This Is Disgustingly Disturbing | Honkai Star Rail Has Gone Overboard With Jade - Trailer Reaction

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @itscolll
    @itscolll Місяць тому +3

    Hi Spikesxu,
    From the way you address issues like this, the way you engage in discussion and try to help everyone (you even helped me a year or so ago), I would highly suggest you consider writing some kind of book, if you haven't already. If you have read some kind of books or other content that contributed to this communication mindset, please share. If you have already written a book or made a video about this topic, please share. I greatly appreciate and also aspire to be someone like you.
    At this moment of time, I truly believe that more like-minded people are needed in this world. Thank you for giving crucial feedback to the online community, when it's needed most.
    Thank you for reading and possibly sharing as well,

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому

      Firstly I must say, your grammar is well put and perhaps you should consider taking up some form of writing as well! :)
      Thank you for your kind words though! In regards to writing a book, I have not written one, though I do think I would enjoy doing so. I actually used to write a lot in the past and used to enjoy poetry. This would lead to my love for music & the creative process in it, as lyricism can often be viewed as "poetry in motion". When I was in college, I did actually once have a literature professor be so impressed with the assignment I turned in, that they pulled me aside after class & told me that this institute (the college) could offer me nothing. That I was so far advanced as to anything he'd seen & to please keep writing. I'll never forget this person and this conversation.
      I think in a way, engaging in discussions and creating a space where people can engage and discuss in meaningful & cordial ways, is a way of me fulfilling that book-writing that you mention. In a sense, everything I create is an extension of me writing that book. After all, each individual's life in itself is a book that's constantly being written.
      Perhaps one day when I have a large enough platform that will listen, I'll make a video that further delves into the makings of who I am. My life story up to now would actually make for a pretty interesting book, honestly speaking 😂😂
      To close out, I would once again like to thank you for your kind words and I'm glad that I've been able to provide some type of positive growth within your life!

    • @itscolll
      @itscolll Місяць тому +1

      @@Spikesxu Thank you for the quick reply,
      No need to thank me, I already know that these words are what you and others need. I'm just doing what I would enjoy hearing/reading myself. I should be the one thanking you, for showing me yet another way of communication. This is me giving back, in some form.
      In a way, I'm not surprised that other people have noticed and told you about your talent. It is still interesting to read. I also do agree with you, the comments that I've read so far (though not so many) indeed give me a sense of who you are and what you stand for. "After all, each individual's life in itself is a book that's constantly being written." are some wise words. Another new perspective :)
      I do agree that it may seem that the audience that you currently have doesn't seem to be big or active enough. This, in my humble opinion, doesn't really mean that you shouldn't already consider or at least write a framework for some kind of content (book, video or whatever you like) that will let you get to know yourself and solidify what you want to express to others. I certainly have gotten to know myself better through a form of writing (journal, self-reflection), that's why I'm kind of suggesting you do the same. I'm sure a book would be an interesting way that you can express your thoughts, but in my opinion you should create in a way that suits you best. You have years of experience creating and engaging, so I'm sure you already know the way you would like to do this. If you eventually decide to make this idea a reality, you can be sure I'll be one of the people reading/watching/hearing ! c:
      Finally, I wish the best to you and everyone who is reading this thread. I hope all of us (re)learned at least one thing.
      (ps: I didn't know my writing was of interest to another lol. I had reread my reply a couple times to avoid making some stupid mistakes. English isn't my first language after all. I'll think about your suggestion.)

  • @whiteender4962
    @whiteender4962 Місяць тому +3

    My reaction just literally 👁️👄👁️ the entire time I first watched this trailer

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому +2

      This was mine. 🤦🏿‍♂

  • @Zelphyn
    @Zelphyn Місяць тому

    This is pretty normal now, especially in mobile games. I could even say it's tame compared to others out there. 😂

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому

      This is not "normal" in mobile games. Don't attempt to normalize this. Because it's not. It may be "seen" in certain mobile games that clearly target a more adult audience. Which there are a plethora of clearly adult-marketed mobile & gacha games. But it's just that. Those are adult mobile games. Often having nudity or very clear hints towards soft p**n.
      Honkai Star Rail is a game that is heavily targeted towards a younger audience and even has an ESRB Age Rate of 12+. You've go to be out your mind if you're going to sit here & tell me that 12 year old should be subject to this. And lets then flip the genders. If this is a male, with females being sat on, chained up, humiliated, etc as seen in this trailer. In the same game, marketed towards the same audience. You're going to tell me that this is ok?
      It all comes down to execution and how things are presented. Jade was presented extremely poorly in this scenario. If the game was an adult mobile game like one of the many you hinted at, then it wouldn't be as targetable for scrutiny. But that is not the case. This is a game that's literally targeted towards a young audience of 12+.
      They could have done a much better job presenting this character. It was completely unnecessary to present her in this light, and could've still maintained virtually every aspect about her & how powerful & feared she is over the IPC.

  • @Betsujin
    @Betsujin Місяць тому +2

    Would you be ok with this scene if age rating of the game was changed? Would you be ok with this scene if genders were reversed?

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому +2

      No I would not be ok with this scene if the age rating of the game was changed. Would it be more appropriate if the scene were in an M-Rated game? Sure. Because it's an M Rated game so you expect some pretty raunchy stuff. But ultimately no I don't care for it either way. The bigger issue of course is naturally though that Honkai Star Rail is generally targeted at a much younger player base. Which naturally, adds significantly to the issue here.
      And no I would not be ok with the scene if the genders were reversed. If anything, that would likely be even more problematic.

    • @Betsujin
      @Betsujin Місяць тому +2

      @@Spikesxu Thanks for elaborate clarification!

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому +2

      @@Betsujin Absolutely! Thank you for engaging in the discussion by commenting!

  • @SquircleYT
    @SquircleYT Місяць тому +1

    You just know she’s about to bring record breaking profits to the company. 😂
    Edit: I don’t even play Honkai Star Rail, just in case anyone thinks I support or would pull for her. But we all know whales going for her.

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому

      Yea, people are definitely going to pull for her. I mean, make no mistake, it's definitely intentional that they marketed her this way. They ain't fooling nobody. I actually don't think she's being as well received as other characters though. I was interested in her initially as a character because she pops up a lot in the story though you never see her. But as it got closer to her release & more information came out about the character, I became less & less interested.

  • @Songbird76-s2g
    @Songbird76-s2g Місяць тому

    Haters gon hate, mother still ate💅🏻

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому

      I'm not hating. Simply pointing out and discussing the issues with how things were executed. There is a fine difference.

  • @SupaSaiyanXP
    @SupaSaiyanXP Місяць тому +2

    I think your interpretation is very fair, but this trailer is packed full of religious symbolism.
    There’s a direct Judas reference, there are the seven deadly sins (or specifically, the Eight Evil Thoughts) written in Latin, there’s also the crucifixion reference too. All of these things are part of her character. She *is* the snake from Eden, tempting people. Could they have portrayed it better? Perhaps.
    I do get why you’ve interpreted it the way you have, because everything else isn’t immediately clear but I analyse everything and the references/symbolism in the trailer imo was extremely well done.

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому +1

      While the symbolism may have been there, the execution was not. Which is what is the issue here. The way this character was presented was clearly done so in the sense of fan servicing. That is most definitely undeniable. And what ever symbolism may lie underneath, does not justify the degradation and dommy-mommy trope. To add, the general player and/or child is not going to fully understand deeper symbolism. They are going to understand face value. We live in a current society that generally takes things at face value. And they will see this for just that; Face value.
      First impressions mean a lot. And they chose to open the trailer with those first impressions for a reason.
      They could've easily thought of a thousand other ways to present this character without deliberately feeding into the Dommy-Mommy trope. And I mean easily. Mind numbing easily. Yet, failed to do so.
      Once again, if these genders were reversed in this scene for such a game that has such a large younger player base, all of Hoyo would literally be burning at the stake right now. Gotta be mindful of the energy that's being put out on both ends.
      Always look at the picture as a whole and whom it may impact, especially negatively so.

    • @SupaSaiyanXP
      @SupaSaiyanXP Місяць тому

      @@Spikesxu sure, I understand what you’re saying. I guess my charitable interpretation of why they leaned into that side is as follows: so all 6 deadly sins are written in Latin throughout the trailer, the only one that isn’t is “lust”, because that’s the whole trailer. The devil is typical portrayed as using lust to tempt people into sin. Also BDSM being the thin line between pleasure and suffering, which 100% embodies her deals. Instant gratification leading to long term suffering. Age appropriateness is another discussion altogether, I agree. I’m not too sure what the typical age is for HSR but you’re probably correct, most won’t understand the deeper symbolism.
      I hope my comments have been OK with you, just offering an alternative perspective, but I do see where you’re coming from.

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому +1

      ​@@SupaSaiyanXP No it's absolutely fine. Thank you for being cordial about your approach. I always enjoy a good discussion whether or not I agree or disagree with the individual. I believe it's important to discuss and communicate so that both parties can better learn and grow. And as you also mentioned, alternate perspectives. Alternate perspectives are very important.
      I definitely hear what you're saying and your attention to detail on the symbolism is very well garnered. I definitely can't disagree with the fact that a lot of thought was put into the symbolism within the trailer, as you noted. And they definitely have to be accredited for that. However, I believe ultimately we both likely end up back at questions as to the execution of what was being presented & then of course, as you agreed upon, the potential age issue.
      Nonetheless, solid input!

    • @SupaSaiyanXP
      @SupaSaiyanXP Місяць тому +1

      @@Spikesxu completely agree, it’s very rare to have a cordial discussion in this community so I appreciate it. I always enjoy hearing alternative perspectives. Hope you have a great week.

  • @fanboy6156
    @fanboy6156 Місяць тому

    They explore different types of characters and personalities from banner to banner. Stop trying to censor the creativity of the art team to explore. Go play Genshin if you are so sensitive.

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому

      If within this same game, Honkai Star Rail, the genders were reversed for this scene & character. The man had women around him, sitting on one like a chair. Tied up, humiliated. Would you keep this same energy? This is a yes or no question. If the genders were reversed, and it was the same exact game of Honkai Star Rail with the same target audience, would you keep the same energy and be all for it? You see no issue with that whatsoever?
      Nothing wrong with different personalities and types of characters. However, issues can occur when the execution is off, especially when given the age range of your general target audience.
      Let me fully clarify. You can be fully creative without sexualizing everything and feeding into dommy-mommy tropes. You can also be creative without the degradation of genders. This is fanservicing, and completely unnecessary fanservicing at that. Once again, would you be supporting this so greatly if the roles were reversed? Just trying to make sure you're consistent with the energy you're giving out & the stance your standing with.

    • @fanboy6156
      @fanboy6156 Місяць тому

      @@Spikesxu You are adding your own bias to your analysis by including statements like "Tied up, humiliated" and "degradation of genders." It's obvious that you are approaching this with more of an ideological bent than a genuine analysis of whether this was a good introduction for a character for the general Honkai audience. The whole point of the "dommy-mommy" trope is that the interaction is consensual for both parties. You say this is "unnecessary fan service," but the general audience really enjoyed the trailer and the introduction of this new character. This is evident from the positive reactions of many Honkai content creators, with numerous examples of both men and women loving the new trailer.

  • @Blindgamer98
    @Blindgamer98 Місяць тому

    If you have problem with the game then play something else (WUWA) Its call a fantasy game

    • @Spikesxu
      @Spikesxu  Місяць тому

      A fantasy game with an ESRB of 12+. Whose targeted audience is young & in extremely impressionable formative years. It's ok to be constructive and speak about these things.