I'm a Challenger coach for all lanes, 2300 sessions & 400+ five-star reviews - metafy.gg/@sagittarius DORAN/CULL - (CULL)➡KRAKEN ➡ZEAL ➡ BF or PICKAXE ➡INFINITY & NAVORI ➡OPTIONAL AFTER THIS Never buy boots not even tier 1 Runes: PTA - PoM - Bloodline - Coup/Cut down Cash back - Cookies/Triple tonic Can go double adaptive 0:00 - Intro 1:57 - Why this build? 6:49 - Runes options 8:53 - Pros and cons 10:05 - Build math 15:00 - Is 382ms really enough? How to adapt
I've seen a lot of people say "don't buy kraken, it's terrible without crit" but it's still really strong in champs like Lucian or Kai'sa who benefit a lot from the attack speed and passive more than the crit.
Kraken is absolutely broken on lucian and I would not be surprised if it gets nerfed. The MS allows you to not buy boots. The Lucian passive makes you proc kraken like 2-3 times per rotation. The passive is busted You dont need the crit early
It's nothing new, it is still good, just not as good as the other options. Any champ that can utilize the crit is stronger by a mile than one that does not to the point that after 3-4 items you can one shot each other
Lucian doesn’t benefit from AS that much in general, way more of raw AD due to great AD scaling in Q and R and then crit for increased R dmg. Kraken itself is in a really weird spot due to most Autoattack heavy ADCs being mostly crit reliant. Kai’sa Varus and Kog might be fine building it though.
the problem on kraken isnt the first item spike the problem is that at 2 items you're not critting while the enemy is at 50% crit and sending you to narnia with their IE so you need to stomp hard with that spike for it to be worth it
Also one bonus point of building Kraken vs someone who is trying to build IE/ER early is the fact that your components are really cheap and easy to buy with your long swords vs their BF sword. You just perma fist fight (which you can because you're Losecian) and force often bases at like 800g intervals, you can buy items while enemy ADC has to awkwardly sit on awkward gold amounts since they need to eventually get the 1300g component item.
great video!!! it really makes sense with lucian and hig high mobility with his E+passive. I love this part of the game with a new patch when get to experiment new build paths.
well I coach all lanes & roles, Lucian is just one of my main champs and I main ADC, probably he's my most played :) feel free to order on metafy whenever mfy.gg/@sagittarius thanks for the sub!
I actually main AD Shaco but he is similar to adcs in that he uses crit and autoattacks for his primary. I'm glad I was recommended this video because the boots dilemna is what I've been struggling to understand on Shaco for a long time. Zerks is a good spike and ms helps for ganks and clearing but he severely lacks damage so rushing damage items feels more rewarding. This helped me gain some more insight and perspective on the problem.
Thoughts on collector/er first if u can buy bf first base? I feel like if u have 1300 gold recall early its illegal to not buy bf and not buying a bf item, with 1st base bf feels bad caus u delay 1st spike (+payback value aswell)
BF item first is only good when you have nami/milio and vs. long range enemies. Basically the more you can autoattack in fights, the worse it is, and the better kraken is. Also, you can autoattack more the lower elo you go, since you get spaced way less by lower elo enemies. So lower elo kraken is better, higher elo you can BF first and also you can BF first against more squishy or long range. BF doesnt work with bootless though
I get the abusing of the cashback rune, but the one problem I see, is that you can't completely chunk out sb with only ult like you could with Collector and IE.
this build is not for playing with ult into long range comp with nami/milio into high elo players. for that obviously you go collector indeed. but 90% of soloq games this fits better
Imo, i think building speed boots would be an amazing forth or gettint it over finishing ie, still get the bf sword. Movement speed is and always have been the hest stat in the game, with speed boots you would be zooming with all the bonus movement speed and orb walking would be more reliable for those times you cannot infinity combo. All of this would he more relevant depending on what you are against, if there is a lillia jungle, voli top, Cassiopeia/ryze mid, xayra and rakan bot, movement speed instantly becomes far more important and would be buying boots third or forth.
Damage is too low if you do that. 382 is more than enough with dash or nami or milio or cc supp unless late game into 430+ speed ADC in which case you go RFC 3/4 item
@@MoltenMeta I mean on Lucian it is, it's always been played with low Ms compared to a bruiser or whatever. It's okay to sacrifice 10 or 15 for 3 completed items at min 20
@@CoachSagi at the highest mastery of always having your dash off cd it makes total sense. I just spent a few minutes watching some Lucian highlights and I'm definitely going to play a couple games after today. From going from mid I didn't even consider Lucian even though he plays similarly to some mages. Taliyah is my main.
I'm also a Lucian main and I have been messing around with build and this build by far is the best, whoever is saying Kraken in trash on Lucian (Doublelift) just talks out of there ass.
@@Armagedis with kraken nerfs I don't think so. Nerf on both the speed and damage. I think the build is dead maybe but I haven't tested. Try ER rush into IE and CD boots with no navori
what if you rush ER then zeal or something like that? any ideia? still playing lucian mid, have seen some guys building BORK then black cleaver, what you think about it?
Opinion on ER on lucian ? I like it a lot since the micro patch . And thought on Collector 1st item , i see a lot of ppl going for that but i don't like it imo .
I think ER is bait, it's expensive, does little DPS etc etc, it's giga bad imo and you don't need either the haste nor the mana Collector is ER but better. Doesn't give speed tho so you need boots if you go collector. Still better than ER but this build is better since way cheaper. Collector and kraken are the only two viable starts. But needing 1300 for bf sucks also, another point for kraken
I feel like Collectors Into I.E gives me much better trade patterns than Kraken into I.E. Can Kraken -> Flickerblade really compete with Collector's -> I.E ?? Ult deals a ton more damage at 50% crit as well... idk about this one tbh. It's true you have easier backs but if you're ahead and can get that B.F or Dirk you spike super hard. I agree that movement speed is super underrated on new Kraken
But why are you comparing items one to one? The whole point is that I'll have 3 items by the time your other build has collector ie. I specifically mention this in the beginning...
Maybe I am overestimating Lucian ult but I have found it deals sooo much damage at 2 item spike with the bigger items which lets me nuke targets without risking much compared to having to weave back & forth for kraken autos with E spam from flicker. I guess it depends heavily on how you play Luc + your comp vs enemy comp to determine which build is better every time, which is a nice thing tbh instead of just having a single carbon copy build for all games I am playing in low dia lobbies so in no way am I trying to say I know better or anything, this is all based on experience and gameplay feel when I can't consistently rely on my enchanters to do their job properly so relying on ult feels better on a game by game basis. I will try your suggestions because I feel the back timer argument though (going back for crit cloak because i am 200-300 short on B.F feels really bad ngl, maybe if they kept pickaxe on collector it would feel better)
@@spacelizard5280 it just depends on elo and comp. above master 600lp players will space you more so playing with far away burst and ult is more value. below 500lp and if enemies dont get 3-4+ range champ then its much more value to get kraken. if you're not playing super high elo i'd almost never play ult-priority build. I say this as both a challenger adc main and a full time coach who watches lower elo players for a living. people below high elo will not space you enough so you can get much more value out of kraken
@@CoachSagi I tried this a few games btw and my eyes are open to its superiority, skipping boots + getting cull consistently puts me 1+ item on enemy adc that's busted ngl, tyvm for sharing
I buy it on first recall if: A) I burned both my summs and can't buy double longsword (for example having 800 gold), due to burning summs I won't be fighting soon B) lane is extremely boring (Soraka vs yuumi or something) C) enemy lane is just giga outranging me and I can't really trade much so I'll just farm Either of those. As for starting cull I don't like it bot that much but in mid it's fine
Problem is that attack speed is not that good on lucion, for me is better to go for colector, inf., lord dominic. Also u have more crit scaling with inf. Adge and armour pen. In 3 items, that build is instakilling, boots in runes. Or the other rune and buy 1.lvl boots
Try the build and you'll see, also watch the video because I'm pretty sure I answered all of this in the video. You can't compare builds one by one, by the time I have 3 items you have 1.5
If i would want to convert this into Jinx the way would be: Magical Footwear not building T2 boots, Kraken, PD, IE? Or would it be too bad to delay IE so long?
@@CoachSagi Wouldnt it be useless to go collector first when you could just go ie then first anyways with the price difference not being that much? so that would give an ie pd powerspike pretty much
@@iTzzTronco if you can... but builds dont work like that. most games in high elo in the first recall you have less than 900 gold so you can only get 2 long swords or even one, ie is better to get 2nd or 3rd where recalls are more spread out. unless you recall with 900-1300 in first one then sure.
@@CoachSagi Yeah i get what you mean, i actually still dont think collector is an item anyone should rush on Jinx to be fair. I think footwear boots Kraken/pd/ie should be the best then. In some lanes i really liked that with fleet aswell. I just didnt try the boots thing yet (Always just bought T2 after first item/2nd item depending on how juiced my recalls are). Youre saying collector only because the components look better than IE right so i guess Kraken would still be better overall item in terms of build synergy. I like it when my items have synergy between each other and with my champions kit (I guess collector could be made work with R) And having AS/MS/AD is probably better than AD/Lethality and a little bit of extra gold/execute here. Please dont take it as an offense, im just learning all of this and trying to make it make sense for myself aswell ty
Thinking of how i can implement this with kai'sa for the most part I've only been running 2 builds on her either ad on-hit: kraken > pickaxe[q evolve] (into rageblade) > berserk's (with recurve bow from rageblade gives E evolve) > terminus > bt > ga or hybrid: kraken > pickaxe[q evolve] (into rageblade) > berserk's > nashor's (fastest W evolve is blasting + amp tome) > zhonya's/deathcap/shadowflame Haven't messed around with the zephyr yet and I wanted to ask ur thoughts regarding that. considering we can upgrade to that, wouldn't boots be valuable?
I can try tomorrow see who else can use it but as for Kaisa... I don't think you can do it because it'd be too much attackspeed unless you skip guinso. Like you can do exactly same as this build with IE but say goodbye to evolving W and your DMG will be 95% physical
Wonder if trist mid can take advantage of this - I've been experimenting with botrk/kraken > navori > IE builds on her and found the most success with those, so it's not too far off from what's being shown here. For a champ like trist, is it still more optimal to zeal > IE > navori or is navori > IE going to yield better results?
@@CoachSagi makes sense with the triple tonic, but why cull start? is it because the build is playing for mid-game powerspike and/or that she's strong enough early to get away with starting cull? just trying to understand the base mindset for cull > doran
the damage on target dummies is a bit flawed, you should increase the armor and hp on the dummies since the damage from kraken is highly inflated as it scales with missing health now.
@@CoachSagi it's on both procs equalling about 120ish damage. But I tried the build in d1 mmr and you actually cooked bro. There are games where kraken + navori don't really do much, for example against a comp like vayne top graves hwei kalista ashe, what would you then recommend? Kraken into zeal into IE into RFC maybe?
What do you think about phantom dancer on some adcs? I’ve always thought it was underrated along with energy in general. I usually build it on vayne when I feel like I need to carry cause it gives insane move speed. Now it also makes u ghosted.
Not him but its troll, PTA will out damage conq in both short and long trades Conq better if u have high ad scalings like samira with her ult and for someone who cant proc PTA easily
In other words perhaps I wasn't clear but I meant that riot intentionally nerfed components such as dirk and caufields some months ago to prevent snowballing
The problem with Lucian is that even if you have 2 items more than the other adc, the other adc will still deal more damage ROFL I did 2 games with this build and strats, both game Samira and Draven literally 10x my damage with IE collector.
You can use my first strike page with them but the build remains the same. Just complete IE after zeal, and then you can upgrade zeal to either navori or RFC, that's the change
probably since vayne gets movespeed on passive and tumble for dodging, specially if you go kraken -> bork, you will probably have enought speed by that point depending on the game
played a few games with this tonight. no boots genuinely feels terrible. cash back nets you like 700-800 gold maybe if youre lucky in most games. this didnt really get me items all that much faster than just winning with more stats.
You make some good points but no one actually plays what you call the "regular" Lucian build. It's straight up nonsensical. Not to mention the difference is mostly generated from cashback, which you compare to NOTHING.
When I uploaded this vid everyone was playing essence reaver with the build I mentioned. Collector build became popular later. I have no idea wym by comparing Cashback to nothing
I'm a Challenger coach for all lanes, 2300 sessions & 400+ five-star reviews - metafy.gg/@sagittarius
Never buy boots not even tier 1
PTA - PoM - Bloodline - Coup/Cut down
Cash back - Cookies/Triple tonic
Can go double adaptive
0:00 - Intro
1:57 - Why this build?
6:49 - Runes options
8:53 - Pros and cons
10:05 - Build math
15:00 - Is 382ms really enough? How to adapt
I've seen a lot of people say "don't buy kraken, it's terrible without crit" but it's still really strong in champs like Lucian or Kai'sa who benefit a lot from the attack speed and passive more than the crit.
Kraken is absolutely broken on lucian and I would not be surprised if it gets nerfed. The MS allows you to not buy boots. The Lucian passive makes you proc kraken like 2-3 times per rotation. The passive is busted
You dont need the crit early
It's nothing new, it is still good, just not as good as the other options. Any champ that can utilize the crit is stronger by a mile than one that does not to the point that after 3-4 items you can one shot each other
Lucian doesn’t benefit from AS that much in general, way more of raw AD due to great AD scaling in Q and R and then crit for increased R dmg. Kraken itself is in a really weird spot due to most Autoattack heavy ADCs being mostly crit reliant. Kai’sa Varus and Kog might be fine building it though.
As of this build i’m rly interested to try it but i’ve had a lot of success with collector IE build myself
the problem on kraken isnt the first item spike
the problem is that at 2 items you're not critting while the enemy is at 50% crit and sending you to narnia with their IE
so you need to stomp hard with that spike for it to be worth it
Also one bonus point of building Kraken vs someone who is trying to build IE/ER early is the fact that your components are really cheap and easy to buy with your long swords vs their BF sword. You just perma fist fight (which you can because you're Losecian) and force often bases at like 800g intervals, you can buy items while enemy ADC has to awkwardly sit on awkward gold amounts since they need to eventually get the 1300g component item.
I’ve been spamming this build on lucian, and I absolutely love it. The attack speed and being able to dash so often is so good.
great video!!! it really makes sense with lucian and hig high mobility with his E+passive. I love this part of the game with a new patch when get to experiment new build paths.
well I coach all lanes & roles, Lucian is just one of my main champs and I main ADC, probably he's my most played :)
feel free to order on metafy whenever mfy.gg/@sagittarius
thanks for the sub!
@@CoachSagi Yes, I can see that and I appreciate what you're doing. Thanks!
I actually main AD Shaco but he is similar to adcs in that he uses crit and autoattacks for his primary. I'm glad I was recommended this video because the boots dilemna is what I've been struggling to understand on Shaco for a long time. Zerks is a good spike and ms helps for ganks and clearing but he severely lacks damage so rushing damage items feels more rewarding. This helped me gain some more insight and perspective on the problem.
I've started using this logic on my top lane champs (shen, quinn, mundo), and it's been tremendously effective
I have been trying the same thing on jinx and it feels really good!
this, this is why i sub
Thoughts on collector/er first if u can buy bf first base? I feel like if u have 1300 gold recall early its illegal to not buy bf and not buying a bf item, with 1st base bf feels bad caus u delay 1st spike (+payback value aswell)
BF item first is only good when you have nami/milio and vs. long range enemies. Basically the more you can autoattack in fights, the worse it is, and the better kraken is.
Also, you can autoattack more the lower elo you go, since you get spaced way less by lower elo enemies. So lower elo kraken is better, higher elo you can BF first and also you can BF first against more squishy or long range. BF doesnt work with bootless though
i tried 3 or 4 builds for Lucian and so far i thing yours is the best. Some mana problems but blue buff fixes it
This is huge !
What about just going swiftness boots I just love the movement speed I feel when I have t2 boots
I get the abusing of the cashback rune, but the one problem I see, is that you can't completely chunk out sb with only ult like you could with Collector and IE.
this build is not for playing with ult into long range comp with nami/milio into high elo players. for that obviously you go collector indeed. but 90% of soloq games this fits better
Imo, i think building speed boots would be an amazing forth or gettint it over finishing ie, still get the bf sword.
Movement speed is and always have been the hest stat in the game, with speed boots you would be zooming with all the bonus movement speed and orb walking would be more reliable for those times you cannot infinity combo.
All of this would he more relevant depending on what you are against, if there is a lillia jungle, voli top, Cassiopeia/ryze mid, xayra and rakan bot, movement speed instantly becomes far more important and would be buying boots third or forth.
Damage is too low if you do that. 382 is more than enough with dash or nami or milio or cc supp unless late game into 430+ speed ADC in which case you go RFC 3/4 item
@@CoachSagi I see, I'm picking up adc again, been playing mid for like 5 years, it's interesting to see the stat weighted so differently.
@@MoltenMeta I mean on Lucian it is, it's always been played with low Ms compared to a bruiser or whatever. It's okay to sacrifice 10 or 15 for 3 completed items at min 20
@@CoachSagi at the highest mastery of always having your dash off cd it makes total sense. I just spent a few minutes watching some Lucian highlights and I'm definitely going to play a couple games after today.
From going from mid I didn't even consider Lucian even though he plays similarly to some mages. Taliyah is my main.
Wow i will try this right now! What if i buy just tier 1 boots? I mean it's just 300 golds and i like the extra ms
Nah at that point just go footwear. Don't buy boots trust the build
I'm also a Lucian main and I have been messing around with build and this build by far is the best, whoever is saying Kraken in trash on Lucian (Doublelift) just talks out of there ass.
Do you think it could work with Ashe ?
Magical footwear without upgrade and then pd yeah
@@CoachSagi no Approach Velocity ?
@@Laidaak yes both footwear and velocity
Will this be worth it in 14.15 in your opinion?
@@Armagedis with kraken nerfs I don't think so. Nerf on both the speed and damage. I think the build is dead maybe but I haven't tested. Try ER rush into IE and CD boots with no navori
what if you rush ER then zeal or something like that? any ideia? still playing lucian mid, have seen some guys building BORK then black cleaver, what you think about it?
I never knew there where so many lucian mains lmfao
Opinion on ER on lucian ? I like it a lot since the micro patch . And thought on Collector 1st item , i see a lot of ppl going for that but i don't like it imo .
I think ER is bait, it's expensive, does little DPS etc etc, it's giga bad imo and you don't need either the haste nor the mana
Collector is ER but better. Doesn't give speed tho so you need boots if you go collector. Still better than ER but this build is better since way cheaper.
Collector and kraken are the only two viable starts. But needing 1300 for bf sucks also, another point for kraken
@@CoachSagi ty very much !
why is this video not listed?? 😭 fortunately I got it from my yt watch history hahaha but it's a really informative video! :o
Will be back to listed soon, fixing some stuff. In the meantime you can order sessions y'all!
Can I try it with Kaisa?
I feel like Collectors Into I.E gives me much better trade patterns than Kraken into I.E. Can Kraken -> Flickerblade really compete with Collector's -> I.E ?? Ult deals a ton more damage at 50% crit as well... idk about this one tbh. It's true you have easier backs but if you're ahead and can get that B.F or Dirk you spike super hard. I agree that movement speed is super underrated on new Kraken
But why are you comparing items one to one? The whole point is that I'll have 3 items by the time your other build has collector ie. I specifically mention this in the beginning...
Maybe I am overestimating Lucian ult but I have found it deals sooo much damage at 2 item spike with the bigger items which lets me nuke targets without risking much compared to having to weave back & forth for kraken autos with E spam from flicker. I guess it depends heavily on how you play Luc + your comp vs enemy comp to determine which build is better every time, which is a nice thing tbh instead of just having a single carbon copy build for all games
I am playing in low dia lobbies so in no way am I trying to say I know better or anything, this is all based on experience and gameplay feel when I can't consistently rely on my enchanters to do their job properly so relying on ult feels better on a game by game basis.
I will try your suggestions because I feel the back timer argument though (going back for crit cloak because i am 200-300 short on B.F feels really bad ngl, maybe if they kept pickaxe on collector it would feel better)
@@spacelizard5280 it just depends on elo and comp. above master 600lp players will space you more so playing with far away burst and ult is more value. below 500lp and if enemies dont get 3-4+ range champ then its much more value to get kraken. if you're not playing super high elo i'd almost never play ult-priority build. I say this as both a challenger adc main and a full time coach who watches lower elo players for a living. people below high elo will not space you enough so you can get much more value out of kraken
@@CoachSagi I tried this a few games btw and my eyes are open to its superiority, skipping boots + getting cull consistently puts me 1+ item on enemy adc that's busted ngl, tyvm for sharing
@@spacelizard5280 told u it cooks
Maybe i missed it in the video, but when do i choose to buy cull?
I buy it on first recall if:
A) I burned both my summs and can't buy double longsword (for example having 800 gold), due to burning summs I won't be fighting soon
B) lane is extremely boring (Soraka vs yuumi or something)
C) enemy lane is just giga outranging me and I can't really trade much so I'll just farm
Either of those. As for starting cull I don't like it bot that much but in mid it's fine
Problem is that attack speed is not that good on lucion, for me is better to go for colector, inf., lord dominic. Also u have more crit scaling with inf. Adge and armour pen. In 3 items, that build is instakilling, boots in runes. Or the other rune and buy 1.lvl boots
Try the build and you'll see, also watch the video because I'm pretty sure I answered all of this in the video. You can't compare builds one by one, by the time I have 3 items you have 1.5
5:02 the no navori in question.
good catch, i meant no ability haste
ER got buffed, also collector is strong, and u will buy AS with navoris or rfc, so u could have 75% critc chance on 3 items, instead 50%
collector nerfed next patch and the ER buff is not enough, its still shitty item
If i would want to convert this into Jinx the way would be: Magical Footwear not building T2 boots, Kraken, PD, IE? Or would it be too bad to delay IE so long?
i have two jinx builds in mind:
collector - magical footwear - berserker - PD - IE
kraken - magical footwear - no upgrade - PD - IE
@@CoachSagi Wouldnt it be useless to go collector first when you could just go ie then first anyways with the price difference not being that much? so that would give an ie pd powerspike pretty much
@@iTzzTronco if you can... but builds dont work like that. most games in high elo in the first recall you have less than 900 gold so you can only get 2 long swords or even one, ie is better to get 2nd or 3rd where recalls are more spread out. unless you recall with 900-1300 in first one then sure.
@@CoachSagi Yeah i get what you mean, i actually still dont think collector is an item anyone should rush on Jinx to be fair. I think footwear boots Kraken/pd/ie should be the best then. In some lanes i really liked that with fleet aswell. I just didnt try the boots thing yet (Always just bought T2 after first item/2nd item depending on how juiced my recalls are). Youre saying collector only because the components look better than IE right so i guess Kraken would still be better overall item in terms of build synergy. I like it when my items have synergy between each other and with my champions kit (I guess collector could be made work with R) And having AS/MS/AD is probably better than AD/Lethality and a little bit of extra gold/execute here. Please dont take it as an offense, im just learning all of this and trying to make it make sense for myself aswell ty
Why is the video unlisted now ?
Fixing some stuff
maybe take ghost and cosmic insight
and then u should be good in terms of ms
how about upgrading boots to berserker and at Lvl 15 we can upgrade them to zephyr?
huge waste of gold, you dont even buy tier 1 boots, and attackspeed is useless on lucian
why is kraken good on lucian, he is not typical auto attacker?
kraken is actually pretty bad on typical crit auto attackers now but he can get off a bunch of auto attacks quickly with his kit so it's good on him
Thinking of how i can implement this with kai'sa
for the most part I've only been running 2 builds on her either
ad on-hit: kraken > pickaxe[q evolve] (into rageblade) > berserk's (with recurve bow from rageblade gives E evolve) > terminus > bt > ga
or hybrid: kraken > pickaxe[q evolve] (into rageblade) > berserk's > nashor's (fastest W evolve is blasting + amp tome) > zhonya's/deathcap/shadowflame
Haven't messed around with the zephyr yet and I wanted to ask ur thoughts regarding that. considering we can upgrade to that, wouldn't boots be valuable?
I can try tomorrow see who else can use it but as for Kaisa... I don't think you can do it because it'd be too much attackspeed unless you skip guinso.
Like you can do exactly same as this build with IE but say goodbye to evolving W and your DMG will be 95% physical
Wonder if trist mid can take advantage of this - I've been experimenting with botrk/kraken > navori > IE builds on her and found the most success with those, so it's not too far off from what's being shown here. For a champ like trist, is it still more optimal to zeal > IE > navori or is navori > IE going to yield better results?
if you do this with mid trist take triple tonic instead of biscuit and take cull instead of doran
@@CoachSagi makes sense with the triple tonic, but why cull start? is it because the build is playing for mid-game powerspike and/or that she's strong enough early to get away with starting cull? just trying to understand the base mindset for cull > doran
@@N3versaw yes exactly, you play for early recalls
@@CoachSagi gotcha that makes sense, I'll give this a try and report back on how it feels ^-^ - thanks for the info!
@@N3versaw i'd say its better on adc trist tho, mid trist goes demolish etc
why buy zeal and bf and not just a full item then the next full item
the damage on target dummies is a bit flawed, you should increase the armor and hp on the dummies since the damage from kraken is highly inflated as it scales with missing health now.
It's still barely changing due to that, it's still heavy out damaged. It's only the final kraken proc anyway
@@CoachSagi it's on both procs equalling about 120ish damage. But I tried the build in d1 mmr and you actually cooked bro. There are games where kraken + navori don't really do much, for example against a comp like vayne top graves hwei kalista ashe, what would you then recommend? Kraken into zeal into IE into RFC maybe?
What about this on trist ?
100% can do it
Do you also go no shoes on samira or jhin?
Since you can't buy kraken which gives Ms, no. But you buy tier1 boots only really late as samira
new meta bro
What do you think about phantom dancer on some adcs? I’ve always thought it was underrated along with energy in general. I usually build it on vayne when I feel like I need to carry cause it gives insane move speed. Now it also makes u ghosted.
On ex-lethal tempo ADC you can magical footwear and never upgrade boots and kraken/pd
Playing Lucian, should I build Ruined Kings for health based tanks(with item like heartsteal)?
with this build you can do that 5th or 6th since you have extra slot and you'll be 100crit anyway
@@CoachSagi Copy that :)
What do you think of conq on lucian
Not him but its troll, PTA will out damage conq in both short and long trades
Conq better if u have high ad scalings like samira with her ult and for someone who cant proc PTA easily
Bad, tried to make it work several times but it just doesnt
You mention that components are bad now but then suggest we delay our second item by buying zeal and bf. I dont get why you think that's best
BF didnt get nerfed. Caufields, Dirk and others got nerfed a while back. Single longswords and daggers are also fine (kraken, zeal)
In other words perhaps I wasn't clear but I meant that riot intentionally nerfed components such as dirk and caufields some months ago to prevent snowballing
Love this vid :)
The problem with Lucian is that even if you have 2 items more than the other adc, the other adc will still deal more damage ROFL
I did 2 games with this build and strats, both game Samira and Draven literally 10x my damage with IE collector.
this sounds good for Lucian.
and no, the no boots is not gonna happen. maybe for lucian but not any other adc
Would you go this exact same core build if you're playing with a nami/millio?
You can use my first strike page with them but the build remains the same. Just complete IE after zeal, and then you can upgrade zeal to either navori or RFC, that's the change
me when i main mages and i have 375-380 speed with boots
Exactly haha
can i use this with vayne top?
probably since vayne gets movespeed on passive and tumble for dodging, specially if you go kraken -> bork, you will probably have enought speed by that point depending on the game
@@aKindred thanks bro
Delete this right now I don't want Jinx with this or Twitch pls
played a few games with this tonight. no boots genuinely feels terrible. cash back nets you like 700-800 gold maybe if youre lucky in most games. this didnt really get me items all that much faster than just winning with more stats.
man this build is fucking illegal
i hope thats a good thing hahaha
@@CoachSagi oh yes for sure
You make some good points but no one actually plays what you call the "regular" Lucian build. It's straight up nonsensical. Not to mention the difference is mostly generated from cashback, which you compare to NOTHING.
When I uploaded this vid everyone was playing essence reaver with the build I mentioned. Collector build became popular later.
I have no idea wym by comparing Cashback to nothing