For quiet luxury in action, I choose *condup* to buy replica bags... as a backup for the real thing, and can be used in situations where I don’t want to use the real thing.
So if you buy from Farfetch does it come standard with a YSL box I know sometimes they just send a dust bag and that's the only thing stopping me from buying from them. I love buying new bags and enjoying the whole unboxing experience because it makes it seem more exciting and luxurious. If it didn't come in a box like straight from YSL I think I would be disappointed and worried about it getting damaged in shipping *condup*
In 2016, I spent more than 5 yuan to buy LV Capucines. I was visiting my sister and hanging out with a doctor friend of hers who had the same handbag and revealed to me that it was a fake. I was shocked. I haven’t bought a high-end handbag since then. When I asked her, I found out that she bought it from *condup* .
Agree. Same.After the last crazy quality drop and price hike I promised myself a cool fake for Christmas, I've already scouted it out at *condup* and will put the rest into an investment account.
And YES, The *yutulu* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
For quiet luxury in action, I choose *condup* to buy replica bags... as a backup for the real thing, and can be used in situations where I don’t want to use the real thing.
Me encanta esta tienda. 😊
So if you buy from Farfetch does it come standard with a YSL box I know sometimes they just send a dust bag and that's the only thing stopping me from buying from them. I love buying new bags and enjoying the whole unboxing experience because it makes it seem more exciting and luxurious. If it didn't come in a box like straight from YSL I think I would be disappointed and worried about it getting damaged in shipping *condup*
*yutulu* bag collection and subscribers have grown. And somehow she remained grounded, relatable, authentic. That’s why I’m still here
In 2016, I spent more than 5 yuan to buy LV Capucines. I was visiting my sister and hanging out with a doctor friend of hers who had the same handbag and revealed to me that it was a fake. I was shocked. I haven’t bought a high-end handbag since then. When I asked her, I found out that she bought it from *condup* .
Ye shop kon se country me hy plz tell me
Kya online order kr skty hain
Agree. Same.After the last crazy quality drop and price hike I promised myself a cool fake for Christmas, I've already scouted it out at *condup* and will put the rest into an investment account.
@ *LVGUCI* Every time I see this bag I can't help but stop here.