Poetic Pasts: Ladino History by Other Means - ucLADINO 2023

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • In its eleventh consecutive year, the ucLADINO symposium remains dedicated to encouraging the study of Ladino: the endangered language of the Sephardic Jewish diaspora and its multifaceted histories. Through literary artifacts, written and oral testimony, as well as musical works, this event explores how to poetically approach Sephardic indigeneity. Particularly significant is Ladino culture’s vast archive, composed of diaries, family stories, religious manuals, burial practices, dietary laws-even dreams. The ‘poetic past’ is conceived broadly. It entails cultural acts directed at transmitting an unsung Sephardic heritage to the present and future. Such acts are forged through the expressive media of word and song, narratives by which we choose to live. In addition to political activism committed to tikkun olam (repair what has been broken) and bal tashchit (do not destroy or waste), Ladino histories encompass the healing arts, painting, sculpture, dance, and performance.
    Keynote Speakers:
    Prof. Tabea Alexa Linhard (Washington University in St. Lous)
    Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff (Independent Scholar / Artist)
    Sponsored by the
    Maurice Amado Program in Sephardic Studies
    UCLA Department of European Languages & Transcultural Studies
    UCLA Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures
    UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese
    UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies
    Art courtesy of:
    Micaela Amateau Amato: www.micaelaamat...
    Cara Judea Alhadeff: carajudeaalhad...
    Opening Remarks
    Keynote by Prof. Tabea Alexa Linhard, Secrets and Lives: Myriam Moscona’s Novels
    Panel One: Exegesis
    - Dr. Hannah Pressman, ‘A Way of Knowing’ : Towards a Theory of American Sephardic Memoir
    - Dr. Derya Agis, Poetry as Life-Lesson: Judeo-Spanish and Italian Tombstone Inscriptions of Jewish Women
    - Prof. Dario Miccoli, Sephardi Foodways and the Memory of Jewish Rhodes
    Panel Two: Place-Names
    - Dr. Leah Davcheva, Kaleidoscope of Identities: Tales of Ladino by Sephardic Jews in Bulgaria
    - Dr. Marcel Israel, On Rare Sephardic Names: Surnames and Nicknames from the Balkans
    Panel Three: Testimonials
    - Rachel Amado Bortnick & Prof. Rina Benmayor, Bien Oyeresh lo Ke Dira / Take Heed of this Story
    - Prof. Micaela Amateau Amato, Mi Korazon Sospira
    1:20 - 2:20pm: Panel Four: Recitations
    - Prof. Jane Mushabac, ‘Kantiga,’ A Contemporary Ladino ‘Song of Songs’
    - Nesi Altaras, Bringing Back ‘The Sota Waters’
    - Prof. Rivka Amado, Ladino Songs: A Performance
    Break - Projected Images from Cara Judea Alhadeff
    Keynote by Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff, Quantum Entanglements: ReAnimating the Embodied Language of Ladino
    Recapitulation & Gathering