Kenzies a good winner, but holy shit the whole thing with Maria was so weird 😭. her reasoning for not voting Charlie is so BS. I was personally a team Charlie but good job Kenzie!
They were both my favorite; in my opinion, they played the best game this season and I was thrilled to see them make it to final tribal (because that doesn't always happen obviously). The 'Maria vote' was definitely a real surprise -- I read a comment from someone that essentially viewed it as a vote against her own game and I think that's an interesting way to put it. But I think the truth is a lot less compelling -- I think she just wanted Kenzie to have the money moreso than Charlie and she saw aspects of herself in Kenzie (and in retrospect, perhaps Maria was of the opinion that Charlie wouldn't have made it that far without her, whereas Kenzie was more often left to her own devices).
Agreed, good winner but the way was weird. Also never seen people team up in an individual challenge and Maria was probably carrying salt from that. That 100% shouldn't have been allowed.
Looking back Jessica and Bhanu were right about Kenzie being a huge social threat. Her social game is immaculate, even though Charlie had a better startegic and physical game. The mermaid dragon served. This is Aubry and Michelle saga all over.
@@dakidsofly09 ok but wasn't Charlie a pretty nice guy too? If anything I felt he played a really solid social game aswell and that's how he had so many people trust him. This isn't like HvV where you can see a majority of the cast thought Parvati wasn't as likable as Sandra and lumped her with Russell.
@@entertainer_ev2747 I understand your point of view friend but we have to acknowledge that Charlie played a very passive game and that’s a dangerous game to play in survivor. The jury could lump you in as being less impactful than you were. Be that as it may, Charlie lost fair and square. He conveyed his game flawlessly and he still came up short. It’s not fair, but it is survivor. One things for sure, Charlie will have an invite for S50.
honestly this makes me super mad at Maria. She said she would vote Charlie to win. My heart broke for Charlie, you can see his dreams shatter right when the final vote is revealed. God I feel so bad for him 😭
@kaerlo203 not sure for all, but ik 4th place gets about 70k, someone in the middle around 7th place gets about 35k, someone around 12th gets about 20k and first boot gets about 3.5k
The fact that Maria voted out mostly the girls, but turns around and votes for a woman to win, I feel sad for Charlie but I was rooting for Kenzie and Im absolutely happy for her. Logically, Charlie made sense as the winner, but we're not the jury, the jury voted for who deserved to win the most and thats something we just have to live with.
Bull, the jury voted for reasons that have nothing to do with how well they played the game. Q said out loud he changed his vote based on how the money would be used. That is not a legitimate criteria. It is out witt, out last and out play!
@@scottranck2225Q voting for Kenzie meaned he cared enough about her and her reasons for wanting to win the money. Therefore she played a good enough social game that he gave a damn. Therefore she deserved the win. The best player doesn't always win, but the best of the final 3 always does. Because jury management is part of what makes Survivor so unique. The jury will always pick the right winner of the final 3 by very definition of how the game works. You have to vote people out, then turn around and ask them to reward you with a million dollars. The player that achieves this, is the rightful winner. That's the point.
@@bigboygains137 not necessarily, I can say Cassidy deserved to win 43, but Gabler fit the jury's idea of who they wanted to vote to win the game and that's something we have to live with, even if I personally don't like that Gabler is the winner of 43.
Kenzie’s win will remind you that survivor is FIRST and FOREMOST a social game before anything else. Her social game is so strong! The strongest I have seen for years!
@@jlzivi5277 also maria seemed very bitter and Q said he changed his vote last minute not because of Kenzies gameplay but that she needs money to start family and etc so kenzie got kinda lucky
@@xeonasgt602 Charlie leaving his closest ally bitter is his fault and a detriment to HIS game not Kenzie’s. And realistically why would Q vote for Charlie who he didn’t know vs Kenzie who he knew from the beginning and shared an underdog story with?
@@FellDownTheCornHolehow is that Charlie’s fault? Maria went after him and Charlie responded with his social game bringing the 4 votes against Q, and even was receptive to working with Maria after she betrayed him first keeping votes off of him which was a smart strategic move. I don’t get how you think it’s his fault that Maria is bitter Also Charlie can’t do anything about Q knowing Kenzie longer as he has no power over tribe members.
Maria is a true villain. Could have made it a tie for “Uncle” Charlie and he’d probably win the tiebreaker from Ben. Instead she sunk her best friend 😂
I don't think I've seen two finalists being as equally deserving of the win in Kenzie/Charlie since Sandra/Parvati. Fantastically close vote to cap off a fantastically chaotic season.
The foreshadowing at the beginning of the season tells it all! She was charming, charismatic, and funny. Sure she wasn’t the most strategic but she still killed it! Maria and Q explaining their votes was pretty weird however She deserved it! THE. JURY. IS. NEVER. WRONG 👏
Kenzie is a deserved winner for sure, but had Charlie gotten more than 30s for his final speech (which was bs considering that speech can change a vote like Tevin's) he could've won. Side note, Maria's "I saw the fire in her eyes" was absolutely wild, hopefully Charlie gets the opportunity to play in 50
Hopefully not. None of these players post 40 should come back for 50. The only ones worthy are Cody and his buddy who took him out. No one else can keep up with actual good Players especially not the Old schoolers.
@@robtheservantof6257 you have not watched survivor then. Charlie was by far mvp this season and I expect Quinn to come back because of entertainment. but, there have been some very smart players in new era. I expect a decent amount from 47 to come bc a lot r rlly smart strategists
If it would’ve been a tie, Charlie would’ve won. However, Maria voting for Kenzie actually surprised me. Now I’m waiting on the winner videos on Kenzie and the Survivor 46 Retrospective.
I was so hoping Kenzie would win. I also was kinda hoping for a tie as well but regardless, I am happy with the result. I am a little shocked Maria voted for Kenzie in the end to avoid the tie despite what she said in the after show.
Me: I'm pretty sure it's going to be Charlie no one else would stand a cha- "The winner of Survivor 46... Kenzie" *proceeds to lose voice of pure shock* I thought for sure Charlie would win, but I guess I was wrong. anyways, congrats kenzie!
I was hoping for a Liz or Kenzie win going into the finale, then at ftc, I was hoping for Kenzie to win, but REALLY expecting Charlie to win, or even TIE. I was shocked!
Honestly I think Kenzie deserved her win. Like all people out here mad she beat Charlie. But honestly what was so strategic about his game. He played with Maria that whole time but after that she honestly he had a lot of luck on his side. Kenzie was always at the bottom yet her relationships she made with people allowed her to stay longer because no one wanted to get rid of her and even when she was out of the tiff vote she logically convinced people to vote out Q after she helped get rid of Venus gaining the trust of Maria allowing that to blindside Q and then her and Liz working together got Maria out and finally no matter who she went to the end with she was confident she had her relationships from the jury so she knew the people her connections formed in the game were so good. Was an amazing season. And don’t get me wrong Charlie had his moments but he was a follower to Maria until she flipped first and when he caught on he got her first but only cause she had an immunity streak. If it was him winning and she made the same moves she did before they would have gotten Charlie so honestly Maria controlled him until the flip and after that he skimmed by because everyone was after Maria and then Ben was dumb and wanted Liz out which made no sense what so ever. But Kenzie had to fight from the moment she landed on the beach being to tribal everytime (except once) and prevailing everytime and made amazing moves during that time. So for me top tier winner!
The reason they don’t anymore is because the player who wins immunity in the old final 3 would vote out the last jury member, which would then almost instantly lose them a vote for the million
Anyone who says Kenzie didnt deserve to win, doesnt understand the point of the game and what makes it unique. The best player doesn't always win, but the best of the final 3 always does. Because jury management is part of what makes Survivor so unique. The jury will always pick the right winner of the final 3 by very definition of how the game works. You have to vote people out, then turn around and ask them to reward you with a million dollars. The player that achieves this, is the rightful winner. That's the entire point of the show. You can be a great logical strategist, but if you cant get the votes in the end, it means you did something wrong.
I agree completely. I think everyone is SO HYPER FOCUSED on the fact that Maria betrayed Charlie that they're forgetting that Kenzie also played a great game and is a VERY deserving winner!
Everyone says Charlie deserved to win but I straight up don’t understand what he has done other than hide behind Maria, not take credit for moves and simply be in the majority. Kenzie herself is the one to trick Maria into not making Q think he’s safe. Charlie hasn’t done anything but be quiet but have a great FTC which is the only reason he got votes
I did expect her to win, and even with this vote count of 5-3-0, but the way in which people voted really surprised me. I thought Hunter and Liz were both going to be voting for Kenzie, and I am shocked that Q voted Kenzie. For me the biggest shock is that Maria voted Kenzie, but I had a gut feeling she was not a Charlie vote considering we didn't see her vote.
I'm a man, not supposed to cry but i cant hold my tears this long 😭 I'm rooting for her since Yanu and look where she is right now. I AM VERY PROUD 😭❤️
Dang Maria! Charlie should have won. This jury was so hypocritical. Blamed Ben for playing an emotional game and then they all choose Kenzie based on her emotional story not her game.
Kenzie was definitely a social butterfly, but I always felt like Charlie also had a good social game as well. He may have been mostly a strategic player, but his social bonds allowed him to make the moves he made.
@@simpleboy7401every decision that was made Charlie & Maria made it as a duo. In no episode did Maria dictate how he voted and Charlie just fell in line. Especially when Maria tried blind siding Charlie but his social game came into play, brought Liz, Kenzie, & Ben over to his side, and put Q & Maria on the jury back to back. That was the play of the season. Even in the finale Charlie (while underwhelming in the physical aspect) played an amazing strategic game not allowing his name to come up ever and take his spot in the final 3. Kenzie played an underdog game so respect for that but Charlie articulated himself much better at final tribal and if the jury was moderately receptive he would have won.
Kenzie deserved her win. She played the best game that she can. She didn’t have a lot of options that Charlie had. Entering Jury she only was moving forward with the alliance of Q and Tiff. But having Q as an ally was a struggle and even then he wanted her out as he was threaten with her relationship with Tiff. Her social game reminds me of V in marquesas. She played from the bottle, managed to build trust with others and be purposely used as a “pawn” for others to be their extra vote, and in the end, she was able to make her own moves in attempt to get Q and Maria out.
I’m pissed off that Charlie Davis narrowly lost the title of Sole survivor and the million dollars to Kenzie Petty in Survivor 46. It was a 5-3 vote at the end. This is all Ben Katzman’s fault, he won the final immunity challenge, he literally did everything wrong from that point on, he valued his friendship with Charlie more and took him with him to the final 3 and forced Liz Wilcox to compete against Kenzie in the fire making challenge but Liz lost. Ben should’ve remembered that Liz was allergic to so many foods like coconut on the island so she was not as fit as Kenzie, Ben or Charlie to compete in firemaking. Ben also should’ve remembered how both Charlie and Kenzie were both threats to win the game. He should’ve put both of them in the fire making challenge instead, if he did that, then only one of those contestants would have reached the final 3. That’s pretty much why Ben was cast aside receiving 0 votes from the jury. He ruined his own chances of winning, and he ruined Charlie’s chances of winning. He let everyone down, not just Survivor fans but Taylor Swift fans as well! As for me, I had this whole elaborate plan of throwing a Taylor Swift themed celebration if Charlie won the game since he’s a huge self-proclaimed fan of hers. Instead, I was stuck with listening to Rodney Atkins’s song “If you’re going through hell” because that’s exactly what Charlie went through, he went through hell, losing that season! He better return for Survivor 50 and he better win, because there is NO ONE ELSE in this new era of Survivor (Seasons 41-46) that is more deserving than him, period! Charlie better win, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! I want him to destroy Survivor 50 and destroy the memories of Kenzie’s victory and Ben’s gameplay from Survivor 46 just like how Kai the Bull destroyed the Jade Palace using the Statue of Master Oogway in Kung Fu Panda 3
I agree that Ben totally should've saved Liz - we know he doesn't beat Charlie or Kenzie, but he may get 2nd if he brings Liz. I'm honestly more disappointed in Maria, who didn't vote for Charlie because she was clearly bitter about his betrayal (even though she turned against him too - he just had the social capital to pull it off)
Of all the languages in the world you chose to speak facts 🗣️ If this jury was moderately open minded I believe Charlie would have won, although in a tie I think Kenzie wins because no way Ben chooses Charlie twice which isn’t an indictment on Charlie’s game whatsoever. It’d be one thing if Kenzie out spoke Charlie in final tribal but that just wasn’t the case she never talked about the game once and relied on social capital far too much. It’s especially bad hearing Q & Maria’s rationale for voting Maria. “Because she had fire or something in her eyes” and “She just wants the money to sit on it” I don’t think Kenzie is a bad player by any means but an underwhelming winner especially when the argument can be made that Charlie didn’t make 1 mistake. Worst jury of all time period.
Why does the responsibility of the win all fall on Maria? I don't get the hate she's getting, but I'm happy with the winner. Kenzie and Charlie were both deserving of the win, but for two completely different reasons. To me, Charlie was a bigger physical and strategic player, but Kenzie was more social and had better answers at final tribal
y’all acting like maria had a blood oath to vote charlie. integrity this integrity that but when it came down to it, kenzie swayed her. maybe maria was bitter too, but regardless she still used her vote how she wanted so congrats kenzie🗿
Congratulations, Kenzie, winning a 💲1️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ dollars 💸 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵💸💸💸💸💸She was a true Survivor 🏆 She almost first person 🗳 out in the beginning!!
Congratulation Kenzie!!!I hope Kenzie and Charlie are all in the final three and they make it. The fact that the jurys change their votes prove Kenzie's social skill is very good. My man Charlie, I want him to win so bad. But i see Kenzie perform very well in final tribal council and i know he can't win. Charlie's expression make me tear up because i know he try so hard😢
I think Charlie waited too long to detach himself from Mariah. He stayed to far in the shadows, while Kenzie was doing her social game and then Mariah over shadowed Charlie with her moves. Charlie did lead the charge to vote out Mariah, but then he once again went passive by letting Ben take him to final 3 instead trying to take get Ben to put him & Kenzie in fire, which would've added to his game & probably gave Charlie the win.
Charlie played the best game of the three finals. I thought the motto of the game is outlast, outplay not who has the biggest sob story. Some of the jury indicated that's why they voted for Kenzie. That's not how the jury vote should go.That is not how the game is played.
After how things were going with Yanu, I wanted one of them to win the whole thing so I was glad to see Kenzie win. Although, I almost thought it was going to be Charlie that won. Ben was obviously not going to get any votes.
I thought the game was based on out wit, out last and out play. The jury should be reminded of that and told to vote based on the criteria of the game. To say you changed your vote due to how the money would be used should not be allowed! That doesn't have anything to do with the game. When Q said that, I turned the TV off and went to bed.
I dont get angry with Maria. but Kenzie did a good job convincing her alliance to vote for her. Kenzie don't play good game, people just cannot accept being voted out and played by Maria-Charlie faction.
Maria was a beast, been watching this show just recently but i watched just about every season up to date. They need to bring other's into this show. Like people who need money or less successful. Im sure its hard to even get onto this show. But someone needs to make a less fortunate version of the show. Or even make a show with a bunch of old people who made it through some rough times. Not saying these people haven't had rough times. But ive seen basketball players, football, and etc. They already made millions. Really aint no point in giving em more money.
Kenzie had a better social game, it's not about how many moves you make, its about making the jury like you in one way or a nother because thats the point of survivor, convince the jury to vote for you, not making the most moves or being the most strategic
@@Loriisaqueen234 I agree that it's about the social game but from what I saw it seemed like Charlie had a massively better social game and had much better agency during the game.
@@entertainer_ev2747 that was done with Xander in 41 aswell where he looked like the winner but then lost, there are things behind the scenes we don't get to see and we don't know 100 percent what was happening on the island, kenzie could have been playing way better but production decided not to show that kuz they wanted to hide her like Erika
There is a lot behind the scenes we don’t see. At the end of the day there’s no blueprint on how to win survivor. It’s all subjective to each jury member.
Happy for Kenzie! Both Charlie and Kenzie both deserved to win. But, can I please say.... Boo!!! Boo!! Tomatoes 🍅 Someone should tell Maria Bitter doesn't look good on her!! Worst part of the night was her lame excuse on why she voted for Kenzie.
Survivor Season 46 This season of Survivor was decent. That being said, if things continue to develop along the same lines, the show, the competition, the epic saga of the Survivor spectacle is finished. The lastest developments are emblematic of the wider Western culture, even as many aspects of the competition reveal deeper truths about the human experience more broadly. We can learn from what we see unfolding in the Survivor universe, if we are so inclined. One solid truth that historically has been beautifully illustrated by the Survivor experience is that true victory requires real sacrifice, and that in order to receive the deeply desired reward there has to be real valiant effort that strives to overcome adversity as blood and sweat water the seed that sprouts into a crown. We see that solid truth increasingly abandoned by the Survivor contestants. Jeff of course continues to reiterate these truths in that his objective observations expertly serenade the competitors as they battle through the competitions, but even he fails at critical moments to call out the shift towards rewarding those that complain the most as opposed to honouring those that work the hardest. Reminiscent of the boy from Boston in Mike’s Season crying about wanting reward becuase it was his birthday, Liz repeatedly dishonoured herself and her competitors in demanding reward even in the face of her failure to win and in her despicable refusal to honour the winner with the congratulations that they had earned. She further surrendered herself to the service of this destructive shift as she robbed Maria of the victory she was working to earn by helping another competitor to cheat her way into the winners circle. An individual battle robbed of the core principal of fair competition and neither Jeff Probst or the Survivor competitors could muster the honourable courage to call out this travesty. Again a failure to recognize excellence and objective achievement was subverted as the jury refused to hand the crown to the contestant that clearly had done more to earn that honour. At least in this case Kenzie had worked to earn her position in the final three and most definitely deserved her seat there. Even so it was plainly stated that game performance was not the factor the jury used to distribute the title of Sole Survivor, and this development will in and of itself destroy the admirable essence of the Survivor competition. These are just a few examples of the deeper cultural shifts being exemplified and that will, if allowed to continue thier growth in the Survivor realm, shall completely destroy the show and the competition we have all grown to love; the same can be said for the wider Western culture.
Charlie lost Survivor once Maria was voted out instead of Ben. The final tribal is 100% social, and a law student lost 5 jury votes to Kenzie after that fire challenge.
A few times throughout this people have said wouldn't it be nice if a woman won or I'd be more inclined to vote for a woman. The ones that said it did end up voting for Kenzie. Maria was a part of that group but I thought she would have went with Charlie. But I just really wanted a tied vote.
Not sure I agree with Maria and Qs reasoning for awarding Kenzie the money. If that's the case, then there's no reason to play. Just give the story on what you'll do with $1M dollars. I love Kenzie, but did not like a player going back to help her in an individual challenge and 2 votes based on life circumstance story. If that's the case, Ben had the BEST use of the winnings in serving others.
Maria's reason for voting for Kenzie because of seeing her as a competitor in the fire making was pure bull sh8. Had she already forgotten that the reason why she sat on the jury was because Kenzie was so incompetent for needing Liz's help to win the challenge where Maria could’ve won otherwise? It’s either she’s dumb to forget that or she’s just masking her spite for not voting for Charlie. Not that I liked Charlie to win, though. The guy was insufferable.
Kenzies a good winner, but holy shit the whole thing with Maria was so weird 😭. her reasoning for not voting Charlie is so BS. I was personally a team Charlie but good job Kenzie!
They were both my favorite; in my opinion, they played the best game this season and I was thrilled to see them make it to final tribal (because that doesn't always happen obviously). The 'Maria vote' was definitely a real surprise -- I read a comment from someone that essentially viewed it as a vote against her own game and I think that's an interesting way to put it. But I think the truth is a lot less compelling -- I think she just wanted Kenzie to have the money moreso than Charlie and she saw aspects of herself in Kenzie (and in retrospect, perhaps Maria was of the opinion that Charlie wouldn't have made it that far without her, whereas Kenzie was more often left to her own devices).
Agreed, good winner but the way was weird. Also never seen people team up in an individual challenge and Maria was probably carrying salt from that. That 100% shouldn't have been allowed.
@@wisemandaryn5953 Good insight.
still salty he didnt pick her for the reward
Maria is evil. Hated her for that
Looking back Jessica and Bhanu were right about Kenzie being a huge social threat. Her social game is immaculate, even though Charlie had a better startegic and physical game. The mermaid dragon served. This is Aubry and Michelle saga all over.
Kenzie winning made Charlie’s edit make so much sense!!! It was the Aubry vs Michelle Paradox. Strategy doesn’t always win you the game
Nope I disagree
I can actually understand why Michele won. I literally have no idea how Kenzie won over Charlie.
@@entertainer_ev2747 Strategy does not always win survivor, sometimes Social Game Prevails and That’s ON Sandra Diaz Twine
@@dakidsofly09 ok but wasn't Charlie a pretty nice guy too? If anything I felt he played a really solid social game aswell and that's how he had so many people trust him.
This isn't like HvV where you can see a majority of the cast thought Parvati wasn't as likable as Sandra and lumped her with Russell.
@@entertainer_ev2747 I understand your point of view friend but we have to acknowledge that Charlie played a very passive game and that’s a dangerous game to play in survivor. The jury could lump you in as being less impactful than you were. Be that as it may, Charlie lost fair and square. He conveyed his game flawlessly and he still came up short. It’s not fair, but it is survivor. One things for sure, Charlie will have an invite for S50.
honestly this makes me super mad at Maria. She said she would vote Charlie to win. My heart broke for Charlie, you can see his dreams shatter right when the final vote is revealed. God I feel so bad for him 😭
He still gets 100k, that's pretty good
@@Loriisaqueen234 How do you know?
@@kaerlo203every runner up gets 100k and I think 3rd place gets like 85k
@@helpmejanice8123 Thank you! What about the others?
@kaerlo203 not sure for all, but ik 4th place gets about 70k, someone in the middle around 7th place gets about 35k, someone around 12th gets about 20k and first boot gets about 3.5k
The fact that Maria voted out mostly the girls, but turns around and votes for a woman to win, I feel sad for Charlie but I was rooting for Kenzie and Im absolutely happy for her. Logically, Charlie made sense as the winner, but we're not the jury, the jury voted for who deserved to win the most and thats something we just have to live with.
Bull, the jury voted for reasons that have nothing to do with how well they played the game. Q said out loud he changed his vote based on how the money would be used. That is not a legitimate criteria. It is out witt, out last and out play!
@@scottranck2225Q voting for Kenzie meaned he cared enough about her and her reasons for wanting to win the money. Therefore she played a good enough social game that he gave a damn. Therefore she deserved the win. The best player doesn't always win, but the best of the final 3 always does. Because jury management is part of what makes Survivor so unique. The jury will always pick the right winner of the final 3 by very definition of how the game works. You have to vote people out, then turn around and ask them to reward you with a million dollars. The player that achieves this, is the rightful winner. That's the point.
its the other way around, we know who deserves the win and the jury acts on emotions and fucked this season up along with many others.
@@scottranck2225 Q's reasoning for voting Kenzie is not YOUR criteria, it's his cuz HE'S on the jury, not you.
@@bigboygains137 not necessarily, I can say Cassidy deserved to win 43, but Gabler fit the jury's idea of who they wanted to vote to win the game and that's something we have to live with, even if I personally don't like that Gabler is the winner of 43.
I miss the live finales. I loved it when the crowd cheered every time Jeff read a vote
Kenzie’s win will remind you that survivor is FIRST and FOREMOST a social game before anything else. Her social game is so strong! The strongest I have seen for years!
idk gabler had stronger, she barely won
@@xeonasgt602Her’s was stronger. The fact that she beat Charlie speaks volume. Cassidy on 43 had no chance. This one was close.
@@jlzivi5277 also maria seemed very bitter and Q said he changed his vote last minute not because of Kenzies gameplay but that she needs money to start family and etc so kenzie got kinda lucky
@@xeonasgt602 Charlie leaving his closest ally bitter is his fault and a detriment to HIS game not Kenzie’s. And realistically why would Q vote for Charlie who he didn’t know vs Kenzie who he knew from the beginning and shared an underdog story with?
@@FellDownTheCornHolehow is that Charlie’s fault? Maria went after him and Charlie responded with his social game bringing the 4 votes against Q, and even was receptive to working with Maria after she betrayed him first keeping votes off of him which was a smart strategic move. I don’t get how you think it’s his fault that Maria is bitter
Also Charlie can’t do anything about Q knowing Kenzie longer as he has no power over tribe members.
Soda running to Kenzie reminds me of her getting the Immunity trophy to Venus lol
Always grabbing the idol
And she didn't even vote for Kenzie. This cast was sooooo unpredictable!!!
W Soda though, that’s wholesome
I didn’t even notice lmao 😂 omg she always wanna be relevant
@@eddie4183And? Just because she voted for Charlie doesn't mean she didn't like or can't be happy for Kenzie
Maria is a true villain. Could have made it a tie for “Uncle” Charlie and he’d probably win the tiebreaker from Ben. Instead she sunk her best friend 😂
she's joooish what do you expect?
@@voltaire9237what do you mean by that?
@@voltaire9237 uhhh
@@voltaire9237what does that have anything to do with it?
I knew in my head that Kenzie will win 😂 I’m proud of her she did amazing
I don't think I've seen two finalists being as equally deserving of the win in Kenzie/Charlie since Sandra/Parvati. Fantastically close vote to cap off a fantastically chaotic season.
Dom and Wendell but true
Dom and Wendell literally tied, but that's also fair.
@johnscould2615 Ohhh yeah I forgot about Dom/Wendell!
Parvati deserved it way more than Sandra even if it's hard to swallow
@@jules86482sandra is a much better player than Parvati
The foreshadowing at the beginning of the season tells it all! She was charming, charismatic, and funny. Sure she wasn’t the most strategic but she still killed it! Maria and Q explaining their votes was pretty weird however She deserved it! THE. JURY. IS. NEVER. WRONG 👏
Kenzie is a deserved winner for sure, but had Charlie gotten more than 30s for his final speech (which was bs considering that speech can change a vote like Tevin's) he could've won.
Side note, Maria's "I saw the fire in her eyes" was absolutely wild, hopefully Charlie gets the opportunity to play in 50
I think that’s bs and complete copium, he wouldn’t have gotten Tevin’s vote.
Hopefully not. None of these players post 40 should come back for 50. The only ones worthy are Cody and his buddy who took him out. No one else can keep up with actual good Players especially not the Old schoolers.
@@robtheservantof6257 you have not watched survivor then. Charlie was by far mvp this season and I expect Quinn to come back because of entertainment. but, there have been some very smart players in new era. I expect a decent amount from 47 to come bc a lot r rlly smart strategists
In my opinion Charlie was robbed and got shorted with how long he could give his speech in the end
Nah he didnt have social, its just like Spencer from 31
It’s such a shocker that Maria voted Kenzie to win
If it would’ve been a tie, Charlie would’ve won. However, Maria voting for Kenzie actually surprised me. Now I’m waiting on the winner videos on Kenzie and the Survivor 46 Retrospective.
Happy for Kenzie, but Charlie should be the winner. Maria is so disappointing.
I was so hoping Kenzie would win. I also was kinda hoping for a tie as well but regardless, I am happy with the result. I am a little shocked Maria voted for Kenzie in the end to avoid the tie despite what she said in the after show.
Me: I'm pretty sure it's going to be Charlie no one else would stand a cha-
"The winner of Survivor 46... Kenzie"
*proceeds to lose voice of pure shock*
I thought for sure Charlie would win, but I guess I was wrong. anyways, congrats kenzie!
I was hoping for a Liz or Kenzie win going into the finale, then at ftc, I was hoping for Kenzie to win, but REALLY expecting Charlie to win, or even TIE. I was shocked!
Charlie looked so crushed in AfterShow. Thanks, Maria! 😈
Honestly I think Kenzie deserved her win. Like all people out here mad she beat Charlie. But honestly what was so strategic about his game. He played with Maria that whole time but after that she honestly he had a lot of luck on his side. Kenzie was always at the bottom yet her relationships she made with people allowed her to stay longer because no one wanted to get rid of her and even when she was out of the tiff vote she logically convinced people to vote out Q after she helped get rid of Venus gaining the trust of Maria allowing that to blindside Q and then her and Liz working together got Maria out and finally no matter who she went to the end with she was confident she had her relationships from the jury so she knew the people her connections formed in the game were so good. Was an amazing season. And don’t get me wrong Charlie had his moments but he was a follower to Maria until she flipped first and when he caught on he got her first but only cause she had an immunity streak. If it was him winning and she made the same moves she did before they would have gotten Charlie so honestly Maria controlled him until the flip and after that he skimmed by because everyone was after Maria and then Ben was dumb and wanted Liz out which made no sense what so ever. But Kenzie had to fight from the moment she landed on the beach being to tribal everytime (except once) and prevailing everytime and made amazing moves during that time. So for me top tier winner!
I Love Kenzie! But I feel like Charlie was robbed. Happy for Kenzie tho. Great Season!
Agreed 😢
Congrats Kenzie! She definitely deserves it while she's becoming a mother soon ❤
Not the point of the show that hog didn't deserve it!
@@tinaminowski1014Welp. She chilling with her million while you bitter clown 🤡
Would love to see charlie play again hopefully he gets to come back for survivor 50 🙂
Wow I didn't expect Kenzie to win at all. This was intense omg . Congratulations Kenzie!
It was pretty obvious after thé merge She would win
Liz bolt running the stairs straight to Applebees 😂 💀
charlie was robbed badly, maria sold him out
The robbed king? He can make a couple with Aubrey.
They need to bring back 2 person finals
Absolutely ❤
Right like… it’s been 11 seasons since everyone in the f3 got a jury vote. It needs to change.
Agreed I'm sick of Zero vote finalists and it be refreshing for the "New Era"
The reason they don’t anymore is because the player who wins immunity in the old final 3 would vote out the last jury member, which would then almost instantly lose them a vote for the million
That was the closest thing to a tie… omg. Finally we have another jury that doesn’t all sit and unanimously agree on a winner.
Moriah being voted out because she likes Aubry was foreshadowing for Charlie being robbed in the same way Aubry was in Kaoh Rong lol
You cannot say Charlie was robbed and act like Kenzie was not a social threat from Day 1 lol
Love Kenzie❤❤❤😂
Can you create a video of Kenzie‘s best moments in the season?
Deserving winner! Congrats Kenzie.
Anyone who says Kenzie didnt deserve to win, doesnt understand the point of the game and what makes it unique.
The best player doesn't always win, but the best of the final 3 always does. Because jury management is part of what makes Survivor so unique. The jury will always pick the right winner of the final 3 by very definition of how the game works. You have to vote people out, then turn around and ask them to reward you with a million dollars. The player that achieves this, is the rightful winner. That's the entire point of the show. You can be a great logical strategist, but if you cant get the votes in the end, it means you did something wrong.
I agree completely. I think everyone is SO HYPER FOCUSED on the fact that Maria betrayed Charlie that they're forgetting that Kenzie also played a great game and is a VERY deserving winner!
I would have been happy either way with Kenzie or Charlie winning, but what's really feeling OFF to me is Maria voting Kenzie instead of Charlie.
I was so happy she won. Absolutely loved her all the way
I knew it!The best winner in the new era,she played a very strong social game.
dee and yam yam >>>
@@mistatrapstar Yam Yam sucks. It's actually Maryanne.
you made your parents so proud and such compassion towards everyone on have a big heart and thank you🥰
Everyone says Charlie deserved to win but I straight up don’t understand what he has done other than hide behind Maria, not take credit for moves and simply be in the majority. Kenzie herself is the one to trick Maria into not making Q think he’s safe. Charlie hasn’t done anything but be quiet but have a great FTC which is the only reason he got votes
she also admitted that she was a boatrider atleast charlie won challenges
I loved this I went to school with her parents. We came from a very small town, I now know Survivor is real.
I am so happy for Kenz!!! You are my sole survivor since day 1!! 😭🔥
I did expect her to win, and even with this vote count of 5-3-0, but the way in which people voted really surprised me. I thought Hunter and Liz were both going to be voting for Kenzie, and I am shocked that Q voted Kenzie. For me the biggest shock is that Maria voted Kenzie, but I had a gut feeling she was not a Charlie vote considering we didn't see her vote.
I'm a man, not supposed to cry but i cant hold my tears this long 😭 I'm rooting for her since Yanu and look where she is right now. I AM VERY PROUD 😭❤️
who says men can’t cry?
I’m not surprised Liz didn’t write her own name 😂
Dang Maria! Charlie should have won. This jury was so hypocritical. Blamed Ben for playing an emotional game and then they all choose Kenzie based on her emotional story not her game.
I agree. I dont think Kenzie should of won based on her story. They should of based it on how well the person played.
Every juror has the right to vote anyone they want, no matter the reason it's THEIR jury vote
I love Kenzie. She's my favorite player on this season. Go Kenzie. I'm so happy that she won 💜🎊🏝
Wouldve been so disappointing if Charlie had won!!
I’m gonna gaslight myself into thinking that I didn’t know that she’d win for two months 😍🥰
Holy crap - Kenzie won it all! I’m so happy it’s her.
My fav is hunter and venus..because they same like me..not good in social interraction
The look on Charlie’s face! Lol
Yeah buddy, you have to accept that!
It seems like the social butterfly always wins over the strategic brains
But i guess not this time, Charlie wasnt so smart
@@MephisPhelesbro wdym he was by far the biggest strategic genius. You need to rewatch the last 3 episodes bud.
Kenzie was definitely a social butterfly, but I always felt like Charlie also had a good social game as well. He may have been mostly a strategic player, but his social bonds allowed him to make the moves he made.
@@Finsteristic76.. Nahhh... He was just okay, not genius. Maria is the mastermind Strategic of the season. Charlie just riding on her back
@@simpleboy7401every decision that was made Charlie & Maria made it as a duo. In no episode did Maria dictate how he voted and Charlie just fell in line.
Especially when Maria tried blind siding Charlie but his social game came into play, brought Liz, Kenzie, & Ben over to his side, and put Q & Maria on the jury back to back. That was the play of the season.
Even in the finale Charlie (while underwhelming in the physical aspect) played an amazing strategic game not allowing his name to come up ever and take his spot in the final 3.
Kenzie played an underdog game so respect for that but Charlie articulated himself much better at final tribal and if the jury was moderately receptive he would have won.
That social game is so important it’s crazy
liz hauling ass up those stairs will never not be funny to me 😭
Congratulations to Kenzie well deserved win
Kenzie deserved her win. She played the best game that she can. She didn’t have a lot of options that Charlie had. Entering Jury she only was moving forward with the alliance of Q and Tiff. But having Q as an ally was a struggle and even then he wanted her out as he was threaten with her relationship with Tiff. Her social game reminds me of V in marquesas. She played from the bottle, managed to build trust with others and be purposely used as a “pawn” for others to be their extra vote, and in the end, she was able to make her own moves in attempt to get Q and Maria out.
Both would’ve been deserving winners but I’m so happy Kenzie won. Easily my favorite new era winner, and I’ve loved most of em
I’m pissed off that Charlie Davis narrowly lost the title of Sole survivor and the million dollars to Kenzie Petty in Survivor 46. It was a 5-3 vote at the end. This is all Ben Katzman’s fault, he won the final immunity challenge, he literally did everything wrong from that point on, he valued his friendship with Charlie more and took him with him to the final 3 and forced Liz Wilcox to compete against Kenzie in the fire making challenge but Liz lost. Ben should’ve remembered that Liz was allergic to so many foods like coconut on the island so she was not as fit as Kenzie, Ben or Charlie to compete in firemaking. Ben also should’ve remembered how both Charlie and Kenzie were both threats to win the game. He should’ve put both of them in the fire making challenge instead, if he did that, then only one of those contestants would have reached the final 3. That’s pretty much why Ben was cast aside receiving 0 votes from the jury. He ruined his own chances of winning, and he ruined Charlie’s chances of winning. He let everyone down, not just Survivor fans but Taylor Swift fans as well!
As for me, I had this whole elaborate plan of throwing a Taylor Swift themed celebration if Charlie won the game since he’s a huge self-proclaimed fan of hers. Instead, I was stuck with listening to Rodney Atkins’s song “If you’re going through hell” because that’s exactly what Charlie went through, he went through hell, losing that season!
He better return for Survivor 50 and he better win, because there is NO ONE ELSE in this new era of Survivor (Seasons 41-46) that is more deserving than him, period! Charlie better win, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! I want him to destroy Survivor 50 and destroy the memories of Kenzie’s victory and Ben’s gameplay from Survivor 46 just like how Kai the Bull destroyed the Jade Palace using the Statue of Master Oogway in Kung Fu Panda 3
I agree that Ben totally should've saved Liz - we know he doesn't beat Charlie or Kenzie, but he may get 2nd if he brings Liz.
I'm honestly more disappointed in Maria, who didn't vote for Charlie because she was clearly bitter about his betrayal (even though she turned against him too - he just had the social capital to pull it off)
Of all the languages in the world you chose to speak facts 🗣️
If this jury was moderately open minded I believe Charlie would have won, although in a tie I think Kenzie wins because no way Ben chooses Charlie twice which isn’t an indictment on Charlie’s game whatsoever.
It’d be one thing if Kenzie out spoke Charlie in final tribal but that just wasn’t the case she never talked about the game once and relied on social capital far too much. It’s especially bad hearing Q & Maria’s rationale for voting Maria. “Because she had fire or something in her eyes” and “She just wants the money to sit on it”
I don’t think Kenzie is a bad player by any means but an underwhelming winner especially when the argument can be made that Charlie didn’t make 1 mistake. Worst jury of all time period.
I actually knew kenzie was going to win in survivor 46 cuz she the best cast and deserves to win
I'm So Happy Kenzie Won She Deserved It
I didn’t think Kenzie would pull it off against Charlie. I’m so happy I’m wrong!
Good job to Charlie and Ben too though 👍
My personal opinion Charlie should have won but congrats to kenzie
@@jking- you don’t vote on who
Deserves the money more. It’s about who played the game of Survivor the best.
Pls can you show the teaser for survivor 47 cos I gotta see that but being British is a bit well…
Why does the responsibility of the win all fall on Maria? I don't get the hate she's getting, but I'm happy with the winner. Kenzie and Charlie were both deserving of the win, but for two completely different reasons. To me, Charlie was a bigger physical and strategic player, but Kenzie was more social and had better answers at final tribal
Misogyny, that’s why smh.
y’all acting like maria had a blood oath to vote charlie. integrity this integrity that but when it came down to it, kenzie swayed her. maybe maria was bitter too, but regardless she still used her vote how she wanted so congrats kenzie🗿
Kenzie made no moves. And the idol she won… was because of Lindsay.
Charlie worked with basically EVERYONE.
Who’s lindsay
Congratulations, Kenzie, winning a 💲1️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
dollars 💸 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵💸💸💸💸💸She was a true Survivor 🏆
She almost first person 🗳 out in the beginning!!
Congratulation Kenzie!!!I hope Kenzie and Charlie are all in the final three and they make it. The fact that the jurys change their votes prove Kenzie's social skill is very good. My man Charlie, I want him to win so bad. But i see Kenzie perform very well in final tribal council and i know he can't win. Charlie's expression make me tear up because i know he try so hard😢
I think Charlie waited too long to detach himself from Mariah. He stayed to far in the shadows, while Kenzie was doing her social game and then Mariah over shadowed Charlie with her moves.
Charlie did lead the charge to vote out Mariah, but then he once again went passive by letting Ben take him to final 3 instead trying to take get Ben to put him & Kenzie in fire, which would've added to his game & probably gave Charlie the win.
Charlie played the best game of the three finals. I thought the motto of the game is outlast, outplay not who has the biggest sob story. Some of the jury indicated that's why they voted for Kenzie. That's not how the jury vote should go.That is not how the game is played.
The jury has the right to consider and ask about anything they want, its been like this FOREVER. Plus, Kenzie's social game was phenomenal!!
idk I think Kenzie deserves the money more... Charlie already has money he is a lawyer
@@jking-no? Bro he literally said he would use the money TO AFFORD LAW SCHOOL he ain’t rich. Law school is expensive if you know.
Point of the game is get to the end and get jury vote you to win
Look ever jury member has the right to vote who ever they want without explaining why
She played a great game!
Congratulations to Kenzie!
After how things were going with Yanu, I wanted one of them to win the whole thing so I was glad to see Kenzie win. Although, I almost thought it was going to be Charlie that won. Ben was obviously not going to get any votes.
I’ll never watch Survivor again - it was Charlie’s win…Kenzie did nada
Cry about it
Kenzie deserved that win
I mean they spend years telling us that men should work with women cuz women are not "emotional", then bitter aunt Maria comes!
kenzie lowkey just reminds me of season 32 michele & yeah charlie giving major malcolm vibes, what a season tho
This season is a joke. Charlie should've won...
This season was awsome wdym
I thought the game was based on out wit, out last and out play. The jury should be reminded of that and told to vote based on the criteria of the game. To say you changed your vote due to how the money would be used should not be allowed! That doesn't have anything to do with the game. When Q said that, I turned the TV off and went to bed.
I dont get angry with Maria. but Kenzie did a good job convincing her alliance to vote for her.
Kenzie don't play good game, people just cannot accept being voted out and played by Maria-Charlie faction.
Maria was a beast, been watching this show just recently but i watched just about every season up to date. They need to bring other's into this show. Like people who need money or less successful. Im sure its hard to even get onto this show. But someone needs to make a less fortunate version of the show.
Or even make a show with a bunch of old people who made it through some rough times. Not saying these people haven't had rough times. But ive seen basketball players, football, and etc. They already made millions. Really aint no point in giving em more money.
Maria was so confident that Charlie didn't have her vote was the perfect revenge.
I'm usually not one to jump on the "so and so was robbed" bandwagon but how the bloody hell did Charlie not win this
Kenzie had a better social game, it's not about how many moves you make, its about making the jury like you in one way or a nother because thats the point of survivor, convince the jury to vote for you, not making the most moves or being the most strategic
@@Loriisaqueen234 I agree that it's about the social game but from what I saw it seemed like Charlie had a massively better social game and had much better agency during the game.
@@entertainer_ev2747 that was done with Xander in 41 aswell where he looked like the winner but then lost, there are things behind the scenes we don't get to see and we don't know 100 percent what was happening on the island, kenzie could have been playing way better but production decided not to show that kuz they wanted to hide her like Erika
There is a lot behind the scenes we don’t see. At the end of the day there’s no blueprint on how to win survivor. It’s all subjective to each jury member.
Q invented spelling.
despite the contrast between this season and 45, we've had such likeable final 3's :)
Happy for Kenzie! Both Charlie and Kenzie both deserved to win. But, can I please say....
Boo!!! Boo!! Tomatoes 🍅
Someone should tell Maria Bitter doesn't look good on her!! Worst part of the night was her lame excuse on why she voted for Kenzie.
Kenzie only had a social game, Charlie arguably has a better social and way better strategic game. Bitter jurors for no reason.
He would’ve won if that was the case (I think he would definitely be a deserving winner though)
@@person9305idk I think Kenzie deserves the money more... Charlie already has money he is a lawyer
@@person9305idk I think Kenzie deserves the money more... Charlie already has money he is a lawyer
@@jking-bro has typed this like 10 times god damn. And he’s wrong too
Charlie is in law school. He is running up huge student loan debts. Law school is expensive. He’s not a practicing lawyer yet.
It was a weird ending. Charlie robbed but Kenzie deserved it too.
One of the all around weakest seasons of survivor. All game play out the window. And the final vote shows it
You mean strongest, season like this make survivor worth watching, im happy a boring game bot didnt win
Survivor Season 46
This season of Survivor was decent.
That being said, if things continue to develop along the same lines, the show, the competition, the epic saga of the Survivor spectacle is finished.
The lastest developments are emblematic of the wider Western culture, even as many aspects of the competition reveal deeper truths about the human experience more broadly. We can learn from what we see unfolding in the Survivor universe, if we are so inclined.
One solid truth that historically has been beautifully illustrated by the Survivor experience is that true victory requires real sacrifice, and that in order to receive the deeply desired reward there has to be real valiant effort that strives to overcome adversity as blood and sweat water the seed that sprouts into a crown. We see that solid truth increasingly abandoned by the Survivor contestants. Jeff of course continues to reiterate these truths in that his objective observations expertly serenade the competitors as they battle through the competitions, but even he fails at critical moments to call out the shift towards rewarding those that complain the most as opposed to honouring those that work the hardest. Reminiscent of the boy from Boston in Mike’s Season crying about wanting reward becuase it was his birthday, Liz repeatedly dishonoured herself and her competitors in demanding reward even in the face of her failure to win and in her despicable refusal to honour the winner with the congratulations that they had earned. She further surrendered herself to the service of this destructive shift as she robbed Maria of the victory she was working to earn by helping another competitor to cheat her way into the winners circle. An individual battle robbed of the core principal of fair competition and neither Jeff Probst or the Survivor competitors could muster the honourable courage to call out this travesty.
Again a failure to recognize excellence and objective achievement was subverted as the jury refused to hand the crown to the contestant that clearly had done more to earn that honour. At least in this case Kenzie had worked to earn her position in the final three and most definitely deserved her seat there. Even so it was plainly stated that game performance was not the factor the jury used to distribute the title of Sole Survivor, and this development will in and of itself destroy the admirable essence of the Survivor competition.
These are just a few examples of the deeper cultural shifts being exemplified and that will, if allowed to continue thier growth in the Survivor realm, shall completely destroy the show and the competition we have all grown to love; the same can be said for the wider Western culture.
Charlie lost Survivor once Maria was voted out instead of Ben. The final tribal is 100% social, and a law student lost 5 jury votes to Kenzie after that fire challenge.
I love Q but his reason to vote for Kenzie was so stupid.
A few times throughout this people have said wouldn't it be nice if a woman won or I'd be more inclined to vote for a woman. The ones that said it did end up voting for Kenzie. Maria was a part of that group but I thought she would have went with Charlie. But I just really wanted a tied vote.
Oh the discourse is gonna be crazy
Well deserved girl
Im not shocked she won could of been either one of them what im shocked about is the reasoning for who they voted for. Yikes!!!! The jury has spoken ❤
I think Maria is a bitter person, why she didn't vote for her number 1? Was it because she got voted out by him?
Yup 💯
Maria memo was like if she didn't win the show Charlie wouldn't either
@@jking-her and Karla from S43 will be friends for real, both bitter
Not sure I agree with Maria and Qs reasoning for awarding Kenzie the money. If that's the case, then there's no reason to play. Just give the story on what you'll do with $1M dollars. I love Kenzie, but did not like a player going back to help her in an individual challenge and 2 votes based on life circumstance story. If that's the case, Ben had the BEST use of the winnings in serving others.
Maria's reason for voting for Kenzie because of seeing her as a competitor in the fire making was pure bull sh8. Had she already forgotten that the reason why she sat on the jury was because Kenzie was so incompetent for needing Liz's help to win the challenge where Maria could’ve won otherwise? It’s either she’s dumb to forget that or she’s just masking her spite for not voting for Charlie. Not that I liked Charlie to win, though. The guy was insufferable.