Looks lovley, I'm thinking of putting a chip in my 08. Does this chip have drive lock? Also, how much more would the speaker be if I was to buy the chip and the speaker together? Thanks.
Hello there, thanks for getting in touch. Yes the sound project features speed lock/ drive lock on F7. The decoder MS440C (£123.10),Sound File (£15.00) Speaker (£16.95) :)
Hi David, great sound which you fitted to my EWS Dapol 08, how does this compare price wise to the speaker that was installed in my 08? I have another 08 ready for sound and love the volume on this speaker. Cheers Julian.
Hi Julian, sorry for the slow reply. We had this speaker in for evaluation, and have some on order with Alz Soundz, so can't give you a price currently. But should be able to when we get them in stock (which shouldn't be too long!) :)
Looks lovley, I'm thinking of putting a chip in my 08. Does this chip have drive lock? Also, how much more would the speaker be if I was to buy the chip and the speaker together? Thanks.
Hello there, thanks for getting in touch. Yes the sound project features speed lock/ drive lock on F7. The decoder MS440C (£123.10),Sound File (£15.00) Speaker (£16.95) :)
@@DigitrainsLtd thanks.
Hi David, great sound which you fitted to my EWS Dapol 08, how does this compare price wise to the speaker that was installed in my 08? I have another 08 ready for sound and love the volume on this speaker. Cheers Julian.
Hi Julian, sorry for the slow reply. We had this speaker in for evaluation, and have some on order with Alz Soundz, so can't give you a price currently. But should be able to when we get them in stock (which shouldn't be too long!) :)