underbart. im smiling so much. i lived in sweden for long enough to know all these words. swedish was a bit hard at first but after a few beers i became fluent and after a while i didnt need the beer. 🇸🇪🇮🇪
@@E-jit as i got better at drunk swedish all the swedes got better at drunk english so, i would be the only one speaking swedish and everybody else was speaking english. lol
Wow, I'm such a fan! I'm a dentist and you explained this about treats and teeth very well. Including talking about that terrible unethical experiment. You're amazing, I learn Swedish and you don't know it but I was there a short time ago and I was running after someone who I thought was you because I was dying to say hello. I'm brasilian and I love you and your vídeos!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Tack så mycket ❤ you are so sweet and it feels extra special to have this approved by a dentist 🙂 Oh! What a pitty that we didn't meet. Would have been very happy to get a hello from you 🥰
You are GREAT, Daniella! Yag älskar Stockholm, Sverige och språket. You, as a a native Stockholmer get us updated on slangs and that is amazing. Tack så mycket Fran Brasilien. José
In Finland we use also only one word for hinna=ehtiä. Vabba is also a consept but we have no special word for it and we get 100% of the pay for it. Closest similar meaning to fredagsmys could be pizzaperjantai. Lördagsgodis is also the same here but it is called Karkkipäivä and the lösgodis are Irtokarkki.
Thanks for the finnish translation of the words. I am swedish but my son lives in Helsinki with his girlfriend, and they just have got a child. So now I want to learn finnish and useful words to be able to communicate with my grandchild in finnish too, when I meet him ❤👶🏻
I love the word slö, which I suppose you could translate as sluggish, but it just feels slightly different when I use slö, and sluggish just doesn't seem like it quite captures the meaning entirely. But it's so much fun to say, slö!
I was in Mora in 2021 on the opening day of the Snowmobile season and there were tons of retro American cars there. I was blown away as an American who lives in the Midwest and grew up around car culture it was so surprising and awesome to me. Thanks for letting me know that it’s called Raggare 😊
Thanks for sharing. Interesting to hear your perspective about retro American cars coming from the Midwest. Happy to hear that it was useful to include info about raggare.
@@nightwolfnordberg9476 it was October 30th, 2021. I was just told it was the opening day of snowmobile season. I think vasaloppet is in March. I didn’t know about vasaloppet until the friend that took us around Mora told us about it. I would love to see that even. It looks crazy to see all those skiers wearing themselves out on flat land. Swedes amaze me.
Jag uppskattar verkligen hur du förklarar många enskilda fraser, hur man använder dem, i vilka situationer och hur man bygger en mening på svenska för att vara artig. Man kan få många värda information om land och kultur också. Bra jobbat! Jag fångar din positiva personlighet. Hälsningar 👌
When I was in high school in the late 90s (or more like "7th grade"), I remember that a lot of people were either "raggare" or "skejtare"; "raggare" were typically guys in denim clothes who were very fond of cars and snus, and "skejtare" often wore oversized trousers and skated everywhere, and often listened to pop punk and hip hop.
Thanks for the video. I liked the information on how Swedes spend their Friday. Please make more videos about way of living in Sweden, what's common to do during the weekend specially during fall and winter and any other habitual and cultural topic that helps living better in Sweden. It's fun to learn Swedish words with Swedish culture.
A great little program. Thank you. As a Dane, speaking resonable Swedish, I learned a few interesting details specifically Vabba and Vibeholm. I find that Swedish 'Mys' and Norwegian 'Kos' as consepts are very close to Danish 'Hygge'. ' Hygge' being a little broader and even less specific. Swedish 'fika' would easily be put under Danish 'hygge'. But making things warm, cosy, relaxed and pleasant in the long wet and/or cold winters is an 'essential survival skill' in the Nordic countries. Any Nordic person would recognise it and fit in anywhere, thought we use different words and like discussing the irrelevant differences. And by the way the Danish car prices are FAR too high for extra cars, and always has been, so NO 'raggerare'.
Im so happy to have come across this video! I just learned "hinner" on Duolingo but Duo doesn't really explain anything so I was having a terrible time wrapping my head around it. This helps so much!
Lagom is the most Swedish word ever. It's the most vague way of expressing something other than your personal preference and it can be used for almost anything. You can't even argue about it because it's a completely biased opinion. Very funny and very Swedish if you think about it.
The word Lagom exist in Swahili as well. Vabba is a way of making a verb of VAB, which is a TLA (= Three Letter Abbreviation)! The rest of the words are just combinations of other Swedish word, which is common in all languages.
In connection to vabba there's also vobba, which means to be home with a sick child but working from home. Called vobba since it sounds both like vab and jobba (=to work).
Här i Finland har vi något som brädar "Fredagsmys" kalsarikännit. Kalsarikännit innebär att man sitter ensam, vanligtvis, och super i underkläder. Here in Finland we have something better than "Fredagsmys", kalsarikännit, kalsarikännit means to be alone and get wasted in just underwear.
Fika= coffeebreak, lagom=proper/ suitable, vabba=skive, hinna=manage, fredagsmys= friday chill ( slob out) , lördagsgodis = saturday sweets - swedish always insist these words don't exist in English but they are being typically pedantic 😅 Swedish words jäss, typ, liksom, röda tråd, fann, najs, jävla, fy fann, chill
Now I know the term for those middle-aged people in cool retro cars I see in Helsinki and Åland! My local friend also expressed his annoyance about the lack of single-word versions of "orka" and "hinna" in English :D
Czech republic has OCR. It means the samé thing, caring About family member. Ošetřování člena rodiny. Nice to see some similar stuff i my country and country the language I am learning.
We have the consept of lördagsgodis here in Finland too. And we have lösgodis even in the smallest of grocery stores here, of course the bigger the store, the bigger the selection. We also have a lot of old American cars and a similar raggare culture here, although we don't have a name for it and the word raggari means a sort of a rebel in Finnish. Big car shows and gatherings are more common outside bigger cities just like in Sweden. But at least in my city in Northern Finland we have these common showing off places where you just have to drive to if you have a special car and it happens to be a nice summer evening ☀🛻🚙. I've heard that the amount of older American cars here has something to do with some trade agreement with USA in the 50's or 60's. Maybe there is a similar reason in Sweden and the cultures were born at the same time when many Finns moved or worked for a while in Sweden especially in the 60's and 70's.
Could you give more examples of what that could include? Sounds like a good idea! We have done videos about bad words in Swedish (maybe that can inclue negative emotions?).
@@FunSwedish Some emotions are positive. Think of happiness, joy, interest, excitement, gratitude, and love. These positive emotions feel good. Negative emotions - like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-criticism, fear... these are just a couple examples of positive and negative emotions that could be translated to Swedish
We don't have a fancy verb for VAB here in Norway, but we do have the same concept; we'll just put "syke barn" (sick children) or "hjemme med syke barn" (home with sick children) in our Slack status. I'm pretty sure it's mostly the same rules and financing as for your own sickness with "egenmelding" (lit. "own reporting" which is short term up to 3 days, paid by the employer) and "sykemelding" (lit. "sick reporting", which is a doctor's note and paid by the government).
As someone of Swedish descent, but didn't grow up there - jag hatar hinna/hinner - I have terrible time management & I really can't help it sometimes, so that word makes me feel guilty 🫠 I remember learning it & being like "that one is not for me" ...I do like that it compounds what would be a few words in English though, so it is a time-related word that saves time
There was a big (for the size of the place!) meet in town last time I was there. Several old police cars and american taxis. Very odd. Not many old European cars, though, which is what I like. :(
I had the same thought! Having never lived in Sweden, that movie and the Astrid Lindgren books were the main reasons for my interest in Sweden. Plus I like the melody of the language. B.t.w. Jag skulle vilja höra dig prata svenska oftare.
Lördagsgodis is an interesting concept. I never liked candies much, but I love chocolate and sugary pastries; so much so that I got addicted to sugar in a dark period of my life in 2017. Since sugar is a natural part of human diets, I figured eliminating it would not be the best way out (plus I love it so much), so instead I limited myself to a single sweet meal every day. And that is usually a late afternoon meal, such as right now, when I get to sit down, drink a glass of milk, eat some homemade cookies and watch Fun Swedish!
Mack is a confusing word, I knew it means gas station (bensinstation) but I had to google the origin of the word which comes from a company that manufactured gasoline pumps. Then there is this euphemism ensamkommande flyktingbarn (unaccompanied refugee child).
True. Ragg is a word for the stiff hair of some animals, most commonly in the phrase "resa ragg", to react angrily (like a hostile dog raising hackles). Raggsocka/or are coarse outer socks, likely once made from less valuable wool. Raggmunkar (small potato pancakes) are probably, well, ragged or coarse compared to plättar (small pancakes).
In Norwegian we have the word "dugnad", which is a concept that doesn't have an English translation. It's when all the people in the apartment building get a day off work to clean up the apartment building.
I'm Swedish, and had never heard of "Vabba". I knew that VAB = "vård av barn", but vabba was a new one for me. I guess it could be because I don't have kids...
Great Video! Tack så mycket! My favorite word without any direct translation is "ströga" :D And YES i like EPA-Dunk its great to learn swedish :D :D hälsingar från tyskland
Daniela - Jag älskar dina videor! Förresten, vad är/dina favoritsvenska godisar? Jag personligen gillar salt lakrits (dubbelzout, Djungelvrål, (allt med salmiak i det), men gillar också sura fruktgodisar. Och så har vi hallonstick (är inte säker på om jag stavar det rätt 😉) som du förmodligen vet - den amerikanska versionen av Swedish Fish är ganska tråkig. IKEA utvidgar nu i det området 👏
Åh, tack så mycket! Och tack till DIG som tittar på dom :) Du och jag har väldigt lik godissmak. Jag gillar också lakrits och sura fruktgodisar. Men också, choklad! All typ av choklad. Tur att IKEA satsar på mer svenskt godis utomlands! :P
Jag visste 3 av 5 ord innan jag såg videon, så jag är nog lite svensk nu😂😏Jag älskar ditt röda hår, du är som en höst sol som alltid lyfter upp stämningen😌
I've never heard of Klamydiamåndag (though as a (half-)Swede I obviously knew the rest), but then I'm a 32 year old virgin nerd who doesn't get out much, so I guess I'm not really the target demographic.
I am surprised that WAB is still in use in Sweden, while in Finland we gave up on a similar system because it became expensive for the state and companies and because it is not in use in most countries. And we were even told that Sweden had given up their WAB system, which is why Finland should too.
In Russia we also have a special payed days off for taking care of ill children. And I don't understand how they manage it in other countries. If a child is ill what do parents do?
In Finland you actually get 100% of your salary if you are home caring your sick child. The closes counterpart of "fika" in Finnish is "kahvitella" (to have a coffee break), which usually means drinking coffee but may include also other ways of having a break, e.g. drinking tea, juice, eating bakeries etc.
Raggare come from a word that's a few hundred years old and that's ragga. It come from horse-drawn carriage the "taxi" in the old days. They tried to get people to ride with them and in swedish that's named ragga upp. Cruising around with the old american cars and try to pic up girls is the same att ragga. The old american cars are also called jänkare here.
I heard a pretty funny mistake but I understand why the person who was learning Swedish thought the way he did. He said “jag gillar sjunger” Thinking “sjunger” meant sugar
I have never used lördagsgodis to describe plockgodis. For me, the "lördagsgodis" just implies any candy that is meant for Saturday so the kids won't eat candy on the other days.
När du uttryck "chips" du låtar som du säger det engelskt ord för får (sheeps)! Rätt sätt att säga "ch" är samma ljud som "church" på engelska. (Ch-) "ips" är nästa samma ljud nar man säger "it's". 😊
that depends on the country/region! Some Swedish-speakers clearly differentiate between sh and ch, others don't. One of my friends is from Österbotten and making him read the phrase "chips and ships" is quite the entertainment!
My own list of seven words would be * Fika * Lagom * Vabba * Hinna * Fredagsmys/lördagsgodis * Raggare * Dansband "Klamydiamåndag" I have never ever heard. Googling on it it seems to be a campaign. I do not understand why it is mentioned in the video. "Ragga" is just the English term "Pick up (a girl)". Nothing special Swedish to do. Raggare is a Swedish sub culture though that is kind of Swedish, or American lookalike.
Min Mama var från Finland och hun bärattarde ochså från Raggare 😂och jag sår dem ochså senare ,hun komm av en liten stan i närheten av Hesingfors ...min cusin fick ochså alltid Lördagsgodis 😅 för mig ,när jag var liten ,var det underligt,när dett fins dett inte i Tyskland 😂😂😂😂😂
Sorry but I can't help but nitpick. The pronunciation of Vipeholm is as if it was spelled with two P. Not sure if this is a Skåne thing since it's the same with Ramlösa. If you say ram as in a bears paw the locals will turn into angry bears 😆 Edit: quick edit my Swedish teacher wife informed me that the i Vipeholm actually is somewhere in-between a long and short i. The issue here is probably because the weight is placed on "holm" and not "vip". ❤
Raggare finns visst utomlands. De kallas för Greaser i USA, Rocker i England och för Bodgie eller Widgie i Australien. Men dem är nog vanligast i Sverige. 😀
underbart. im smiling so much. i lived in sweden for long enough to know all these words. swedish was a bit hard at first but after a few beers i became fluent and after a while i didnt need the beer. 🇸🇪🇮🇪
Haha 😂
We need the beer ourselves to talk to each other 😆
@@E-jit as i got better at drunk swedish all the swedes got better at drunk english so, i would be the only one speaking swedish and everybody else was speaking english. lol
Wow, I'm such a fan! I'm a dentist and you explained this about treats and teeth very well. Including talking about that terrible unethical experiment. You're amazing, I learn Swedish and you don't know it but I was there a short time ago and I was running after someone who I thought was you because I was dying to say hello. I'm brasilian and I love you and your vídeos!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Tack så mycket ❤ you are so sweet and it feels extra special to have this approved by a dentist 🙂 Oh! What a pitty that we didn't meet. Would have been very happy to get a hello from you 🥰
You are GREAT, Daniella! Yag älskar Stockholm, Sverige och språket. You, as a a native Stockholmer get us updated on slangs and that is amazing.
Tack så mycket Fran Brasilien.
Thank you for such nice words 😍
In Finland we use also only one word for hinna=ehtiä. Vabba is also a consept but we have no special word for it and we get 100% of the pay for it. Closest similar meaning to fredagsmys could be pizzaperjantai. Lördagsgodis is also the same here but it is called Karkkipäivä and the lösgodis are Irtokarkki.
Thanks for the finnish translation of the words. I am swedish but my son lives in Helsinki with his girlfriend, and they just have got a child. So now I want to learn finnish and useful words to be able to communicate with my grandchild in finnish too, when I meet him ❤👶🏻
But we have not hlamidiamaantai in Finland😂
I love the word slö, which I suppose you could translate as sluggish, but it just feels slightly different when I use slö, and sluggish just doesn't seem like it quite captures the meaning entirely. But it's so much fun to say, slö!
I was in Mora in 2021 on the opening day of the Snowmobile season and there were tons of retro American cars there. I was blown away as an American who lives in the Midwest and grew up around car culture it was so surprising and awesome to me. Thanks for letting me know that it’s called Raggare 😊
Thanks for sharing. Interesting to hear your perspective about retro American cars coming from the Midwest. Happy to hear that it was useful to include info about raggare.
Was it time when vasa loppet was
@@nightwolfnordberg9476 it was October 30th, 2021. I was just told it was the opening day of snowmobile season. I think vasaloppet is in March. I didn’t know about vasaloppet until the friend that took us around Mora told us about it. I would love to see that even. It looks crazy to see all those skiers wearing themselves out on flat land. Swedes amaze me.
Jag uppskattar verkligen hur du förklarar många enskilda fraser, hur man använder dem, i vilka situationer och hur man bygger en mening på svenska för att vara artig. Man kan få många värda information om land och kultur också. Bra jobbat! Jag fångar din positiva personlighet. Hälsningar 👌
Tack så mycket för din kommentar!
Omg, those googly eyes animations are epic 😂👌
When I was in high school in the late 90s (or more like "7th grade"), I remember that a lot of people were either "raggare" or "skejtare";
"raggare" were typically guys in denim clothes who were very fond of cars and snus, and "skejtare" often wore oversized trousers and skated everywhere, and often listened to pop punk and hip hop.
One of my favourite swedish words is smultronställen ❤
Yes. Great word! We almost included it for this video. Maybe next time 🙂
Jag älskar smulrton ❤❤❤❤
Thanks for the video. I liked the information on how Swedes spend their Friday. Please make more videos about way of living in Sweden, what's common to do during the weekend specially during fall and winter and any other habitual and cultural topic that helps living better in Sweden. It's fun to learn Swedish words with Swedish culture.
Thanks for this comment! Will do more of those videos for you :)
A great little program. Thank you. As a Dane, speaking resonable Swedish, I learned a few interesting details specifically Vabba and Vibeholm.
I find that Swedish 'Mys' and Norwegian 'Kos' as consepts are very close to Danish 'Hygge'. ' Hygge' being a little broader and even less specific. Swedish 'fika' would easily be put under Danish 'hygge'. But making things warm, cosy, relaxed and pleasant in the long wet and/or cold winters is an 'essential survival skill' in the Nordic countries. Any Nordic person would recognise it and fit in anywhere, thought we use different words and like discussing the irrelevant differences.
And by the way the Danish car prices are FAR too high for extra cars, and always has been, so NO 'raggerare'.
Im so happy to have come across this video! I just learned "hinner" on Duolingo but Duo doesn't really explain anything so I was having a terrible time wrapping my head around it. This helps so much!
Happy to hear! We have more grammar videos on this channel if you are interested 🙂
Love these videos, Daniela! Tack från USA.
Tack till dig ❤
Lagom is the most Swedish word ever. It's the most vague way of expressing something other than your personal preference and it can be used for almost anything. You can't even argue about it because it's a completely biased opinion. Very funny and very Swedish if you think about it.
I agree with you about the word "lagom". What "lagom" exactly is can be a very personal preference.
The word Lagom exist in Swahili as well. Vabba is a way of making a verb of VAB, which is a TLA (= Three Letter Abbreviation)! The rest of the words are just combinations of other Swedish word, which is common in all languages.
In connection to vabba there's also vobba, which means to be home with a sick child but working from home.
Called vobba since it sounds both like vab and jobba (=to work).
This is a great video! I think you should make a video of Swedish animals!😊❤
Här i Finland har vi något som brädar "Fredagsmys" kalsarikännit. Kalsarikännit innebär att man sitter ensam, vanligtvis, och super i underkläder. Here in Finland we have something better than "Fredagsmys", kalsarikännit, kalsarikännit means to be alone and get wasted in just underwear.
Fika= coffeebreak, lagom=proper/ suitable, vabba=skive, hinna=manage, fredagsmys= friday chill ( slob out) , lördagsgodis = saturday sweets - swedish always insist these words don't exist in English but they are being typically pedantic 😅 Swedish words jäss, typ, liksom, röda tråd, fann, najs, jävla, fy fann, chill
Now I know the term for those middle-aged people in cool retro cars I see in Helsinki and Åland!
My local friend also expressed his annoyance about the lack of single-word versions of "orka" and "hinna" in English :D
To some young people, "orka!" is apparently a complete sentence. Maybe they don't orka say more than that.
your videos are so funny. very good job to your editors lol
Glad you like them! Will let our editor know :)
Yes, we saw a raggare in Stockholm, thank you Daniella!😃😉😊
Saturday is my candy buying day too....but i usually save some to eat throughout the week too
Czech republic has OCR. It means the samé thing, caring About family member. Ošetřování člena rodiny. Nice to see some similar stuff i my country and country the language I am learning.
Tack! Det är en intressant video 😊
We have the consept of lördagsgodis here in Finland too. And we have lösgodis even in the smallest of grocery stores here, of course the bigger the store, the bigger the selection.
We also have a lot of old American cars and a similar raggare culture here, although we don't have a name for it and the word raggari means a sort of a rebel in Finnish. Big car shows and gatherings are more common outside bigger cities just like in Sweden. But at least in my city in Northern Finland we have these common showing off places where you just have to drive to if you have a special car and it happens to be a nice summer evening ☀🛻🚙. I've heard that the amount of older American cars here has something to do with some trade agreement with USA in the 50's or 60's. Maybe there is a similar reason in Sweden and the cultures were born at the same time when many Finns moved or worked for a while in Sweden especially in the 60's and 70's.
Would you consider doing a video on negative and positive emotions in Swedish?
Could you give more examples of what that could include? Sounds like a good idea! We have done videos about bad words in Swedish (maybe that can inclue negative emotions?).
@@FunSwedish Some emotions are positive. Think of happiness, joy, interest, excitement, gratitude, and love. These positive emotions feel good. Negative emotions - like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-criticism, fear... these are just a couple examples of positive and negative emotions that could be translated to Swedish
@@jasoncloete8348 Tack så mycket! Thanks for this. It is really helpful. Sounds like a good idea. We will try to make a video about it.
Thanks for the information, very interesting video.
Chlamydia Monday sounds like a holiday where you're supposed to catch Chlamydia on Monday to celebrate 😅
Brilliant girl❤! Brilliant teacher😊!!! God luck😊!!!!
We don't have a fancy verb for VAB here in Norway, but we do have the same concept; we'll just put "syke barn" (sick children) or "hjemme med syke barn" (home with sick children) in our Slack status. I'm pretty sure it's mostly the same rules and financing as for your own sickness with "egenmelding" (lit. "own reporting" which is short term up to 3 days, paid by the employer) and "sykemelding" (lit. "sick reporting", which is a doctor's note and paid by the government).
As someone of Swedish descent, but didn't grow up there - jag hatar hinna/hinner - I have terrible time management & I really can't help it sometimes, so that word makes me feel guilty 🫠 I remember learning it & being like "that one is not for me"
...I do like that it compounds what would be a few words in English though, so it is a time-related word that saves time
There was a big (for the size of the place!) meet in town last time I was there. Several old police cars and american taxis. Very odd. Not many old European cars, though, which is what I like. :(
now i know why Arne in " så som i himmelen" drove that retro car
I had the same thought! Having never lived in Sweden, that movie and the Astrid Lindgren books were the main reasons for my interest in Sweden. Plus I like the melody of the language.
B.t.w. Jag skulle vilja höra dig prata svenska oftare.
Lördagsgodis is an interesting concept. I never liked candies much, but I love chocolate and sugary pastries; so much so that I got addicted to sugar in a dark period of my life in 2017. Since sugar is a natural part of human diets, I figured eliminating it would not be the best way out (plus I love it so much), so instead I limited myself to a single sweet meal every day. And that is usually a late afternoon meal, such as right now, when I get to sit down, drink a glass of milk, eat some homemade cookies and watch Fun Swedish!
Thanks for watching us while you enjoy your glass of milk and homemade cookies (we love that combination as well)!
absolutely love this
Mack is a confusing word, I knew it means gas station (bensinstation) but I had to google the origin of the word which comes from a company that manufactured gasoline pumps. Then there is this euphemism ensamkommande flyktingbarn (unaccompanied refugee child).
Yes! You are right. Those are very unique Swedish word. I didn't know the origin of mack. Thank you for that!
Thx a lot! I like "byxor". Sounds like estonian "püksid" and the german "Buxe".
Note to people: Raggsockor is NOT related to the raggare-concept!
Not Swedish, but I guess "raggare" comes from hairy/scruffy in some form.
True. Ragg is a word for the stiff hair of some animals, most commonly in the phrase "resa ragg", to react angrily (like a hostile dog raising hackles). Raggsocka/or are coarse outer socks, likely once made from less valuable wool.
Raggmunkar (small potato pancakes) are probably, well, ragged or coarse compared to plättar (small pancakes).
@@mellertidAnd that’s why I think the cat was named Raggis.
days of the week in swedish: måndag, tisdag, lil lördag, taco torsdag, fredagsmys, lördagsgodis, sondag. 😂
Haha, exakt. Så kan man också kalla våra veckodagar :P
In Norwegian we have the word "dugnad", which is a concept that doesn't have an English translation. It's when all the people in the apartment building get a day off work to clean up the apartment building.
I'm Swedish, and had never heard of "Vabba". I knew that VAB = "vård av barn", but vabba was a new one for me.
I guess it could be because I don't have kids...
Great Video! Tack så mycket! My favorite word without any direct translation is "ströga" :D And YES i like EPA-Dunk its great to learn swedish :D :D hälsingar från tyskland
Danielle som wlsys du gör ett underbart jobb! 😊
Tack ❤
Daniela - Jag älskar dina videor! Förresten, vad är/dina favoritsvenska godisar? Jag personligen gillar salt lakrits (dubbelzout, Djungelvrål, (allt med salmiak i det), men gillar också sura fruktgodisar. Och så har vi hallonstick (är inte säker på om jag stavar det rätt 😉) som du förmodligen vet - den amerikanska versionen av Swedish Fish är ganska tråkig. IKEA utvidgar nu i det området 👏
Åh, tack så mycket! Och tack till DIG som tittar på dom :) Du och jag har väldigt lik godissmak. Jag gillar också lakrits och sura fruktgodisar. Men också, choklad! All typ av choklad. Tur att IKEA satsar på mer svenskt godis utomlands! :P
Mums 😊
Jag visste 3 av 5 ord innan jag såg videon, så jag är nog lite svensk nu😂😏Jag älskar ditt röda hår, du är som en höst sol som alltid lyfter upp stämningen😌
Bra jobbat! Du kan jättemycket svenska! Tack för den fina komplimangen 🥰
I've never heard of Klamydiamåndag (though as a (half-)Swede I obviously knew the rest), but then I'm a 32 year old virgin nerd who doesn't get out much, so I guess I'm not really the target demographic.
I am surprised that WAB is still in use in Sweden, while in Finland we gave up on a similar system because it became expensive for the state and companies and because it is not in use in most countries. And we were even told that Sweden had given up their WAB system, which is why Finland should too.
In Russia we also have a special payed days off for taking care of ill children. And I don't understand how they manage it in other countries. If a child is ill what do parents do?
So Swedes love Sweets. Noted. Tack ska du ha!
Love is an understatement but yes 😁
A recently learned one for me was Hakon Bakon 😁
In Finland you actually get 100% of your salary if you are home caring your sick child. The closes counterpart of "fika" in Finnish is "kahvitella" (to have a coffee break), which usually means drinking coffee but may include also other ways of having a break, e.g. drinking tea, juice, eating bakeries etc.
Munkkikahvit 😊
Raggare come from a word that's a few hundred years old and that's ragga. It come from horse-drawn carriage the "taxi" in the old days. They tried to get people to ride with them and in swedish that's named ragga upp. Cruising around with the old american cars and try to pic up girls is the same att ragga. The old american cars are also called jänkare here.
Hej Daniella, jag behöver lite Tisdagsmys (ja, det är Tisdag idag :D) med många lösgodis idag! Tack så mycket för dina nya videor som alltid!
Haha, jag älskar ditt nya svenska ord "tisdagsmys". Jag tycker att vi borde införa det :P Tack till dig som tittar på våra videos.
@@FunSwedish Ja, du MÅSTE göra det! :D
I heard a pretty funny mistake but I understand why the person who was learning Swedish thought the way he did.
He said “jag gillar sjunger”
Thinking “sjunger” meant sugar
Okay, the chlamydia got me xD
I like it, I have some difficulties to find some cakes for min ficka
I have never used lördagsgodis to describe plockgodis. For me, the "lördagsgodis" just implies any candy that is meant for Saturday so the kids won't eat candy on the other days.
I make videos about Raggarbilar .
Tank you for enplane what Raggare is !
När du uttryck "chips" du låtar som du säger det engelskt ord för får (sheeps)! Rätt sätt att säga "ch" är samma ljud som "church" på engelska. (Ch-) "ips" är nästa samma ljud nar man säger "it's". 😊
hej ett ord som vobba
vobba - arbeta hemifrån medan man tar hand om sjukt barn
@@LeeGee Varför är det "nej"? Många av mina kollegor vobbar vid behov.
7:56 Does the 'Ch' t͡ʃ present in Swedish or not?
that depends on the country/region! Some Swedish-speakers clearly differentiate between sh and ch, others don't. One of my friends is from Österbotten and making him read the phrase "chips and ships" is quite the entertainment!
@@Grievous_Nix Ok, Tack
Great answer!
@@FunSwedish Tack👍🏻
My own list of seven words would be
* Fika
* Lagom
* Vabba
* Hinna
* Fredagsmys/lördagsgodis
* Raggare
* Dansband
"Klamydiamåndag" I have never ever heard. Googling on it it seems to be a campaign. I do not understand why it is mentioned in the video.
"Ragga" is just the English term "Pick up (a girl)". Nothing special Swedish to do. Raggare is a Swedish sub culture though that is kind of Swedish, or American lookalike.
Är mora en små stad staden som vasa loppets mål
Tack :)
It is not uncommon for younger kids to comment to there parents if they see a grownup buying candy on another day.
Det Norrländska jakande ordet "Schuuup" och det besvikna ordet "sty" borde kvala in här.
Tack så mycket
Min Mama var från Finland och hun bärattarde ochså från Raggare 😂och jag sår dem ochså senare ,hun komm av en liten stan i närheten av Hesingfors ...min cusin fick ochså alltid Lördagsgodis 😅 för mig ,när jag var liten ,var det underligt,när dett fins dett inte i Tyskland 😂😂😂😂😂
7:35 A typical Swedish family
Vi ses väldigt många raggaror här i Borås på sommarerna
Sorry but I can't help but nitpick. The pronunciation of Vipeholm is as if it was spelled with two P.
Not sure if this is a Skåne thing since it's the same with Ramlösa. If you say ram as in a bears paw the locals will turn into angry bears 😆
Edit: quick edit my Swedish teacher wife informed me that the i Vipeholm actually is somewhere in-between a long and short i. The issue here is probably because the weight is placed on "holm" and not "vip". ❤
har aldrig hört nån uttala g:et i fredagsmys 💀
Raggare finns visst utomlands. De kallas för Greaser i USA, Rocker i England och för Bodgie eller Widgie i Australien.
Men dem är nog vanligast i Sverige. 😀
Og rånere i Norge
Vårkänslor är det finaste Svenska ordet!
Jag håller med!
nostalgidagarna haha
Ja på inandning ;)
Godis är ett engelsk ord och kommer från Goodies = godsaker
Raggare är en tradition i var området
Yes! Such a Swedish word as well
Hey there! Where can I email you? Please add your @ in the description or in about your channel ❤
elansutbildning@gmail.com :) Thanks we will do that.