Rush - La Villa Strangiato "Live" (Reaction/Review) Is this the best live instrumental of all time?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @timdaley4637
    @timdaley4637 Рік тому +37

    The unbelievable thing to me with this song is that they wrote this when they were 23-25 years old...crazy talent!!!

  • @dentonatteberry6083
    @dentonatteberry6083 Рік тому +135

    Neil Peart undoubtedly is the best drummer that ever graced this planet, hands down, period.

    • @RB-rf8rf
      @RB-rf8rf Рік тому +1

      I dunno, Gavin Harrison has to be part of the discussion.

    • @WishMount
      @WishMount Рік тому +4

      i love the professor, but Matt Garstka blew my fucking mind in the last 5 years

    • @nodrush80
      @nodrush80 Рік тому +3


    • @bobkitten8150
      @bobkitten8150 Рік тому +10

      Neil redefined the role of percussion in rock music. It's not just a beat in the background, it's an important part of the song.

    • @Tonyr0206
      @Tonyr0206 Рік тому +1

      Let me start of by saying that I'm a huge Neil Peart and Rush fan. Neil was a great Rock drummer, and probably the most influential drummer in the past 40 years, but there are much better drummers out there. I'm not being argumentative. I've been playing and studying the drums for over 40 years, so I've got a bit of knowledge on the subject. LOL Neil's contribution in the world of drumming can't be quantified, but to say he's the best that ever graced the planet is a stretch. Check out Vinnie Colaiuta, Dave Weckl, Joe Morello, Buddy Rich, Virgil Donati, Steve Smith, Thomas Lang, Jojo Mayer, Mike Mangini, Todd Sucherman, or Marco Minnemann. Buddy and Joe have paved the way for guys like Neil...and have elevated the art form to the point that 60 years later, people are still analyzing them and trying to figure out how they played the way they did. Guys like Vinnie and Dave, taken drumming to new heights far beyond what people thought was possible, even 10 years ago. Check all these guys out. You won't be disappointed.

  • @lisaharrison1031
    @lisaharrison1031 Рік тому +78

    The greatest rock instrumental ever written. ❤️❤️

    • @jimmywhetton1141
      @jimmywhetton1141 Рік тому +2

      And no Grammy

    • @cochese95
      @cochese95 Рік тому +2

      Ok I’m a huge rush fan so trying not to be biased but can you honestly think of another instrumental that’s as good?

    • @lucaarcobello6341
      @lucaarcobello6341 Рік тому

      @@cochese95ktulu, orion

    • @gardensup52
      @gardensup52 Рік тому


    • @gardensup52
      @gardensup52 6 місяців тому


  • @SnowDogisVictorious
    @SnowDogisVictorious Рік тому +93

    This performance was in Cleveland, in 2011, when Geddy and Alex were age 58 and Neil was age 59. As you could see, this was the opening song of their encore. Before this song was played, the band had already given its fans 2.5 hours' worth of their finest music.
    Wonder and be amazed!

    • @25newrush
      @25newrush Рік тому +13

      And Neil at 59 did an
      8 1/2 minute drum solo on top of all that. He is incredible!!!

    • @edzeljereza8234
      @edzeljereza8234 Рік тому +2

      ....and the whole album Moving Pictures from beginning to end.

    • @oldnsleepysmitty5503
      @oldnsleepysmitty5503 Рік тому +2

      Absolute professionals

    • @oldnsleepysmitty5503
      @oldnsleepysmitty5503 Рік тому +2

      I dont know if any other band could make that musical weirdness float during Lifesons second "sassy" solo..but they surely did...masters

    • @jackteppo9633
      @jackteppo9633 5 місяців тому

      I was here😊

  • @SMenkveld
    @SMenkveld Рік тому +21

    Alex Lifeson is one of the greatest guitarists of the rock era.

  • @debbieplato5107
    @debbieplato5107 Рік тому +36

    On the album you will hear Alex Lifeson shredding on acoustic guitar at the beginning of this song. The polka circus music was a fun change up.
    This song was based on a series of nightmares that Alex Lifeson had and it was written in 1978. Brilliant!

  • @palladinodessa8988
    @palladinodessa8988 Рік тому +13

    At times during this epic tune - you swear there is three solos going on at the same time. The way these guys could jam together was impeccable.
    There will never be another Rush. RIP professor!

  • @davidodom1818
    @davidodom1818 Рік тому +3

    What you have here is a once in a lifetime band that Will never be matched. They were masters of there instruments and there music and songs are so deep. You will never equal them. RIP Neil Peart, and may Alex and Geddy live forever

  • @dannychase1787
    @dannychase1787 Рік тому +9

    Best drummer hands down. Best band hands down. Best friends hands down. Best individual musicians hands down!!! G.O.A.T!

  • @leddygee1896
    @leddygee1896 Рік тому +8

    There will never be another Rush... And that gives me comfort. A fan since 2112 came out in 1976... Rest in Power, Professor.

  • @bobryczak6018
    @bobryczak6018 6 місяців тому +4

    How can a trio have so many WOW moments. Best ever. Enough said.

  • @TroyOttosen-jg7tt
    @TroyOttosen-jg7tt 6 місяців тому +3

    Plus the most underrated bass and rock guitarist ever! Simple!

  • @jesuschristpose896
    @jesuschristpose896 11 місяців тому +2

    Every reaction video I see that's has Rush, the people always have big smiles listening to these geniuses of music

  • @robertcameron1058
    @robertcameron1058 Рік тому +7

    Just a thought, "Animate" live in Frankfurt and The Main Monkey Business, R40 tour live.

  • @stevenmonte7397
    @stevenmonte7397 9 місяців тому +3

    Nobody can beat them live! They are the best ever!

  • @TroyOttosen-jg7tt
    @TroyOttosen-jg7tt 6 місяців тому +3

    And the best bassist and guitarist! Simple!

  • @danielfowler9459
    @danielfowler9459 6 місяців тому +2

    Greatest rock instrumental

  • @stevensorrell1625
    @stevensorrell1625 Рік тому +18

    Many like to cite YYZ as a benchmark for Rush excellence. As fun as that song is, we all know it is this beast that is a true benchmark.

    • @dmusiclife5727
      @dmusiclife5727  Рік тому +6

      YYZ live in Rio was out introduction into Rush and it’s still our all time favorite. But this one just seemed to be on a whole different level technically.

  • @johnandrews3568
    @johnandrews3568 Рік тому +2

    I first saw them in concert in 1980 and never missed a tour until the end. BEST BAND EVAR!

  • @SamuelDavidDeLuce
    @SamuelDavidDeLuce 5 місяців тому +3

    RUSH is hands down the greatest band of all time

  • @grah2561
    @grah2561 Рік тому +1

    Just shivers

  • @MrAlemontenegro
    @MrAlemontenegro Рік тому +6

    What I find most amusing is how with each tour they changed something in the music and still opened up spaces for improvisation.

  • @michaelbriefs9764
    @michaelbriefs9764 Рік тому +12

    That was an update to the original 1978 version from the "Hemispheres" album. You should hear the studio version. Also, the live version from 1981 "Exit Stage Left" show -- the CD/audio version is all that is available -- is really amazing! Rush is incredible. This song blew everyone away, back in the day!

  • @marcekessen8003
    @marcekessen8003 Рік тому +6

    I love how they are out there having fun while blowing our minds with talent

  • @lisaharrison1031
    @lisaharrison1031 Рік тому +5

    I was at this show in Cleveland and it was so awesome it’s almost too awesome to even describe it to someone who wasn’t there.
    I wish you two could have witnessed the magic of RUSH live. It’s unlike anything else you have ever experienced.
    Thanks for doing RUSH again.
    You guys truly “get it”!!
    This was filmed in 2011. FYI.

  • @calvingreen5202
    @calvingreen5202 Рік тому +5

    Another great reaction!! STILL...arguably, one of the greatest pieces of music, by three of the greatest musicians of all-time. Rush has said that this is one of, if not, their most difficult songs to perform...and they did it live, with slight improvisations, FLAWLESSLY. Their music is a gift to all of us...those who have listened to them for years and those, just discovering their music for the first time. They were incredible...but their music is TIMELESS.

  • @haroldmcdaniel735
    @haroldmcdaniel735 5 місяців тому +1

    I was there in the upper middle section... looking directly at the stage 4/15/2011. My birthday... what a fantastic time 🙂👍

  • @davidlawson7026
    @davidlawson7026 Рік тому +16

    Love your channel guys! For some perspective on this song, you should check out the official Rush video for this song - it's a raw, live sound check performance of the song shortly after it was written in the late 70's. Being an early recording, there's much more tension in the song and it sounds harder/heavier - probably because it was new and they had to focus a bit more to pull it off... but they most certainly pulled it off!

  • @derrickparran
    @derrickparran 7 місяців тому +1

    Imagine seeing them Live. Unbelievable!

  • @dracula5487
    @dracula5487 8 місяців тому +1

    When the musicians are enjoying themselves the music becomes emotion..................🥳

  • @afoco9296
    @afoco9296 5 місяців тому +2

    If you loved that performance. Then you simply have to look up RUSH LIVE AT PINKPOP 79. That performance of LA VILLA will blow your mind. Please trust me on this... .. you'll thank me for it.

  • @macintosh3990
    @macintosh3990 Рік тому +5

    Fun fact .. the front row at their concerts are reserved for very special people .. professional Air Drummers .. LOL

  • @steveshute3810
    @steveshute3810 4 місяці тому

    IMHO this is hte greatest rock instrumental ever written and ever performed live. It really demonstrates their musical genius and prowess.

  • @BalokLives
    @BalokLives Рік тому +5

    Rush was a band like no other. As you said, the times pretty much dictate this will never be done again. Luckily, we have all their past concerts to show how amazing they were! When I saw this tour, I was as amazed as the first time I heard it on the album, and I have seen them over ten times throughout their career. They always blew me away live. They must have practiced non-stop to pull off some of their songs in concert.

  • @JK-hf7fd
    @JK-hf7fd Місяць тому

    RUSH...Hands down, in my opinion, is the very,very greatest progressive rock band of all time. I have never in my life, seen a trio of such tremendously talented musicians, play together like these 3 gentleman. They were the best of friends, who were of a like mind, and all of whom were extrordinary talents. I've been alive for over 60 years, and i've not seen another trio like them!.

  • @clintreed3754
    @clintreed3754 6 місяців тому +1

    Neil remember wrote all of their songs, and then played them out,flawless all hail to the professor!

  • @RFDENG4
    @RFDENG4 Рік тому

    Loved the input from the nice lady! She was intense!

  • @thelatentobserver121
    @thelatentobserver121 Рік тому

    I used to listen to this every day before bed at night ages ago... Amazing.

  • @gregorymurray5121
    @gregorymurray5121 Рік тому

    Oh, my! Do The Camera Eye live. .. mind blowing! Thanks for the Rush!

  • @EricDolecki
    @EricDolecki 9 місяців тому +2

    Miss the boys like one can miss oxygen.

  • @leemiracle6840
    @leemiracle6840 Рік тому

    Seen them live MANY times and they brought it every time , musically and visually. Always a great show.

  • @kph1034
    @kph1034 Рік тому +1

    Best instrumental....ever 😊

  • @stevemiller7138
    @stevemiller7138 7 місяців тому

    According to the Rush documentary, when they wrote this song as an instrumental on Hemispheres it had to be recorded in 3 parts. But they play this instrument all the time from R-30 onwards. The best live show of this instrumental is from the Pink Pop Festival in 1978 or 1979.

  • @cochese95
    @cochese95 Рік тому

    You nailed it. This performance and this group is timeless. It will never be duplicated. Those of us that were lucky enough to see it live witnessed living legends and magic in a bottle that will never again be duplicated. All you can do is thank them for the music and share it with others.

  • @Fred-vy1hm
    @Fred-vy1hm Рік тому +5

    The greatest instrumental ever by the greatest band ever. P.S. this was the first encore that night, the second was Working Man which you already reviewed. 😊

  • @imacmanx8562
    @imacmanx8562 Рік тому

    You must realize....they are 3 virtuoso's, all in the same band.....unheard of. There will NEVER be another band that comes close....ever. As always, RIP to "The Professor"....greatest drummer to ever sit behind the kit.

  • @garylagstrom3864
    @garylagstrom3864 Рік тому +3

    When you see the official video of this back in the 70’s at the end the last image is Neil Peart smiling and wiping off his face. My psychology professor in college loved RUSH. I used to tease him that Peart was smiling at him saying: THERE YA GO MEAN GENE! We called him that because in statistics class we learned about the MODE, MEDIAN, AND MEAN of a group of numbers. So the whole class chant was MEAN MEAN GENE DONT GO TO THE EXTREME! Yes he let us call him by his first name!

  • @wadesworld6250
    @wadesworld6250 Рік тому +2

    That guitar solo is one of the most beautiful in all of rock, and sadly, most rock fans have never heard it.

    • @gardensup52
      @gardensup52 Рік тому +2

      Yeah, it's really sad that most people think Slash is a better guitar player😂

  • @toddgersh
    @toddgersh Рік тому +2

    May I suggest listening to the version from Exit stage left.

  • @georgeresso6835
    @georgeresso6835 Рік тому

    i love the the look neil gives geddy at they get back up to normal tempo...

  • @EMTinVA
    @EMTinVA Рік тому

    You played my fav version of this. Thank you!

  • @charlieo.possum5501
    @charlieo.possum5501 Рік тому +1

    Yes, yes it is 🤘

  • @scottspears9347
    @scottspears9347 Рік тому +2

    Isn't it amazing what 3 people can do to make such awesome musical art

  • @michaelloder5150
    @michaelloder5150 5 місяців тому

    the reason why rush is the best band on the planet is because of NEIL- the way he writes music and portrays them to Geddy and Alex to sing or play is paramount - these three men Genius of music are musicans first.....and the rest follows......its all about music 1st and the stage show is 2nd this is a MASTERCLASS of music........I would honestly say if Beethoven or Bach was alive today they would be amazed.........Geddy Lee - Alex Lifeson and (RIP Neil Peart) THANK YOU NEIL

  • @geofffitz1497
    @geofffitz1497 Рік тому +2

    People watching performances by Mozart probably thought much the same as those watching this being performed for the first time. Live. This. Was LIVE. Absolute geniuses, all three.

  • @BuckFlicks
    @BuckFlicks 7 місяців тому

    Check out any of their live songs from Rush in Rio. That was the biggest crowd they ever played for. In fact, check out the La Villa Strangiato on that video - it gives you a more accurate representation of the beginning of the song (no polka, though it is great, it's not natural.)
    And yes. This is the greatest rock instrumental of all time. Live or otherwise. Most people's favorite part of a Rush show as the drum solo, or Tom Sawyer. This song was always my favorite part. It's just a colossal piece of writing and musicianship.

  • @bostonwhofan
    @bostonwhofan Рік тому +1

    I loved the looks of confusion on your faces during the circus clown show version at the beginning, while we all knew Rush was about to kick the door open with rock and roll awesomeness just a few seconds later!

  • @Slice_The_Elder
    @Slice_The_Elder 11 місяців тому

    I was at that show. Live in Cleveland. Time Machine tour.

  • @ghost-ey6ik
    @ghost-ey6ik 8 місяців тому

    Such a great reaction to watch of my all time favorite band. I'll be following you here (not a stalker lol). good fun. If no one mentionedthtis, Alex had an actual dream, and hence this song.

  • @michaelkeller6223
    @michaelkeller6223 Рік тому +2

    Their live performances can still move me emotionally, even after seeing them scores of times…

  • @jeffreywalton479
    @jeffreywalton479 3 місяці тому

    The polka-style opening (on this version only) is just their sense of humor; they never really took themselves too seriously as musicians...but who the hell could have blamed then if they had? Masters of their craft.

  • @Land-Shark
    @Land-Shark Рік тому

    I saw them play during this tour and I bought a VIP ticket 3 hours after tickets went on sale, and the rest of the seats in the amphitheater were already almost all sold out (18,000 seats. And they extended it to 3 shows instead of just 2. I was there for show #2). I managed to have a seat directly in front of Alex 10 feet from the stage. They were AWESOME.

  • @mrsleep0000
    @mrsleep0000 Рік тому +3

    Damn, Neil has the tempo jacked on this one. Should check out the studio release and compare.
    About the washing machines. These days you don't need the big amp stack on stage. You generally have one small speaker backstage in an iso cabinet mic'd up. Geddy had no problem getting rid of his stacks, but Alex still wanted the big wall of amps behind him. So while they were touring the road crew was thinking the stage looked a little lopsided. So during the tour, somehow, they sourced a bunch of old dryers and washing machines to stack up on Geddys side of the stage. And it just kinda stuck and became their thing.

  • @toddashton9696
    @toddashton9696 Рік тому +1

    The intro is a tribute to "Rash" the oompah band that covers Rush songs with Tuba / Accordion.

  • @iceman45ification1
    @iceman45ification1 Рік тому +1

    I've been to 2 Rush concerts in my life, but I wish I could've been to more. My favorite version of this song is actually from the A Show of Hands live video. These 3 guys make music some bands with 10 guys wish they can make. The reason they're my all-time favorite rock band.

  • @pythagorasaurusrex9853
    @pythagorasaurusrex9853 Рік тому

    Saw them in Frankfurt during the R30 tour. Best concert I ever had. And yes... the three had fun playing :)

  • @iArcteryx
    @iArcteryx Рік тому

    Awesome, thanks for reacting!

  • @justinthomas7222
    @justinthomas7222 Рік тому

    Yes. Yes it is.

  • @MikeBurkard
    @MikeBurkard 4 місяці тому

    You have the best bass player, guitar player, and the best drummer in a band... you get MAGIC! =)

  • @ed4199
    @ed4199 11 місяців тому

    RUSH......This is the way.

  • @dalejohnson2047
    @dalejohnson2047 Рік тому +4

    Vinny Paul and mike portnoy both said in a rush doc that this was the drumming high bar for them growing up

  • @davidboivin7996
    @davidboivin7996 Рік тому

    This is one of the true masterpieces from Rush.

  • @TheThemattyo1
    @TheThemattyo1 4 місяці тому

    Absolute mastery "

  • @cygnusx-1862
    @cygnusx-1862 11 місяців тому +1

    Really wish you would have done the studio version first then the live version.

  • @Blair19
    @Blair19 Рік тому

    Villa has always been my fave.. Catalogue is VAST but check out : Best I Can.. YYZ.. Cinderella Man.. Xanadu.. Trees.. Working Man.. Entres Nous.. and about 50 others.

  • @keltonnevins7289
    @keltonnevins7289 Рік тому

    Most of your Rush reactions are super energetic and enthusiastic, this one however I feel your brain literally couldn't comprehend the absolute musical annihilation thus turning you into a statue of disbelief and bewilderment.

  • @williamgrice4790
    @williamgrice4790 Рік тому +1

    They poked fun of themselves so much it was great. You should react to the Live in Rio version (full) where Alex goes off on some tangents being his usual goofy self that even Neil and Geddy gave him looks of "What?". great job. keep up the great work.

  • @magick1969
    @magick1969 Рік тому

    Buy Hemispheres. This was La Villa Strangeioto (An Exercise In Self-Indulgence) -- actual title of the track, in 1978. The reason these tracks sound so phenomenal is the great Terry Brown worked with Rush during their most seminal years. Just unforgettable. They recorded the album in the UK because of their love for YES they wanted to be over there to make a disc, right after their seminal and big F to the label, 2112, who threatened to pull their record deal. The fans fell in love with 2112, went Platinum and the label let them do whatever the hell they wanted from there on out.

  • @jimtatro6550
    @jimtatro6550 Рік тому

    Genius, pure genius

  • @DavidProvins
    @DavidProvins Рік тому

    The greatest song ever.

  • @edzeljereza8234
    @edzeljereza8234 Рік тому

    Those "washing machines" were supposed to be time machines as this performance was from their Time Machine Tour Live In Cleveland in 2011 but they did have washing machines, popcorn machines, chicken rottisserie machines, sausage making machines behind them in other tours. The story behind those various appliances behind them stems back to when Geddy Lee stopped using their own amps and speakers and just hooked up to the house sound system. Pretty soon he found it boring that there was an empty space behind him so he started putting in those appliances. In the meantime Alex ever the stubborn one stuck to using his own stack and speakers but pretty soon decided to join in on the fun and put his own machines but still used his amps and speakers either behind or to the side.

  • @darrenobayashi6528
    @darrenobayashi6528 Рік тому

    There are many recordings of La Villa in concert and it is some of the best playing that Rush does. It really is all three of them jamming together and just having fun. As you listen to every one of the recordings you notice that early recordings are more focused on the each of them playing their parts and creating and riffing themselves. As you listen to more recent ones they not only rip their own parts they begin to riff off what the other guys are playing. If you notice how Ged plays on Neil's fills... with the same rhythm as Neil... And visa versa Neil plays on Ged's solo parts matching his rhythm. Fricken amazing.

  • @MrBryanwithay
    @MrBryanwithay Рік тому +1

    I grew up on Rush, Van Halen, Pink Floyd, Etc. If you like instrumentals and rock and roll. Check out the all female Japanese progressive hard rock band called Band-Maid. Check out one of their instrumentals named "From Now On". Jimmy Page loves the drummer and the bass player is insane. The guitar work is also next level.

  • @25newrush
    @25newrush Рік тому +1

    Love the reactions. Neil”s last name is pronounced P ear t. Just an FYI.

  • @otherkorean
    @otherkorean Рік тому

    This is an abbreviated version of the song. Drives me nuts listening to it.

  • @ghost-ey6ik
    @ghost-ey6ik 6 місяців тому

    Great reactions as usual. Rush is one of my all time favorites.
    Try reacting to Loren Allred--- Britan Got Talent. Over the top vocal

  • @zerglilngvet5428
    @zerglilngvet5428 Рік тому

    more more more rush

  • @stephen29
    @stephen29 6 місяців тому +1

    Well Geddy,,,Alex may not be able to play Starship Trooper but he sure can play La Villa

  • @robszabo3175
    @robszabo3175 Рік тому

    hello to the Rush fans and the soon to be Rush fans. I really enjoy watching these reaction vids BUT I have too make this one little comment listen to the studio versions first please you need to know what the original song is then the live version. Rush does odd intros to be sure BUT live its the same and then you realize they dont jam live its the song reproduced live that is part of the rush legend now. I saw them 3 times live each was just as amazing as the first time. here in Canada they are like saints or next best thing. They are great ambassadors Canada. We all miss Rush (tear).

  • @kekunkekpar9770
    @kekunkekpar9770 Рік тому +1

    Alex had a bad dream, wake up and create a masterpiece. Me had a bad dream wake up and watch TV.

  • @blazingsaddle166
    @blazingsaddle166 Рік тому

    I love a lot of music from a lot of bands but jesus, yeah, Rush are on a whole different level of musicianship from 3 guys in concert. They literally have no equal.

  • @jhc2093
    @jhc2093 Рік тому

    Nice. This was cool. Love your reaction to Between The Wheels! Great, live version of a dark and powerful rocker!

  • @donmcewan8807
    @donmcewan8807 Рік тому

    Lol always love to hear the..omg during every rush reaction...think of this...Gene Krupa...Ginger Baker inspired Neil...Now ask yourself how many drummers did he inspire??? There will never ..ever be anyone like him!!!

  • @dtmracing1
    @dtmracing1 Рік тому

    The washing machines and such started popping up when the technology changed making the giant wall of amps unnecessary. They thought the stage looked empty without them and wanted to fill in the space. Having the sense of humor they have they went with the washer/dryers. They even had roadies coming out during songs to change loads. They also did chicken roasters back there. Had the roadies coming out and basting the birds lol. Such a great band

  • @andrewbuddemeyer8432
    @andrewbuddemeyer8432 7 місяців тому +1

    Holy FUCK NEIL ❤️

    • @andrewbuddemeyer8432
      @andrewbuddemeyer8432 7 місяців тому

      I've listened to this for 40 years...blown every single time

  • @BrendaNelson-ll4ls
    @BrendaNelson-ll4ls Рік тому

    The 1978 Pink Pop live performance was jaw dropping amazing as well. La Villa is my favorite instrumental. Check out Main Monkey Business instrumental from the Snakes and Arrows album. The live performance in Rotterdam Holland the R30 tour.

  • @Marvilution
    @Marvilution Рік тому

    I listen to three genres of music: classical, jazz, and Rush.

  • @markotto9855
    @markotto9855 Рік тому

    One of their all time greats live for decades!!!
    The carousel music is new though. 😆

  • @Sethmacd0
    @Sethmacd0 Рік тому +1

    The washing machines on the stage contain tshirts that they then throw out into the crowd at the end of the show. I was lucky enough to see them soon after their R30 tour. I don't think I blinked or closed my mouth the entire time.

  • @irishkelly654
    @irishkelly654 3 місяці тому

    Yes it is...