I watched this video 4 years ago and thought "Wow this is different. Such a strange and unusual understanding of faith. I think I still disagree with it." Now I'm just crying thinking about how much it makes sense to me, how true it all is. I don't want to pick and choose what I believe, but I have to just live this contradictory life. I have no choice. This is my test from Allah.
@@lanabanana9583there’s a lot of love in it. It’s a religion of peace 🎉 You came to fight people in the comments I think you just need to love yourself a little more
Remember, we are not Allah. We cannot judge one another in the same way Allah does. It is not our place nor responsibility. We have to be good to one another regardless. Being kind does not jeopardize your place in heaven. Being bad to one another for this only reason will. Remember that, we have to be good to one another.
Yes my brother but we also have to provide knowledge when it is obvious. The Prophet SAW made it clear that innovation of the deen is a major sin and all innovation will end up in the fire. As a Muslim we all want the best for our dear brothers and sisters, so sometimes the truth needs to be told instead of being yes men.
I am totally against targeting viloence against LGBT but the description of LGBT as sinners is very clear in Quran. Whatever this guy here is promoting this is a new religion.
Stan Ethereal Figures If allah didn’t make us witnesses to our own sin, we would say that allah is lying and is unjust However, the fact that we live our lives and see what we do,he makes us witnesses to ourselves on the day of judgement
" so you don't have to leave a part of yourself at the door" I was a Christian but renounced my faith. I had to pause this video when he spoke this sentence. To summarize the abuse in such a simple sentence. So many conversations where i was playing a role i wasnt. I understand the need for actors to have mental health, and how it truly is a job.
Asalamu alikum brothers and sisters. A muslim is one who submits their will to Allah, we are all sinners and no matter how much we try, we will always be. Some are better in character and deeds than others. They are people, people aren't haram. They should always have a place in islam and any masjid. It's wrong to show your sins. Although we as muslims shouldn't tear people down with our words, try to give them dawah and encouragement to submit their will to Allah for the sake of Allah and their deen/akhira in the way our beloved prophet (PBUH) did. We don't know how much these people are battling so just be kind while spreading the word of Allah. Shukran brothers and sisters. Edit: I’m not justifying his actions by the way, we must know and understand that it is undoubtedly haraam. Being angry for the sake of Allah is what we should be. What I’m saying is: Is our reaction in line with the Qur’an and the sunnah?
Right there where you say how we see God merciful, all understanding, all knowing, loving, etc how then is he thought limited to loving some type of people. It doesn't add up
He is given this life has a test to see which of us will be best in deeds (Quran 67:2). People can have sinful desires and that is OK but if you ACT on those desires, then you are of the wrongdoers. If you truly believe and are fearful of Allah, he is testing which ones will hold back those desires and follow his laws. And he give everyone so many chances. In the Quran it is said that Allah can easily punish those wrongdoers as soon as possible but he gives them life and chances to repent. And he is all-forgiving and you can turn back to him at any time.
@@ami.crafts.and.charms It exists and still, it's condemned through Lut's story, the Zina verse, and the surah verses. Also, give out the verse that says intersex people exists in islam.
@A Lee El-Farouk Khaki is my brother in Islam and I’m warning him because it’s my obligation to look out for my brothers and sisters. Nevertheless, it needs to be clear that anyone who tries to mold our perfect religion will end up breaking their fingers trying.
@@Pu3aisya lots of things are haram and halal, but it is not our thing to label them, in the end, it’s about person’s personal relationship with Allah. Commenting on that is making ‘As-salamu alaykum’ ‘Al-haramu alaykum’, if you know what I mean…
"Indeed, you approach men with lust, INSTEAD of women"- Quruan 7:81. Doing acts of homosexuality is not allowed in islam. We can't change the laws of islam. If we could, what is the purpose of following islam in the first place?
@@natancardoso8051 It wasn't my intention to judge anyone.Please understand. All I am saying is, homosexuality is a sin in islam and if a person follows islam that person should not try to justify that sin. I was only trying to clear a misconception.
Not the best lecture at all. The speaker did not give any Islamic sources that support his claims. The "Mukhannathun" he mentioned is a term that was referred to effminite men usually in the arts of singing, dancing, and entertainment. He did expound on this when mentioning and there's no foot note or sources shared to further fact check it. Books and quotes mentioned by some writers and poets is mere opinion and not resources we can depend on for theological and logical arguments.
Mukhannathun aren't even that, they were actually eunuchs, so it makes sense why there was a ruling that they were allowed around the women because they didn't have their private parts
If lgbtq isn't forbidden in islam..then being mushrik isn't forbidden too? Or is there a law that written in QURAN about you can marry the same gender now.. bible has their new testament..now QURAN has new chapters and verses too? I dont want to judge lgbtq community but if u know it isnt anywhere in QURAN and SUNNAH.. why bother so hard to twist it? Your sins only ALLAH should judge ..but you shouldn't follow your ego by twisting the words of ALLAH. i shouldn't speak or tell lgbtq to leave islam but this is too much for misleading other Muslims..astaghfirullah hal 'adzim
Lol, you said "I don't want to judge..." but clearly mentioning "..this is too much for misleading other Muslims" as if the lgbtq Muslims are doing harm to others. As if by saying "too much" in this context doesn't mean being judgmental 🤣🤣. Now don't even come at me being a linguistic student. Sadar nggak, ironis sekali perkataanmu tu💅
@@Yuqideqiko what she meant do whatever you want to, but do not twist the ideologies of Islam to fit your own desires. Do not sin and call it halal. Do what you want, because in the end ALLAH WILL JUDGE YOU, but do not do the wrong things and say it is right. THAT is misleading.
Afiza, they just don't know their religion and want to change it, as Christians did it. But there are less than 0,000001% of such muslims. Don't worry and keep your religion, educate your kids in right way. There were communist "muslims", capitalist "muslims", nationalist "muslims", modern "muslims" and know we learn and see how they tried to destroy ummah. Salam from Russia
@@841-zainabshanafarook7 you're clearly missing out my point here. I was only criticizing what she said is contradicted with what her initial intention supposed to be. I didn't give any implication that lgbt is wrong or right??
@@Yuqideqiko lol in Islam, the existence of LGBTQA+ is not a sin. Them ACTING on their desires is. What she means is, she will not personally condemn anyone for their actions, because at the end of the day, no one else has to live with it but them, but she will if they do Harami business and call it halal. THAT is misleading for those who want to learn about the true Islam. Technically, what she said is not self contradicting at all. The way she said it made it confusing ig. She is not telling to stop what you are doing. She is telling that people should stop twisting the existing rules to fit their ideologies. No one's stopping them from leaving the religion. It is more convenient for both parties that way.
"...Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your way. But whoever is compelled by extreme hunger-not intending to sin-then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Chapter 5: verse 3 (last part of the verse) Emphasis on "perfected your faith" So basically it is perfect, not to be changed or added to nor subtracted from. No room for progressiveness or modernising or any of that. Now next "Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people." Chapter 7: verse 81 These 2 verse are enough to convince anyone with doubts about ANY wiggle room for homosexuality in Islam. May Allah have mercy on us all.
@@halfvolley11 ‘If God has taken love out of your heart, there’s nothing I can do for you’ - Hadith Get your law interpretations out of my face and work on your nafs.
Thanks for advocating for the voiceless and the discriminated. Your information is loud and clear and i hope it reaches far corners of the world where this topic is unheard or untold of.
@Rafael Schneider What verse and what chapter? In Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, you are taught to judge the wrongdoer by what they do, and tell them right from wrong. We advise others in the best way we can. Judgement on people who do wrong against religion is not bad.
To those in this comment section confused about your orientation and at a loss listen, If your sole purpose is to serve Allah you will know, he knows you better than you yourself. These feelings you may have are a test from Allah swt, thoughts are *not* *SIN* but *ACTIONS* are *sins*. Control ur urges and your desires, this is your jihad. Your reward will be equal. May Allah swt guide us all and forgive us Ameen. You can be a good Muslim, you do not have to condone or celebrate ur sins!!! You must work on other things to better yourself and not obsess over this one aspect of your life Brothers and sisters if I have made any mistakes may Allah SWT forgive me, Allah knows best. Please feel free to let me know if I have made any mistakes by your account brothers and sisters. Jkz
@@gamingdespair Open to sin. All you think is about opening up yet you regret it. People don't have to agree with you. Why kind of person are you that any wind can carry you. Don't be double minded.
@@celinamilian I'm open minded. If god needs to judge me then I'll let the entity do that. I won't be judged by any of you anyways since you're nothing just like I am. Nothing but a crumb in this universe.
“You lustfully go towards men, instead of women! In fact, you have transgressed the limits.” Quran(7:81) Shame on such people who go against Qur'an for their own desires.
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ Or they could stay single for life worshipping Allah ﷻ just as he pretended to be so religious that he mentioned a verse before starting his nuisance.
“To insinuate that the majority, if not entirety, of Islamic scholarship was misguided and that we only realized wassup in the 21st century, is a claim that any sincere soul will see the fault in. “
@@applesauce6166 Being queer is not a sin, since it's not your choice, *acting* on your feelings is haram. It is a big test from Allah, to see if you either choose to act upon it or choose the halal way and accept the fact that you are not allowed to act on your feelings. I am pansexual and I'm a muslim, but I don't date girls (neither guys, since dating is haram anyway), so, I'm fine. I'm not doing anything haram because it wasn't my choice, I didn't choose to be pan, but dating/marrying a woman is definitely my choice, and I choose not to. Many muslims say that *being* queer is haram, but you cannot be punished for something you have no control over, I have no control over my feelings, but over my actions? Yes, I can control those. Those muslims usually are straight muslims, they don't know what it's like to be queer, but I do and I know that I cannot control it.
Seeing as how LGBTQ has been around since the beginning of time... And described in the quran over 1,000 years ago... Seems like you'll still be waiting a while for that end, honey. And I'm a straight muslim girl.... But lots of things in islam don't add up. I will openly admit that half of my religion is B.S.
Wonderful talk, especially the part about how when you walk into unity mosque, you don't have to leave a part of you at the door. How many mosques I've been to that made me feel I must censor so many parts of myself.
Zamu 273 the person being vegan yet eating chicken won’t be vegan, the person being Muslim yet being lgbtq+ won’t be a Muslim. Islam has rules and we need to follow all.
@Rocky so if someone commits a sin you wont tell him that he is wrong. If I kill someone a true Muslim won't judge me by your logic as they can't judge anyones life.
Wow ! Great presentation ! I love that he acknowledge the first people's (indigenous peoples ) of Turtle island. I'm Native American woman and I read the Quran.
Ma Man, I just Choked from how amazing it is to read something like this from a person with Septimus prime on avatar. Thank you so much for making me smile
@@IO-bs9st We judge their outwardly sins and deeds, and leave their inner ones to Allah. This has been coined by the Rashidun Caliph Umar, one of the rightly-guided successors to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Also, how would I know that if I'd advise them and judge them by what sins they commit and how they do them?
The story of Lut has long been debunked as being about homosexuality. In the Bible, the book of Ezekiel clarifies why the people of Lut were destroyed. Peel the laters back and allow yourself to read deeper.
We ain't suppose to struggle on things that God has created on and in us. Live fully that way cause none should struggle anything that has already there.
This is only my opinion: I feel like Gen Z muslims would have more open minds for lgbt and more things, im not telling that every muslim is conservative, but im trying to say is this year has been like an evolution idk wut do yall think
I feel more millennials, especially 1st generation muslims, are more often progressive and "open minded". Gen Z muslims are kinda conflicted but seems like majority are more conservative.
@Rafael Schneider God is the most of judges, but in that context we would be judged in the Day of Resurrection. For the time being, for whatever wrong people do against themselves (i.e. not praying, not fasting, not making efforts to follow the Five Pillars of Islam) allows us to judge people based on what they do. This has been said from a Hadith that is authentic. How is this blasphemy? Giv eme the verse and the book.
Homosexiality and any kind of act that goes against (the fitra) the innate is forbidden in Islam, it is a SIN and you cannot change that, people should read more about dinn from the original sources, which are the sunnah and Quraan, and do not mislead people because this is a serious matter, if you are a muslim you must know what happened to the people of sodom when the prophet Lot(PBUH) went to invite them to the true religion. He noticed that they are commiting a sin that is unprecedented in history ﴾ And Lot, when he said to his people, ‘What! Do you commit an outrage none in the world ever committed before you?!Indeed you come to men with desire instead of women! Indeed, you are a profligate lot.’ ﴿ after that God punished the people of Sodom, the punishment was not only for the sinners but also for those who supported and accepted them like the wife of Lot -Peace be upon him- she got the same punishment of sodom . I pray for you may Allah open your heart and guide you to the right path, our Islam is not changable for people's desires, and if you do sins do not show them off or convince others that they are not . and do not forget that as long as you are breathing you can always go back to Allah, to his right path.
The beauty about religion is that its consistency about morality. so even tomorrow if a guy want to sleep with his dad or with his mom and the west accepted it, we won't twist the Quran clear teachings for it
when i c muslim give talk in this channel they always seems misleading n have opinion themself not from al-quran n hadith sahith word regarding the topic. if tex is really want to know muslim rules invite ulama cuz they are the professors like pope the professors regarding bible.
Funny how non muslims love to show their support for things like this. But when they hear about good acts in islam such as charity, family ties, not oppressing others, not stepping on others rights, ect they never show support or condone this. As soon as a muslim says anything that is controversial or not accepted in Islam they come to condone it and defend it. This itself says it all
D7 al=thee, lay=God, thee God meaning thee one true God, the word God can be pluralized Gods, and can be genderized god, goddess, the word Allah depicts the only one god, not more than one God and not a depiction of being male or female. Good question! Don't be afraid to ask .
Since he's so into quoting Sahi Bukhari, i thought I'll share some bukhari hadiths too. Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did(lusting after men, mentioned in Quran) k*ll the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done. Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “The thing I fear most for my people is what Lot’s people did.” Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it. 🤷🏻♀️
@@katiem.3109 don’t even need to go to sahih al-bukhari for this. It’s in the Quran (7:81) : “You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors” It’s clearly in the Quran and no verse is weak so take that argument somewhere else.
@@electro639 don’t even need to go to sahih al-bukhari for this. It’s in the Quran (7:81) : “You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors” I guess you need to go back to kindergarten 😂
This is a beautiful, intellectual approach to the problem of incorprating religious values into contemporary life. It's incredibly refreshing to me as a person inundated by and disgusted with the evangelical nationalism currently sweeping the USA.
Thank you El-Farouk. I've always admired your wit and eloquence. May Allah bless you and keep you safe. Do continue the beautiful work in the ways and spaces you find yourself doing it.
I really am starting to hate this idea that you can’t speak on ANYTHING that is completely wrong. You are immediately shot down and told to not have any opinion on it unless it’s positive and in their favor. Actually, when he’s slandering and misinterpreting a religion that belongs to 1.8 other billion people in the world, we have every “right” to judge this man. He is boastful in his sin and preaching it to the rest of the world when he clearly has skipped over an entire chapter in the Quran, condemning this inhumane act. He is cherry-picking verses out of context in the Quran. Maybe if he were doing it behind closed doors and NOT reeling in all these other sheep who follow him, I wouldn’t be “judging” him. He can create a new religion and follow that. But don’t degrade, shape, and mold a 1400 year old religion for YOUR insatiable desires that you CAN control, but CHOOSE not to.
Wonderful. I have always enjoyed your speeches and presentations. Thank you for all that you continue to do. Blessings, guidance and protection for you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏
And may Allah help guide and protect him and make sure that he is and will be surrounded by people who will love accept and support him no matter what Amen🙏
@Demonic Soul Astaghfirullah with that name I'm disappointed that you're here cursing on something you don't know about. sorry but you people failed the vibe check ✋
@Rafael Schneider Yes, I am. I am able to judge based on what wrong the person does outwardly. If we couldn't judge people who do wrong, then religion would've died out centuries before and it would've been insanely corrupted. I can worry about my own life while helping others. You can too, so stop misinterpreting the Qur'an and the Torah.
And as for the two of you men who are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. And if they repent and improve, then let them be. Lo! Allah is Merciful. Qur'an 4:16 Abusing the divine mercy of God is selfish, appalling and deserving of a harsh punishment in the hereafter. Ameen
Amine these people are onlyy muslim to spite the right wing ideologies in their countries, if white people were muslim they would be christian, they know very little about islam and the things they do know they like to twist and mistranslate/misinterpret them based on western ideals and values
This man is absalutely confirming that prophet s.a.w said 1400 years ago. 72 sects in islam, division amongst Muslims, innovation in the religion !!! And how he’s quoting that honour ur parents in old age and be honourable to them. But if they are no upon tawheed or a pagan then don’t follow their religion! Not that the father has wronged her daughter! Yes it’s right that he shouldn’t have been violent to he’s daughter but to advise her and encourage her to be how God made the sons and daughters of Adam man and woman made in pairs.
You cant change the rule to suit you brother. You suppose the pray for guidance and repent for your sins and nit try to look for loopholes and dont speak about the Prophet Moghammad (pbuh)[ you did not even say those word when you mentioned him ..] like he accept your lifestyle. And you mixing to much subjects in one
Brother right now you talk against the Gods word that’s very clear! Spreading this false talks just for you to fit in and feel that you are not transgressing it’s another bigger act of transgressions. May Allah forgive you!
YOu are Muslim yes? If so, why can I see your hair? Isn't it wrong for those who aren't your family or lover to see your hair? YEt I see Muslim woman show their hair when they're not supposed to? BC it's their choice and as long as they understand what they're doing, their god will forgive them as long as they're kind and pure
@@cxarhomell5867 If your talking about him respecting fire your talking about ablis who is just a little piece of fire waking around wispering in people's ears telling them what to do. Edit ooops I meant the other person
@Riyadh Uddin The 3 fires are the representative of the 3 Nations that existed before we Settled in the Great Lakes region. The 3 Natalie nation's were here long before us, so disrespecting that, as you are, Is a foolish mistake only people with a Dark Heart make. Take your dark heart elsewhere, and make others more miserable than you feel about yourself. Not here. We do not want your self loathing here.
Your religion is LGBTQ+, not Islam. Islam is a perfect religion, you don't twist it to fit your desires, rather you subjugate your desires to its rulings.
What’s happening to the world, men are not men anymore women are not women anymore, people trying to change the word of god for their own conveniency . Islam is against a man lying with an other one , it doesn’t matter how you try to lie to your self and others about it but it is what it is.
His confusion really scares me. The fact that hes a "legal" lawyer yet he cant even understand what he really is LIKE SUCH OBVIOUS THINGS, then how come he is in the position to give sort of we called "justice". O Allah, world is too old already. Please send us HELP.
Im a Muslim and i DONT support this. He may be a lawyer but he is not an Islamic scholar or jurist. some of the things he said are just naive and wrong
but idk bc Allah makes no mistakes when making us and being LGBT is something u can not change, so that confuses me?? Can someone explain if they could?
My understanding is that we were created with free will and in that the ability to make mistakes. A mistake implies that something wasn't intentional, so we can judge by that, that Allah intended for us to be imperfect. We seek forgiveness from him because we are the ones who make mistakes.
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ if you can go through Gods tests with faith and perseverance you'll be rewarded in the afterlife. This world was not meant for us to enjoy. (Don't get me wrong, we allowed to enjoy it) but it's as a test to us which will get us to heaven. Also if a religion has rules that people don't like, they should leave the religion, not try to change it to benefit them in my opinion.
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ yeah I 100% agree with you, that would be depressing in the least. But we Muslims believe in the afterlife and we have proof that Islam is the truth, so we know that this life is a waste and that it's the afterlife we strive for. All in all I can see why you sympathize with the guy giving the Ted talk. Any good person would feel that way. The problem is that he is promoting something thats not allowed and making it seem like it is allowed. If he had to take responsibility and say it's something that isn't allowed but he still continues then Muslims wouldn't be so upset by him. Sorry for the long read, I really hope this makes sense. Btw AoT fan too?
I personally think that LGBT people can be Muslims, Of course that doesn't change the fact that LGBT is Haram no doubt about it, but Islam is a religion for everyone, No one should be denied from being a Muslim and submitting to Allah, We should always learn from our mistakes and try to not repeat them, LGBT Muslims are sinning but we all sometimes sin too, If we see someone doing a sin then we should educate them about it and stop them from doing it again, Not insult them and dehumanize them.
Mmmh, i considere people who eat pork and drink alcohol and identify themself as "muslims" ain't muslims but just moumin (beleiver) so the same way it should be considering the gays. They ain't muslims only mouminin since they beleive Allah is God and that mohammed pubh is his messanger
Don’t even dare be muslim at this point. This is not a show in strength of faith and iman for Allah, this is disrespect, a total ignorance of God’s commandment, a mockery, a sham. How dare you.
The word Propaganda found it's meaning through this pep talk. The utter misguidance and misleading nature of this pep talk is going to haunt the up and coming young muslims if they stumble upon this content before reading the Quran in its true sense and meaning. La Hawla wala Quwwata Illah Billah.
Islam Condemns Homosexuality! “165. Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males” 166. and leave your wives whom your Lord has created for you? No, but you are a transgressing nation.” Quran 26:165-166
The only one who judges what people do in their private lives (as long as they do no harm to others) is their God. If your not God, mind your own business!
Hmmmm .??where does it say in the noble Quran explicit homosexuality is haram???nowhere .I give you a example in sure 30 vers 21 it says Allah created for every person a Partner .When you look at the grammar you can notice that the word Partner in arabic doesn’t have a gender.Therefore you can understand that Allah created for everybody someone it doesn’t mean necessarily a woman or a man .
Khyber you are really funny.the only thing you say that I should read it carefully...ahhh really then you can ofc tell me where it is saying explicitly Homosexuality is haram/a sin I am now really curious..
@@cdgg53 And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds? Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people." The holy quran 7:80-7:81
I watched this video 4 years ago and thought "Wow this is different. Such a strange and unusual understanding of faith. I think I still disagree with it." Now I'm just crying thinking about how much it makes sense to me, how true it all is. I don't want to pick and choose what I believe, but I have to just live this contradictory life. I have no choice. This is my test from Allah.
The biggest reward you will get in jannah if you abstain from any of those actions ❤
@@XavierPersuades Don't be untruthful adding a heart after message like this. There is no love in your words.
@@lanabanana9583there’s a lot of love in it. It’s a religion of peace 🎉 You came to fight people in the comments I think you just need to love yourself a little more
@ibraheemM98 I get it man, I'm going through something similar too. We got this
You must really like hair man holes.
That prayer at the beginning was beautiful and meaningful for me. 💛
Remember, we are not Allah. We cannot judge one another in the same way Allah does. It is not our place nor responsibility. We have to be good to one another regardless. Being kind does not jeopardize your place in heaven. Being bad to one another for this only reason will. Remember that, we have to be good to one another.
Yes my brother but we also have to provide knowledge when it is obvious. The Prophet SAW made it clear that innovation of the deen is a major sin and all innovation will end up in the fire. As a Muslim we all want the best for our dear brothers and sisters, so sometimes the truth needs to be told instead of being yes men.
but we have to side the teuth not the hypocrites or the reality twisters
Was muhhamed being good to one another when in quran 47:4 he says to behead the disbelievers? Was he?
I am totally against targeting viloence against LGBT but the description of LGBT as sinners is very clear in Quran. Whatever this guy here is promoting this is a new religion.
No it's not. Open your mind... The conservative scholars got it wrong.
@Khan Hossain Do some research please.
Stan Ethereal Figures If allah didn’t make us witnesses to our own sin, we would say that allah is lying and is unjust However, the fact that we live our lives and see what we do,he makes us witnesses to ourselves on the day of judgement
that is right
Then how come he doesn't have say with men marrying 9 year old girls?
" so you don't have to leave a part of yourself at the door"
I was a Christian but renounced my faith. I had to pause this video when he spoke this sentence. To summarize the abuse in such a simple sentence.
So many conversations where i was playing a role i wasnt. I understand the need for actors to have mental health, and how it truly is a job.
I really like this comment, especially the comparison to actors
Ok.. now what?
keep crying soyjack, we play roles, everyday with everyone, stop being a pu$$y.
No one cares bruh.
Asalamu alikum brothers and sisters. A
muslim is one who submits their will to Allah, we are all sinners and no matter how much we try, we will always be. Some are better in character and deeds than others. They are people, people aren't haram. They should always have a place in islam and any masjid. It's wrong to show your sins. Although we as muslims shouldn't tear people down with our words, try to give them dawah and encouragement to submit their will to Allah for the sake of Allah and their deen/akhira in the way our beloved prophet (PBUH) did. We don't know how much these people are battling so just be kind while spreading the word of Allah. Shukran brothers and sisters.
Edit: I’m not justifying his actions by the way, we must know and understand that it is undoubtedly haraam. Being angry for the sake of Allah is what we should be. What I’m saying is: Is our reaction in line with the Qur’an and the sunnah?
some people in these comment section dont know what is kindness. they arent open minded
@@louspeachrry hmm
You are the wisest here
I wish more Muslims were like you!
So well said.
Right there where you say how we see God merciful, all understanding, all knowing, loving, etc how then is he thought limited to loving some type of people. It doesn't add up
Well, God is the most loving, not all loving
He is given this life has a test to see which of us will be best in deeds (Quran 67:2). People can have sinful desires and that is OK but if you ACT on those desires, then you are of the wrongdoers. If you truly believe and are fearful of Allah, he is testing which ones will hold back those desires and follow his laws. And he give everyone so many chances. In the Quran it is said that Allah can easily punish those wrongdoers as soon as possible but he gives them life and chances to repent. And he is all-forgiving and you can turn back to him at any time.
Even the shaytan is confused at this point
Even he can't keep track of the genders his followers invented.
Pride Make-A-Wish
You can’t make up things to fit your needs. It’s only one way.
@@ami.crafts.and.charms It exists and still, it's condemned through Lut's story, the Zina verse, and the surah verses.
Also, give out the verse that says intersex people exists in islam.
@@ami.crafts.and.charms Also, the diversity of gender, yeah, 2 sexes, only 2 of them.
@@ami.crafts.and.charms Hold on, you mean the people of mukhannathun? Bro they were banished or persecuted LOL.
Don’t think Allah will turn a blind eye on the Day of Judgement to those who try to alter Islam for their own benefit.
@A Lee El-Farouk Khaki is my brother in Islam and I’m warning him because it’s my obligation to look out for my brothers and sisters. Nevertheless, it needs to be clear that anyone who tries to mold our perfect religion will end up breaking their fingers trying.
And who are you to judge?
Allah sucks dicks, I’m sure he wouldn’t care.
Allah is all fair. And the rules of Allah is a command. We can't turn it around to only side on us. It's haram
@@Pu3aisya lots of things are haram and halal, but it is not our thing to label them, in the end, it’s about person’s personal relationship with Allah. Commenting on that is making ‘As-salamu alaykum’ ‘Al-haramu alaykum’, if you know what I mean…
It's kinda funny that all the non Muslims are like yes yes he's right even though they are not well aware about Islam
"Indeed, you approach men with lust, INSTEAD of women"- Quruan 7:81. Doing acts of homosexuality is not allowed in islam. We can't change the laws of islam. If we could, what is the purpose of following islam in the first place?
May Allah be pleased with you and grant you, Jennah Ameen!
@@famebkny6675 same to you. Ameen.
only judge the sins of the others if you never sinned yourself.
@@natancardoso8051 It wasn't my intention to judge anyone.Please understand. All I am saying is, homosexuality is a sin in islam and if a person follows islam that person should not try to justify that sin. I was only trying to clear a misconception.
Iblis is crying in the corner.
Crying with laughter
Iblis can't be as silly as you both are.
@@ahmody7500 true
@Rafa El lmao🤣
Not the best lecture at all. The speaker did not give any Islamic sources that support his claims. The "Mukhannathun" he mentioned is a term that was referred to effminite men usually in the arts of singing, dancing, and entertainment. He did expound on this when mentioning and there's no foot note or sources shared to further fact check it.
Books and quotes mentioned by some writers and poets is mere opinion and not resources we can depend on for theological and logical arguments.
Mukhannathun aren't even that, they were actually eunuchs, so it makes sense why there was a ruling that they were allowed around the women because they didn't have their private parts
@@imperator692 Also effiminate men.
Brilliant reply 👌
you are totally wrong mukhannathun are men are lack interest in women they never danced or sang they were effiminate men that's all
Finally a comment section i can be happy scrolling 💁🏼
If lgbtq isn't forbidden in islam..then being mushrik isn't forbidden too? Or is there a law that written in QURAN about you can marry the same gender now.. bible has their new testament..now QURAN has new chapters and verses too? I dont want to judge lgbtq community but if u know it isnt anywhere in QURAN and SUNNAH.. why bother so hard to twist it? Your sins only ALLAH should judge ..but you shouldn't follow your ego by twisting the words of ALLAH. i shouldn't speak or tell lgbtq to leave islam but this is too much for misleading other Muslims..astaghfirullah hal 'adzim
Lol, you said "I don't want to judge..." but clearly mentioning "..this is too much for misleading other Muslims" as if the lgbtq Muslims are doing harm to others. As if by saying "too much" in this context doesn't mean being judgmental 🤣🤣. Now don't even come at me being a linguistic student.
Sadar nggak, ironis sekali perkataanmu tu💅
@@Yuqideqiko what she meant do whatever you want to, but do not twist the ideologies of Islam to fit your own desires. Do not sin and call it halal. Do what you want, because in the end ALLAH WILL JUDGE YOU, but do not do the wrong things and say it is right. THAT is misleading.
Afiza, they just don't know their religion and want to change it, as Christians did it. But there are less than 0,000001% of such muslims. Don't worry and keep your religion, educate your kids in right way.
There were communist "muslims", capitalist "muslims", nationalist "muslims", modern "muslims" and know we learn and see how they tried to destroy ummah.
Salam from Russia
@@841-zainabshanafarook7 you're clearly missing out my point here. I was only criticizing what she said is contradicted with what her initial intention supposed to be. I didn't give any implication that lgbt is wrong or right??
@@Yuqideqiko lol in Islam, the existence of LGBTQA+ is not a sin. Them ACTING on their desires is. What she means is, she will not personally condemn anyone for their actions, because at the end of the day, no one else has to live with it but them, but she will if they do Harami business and call it halal. THAT is misleading for those who want to learn about the true Islam. Technically, what she said is not self contradicting at all. The way she said it made it confusing ig. She is not telling to stop what you are doing. She is telling that people should stop twisting the existing rules to fit their ideologies. No one's stopping them from leaving the religion. It is more convenient for both parties that way.
"...Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your way. But whoever is compelled by extreme hunger-not intending to sin-then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Chapter 5: verse 3 (last part of the verse)
Emphasis on "perfected your faith"
So basically it is perfect, not to be changed or added to nor subtracted from. No room for progressiveness or modernising or any of that.
Now next
"Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people." Chapter 7: verse 81
These 2 verse are enough to convince anyone with doubts about ANY wiggle room for homosexuality in Islam.
May Allah have mercy on us all.
Wow. A land acknowledgement. I feel so honored. As an indigenous person thinking about Islam I love that. ❤️
Convert then.
@@ewigerschuler3982 Why do you want to push him towards a blind cult?
@@radicalpotato666 why do you not want her to convert
"Learn your religion, don't inherit it" -Ali
Forget the religious ladder, love is the roof - Rumi
Love, or leave alone...
@Family Guy Funny Moments
Does a roofer expect roofs to come down to _him_ ?
TF - that statement has nth to do with Quran or Hadith.
‘If God has taken love out of your heart, there’s nothing I can do for you’ - Hadith
Get your law interpretations out of my face and work on your nafs.
Quran 7: 81 You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors
Thanks for advocating for the voiceless and the discriminated. Your information is loud and clear and i hope it reaches far corners of the world where this topic is unheard or untold of.
Hail satan!!!!
This is haram
@Rafael Schneider What verse and what chapter? In Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, you are taught to judge the wrongdoer by what they do, and tell them right from wrong. We advise others in the best way we can.
Judgement on people who do wrong against religion is not bad.
@Rafa El if his judgement is Haram, then I'd rather be Haram but aligned with what God has ordained than be halal but aligned with leftist libtards.
@Rafa El on acts and he is exposing himself which is bad since this sin he is commiting will never be forgotten
To those in this comment section confused about your orientation and at a loss listen,
If your sole purpose is to serve Allah you will know, he knows you better than you yourself. These feelings you may have are a test from Allah swt, thoughts are *not* *SIN* but *ACTIONS* are *sins*. Control ur urges and your desires, this is your jihad. Your reward will be equal. May Allah swt guide us all and forgive us Ameen. You can be a good Muslim, you do not have to condone or celebrate ur sins!!! You must work on other things to better yourself and not obsess over this one aspect of your life
Brothers and sisters if I have made any mistakes may Allah SWT forgive me, Allah knows best.
Please feel free to let me know if I have made any mistakes by your account brothers and sisters. Jkz
Homosexuality is a big haram
Booster_Stranger yes, acting on it is.
Im a trans and a muslim too brother and I so agree with you 👍
@@imrowanda Oh God, you're a walking contradiction then LOL
Riza Kerr hey, so basically have you transitioned ? Please do not do this as it is. Altering allahs creation
So happy something like this exists in the world ❤
Truth! Thank your for opening peoples' minds. Thank you for being articulate. And thank you for advocating for kindness, inclusivity & sensitivity!
@Khyber Learn to open your mind. Stop being a clown.
@@gamingdespair Open to sin. All you think is about opening up yet you regret it. People don't have to agree with you. Why kind of person are you that any wind can carry you. Don't be double minded.
@@celinamilian I'm open minded. If god needs to judge me then I'll let the entity do that. I won't be judged by any of you anyways since you're nothing just like I am. Nothing but a crumb in this universe.
💯👍🏼... End of times!
RoadKillzine THANK YOUUU OMG people need to make religion a PART of their lives, not the only thing in it.
“You lustfully go towards men, instead of women! In fact, you have transgressed the limits.” Quran(7:81)
Shame on such people who go against Qur'an for their own desires.
2:190 “Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.”
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ Or they could stay single for life worshipping Allah ﷻ just as he pretended to be so religious that he mentioned a verse before starting his nuisance.
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ Hi there again, God gives happiness don't you think?
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ maybe you dont deserve it
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ kids do not atone for their sin if they did not hit puberty yet, young one
A lawyer will defend the guilty especially if that is himself. Just stop the bs. It’s haram you know it’s haram.
“To insinuate that the majority, if not entirety, of Islamic scholarship was misguided and that we only realized wassup in the 21st century, is a claim that any sincere soul will see the fault in. “
Thank you
The sun is the center of our galaxy. Millions upon millions of people believed something else.
@@grahamburbanck1663 exactly
@@grahamburbanck1663 bro our galaxy is the Milky Way galaxy and we are on the outskirts of the milky way
Even satan was confused
@A Lee I bet you're an athiest
@@Hennahsy no i mean no offense but aren't lgbtq is forbidden in islam ?
@@applesauce6166 yes
@@applesauce6166 why not 😁
@@applesauce6166 Being queer is not a sin, since it's not your choice, *acting* on your feelings is haram. It is a big test from Allah, to see if you either choose to act upon it or choose the halal way and accept the fact that you are not allowed to act on your feelings. I am pansexual and I'm a muslim, but I don't date girls (neither guys, since dating is haram anyway), so, I'm fine. I'm not doing anything haram because it wasn't my choice, I didn't choose to be pan, but dating/marrying a woman is definitely my choice, and I choose not to. Many muslims say that *being* queer is haram, but you cannot be punished for something you have no control over, I have no control over my feelings, but over my actions? Yes, I can control those. Those muslims usually are straight muslims, they don't know what it's like to be queer, but I do and I know that I cannot control it.
The prophet muhammad PBUH said that lgbt is one of the signs that akhiraat is near.
May allah guide this man to the right path.
@John doe in the middle east its normal to have more than 1 wive if the wive(s) agree.
John doe Solomon had 300
Seeing as how LGBTQ has been around since the beginning of time... And described in the quran over 1,000 years ago... Seems like you'll still be waiting a while for that end, honey. And I'm a straight muslim girl.... But lots of things in islam don't add up. I will openly admit that half of my religion is B.S.
????????????????????? ridiculous
@imp dev yeah absolutely.
Wonderful talk, especially the part about how when you walk into unity mosque, you don't have to leave a part of you at the door. How many mosques I've been to that made me feel I must censor so many parts of myself.
How's he doing that?
Please elaborate
Khyber periodt!
Zamu 273 the person being vegan yet eating chicken won’t be vegan, the person being Muslim yet being lgbtq+ won’t be a Muslim. Islam has rules and we need to follow all.
@Rocky so if someone commits a sin you wont tell him that he is wrong. If I kill someone a true Muslim won't judge me by your logic as they can't judge anyones life.
Rocky Well the biggest sin is to try to suit the Quran for your own desires.
Wow ! Great presentation ! I love that he acknowledge the first people's (indigenous peoples ) of Turtle island. I'm Native American woman and I read the Quran.
With love, there is always hope....with hate there is always despair...
Ma Man, I just Choked from how amazing it is to read something like this from a person with Septimus prime on avatar. Thank you so much for making me smile
With love; not lies this man is endorsing.
This man has a heart of pure Gold !!! love love love we need more more more people like him !!!
Be respectful guys and never judge humans subhannallah allah tested us worry and think about yourself
It doesn't say we can't judge.
Çem Sultan allah judges. Allah is the best of judges. We can only give advice.
@@هدي-ه8ظ If the person exposes their own sins, may we judge on their behalf.
@@cxarhomell5867 you advise, not judge.. what will judging do other than hurt their feelings. You leave them feeling guilty without a solution.
@@IO-bs9st We judge their outwardly sins and deeds, and leave their inner ones to Allah. This has been coined by the Rashidun Caliph Umar, one of the rightly-guided successors to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Also, how would I know that if I'd advise them and judge them by what sins they commit and how they do them?
Just read what Allah swt told us in the Quran about the People of Lut...
The story of Lut has long been debunked as being about homosexuality. In the Bible, the book of Ezekiel clarifies why the people of Lut were destroyed. Peel the laters back and allow yourself to read deeper.
@@lisaward7700 The Bible is not a reliable source with it's 100+ versions.
lisa ward classic. “Hey look what the Quran says for Muslim values” “BUT THE BIBLE SAY-“
@@muhammadsiddiqmuhiddinov1590 IKRRRR SMH
We are all equal .
R u serious
@@Propain4eva yes bc it's true
@@justme7625 Not in islam. Theres a split.
Booster_Stranger what do you mean? we all deserve rights don’t we
@@idrisstlebi2545 Of course, but not these rights.
We ain't suppose to struggle on things that God has created on and in us. Live fully that way cause none should struggle anything that has already there.
wheres the proof people are born with an inclination of attraction to the opposite gender? genetics?
zaq do u actually think people can control their emotions? lmfao
@@user-hy5ts2yj7p yep. they very much can control our emotions, let alone control their genders, which ONLY are two(2) by the way
t lmao you can
@@user-hy5ts2yj7p of course people can control their emotions how tf pple lived without controlling their own emo?
This is only my opinion: I feel like Gen Z muslims would have more open minds for lgbt and more things, im not telling that every muslim is conservative, but im trying to say is this year has been like an evolution idk wut do yall think
Nah man, they're mostly conservative too.
@@cxarhomell5867 lmao we are back in the Middle Ages, ok boomer
I feel more millennials, especially 1st generation muslims, are more often progressive and "open minded". Gen Z muslims are kinda conflicted but seems like majority are more conservative.
I pray that you’re wrong. Muslims need to return to the true Islam and inshallah that is what will take place. Allah knows best
The Qur’an literally condemns it (7:81). You can’t be a liberal in Islam.
I attended his mosque! Masha’allah love that he did this!
@Vlad the Inhaler no you.
@Vlad the Inhaler UNO reverse card
Twitter Itsmalware why you supporting homosexuality? typical socalled liberal muslims🤮🤮
Oh god, that's even worse, that mosque is not even a real one
@Rafael Schneider God is the most of judges, but in that context we would be judged in the Day of Resurrection. For the time being, for whatever wrong people do against themselves (i.e. not praying, not fasting, not making efforts to follow the Five Pillars of Islam) allows us to judge people based on what they do. This has been said from a Hadith that is authentic.
How is this blasphemy? Giv eme the verse and the book.
Homosexiality and any kind of act that goes against (the fitra) the innate is forbidden in Islam, it is a SIN and you cannot change that, people should read more about dinn from the original sources, which are the sunnah and Quraan, and do not mislead people because this is a serious matter, if you are a muslim you must know what happened to the people of sodom when the prophet Lot(PBUH) went to invite them to the true religion. He noticed that they are commiting a sin that is unprecedented in history
﴾ And Lot, when he said to his people, ‘What! Do you commit an outrage none in the world ever committed before you?!Indeed you come to men with desire instead of women! Indeed, you are a profligate lot.’ ﴿
after that God punished the people of Sodom, the punishment was not only for the sinners but also for those who supported and accepted them like the wife of Lot -Peace be upon him- she got the same punishment of sodom .
I pray for you may Allah open your heart and guide you to the right path, our Islam is not changable for people's desires, and if you do sins do not show them off or convince others that they are not . and do not forget that as long as you are breathing you can always go back to Allah, to his right path.
May Allah guide this man.
May science guide you from your sad life
Ameen bro
@@myamdane6895 according to science male and male cannot reproduce but male and female can reproduce.
May logic guide you.
@@Spiderman-ge7yb Have you failed to consider that some people may not want children?
@@myamdane6895 that has nothing to do with science use your logic.
May science guide you 😂😂
The beauty about religion is that its consistency about morality. so even tomorrow if a guy want to sleep with his dad or with his mom and the west accepted it, we won't twist the Quran clear teachings for it
the beauty about "islam"
@@gordongamsey4690 yup
What ????? Even a man wants to sleep ith his dad or mom isn't it sin in Islam
@@Shabinakhan781 exactly, the west will accept it but Islam will never change it's rulings for other people's desires.
when i c muslim give talk in this channel they always seems misleading n have opinion themself not from al-quran n hadith sahith word regarding the topic.
if tex is really want to know muslim rules invite ulama cuz they are the professors like pope the professors regarding bible.
We are the children of Adam Alaihi assalam .
Yes, but he needs to change.
@@cxarhomell5867 change how?
There was adam and eve, not adam and STEVE
love is free . spread love
Funny how non muslims love to show their support for things like this. But when they hear about good acts in islam such as charity, family ties, not oppressing others, not stepping on others rights, ect they never show support or condone this. As soon as a muslim says anything that is controversial or not accepted in Islam they come to condone it and defend it. This itself says it all
it's just confusing right? like them 💅
Excellent presentation. LGBTQ+ people have a refuge of peace and justice in the masjid as all children of Allah (God) do.
batman baked I don’t mean to be rude at all, but what are the differences between Allah and god? I’m genuinely curious :)
Allah is God.
@@sludgedawg3657 Allah is Islamic God. If semantically, then Allah means God, with a capital G.
D7 al=thee, lay=God, thee God meaning thee one true God, the word God can be pluralized Gods, and can be genderized god, goddess, the word Allah depicts the only one god, not more than one God and not a depiction of being male or female. Good question! Don't be afraid to ask .
Nice joke.
Seriously, they don't. It's haram.
Since he's so into quoting Sahi Bukhari, i thought I'll share some bukhari hadiths too.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did(lusting after men, mentioned in Quran) k*ll the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “The thing I fear most for my people is what Lot’s people did.”
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it.
That goes against fundamental Islam. Hadith have been twisted to fit countless agendas. Use your own brain
Those hadiths are Da'if. And you clearly know this, otherwise you would have referred to them as being from the Sahih Bukhari, but you didn't.
Those hadiths are not in Sahih al-Bukhari and those are da'if (weak) hadiths.
Go back to kindergarten.
@@katiem.3109 don’t even need to go to sahih al-bukhari for this. It’s in the Quran (7:81) : “You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors”
It’s clearly in the Quran and no verse is weak so take that argument somewhere else.
@@electro639 don’t even need to go to sahih al-bukhari for this. It’s in the Quran (7:81) : “You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors”
I guess you need to go back to kindergarten 😂
May Allah bless this person.
This is a beautiful, intellectual approach to the problem of incorprating religious values into contemporary life. It's incredibly refreshing to me as a person inundated by and disgusted with the evangelical nationalism currently sweeping the USA.
Thank you El-Farouk. I've always admired your wit and eloquence. May Allah bless you and keep you safe. Do continue the beautiful work in the ways and spaces you find yourself doing it.
Wallah! This is unacceptable! Zakir Naik has told the truth already!
Lol... Zakir Nayek is not a God
Muhammad SWT has told the truth already!
@@rosebed69 neither is this trans a God but yet you people follow him like mere sheep 😷✋
He's more of a professional in both the worldly and the Quran but people are here listening to a false preacher
Zakir Naik is a smelly Islamist
Indeed the arrive of Dajjal is near
“None of you has faith until they love for their sibling in humanity, what they love for themself.”
Salam to you brother and thank you for all that you do!
shame on you
I really am starting to hate this idea that you can’t speak on ANYTHING that is completely wrong. You are immediately shot down and told to not have any opinion on it unless it’s positive and in their favor. Actually, when he’s slandering and misinterpreting a religion that belongs to 1.8 other billion people in the world, we have every “right” to judge this man. He is boastful in his sin and preaching it to the rest of the world when he clearly has skipped over an entire chapter in the Quran, condemning this inhumane act. He is cherry-picking verses out of context in the Quran. Maybe if he were doing it behind closed doors and NOT reeling in all these other sheep who follow him, I wouldn’t be “judging” him. He can create a new religion and follow that. But don’t degrade, shape, and mold a 1400 year old religion for YOUR insatiable desires that you CAN control, but CHOOSE not to.
If that's the case go control your own desire and don't go have a wife , that's quite a acomplismest of self control too
@@mattleong3757 but god doesnt condem hetrosexuality
Hahahw Jsjwj causes its useful
@@hahahwjsjwj5068 Yes, he does.
@@cxarhomell5867 by hetrosexuality he means man and woman, unlike homosexuality
Yall should check the story of lut and the dead sea
Watch Dr eyad qunaibi global channel pls thanks
@@nadiamahmoud4426show me the link
So proud ❤️ World needs more people like you spreading messages of peace, inclusivity and harmony!
Don't forget lying about their religion.
@@CommissarKozlov rly?
U dont need to bum men to spread peace gtfooh
its lying about Islam, this is haram
Just imagine reaction of any sahaba 😂
Umar, radiallahu anhu, for example.
Umar, Radiallahu anhu would say: OH RASOULILAH! LET ME TAKE HIS HEAD!
@@famebkny6675 Allahu Akbar bro. Boom boom boom
Swords would be unsheathed and necks, cleaned of the junk that resided over it aka his head
@@radicalpotato666 yes
Auntie Amina! That is my best friends mom! I love seeing her work quoted here. 🤲🏼💜
First of all one should stop reading verses of Quran in English…sometimes the meaning changes when translating from one language into other
Very well said El-Farouk Khaki!! Thank you for this. May Allah/God help us all to love more and hate less.
Resist to who? Our Creator? Well good luck!
Mind your business and you MIGHT go to Jannah
@@方艾曼 we will never mind our business to those who try to reform & change Islam. Never.
Great speech by a smart wonderful ,kind and compassionate man. Wish there was more TED talks by you EFK.
This is haram.
Allah warned us about these fake scholars and look
@@piccolooo442 yeah 100% true.
Wonderful. I have always enjoyed your speeches and presentations. Thank you for all that you continue to do. Blessings, guidance and protection for you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏
You sure he isn't doing haram stuff?
“Where you don’t have to leave a part of you at the door” about to cry in the office
May Allah guide this man to the straight path
And may Allah help guide and protect him and make sure that he is and will be surrounded by people who will love accept and support him no matter what
@Demonic Soul Astaghfirullah with that name I'm disappointed that you're here cursing on something you don't know about. sorry but you people failed the vibe check ✋
may allah protect him from people like you
لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله
Ok faruq what about the story of the people of Lot which Allah informed us of in the Quran? Don't lie to the people. May Allah guide you.
he didn't lie
@@omarbash8444 he did if your want to know answer me back😊
@A Lee "You lust after men instead of women! You are certainly transgressors" Quran 7:81
this made me very emotional
It made me disappointed.
@@cxarhomell5867 same
@Socratic How so? For standing up against people who say that these stuff should be made halal, when in clear daylight it isn't?
@Rafael Schneider Yes, I am. I am able to judge based on what wrong the person does outwardly. If we couldn't judge people who do wrong, then religion would've died out centuries before and it would've been insanely corrupted.
I can worry about my own life while helping others. You can too, so stop misinterpreting the Qur'an and the Torah.
@@cxarhomell5867 Love you for standing up, because its only fair that you can stand with your own opinion too
And as for the two of you men who are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. And if they repent and improve, then let them be. Lo! Allah is Merciful.
Qur'an 4:16
Abusing the divine mercy of God is selfish, appalling and deserving of a harsh punishment in the hereafter.
Even shaitaan is confused 😅😂
The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: IF ANYONE LIE ABOUT HIM, LET THEM TAKE THEIR PLACE IN THE HELLFIRE! Sahih.
these people are onlyy muslim to spite the right wing ideologies in their countries, if white people were muslim they would be christian, they know very little about islam and the things they do know they like to twist and mistranslate/misinterpret them based on western ideals and values
Oh, please show me the Sahih hadith in which Muhammed says that Homosexuality is haram. Oh wait there isn't one.
@@katiem.3109 Quran?
Awesome - crisp & clear - I have been waiting for you to claim your power, publicly. Algumdullilah
I'm so glad I'm practising true Islam and not the Islam from Saudi Arabia and Saudi royalty 😌😌
Mia Mzi forget Saudi Arabia and wahabismen do you know what Mainstream Islam say about homosexuality In quran?
@@mohamedabdicatejamal2973 Yes yes. Now science is wrong. Go educate yourself.
Mohamed Abdicate Jamal it’s haram
@@watercressfabrique3333 science? What did science say about morality and submition to god?
@@watercressfabrique3333 Does your science explain to you the moral from the immoral? The good from the Bad?
This man is absalutely confirming that prophet s.a.w said 1400 years ago. 72 sects in islam, division amongst Muslims, innovation in the religion !!! And how he’s quoting that honour ur parents in old age and be honourable to them. But if they are no upon tawheed or a pagan then don’t follow their religion! Not that the father has wronged her daughter! Yes it’s right that he shouldn’t have been violent to he’s daughter but to advise her and encourage her to be how God made the sons and daughters of Adam man and woman made in pairs.
Wonderful!!! and re-affirming...thank you for all that you do.
no this is haram
She doesn’t know what’s is haram save ur energy 🤦🏼♂️
You cant change the rule to suit you brother. You suppose the pray for guidance and repent for your sins and nit try to look for loopholes and dont speak about the Prophet Moghammad (pbuh)[ you did not even say those word when you mentioned him ..] like he accept your lifestyle. And you mixing to much subjects in one
Brother right now you talk against the Gods word that’s very clear! Spreading this false talks just for you to fit in and feel that you are not transgressing it’s another bigger act of transgressions.
May Allah forgive you!
YOu are Muslim yes? If so, why can I see your hair? Isn't it wrong for those who aren't your family or lover to see your hair? YEt I see Muslim woman show their hair when they're not supposed to? BC it's their choice and as long as they understand what they're doing, their god will forgive them as long as they're kind and pure
This was the most outrageous thing I have ever seen in a very long time. It isn't even funny. I am speechless.
Allah bless you this Ramadan. You are doing good work.
the amount of homophobia in this comment section is heartbreaking
Good luck, matey!
Even Satan is like WTH 🤔😳
This man is full of the light of Allah! He is like Zakir Naik. God bless him.
0:55 He respects the 3 fires.
Peace be with this great person.
@@cxarhomell5867 If your talking about him respecting fire your talking about ablis who is just a little piece of fire waking around wispering in people's ears telling them what to do. Edit ooops I meant the other person
@Riyadh Uddin The 3 fires are the representative of the 3 Nations that existed before we Settled in the Great Lakes region.
The 3 Natalie nation's were here long before us, so disrespecting that, as you are, Is a foolish mistake only people with a Dark Heart make.
Take your dark heart elsewhere, and make others more miserable than you feel about yourself. Not here.
We do not want your self loathing here.
@Riyadh Uddin 3 gods, where you get that?
@Riyadh Uddin which is still muslim basically
Shaytan be scratching his head with this one lol
Your head😉
The shaytan be like: They are a little confused, but they got the spirit!
I love this guy! Great presentation.
This guy is a waste man
Your religion is LGBTQ+, not Islam. Islam is a perfect religion, you don't twist it to fit your desires, rather you subjugate your desires to its rulings.
What’s happening to the world, men are not men anymore women are not women anymore, people trying to change the word of god for their own conveniency . Islam is against a man lying with an other one , it doesn’t matter how you try to lie to your self and others about it but it is what it is.
His confusion really scares me. The fact that hes a "legal" lawyer yet he cant even understand what he really is LIKE SUCH OBVIOUS THINGS, then how come he is in the position to give sort of we called "justice". O Allah, world is too old already. Please send us HELP.
Fake god can't help anyone.
I'm not Muslim but I support this
Yeah, might've been more of something if you were a muslim.
Im a Muslim and i DONT support this. He may be a lawyer but he is not an Islamic scholar or jurist. some of the things he said are just naive and wrong
and I'm Muslim and I've got to say that this isn't even Islam
SpeedyWeedyGamerz 135 period
Another foolish one again
This is amazing💕💕💕
No. It’s really not
thank you for this ♥️
Don't be confused, Islam does not support Degeneracy, and this guy is very clueless
Gila kali
but idk bc Allah makes no mistakes when making us and being LGBT is something u can not change, so that confuses me?? Can someone explain if they could?
My understanding is that we were created with free will and in that the ability to make mistakes. A mistake implies that something wasn't intentional, so we can judge by that, that Allah intended for us to be imperfect. We seek forgiveness from him because we are the ones who make mistakes.
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ if you can go through Gods tests with faith and perseverance you'll be rewarded in the afterlife. This world was not meant for us to enjoy. (Don't get me wrong, we allowed to enjoy it) but it's as a test to us which will get us to heaven.
Also if a religion has rules that people don't like, they should leave the religion, not try to change it to benefit them in my opinion.
@George ᚨᛊᚲᛖᛚᚨᛞᛞ yeah I 100% agree with you, that would be depressing in the least. But we Muslims believe in the afterlife and we have proof that Islam is the truth, so we know that this life is a waste and that it's the afterlife we strive for.
All in all I can see why you sympathize with the guy giving the Ted talk. Any good person would feel that way.
The problem is that he is promoting something thats not allowed and making it seem like it is allowed. If he had to take responsibility and say it's something that isn't allowed but he still continues then Muslims wouldn't be so upset by him.
Sorry for the long read, I really hope this makes sense.
Btw AoT fan too?
@@aadam1893 you explained perfect way Allah reward you and make us all stronger within our faith
I personally think that LGBT people can be Muslims, Of course that doesn't change the fact that LGBT is Haram no doubt about it, but Islam is a religion for everyone, No one should be denied from being a Muslim and submitting to Allah, We should always learn from our mistakes and try to not repeat them, LGBT Muslims are sinning but we all sometimes sin too, If we see someone doing a sin then we should educate them about it and stop them from doing it again, Not insult them and dehumanize them.
Mmmh, i considere people who eat pork and drink alcohol and identify themself as "muslims" ain't muslims but just moumin (beleiver) so the same way it should be considering the gays. They ain't muslims only mouminin since they beleive Allah is God and that mohammed pubh is his messanger
Don’t even dare be muslim at this point. This is not a show in strength of faith and iman for Allah, this is disrespect, a total ignorance of God’s commandment, a mockery, a sham. How dare you.
He is reforming ISLAM to make it peaceful. He's so kind. ♥️
The word Propaganda found it's meaning through this pep talk.
The utter misguidance and misleading nature of this pep talk is going to haunt the up and coming young muslims if they stumble upon this content before reading the Quran in its true sense and meaning.
La Hawla wala Quwwata Illah Billah.
Islam Condemns Homosexuality!
“165. Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males”
166. and leave your wives whom your Lord has created for you? No, but you are a transgressing nation.” Quran 26:165-166
The only one who judges what people do in their private lives (as long as they do no harm to others) is their God. If your not God, mind your own business!
Then say clearly you don't believe in Islam if you think you don't believe homosexuality is sin.
You can’t. Have you not read the Quran?
who cares.
Hmmmm .??where does it say in the noble Quran explicit homosexuality is haram???nowhere .I give you a example in sure 30 vers 21 it says Allah created for every person a Partner .When you look at the grammar you can notice that the word Partner in arabic doesn’t have a gender.Therefore you can understand that Allah created for everybody someone it doesn’t mean necessarily a woman or a man .
Khyber you are really funny.the only thing you say that I should read it carefully...ahhh really then you can ofc tell me where it is saying explicitly Homosexuality is haram/a sin I am now really curious..
@@cdgg53 And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds?
Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people."
The holy quran 7:80-7:81
Hahahw Jsjwj hahahhah how bad did u translate that 😂😂😂read my explaination what I already gave about the lut storyy