  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @nadinelouise2406
    @nadinelouise2406 2 роки тому +13

    My resolution is to be kinder to myself and unlearn the negativity that I bear myself up with.
    You look incredible, as always!

  • @alisonwoodhouse7102
    @alisonwoodhouse7102 Рік тому +1

    My New Years resolution is to spend more time with family and friends and to learn to relax more and make more memories 💕💕💕

  • @DaisyCamille
    @DaisyCamille 2 роки тому +16

    This vid was just what my brain needed in Christmas/NY limbo!
    My resolution is to really SAY what I mean and need! Not relying on people reading between the lines and being even more honest with myself.
    Loved this, hope you 5 are all doing well ✨

  • @amandaflyinthesky
    @amandaflyinthesky Рік тому +1

    My resolution for this year is being as good as a I can for my son and my new baby on the way! I have 33 weeks and I’m very excited! 😍😍😍😍😍

  • @Emily-ws9wy
    @Emily-ws9wy 2 роки тому +20

    My entire Christmas list was Vieve and I can’t tell you how excited I was to get it in my hands and start playing!! It’s been so much fun!! The powder - chefs kiss 👌🏼a true thing of beauty. The foundation brush - ditto. The eye wands - 😍 I can’t wait for the day my makeup routine is majority Vieve.

  • @helensanderson9926
    @helensanderson9926 Рік тому +1

    I use Vieve concealer mixed with skin nova it’s amazing ❤that’s why u need to launch a foundation xx

  • @corinesievert7032
    @corinesievert7032 2 роки тому +15

    You are GLOWING❤… Congrats to you, Jack and the doggies! I cannot wait to watch you guys on this magical and beautiful journey!

  • @mhairigranger
    @mhairigranger Рік тому +1

    Your looking great, this year I have have struggled with the menopause and have just been diagnosed with stomach problems so my resolution is to take time to focus on my health and look after myself.

  • @niamhhaggarty8458
    @niamhhaggarty8458 2 роки тому +11

    I’ve ran out of skin nova for a while now and have been mixing skin dew with my foundation and it’s GAME CHANGING 🤩🤩

  • @sionainncarmichael1205
    @sionainncarmichael1205 2 роки тому

    My resolution for 2023 is me! Better myself, focus on myself & learn to love myself x

  • @TheHippie60
    @TheHippie60 2 роки тому +6

    Yasss Jaime!🎉 What do we owe you to bless us with your beauty on this early morning. You’re my favorite OG influencer

  • @lexifmakeup
    @lexifmakeup Рік тому

    I love those drink glasses😍🍹. I love a sparkle silver eye look for NYE❤️

  • @sasss580
    @sasss580 Рік тому +3

    Your growth and watching you become a mama is beautiful be so proud of yourself girl 🥰New Year’s resolution as a mama is try a little bit harder to prioritise self care and not feel guilty for it sometimes life can just get in the way so this year it’s about making me a priority also and not forget that mamas are important . Happy new year from my little fam to yours 🙏🏼🫶🏽

  • @catherinewinterburn3739
    @catherinewinterburn3739 Рік тому

    Just live life to the fullest and appreciate everything. Positive vibes, light and love.
    All the best to you doll! 🖤

  • @madisoncharlotteee
    @madisoncharlotteee 2 роки тому +3

    Jamie you are absolutely glowing, I've been watching you since I can remember and you have inspired me throughout the years. My New Years resolution would be being more patient with my body/infertility. there have been a lot of disappointments this year but we are going into the new year in a positive way! thankyou

  • @leannemaitland9170
    @leannemaitland9170 Рік тому +1

    You are soooo glowing Jamie it's so unfair 🤣 love you. Happy new year

  • @millypoynter4198
    @millypoynter4198 2 роки тому +5

    Yet another wonderful look! Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!
    My resolution is to dance every day! And I mean the kind of "dancing in the kitchen" or "prancing round the living room in my onesie" kinda vibe! I always feel fantastic once I've let go of the day with a boogie in my jammies with a hairbrush, bit of air guitar, and I thought "why don't I do this more?" So that's exactly what I'm gonna do! Just be silly and let go, even for one song! Song recommendations always welcome! Wishing you a healthy and happy 2023!

  • @thespywholovedme1
    @thespywholovedme1 2 роки тому +4

    I did this with the Ninetease palette today--if you also have the mini Xenon from Natasha Denona, the silver in there over the one you used like you will see it from space! I also tightline with Raven and a wee brush because eye wands have ruined all pencil liners for me. And if that is a Vieve cream bronzer...😍Best to Jack, the wee girl, Juno & Drogba in the New Year. So happy to be on the journey with you xX💖

  • @angieelmore4189
    @angieelmore4189 2 роки тому +4

    Well done this year and congratulations and yes let the under cut grow .

  • @lynnblack6034
    @lynnblack6034 Рік тому

    Love the cool eyes. In 2023 I need to take more time for myself! Don’t spend enough time on self care so that’s what I need to do. All the best for 2023 and continued success x

  • @wrightljac
    @wrightljac Рік тому

    First of all, I haven’t seen you in a while. I don’t know why you haven’t popped on my timeline. But congratulations on the baby.
    Make up was stunning.

  • @opimakeup
    @opimakeup 2 роки тому

    Congratulations! Finding myself and giving myself some love & pampering. Learning to put myself as priority.

  • @rrh1690
    @rrh1690 2 роки тому +8

    Don’t cut your hair … persevere… it’ll be worth it as you have beautiful hair!

  • @rachelc5765
    @rachelc5765 Рік тому +1

    Hi Jamie, happy new year!! My resolutions are to become more consistent with exercise, finish work no later than 5:30pm (no matter what!) and to spend more time on myself and with family and friends making memories 💖

  • @amieaviwell
    @amieaviwell Рік тому +1

    Always SO GORGEOUS!!
    My Skin Nova, Skin Dew and concealer are on their way! I’d actually considered trying to mix Skin Dew and concealer-can’t wait to try!!

  • @jessicacolli
    @jessicacolli Рік тому

    Happy New Year!
    My New Year’s resolution is to be kinder to myself and make intentional plans rather letting life run away!

  • @amymadden8982
    @amymadden8982 Рік тому

    Happy New Year! My New Year’s resolution is to get in the best shape of my life! Xx

  • @NasiaGeorgakopoulou
    @NasiaGeorgakopoulou Рік тому

    I am wishing you the best for 2023!!!

  • @chynadoll465
    @chynadoll465 Рік тому

    New years resolution is to go on a hike up a mountain and to see more live gigs! Just get out and make more memories for this year! Xxx

  • @emilyarcher2210
    @emilyarcher2210 Рік тому +1

    Love all your products 😍 even my husband notices when I use skin nova!My resolution is to speak more kindly to myself ❤

  • @zoewatret6839
    @zoewatret6839 Рік тому +1

    Just did my makeup along with you - I am hosting so needed to be quick. So I literally powered through! Cool tones might now be my fave… especially with blue eyes!
    My New Year’s resolution is to read more. Reset more (organisation and self care) but the main one is to slow down. We got married in November and the year has felt like it’s been “wished away”. So for 2023, I want to slow down and be present. But also not have the diary filled to the brim with events. That way I can be more spontaneous and available!
    Have a lovely new year Jamie! 🤍🌟

  • @ariesj90
    @ariesj90 2 роки тому

    Oh my eyes! I feel like I just saw history in the making... Whoa! LADIES WE ARE NOW ONLY, AND MOVING FORWARD IN TIME... PUTTING OUR EYESHADOW AT THE FRONT OF OUR BROWS! Mind blown... bomb.

  • @TheAlfakitty
    @TheAlfakitty Рік тому

    Love today's makeup (since I was 21 in 1990 ad you've totally NAILED it). Want to move to Scotland just to do errands with you on the daily, Jamie! I've got my annual new planner, too. I consistently write down 5 business goals, 5 financial goals and 5 personal goals every year. AT the end of the year, 60-80% achievement on those goals is a WIN!. Put it I the front of your planner to keep revisiting those during the course of your year. HNY!

  • @NataliaL98
    @NataliaL98 2 роки тому

    the way that i gasped when you zoomed the camera in, best base ever!!!

  • @patriciamclaughlin5115
    @patriciamclaughlin5115 2 роки тому

    The pop up shop was amazing! Bring it back soon. My NY resolution is to stay in the moment and not over think stuff...well I'm going to try! Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2023!.X.

  • @meganmcleod5962
    @meganmcleod5962 Рік тому

    My New Years Resolution is to chdck in with myself more often, a high and lows of the week check in so I can take better care of myself. Thank you Jamie ❤

  • @clarelinstead2755
    @clarelinstead2755 Рік тому

    Thanks Mama to be! Super cool look. My new year's Resolution is to learn makaton with my baby boy so we can have proper conversations with his Grandma (she's deaf, and absolutely amazing!) xxx

  • @moniquelinley9597
    @moniquelinley9597 Рік тому

    I've decided on no resolution but I'm setting g myself 3 goals ones to learn something new,ones to travel some were new and the 3rd is to be kinder to myself

  • @racheldalziel992
    @racheldalziel992 Рік тому +2

    Have a wonderful break, Jamie, and happy New Year to all of you!
    I've been working on patience for the last couple of weeks and will continue on through as my resolution. Meditation has been helping immensely and so grateful to myself for having set this resolution.

  • @sabrinadelgado4143
    @sabrinadelgado4143 Рік тому

    Happy New Year Jamie!! My resolution is to start and be consistent with a youtube channel! Sending you, Jack, and baby girl lots of love xx

  • @shannonpriddle8389
    @shannonpriddle8389 Рік тому +1

    Happy New Year Jamie!!! ❤
    New Year’s resolution - taking time for me, more self care, prepping for the next chapter in my life and enjoying another fun year with my husband! X

  • @angelasteven5563
    @angelasteven5563 Рік тому

    Hi 👋
    Just want yo wish you a happy and healthy new year jamie...
    You are going to be a great mum...I have 2 boys who are men now 😀 and they have brought me so much joy...I sometimes look at them and my heart could burst with pride that they are mine...they are the best job I ever done and you will understand when your wee daughter arrives...unconditional love for evermore 🩷🌻

  • @kbeltran
    @kbeltran Рік тому +1

    Cheers 🥂 to you and your beautiful growing family. I love how well, and even your tan looks! I've been hesitant to try a self-tanner, but this one looks effortless. My New Year's resolution is to be gentle with myself. Working on turning "I can't do this" into "I'll get better."

  • @clairemclaughlin513
    @clairemclaughlin513 2 роки тому

    Been watching your videos since you started filming in your flat and you drove your mini. Love everything about you and your brand. Winning the Vieve box would be the perfect beginning to 2023 💗. New years resolution is to be happy, healthy and live in the moment 🥰

  • @GochuTofu
    @GochuTofu Рік тому

    I don’t have Instagram, so I hope I can still qualify. But I’ve actually written a list of goals and resolutions for 2023.
    Most centre around my physical health, self care, and financial health. I had a complicated pregnancy this year that resulted in my baby staying in the neonatal intensive care unit for a month, and I count my blessings that my little girl almost a year later is perfectly healthy, normal, and thriving. Next year is the time to remember to care about myself too, with getting my physical health in order, remembering self care, and to get my financial side of things in order to be able to give my little girl every opportunity I can. She is my miracle and I know I need to be my best self to give her the world she deserves.
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Jamie. And have a fantastic new year 🎉❤

  • @sterlingM3791
    @sterlingM3791 Рік тому +2

    I’ve watched you since day one and watching you become the woman you are is inspiring to say the least! You manage to inspire me to not take life too seriously, to keep chugging along even when I didn’t think I had anything left, and even taught a veteran MUA some really great things I incorporated that others LOVE! You, and yes even Jack and the pooches have gotten me through so much. I will be forever grateful and thankful . So, Thank You🙏🏼 There’s absolutely no way I could ever repay you and your growing family nor ever find the right words for how much I appreciate your dedication to us, the fans, us! I never post because I feel intrusive in a way… Regardless, because of that this year my word is BLOSSOM! Sorry, I’ve never done traditions, just a word for the year that you just kinda incorporate to everything you do…
    I’ve been a closed off flower bud for far too long wrapped way too tight, (the struggle is real), and it’s time to come out and show the world the beauty I can bring to it and finally BLOOM 🌻 Seems appropriate for so many of us in so many different ways, yet beautiful in their own right, in their own time, and that’s the whole beauty of it all! Happy New Year to you, Jack, Dragba, Juno and glowing baby girl!

  • @jennifermcewanx
    @jennifermcewanx Рік тому +2

    My New Year’s resolution is to just be happy and spend as much time with my loved ones as I can ❤
    All the best for 2023 Jamie!

  • @meganbarnes8086
    @meganbarnes8086 2 роки тому

    Happy New Year. My goal this year is to just be better... at everything!

  • @Morganlorie
    @Morganlorie Рік тому

    I have never been able to just use a foundation brush without going back in with a sponge and had no other expectation when using yours but somehow it made my foundation look flawless without any streaks. I absolutely love it and it’s a game changer when I’m in a rush.

  • @lindadee6603
    @lindadee6603 Рік тому +1

    Happy New Year to Jamie & Jack 😊 Great look 👍👍👍

  • @kathrynperry9143
    @kathrynperry9143 2 роки тому +1

    I’ve just had my 40th and had a special delivery from Vieve, the ink liner is the best I’ve tried but I’m yet to try anything else!! I’d love to try the nineteese palette as I’m normally a warm tone kinda girl and need to mix it up! Happy new year Jamie, I hope your pregnancy is going well. I’ve got 3 kids and bringing a baby into the world is the proudest moment. Enjoy it! Xx

  • @simonan975
    @simonan975 Рік тому

    I have recently started using some of your complexion, eyes, lips and brushes products and so far they have all been absolutely great in quality! All of them apply, look and last beautifully on the skin! I am very very impressed and I highly recommend !

  • @ellzjackson9154
    @ellzjackson9154 2 роки тому +201

    My New Year’s resolution is to hopefully start IVF I have endometriosis and have had four miscarriages so have been waiting for IVF for so long and hopefully the doctors say yes in 2023 🎉 thank you for everything Jamie ❤ @ellzabelle_

    • @shiela6400
      @shiela6400 2 роки тому +5


    • @chanelhinterholzer
      @chanelhinterholzer 2 роки тому +12

      I have Endo too and hope to start IVF in the new year as well. I hope you get the OK from the doctors soon! Sending you lots of love and strength!❤️

    • @trapsenpaii
      @trapsenpaii 2 роки тому +6

      Good luck on your journey!

    • @hannahmoffett9277
      @hannahmoffett9277 2 роки тому +3

      🙏🏻🙏🏻 hoping that all goes well for you on this journey whenever you are able to take it

    • @sTomiRey
      @sTomiRey 2 роки тому +7

      I've had a few people in my life have troubles conceiving. All were for different reasons and some included IVF. All things they did have in common was lessening their stressers where they could and some even added massage or acupuncture into their weekly routine. They all have been able to conceive and carry to term. Wishing the best of luck to you in 2023!

  • @Sammy-1234
    @Sammy-1234 2 роки тому +1

    The Utan tanning water is excellent! I use it on my face, neck and chest. When I’m doing a full body tan in summer I use it on my hands and then use a tanning brush to blend. I use the tanning brush on my feet too, would thoroughly recommend, makes tanning so much easier!

  • @julieredhead8316
    @julieredhead8316 Рік тому

    All the best for what will be an amazing year for you & Jack. My New Year’s resolution is get fitter in a bid to fight long Covid which I’ve been struggling with since contracting covid in July.

  • @alicebrowniebrown
    @alicebrowniebrown Рік тому

    LOVE THIS LOOK. If only I had left the house... In the New Year Im going to be more present in the every day and stop wishing time away for the next big event. Living for the small as well as the big things. x

  • @Mama-tea
    @Mama-tea Рік тому +1

    Yes I stopped using the facial tan as it stained my blonde hair, glad they’ve brought out the brush to avoid this

  • @heathershepherd2263
    @heathershepherd2263 Рік тому +1

    My New Years resolution is quite simple but I want to try and be more social🤍

  • @vicau-yeung2712
    @vicau-yeung2712 Рік тому

    Your skin is incredible❤❤Best you’ve ever looked ❤️❤️ Pregnancy suits you so well. Love seeing you guys so happy ❤❤

  • @WaitingForBrilliance
    @WaitingForBrilliance 2 роки тому +6

    I resolve to not feel guilty for saying no when I need to. I read recently that saying no to others is actually saying yes to yourself, and that hit hard! Putting yourself first is so important before you give to others. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone! @mandieleighward

  • @lowripro1125
    @lowripro1125 Рік тому

    watching u as we’re going into the new year bc ur my comfort content creator, New Years resolution is to try and fall back in love with makeup and just general self care again whilst starting up my own little business it’s been HARD!😂 Happy new year to you and Jack🤍

  • @TheSandramclean
    @TheSandramclean Рік тому

    Your looking great Jamie, being pregnant soots you, my new years resolution is to be a better me in everyday, and to learn how to do eyeliner like you do love it xxx

  • @zoecharlton2254
    @zoecharlton2254 Рік тому

    My New Year’s resolution is to enjoy the run up to my wedding (September 2023) and love myself a little bit more 💖 Happy New Year Jamie, Jack, Bump, Juno & Drogba xxx

  • @savannavelez-merrick872
    @savannavelez-merrick872 Рік тому +1

    My resolution is definitely going to be to be more intentional with my planning and to be more committed to my tasks and intentions. I know it’s a bit vague 😅but I want to be able to say that I followed through with my goals and worked as hard as I can towards them! I feel like I’m at a big transitional stage in my life and I don’t want to let this time pass me by without achieving what I set my mind to 😊

  • @bridgetlockyer8162
    @bridgetlockyer8162 2 роки тому +4

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, I am also pregnant, due probably around the same time! My resolution is to enjoy new motherhood and my new baby as much as I can. Block out the anxiety and negativity! And also make the most of the first few months of 2023 whilst I can still finish a whole cup of tea! @bridgetelock

  • @aprylstone22
    @aprylstone22 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful look, but I’m partial to your “same” looks!!! I am excited to watch your 2023 unfold ❤️ My goal is to step into my highest best self! 2022 was challenging and I was tested many times. I’ve pushed through and I am shouting from the rooftops 2023 will be my year to receive! Nothing would make me happier than a box of Vieve!!! Happy New Year! 🎉

  • @kimberleestern
    @kimberleestern 2 роки тому

    Happy New Year! 2023 is going to be a big year for you ❤

  • @tarabxo
    @tarabxo Рік тому +5

    My New Year’s resolutions are to learn a new language (I’m thinking sign language), to experiment with my looks more (i started getting tattooed this year & im obsessed) and to be kinder to myself (I’ve always been plus size and it’s okay to be bigger & still love yourself completely!)
    Your skin is always absolutely glowing Jamie, I’m so excited to see how you boss being a mum after watching you for so many years be a boss in the makeup/skincare industry 🤩 hope you have a lovely new years & its filled with lots of blessings and special moments ✨

  • @riangobel8277
    @riangobel8277 2 роки тому +1

    Vieve is always on my list now! I have just about every lip liner - I am obsessed!! So happy for you & Jack!! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!! I am only on UA-cam- no instagram but my resolution is to take more time for myself & not be afraid to tell others no & also to pass my CPA exams

  • @kirstiesmith1982
    @kirstiesmith1982 Рік тому

    Not sure if I am too late, but might as well, you never know! My new years resolution is to not let my work take my best so that my family get my worst. Balance! That is is the aim. Need to figure out the tools on how to do that, but it is at the forefront of my mind xxxxxx

  • @itstocamia6878
    @itstocamia6878 Рік тому

    All the very best to you and your growing family when it comes, I wish health and happiness for 2023 ❤️ my new years resolution is inspired by you, I will take more time for me doing the things I love ❤️ xxx

  • @jodiduffin3636
    @jodiduffin3636 Рік тому

    Happy new year! My resolution is to stop the overthinking and go for it 😊

  • @LilyandAshley_
    @LilyandAshley_ Рік тому +1

    Mine and my parents New Year Resolution is, we’ve just started UA-cam so we’d ideally like to grow our UA-cam by this time next year and we’ve just bought our first home together, so we’d also like to have everything bought and done to it by this time next year✨❤️🤞🏼

  • @anthonyhenry533
    @anthonyhenry533 Рік тому

    This is my 2nd time watching this video!! Love this make up! My New Year’s resolution is to improve my confidence, I am determined xxx

  • @kiaraocallaghan1859
    @kiaraocallaghan1859 Рік тому

    Just used my skin dew mixed with my mac studio sculpt 🥰 oh it’s hitting different! 🤩💕

  • @joannelitsoudis2255
    @joannelitsoudis2255 Рік тому

    My new year's resolution is for my two kids and me to re unite with our dad .We miss him soooooo much. ❤️🥰😘

  • @maryhessell3291
    @maryhessell3291 Рік тому

    nyukgrl I plan to focus on loving myself and some self care mind body and soul for the first time in my life I'm going to focus on me and being happy healthy and successful ✨️ you are an inspiration you really are the best 👌

  • @jolinehan6733
    @jolinehan6733 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for another year of gorgeous content Jamie. You have no idea how much your videos cheer me up, inspire me to look after myself and give me a little escape when I need it 🤍 have the most wonderful New Year. My resolution is to stop putting myself last on my list 🤍✨

  • @emmagaston2734
    @emmagaston2734 2 роки тому

    Use to do this with my benefit stuff it was great!!
    My new yrs resolution is to make more time with the family and get fit and healthy and be more confident in myself

  • @Lori_Alexandra_mua
    @Lori_Alexandra_mua Рік тому

    Jamie i am obsessed with this bundle of cbd tanning water and the cherry almond scented turbo self tanner truly a game changer !! Also perfect time to grow out your undercut since your hair tends to grow quite fast whilst pregnant xxxx

  • @emjalada
    @emjalada Рік тому

    I’ve been using this foundation hack for a couple of months now, I honestly thought a lot of people used skin dew like this 🙈. I far prefer it all over my face as a foundation mixed with concealer, you are right Jamie, really long lasting!
    Hope you have a lovely new year Jamie and bring on 2023 with your little baby girl on the way 🎉xxx

  • @sampaver74
    @sampaver74 2 роки тому

    Cannot wait 2 try this but I need Yr concealer xx beautiful xx

  • @aoifetobin2929
    @aoifetobin2929 2 роки тому +1

    Jamie you’re absolutely glowing 😍 my New Years resolution is to spend less time thinking and more doing ❤️

  • @paulawhaley5354
    @paulawhaley5354 Рік тому

    Happiest of New Year's to you and Jack, Jamie...what a year you two have had!! Thank you as always for taking us along on the journey. And, you have so very much to look forward to in 2023 and beyond. Happy happy!!

  • @rhian655
    @rhian655 Рік тому

    I was gifted skin dew for Christmas! Buzzing, it will be my first product from vieve to try. I will be wearing it tomorrow 🎉

  • @ThatGirlShelbyy
    @ThatGirlShelbyy 2 роки тому

    Have you tried the Benefit Porefessional Setting Spray? I find it so much better for longevity than Urban Decay All Nighter, and it has a nicer mist! I worked at Sephora (Canada) for almost 4 years and tried a lot of setting sprays, and the Benefit one is by far the best I’ve used! The Charlotte Tilbury one is also really nice!

  • @graciosa161
    @graciosa161 Рік тому

    Happiest New Year wishes
    Such a lovely makeup glowy look that I'd do any day of the year. Congratulations ❤️

  • @marileemuniz2513
    @marileemuniz2513 2 роки тому

    Aww your so cute and I’m so happy for you!! My New Year’s resolution is to travel more with my family I want to show them what the world has to offer!! I hope your New Year’s is as beautiful as you are!!

  • @justineroe4515
    @justineroe4515 Рік тому

    Just love following your journey!! Always so inspiring!
    My resolutions are always kinda silly but that helps me keep them! Last year was to make perfect pancakes and this year is to learn to do my own nails !

  • @charitymedina
    @charitymedina Рік тому +1

    Hi Jamie✨ I was watching this whilst getting ready this morning… opened my Vieve makeup bag from Santa 😂❤ & saw my little sample of skin dew.. HONEY let me tell you that combo with the concealer is a life changer. Thank you to the gods above who brought you into my life 🥹🫶❤️‍🔥😂

  • @Tutsy123x
    @Tutsy123x Рік тому

    Always looove these style videos!! The cream bronzer product looks really good😏😏😏 I think my resolution is to be more accepting of my body and kinder towards myself 🤍 I hope you and Jack and all the fam have a lovely New Years 🤍✨

  • @Morganlorie
    @Morganlorie Рік тому

    Love that your starting the year with a makeup video ❤❤

  • @Lifewithfrancescaa
    @Lifewithfrancescaa Рік тому

    Have a great new year angel xxx

  • @alisasepe6098
    @alisasepe6098 2 роки тому

    The face palette in dusk is one of my favorite products from your brand

  • @clodaghb
    @clodaghb Рік тому

    Skin Dew is the best product 🥺❤ I’ve been mixing it with my liquid blush and omg 😍

  • @alm0525
    @alm0525 2 роки тому +1

    Your skin looks amazing what a good mix! I’d say my resolution is to be more patient. More patient with myself and others! Happy New year! 🌙✨

  • @flox2791
    @flox2791 Рік тому

    You’re so cool and amazing at makeup, I’ve been watching ur channel for a while and you’re the most normal humble makeup person out there. Happy new year 🎉

  • @Zahraaamariaaa
    @Zahraaamariaaa Рік тому +1

    Dumb question but can you wear cool tones if your skin is extremely natural warm toned? I feel like i look "bruised" when i try:( love u Jamie have a great new years xx

  • @annaclare8259
    @annaclare8259 5 днів тому

    love this makeup... wish you were my personal sylist xx

  • @sammip1105
    @sammip1105 Рік тому

    My New Year’s resolution is to get back onto my feet mentally and financially, I’ve been struggling to stay ; ❤ I’m proud I made it to another year. Much love Jamie