compassion with Equanimity,very wise!!

  • @tknguyen44
    @tknguyen44 11 років тому +1

    To my experiences, I becomes more interest in Buddhism because of my own suffering... so the best way to learn about Buddhism is really learning about it while reflecting on one's own experience. From there, your own experience will guide you which teaching is more in sync with.

  • @richardhall5476
    @richardhall5476 11 років тому +2

    Interesting video. Thanks for posting it.
    I liked the way he recommened a "Buddhism - A Concise Introduction" and didn't even mention his own books.

  • @trivenisatyanarayana877
    @trivenisatyanarayana877 11 років тому +1

    I am a Hindhu, But I always loved Buddhism, because it is so intense & real & straightforward & uncomplicated.
    I have read 4 noble truths & 8 noble paths many times so far & conceptually i have understood it, but wanted a tool to practice.
    I mostly play games in my iPhone & I searched for Buddha related apps & I saw one interesting app called "BuDhamma"? by Lokesh
    Hanumappa. This app helps you practice 8 noble path in a cool way with reminders, reports, tests & graphic rich practice summary.

  • @scottjohnson6967
    @scottjohnson6967 8 років тому +4

    Your voice is SO calming. Love me some Noah Levine!

  • @yoooyoyooo
    @yoooyoyooo 5 років тому

    Buddhism did help me dump so much garbage from my mind. Helped me finally to accept human condition as it is. Not make it so much me and mine. I still suffer a lot from all kinds emotions that pop. Mostly because my mind is so fragile but I accept it so much easier. I fall, get up, dust my self off and continue. I don't stay in that whiny mode of feeling sorry for my self, or anything. It gave me this super power of not trying to do the impossible.

  • @krzystofsibilla3516
    @krzystofsibilla3516 9 років тому +3

    Pointing to the essence.I love you Noah.

  • @Jofishy66
    @Jofishy66 11 років тому +2

    I love Noah!

  • @leoyts9945
    @leoyts9945 11 років тому +1

    Meditating to discover the truth inner self and realizing that we are living in the dream world. You are already Buddha if you have awakened from the dream.

  • @CreaTiveArTist128
    @CreaTiveArTist128 5 років тому +1

    Brilliant speech!!

  • @Mushinkaz
    @Mushinkaz 12 років тому +1

    however in ancient India there were many Buddhas who have renounced there wealth and riches to pursue the spiritual understanding,it was not uncommon,however the one who has transmitted these teachings does not ask for your beliefs or worship,yet out of love,out of beauty we pay our highest respects and gratitude to the teachings of the lord shakyamuni buddha

  • @MrCanigou
    @MrCanigou 8 років тому +1

    Thank you for sharing this most sincere and inspiring talk

  • @friarjeff1602
    @friarjeff1602 6 років тому +1

    He said almost everything he needed to say when he said "Buddhism is an action."

  • @Theembodimentchannel
    @Theembodimentchannel 11 років тому +1

    love it. thanks

  • @Kaotiqua
    @Kaotiqua 12 років тому

    Half a breath at a time- when it's all about making your mind be still. All about your mind. At some point, you realize, your mind, too, is nothing. It's not about you. Not about your mind. Not about the stuff in your mind... it's about making room in yourself for the stillness, and room in yourself to encompass compassion. I have reached a point where I feel a pain of bursting with compassion. And where do I go from here? I just go.

  • @kokyawkyawsoe
    @kokyawkyawsoe 11 років тому +1

    I am really IMPRESSED about this video. I am also Buddhism.

  • @kmanandhar
    @kmanandhar 11 років тому +1

    It has enlighten me more on Buddhism. It may be the first time I patiently watched one hour long class youtube video.

  • @tknguyen44
    @tknguyen44 11 років тому +1

    In respond to the notion of "it's selfish to end suffering for yourself while the other still suffering..." (46:30) , just think of it this way: one can not save other if one is needed to be saved. It's like the blind leading the blind. One can not give what one does have. When one is suffering, how can one help others to alleviate others' pain?

  • @mushie1221
    @mushie1221 12 років тому

    Traditions change over geography and social need. He's not tearing them apart, rather pointing out the need to make sure that the teachings are always available to the time and place. Different forms attract different people. Don't confuse the form for the path.

  • @jessehannah2989
    @jessehannah2989 6 років тому +1

    Noah levine is the best

  • @ChaosInFlux
    @ChaosInFlux 11 років тому +2

    So let me understand this straight, you are trying to judge Noah on his ink, tshirt, and the type of music he listens to. Have you read either of his books or attended any of his meditation practices? Funny how plenty of people have heard of him and respect his insight on Buddhism. Quit hating bro, when you spend 20+ years following buddhism and then dedicate your path towards trying to teach others, then maybe someone might take you and your path seriously.

  • @JerryKonny
    @JerryKonny 11 років тому +1

    This is great. This is just perfect explenation of buddhism for the westerners...

  • @TheGreeny38
    @TheGreeny38 11 років тому

    love this talk. Down to earth, no bull and a normal person talking about practice. You can talk about it all day but practice is the key. I try my best but still swear, get angry and irritated and want a good session on the beer but i try to be aware. I used to be in the army and have tattoos but it makes no odds to the spiritual path i am trying to follow.

  • @wonapeaceful9698
    @wonapeaceful9698 11 років тому +1

    yes, it is really true about meditation,may i rejoice merit with you too. amittabha

  • @shanegunasekara568
    @shanegunasekara568 11 років тому +2

    oh... his knowledge about this subject is very very miner sorry to say but has so much things to learn he is not sure what is he talking about in some areas but both thumbs up been in a western culture and having such a disciplined an honesty..... only the thing is he needs now a good friend who has darma knowledge.... he is still talking about a very shallow area of my religion. Respect.

  • @MrCanigou
    @MrCanigou 8 років тому

    1:03:36 four things original to the Buddha, never heard before him and not added after he passed away (quoted from St. Batchelor)
    - Dependent origination
    - four noble truths
    - mindfulness
    - our self power for personal liberation

  • @xscdify
    @xscdify 11 років тому +1

    Hmm.. I've seen people trying to argue the fact that whether reincarnation exist or not.. If you actually evaluate with common sense, you can clearly see it does exist. But if not there is a way of meditation that allow you to see your previous lives, thousand, million and billions of your previous lives. This word allowance is too short to explain how you can do that.

  • @100lanka
    @100lanka 12 років тому

    This guy is very intelligent ! He answers the questions and explains things better than a Buddhist Monk does!!

  • @catsalive1
    @catsalive1 11 років тому

    I read his book, "Dharma Punx". I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in changing their life through Buddhist thought. He is very brilliant.

  • @MeditationProfondeS
    @MeditationProfondeS 11 років тому +1


  • @Lanka_Wildlife
    @Lanka_Wildlife 12 років тому +1

    Thanks for this upload. His lower jaw is prominent suggesting a sort of courage.

  • @jnaanagarbha
    @jnaanagarbha 12 років тому

    While doing that, he excludes as ‘added superstructure’ a vast range of Buddhist practices that may in fact be crucial in order to obtain nirvāṇa or Buddhahood.

  • @NamelessHill
    @NamelessHill 12 років тому +1

    yeah it doesn't really matter what you call yourself, just look at what he said and practice what he said and give it a fair trial. the important thing is actually practicing the Dhamma

  • @oioioijellyroll
    @oioioijellyroll 11 років тому +1

    You know what, man? You're right i did judge you and for that i apologize. You have youre views and i have mine. You're also right about me not knowing much about buddhism history or culture, at least not as much as most people, but i'm learning. As for the 'american' comment, if anything holds no merit it is that, idc if im american and you're not or vice versa, we are related as human beings wether you like it or not. Regardless, i'm glad we had this conversation.

  • @jnaanagarbha
    @jnaanagarbha 12 років тому

    If you say that ‘the Theravāda has a religious superstructure built upon what the Buddha taught’ you have a precise take on the nature of Buddhism; it doesn’t depend on meditative experience, but on your reflections on available scholarship. Levine goes to the extent of explaining what the Buddha’s most genuine teachings are.

  • @agnostoatomo
    @agnostoatomo 12 років тому

    It refers to the 4 immeasurables: Boundless Kindness, boundless Empathy,boundless Joy and boundless Equanimity beyond all labels and Conformisms.
    It seems clear, that not only i don't know you, but you don't know yourself either, as it's obvious according to your Statements. May you be Peace !

  • @MrJamboboss
    @MrJamboboss 11 років тому

    Though you are drug addicts earlier, I like your experiences, and you have learned alot. Read more books on buddhism and meet spiritual lamas and find about more about tantric buddhism which talks about rebirth-life after death

  • @Theembodimentchannel
    @Theembodimentchannel 12 років тому +1

    yeah! :-)

  • @epytel
    @epytel 12 років тому

    the dhamma rocks... a path to positively transform lives

  • @eddtheduck79
    @eddtheduck79 12 років тому

    I can associate with a lot of what he says. Think he has a great point.

  • @shamdhala
    @shamdhala 10 років тому +2

    Fully alive n awake now,after the hellish states of drugs,crime,prison and other afflictions.NIRVAAN this very moment.

  • @rodneyhatch56
    @rodneyhatch56 11 років тому +1

    Buddha was not hit with a magic glow stick. He became "enlightened", in other words UNBURDENED of delusion, ill-will and agitation. He became a realistic.

  • @ckyfan969696
    @ckyfan969696 11 років тому +1

    Or perhaps he recognizes that his body is impermanent and enjoys the way the tattoos look in the same way I enjoy looking at a flower.

  • @SleepingSun4
    @SleepingSun4 11 років тому

    Great inspiration!

  • @Goatboyfly
    @Goatboyfly 13 років тому

    Great dharma talk!

  • @tadpole256
    @tadpole256 11 років тому

    6:28 Start of Noah's talk. For those who'd like to skip the intro.

  • @patriotridge
    @patriotridge 12 років тому

    Great speaker!

  • @HolyCity2012
    @HolyCity2012 12 років тому

    Dharma Punx was extremely influential in my initial recovery.

  • @jayd4ever
    @jayd4ever 12 років тому +1

    buddha was a great man

  • @batun7488
    @batun7488 8 років тому

    peaceful life with meditation, free happy life

  • @badassaz90
    @badassaz90 11 років тому

    He has a really light voice

  • @TheGreatOliphante
    @TheGreatOliphante 13 років тому

    Great lecture!

  • @Buddhist1986
    @Buddhist1986 12 років тому

    which is my point the 'I" can never know enlightenement,so to judge enlightenement or anything with "I" is to judge by Samsaras standards.i didnt say to rely on external phenomena i simply said that denying the "phenomena" by useing Samsaran standards cannot is attached to Dharma until one (becomes) Dharma,there are many tradionalists(depend upon sutras(Dharma) not upon perosns)disagree ments in convo is listed in Majjhima Nikaya Panacattaya sutta.

  • @kimboslice400
    @kimboslice400 12 років тому

    saved my life man

  • @scarceface22
    @scarceface22 11 років тому +1

    Buddha don't judge, anyone understand Buddha shouldn't judge other base on their look. As long as someone strike for betterment of this world we live in, there shouldn't a reason to judge on someone base on their exterior appearance.

  • @kimboslice400
    @kimboslice400 12 років тому

    ifell in love with noah lavine my sophmore year dharma punx inspired me and stayed with me in mind n heart .. deep man

  • @cdn20782
    @cdn20782 12 років тому

    Great speech!

  • @oioioijellyroll
    @oioioijellyroll 11 років тому +3

    Who says it needs to be insightful? All i'm saying is that you have a very superficial view of buddhism and you judge just like many christians and catholics do. Enlightenment comes from within, you dont have to do works or look a certain way or hear certain music to achieve that. Its internal and personal. No one has to prove a damn thing to anyone but themselves.

  • @2omskwithlove
    @2omskwithlove 11 років тому

    Very good Noah )) talking about Buddhism is not like talking about swimming )), it is like talking about being a rock on the bottom of a stream, bellow a 4 KM think glacier ))))). It is so hard to die well... let's get started!!!

  • @kaziquefly
    @kaziquefly 11 років тому

    this is how I feel about buddhism at the moment :)

  • @zaroffhound
    @zaroffhound 11 років тому

    any mind that permits laughter is true.

  • @ITSbigwillystyle
    @ITSbigwillystyle 11 років тому +2

    Why is it a bunch of baloney? It's obviously been a practice that helped many people otherwise it would not have lasted over 2500 years. Btw, Buddhism is probably the complete opposite of ignorance.

  • @dhankinxpahath1743
    @dhankinxpahath1743 12 років тому +1

    The true Buddhism is Theravada. And the Buddha has visited the country Sri Lanka for thrise and he has also said the monks that pure buddhism will remain only in Sri Lanka. A plant of the bo-tree where buddha got enlightened,is also bn planted in Sri Lanka which was taken to the country by rev Mihindu, the son of king Ashok.

  • @jnaanagarbha
    @jnaanagarbha 12 років тому

    I agree with this, by all means. However, we are going on a tangent; the initial discussion wasn't about the precise purport of the term 'scholar', but rather, about how Noah Levine begins in one way and ends in another.
    He starts by declaring himself a practitioner, who shuns scholarship and books in order to focus on experience. He ends up with a rather patronizing scholarly lecture about what the Buddha taught and what the Buddha didn’t teach.

  • @agnostoatomo
    @agnostoatomo 12 років тому +1

    I'm happy that you won't decide that! Buddhadharma has nothing to do with such gross Generalizations anyway. How about applying the Teachings of Buddha onto yourself and practice the 4 immeasurables? You don't know what these are? it's never too late to find out!
    really precious.

  • @buenavistarumberos7833
    @buenavistarumberos7833 11 років тому +1

    I am sorry if I offended you. I am just tire of seeing people who claim to be amazing authorities in thing, especially Buddhism. They read a few books and went to a puja and now they can talk. Buddhism is not about being positive or negative. It is a middle path Philosophy, and like Plato said, right amount is hard to reach.

  • @mn01_
    @mn01_ 11 років тому +1

    I'm not really interested in getting in an argument in youtube comments, but I'd suggest that you do some more research. While Buddhism certainly has had supernaturalism grafted onto it at various times and in various places around the globe, its core tenets are entirely divorced from theism and spirituality in general.

  • @Buddhist1986
    @Buddhist1986 12 років тому

    (CONT)Traditionalist Buddhist is just a word or concept that derives a say the stop sign is red is not ego,it is simply acknowledging what it is with a word.the word itself has no meaning unto its self it is us that give the word meaning.also ALL words are used to discriminate one thing from anouther that is the purpose of words,so no there is no ego in stating what is,did the Buddha have ego when he said he was Enlightened?there is no ego in me calling a computer a computer.

  • @buenavistarumberos7833
    @buenavistarumberos7833 11 років тому

    there you go

  • @supporttheboooty
    @supporttheboooty 9 років тому +6

    i imagined his voice different

  • @me25422
    @me25422 12 років тому

    I like this guy.

  • @tknguyen44
    @tknguyen44 11 років тому +1

    Detachment has nothing with being homeless. Those two are now equated. You can be wealthy and be detached while you can be homeless and still be attached.

  • @ray180597
    @ray180597 12 років тому +1

    I like BUDHISM and MOTORHEAD too.

  • @waiphyohain
    @waiphyohain 11 років тому

    True. After all, Pali canon, scriptures of Buddhism is approx 11 times size of the holy bible, yet not a line of how to worship is found but only how to live for what reason. As a result, it can be considered a philosophy and psychology book, which means science. If you like, you can easily reject some concepts easily too, just as we can reject some ideas from philosophy and psychology books WITHOUT offending the buddha.

  • @jnaanagarbha
    @jnaanagarbha 12 років тому

    That he may or may not be a scholar would be of no consequence if all he did was to offer some basic instructions on meditating on breath. They are useful and effective. If we wish to emphasize experience and be humble practitioners, there’s no need to tear to pieces the existing Buddhist traditions by suggesting that they swerved from the Buddha’s core teachings.

  • @randyrhoadsfan75
    @randyrhoadsfan75 12 років тому +1

    i just dont wanna be one of those people that have to alter a religion just to justify it and then say "yeah, im totally buddhist."

  • @chopper84a
    @chopper84a 11 років тому

    well said!

  • @Mushinkaz
    @Mushinkaz 12 років тому

    ''Rely on the teachings,not the teacher''
    ''there is A buddha for those who not know who he really is,there is NO buddha for those who know what he is really''

  • @jnaanagarbha
    @jnaanagarbha 12 років тому

    I believe this continues an ongoing trend of creating a specific image for a 'Dharma-teacher' (this odd professional figure) to market the teachings into a specific niche. I am not sure that this dilution of the Dharma for the sake of marketing strategy may be of any genuine benefit - of course, I may well be wrong. Noah Levine is probably attractive, for high school kids or college freshmen. I wish the content could be more faithful to the richness of Buddhism.

  • @jnaanagarbha
    @jnaanagarbha 12 років тому

    ("Besides, being a "scholar" never means that your words should be believed and followed without question."
    And who in the world claims that?)

  • @jeffgunn22
    @jeffgunn22 11 років тому

    This was incredible.

  • @jnaanagarbha
    @jnaanagarbha 12 років тому

    If you have doubts about my claims that Noah Levine is doing a marketing operation, please do an internet search.

  • @Mushinkaz
    @Mushinkaz 12 років тому

    there seems to be an open discussion about standing on a position where you identity your self as a'' traditionalist Buddhist'',is this not an act of ego or ''i'' same as me taking a position in questioning because it also bounded by self identification of ''i''is it not?,the ground of question is the lord Buddha's teachings, for me all positions and identities i stand with is conditional and transitory,the only truth i find peace is in meditation.

  • @wanttoloveasitis
    @wanttoloveasitis 12 років тому

    Could you please write me the name of the book and the authors that he recommended?
    Thank you!!!!