The Art of Arnold Schlick ... the birth hour of organ playing ...

  • Опубліковано 11 чер 2021
  • Arnold Schlick (ca. 1460 - ca. 1521):
    I. Maria zart
    II. Da pacem - 3 Versus
    III. Pete quid vis
    IV. Ascendo ad patrem meum. Bicinium -X vocibus
    Arnold Schlick was a contemporary of Albrecht Dürer and Paul Hofhaimer. He grew up in the periode of the late gothic periode. He was blind from his birth. Schlick became member of the court musicians at Heidelberg before 1486. He played the organ during the coronation of the later emperor Maximilian I. as king of Germany at Frankfurt am Main. Arnold Schlick was an high reputated organ expert; he examinated the new organs at the cathedrals of Strassburg and Speyer.
    The organ music of Arnold Schlick is birth hour of this kind of organ playing which we perform until today.
    "Maria zart" is a charming and lyrical Chorale Prelude. The three Versus of "Da pacem" use the full range of the organ stops. "Pete quid vis" contains very interesting changes of the rhythm.
    "Ascendo ad patrem meum" became very famous. It is a dramatic presentation of the Ascension. It starts in a modest way as Bicinium. Its last measures illustrate the ascension by ascending motivs. The monumetal second Verse includes ten voices - a revolution in the organ playing of Schlick's time.
    Wolfram Syré, Orgel.
    I. - III. Transept organ of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam (NL) 1959 Marcussen (Hauptwerk, Sonus Paradisi).
    IV. Main organ of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam (NL) 1973 Marcussen (Hauptwerk, Sonus Paradisi).