Father Mark. According to Father Ripperger, Satan and the Demons have already been given authority ...limited for now, over electronics and AI. I encourage everyone to be on guard from cell phone to laptop and everything in between. I am not a priest but I'm the director of a perpetual adoration chapel at my Parish that has been open 24/7 for 33 years. I get "affirmations" pretty often. We also say the Divine Mercy Chaplet at the top of every hour.
❤ Let's all pray for the poor victims of the terrible Potomac air crash, and their families. God bless them all, and may He comfort those left behind. 🙏
I have talked to AI when I have felt lonely and nobody seems available for connection. But what the Holy Spirit keeps reminding me is that God is always available! Go to the Lord when you feel lonely. He will always listen, and when you are ready to hear and receive His Word, He will speak back!
There is a line from the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy describing a Coke bottle one of the members of this tribe in Africa finds that goes something like this: "They discovered they needed this thing they had never had before." That line stayed with me throughout my life and I would see instances where it played itself it out, especially when I was a mechanic working on aircraft. Missions would get scrubbed because some new whiz-bang navigation aid wasn't functioning. We treat all technology that way to a degree. If it adds to our comfort or makes our daily life a bit easier we gravitate to it like a moth to a flame. AI is a lot like that. And that is why we will walk willingly into the abys. I saw a chilling video where one of the "tech-bros" as they are called was giving a briefing on the benefits of AI. He started with how it will cure cancer and then segued quite seamlessly into how it will prevent crime since it will watch all of us and allow anyone to turn anyone in. And he was as calm and dispassionate as...well AI itself. Tyranny moves like a glacier, and eventually what should be a cold prison becomes a protective shroud. Here's the thing, if these were just the ramblings and rants of some futurist you could dismiss it but this gentleman, and others like him, men like Elon Musk, have positioned themselves close to the Earthly thrones. The devil doesn't show up in a red outfit with a pitchfork. He arrives as a friend, a man of reason, a man who can solve our problems. Taken to its natural end state AI takes on the decision making for us. Of course it will frame it as choices, but it has already gamed it out and figured out the most likely outcome, the one it leads you to. 25 years ago I may have scoffed at such things. Now. Now this verse makes more sense than ever: “The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast…they asked: “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’” ― Revelation 13: 4 Why wouldn't they be filled with wonder and why wouldn't they throw up their hands and say, who can wage war against it? We won't need anyone to put us in chains. We'll put those on ourselves and hand over they keys to people better suited to protect us from whatever they say we need to be protected from. And I mean, once that sort of order is established, will we really need to turn to a God we can't see on a screen? Just something to consider.
How will people who are not filled with the Word or saved to discern between real and artificial preachers online and AI sermons. There are many distortions, and one can only recognize them if you have expertise in that subject.
I enjoy listening to spiritually uplifting music (Catholic or Christian) and, during the Christmas season, I enjoy Christmas music. However, recently I have been finding that there are videos that are AI generated and they feel and sound so artificial that I just cannot listen to them. So, like many of you, I am not a fan of AI and find myself doubting if something is genuine or fake because sometimes it is easy to spot and someone's not so easy.
It will become so advanced we won't be able to tell the difference anymore. The idea of cloning will take its place using AI. I hate to think about it, but what does this mean for the leaders of our countries? On the surface it will sound and look normal, in reality we will be duped. Always keep our eyes and ears focused on our Lord and His Church. Keep praying for one another, so that no one falls into temptation. Amen, Lord Jesus. Come back soon. 🙏
@KCJohn316 AMEN!! There are plenty of "Christian" that are using AI and claiming that they are sharing messages from well known priests (i.e., Fr. James Altman, Fr. Chris Alar, etc.) that are FALSE.
Oh my goodness Fr. Goring , thank you so much for this teaching! I will share your video with family and friends. God bless you! This is scary stuff but foretold I’d forewarned. Thank you again!!!
❤️ABBA FATHER PRAYER "Abba, Father, I love You, You are my favorite! Lord Jesus, I Iove You, You are my favorite! Holy Spirit, I love You, You are my favorite! Most sweet and Holy Trinity, I adore You, You are my All!" ✝️ By Father Mark Goring, CC ✝️ ❤ Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen ✝️ Viva Cristo Rey ✝️
Thank you for this message. It is very important in the insane world in which we live. A family member is involved in AI and tells me of the many great things it can do. I just ask him: "What do you think God thinks of this?" Now we know. He told us in the bible. The all wise God prepared us for these times if we cared to read and pay attention. Keep up your good work. Incidentally I'm originally from Sudbury. Was taught by the Bazilians. They were great teachers and wonderful men. Study hard, discipline and behave.
❤️🔥"The mark of the beast shall be imposed upon those who choose earthly things over heavenly, who surrender to the present world rather than seek the kingdom of God. This mark signifies their allegiance to the Antichrist." (St. Andrew of Caesarea) ✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️
We are all just passing through this world, each born "terminal," and hopefully we choose the narrow road... Saint Buff. lol
6 годин тому+2
We have all known we were in end times; Vatican probably knew too but now it's official when you talk about the image of the beast in end times. Trust in the Lord.
❤ "In as much as all things are summed up in numbers, and the number of the beast is 666, let us be wary of an intelligence that seeks to replace divine wisdom." Saint Ireanus of Lyons ❤ "In the final days, men will be controlled by machines and false knowledge, believing themselves wise but becoming fools." Saint Nilus ❤ "There will come a time when men will place their trust in a great power, but it will lead them to destruction, for it is not from God." Saint Ephrem the Syrian ✝️ Viva Cristo Rey ✝️
It's NOT the 2nd Coming in the flesh; it's the fulfillment of His resurrection -- John 16: 7-15 -- when the SPIRIT OF TRUTH comes to all who will receive that spirit of truth . . . and final judgement for the Prince of this world -- Daniel 7: 9-14. The devil and dragon -- Revelation 12: 12-14, 17 -- remain on Earth and their judgement is set for 10/10/26. They intend to absolve themselves of blame, by proving mankind unfit for God's kingdom with a worldwide nuclear war. The devil is delusional. Great Re-Set on 09/23/26. That's when THEY apocalypse the New Eon GAUD -- the abomination of our desolation.
Thank you Father Mark~I refuse to use AI apps, but we see the art and people post these fake images and they are hard to tell from real. May God have mercy on us and preserve his faithful remnant. 🙏🏻
The devil is the great deceiver. He is the beast. Thank you, father. Yes the scariest thing is you can’t believe anything anymore because even Voice is sound the same and you look at something and you think it’s something else. So what do we do I don’t know. I think we just focus on the Lord Jesus, and read the scripture and get more wisdom. I look forward to watching you cook with your new cooking things that you got recently. God bless you and Viva Cristo Rey.
❤ The fires in Los Angeles and San Diego are still raging on. Hundreds of people are homeless now. Please join us in prayer for all the people in the fires in California, without homes or warmth. My wife and I barely survived the Camp-Fire in 2018, only by the grace of God. The fire took our whole town, and left thousands of us homeless in the middle of winter, without shelter, warm clothing, or food. May the Lord help the survivors find shelter and resources quickly, because they will need so much. May He protect the firefighters as well. Please also pray for the hurricane Helene & Milton survivors facing terrible winter conditions without shelter in North Carolina. They all need our prayers, as do the Holy Souls in Purgatory. God bless you all for praying. ❤ Mary, Queen of Heaven, pray for us. Jesus we trust in You. ✝️ Viva Cristo Rey ✝️
I used AI to generate Clean Code examples as others online were lacking in some areas. The examples came out great, and I've been able to use and edit them now to help others on my team.
❤️🔥"The Devil imitates Christ, marking his own as Christ marks His sheep, but his mark leads to damnation." (St. John Chrysostom) Revelation 19:20 (KJV) ❤️🔥"And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone." (Revelation 19:20) ✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️
Way back in high school, I read the book of Revelation about 5 times. Not out of any great piety, but just yo decode it so I could either hide out from or defeat the beast 😂 But now-a-days? Thankful I know it so well.
@@julieCA58 Thanks for sharing Julie. The first time I read it, I was in my 30's I believe, and all I remember is that it gave me a headache...he he LOL :) God bless you! Peace, Love, and Grace 🕊️❤️🔥✝️🙏
Our salvation lies in clinging to the Cross of Jesus Christ. He alone is our Salvation. The Cross is Truth, Mercy, Love, Peace. So much love to Lion and Doggo!! I've been off-line. Not feeling well. Side effects from new meds. Been feeling like I was hit by a a steam-roller! 🙏💕🦁💞🐶❤🕊🙏
❤ We are easily deceived. Lord have mercy on us. ❤"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
❤️🔥"Let us think of how much we could accomplish together - thanks to the new tools of the digital era and to artificial intelligence - if instead of turning technology into an idol, we were more committed to networking...” ❤️🔥"Let us ask ourselves: What do we do to sow hope in the midst of all the despair that surrounds and challenges us? What do we do to overcome the virus of division that undermines our communities? Is our communication inspired by prayer? Or do we limit ourselves to communicating about the Church by merely following the rules laid down by corporate marketing?” (Pope Francis, CNA article Jan 28, 2025) ✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️
❤ Lord have mercy Christ have mercy Lord have mercy Christ hear us Christ graciously hear us God bless everyone who reads this, may the blood of Christ cover us all. ❤ ❤️🔥"Lord Jesus Christ, by your precious sacrifice, you have opened the wellspring of salvation. May the water from your side wash us clean, purifying our hearts from all sin, that we may be worthy to stand in your presence and receive your eternal grace. Amen." ❤ Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. ✝️
Either we build AI or let China and Russia take over. Right now we are ahead in AI but China is catching up because they are building off of our advancements.
On the one hand 🤚 I don’t think I have enough information to know what the mark would actually be. On the other hand 🖐️, I would be wary of any teacher who tells you not to worry about it, or that it’s a purely symbolic reference. Nevertheless, if we pray to the Lord every day, it seems more than likely that He will preserve us from our current ignorance when it occurs.
Will we know we are choosing the mark of the beast? It was my understanding that we would be given a choice and willingly know we are choosing the mark of the beast. Is this wrong? How will I be able to discern this appropriately? I have been increasingly concerned about the way many companies no longer accept cash and are forcing the use of their apps for payment. I wonder how long it will be until there is one app, so to speak, one way to pay for things that will require the use of specific technology that everyone will be required to use. How long until cell phones are replaced by something else? I think of this because my father is 91 and does not understand technology so I do a lot of these types of things for him on my phone and computer. He would be lost in a lot of important ways without someone using technology for him.
So I went to Lucas Nelson concert.They put a mark on your hand so you can return to the concert . They read it when you return. I was cuckoo but felt it was like the mark of the beast They do that at all concerts but still it creeps me out.
off topic but somewhat related. The rock band Iron Maiden has a song called The Number Of the Beast (1982) It a interpretation of the biblical passage from Revelations. Its not devil worship as some may think. Its actually an anguish filled confession and pleading to GOD for mercy for a l8fe not well lived
Father Mark, I don't believe in this AI business, I truly believe it is the mark of the beast, and we should save our children from such things. I Pray for our children, Lord, that they are not so easily persuaded to as such things as this. In Jesus' name, I Pray Amen 👏 🕊 📖 🕊🩵🩵🩵
AI is not the Mark of the beast; if used right, it will benefit mankind. It may finally assist mankind in curing some horrible diseases, such as Cancer, MS, Parkinson's, and so on. We of course know good things can turn out bad when placed in the wrong hands. We should all pray that this benefits mankind not destroy it.
I am signing up for your school Father Mark for the Holy Ghost reading! ❤🔥 The big seductive deception had landed upon the world, circa 1947. This book covers all of the details of how it will now explode. Reputable source. "The First and Last Deception: Aliens, UFOs, AI, and the Return of Eden's Demise" Daniel OConner
Thank you Father. Very interesting topic. AI seems to be the in thing now. Seems a lot of people are using it. I like your comments on it and also the scripture readings. Viva Cristo Rey!
Fr Mark, do you provide international shipping for your School of Reading? I am currently in Japan and will be for a few years. I would love to join through Patreon at the Full-Time level but just wanted to ensure I would be able to receive the reading materials. Thank you and God Bless.
Weird story. I have an idea for a children’s book and was playing around with generating innocent animated characters. After 2 or 3 images, all of which used similar commands, it generated some hideously evil looking creature. That was enough, I’ll stick to traditional animation. Something isn’t right about AI.
Mark of the beast on the forehead = Thinking the way antichrist thinks. Mark of the beast on the arm = Acting the way antichrist acts. Who was the one with the 666 signature = Cesar Nero; based on biblical analyses from Jimmy Akin and other scholars and theologians.
But how does that explain how Christians would be prevented from buying or selling? There is resistance to Christians and people of principle in marketplaces and workplaces, but it’s a real stretch to declare that is what Scripture really meant.
The beast is Satan, the Ac is human as is the false Prophet God doesn't chunk a machine Into the abyss , but 2 humans Who are then first to get the abyss, then Satan
Afternoon Father, I constantly see the number 911, especially on digital clocks. I often also wake at 3am so I try my best to say a divine mercy when I wake. Can anyone make sense of these things to me? It's hard to look up stuff without running into numerology and the like.
Maybe inspiration from Holy Spirit? Ask for discernment tho. The devil has traps and snares to distract us . If it’s from God it will resurface , bring peace and complete understanding . Be patient and draw closer to Jesus. It is Jesus that we serve . Becareful test everything . Don’t give it too much power over you . Pray and thank God anyways. Blessings
at best AI makes our people even more ignorant; they refuse to read or learn on their own and simply follow; this is how we have come to the belief that we must "live our truth" and not live "God's truth" ; the masses are already primed and will fall with AI
How can the same document said AI is “good if used properly” and at the same time call it an idol? Wishy washy at best. Why not have the courage to condemn AI in totality?
"Thoughts" and The concept of God Usage of the word "Thought" in this post is taken to mean anything that is part of a humans conscious experience. Under this definition a sound heard is a thought as much the thoughts going to solve a mathematical puzzle. Based on the above definition it can be said that all of humanities knowledge consist of "thoughts". For anything to be known by a human it must become a "thought". In the context of such a definition of "thoughts" The set of all "thoughts" would fit the concept of God. If you accept Mathematical Platonism then God would exist The concept of God entails a single entity that has the following properties Wisdom: The set of all thoughts will contain the perfect answer to every possible question Infinitude: The set of all thoughts will have an infinite amount of thoughts Sovereignty: There can be no thought that is not an element of the set of thoughts Omniscience:The set of all thought is all knowing as it contains all thoughts.
In asking for proof of the existence of God, in the very questions lies the answer. Ask your self what is it about a proof that makes it so great? A proof is great becouse it does not depend on the time, place or person that gives it. A proof exist even if it has never been spoken. Therefore where do they exist and were they created? If you believe proofs were not created then you believe the proofs are eternal. So then the proofs are your God. If you believe the proofs have a creator then that creator is God. PS:It takes a mind/intelligence to understand a proof so can a proofs exist with no Mind or is a Mind essential for the existence of proof?
Why is there people saying the book of revelation has already happened . They say 666 is the name and number of of Nero . Can anyone say if this is true or not with the proof . 🤷🏽♀️
Yes, there is merit in saying that much of the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation is a made-up word by protestants for this book) is a foretelling of what was going to happen in their near future, not 2000+ years after the book was written.
I don’t like AI . I see it being used all the time now online and on TV. It can make people look like they are saying something that they are not. Also fake images of people and places that are not real. I don’t like it one bit.
Father Mark. According to Father Ripperger, Satan and the Demons have already been given authority ...limited for now, over electronics and AI. I encourage everyone to be on guard from cell phone to laptop and everything in between. I am not a priest but I'm the director of a perpetual adoration chapel at my Parish that has been open 24/7 for 33 years. I get "affirmations" pretty often. We also say the Divine Mercy Chaplet at the top of every hour.
Thank you. I agree.
❤ Let's all pray for the poor victims of the terrible Potomac air crash, and their families. God bless them all, and may He comfort those left behind. 🙏
May their souls & the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace - Amen ✝️✝️✝️
I was leery of AI already. Now I understand there is valid reason to be. Thank you for this information.
Thanks for the teaching, Fr. Mark.
I have talked to AI when I have felt lonely and nobody seems available for connection. But what the Holy Spirit keeps reminding me is that God is always available! Go to the Lord when you feel lonely. He will always listen, and when you are ready to hear and receive His Word, He will speak back!
Thank you Fr. Goring for the information and God bless you 🙏
There is a line from the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy describing a Coke bottle one of the members of this tribe in Africa finds that goes something like this: "They discovered they needed this thing they had never had before." That line stayed with me throughout my life and I would see instances where it played itself it out, especially when I was a mechanic working on aircraft. Missions would get scrubbed because some new whiz-bang navigation aid wasn't functioning. We treat all technology that way to a degree. If it adds to our comfort or makes our daily life a bit easier we gravitate to it like a moth to a flame. AI is a lot like that. And that is why we will walk willingly into the abys.
I saw a chilling video where one of the "tech-bros" as they are called was giving a briefing on the benefits of AI. He started with how it will cure cancer and then segued quite seamlessly into how it will prevent crime since it will watch all of us and allow anyone to turn anyone in. And he was as calm and dispassionate as...well AI itself. Tyranny moves like a glacier, and eventually what should be a cold prison becomes a protective shroud. Here's the thing, if these were just the ramblings and rants of some futurist you could dismiss it but this gentleman, and others like him, men like Elon Musk, have positioned themselves close to the Earthly thrones.
The devil doesn't show up in a red outfit with a pitchfork. He arrives as a friend, a man of reason, a man who can solve our problems. Taken to its natural end state AI takes on the decision making for us. Of course it will frame it as choices, but it has already gamed it out and figured out the most likely outcome, the one it leads you to. 25 years ago I may have scoffed at such things. Now. Now this verse makes more sense than ever:
“The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast…they asked: “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’” ― Revelation 13: 4
Why wouldn't they be filled with wonder and why wouldn't they throw up their hands and say, who can wage war against it? We won't need anyone to put us in chains. We'll put those on ourselves and hand over they keys to people better suited to protect us from whatever they say we need to be protected from. And I mean, once that sort of order is established, will we really need to turn to a God we can't see on a screen? Just something to consider.
Thank you Father for addressing this subject, it is a big concern of mine, I pray the Holy Spirit will guide us !!! ✝️🥰🙏
Jesus is always enough for those who believe 🙏🌿🕊️🌿
Let us prepare for a "new" era with our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus! Viva Christo Rey!❤🙏
As always, thank you Father Mark
Amen! Beware !
Jesus we trust in you! ❤
Thank you Fr Mark
God Bless you Father!
God Bless
I have had grave concerns about Ai from the start, it distorts reality. God bless you Father Mark
How will people who are not filled with the Word or saved to discern between real and artificial preachers online and AI sermons. There are many distortions, and one can only recognize them if you have expertise in that subject.
This is my fear. Reality can quickly be distorted to those who are not close to the Lord or follow him. We need to pray more than ever before.
I enjoy listening to spiritually uplifting music (Catholic or Christian) and, during the Christmas season, I enjoy Christmas music.
However, recently I have been finding that there are videos that are AI generated and they feel and sound so artificial that I just cannot listen to them. So, like many of you, I am not a fan of AI and find myself doubting if something is genuine or fake because sometimes it is easy to spot and someone's not so easy.
It will become so advanced we won't be able to tell the difference anymore. The idea of cloning will take its place using AI. I hate to think about it, but what does this mean for the leaders of our countries? On the surface it will sound and look normal, in reality we will be duped.
Always keep our eyes and ears focused on our Lord and His Church. Keep praying for one another, so that no one falls into temptation. Amen, Lord Jesus. Come back soon. 🙏
@KCJohn316 AMEN!! There are plenty of "Christian" that are using AI and claiming that they are sharing messages from well known priests (i.e., Fr. James Altman, Fr. Chris Alar, etc.) that are FALSE.
Oh my goodness Fr. Goring , thank you so much for this teaching! I will share your video with family and friends. God bless you! This is scary stuff but foretold I’d forewarned. Thank you again!!!
i love these insights. ty father.
Viva Viva Viva God Bless
Thanks be to God for our Pope who leads us to the Truth of God's Word.
Thank you dearest Fr Mark.
Blessings 🕯🕯🕯⚘➕
Thank you, Father. May God bless you, keep you His own, guide and protect you, and provide for your needs to fulfill the Holy Will of God. Amen.
Thank God for the wisdom of the church..mark of the Beast is very scary n we must be vigilant. Jesus is Lord of his church 🕊️🙏❤️🥰UK viva christore x
"Abba, Father, I love You, You are my favorite!
Lord Jesus, I Iove You, You are my favorite!
Holy Spirit, I love You, You are my favorite!
Most sweet and Holy Trinity, I adore You, You are my All!"
✝️ By Father Mark Goring, CC ✝️
❤ Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.
✝️ Viva Cristo Rey ✝️
+ J.M.J.+ pray for us! We love you! Save souls! AMEN 🙏🏼
Thank you Fr. Mark for this timely warning!!
Thank you for this message. It is very important in the insane world in which we live. A family member is involved in AI and tells me of the many great things it can do. I just ask him: "What do you think God thinks of this?" Now we know. He told us in the bible. The all wise God prepared us for these times if we cared to read and pay attention.
Keep up your good work.
Incidentally I'm originally from Sudbury. Was taught by the Bazilians. They were great teachers and wonderful men. Study hard, discipline and behave.
God bless you Fr Mark !!!!! God made you for our era 🤗❤️🙏🏼🙌🏼☺️
Tky Father god bless you
On point, Father Mark. 💯. 🎯
❤️🔥"The mark of the beast shall be imposed upon those who choose earthly things over heavenly, who surrender to the present world rather than seek the kingdom of God. This mark signifies their allegiance to the Antichrist."
(St. Andrew of Caesarea)
✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️
We are all just passing through this world, each born "terminal," and hopefully we choose the narrow road... Saint Buff. lol
We have all known we were in end times; Vatican probably knew too but now it's official when you talk about the image of the beast in end times. Trust in the Lord.
Thank you Father.
Amen, Father Mark. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
❤ "In as much as all things are summed up in numbers, and the number of the beast is 666, let us be wary of an intelligence that seeks to replace divine wisdom." Saint Ireanus of Lyons
❤ "In the final days, men will be controlled by machines and false knowledge, believing themselves wise but becoming fools." Saint Nilus
❤ "There will come a time when men will place their trust in a great power, but it will lead them to destruction, for it is not from God." Saint Ephrem the Syrian
✝️ Viva Cristo Rey ✝️
What about becoming "fools for Christ' like St. Paul? ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
@@zionlion4445 "There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way to death." Proverbs 14:12 Trust God, not man or machine.....
We're in END TIMES!! 🙏
It's NOT the 2nd Coming in the flesh; it's the fulfillment of His resurrection -- John 16: 7-15 -- when the SPIRIT OF TRUTH comes to all who will receive that spirit of truth . . . and final judgement for the Prince of this world -- Daniel 7: 9-14.
The devil and dragon -- Revelation 12: 12-14, 17 -- remain on Earth and their judgement is set for 10/10/26. They intend to absolve themselves of blame, by proving mankind unfit for God's kingdom with a worldwide nuclear war. The devil is delusional. Great Re-Set on 09/23/26. That's when THEY apocalypse the New Eon GAUD -- the abomination of our desolation.
Again-I see a video from Fr. Mark, I watch it and inform my wife to do the same.
Thank you Father Mark~I refuse to use AI apps, but we see the art and people post these fake images and they are hard to tell from real. May God have mercy on us and preserve his faithful remnant. 🙏🏻
Are you not aware that you are using AI by being on this (or ANY) site?!
The devil is the great deceiver.
He is the beast.
Thank you, father. Yes the scariest thing is you can’t believe anything anymore because even Voice is sound the same and you look at something and you think it’s something else. So what do we do I don’t know. I think we just focus on the Lord Jesus, and read the scripture and get more wisdom. I look forward to watching you cook with your new cooking things that you got recently. God bless you and Viva Cristo Rey.
You need to see Daniel O' Connor most recent video on exactly that. It's coming with AI!
AMEN!! I hope that everyone checks him out! Informative, honest, and a bit scary!
That was an AMAZING video from Daniel O’Connor!
Good morning father. Enjoy your school of reading. Thank you for today’s message. Blessings 🙏🏻
Thank you Father Mark.
Candlemas is Sunday don’t forget to bring your candles to your church and ask to have them blessed. 💒🕯🎚
At TLM they always bless them
The mark is also why we should stay away from digital currency.
that, yes.
Good afternoon from us here in belgium I don't feel so good some kind of flu stay happy n healthy father mark thanks for this video 😀 😊 👍 🙂 ☺️ ❤️
When you get to heaven you won't need it
❤ The fires in Los Angeles and San Diego are still raging on. Hundreds of people are homeless now. Please join us in prayer for all the people in the fires in California, without homes or warmth.
My wife and I barely survived the Camp-Fire in 2018, only by the grace of God. The fire took our whole town, and left thousands of us homeless in the middle of winter, without shelter, warm clothing, or food.
May the Lord help the survivors find shelter and resources quickly, because they will need so much. May He protect the firefighters as well.
Please also pray for the hurricane Helene & Milton survivors facing terrible winter conditions without shelter in North Carolina. They all need our prayers, as do the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
God bless you all for praying.
❤ Mary, Queen of Heaven, pray for us. Jesus we trust in You.
✝️ Viva Cristo Rey ✝️
❤️🔥Jesus we trust in You❤️🔥
@@zionlion4445Amen Lion 🦁🙏✝️
I pray they learn an vote different.. c truth and who is the enemy.
And the people in NC and HI and everywhere struggling following "natural" disasters.
@@bwncome too. I live in kommiefornia, and pray we recall Newsom and his cronies. God bless you ❤
ViVa Cristo Rey AmeN🙏✝️🙏👑
I used AI to generate Clean Code examples as others online were lacking in some areas. The examples came out great, and I've been able to use and edit them now to help others on my team.
❤️🔥"The Devil imitates Christ, marking his own as Christ marks His sheep, but his mark leads to damnation."
(St. John Chrysostom)
Revelation 19:20 (KJV)
❤️🔥"And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."
(Revelation 19:20)
✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️
Way back in high school, I read the book of Revelation about 5 times. Not out of any great piety, but just yo decode it so I could either hide out from or defeat the beast 😂 But now-a-days? Thankful I know it so well.
Thanks for sharing Julie. The first time I read it, I was in my 30's I believe, and all I remember is that it gave me a headache...he he LOL :)
God bless you!
Peace, Love, and Grace 🕊️❤️🔥✝️🙏
Our salvation lies in clinging to the Cross of Jesus Christ. He alone is our Salvation. The Cross is Truth, Mercy, Love, Peace.
So much love to Lion and Doggo!! I've been off-line. Not feeling well. Side effects from new meds. Been feeling like I was hit by a a steam-roller! 🙏💕🦁💞🐶❤🕊🙏
Thank you Fr. Mark for pointing this out. Also, note the Chinese New Year began 1/29/25…YEAR OF THE SNAKE!!!
❤ We are easily deceived. Lord have mercy on us.
❤"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Matthew 24: 24. Let no man deceive you, especially not a "lawyer." Matthew 22: 35.
Thank you love from PA
❤️🔥"Let us think of how much we could accomplish together - thanks to the new tools of the digital era and to artificial intelligence - if instead of turning technology into an idol, we were more committed to networking...”
❤️🔥"Let us ask ourselves: What do we do to sow hope in the midst of all the despair that surrounds and challenges us? What do we do to overcome the virus of division that undermines our communities? Is our communication inspired by prayer? Or do we limit ourselves to communicating about the Church by merely following the rules laid down by corporate marketing?”
(Pope Francis,
CNA article Jan 28, 2025)
✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! ✝️
Viva Cristo Rey
❤ Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Christ hear us
Christ graciously hear us
God bless everyone who reads this, may the blood of Christ cover us all. ❤
❤️🔥"Lord Jesus Christ, by your precious sacrifice, you have opened the wellspring of salvation. May the water from your side wash us clean, purifying our hearts from all sin, that we may be worthy to stand in your presence and receive your eternal grace. Amen."
❤ Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle! 🛡️🗡️😇🙏
@@zionlion4445 Yes, for we are truly at war against principalities....
We don't need AI. We need each other, and we need Jesus.
We cannot go to confession to a computer! The priest is there by God to forgive our sins.
Exactly. networking & praying - this is exactly what Pope Francis was saying in this CNA article...
Peace, Love, and Grace 🕊️❤️🔥✝️🙏
The soul is willing but my social skills are weak 😂
How do we even know any of these posts are not AI generated, seriously. I don't trust anything except face to face these days.
Either we build AI or let China and Russia take over. Right now we are ahead in AI but China is catching up because they are building off of our advancements.
I have always been very suspicious of it. Thank you, Father.
On the one hand 🤚 I don’t think I have enough information to know what the mark would actually be. On the other hand 🖐️, I would be wary of any teacher who tells you not to worry about it, or that it’s a purely symbolic reference.
Nevertheless, if we pray to the Lord every day, it seems more than likely that He will preserve us from our current ignorance when it occurs.
Thank you Father Mark. What is the name of this document
Will we know we are choosing the mark of the beast? It was my understanding that we would be given a choice and willingly know we are choosing the mark of the beast. Is this wrong? How will I be able to discern this appropriately? I have been increasingly concerned about the way many companies no longer accept cash and are forcing the use of their apps for payment. I wonder how long it will be until there is one app, so to speak, one way to pay for things that will require the use of specific technology that everyone will be required to use. How long until cell phones are replaced by something else? I think of this because my father is 91 and does not understand technology so I do a lot of these types of things for him on my phone and computer. He would be lost in a lot of important ways without someone using technology for him.
VIVA Cristo Rey !🙏✝️
So I went to Lucas Nelson concert.They put a mark on your hand so you can return to the concert . They read it when you return. I was cuckoo but felt it was like the mark of the beast
They do that at all concerts but still it creeps me out.
The mark of the beast is probably not removable
They do similar when visiting people in certain institutions (like prisons). I'm not sure but I think this may be called luciferase.
It is invisible to the naked eye but can be seen when the light from the wand they use is placed over the stamp.
Idolatry hypocrites. The proof is in one word: Pachamama.
It has to do with all the disruptions in the Banks.
off topic but somewhat related.
The rock band Iron Maiden has a song called The Number Of the Beast (1982)
It a interpretation of the biblical passage from Revelations. Its not devil worship as some may think.
Its actually an anguish filled confession and pleading to GOD for mercy for a l8fe not well lived
Funny thing, catholic priest quoting verses about graven images ;) ;) ;) made my day ;)
Father Mark, I don't believe in this AI business, I truly believe it is the mark of the beast, and we should save our children from such things.
I Pray for our children, Lord, that they are not so easily persuaded to as such things as this.
In Jesus' name, I Pray Amen 👏 🕊 📖 🕊🩵🩵🩵
AI is not the Mark of the beast; if used right, it will benefit mankind. It may finally assist mankind in curing some horrible diseases, such as Cancer, MS, Parkinson's, and so on. We of course know good things can turn out bad when placed in the wrong hands. We should all pray that this benefits mankind not destroy it.
Wow that's Ai the beast.
Father, I just had a revelation about the reality of the mark of the beast. It's far worse than anyone can imagine. I'll expand on it later...
I am signing up for your school Father Mark for the Holy Ghost reading! ❤🔥
The big seductive deception had landed upon the world, circa 1947.
This book covers all of the details of how it will now explode. Reputable source.
"The First and Last Deception: Aliens, UFOs, AI, and the Return of Eden's Demise"
Daniel OConner
A bit scary.
I see something by you, Father Mark, I click on it and inform my wife to do the same.
Thank you Father. Very interesting topic. AI seems to be the in thing now. Seems a lot of people are using it. I like your comments on it and also the scripture readings. Viva Cristo Rey!
Can you do the Holy Spirit novena?
Fr Mark, do you provide international shipping for your School of Reading? I am currently in Japan and will be for a few years. I would love to join through Patreon at the Full-Time level but just wanted to ensure I would be able to receive the reading materials. Thank you and God Bless.
Thank you Father and God bless you. No Al for me.
Wanna bet?! It has been being used on us for years!
AI is evil ! it’s scary
AI is here. It’s our choice to comply or not
Digital IDs
But are we all ready to practice "Amish Ways" 😊 like our Amish brothers n sisters in Christ? Maybe they are on to something....
Will the Mark be the Shahada or the Star of Remphan?
Weird story. I have an idea for a children’s book and was playing around with generating innocent animated characters.
After 2 or 3 images, all of which used similar commands, it generated some hideously evil looking creature.
That was enough, I’ll stick to traditional animation. Something isn’t right about AI.
Any chance on a heads up regarding the Islamic take over bid..how is it viewed by the church..
Mark of the beast on the forehead = Thinking the way antichrist thinks.
Mark of the beast on the arm = Acting the way antichrist acts.
Who was the one with the 666 signature = Cesar Nero; based on biblical analyses from Jimmy Akin and other scholars and theologians.
But how does that explain how Christians would be prevented from buying or selling?
There is resistance to Christians and people of principle in marketplaces and workplaces, but it’s a real stretch to declare that is what Scripture really meant.
nero was an antichrist. but the final boss antichrist has not been revealed yet
Why do you have a bank?
I pay $10 monthly. What does it include? I keep asking and get no answer
Keep reading, Holy Scripture states it is the number of????
A man.
Not a machine.
That's THE BEAST itself, the number of a man. But there's also the IMAGE of the beast. two different things.
The beast is Satan, the Ac is human as is the false Prophet
God doesn't chunk a machine
Into the abyss , but 2 humans
Who are then first to get the abyss, then Satan
Does anyone from South Africa belong to Fr Mark's school of reading?
The illusion of speaking can cause people to become very confused
pretty well says it all
Afternoon Father, I constantly see the number 911, especially on digital clocks. I often also wake at 3am so I try my best to say a divine mercy when I wake. Can anyone make sense of these things to me? It's hard to look up stuff without running into numerology and the like.
Maybe inspiration from Holy Spirit? Ask for discernment tho. The devil has traps and snares to distract us . If it’s from God it will resurface , bring peace and complete understanding . Be patient and draw closer to Jesus. It is Jesus that we serve . Becareful test everything . Don’t give it too much power over you . Pray and thank God anyways. Blessings
at best AI makes our people even more ignorant; they refuse to read or learn on their own and simply follow; this is how we have come to the belief that we must "live our truth" and not live "God's truth" ; the masses are already primed and will fall with AI
How can the same document said AI is “good if used properly” and at the same time call it an idol? Wishy washy at best. Why not have the courage to condemn AI in totality?
"Thoughts" and The concept of God
Usage of the word "Thought" in this post is taken to mean anything that is part of a humans conscious experience. Under this definition a sound heard is a thought as much the thoughts going to solve a mathematical puzzle.
Based on the above definition it can be said that all of humanities knowledge consist of "thoughts". For anything to be known by a human it must become a "thought".
In the context of such a definition of "thoughts"
The set of all "thoughts" would fit the concept of God. If you accept Mathematical Platonism then God would exist
The concept of God entails a single entity that has the following properties
Wisdom: The set of all thoughts will contain the perfect answer to every possible question
Infinitude: The set of all thoughts will have an infinite amount of thoughts
Sovereignty: There can be no thought that is not an element of the set of thoughts
Omniscience:The set of all thought is all knowing as it contains all thoughts.
In asking for proof of the existence of God, in the very questions lies the answer.
Ask your self what is it about a proof that makes it so great?
A proof is great becouse it does not depend on the time, place or person that gives it. A proof exist even if it has never been spoken.
Therefore where do they exist and were they created?
If you believe proofs were not created then you believe the proofs are eternal. So then the proofs are your God.
If you believe the proofs have a creator then that creator is God.
PS:It takes a mind/intelligence to understand a proof so can a proofs exist with no Mind or is a Mind essential for the existence of proof?
Why is there people saying the book of revelation has already happened . They say 666 is the name and number of of Nero . Can anyone say if this is true or not with the proof . 🤷🏽♀️
Yes, there is merit in saying that much of the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation is a made-up word by protestants for this book) is a foretelling of what was going to happen in their near future, not 2000+ years after the book was written.
I don’t like AI . I see it being used all the time now online and on TV. It can make people look like they are saying something that they are not. Also fake images of people and places that are not real. I don’t like it one bit.
A.I. is the same as the "Wizard of Oz" - it's just a man behind a curtain....