This video was quite a project! I had originally planned to do just one Christmas video this year, and the worked in the direction of putting one together of the Christmas stories from the old newspapers. I had intended to add a photo montage of 'Christmas through the years' photos at the end, but got so involved with the story video that I decided it was going to be to long, so I skipped the photos. I thought I would just use them some other time. The day I finished the story video, a friend at the Battle Creek Regional History Museum emailed me a nice collection of photos. When I looked through these, about half I already had copies of, but the other half were amazing and new to me! So I just had to start working on this one. It took me three days to produce this one, and because I went heavy on the graphics content, It overburdened my computer and gave me a lot of problems rendering the final file in the end. As a result, I was up until 3am Christmas Eve (this morning) finishing this one. I thought I would share the back story on this one. I hope you enjoy it. 🎄
I was just thinking the other day how warm it was in December of 1982. In fact, on Christmas Day, I went outside wearing only a T-shirt and shorts. The outside thermometer read 65 degrees! Thanks for the whirl in the Wayback Machine! Matt Crosby Battle Creek
I remember a house on the street that the stockyard is but up a little past the intersection at M-66 that was decked out and had a ton of decorations inside. I thought there might have been tours given but this was in the 1970’s. Anyway, terrific job with the video.
This video was quite a project! I had originally planned to do just one Christmas video this year, and the worked in the direction of putting one together of the Christmas stories from the old newspapers. I had intended to add a photo montage of 'Christmas through the years' photos at the end, but got so involved with the story video that I decided it was going to be to long, so I skipped the photos. I thought I would just use them some other time. The day I finished the story video, a friend at the Battle Creek Regional History Museum emailed me a nice collection of photos. When I looked through these, about half I already had copies of, but the other half were amazing and new to me! So I just had to start working on this one. It took me three days to produce this one, and because I went heavy on the graphics content, It overburdened my computer and gave me a lot of problems rendering the final file in the end. As a result, I was up until 3am Christmas Eve (this morning) finishing this one. I thought I would share the back story on this one. I hope you enjoy it. 🎄
Thank you 😊 I really enjoyed it. Merry Christmas ⛄🎄
I wish we could go back to a simpler time, this city is so crazy these days.
Agreed. But is starts with you and me. Have a wonderful holiday season!
I was just thinking the other day how warm it was in December of 1982. In fact, on Christmas Day, I went outside wearing only a T-shirt and shorts. The outside thermometer read 65 degrees! Thanks for the whirl in the Wayback Machine!
Matt Crosby
Battle Creek
I am glad you enjoyed it!
...Thanks for that view of Christmas history. I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a better than 2020 and 2021 New Year, Michael.
Thank you. And you as well!
I remember a house on the street that the stockyard is but up a little past the intersection at M-66 that was decked out and had a ton of decorations inside. I thought there might have been tours given but this was in the 1970’s.
Anyway, terrific job with the video.
Thank you.