Apparti li tak twegiba fl-ewwel 3 minuti ta dan il video stess, il-problema Lhudija hija l-poter u d dutrina li jghozzu li qeda tikkontrolla d-dinja globali u msejha 'liberalismu'
@AcWuffer What you say is false, IQ is variable and the only reason that the iq is lower in these countries is because of the advancement in social and administration in Western countries. What say you of the Japanese? They are of different race, what about their IQ? And it is not true that 98% of genetics of mice and men are identical, please debate with someone that actually knows what u are talking about.
PART 1: The football player bit is just pathetic! I would like to see Lou Bondi living in a ghetto in London or in a suburb of Paris. HOW HYPOCRITICAL IS THIS! Can he deny that the cultural difference are enormous? Re the music: you can't call Black music 'African' (ie Black). It is based on a harmonic and melodic system that is purely western. Same applies to Caribbean music, etc. - African rhythm was combined with western music.
"Jien inhobb il-muzika tas-suwed!"
"....... Enjoy"
Risposta f'waqta
u erba snin wara din l intervista hafna li kellom id dubji fuq li et jghid norman .. illum ja fli kellu ragun fuq kollox !
viva Norman Lowell
Int ras bil hara , ghandek bzonn lghajnuna 😂😂😂
Tafrankuni pustok u jitfew il muftih fil bahar fejn sqallija , aw ras bil hara😂😂😂
I don't recall that the name Lowell is a pure Maltese name. What does that makes you? It makes one of the half breed
What matters is that he is white.
You are not a racist mr politician you are a colonist
It was pathetic of Lue to Quote. Norman destroyed him!
Considering the age of this film, Lowell proved to be right about Barak Hussein Obama. And he was WAS inserted as President.
Ahhhh ja qatta libbaaa!
proset lowellllllllllllllllll halijom ha jghidu ax dawn kolla injoranti
Dan il bniedem qaddis miexi l-art ... Ostja kemm jaf jitkellem
Apparti li tak twegiba fl-ewwel 3 minuti ta dan il video stess, il-problema Lhudija hija l-poter u d dutrina li jghozzu li qeda tikkontrolla d-dinja globali u msejha 'liberalismu'
it's quoted!
@OneJPace Dak ir ragell ehhh man taf kif infahhalielu!
ommima, qedin fit 2011 u adna nargumentaw fuq il kulur tal bniedem, jesus christ
LOL Mahler Lhudi bahahaha.
u mur l hemm purcinell lowell jaqqq....kollox tieghek tajjeb...daqs kemm aw sabih fil hajja...kollu fik qijad das sabih? :S BAHNAN
Dak cucc hu ..Manwel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looks a bit like the late Brian Sewell.
gidieb ipatentjat !!!
U l-karajgjon black jacettaw l-bojod ?? Em tkellmu
Lanqas taf tikteb bil-Malti... fik Aryan ukoll. Aryan analfabeta.
@@Cellsolid xi zobb et tghid ?
@AcWuffer What you say is false, IQ is variable and the only reason that the iq is lower in these countries is because of the advancement in social and administration in Western countries. What say you of the Japanese? They are of different race, what about their IQ? And it is not true that 98% of genetics of mice and men are identical, please debate with someone that actually knows what u are talking about.
we expect nothing from u... more from me... i mean
jien jogobni il muzika tas suwed......enjoy loool please, let me evolve looool
The football player bit is just pathetic! I would like to see Lou Bondi living in a ghetto in London or in a suburb of Paris. HOW HYPOCRITICAL IS THIS! Can he deny that the cultural difference are enormous?
Re the music: you can't call Black music 'African' (ie Black). It is based on a harmonic and melodic system that is purely western. Same applies to Caribbean music, etc. - African rhythm was combined with western music.