Lineage 2 - Grand Khavatari PvP *SOLO PVP*

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @WioDallas
    @WioDallas  5 років тому +2

    Like & Subscribe! Soon more videos ! What videos you wanna see? Just let me know!!

    • @domantas7428
      @domantas7428 5 років тому

      Mystic Muse episodes👌❤

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому

      @@domantas7428 Very soon. Olympiad, pvp!!

    • @domantas7428
      @domantas7428 5 років тому

      @@WioDallas Also, could u make farming or pvp, series with mystic muse? Cuz I want to learn more. I made mystic muse, and copied almost everything from ur vids which were posted 3 or 4 days ago :p

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому

      @@domantas7428 Sure can do, if people are interested :)

  • @tonfai65
    @tonfai65 3 роки тому

    Music name?

  • @SGeorgeTM
    @SGeorgeTM 5 років тому +1


  • @aristocratsholandacampos9862
    @aristocratsholandacampos9862 5 років тому

    Joga muito Wio🧐👏🏻

  • @domantas7428
    @domantas7428 5 років тому

    Bro, is this other server or older clips? Cuz I havent seen any player with these armors... in L2.TOXIC

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому

      Bro, sorry, it's old video. I have old footage that never had time to post it. I have this, archer, mystic muse olympiad and I think that's all. I just wanna post everything I have. You know what I mean right?

    • @domantas7428
      @domantas7428 5 років тому

      @@WioDallas Ik man. It's okay

  • @nightdash1460
    @nightdash1460 5 років тому

    Махач с тиром, тх, и танком вообще красиво :D

  • @matys6760
    @matys6760 4 роки тому

    Which L2 server do you recommend nowadays?

  • @armantasSK
    @armantasSK 2 роки тому

    Where is rush skill?

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  2 роки тому +1

      its gracia not hi5. no rush.

  • @kraha
    @kraha 4 роки тому

    Its looks amazing that daggers make low dmg to you from back. Im wonder what weap skills you donate and other shits. Also server looks broken if 2 or 3 ppl with similar eq cant fight with that tyr.

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  4 роки тому

      server is ok.. trust me.

  • @francoloubet
    @francoloubet 5 років тому

    epic wio epic

  • @eliasmorello8
    @eliasmorello8 5 років тому

    Song? Nice video wio!!

  • @francoloubet
    @francoloubet 5 років тому +1

    i wanna FH back!!

  • @franciscomancuello
    @franciscomancuello 5 років тому

    GUIDE FOR Grand Khavatari PLZ

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому +1

      I have already! Check my channel

  • @EduardoFlores-vf1zm
    @EduardoFlores-vf1zm 4 роки тому

    Creo q no hay otro q te supere de verdd son poco lo q te llegan a ti eres unos d los mejores aunq los mejores deben de ser 3

  • @LordStarkL2
    @LordStarkL2 5 років тому

    Nice ^^

  • @aarongiraldi882
    @aarongiraldi882 5 років тому

    Buen video, hacete un video de spectral máster en olys high five por favor. Saludos

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому

      Ya tengo pero gracia final:)

  • @PippeBR
    @PippeBR 5 років тому


    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  4 роки тому +1

      I have tutorial video, check it

  • @DonaldiDuck2011
    @DonaldiDuck2011 5 років тому

    Go make a guide tyrant Garcia final bro

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому +1

      I did.. check my channel, subscribe etc so you know what I post :)

  • @АлексейКульков-з3п
    @АлексейКульков-з3п 5 років тому

    Орчатина в пвп живёт пока лимит не спал,после красиво падает. Из опыта игры на оффе

    • @flugerg3haimer373
      @flugerg3haimer373 3 роки тому

      Ахаххахах ты хоть до 2й профы добирался ?))

    • @wolfgirl6667
      @wolfgirl6667 2 роки тому

      @@flugerg3haimer373 нам нужны опытные на , « л2тот ру « англ буквами введи

  • @sonnyandrian3098
    @sonnyandrian3098 4 роки тому

    Dyes and sub bro

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  4 роки тому

      I have tutorial, check it on my channel

  • @EduardoFlores-vf1zm
    @EduardoFlores-vf1zm 4 роки тому

    El único que he visto que te hace daño es kukukoko de resto mas nadie entonce los mejores en el mundo en este juego deben ser ustedes lo de mas nada de nada

  • @SnipG
    @SnipG 5 років тому

    Last thing you want is macro GK. L2 must lack a lot of players if this is considered good pvp to make video.

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому

      There is always a wannabe Sherlock. We have you. Great lad.

    • @SnipG
      @SnipG 5 років тому

      @@WioDallas Why you get angry? Why you call someone wannabe. You clearly do use macros, just circle same spot whole video(spawn killer?). And all that results in stun spammer tyrant! You have not even enabled enemy debuffs or his range - can't even get further from basics stuff! -> stuff that only happen in server has ~100 players. You could be donor for that server to get items etc, which is nice. But fighting against some lowbies aint video to show.

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому

      @@SnipG ok first of all you want me to use skills with grand khavatari, which is all about NORMAL HITS, I use good buffs, I hit normal hits like 5k critical, skills like 1k. It depends what server you are playing mate. Most of the GM's edit classes because they wanna find the best balance, so don't tell me why I do not use skills because here IF U HIT WITH SKILLS IT'S SHIT DMG.
      Talking about olympiad, yeah, skills in olympiad you do a lot of damage. I know that not all of the people are strong there but I just wanted to post everything I had from the server I played for 10 years and closed, like some memories? Why everyone show up and judge without thinking twice?

    • @kasparaslevisauskas5608
      @kasparaslevisauskas5608 5 років тому

      @@WioDallas well the thing is that there is no class that is NORMAL HIT BASED, its just the way you build it, and i wonder how you fight against classes like duelists? :o races got 3rd class (profession) not only to increase they flat atk or atk speed but to give that class certain spells/skills that should be used it, and if ur getting a 3rd class just for the sake of getting it (or getting +50p atk) it kinda makes no sense does it?

    • @WioDallas
      @WioDallas  5 років тому

      @@kasparaslevisauskas5608 Duelist? it depends, it's a bit hard but still, there were not many duelists there so I don't think that I fought any on the day I was recording but still GK can do good. And yeah, GK on l2toxic it's definitely normal hits based, also titan.