How did you figure out where to put the dots? I found this video because I had been trying to figure out how to draw it free hand with graphing paper, and I kept drawing too many circles I think, I even tried starting with the fruit of life (just the inner circle and the circles that touch that circle but don’t intersect it) and then go from there and still drew too many circles
Wow that’s legit thanks 🙏🏼
How did you figure out where to put the dots? I found this video because I had been trying to figure out how to draw it free hand with graphing paper, and I kept drawing too many circles I think, I even tried starting with the fruit of life (just the inner circle and the circles that touch that circle but don’t intersect it) and then go from there and still drew too many circles
Omg thank you
Nice. Thanks. Side note, “acrossed” isn’t a word. 😉