I'm legitimately surprised by how many people think the thumbnail is pure clickbait, when I just meant for it to be a funny spoof of the thumbnail on my other Switch video. Also if I wanted to bait for clicks I would need 100% more red arrows and circles and ALL CAPS. EDIT: The thumbnail AND the title are both part of the spoof, not sure why I just said thumbnail before.
personally I was thinking "Is this just a baseless rant with no research done?" because I hadn't seen your previous video, but YOU are a smart person. You have legitimate points and valid logic with some concerns that nintendo needs to consider and tend to before the device is launched.
I’m watching this exactly 1 year later and it is interesting to see how worried you and other Nintendo fans were compared to the HUGE success of the switch. Thank god the switch came out to be as good as it did
@@Jesterman Not really; Switch did do well and has great games... sure, it's releases now aren't as great as at the start.... but it's now got a good library....
@@TheDeathmail I wouldn't even say the releases AREN'T as good as they were at the start. Metroid Dread revived a beloved (and incredibly influential) series that's been dead for nearly decades, and absolutely lived up to the Metroid legacy. Legends Arceus broke the mold in a steadily declining series. The Forgotten Land is being hailed as the best Kirby game to date. Plus, there's still plenty of big upcoming releases. BOTW 2 is promising for obvious reasons, Metroid Prime 4 is as well (especially in terms of visuals) and while Pokemon SV is somewhat worrying, there's always the off-chance that it will continue the pattern of innovation that Legends Arceus set while bringing back the core elements of the series that have been partially lost since XY.
And yet they still didn't do most of these things. But they DID make an impressive piece of hardware with acceptable battery life and a reasonable price.
Canada still has it pretty bad as always when it comes to prices. I'm happy with everything except the virtual console, and it's not like that can't be fixed.
i think deep down all nintendo fans are critising nintendo to some degree but have spaz fanboy disease and wont ever do it in puplic for realising the shame of themselves. but the good nintendo fans me included are happy to criticize nintendo as long as they make stupid mistakes. i do it with all three of the the console giants and with valve and steam in fact valve is now my mule for comedy since it is in fact a giant joke of itself.
@@familyguyfreemoviedownload8314 I mean, even if they gave it to us, even what they DO give us is emulation. So emulation is the future there in any case, lol
Sometimes I love going back to these old videos awhile after the fact. Arlo then: "The Switch has got to have awesome games if it's going to stand a chance." Me 2019: *insert hysterical laughter here* Yeah. Kinda think they did that.
Honestly I think it would be interesting to evaluate how everyone felt at the time as well as how much the industry changed. I mean who would have predicted Xbox games coming to a Nintendo platform?
Full list of worries and how they ended up almost 6 years later: The Battery - Good. Can run up till 8 hours, but it depends heavily on the game. The Battery is not a complain with the system though. The Price - Good. 300 USD with no add-ons or games. Overall considered a good price for most people. The Power - Meh - Has outdated tech from 2015, but it's more powerful than PS3/Xbox 360 but not quite enough as PS4/Xbox One. Nintendo has tackled the situation good though, even with the lack of power. The Switch being a portable system helped the power issue a lot too. The reeolution and fram-rate has also been somewhat fine throughout the generation for most titles. The Launch - Good. Had Zelda: Breath of the Wild at launch and has almost had one new first-party game since launch, even if it is ports, remasters or remakes. Virtual Console/Legacy Content - Bad. Virtual Console got replaced by a subscription service called "Nintendo Switch Online", which launched with NES games in September 2018. The legacy contentwas late, had been dropp feeded into the service and has overall been pretty bad. The service and games themselves are good, it just takes YEARS to release everything and no option to buy them individually sucks. No Split Platform - Good. Expect for the long Nintendo 3DS support and mobile games has Nintendo Siwtch been Nintendo's only plattform this generation. Marketing - Good. Has always had a strong focus on teens/young adults and the games reflect that. Awesome Games - Good. Not every game is a hit, but there are too many awesome games on the platform, both old and new. It's great! Overall, Nintendo Switch is somehow doing great even 6 years later. Awesome video too btw!
The Battery sucks on V1 Switches, but every other switch iteration such as the red box switch’s (standard ones we have now), the lites and OLED models all have great battery life.
Just imagine customizing the villager in a huge world with a lot of neighbors chilling in the beach fishing or catching bugs while you are thinking about make your house bigger and bigger...damn, i wish Nintendo could read this haha
Cristhian GM I haven't been too happy with Nintendo's handling of Animal Crossing as of late. The whole nickel and dime approach with the Amiibo functionality is something that needs to be better evaluated.
Oh god, no. Allocate resources away from a new Metroid for Casual City? Away from F-Zero for what can barely be considered a game? That might make others happy but boy does that rustle my jimmies. Maybe Nintendo just needs to spit their development team into two divisions. One focused on the more easy-going and relaxing casual stuff. And the other going for more mature, more story-based games.
That multi-billion dollar company thing is kind of what makes things harder. It’s easy to have a cohesive vision for where a company should go when you’re one person, but when you’re an entire company with a large group of senior staff, full of people with disparate thought processes, making decisions- all while being beholden to stock holders with their own ideas of what the company should do- coming up with a clear, cohesive, and efficient vision is nigh impossible. More money kind of is more problems, and while it’s easy to think that Nintendo is a ship being steered by one person, but in all reality it’s a ship being steered by a complex system of pulls and levies that all have to cooperate perfectly in order to reasonably accomplish their goals.
For anyone saying that Arlo is saying dumb stuff, just remember that the switch was JUST revealed and people had many concerns, comparing things with the Wii U.
I really like this vid, but I think the title's misleading. You talk (and are 100% correct) about what Nintendo has to do to make the Switch succeed (and implicitly what could make it fail), but you don't really go into the Switch potentially ruining anything at all.
You're totally right! Life has been so crazy that sometimes I have to make my videos in something of a rush, and I was just about done with this one when I realized that I didn't touch on what might happen to Nintendo if the Switch were to fail. It's certainly a topic I want to cover though, so maybe sometime in the future I can give it its own video!
Kai0ken10U I don't care if you have more than me. I'm saying stop begging for subs. Look at how many views you get compared to you're subs count. You've been asking people to sub to you, but they aren't watching your content.
It has been confirmed that the developers that worked on the NES classic virtual console work on the virtual console on the switch as well. Also Kai0ken10U you're pathetic.
christ, as one of those lucky, lucky millenials who grew up with a dad who loved nintendo and had a fucking STOCKPILE of nintendo games, i would absolutely love to be able to experience something like how my dad must have felt playing ocarina of time for the first time. some of my earliest memories are with the gamecube, which puts my childhood at a really weird sort of inbetween in gaming history. honestly, i'm hoping that breath of the wild can be exactly what its title promises for me. because my whole life, ive grown up with information about games before i played them. nothing was ever a 100% new experience... i grew up with everyone talking about what made a link to the past so amazing before i was old enough to get past the intro. i think that the Switch is my chance at my first _real_ adventure with games.
I Seriously doubt BotW will not live up to the Hype. It's gonna be a game that NEEDS to be played when it is fresh out, before the internet loses it's mind, and they spoil, *every* memorable moment the game has to offer.
I grew up with SNES and PS1, later (in order) N64,PS2, GCN,WII,XBOX 360,PS3,WIIU,PS4. I grew up in a broke family so It was amazing if we got more than 3 games a year, but I rented quite a few It is very strange but as I get older (I'm in my mid 20's) I keep tending to go back to "classic" games, and mostly SNES and PS1- call it nostalgia, but I miss when games were about fun AND skill, not DLC, graphics and online gaming, I can't like FPS and keep tending to last of us, uncharted and Metroid Prime. I hope Nintendo prevails as I feel it is the last company that supports local multiplayer- something Nintendo has always excelled on.
Yeah it's a huge problem for the current generation, I feel bad for younger gamers. you can't even have a game out for one entire day before youtube has someone on there playing it for you.
oh yeah uh, 2 years later! yeah, breath of the wild was exactly what i hoped it was. it was a hell of an experience, and it was... _just my_ experience, no spoilers, no outside influence. absolutely incredible. that sense of personal discovery probably is what OoT players in 1998 felt, too.
7 Years later. The Switch is now Nintendo's best selling Home Console, 2nd best selling Nintendo Console, and on track to become the best selling console of all time
TheCrazyNintendoMan ! it's a joke. because I see this guy with usually the top comment on silvagunners high quality rips. but I forgot this 2016 and you can't say anything without offending someone
VonFirflirch well technically if they did make sticker star 3 that would make the sticker star formula have more games the the original which would make the original 2, the not paper marios
Couldn't agree more on the games! I want Nintendo to make games like they USED to-- games that offer fresh, engaging experiences or are unexpected takes on established franchises that don't water down said franchises or strip them of what made them great in the first place. People want to act like the Wii U is loaded to burst with hidden gems that the gaming populace at large was too stupid to appreciate... when in all actuality the Wii U's lineup wasn't very impressive which is why most didn't appreciate it. Nearly every game was serviceable, yes... but nothing to write home about. - We already got a 2.5D Mario with Mario 3D Land... then Nintendo up and gives us another one with Mario 3D World. - We've already got more than enough "New" Super Mario Bros. games with the same generic, homogenized graphical style... yet Nintendo gave us another. - Smash was more Smash - Mario Kart was more Mario Kart - We've already played Wind Waker and Twilight Princess yet we got slightly shinier versions of them. The Wii U just felt like one giant retread. It offered mechanically sound and serviceable experiences, sure... but they were experiences that most of us are already more than used to. It's not that we're tired of Mario and Zelda... it's just that we want to see these franchises push the envelope and be better than what they currently are because we know Nintendo is capable of *far* better than tripe like Federation Force, Tri-Force Heroes, and Amiibo Festival. Nintendo used to make games that played with power; games that took the game industry by the shoulder and shook them 'til their teeth rattled. They made games that created competition and made the industry take notes. That's the Nintendo I miss. That's the Nintendo I want to see come back. I want a Nintendo I can trust again as a consumer. A Nintendo I can be excited about again. A Nintendo who won't bail on their console after only 3 years.
OtterloopB We also got Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze which is one of the best platformers to come out in the last 10-15 years as well as Xenoblade X (I personally loved it) and the games from non first party devs they funded that were mostly great.
I can see why Nintendo desperately tries to hook kids on their brand, achieving this would be incredibly important for them down the road. If they fail to do so now then who will be there for them in 15-30 years? For now they have the loyal crowd of the 80s-90s era gamers who grew up with Nintendo, who were hooked successfully back then. Sure they can sustain the company for a bit longer, but they will not be there forever. Nostalgia and trust in the brand are the main reasons why these young adults keep coming back, but once they go away Nintendo will have to rely on the new generation of gamers. And if this new generation fails to get into Nintendo's spirit there will be no nostalgia or strong brand attachment for them when they grow up and Nintendo will drown in competition. In more crude terms, breeding a fresh army of fanboys is vital to Nintendo's long term survival.
This is an extremely good point. I think one of the biggest problems with them targeting kids directly is that they just don't understand kids anymore. Basically none of the stuff that kids love nowadays are aimed at kids in particular, so focusing on the older crowd might even land them both markets if they're lucky.
Or maybe they could just do away with target demographics and appeal to their true demographic, If cartoons can do it, I'm pretty sure gaming industries can too.
Arlo As a child myself, I can understand your points, but I still feel like there are a few things you exaggerated. I love Nintendo as much as the next person, and I love most of the products they make (I do have to agree the last few years have been lacking). However, I also have to agree that the way they market their games is kind of... Well, it's not the greatest idea. I'm just one kid, and most kids like all their horror games and violent first-person shooters. Nintendo just has to try and stop marketing all their goofy, kiddy ideas, and instead focus on gameplay and what makes their games unique in a way that doesn't repel their target demographic.
That's a really good point. What matters isn't whether Nintendo's games are kiddy or mature, it's the unique gameplay experiences that you can't get from any other video game company. Sometimes Nintendo just seems to know what's right and true while other companies are too focused on pixels and cinematics. I think Nintendo's commitment to engaging gameplay and creating interesting environments that people can fall in love with should be the real marketing focus from here on in. They've done it before, and they can do it again.
Monsters?!? Monsters?!?!? GASP* two things...number one Arlo is not a monster how daaaarrreee you!!! Secondly why is "monsters" plural...there is only one person in the video...do you need glasses? 😉
Loved the video Arlo, but I have yet to see anyone acknowledge that Nintendo needs to ramp up their online. The Wii U wasn't even up to PS3 standards. The look on my friends face when I told them we couldn't voice chat and play Smash Bros. or Mario Kart, that I couldn't invite them, that their purchases weren't tied to their account, that we couldn't play 3D World or Mario U online. Today's gamer is used to the other systems' online. Party chat, achievements, account-based purchases. Nintendo NEEDS to accomplish this. They can't mess up, yet I feel they will, mostly because the fanbase always excuses Nintendo's shortcomings online. :(
Yeah, you hit the nail on the head, with the exception of the 3D world and mario U part, those games where not made to be played online. I have been complaining a fair bit about what you said, the wii u doesn't alert you of new messages, it makes playing online with friends a major pain in the ass. Smash 4 actually has voice chat, but the mic on the game pad is awful.
Jack Von Bartesby I know right! They only notify you via a light on the GamePad. And why wouldn't the OPTION of online for 3D World or Mario U be there? I don't have anyone near me to play local, so why couldn't I just hop online and play a couple worlds with my friends while voice chatting and having a good time? Or jump in with randoms when no one is around? I know there are trouble makers, but literally all online games have those types of players. And Smash 4 only gives you 30 secs of voice chat on the menus. 30 SECONDS. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It locks you out if you talk more than that. That will not fly for me in 2017 for the rumored Smash port. It makes me happy that there are other fans out there willing to spread the atrocity that is Nintendo's online. :)
Personally, I would rather Nintendo make good games, LOTS OF GAMES, for the Switch before I worry about their online. Their online support can be god tier for all I care, but if that system ain't boasting games, it will bomb. Focus on the games first, we NEED GAMES. THEY HAVE TO MAKE THEM. They did one thing right, that the Wii U did not, which was CLEARLY state that it's a new console and not make it very vague where people would be like "is this a Wii U expansion" or something. Nintendo is already doing one thing right. Here's to hoping they do more things right.
Medachod Nintendo is a multi-billion dollar company. They can have good games AND good online. This isn't an either or situation. There's no excuse for them not nailing both. They skimped on 2 generations! Besides, the rumors show it's being supported by Wii U ports. (While a slap the face of Wii U owners [all 3 of us], they're basically new games for everyone else]. They may struggle providing new content, but that doesn't relate to the online of the Switch's operating system. They're different departments of the company.
I like achievements because they help me see parts of the game I would have otherwise skimmed over. If you don't like them, then don't bother with them. Thanks.
Another thing it needs is a VIABLE ONLINE SYSTEM. None of that Miiverse crap. We need to be able to talk to friends and join in on them in games! If Nintendo cant do that I don't see the Switch doing well. The Wii U burned a lot of wallets for this reason.
You are absolutely right. NO ONE cares about Miiverse. It's useless. As for "it not needing to be Steam", I don't know what you mean. Steam is a gaming platform just like PS4 is and Xbox 360 was, not a chat based platform like Skype is, so I fail to see your point. Anyways, people today want to communicate with their friends and are not always able to come over to ones house to play a game with them. Restricting players purely to local play is straight up inconvenient and aggravating. Remember when Super Mario 3D world was going to have online play, but Nintendo scrapped it because it didn't fit their vision of what kind of multiplayer game it should have been? It upset everyone that wanted to get the game. As for games such as Call of Duty, I specifically remember it having online communications, but the developer had to make their own online system for the game in order to have any form of viable communication in the game. If every developer has to do this on the Switch, they simply wont develop for the Switch. It's that simple. Nintendo needs a viable online infrastructure badly, and to say they don't is misinformed and ignorant.
I don't know why you brought up that Mario Kart 8 has servers. Are you trying to prove a point with the fact that you can host and join games with it? Because literally every other game on the market that hosts online multiplayer can do the same. I don't think you get what I am saying. The problem with Nintendo games is a serious lack of communication on the system, especially if you want just want to talk with a friend while playing a game together. It is a convenience feature and convenience goes a long way on a game console. If I have to resort to using an outside program like Skype, Discord or a phone in order to chat with someone while playing, say, Smash Bros., it immediately delves into the realm of tedium. I should NOT have to resort to an outside media device just to do these simple things, ESPECIALLY if Xbox and PlayStation already offer these things. It is a chore to take so many extra steps in order to just talk to a friend, and anyone coming to check out the Switch that hasn't played a Nintendo system since Wii or GameCube sees that these features aren't even there, it will be an immediate turn off. Hell, the fact already bothers current Nintendo fans. It's not an issue on WIi U and 3DS, however, because the 3DS is a handheld, and the Wii U's library is mostly single player games, and the games that do have multiplayer are mostly couch multiplayer, so there is no point. That and the fact that few people play the Wii U. Bonus to Nintendo on the couch multiplayer thing though, I don't see many companies opt to do that in recent years, but I'd like to see both Couch and Online multiplayer from Nintendo. As far as messaging goes it is much the same issue. Of course you are going to use your phone or Discord to talk to your friends, but only _IF_ you're friend isn't on the console. But, what if my friend is already in the middle of playing a game and might not want to check their phone right then? Or say their phone is on vibrate or silent and they wont hear it until they have an opportunity to take off their headset and check their messages? Wouldn't it be easier to shoot them a message over the platform they are playing on so they will be able to see it? Messaging isn't for long winded conversations on a game console, they are used to quickly communicate with players already on the system. Most time people message someone on a PS4 is typically to ask "Party?" or "Halo 5?", for example. So, not having this feature would be a drawback. It seems like less of an issue, but if you want to join a party with a friend who is already playing a game who can't check/hear their phone, it is convenient. As far as being able to see what a friend is playing, I never brought this up. If you want validation, yes, it is somewhat of a moot feature, but does sometimes serve convenience.
Convenience will cost ya. I could see Nintendo stepping it up and having an online system comparable to PS4/Xbone in terms of communication between players. I could also see Nintendo charging $40-60 a year for those same services as well. I think Nintendo is still set on the idea of local multiplayer above all else, but that's old school now. Ps2 and GameCube were the last of that generation. The original Xbox had voice chat! Right...? Halo and such. I never owned it, so I can't say for sure. But they need to get out of that bubble of ages past and get along with the times
They have to sell it at a loss if they want to have both good power and battery life with an acceptable price. I'm just wondering how much can they realistically sell it for even when selling for a loss.
Tavo H ugh. That wait was painful with the Wii U. I literally BOUGHT IT for Pikmin 3 and all I had to play was Scribblenaurs Unlimited NSMBU. Which were on many consoles before.
Haxor inator I'm a Nintendo fan even though I have so much Xbox games... I think Nintendo is much better than Xbox.. luckily I have some Nintendo ds games on my phone
im a ps4, xbox and nintendo nerd, i actually really cannot stand pc gaming that much, i dont like a single aspect. infact i avoid it as much as possible.(mainly because steam cannot be trusted anymore and i have a pretty bad computer but even then i doubt id enjoy pc gaming)
Everything about the console was planned years ahead of time, 4 months isn't enough time to do anything. They probably did watch this video but it's too late to do anything.
It could work, maybe, if they try with it and not make Super Mario Bros for the sixth time. I bet you don't need to hear me talk to notice how unconvinced I am of that happening ;)
I need... we need Nintendo to do 2 things. We need them to bring those IPs back, such as Mother, Metroid, F-Zero, etc. They need to also make good GOOOOOOD trailers for those games to make them look compelling to outsiders who have 0 idea what Nintendo is. Otherwise they can release mother 3 and have all of us buy it but, what does it mean if no one else casual buys it? Secondly, Nintendo needs to embrace the Smash/Splatoon eSports scene. It can make it look appealing to competitive players elsewhere who play CS, LoL, etc. Plus, it's about time they port Melee.
its not that hard to run skyrim on the switch, i can run skyrim at 1080p on a crappy laptop at 30-45 fps, the laptop was from 2013 so it should not have a problem running skyrim with a good battery, the laptop has 4 hours of battery
My nigga I'm sure if I blind test you to see the difference between locked 30 fps and locked 60 fps, you wouldn't even notice the difference. I can almost guarantee you that the Switch is gonna be 30 fps on 720p to save battery, I guarantee you. Especially in a game like Skyrim.
KancerBoi Yes I can tell the difference right away. I used to play on 30 fps. Now I have a pc and everything runs on 60. The difference is night and day. You're just making excuses for the low power of consoles. Anyone who says there's no difference is either lying or needs to get their vision checked
When will you understand that the Virtual Console is dead and has been replaced by the subscription system? Get over it, Virtual Console won't be coming back
Bugsy 123 Lol, I ain't even American so I don't bother following stuff like that, heck I stay as far away from politics as I can. The only thing I know about Donald Trump is he recently became the President. And besides, that term existed long before Donald Trump became popular so your point is silly anyway.
i hope they bring back the old tradition of pakaging a solid mario games that plays like well a game, like super mario 64, sunshine. non of that motion control demonstration, mini game compilation crap.
xsogenx atleast mario 64 and galaxy HAD A REASON to replay collecting 120 stars, save the princess, overcome many obstacles find hidden secrets, complete the games 100%, learning the lore,read the story of the side character... etc ,etc wii sports and nintendo land feels like, "welcome to the game, this controller can do this.....play it with your friends.....thank you for playing"
I feel like the difference between the switch's advertisements and other consoles it that it targeted the older audience by being classy, not by making a bunch of M rated games
@Physical But they didn't make them. Nintendo doesn't advertise their systems with the mature games because a lot of third party games either can't run or are multi platform so the customer may as well get a ps4 or xbox one or pc if they wanted to play those games. Nintendo sells their systems with the exclusives, which 99% of the time are not M rated.
Nintendo needs to have the new Splatoon game at launch. It's one of the biggest hitters and the reason why some people bought a Wii U in the first place.
feral They need to give splatoon more support for an esport imo. I've been a pro player in the community since launch. And the support they have given us is pitiful to almost nonexistent. They hype up Splatoon in the last clip, yet the LAN tournament I drove up to Seattle for was literally 2 rooms and some wired Wii U's. they didn't even give us proper monitors. If they want a new splatoon to hit hard. They need proper support from other esport centric games. It's the reason why overwatch was such a godly hit. And I hope it's the reason splatoon does aswell.
Augestein Also it wasn't really all bad, everyone brought their own Wii U's and half of us brought monitors. But setup was much more difficult than it should of been.
U forgot about third parties. Regardless of how good the Nintendo games will be ( and they will be good) it's not gonna get anywhere without third party games.
Reports are saying that A LOT of third party companies are backing the Switch. It has almost been rumored or confirmed to handle Unreal Engine 4 so third party shouldn't be a problem this go around, which is probably why he didn't mention it.
StupidMarioBros1Fan tell that to mass effect fans. I know unreal engine 4 and dark souls 3 are impressive, but keep in mind that capability won't matter if it just doesn't sell enough to interest more 3rd parties. I'm not saying it will sell poorly, I'm just saying power isn't the only factor in interesting 3rd parties.
Tonto Skimmins no but it is a requirement for third parties to jump aboard. Without enough power, the console won't be able to even run a lot of modern third party games, which is why the rumours regarding unreal engine 4 and dark souls 3 are so exciting. But like you said, power isn't the only factor that interests third parties, so we shouldn't get our hopes up yet until we start seeing third party games come out for the system.
7 years later, the Switch is poised to be the best-selling console ever with a recent Nintendo Direct which was a smash hit and are unofficially #1 all time in software sales. This is without price cuts and with every major 3rd party AAA release either not being on the system or being on the system and running like trash and nobody buying it. Nintendo Switch is the GOAT.
This is what the cookie monster looked like before he was addicted to cookies.
He kinda became addicted to cookies when he was a baby, so this would probably be what he'd look like if he took a shower.
Joey X Smith Or after he was addicted to meth
Joey X Smith Reminds me more of Grover, but without a nose, lol.
seems more like his nephew whos mother is his camera shy sister and Fozzie bear.
Joey X Smith I didn't even think of that 😂😂😂
I'm legitimately surprised by how many people think the thumbnail is pure clickbait, when I just meant for it to be a funny spoof of the thumbnail on my other Switch video.
Also if I wanted to bait for clicks I would need 100% more red arrows and circles and ALL CAPS.
EDIT: The thumbnail AND the title are both part of the spoof, not sure why I just said thumbnail before.
Arlo Lol
Yup, people are so blind nowadays...
People these days. DanTDM's videos are clickbait.
DoubleDasher, you got it wrong. DanTDM's videos aren't just clickbait, they suck.
personally I was thinking "Is this just a baseless rant with no research done?" because I hadn't seen your previous video, but YOU are a smart person. You have legitimate points and valid logic with some concerns that nintendo needs to consider and tend to before the device is launched.
I’m watching this exactly 1 year later and it is interesting to see how worried you and other Nintendo fans were compared to the HUGE success of the switch. Thank god the switch came out to be as good as it did
Hah, this aged poorly
@@Jesterman ngl this was back when nintendo was more on the ball with first party support, I honestly forgot I made this comment lol
@@Jesterman Not really; Switch did do well and has great games... sure, it's releases now aren't as great as at the start.... but it's now got a good library....
I like how a lot of the things he mentioned were true like launch and virtual console
@@TheDeathmail I wouldn't even say the releases AREN'T as good as they were at the start. Metroid Dread revived a beloved (and incredibly influential) series that's been dead for nearly decades, and absolutely lived up to the Metroid legacy. Legends Arceus broke the mold in a steadily declining series. The Forgotten Land is being hailed as the best Kirby game to date.
Plus, there's still plenty of big upcoming releases. BOTW 2 is promising for obvious reasons, Metroid Prime 4 is as well (especially in terms of visuals) and while Pokemon SV is somewhat worrying, there's always the off-chance that it will continue the pattern of innovation that Legends Arceus set while bringing back the core elements of the series that have been partially lost since XY.
A year and a half later...I’d say it worked out well
And yet they still didn't do most of these things. But they DID make an impressive piece of hardware with acceptable battery life and a reasonable price.
Canada still has it pretty bad as always when it comes to prices. I'm happy with everything except the virtual console, and it's not like that can't be fixed.
Nintendo fucked up the virtual console though...
Perfectly in my mind, I own one and I assume you do to and WOW power and battery (more so for the joy-cons) are DEFINITELY not a problem
Almost 2 years after launch I can confirm this
As Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures would say, "We must be very cautious"
NapalmMan10 yesssss!
Jumpmon As Joseph Stalin would say on a rare occasion: "We must be cautious moving forward."
Jumpmon I thought it was "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao"
I love that you're a Nintendo fan who isn't afraid of criticizing Nintendo.
And I totally agree that Nintendo games should be darker/ less cartoony!!!!!!!!!
Please tell me you didn't respond to yourself
I did respond to myself because I'm lonely and pretending like I have friends gives me satisfaction in life. Why do you ask
i think deep down all nintendo fans are critising nintendo to some degree but have spaz fanboy disease and wont ever do it in puplic for realising the shame of themselves. but the good nintendo fans me included are happy to criticize nintendo as long as they make stupid mistakes. i do it with all three of the the console giants and with valve and steam in fact valve is now my mule for comedy since it is in fact a giant joke of itself.
most Nintendo fans I know criticize the company but defend the games.
3 years later, still being drip fed SNES games.
4 years later.
@@glungusgongus yup
it’s 2021 and we don’t even have freaking earthbound yet. emulation is the future, kids
@@familyguyfreemoviedownload8314 I mean, even if they gave it to us, even what they DO give us is emulation. So emulation is the future there in any case, lol
Now they're going to drip feed us N64 games in higher prices
"You know who Nintendo consoles REALLY appeal to?"
As a british person..... muppet means idiot so your calling the entire nintendo fan base idiots😂😂😂😂
@@davidjolly07 i never knew that before
@@pedrogutierrez125 it’s really common slang on British culture actually
I get it
@@davidjolly07 they sometimes are not all of them but some of them
Sometimes I love going back to these old videos awhile after the fact.
Arlo then: "The Switch has got to have awesome games if it's going to stand a chance."
Me 2019: *insert hysterical laughter here* Yeah. Kinda think they did that.
I just discovered Arlo. Who knew we could have a Muppet making a solid point about an upcoming gaming platform?
Vince Perin Except Arlo is not a Muppet, he is an actual living thing that's for real.
Kirk Nelson is he in a huge suit or something or is he actually a living puppet.... Lol
Shymicah Willis puppet? what are you talking about?
Kirk Nelson You tell me. You said he was a real living thing, I was just asking.
Muppet? No Arlo exist, Muppets are fiction
I’d love to see an “Arlo reacts” to this.
Honestly I think it would be interesting to evaluate how everyone felt at the time as well as how much the industry changed. I mean who would have predicted Xbox games coming to a Nintendo platform?
Full list of worries and how they ended up almost 6 years later:
The Battery - Good. Can run up till 8 hours, but it depends heavily on the game. The Battery is not a complain with the system though.
The Price - Good. 300 USD with no add-ons or games. Overall considered a good price for most people.
The Power - Meh - Has outdated tech from 2015, but it's more powerful than PS3/Xbox 360 but not quite enough as PS4/Xbox One. Nintendo has tackled the situation good though, even with the lack of power. The Switch being a portable system helped the power issue a lot too. The reeolution and fram-rate has also been somewhat fine throughout the generation for most titles.
The Launch - Good. Had Zelda: Breath of the Wild at launch and has almost had one new first-party game since launch, even if it is ports, remasters or remakes.
Virtual Console/Legacy Content - Bad. Virtual Console got replaced by a subscription service called "Nintendo Switch Online", which launched with NES games in September 2018. The legacy contentwas late, had been dropp feeded into the service and has overall been pretty bad. The service and games themselves are good, it just takes YEARS to release everything and no option to buy them individually sucks.
No Split Platform - Good. Expect for the long Nintendo 3DS support and mobile games has Nintendo Siwtch been Nintendo's only plattform this generation.
Marketing - Good. Has always had a strong focus on teens/young adults and the games reflect that.
Awesome Games - Good. Not every game is a hit, but there are too many awesome games on the platform, both old and new. It's great!
Overall, Nintendo Switch is somehow doing great even 6 years later.
Awesome video too btw!
The Battery sucks on V1 Switches, but every other switch iteration such as the red box switch’s (standard ones we have now), the lites and OLED models all have great battery life.
What the Fuckshi?
I hope that ad ends up being the last evidence of human existence
I have never see That ad before and the ad sucks, it really really sucks
Well at least it made a pretty fresh meme
2019: How the Switch Fixed EVERYTHING
Drift: allow me to introduce myself
I've had a switch for 4 month and 0 drift
i’ve had switch for 1 year and no drift
grillo シ do y’all got smash? Or play fortnite? These games seem to tear through my joycons
Master Karma yeah i play smash, but no fortnite
*Nintendo just need to make a fucking big and awesome Animal Crossing game*
YES! Animal Crossing works on the couch and on the go - the Switch would be perfect for it, IMO.
Just imagine customizing the villager in a huge world with a lot of neighbors chilling in the beach fishing or catching bugs while you are thinking about make your house bigger and bigger...damn, i wish Nintendo could read this haha
Cristhian GM That'd be epic
Cristhian GM I haven't been too happy with Nintendo's handling of Animal Crossing as of late. The whole nickel and dime approach with the Amiibo functionality is something that needs to be better evaluated.
Oh god, no. Allocate resources away from a new Metroid for Casual City? Away from F-Zero for what can barely be considered a game? That might make others happy but boy does that rustle my jimmies. Maybe Nintendo just needs to spit their development team into two divisions. One focused on the more easy-going and relaxing casual stuff. And the other going for more mature, more story-based games.
Why is a blue muppet making better business decisions than a multi-million dollar gaming company?
Sprango Correction: multi-BILLION.
Because he checks what fans want. Nintendo needs it to be so popular to do it.
That multi-billion dollar company thing is kind of what makes things harder. It’s easy to have a cohesive vision for where a company should go when you’re one person, but when you’re an entire company with a large group of senior staff, full of people with disparate thought processes, making decisions- all while being beholden to stock holders with their own ideas of what the company should do- coming up with a clear, cohesive, and efficient vision is nigh impossible. More money kind of is more problems, and while it’s easy to think that Nintendo is a ship being steered by one person, but in all reality it’s a ship being steered by a complex system of pulls and levies that all have to cooperate perfectly in order to reasonably accomplish their goals.
Hirosei the Cosmic Guy probably multi-*TRILLION*
Alistocrat idk
Kid Goku lol I feel bad for the guy in the commercial
Bearman3600 ya lol
"You're dead if you only aim for kids, adults are just grown up kids anyway" - Walt Disney
BayLaugh Animations "Whaoshi! It's a double Yoshi exploshi!" -
BayLaugh Animations Walt Disney was a smart man
No, no he was not, the Donald Duck cartoon was *Anti* Third Rike propaganda.
Walt "funny handshake" Disney, fuck him.
woshi! it's a giant yoshi exploshy! I died
giant DOUBLE yoshi
oh my goshi
Nico Fautz Blue Kirrbbbyyyy
Oh Noshi!
I came back to this to see my old comment: "The cost for an additional controller seems like a certainty"
GG Nintendo, GG.
Nintendo told us to buy Wii U, and then they Switched out on us.
can't tell if intentional pun or serious comment...
+lightfire2012 I can't tell either
Doctor Robotnik Says an enemy who sucks beating Sonic.
WhatAreYouBuyen I don't get why you're verified.
lightfire2012 of all the flavors, you chose the salt
Im the only one still hoping for a F-Zero sequel ?
Atheris Nerayen yeah
NO! ua-cam.com/video/GIs8UhDjgoI/v-deo.html&list=PLvNp0Boas720PuAWjEgOecJNZRLt8Sh7i&index=47
Atheris Nerayen they should call it F-Zero NX
They'll rather make a port/remake over to the switch, not a sequel.
Atheris Nerayen yes
A year later, you've got BOTW, Mario+Rabbits Ubisoft collab, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 DX, & Splatoon 2. Exceeded far beyond expectations.
Virtual Advertising Columbia mmm bethesda
than in 2018 & 19, Smash with a sans mii costume and mario maker 2, which is both WAY bigger than it needs to be.
just gonna say this now, breath of the wild is fucking shit and did not deserve game of the year.
@@potatoking4227 how
acnh which is massive too, and smash, and other things too
For anyone saying that Arlo is saying dumb stuff, just remember that the switch was JUST revealed and people had many concerns, comparing things with the Wii U.
I really like this vid, but I think the title's misleading. You talk (and are 100% correct) about what Nintendo has to do to make the Switch succeed (and implicitly what could make it fail), but you don't really go into the Switch potentially ruining anything at all.
You're totally right! Life has been so crazy that sometimes I have to make my videos in something of a rush, and I was just about done with this one when I realized that I didn't touch on what might happen to Nintendo if the Switch were to fail. It's certainly a topic I want to cover though, so maybe sometime in the future I can give it its own video!
Arlo I'd sure love to see that video.
In the meantime, I think this one needs a new title.
Damn man. In that much of a rush?? lol
+Marcell Borgen Lol!
Ay fireflocs my boy Arlo ain't no bitch he isn't gonna concede to your tyrannical orders
So Nintendo's primary market is a blue puppet?
There are a lot of blue puppets that grew up with the NES. You'd be surprised
Rutabaga XD
Why do you think so many Nintendo events stared puppets?
Pretty much
I hope they also use better emulation for Virtual Console games.
gamerz1 if u subscribe to me I will to u
Kai0ken10U Sorry, I don't sub for subs. You should earn subscribers instead of begging.
gamerz1 what do u mean I have100+ more than u but... ok I dont mind dude
Kai0ken10U I don't care if you have more than me. I'm saying stop begging for subs. Look at how many views you get compared to you're subs count. You've been asking people to sub to you, but they aren't watching your content.
It has been confirmed that the developers that worked on the NES classic virtual console work on the virtual console on the switch as well.
Also Kai0ken10U you're pathetic.
Annnnd, it's the best selling console of this generation.
Actually, the ps4 has over 100 million to the switches 55 million
Yes, and the PS4 released in 2013 while the switch released in 2017
@@haiderpoetryandnasheeds6301 fact
@2026: Sebastian Barron Terceros in terms of the rate it’s selling, it is
christ, as one of those lucky, lucky millenials who grew up with a dad who loved nintendo and had a fucking STOCKPILE of nintendo games, i would absolutely love to be able to experience something like how my dad must have felt playing ocarina of time for the first time. some of my earliest memories are with the gamecube, which puts my childhood at a really weird sort of inbetween in gaming history.
honestly, i'm hoping that breath of the wild can be exactly what its title promises for me. because my whole life, ive grown up with information about games before i played them. nothing was ever a 100% new experience... i grew up with everyone talking about what made a link to the past so amazing before i was old enough to get past the intro.
i think that the Switch is my chance at my first _real_ adventure with games.
I Seriously doubt BotW will not live up to the Hype.
It's gonna be a game that NEEDS to be played when it is fresh out, before the internet loses it's mind, and they spoil, *every* memorable moment the game has to offer.
I grew up with SNES and PS1, later (in order) N64,PS2, GCN,WII,XBOX 360,PS3,WIIU,PS4.
I grew up in a broke family so It was amazing if we got more than 3 games a year, but I rented quite a few
It is very strange but as I get older (I'm in my mid 20's) I keep tending to go back to "classic" games, and mostly SNES and PS1- call it nostalgia, but I miss when games were about fun AND skill, not DLC, graphics and online gaming, I can't like FPS and keep tending to last of us, uncharted and Metroid Prime.
I hope Nintendo prevails as I feel it is the last company that supports local multiplayer- something Nintendo has always excelled on.
Yeah it's a huge problem for the current generation, I feel bad for younger gamers.
you can't even have a game out for one entire day before youtube has someone on there playing it for you.
oh yeah uh, 2 years later!
yeah, breath of the wild was exactly what i hoped it was. it was a hell of an experience, and it was... _just my_ experience, no spoilers, no outside influence.
absolutely incredible. that sense of personal discovery probably is what OoT players in 1998 felt, too.
The vonsscout show : Reviews and analysis this is an underrated comment.
What the hell 😂
7 Years later. The Switch is now Nintendo's best selling Home Console, 2nd best selling Nintendo Console, and on track to become the best selling console of all time
Wooahshi! it's a double yoshi exploshi!
someone pls link me to that commercial
Why would you want that
We don’t talk about that advertisement. Or any Wii U ads
Regirex hot buttered poPCORN THATS A DEAL
Your VGM taste is top tier! All these great songs make the video so much more enjoyable than it already is.
SSB_Seal go back to commenting on silvagunners channel
TheCrazyNintendoMan ! it's a joke. because I see this guy with usually the top comment on silvagunners high quality rips. but I forgot this 2016 and you can't say anything without offending someone
TGW LOL, yeah I would if they weren't holding off on rips right now for the celebration thats coming up
TheCrazyNintendoMan ! sorry if I sounded like a tito dick. I understand about not being able to read emotions through text. no hard feelings?
I get this too sometimes.
How the Switch could ruin everything? With Paper Mario: Sticker Star 3.
Carlos Flare You and your Paper Mario related comments, lol.
What can i do? I use Mr. L as my profile picture.
According to an interview with game informer, Sticker Star 3 won't happen, however, we'll get Not Paper Mario 4.
Oh come on, Color Splash wasn't bad. Also they said they are not going to do the same gameplay style.
VonFirflirch well technically if they did make sticker star 3 that would make the sticker star formula have more games the the original which would make the original 2, the not paper marios
Thanks for the Tallon Overworld Depths music from Metroid Prime ;)
You and I would get along. I picked up on that too.
that theme is amazing
Abstract Daddy ^-^
It’s 2019, and somehow Nintendo did it all perfectly right... except online and virtual console
still like that vc and online are the same thing now and they both suck
they may suck but they are improving steadily
Couldn't agree more on the games! I want Nintendo to make games like they USED to-- games that offer fresh, engaging experiences or are unexpected takes on established franchises that don't water down said franchises or strip them of what made them great in the first place.
People want to act like the Wii U is loaded to burst with hidden gems that the gaming populace at large was too stupid to appreciate... when in all actuality the Wii U's lineup wasn't very impressive which is why most didn't appreciate it. Nearly every game was serviceable, yes... but nothing to write home about.
- We already got a 2.5D Mario with Mario 3D Land... then Nintendo up and gives us another one with Mario 3D World.
- We've already got more than enough "New" Super Mario Bros. games with the same generic, homogenized graphical style... yet Nintendo gave us another.
- Smash was more Smash
- Mario Kart was more Mario Kart
- We've already played Wind Waker and Twilight Princess yet we got slightly shinier versions of them.
The Wii U just felt like one giant retread. It offered mechanically sound and serviceable experiences, sure... but they were experiences that most of us are already more than used to.
It's not that we're tired of Mario and Zelda... it's just that we want to see these franchises push the envelope and be better than what they currently are because we know Nintendo is capable of *far* better than tripe like Federation Force, Tri-Force Heroes, and Amiibo Festival. Nintendo used to make games that played with power; games that took the game industry by the shoulder and shook them 'til their teeth rattled. They made games that created competition and made the industry take notes. That's the Nintendo I miss. That's the Nintendo I want to see come back. I want a Nintendo I can trust again as a consumer. A Nintendo I can be excited about again. A Nintendo who won't bail on their console after only 3 years.
Here here!
OtterloopB We also got Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze which is one of the best platformers to come out in the last 10-15 years as well as Xenoblade X (I personally loved it) and the games from non first party devs they funded that were mostly great.
they definitely went cheap when it came to developing games for the 3DS and Wii U overall, that's for sure.
I want zelda tech demo 2011 to become a game T-T I dont like Breath of the wild is tooooo similar to wind waker.
OtterloopB imo Smash was the only game that felt like a true successor rather then place holder for the Wii U
An arlo video is the perfect way to end a good day
It's 1 in the morning for me so it's a great start to the day.
Jad that sounds oddly sexual
Tyke I couldn't agree more
yes same
Agreed lol and to start the xmas break :)
I thought this would be a shitty clickbait "the switch is a shitty gimmick" sort of video, but this was really well done. Props to you.
bl_ash yeah Arlos great
I can see why Nintendo desperately tries to hook kids on their brand, achieving this would be incredibly important for them down the road. If they fail to do so now then who will be there for them in 15-30 years? For now they have the loyal crowd of the 80s-90s era gamers who grew up with Nintendo, who were hooked successfully back then. Sure they can sustain the company for a bit longer, but they will not be there forever. Nostalgia and trust in the brand are the main reasons why these young adults keep coming back, but once they go away Nintendo will have to rely on the new generation of gamers. And if this new generation fails to get into Nintendo's spirit there will be no nostalgia or strong brand attachment for them when they grow up and Nintendo will drown in competition.
In more crude terms, breeding a fresh army of fanboys is vital to Nintendo's long term survival.
This is an extremely good point. I think one of the biggest problems with them targeting kids directly is that they just don't understand kids anymore. Basically none of the stuff that kids love nowadays are aimed at kids in particular, so focusing on the older crowd might even land them both markets if they're lucky.
Or maybe they could just do away with target demographics and appeal to their true demographic, If cartoons can do it, I'm pretty sure gaming industries can too.
Arlo well, the crowd of 20s-30s are ripe to reproduce, and their kids could end up playing the games they have anyhow!
Arlo As a child myself, I can understand your points, but I still feel like there are a few things you exaggerated. I love Nintendo as much as the next person, and I love most of the products they make (I do have to agree the last few years have been lacking). However, I also have to agree that the way they market their games is kind of... Well, it's not the greatest idea. I'm just one kid, and most kids like all their horror games and violent first-person shooters. Nintendo just has to try and stop marketing all their goofy, kiddy ideas, and instead focus on gameplay and what makes their games unique in a way that doesn't repel their target demographic.
That's a really good point. What matters isn't whether Nintendo's games are kiddy or mature, it's the unique gameplay experiences that you can't get from any other video game company. Sometimes Nintendo just seems to know what's right and true while other companies are too focused on pixels and cinematics. I think Nintendo's commitment to engaging gameplay and creating interesting environments that people can fall in love with should be the real marketing focus from here on in. They've done it before, and they can do it again.
Yeah...I have the game CRAFTY MINES BTW
Dude I just love my crafty mine, it just gives you a sense of crafting!
And they're Hinges of war, and there legends of leagues,
don forget tubeyou's with the gadgetry videos
I love crafty mines! so fun! also call of shootys!
since when the cookie monster talk about nintendo?
you must be new to this channel
Gee what was your first clue?
Evelia Ramirez Lmao your only comeback
MartinJʀ It's a fusion monster if Grover and cookie monster.
Monsters?!? Monsters?!?!? GASP* two things...number one Arlo is not a monster how daaaarrreee you!!! Secondly why is "monsters" plural...there is only one person in the video...do you need glasses? 😉
"Call of shooties" - I'm stealing that.
"They got their Craftymines and Call of Shootys"
-- Arlo , 2016
Dino Lover which is cannot be more truthful, casuals are into shooting games and minecraft more than Nintendo games
I watched with captions on and it said the kids have their college duties.
Jadyn Sopha By your same logic though there's no point in saying that Muppets exist at all.
GD Chomply
Oh look a gd fan lol
Loved the video Arlo, but I have yet to see anyone acknowledge that Nintendo needs to ramp up their online. The Wii U wasn't even up to PS3 standards. The look on my friends face when I told them we couldn't voice chat and play Smash Bros. or Mario Kart, that I couldn't invite them, that their purchases weren't tied to their account, that we couldn't play 3D World or Mario U online. Today's gamer is used to the other systems' online. Party chat, achievements, account-based purchases. Nintendo NEEDS to accomplish this. They can't mess up, yet I feel they will, mostly because the fanbase always excuses Nintendo's shortcomings online. :(
Yeah, you hit the nail on the head, with the exception of the 3D world and mario U part, those games where not made to be played online.
I have been complaining a fair bit about what you said, the wii u doesn't alert you of new messages, it makes playing online with friends a major pain in the ass.
Smash 4 actually has voice chat, but the mic on the game pad is awful.
Jack Von Bartesby
I know right! They only notify you via a light on the GamePad. And why wouldn't the OPTION of online for 3D World or Mario U be there? I don't have anyone near me to play local, so why couldn't I just hop online and play a couple worlds with my friends while voice chatting and having a good time? Or jump in with randoms when no one is around? I know there are trouble makers, but literally all online games have those types of players. And Smash 4 only gives you 30 secs of voice chat on the menus. 30 SECONDS. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It locks you out if you talk more than that. That will not fly for me in 2017 for the rumored Smash port. It makes me happy that there are other fans out there willing to spread the atrocity that is Nintendo's online. :)
Personally, I would rather Nintendo make good games, LOTS OF GAMES, for the Switch before I worry about their online. Their online support can be god tier for all I care, but if that system ain't boasting games, it will bomb. Focus on the games first, we NEED GAMES. THEY HAVE TO MAKE THEM. They did one thing right, that the Wii U did not, which was CLEARLY state that it's a new console and not make it very vague where people would be like "is this a Wii U expansion" or something.
Nintendo is already doing one thing right. Here's to hoping they do more things right.
Nintendo is a multi-billion dollar company. They can have good games AND good online. This isn't an either or situation. There's no excuse for them not nailing both. They skimped on 2 generations! Besides, the rumors show it's being supported by Wii U ports. (While a slap the face of Wii U owners [all 3 of us], they're basically new games for everyone else]. They may struggle providing new content, but that doesn't relate to the online of the Switch's operating system. They're different departments of the company.
True, my nigga.
I'm glad this was recommended to me. Subscribed! :D
The Mii yeah same
omg same!
Hello my Mii its your ruler, and creator, the Wii
LOL are you @ghosty_fear in instagram?
Marcalto yes XD
Anyone else get this in their recommended over 4 years later?
lol did the cookie monster go to rehab
StardustdragonX3 nah it's probably his nerdy son
StardustdragonX3 it Cookie Monster before his cookie addiction
He just eats cookies between videos
I just got recommended this 7 years later.
10 million sales later.....
Smoarthy a few 8 million sales later
Smoarthy 20 million now
some japanese site even says 25 million!
It has now reached an estimated 24 million units
This showed up in my recommended feed in January 2022 and it's so fun to watch and compare what ended up actually happening.
I'd say it ended up working out pretty well. Sure, the Switch has its issues, but it was definitely the smash hit everyone wanted it to be
4ds would be sweet, but then everyone would just rag on Nintendo for using time travel as a gimmick.
I read that as 4kids would be sweet. O.O
its a nintendo system. Im buying it if it were $600 and had the power of a brick.
Mr. SpookyPants
What? I'm paying for it with my own money.
Yes, how inconceivable, someone creating and using their own income.
N vastly overestimated how many people like you there are with the launch of the Wii U
You would
but most people wouldn't
and than nintendo would die
for me, it needs a proper achievement system and those 3ds jrpgs
no achievements please
Roberto Aguilar just ignore them then but there is no excuse not to have it in 2017.
Yeah maybe we should have achievements in the [CURRENT YEAR].
I like achievements because they help me see parts of the game I would have otherwise skimmed over. If you don't like them, then don't bother with them. Thanks.
They also help us see who is actually playing games past the first boss before bashing them too.
I'm a kid and I love Nintendo more than any other game company honestly
Me to (or too? I dunno)
according2websters It's "TOO" XD
Jumpymonki well, as long as it isn’t EA, I’d say your good
I have 6 words, Nintendo.
Full Mother Series Remastered at launch.
*mic drop*
yeah, great, but not a system seller
Another thing it needs is a VIABLE ONLINE SYSTEM. None of that Miiverse crap. We need to be able to talk to friends and join in on them in games! If Nintendo cant do that I don't see the Switch doing well. The Wii U burned a lot of wallets for this reason.
citation needed
You are absolutely right. NO ONE cares about Miiverse. It's useless. As for "it not needing to be Steam", I don't know what you mean. Steam is a gaming platform just like PS4 is and Xbox 360 was, not a chat based platform like Skype is, so I fail to see your point.
Anyways, people today want to communicate with their friends and are not always able to come over to ones house to play a game with them. Restricting players purely to local play is straight up inconvenient and aggravating. Remember when Super Mario 3D world was going to have online play, but Nintendo scrapped it because it didn't fit their vision of what kind of multiplayer game it should have been? It upset everyone that wanted to get the game.
As for games such as Call of Duty, I specifically remember it having online communications, but the developer had to make their own online system for the game in order to have any form of viable communication in the game. If every developer has to do this on the Switch, they simply wont develop for the Switch. It's that simple. Nintendo needs a viable online infrastructure badly, and to say they don't is misinformed and ignorant.
I don't know why you brought up that Mario Kart 8 has servers. Are you trying to prove a point with the fact that you can host and join games with it? Because literally every other game on the market that hosts online multiplayer can do the same.
I don't think you get what I am saying. The problem with Nintendo games is a serious lack of communication on the system, especially if you want just want to talk with a friend while playing a game together. It is a convenience feature and convenience goes a long way on a game console. If I have to resort to using an outside program like Skype, Discord or a phone in order to chat with someone while playing, say, Smash Bros., it immediately delves into the realm of tedium. I should NOT have to resort to an outside media device just to do these simple things, ESPECIALLY if Xbox and PlayStation already offer these things. It is a chore to take so many extra steps in order to just talk to a friend, and anyone coming to check out the Switch that hasn't played a Nintendo system since Wii or GameCube sees that these features aren't even there, it will be an immediate turn off. Hell, the fact already bothers current Nintendo fans. It's not an issue on WIi U and 3DS, however, because the 3DS is a handheld, and the Wii U's library is mostly single player games, and the games that do have multiplayer are mostly couch multiplayer, so there is no point. That and the fact that few people play the Wii U. Bonus to Nintendo on the couch multiplayer thing though, I don't see many companies opt to do that in recent years, but I'd like to see both Couch and Online multiplayer from Nintendo.
As far as messaging goes it is much the same issue. Of course you are going to use your phone or Discord to talk to your friends, but only _IF_ you're friend isn't on the console. But, what if my friend is already in the middle of playing a game and might not want to check their phone right then? Or say their phone is on vibrate or silent and they wont hear it until they have an opportunity to take off their headset and check their messages? Wouldn't it be easier to shoot them a message over the platform they are playing on so they will be able to see it? Messaging isn't for long winded conversations on a game console, they are used to quickly communicate with players already on the system. Most time people message someone on a PS4 is typically to ask "Party?" or "Halo 5?", for example. So, not having this feature would be a drawback. It seems like less of an issue, but if you want to join a party with a friend who is already playing a game who can't check/hear their phone, it is convenient.
As far as being able to see what a friend is playing, I never brought this up. If you want validation, yes, it is somewhat of a moot feature, but does sometimes serve convenience.
Major Agent 3 Guy and Squid Sisters
Nice overused Internet insults there
Convenience will cost ya. I could see Nintendo stepping it up and having an online system comparable to PS4/Xbone in terms of communication between players. I could also see Nintendo charging $40-60 a year for those same services as well. I think Nintendo is still set on the idea of local multiplayer above all else, but that's old school now. Ps2 and GameCube were the last of that generation. The original Xbox had voice chat! Right...? Halo and such. I never owned it, so I can't say for sure. But they need to get out of that bubble of ages past and get along with the times
Call of Shooty 9: Never Ending Warfare
I'll rewatch this! A fun trip down alternate reality lane :3
*mentions virtual console*
Well let's just pray the switch will be a good consoles and also affordable
Derpypiggies 87 well time to find something to do for 1 2 maybe even 3 years
Praying for the Switch is exactly what I'm doing every night. My family is contributing to praying for it, and I'm really glad you are too!
They have to sell it at a loss if they want to have both good power and battery life with an acceptable price. I'm just wondering how much can they realistically sell it for even when selling for a loss.
Dylan Hopson i read a comment where the base price is $250 but could be more since retailers need to make a profit also
Watch as Nintendo announces Pikmin 4 as a launch title and then waits a year after launch to release it
Tavo H ugh. That wait was painful with the Wii U. I literally BOUGHT IT for Pikmin 3 and all I had to play was Scribblenaurs Unlimited NSMBU. Which were on many consoles before.
PCMasterRace + Nintendo Only
PS4 and Xbox Plebs not allowed.
Haxor inator I'm a PS and Nintendo pleb.
I cam down here to say that thank you Haxor
Haxor inator I'm a Nintendo fan even though I have so much Xbox games... I think Nintendo is much better than Xbox.. luckily I have some Nintendo ds games on my phone
Playstation+Nintendo MasterRace
im a ps4, xbox and nintendo nerd, i actually really cannot stand pc gaming that much, i dont like a single aspect. infact i avoid it as much as possible.(mainly because steam cannot be trusted anymore and i have a pretty bad computer but even then i doubt id enjoy pc gaming)
Im nine and a half minutes into the when it hits me
I'm paying attention, and being informed by a Muppet.
So how much longer am I going to have to wait before Double Yoshi Exploshi becomes a meme?
It was in times past.
7 years later and we are still waiting
Watching this seven years later really puts things into perspective
"They got their Crafty Mines... And their Call of Shooties"
I think they watched your video.
Everything about the console was planned years ahead of time, 4 months isn't enough time to do anything. They probably did watch this video but it's too late to do anything.
Arlo, I love your channel! Have a Merry Christmas!
watch them make new super mario bros switch ROFL
it's gonna happen... we all know it
Hipposaurus if u su; to me I will to u
They better bloody not.
MrGamerTH They are going to make it
It could work, maybe, if they try with it and not make Super Mario Bros for the sixth time.
I bet you don't need to hear me talk to notice how unconvinced I am of that happening ;)
I need... we need Nintendo to do 2 things.
We need them to bring those IPs back, such as Mother, Metroid, F-Zero, etc. They need to also make good GOOOOOOD trailers for those games to make them look compelling to outsiders who have 0 idea what Nintendo is. Otherwise they can release mother 3 and have all of us buy it but, what does it mean if no one else casual buys it?
Secondly, Nintendo needs to embrace the Smash/Splatoon eSports scene. It can make it look appealing to competitive players elsewhere who play CS, LoL, etc. Plus, it's about time they port Melee.
Mother is over, accept that fact.
With that out of the way...i would kill for an Earthbound or Mother 3 remake.
Mother Trilogy is complete but a remake would be amazing
they are Never making another Mother gamebecause the guy who made them stop making games
Fourth, let streamers stream their games freely.
so i’m in 2023,6 years later.
The switch didn’t ruin ANYTHING,and sold 125,000,000 units
"They got their craftymines and their call of shooties" -Arlo, 2016
its not that hard to run skyrim on the switch, i can run skyrim at 1080p on a crappy laptop at 30-45 fps, the laptop was from 2013 so it should not have a problem running skyrim with a good battery, the laptop has 4 hours of battery
Alex dillard nobody wants to play at 30-45 fps. That rate is garbage lol. Looks like you're playing on a slideshow
My nigga I'm sure if I blind test you to see the difference between locked 30 fps and locked 60 fps, you wouldn't even notice the difference. I can almost guarantee you that the Switch is gonna be 30 fps on 720p to save battery, I guarantee you. Especially in a game like Skyrim.
MrJasonekos 45 fps is not that bad but 30 fps is bad, these are consoles, if you actually care about power than go to the pc like me
there is a good difference between 30 and 60 fps
KancerBoi Yes I can tell the difference right away. I used to play on 30 fps. Now I have a pc and everything runs on 60. The difference is night and day. You're just making excuses for the low power of consoles. Anyone who says there's no difference is either lying or needs to get their vision checked
I find it hilarious that this was just recommended
Butternut Squash! YES PLEASE!
Here's how they get a win right out of the gate.
Virtual Console Dreamcast
Drops mic.
They got rid of the virtual console, also who gives two shits about the dreamcast?
A lot more people than you think. That was probably the last time SEGA actually gave a shit about the IPs that weren't named Sonic the Hedgehog.
Welp I guess I'll take your word for it
welp.. its not gona happen
2 years later, and no Virtual Console..... :(
When will you understand that the Virtual Console is dead and has been replaced by the subscription system? Get over it, Virtual Console won't be coming back
Turns out everything went alright
Love how the YES!! at 10:01 syncs perfectly with the yoshi jumping
Nintendo, I hate seeing you like this, please become great again.
Really. You had to use that reference
Bugsy 123 ? What reference?
Donald trump, duh
Bugsy 123 Lol, I ain't even American so I don't bother following stuff like that, heck I stay as far away from politics as I can. The only thing I know about Donald Trump is he recently became the President.
And besides, that term existed long before Donald Trump became popular so your point is silly anyway.
Anon the Anonymous It's actually a Ronald Reagan quote that became popular when Trump said it.
Im 14 and I'm loyal to Nintendo. I agree with you on everything you say here. We need a good launch!
The11thguy Just to be clear here, people hate it when you tell people your age.
+Noah Cg3 Umm... Ok. Why though?
The11thguy Don't know, it's just how it is.
I think some see it as immature.
I personally just don't see why that seems like a natural piece of trivia for you to declare. BTW the time is 15:03 GMT.
o.0 why just why
*Laughs in switch saving Nintendo;fucks up online and switch pro*
141 million copies later:
"They tried so hard to go after kids" - Arlo - 2016
i hope they bring back the old tradition of pakaging a solid mario games that plays like well a game, like super mario 64, sunshine.
non of that motion control demonstration, mini game compilation crap.
I think having some light motion controls sprinkled in like Galaxy did would be fine, but not a Wii 3.
xsogenx atleast mario 64 and galaxy HAD A REASON to replay collecting 120 stars, save the princess, overcome many obstacles find hidden secrets, complete the games 100%, learning the lore,read the story of the side character... etc ,etc
wii sports and nintendo land feels like, "welcome to the game, this controller can do this.....play it with your friends.....thank you for playing"
Literally a year later and Nintendo must've watched this video or something because they satisfied in every way possible.
Why did UA-cam recommend me this now Arlo??
Man not sure why this is in my recommended, but these videos are a *very* interesting time capsule.
OH BOY did this ever age well huh XD
I feel like the difference between the switch's advertisements and other consoles it that it targeted the older audience by being classy, not by making a bunch of M rated games
@Physical But they didn't make them. Nintendo doesn't advertise their systems with the mature games because a lot of third party games either can't run or are multi platform so the customer may as well get a ps4 or xbox one or pc if they wanted to play those games. Nintendo sells their systems with the exclusives, which 99% of the time are not M rated.
"If the switches battery can only last two hours..." Switch presentation happens. HA HA ha ha. Cries.
Nintendo needs to have the new Splatoon game at launch. It's one of the biggest hitters and the reason why some people bought a Wii U in the first place.
feral They need to give splatoon more support for an esport imo. I've been a pro player in the community since launch. And the support they have given us is pitiful to almost nonexistent. They hype up Splatoon in the last clip, yet the LAN tournament I drove up to Seattle for was literally 2 rooms and some wired Wii U's. they didn't even give us proper monitors. If they want a new splatoon to hit hard. They need proper support from other esport centric games. It's the reason why overwatch was such a godly hit. And I hope it's the reason splatoon does aswell.
Wow... That's awful. I don't understand why they'd do that to you. That's almost disrespectful.
Hardin Prouductions Splatoon is the reason I get up every morning.
Augestein Also it wasn't really all bad, everyone brought their own Wii U's and half of us brought monitors. But setup was much more difficult than it should of been.
Hardin Prouductions That was a joke numbskull. And I'm 100% sure I have gone outside more today than you in a month.
*that low key jab at fnaf fans though* XD
Lol what
at 8:35
Wasn't exactly a jab. He was pointing out how cutesy commercials don't appeal to kids nowadays, but stuff like FNAF resonates.
i still dont understand the whole muppet thing
Neither do I but eh, still works and he doesn't make it weird
Its definitely creative
most people are.. puppets..
Wow, you were actually serious about your claims. And All of your worries were proven wrong fortunately.
Great Video!
why are you a puppet
Oh my God, TheEpiCool! You can't just ask people why they're a puppet!
"im not the puppet"
-donald trump
youre the puppet
Why are you some...crow or Owl troll person (from your user picture) hmmm hmmmm?!? Don't discriminate
why are you a zelda character
U forgot about third parties. Regardless of how good the Nintendo games will be ( and they will be good) it's not gonna get anywhere without third party games.
Reports are saying that A LOT of third party companies are backing the Switch. It has almost been rumored or confirmed to handle Unreal Engine 4 so third party shouldn't be a problem this go around, which is probably why he didn't mention it.
StupidMarioBros1Fan tell that to mass effect fans. I know unreal engine 4 and dark souls 3 are impressive, but keep in mind that capability won't matter if it just doesn't sell enough to interest more 3rd parties. I'm not saying it will sell poorly, I'm just saying power isn't the only factor in interesting 3rd parties.
Tonto Skimmins no but it is a requirement for third parties to jump aboard. Without enough power, the console won't be able to even run a lot of modern third party games, which is why the rumours regarding unreal engine 4 and dark souls 3 are so exciting. But like you said, power isn't the only factor that interests third parties, so we shouldn't get our hopes up yet until we start seeing third party games come out for the system.
A LOT of third party companies was backing the Wii U at the beginning to.
Tonto Skimmins the 3ds doesn't have the third parties and its fine sega wont even put its games on the virtual console :(
Well this aged well
7 years later, the Switch is poised to be the best-selling console ever with a recent Nintendo Direct which was a smash hit and are unofficially #1 all time in software sales. This is without price cuts and with every major 3rd party AAA release either not being on the system or being on the system and running like trash and nobody buying it.
Nintendo Switch is the GOAT.
This is more like a video of things Nintendo NEEDS to do, and less how the console could ruin everything.